Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 3

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£ Re : i Railway Board Hea THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 PAGE THREE eanaeaani ring On Oshawa Subway November 18 Parkwood Stables Horses Win Highest Honors In Competition At Annual Boston Horse Show Eight First Prizes, Four of Them In Leading Events, Won by Horses From ping of R, 8, McLaugh- n MRS, PHILLIPS WINS "GENEROUS APPLAUSE wr Qutstanding Hunter, Shara vogue, Ridden by Mrs. Phillips, © Wins $1,000 Sweepstakes From Amer. lean and Canadian Army Horses ---- ---- A splendid aehlevenient was re carted by the significant horses from the Wables of M. No MeLaughlin Parkwood, Oshawa, ut the annua Haston Horse Blow, which elosed on Naturdiy night, and Jn which My MeLapghlin brought home to Can ada the leadhig honors Inu great way of the glasses, These suecess es are all the more notable on we eaunt of the tremendous competition whieh had to be overcome, for the Boston Horse Show stands ont as one of the really great shows, and attracts the cream of the horses 'ef the whole Noth American continent his ia a disthaet honor, not enly to Mr, Melaughtin and (0 Oshawa, hut to the Dominton of Canada, whieh, by reason of Wis sugeess, his again heen browght to the forefront In in LOFNALONAT Corel ition Awards horses Wels ---- List o awirda won hy Bibles frig I'he fol Parkwood Wa thie lows Pipskes Lightwelght Green Hunters Long rine! Furat==Heavywelght ern Nahih," Floste Lady's Sharavogue," Fipat==Middlowalght 0 y Leponid Fourth sue aml "Sligo! VORUE Hi Algo ii de seen oF Qualified 'Munier Vion Prinee) FiedltLorinthian Class, winning Nopfall Hunt Plate, "RRA Oe Fiske Hunt Team, winning Myo Pia |e § ihe 000 Chigmpionship Hunter Sako ="Nhaiavogue, Beautifully Ridden I'he horses were beautitully ridden hy Miss Eleanor MelLaughling Mrs o\V, Lip Phillips and My, Richard Misaerop, § 18 Jntereating 10 note that four the most Hesifable events of the ple show fronl an amateny stand ft were won by Oshawa horses Had Kean Competition he winning of the #1,000 Hunter pepalake=Mra, Phillips viding § an oustanding event, Bharaves had to demonstrate his ability aint the finest horses of the Aw WARY, 88 well a8 agalngt son ve finest Hepaes privately owne The beautiful arena which seals iNivteens thousand, was packed 0a Naturday night and Mrs, Phillips ve ceived menerbua applavse for In wonderful performance, Hunt Lireen Qualified Hunter Hunter=="§li "Sligo," "Mh! "Shara Lady's Huntes Lady's Hunter, Palr of Hunters | Library News Optober had heen a record Month for the Public Libary both in the adult and juvenile depart: ments dn spite of the new hooks placed on the shelves the demand still oxesedh the supply, | " W, Row" by Warwiek Des) fn 8 ONE Blory, remorse: lou Hstie In Le portrayal of sige to elrenmatance, Wy J poverty and he own LrORE Aendency towarda Introvers otha i hard for Ohilatopher Ha In a foothold in hia Die TH meets with many Wh n ta and traglo diatlive slonmen re he fmally Pies il to fame, and without the to protective lave ah in typlat, Whe alse ) in Reper's Row, h alory he Ie Almont exoanslvely palatal, All the thgredient of adventure ave judiciously' mingled Wn this ativeing tale, "he Courts of the Morning," hy John Buchan, whieh 1m part of "the werien inelnding Greenmantle and Mr, Swandlast, The Plot concerning a seheme In South America tn underngne the Me, Of the Until Rintes an a der 1h the Western hemisphere, "Jim the Conqueror" hy Peter BH, Kyne is written i the anthers ARAL entertaining style, An east: CFR YOURE WOMAN Journeys (o an 10 take © oF her deceased Whelan ehtate and there meets and falls th Jove with Dea Jaime at Rizusnes atin Junmy '] # AWaRh:-hue raneher, " wu Last -- TON My Po ©, Wiens last book "Phe Roldlere of Misfortune" i the story of Otho Bellema who Yiaved ehivalvy, truth and honews, fepedom and conrtesy™ hut wan head=stiong, sthabbory, Famantical, andl most wWawise, Rip Othe Rell ome, otherwise Known ax Reb Bw In a nobleman by birth but a r hy profession, Ax In hin stories of ve Genten, Nr, Wren Wen of volone and chivalry, aud Othe and his companions are as fave And donEhly mentlemen through all thelr misfortunes aa Af Were the brothers Geste "Whe Slory of Haman" hy John Anthony i told hy the Moham- SINGING REVIVAL KING ST. