Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 RICHARD GLOVER, NATIVE OF NORTH * OSHAWA, IS DEAD Survived by Seven Rela. "tives in North Oshawa and Columbus North Oshawa, Oct, 30.~After u lingering {linens there Jarsed AWRY ut his oa at Roland, Manitohs, Richard Glover, husband of Alice Burton, and brother of Will und Ed- wird Clover, of North Oshawa, and Fred at Columbus, George of Delle: ville, Mary Ann {Mon Joe Vallant), Port Whitby, Nellie (Mrs, T, Camp- bell), of Alblon N.Y, nnd David of Roland, Manitoba, Ida (Mrs, M. Jol. low), John, Charlie, Albert and Sani uel predenced him, Mr, Golver was born and raised at North Oshawa and was the eldest son of Samuel and Margaret Glover, His wife was Alice Burton, also born and raised here, They moved to Roland about 24 yen rsd ago, Besides his wife ho leaves thir teen children, Walter of Winnipeg Russell at Port Arthur; Frann and Lizzie at Carman; Beatrice and Mu. bel ut Roland, Art ut Mordén; Dave Karl, Ceell, Ira, Oliver, Frank, all of Roland, Misses Francis and Tene Hameo mond, George Hammond and Miss Elliott left Friday by motor for a few days' visit with friends at Guelph, Mr, and Mm, W, A Saturday by motor to Rudin show at Chicago for the wel, Bob Wilson, Tr, Is home from To- ronto for 4 week's vacation, Mr, and Mrs, Bob, Ross and ehil. dren and Mrs, Barnes and children were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, F Kirby, Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, MeNab, of Ottawa Valley, visited Mrs, McDougal, Sun- Gerry left attend the ay Rev, Mr. Bunner preached a fine temperance sermon on Sunday even ing, 'he League held Jta first social evening, as a Hallowe'en party on _ N DODD'S KIDNEY /y PILLS ho TAL KIDNI TIME TABLES ssid iyi: €, Py R, TIME TABLE BOR Eirdtive Sept, 19, 193%, (Standard Time) Coing West SAL am, Dally (Except Sunday), am, Daily, am, Dany (Except Sund.y) Wily a, pom, Dally (Exeent Sunday Gong East m, Dally | bh ally (Except Sunday), on Ah, IN (havent Sunday), pon, Daily (Except Saturday), 1308 wom, Daily, Te -- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EfNective Sept, 19, 100 (Standard Time) a an wm, Dally, except Sundays S58 om, Sunday only, LR Dah 1 won, Dadly except Sunday LW po Dalle, exeept Sunday. 647 pani, hati: exept Bunda " , IN I ¥ {lath Dally, Daf: A EN my Sunday uk: J", Dall. exceft Sunday, «Daily, except Sunday, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK her) SCHEDULE 4 ho ' me ' Deri: Seine Fe Loove Net | aly, ally, except Sanday, \ except Sunday. exetit Bachit 139382; HL Cpe sess 33375255823 E Ad 333333328322 4 # over the Week i] spent Sunday with Hugh MeCulloeh S| Stewart, of Centreton, Joan and Joyce and Muster Gren Friday lust, Several Interesting ¢on- testn were put on and games and progam enjoyed ef veshumenits ware served Mrs, 1, Scott and Addisen $eett attended the presentation flven Mr, nnd Mes, Hilton Link, newlyweds, on Tuehduy evening, i Congratulations ure being extends cd to Mr, and Mrs, John Glover (nee Mutlel Pengelly), whose wedding took place ut Brooklin, Saturday, Mr. and Mes, Bert Grills and Mr, Andrews, of Pickering, Spent Sunday witli Mr, anh' Mrs, A, Beckett, Basil McPhail 'was at home from Port Hope over last week end, Mr, and Mrs, Jom Lindsay, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, K. Vice, Mrs, Roy Brittain, of Smith's Falls, vigited her mother, Mry, Blight, and' ler alyter, Mrs: Glover, end, Mr, and Mrs, J, Alexander, Mies Feancls/ and Miss Beatrice Heaslip and J, Mexander, Jr, went to Tor~ onto, Sunday, : b. od' $s. Tattersall and chil dren' Word ot Orono, Sunday, RALLY SERVICE OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE, TYRONE A. W. Annis Gives Fine Ad- dress on "Blessings of the Harvest" Tyrone, Oct, J0.