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs, George Dibble Open Three Weeks of Special Services a A "Bloging Revival" was commen ded In Wing street United ehueeh list night hy My, and Mrs, George Dib ble, of Michigan, and at the even. Ing service ao large wis the crowd tht We Hlled the ehureh, gallery and Nunday school room to eapaeity, and scores had to be turned away, The meetings are helng held every night for three weeks, Cieorge Dibble ls the song leader of the party, and his solos prove a Most inipressive part of the servioes, He also leads the congregation in hearty singing, and proved yester day that the serviees are, us they are called, un "Bloging Revival" Hi Is accompanied effeatively by Harold Mustaine Mrs, Dibble delivered two most inspirational messages yesterday, giving the simple Gospel stories a vividness and appeal only , seldom SOON Last evening she lasuegl a strong appeal 10 members of the Christian ehureh to take thely roll glon more serlodsly, and endeavour more in thelr dally Hyves (0 earry on personal evangelistie work among the neighbors and companions In business Tonight the serviee will be en tirely musieal, There wilt be no wd dress, and the whole serviee will een tre around the old familiar sons, (n torspersed with numbers hy Mr, Dib ble and Mrs, Mustaine A period will be given to the singing of quest numbers re medan boy, Hassan, the litle In dian village Is a web of perjury and rognery and Intrigue spun hy the old pundit, Hassan's father, who writes law hirlefs for the na tives, What Hassan sees of this as well as what happens (0 the boy Wimealf makes an Interesting and entertaining hook, Lite in Java Life in Java ls portrayed "Idolaters" by Dale Colling, melodramatio tale, The ohief char Aotars are My, Dave, "The world's moat premier and most small oon tortionist Miles Courtney a bheaoh combing misslonary; April Ross, a beautiful dancer who had bean struck dumb during a war time alr rald] Pletey Pleters, a Boer planter, and the sultan Date Hoban, YGinevra by V, Watson 1s the atory of a daughter of an Impover hed Mloventing nobleman of the 17th eentury, Ginevia fa deter mined (6 take the place of her brother in resbullding the family fortunes, and sets out on her Airafge caveer, Dingulsed as a man, she rides forth Inte a man-made and mansruled world, only to be taken eaptive and placed In a Turkinn harem, Mseapihg from Lheve, she flees (0 the new world, finally finding her way back to aly where all her dreams come trae oiler new fletion received "Rodeo" by B, M, Bower; "Dy, Arta" by R, Michers; "The Woman Whe UVemmanded 500,000,000 Men" by ©, Pettit; "Dancing Beg: are by BB, Young, "Carmen hella" by R, Clay; "Hungry Crawford" by C, Kavlg, onsFetion "Royal Bllsabeths', the vo» mance ub five princesses, by Blele Tharmton:-Cook Is dedicated to the prefent little Princess Rllzabath, The Book consists of stories and portialts of five romantic princes vsiel of the same name, Blisabeih of York, danghter of Rdward 1V,, Bligabath Tudor, daughter of Henry VII, Blisabeth Stuart, daughter of James I, Blisabeth FUOAAM, I rin of Charles 1, and Klilsabeth, princess of Bugland, danghier of Geo i, i Work" E, R Cave tells' how 10 do various kinds of handeratt, lweluding balk work, atenelling, hloek printing, toy mak: ng, basket making, and cane seat waking, The aviation editor of the New York Rvening Post writes an ens thustastic 'and instructive hook on fying, dn "Rkplarking" by 0b, Gould, Me describes the joyw inel dent to leaving the earth In a sleek plane and achleiving the ma Jostic loneliness of the upper a'n and he alae writen oF more pw TORI magters-=typern of planes, methods of flying, miley avias Uon==and of the "'pathfinders of the al w remarkable feats ie ve theiiled even the blase twen: Lieth eentury, "Then | Raw, the Congo'), by G, Plandran, tn the story of a tely from the west coast of Atviea, tol lowing the Congo to the Indian Ocean, Pygmies and cannibal tribes ara desoribed-=with especial attention. to the intelligent Mang betus-~as well as Blg-game hunt ing expeditions, I "The Art of Thinking, the aNthOF Kenest Dimaet, urges the conscious production of creative thought and points out how this MAY be accomplished, Thin ta a de: Hghitul book: the very reading of ft sharpens the Win and ohallen: gon the wind, 1H, an a whiter sugiests, women's Juhiineuty are expressed hy thely clothes, they appear to be less sentis mental than former ARMISTICE PLANS MOST AMBITIOUS SINGE WAR ENDED Legion and Regiment Join In Colobrating Famous Anniversary a BANQUET THURSDAY General Draper of Toronto Will Be Chief Speaker «Public Invited The present week pees (he holding of what is expected to be the most elaborate and approprinte obseyvanes of the anniversary of Armisties Diy that has been held in Oshawa since the elose of the war on November 11, 1918, Arrangements for the virions funetlons and ceremonies have been In the hands of the Oshawa Hraneh of the Canadian Leglon and the offi corn uf the Ontario Regiment, who Are cooperating In the various spe elal events Banquet Arranged The first of these 1s the Armistice Bunguet whieh 1s being held by the Leglon In Wotary Hall on "Phurs diy, November 7, with Hiri General 1D, C, Draper, ehief of pollee of To yonto and president of the Toronto and Distelet Command of the Cini dian Leglon, as the chief speakers General Draper has long béen ans ous to visit Oshawa, but has been unable ot do so, but he has i ured the Leglonnnires that he will be pre sent at this banguet, On account of this outstanding Canadian soldier be Ing the speaker, the bunguet 1s be ine throwin open to the pubilie, wid who wish to attend will Any citigena be heartily on sale by and at Mike's be auld at the Poppy Day On Saturday, the next event Armistice celebration the whined Poppy Day Campaign, will be held by the Legion, whieh will have a Tare poppies Flekety nie of the Legion, and will also weleomed members Place, door ul ih force of workers out sellin made by the disabled soldiers (in the Veteralt Shops of Canada, The Le glon committee in gharge of the cam PRIN 18 hopeful of & generous sponse frofy the publi Drumhead Service | afternoon next, a i Wat | Sunday AUEVYILY, days, will be under the Regiment, and th from Oshawn and Whithy will be attendance at the servi Ihe Regi ment 1x to parade for deusion and It 14 expected that there will be | a large gathering of eitivens * Arnlation Da waelf wil 1 | | 'On head drum | reminiscent held In Alexandra Parl ausplees of the Leglon members Ontario | | the i" bh served on Monday, November 11, bh A memorial decoral elty's eenotaph Legion In eharye members of the presentatives of» gations, alro taking vige fa timed to start at 104 promptly, so that 1 wil he i to observe the two minutos « at eleven o'clock, the whole Dominlon of Canada tef the period of silence, bpportunity will be provided for the decor on | of the war memorial with Hower and weeaths by Individuals and orga | nlgations, and a beef address will bo delivered by the Rev, Fenest Has | ston, of Simeoe Street South | nited | Chureh | In addition to these Oshawa, members of the Legion will | also attend the Memorial service to | be held by the Brooklin Branch in Nrooklin United Chureh nest Sune | day evening, and the Armistice Night | amoker ta be held hy the W hithy Nraneh of the Canadian Leglon next | Monday evening | COMMISSION STARTS INQUIRY AT SAFED| Jerusalem, Nov A J Begloning ia inapeetion tour of the places atfectdd | fn the AvabeJewish trouble tn Aw wit, the members of the British Par Hamentary Comintasion of Inquiry | went out to Safed, where many Fows were killed The party of 10 ineludes, beatles | the members of the Commission, Sir | Boyd Merriman, eounsel {oF the Jews | ageney, and his assistant, My, Davies | Ww i the dian ayur and Woaerviee at with the Ca and the m counell, and re eity ny loeal organ part he ser saible Hone wit! Af | in eomimon funetions In am Henry Stoker, Arab counsel, | and hs assistant, Me, Silley, and a photographer LR ie " | able custody, The Tatter han denied hig Autumn Weather Lures Many To Seek Countryside woen on ku summer day, I'he 'sen won brings the change and thin Is one of the delights of Canada's alimute, Although the winter may ha vigorous is coming Is heralded hy the sutimn semson and then wguin the approach of summer In hernlded by the spring, Thus ther" Yontorday was su poripot autumn any, not Leo sald bul cool enough to be invigorating, and the sun whone brightly from the pale, blue shy, Hundreds of Oshawa people look ndyaniags of the fine weather Lo go motoring In the afternoon and the Kingston highway, hoth east and wowt, bore n heavy trae, while many, sealing to gol awny from the nates and the bustle, forsook the man thoroughfares for some of the pletiresaie sonntry roads which ras dinte from the elty, The rural disteiet of Ontario aunty indeed provides some hes UEul and eharming nosnary, owl dont of Oshawa wre fortunate thst seh nu wenrlth of beauty remains to he axplored within easy reseh, The Iandseapes In autumn, al though necesinrily 'the same in general contour, differ somewhat from the same landscapes when LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS PLAY BY SIR J. M, BARRIE Company is Now Rehearsing "Alice Sit By The Fire" Heht, Yountordny the soene was Lyplonlly aitumn, ploughed flelds, brown meadow lands, the fresh, new kroon of fall wheat, trees stripped of thelr leaves, purple hills In the distance and everywhere a smoky hae, Those who visited (he countrys prowsed hy the feet that everylhving poemed parched and dry, But sines then much rain han fallen and i win not dieult to note the general Improvement yesterdny, ANNIVERSARY OF MELVILLE CHURCH WAS HELD SUNDAY Rev. J. Lindsay, Whitby, Was Preacher at Special Services Wont Hill, Nov 14 Melville Prenhyterian Churelr observed its T00h anniversary yesterday when the morning and avening services drow packed congregations from Monrboro', Markham and Plekering fey, J, Lindsay, B.D, of Whith) preached In the morning and n link with the early days of Melville was fontured when the eholry tally wero ovoupied by those who were chor Intars an goneration ugo Among those who took part In that role wore Mra, J, Nollson Kennedy, Bireh CHEE, Miss Agnes Molaan, Yanoouver Professor J, M, Wher look, Tovonto} Bert Law, Pleker ing! Mra, J, Darling, Highland Creek, and several still resident In thed istriet Ploneers Present Taking part in the eelebration wore John Neilson, son of "Sandy" Nelson, one of Mearboro's plonesr Presbyterians, and James Dunean, Who Is now a nonagenarian To further mark the ocoasion, tha Cemetery Noard has complet od many Improvements to the old burial ground where many of the oldest settlers are Interred It in situated on the slopes of a rising WI fmmediately east of the chureh, overlooking the bunks of Highland Uroek, on which David and Mary Fhompson bully thelr primitive log eabin almost a century and a halt Reo They were Hearboro's first white inhabitants and came from Westkirk, Boeotland, carrying the toreh of Neottish Preshyterianism (to 6 new unopened settlement, Hey oral of thelr descendants, includ Ing wn great-grandson, Karl M { Balrd, who ia Township Engineer, attanded yesterday's noervicos Owing to the serious Hineas