~Young People's League held Rally service on Thurs day evening, Interesting short papers were read on the Provinces of the Dominion as follows: Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, Miss Lorna Hooper; New Brunswick, Lorne Ane nis) Quebee, Albert Woods; Ontario, John Chalmers; Manitoba, Douglas Conboy, Saskatchewan, Clinton Higes low, Alberta, Rev, J, R, Trumpour, British Columbia, Gordon Brent, Miss Florence Gardiner led the re sponsive reading, Miss Grace Mac Kay read a selection "Harvest," A W, Annis gave a splendid uddress or "Blessing of the vin " Misse Margaret Moore and Kathleen Me Cullogh contributed a vocal duet Miss. Grace MacKay spent the! week end at her home in Heaverton | Mrs. Arthur Smith and sons, Don ald and Neil, of Raglan, are visiting | her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Seott, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Moore, Providence, visited My, and Mrs [ Moore on Sunday Mr, and Mrs { ol Robert MeCulloch at Pontypool Rey. Mr, Russell KUests Willis nnd were ant Mrs Hawley on Sunday of Mr Slewart Rev, and Mrs, Truepour, Misse fell Trumpour motored to Centretor on Sunday and visited friends Mr Trumpour and Rev, Mr, Hawley ox changed pulpit, Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Dudley ani babe spent the week-end with Mrs Dudley's parents, st Greenriver Parents who worrled how thely children, would turn out now wonder wher thew will turn in-=St. Catha ines Standard ad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly clear head ed) A A MILLION JARS USED YEARLY WATCHES OUR SPEGJALTY I your watch is not giving satisfaction we oan repair and make it tell the correct time 'Dy J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. Awa Raflroads 10 King St. W\ Phone 180 Diamonds! assests | SLE Felt Bres. The LEADING JEWELER HEE JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, © EXCLUSIVE AGENTS -t SCHOOL CHILDREN: OF ENNISKITLEN ARE GIVEN TRIP Attend Lecjure and Pictures on Canadianism in The- atre at Bowmanville Enniskillen, Oct, 30.The school children have a free trip to Bowmans ville to attend a leeture and pee twe films on Canadianism in the Royal Theatre on Friday afternoon from one five o'clock, Ray Smith, Oshawa, spent the week HH. Johnson, Torento, Mrs, Pw Sough, Bowmanville, and Cn. W Soueh, Hampton, visited Mrs, | Pye, Mrs, Johnson retiening home alter spending 1wo weeks with he mother, Mr, and Mrs, David Harriston and fwmlly, Port Perry, Mr, and Mry, Arthur Brunt, spent Sunday with Mi, und Mrs, Ore Jeffrey, Miss Myrtle Brouut, Toronto, rank MzGill, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Stevens, Mrs, noch Stevens, Hane ton and Mrs, IK, Ashton spent Sun duy with Mr, and Mrs, Levi Brunt Rev, David Rogers, 8t, Thoma, culled on James Stainton at the home of W, H, Moore, Mrs, Moore Is Improving after her recent ness. Mrs, Jabez Moore und Arthur Moore visited Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Harris and family Orono and Mr, and Mrs, 12d, end with John Blewon, Jr. Mr, und Mek 12, C, Ashton, Miss M, Dalton and Mr, Orville' Ashton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, », May, Toronto, MY, und Mrs, C, Wilson, Nestleton, Miss Mag Luh, Kenneth and Clive Lab aud IL Potter, Bowmanville, visited Lorne Lub, Sunday, Miss Elmu Dickinson 1s visiting Mr, and Mrs, Dewell ut Whithy, Miss Revie MeGill spent with friends in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Rov Middlebrook, Lube and Mrs, 1. H, Middlebrook, of Foronto, visited the latter's