of George Hootl, who still functions as Clerk of the An excellent eompany of loeal pla ors from the Little Theatre ie rehenrsul for the second produc Hon of the 198:09%0 senson hin production Is ta be none other than one of the outstanding plays of Si JTuwmes M, Barrie, "Allee Sit by the ire, Those who are familinr with Barrie plays. will be delighted that the Little Theatre has chosen this for ia second production of the sen tieliota by wel plays, | demand for who are heatre hen Hig riance 0 vertainty of iH ois to IM, 19 hin Very i, wnd the nonssuhseribers omed wt nll the Little expected to be very mint of the this play, und the lurge demand for given for four nights and 21, In Rota minke it possible for a Inrge number of eitigens of Oshawa and the surrounding distriet to thoroughly enjoy this play As Mana of the Little nround him a splendid company local player and, with his alll], fa diveeting them so that they will wet the very best ont of this de Hghtiul and whimsieal comedy from the pen of the indinitable playwright, Barrie, ASKS JURY TRIAL CHARGE OF FAKING DANCE TICKETS Nick Kozub Arrested After Police Hunt of Four Months Niek Korub, who was brought fore Magistrate Hind in Joval poliee court today on un charge of forgery, intimated that he would lke to be tried by Judge and Jury, Kosh was represented counsel Crown Attorney MeGibbhon was un to he peesent at court, Man irate Hind remanded Kosub until Noy 12, when the preliminary hearing of the ease will take place Kosh, who is a well built, good looking. young man of foreign des cent was arrested in New Toronto Saturday night by Chief Hedloy Pad gett, The ehiet of police noticed him walling on the highway and recog niaing his Teatures from a des rip ton which had been forwarded him hy the local police he promptly took hm into costody he man had been wanted her since the latter part of July, He supposed to have been In Saskatehe wan during the summer months, and police, heing aware of his return tof the district, Kept a lose wateh for him, Yesterday Chief Owen D. Friend motored to Now Toronto and we wened last night with Kosub in his On ne hi 20 nent A Ny Hull will John Cralg, the director Fhentre, has gathered | of usual announced for thin evening has he [heen indefinitely postponed, The congregation enters upon Is KOth year with finances in a flour fshing stile, there helng a substan tial balanes on hand, Rev, J, | MoConnaohie Is pastor and us| | | SPANISH INSURGENTS' | FATE STILL IN DOUBT not Ay eniber Madrid, Nov, 4 er Premier Sanch | eosdefondants, who recently Faied tn Valenetn on charges of par mutiny last were | Heipatic NOIR An ary Fawinter, fx still uncertain I Premier Primo dd | eed saturday the Government hac not vet received 'the court martial's | Valencia In -- guilt and ts pleading not guilty According to the police Korub has heen responsible for producing fake { dance tickets to resemble those in use at Barnhardt's Pavilion, Iv is al leged that some of these tickets were used hy cortain persons to secure admission into the Pavilion, In endlons variety and constant de | wide two whorl weeks ugo, were im« | | { | GROUPS FROM CITY ATHLETIC: EVENTS Holds Athletic Meet and Conclave AWARD SHIELD Group With Highest Stand- ing to Receive Trophy Presented Annually the annual athlete meet held under the susplees of the Oshawin Boys' Work Bosrd in the Colleglute gymnasium on Maturday afternoon, The meet was followed by an enthusiastic conclave, at which Kdward Devitt, chairman of part in [the pariinmentary committen of the Ontario "Taxis Boys' Parliament, was the ehief speaker, Promptly at 2,00 o'clock the boys wore weighed in, and arrange ed In the five olusses required for the events by the Ontario Hoyw' Work Board regulations, The ev onts Included the running high Jump, the potato race und the rune ning broad Jump, which were held indoors, and the shot put and hases ball throw, held outside Points wore awarded to the contestant, and the group in the elty winning the highest number of points will he declared the winner of the shield awarded annunlly at this meel, Mhield Award This Week Almost all of the Protestant churches of the elty were well res presented at the meet, and since there were such a large number of groups competing, the award of the shield has not yet heen an nounced It is expected that this announcement will he made during thin week, Following the mast the hoys and thelr leaders met in a conclave in the Collegiate, under the chair manship of Clifford Baker, meme her of the Tuxis Boys' Parliament from this olty, and chairman of the Oshawa Boys Work Board, During hin remarks, Mr, Baker announosd the date of the 1080 elections to the Boys' Parliament, Nov, 80, and anked the various Eroups to co-op orate In making preparations for the loon! election Kdward Devitt The chief speaker of the evens ing was Kd Devitt, Toronto, who lod in A rousing sing-soug before giving his address Mr, Devity spoke on Ideals," "centering the discussion about hoy Mte In partioular, and using an lusteative graph In his talk He onlled attention te the national theme for the Canadian Standard EMetenoy Training groups thin year, "That Wa May Know Him." He also outlined the new uniform or habite adopted for the Trall Rangers "Higher Henslon, the congregational supper in Simeos Nt Phe fate of Torme | (he rounds leading to Nairobi, Guerra and hs | beasts come | | | no Surage, Rivera announs | with gamboling { | | | | Donldes Mr, Devitt and Mr, Paks or, loaders present Included Moves [ith Moffatt and Kd Kiefaber, King [Mt United Churoh: James Young, Nt Andrew's United Chureh: Press A plonear Worker, | ton Timming, Harmony; and Don Wd Nuehanan, leader of hoys' work Chureh and editor of Phe Now Cltigen,' ofMolal paper of the Tuxis Boys' Parliament LIONS GAMBOL ON HIGHWAYS OF EAST AFRICA Nalrob Last Africa Noy, 4 Herds of gentle and playtul lions been making life Interesting on I'he from the jungle and on have sauntered highway only 15 They have done themselves nie asphalt \ ve several oeeasiona along the main miles from the eity contenting on the pavement, : Sightseers have gone to the leaning the beasts, and watched A group of natives at do a little hunting with anears, but soon found themselves surrounded by Hons, Several Euro peans nears at the side of the road saw the difficulty and drove directly into the center of the ring, The lony seattered and the natives ran to safe LAY pletures of their anties tempted to A -------- Toronto Man Dies After Crash at Cooksville TERRIFIC REARKNR COLLISION RIPE BODY OFF SEDAN ON DUNDAN RIGRWAY William E. Falion, 8, of Toron | to, In dead and Misa Isabel Me Gregor and Mrs, Kate MoFayden, of Galt, are tn the hospital severe 1¥ Injured ar a verult of a rear-end collision on the Dundas highway OR Faturday alght when a sedan De CAT \) PAL WR I) \ driven hy Miss MoGregor orashed jtors, Fulton died In the hospital, 1 a elie motor truck, The [He wasn the youngest son of Mn VIVO the medan was completely (and Mrs, W. Fulton of Galt and torn off the chassis, After first [war employed on the Financial nad boon, rendered the injured [Times In Toronto, The laveut worn rushed to BL Joseph's hoapital and the wreokage of the oar removs ed to the garage of Cookaville Mo MoGregor's automobile; (3) Miss Isabel MoGregor, who was driving shows: (1) the wreckage of Miss | place, at the time of the orash; (8) the Dundas highway about a mile west of Cookaville, where the acoldent occurred, The artist tllustrates in thin ploture how the aceldent took (4) 1a a recent ploture of Willlam EB. Fulton, who died from injuries sustained in the orash, CHURCHES COMPETE Local Boys'. Work Board About, 100 boys of the clly ook | KING ST. SUNDAY ~~ SCHOOL SOCIAL | Presentations Made, to Five Members of the Staff Presentations to five members of the Sunday School staff of King street United ehureh marked the so elal evening held hy the Sunddy school hoard Saturday evening in the bagguet hall of the e¢hureh, The presentations were ta My, and Mra, J, O, Clatworthy, teachers for many vears in the school, who have bean absent through Mess for sey eral months and who have Just re turned to duty to Mra, Juhn Booth, who has resigned as a teacher after many vears of service; and te Mr, and Mrs, Orme Moffatt, wha were recently married and have moved to l'oronto, 'The presentations were made. by Superintendent Sam Gum mow, assistant superintendant K, A Wright, Harvey Hagerman, Mrs Geo Brown and Miss Reta Vokes, The uifts were all of silverware, A fine social time was spent after supper had been Served, games and gontests under the leadership of H Cy Treneer and his committee being heartily enjoyed, City News APPLE ORO GOOD The apple crop in this section has heen reported good this year, The majority of orchards were well loaded and a good yleld of apples was prooured Most of the farmers have now completed pleking, NEW TMOLICE CAR A fine new Bulek sedan has been purchased by the Police Commis sion for the use of the pallies de partment, The new car Is housad in the garage to the rear of the police station which has been em- pty for almost a month as the po Moe wera without a car, The last machine used by the police departs ment was a Bulek coach, REVLECTION FOR Fill ' the reflection from on General hathroom MINTOOK Mistaking the big electric sign Motors office on the windows of a house at 26 Ritson Rd, north for a fire, Saturday night, someone turned in an alarm to the fire hall, The brigade ar rived promptly and the fremen soon ascertained that the reflees tion on the window was not from a fire within but from the sign without, NTRUCK BY CAR While riding a bleycle on Blmooe street south, last night," Charles Minarit, 207 Annis street, styles that he wan struck by a motor oar bearing loonse No, 460-000, Mlin« arit stated that he was thrown from his wheel to the pavement but that thed river made no effort to stop, The man was cut about [the face and his bloyole was badly damaged His Injuries were ats {tended by Dr, MoKibbon, [FALSE FIRE ALARM The fire brigade answered ane | other false five alarm from Box 46) [near the Phillips glassy works, again last night, The call waa vealeved [a minute after 7 o'clock jand the {brigade responded with the hig [truok and ladder truck, This ix about the fourth false alarm whiah [han heen turned in at this box withs in as many weeks, The run last night was made under pa larly nN {hasardous conditions ay fvafMe o sentence from the eaptalnageneral of ave ound in automobiles, snapped | Bimoos street wan heavy With Jpeo ple going to chureh, © i INDIAN LEADERS FAVOR PROPOSALS | Ghandi and Followers Wilk ing to Attend Round Table Conference New Delhi, India, Nov, £-=Thirty mambers of the Nationalist Confess and other Progressive leaders, inchids ing Mahatma Gandhi, Hrinava Sastri and Mrs, Annie Besant have signed A statement involving conditional aes ceptance of tha offer of the vicenay, Lord Irwin, of a round-table confers ence in London to disouss dominion status for India, The statement des clares they understand the confers ence is not to discuss when Domine fon status is to be established but to frame a scheme of constitugional govs ernment along Dominion Hoes ; a NEWSP MOVES TO VATICAN CITY] Rome, Now, 4The Osservatore Romano, semi-official Vatican newss vaper, issued its last number printed im Rome Satarday and will start pubs Vegtion in Vatican City Monday, The newspaper had begn published, here for JO years nan nm fann od by the Marquis di Ba ery | Starting Monday it will be epnsid ered a foreign newspaper, 1s afoes and printing works will be located in a school building constructed by PopecPing NX, + ' | City's Application For A Rehearing 0f The Matter Is Granted By The Commission | Sitking of Board Will Con sider Questions Raised by the City on the Judgment. Handed Down on the Subway Matter HEARING TO BE IN TORONTO CITY HALL City Asks for Apportion- ment of Cost of Paving in Subway, and for C.N.R. Station on North Side of Tracks West of Simcoe Street A rehearing of the Judgment handed down last year, apportion ing the cost of constructing a sub way under the Canadian National tracks at Himeoe street in this pity, has heen granted by the Board of Hallway Commissioners for Canada at the request of the eity, various oMcials of the city were Informed this morning An order has heen issued hy the hoard, for a sitting on the ques' tion In the city hall, Toronto, on Monday, November 18, at 10,80 a, m The Judgment Under the judgment issued al most on year ago the approximate cont of the subway was given as $460,000, of which #100,000 would he advanced from the Grade Crops Ing Fund, Of the balance $86,000 was assessed against the Canadian National Railways and the Oshaww Rallway Company, & subsidiary, and $04,000 against the eity of Oshawa, Various other polly] Including the elosing of Albert street hy the city and the payment by the oity of the full cost of pav- ing through the suhway, were set forth in the judgment, The city asked several montha Ago for a rehearing on the matter, contending that the municipality should not have to pay the full cost of the paving through the subway, Thera will be two lines of tracks {hrongh the subway, one on each side of the pler In the middle, It has heen the custom for the Osh awa Rallway to pay a considerable portion of the cost of paving on the city's streets where thelr tracks wore lald, as the trackage consid- erably Increased" the cost of the pavement, and the olty cont that thin apportionment of ' o should wise prayail forthe subw Heveral other polite in tWe.d ment will also be argued befora the sitting of the Board, including the city's application to have a new, CNR, station built north of the tracks and weat of @lmoos sires, Plaps have been: prepared naw. station at this point, ; oit¥'ialasking that ft be cqenafr od by the rallway in the ee ture, ! " The' Ovder a's The text of the Hoerd's: r was: "The Board of Railway . missioners for Canada will hold sit- tings in the Clty Hall, Toronto," Ontario, on Monday, the eighteenth day of November 1938, commence: Ing at the hour of 10.80 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear the fol. lowing matter, : The application of the City of Oaliawa for an arder requiring that the highway knewn aa Himoge Street Oshawa, and the 8 and rallway of the Oshawi "Rallway Company be oarvied under the tracks and vailway of the Canadian Nationa! Railways by the meana of a subway, This matter {x set down for hear ing upon the applieation of the 'olty to have the various questions arising under the reasons for juds- ment, dated 28th November, 19238, Slmeoe street north, © eaREbe Bf Albert 40 sottled by the board "© Ry order of the heard, { R, Riohardsen, fl Assistant Seoretary and Registrar, "Rut this read," argued the tax payer, "ia pretty good, as a whole" "Indeed; it 8" but we want to use it waa road, WE ---- es ------ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOR RENT v= OOMFORTABLR pix room house, All conveniences, Reasonable rent, Apply aT1 aria 0 Butcher, #83 once, 8, A, Gates, (108a) ! | Coming Events 8 Conta per word each ine sortion,, Minimum charge for each insertion, 88¢, I) * 7.30 every night at Ukranian C8. George's Hall on northwest and Jackson ferybody welcome, (108d) W. CT U MEETING, KING 8T\ Chureh, Tuesaday, Nov, §, § pm, ooaies) HING NEW M aud's wax works Ma by _ 40 members of Chosen Friends fede Rotary Hal, Wednesday, ov, @ § pm, Citizens' Band in attendance, Admission 380, ARN Stay LT HOW "AND DABAAR, Mm Ra Thosday, Nov, § at. Vv 6.4

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