sister, Mrs, J. Bradley, Theo! Slemon has installed a new radio, Mrs, Dr, Slemon Bowmanville, visited Mr, John Slemon, Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, I. H, Freehorn visits ed friends in Port Perry on Sunduy Sunday and son Kelih, and Mrs, Bradley, Whitby, visited Mrs, Wm, ke, recently, Mr, und Mrs. Win, Ashton and Ruth visited. Mr, Brown, Lindsay, on Thursday, Miss Dernlee Stainton recelved the prize of a silver trophy presented by the 1, Eston Co, for the highest paints In the School Yair of North Darlington schools Quite a number from here attend ed the Laymens' banquet held al Oshawa on Thursday evening COLUMBUS BRIEFS Columbus, Oct, 29~-Mr, and Mrs P, G, Purves spent a few days at Chatham last week with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Gregory, Miss Marjorie Ashton and frignd, A. Burt, from Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs, Jas, Ashton, My: and Mrs, John Dyer from Osh. awa, spent Sunday with Wm, Dyer, The Ladies' Ald will hold its re gular monthly meeting, Thursday al truoon, Oct, 81, at the home of Mrs, Arthur Ross, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Cook and fam fly are moving In thelr new house this weel, Howard James {rom spending his holidays ther, Mrs, John Jane Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison and sons spent Sunday at Markham ZION PERSONALS Zion, Oct, 80 onto, wen a visitor in this borhood on Friday last, Mrs, Raeford Cameron and Kath leen spent a few days in Toronto, guests of her parents, Mr, and Mri, Chant Misg Killeen Btainton acled as Buffale Is with his me 8, G4, Chant, Tor. nelgh- | near future, planlst ut the Hunday sehool ou pundny, Bones the muarringe of the former planist several younger girls heave been playing, The young men ure intending to put on a minstrel show in the Miss Annie McMas ter is in charge, Mr, 6nd Mrg, J. A family with about Oshawn, Courtice and Toronto spent a pleasant evening at the cottage of Homer Goyne, Oshawa un~the-lal,e Baturday evening, Qct, 0, Balson and 20 others from "Why don't you use your eyes!" asked the policeman, "Why don't you go to Holland 3" retorted the motorist, "Holland 1" asked the policeman "Why t" "Beeanse you'd make a jolly good windmill," replied the motorist FRET WELL Tae, By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb A THE. LINE'S susyt HW Ca EF NS | NY AN Reg, U8 Pur. OF; Copyright 1929, by Menspolinn Newspaper Service TELLING TOMMY WHO WAS TOLSTOY, DADDY © HE WAS A FAMOUS RUSSIAN NOVELIST, SOM. HE WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST THINKERS OF THE LAST HUNDKED YEARS, a nut TELLING STORIES ay © Want NAO. WW won JUNT LYOFF NIROLAYEVITCH TOLSTOY YAS DORM AT YASHAYA POLYANA SEPT 90,1828. HE DIED AT ASTAPOVO IN 1910 OLSTOY WAS EDUCATED AT THE UNIVERSITY ( OF KAZAN, RUSSIA AND WROTE HIS FIRST } STORY WHILE SERVING It THE RUSSIAN ARMY, - RON SHOME OF TOLSTOYS GREATEST STORIES ARE = ANNA KAREMINA. WAR AND PEACE, DEATH OF IVAN, AND THE | POWER OF DARKNESS, 11 1888 HE TURK QE [0 0VIR HE ESTATE TO WIFEAYD IVI ARMED HIS LIVING FARMING AD SHOEMANG 0 1, Kin Vester Byindvate gon, TOLSTOY PLAYING JON WITH MIS \ CHILOREN Eh In Groat Britgin vights reserved a Tow. 1 VIONDER wikY MONE MAYBE THEY OF TODAYS WRITERS ¥COULONT MAKE & bn t jo EITHER, wit] ! | P FATHER RTPI -- J Jd Sm Vor DOW IIR ALL... BY GOLLY LEW "TE GATE DO THAT MALGIES BROTHER CANT GIT IN J ---- By Geo, McManu | Or mee OUT AT THE | GATE BW 7 WELL, TELL MIM THAT MAGGIE AN | ARE OUT iad VLA I | i | | | Hi Hill | HHI yp | THERE'S ONLY ONE | GLY | HATE WORSE TAN) MACGCIED BROTHER AN THATS HER OTHER BROTHER | ARE GONE! HE LEFT, 6IR AND THE CATED | v \ f to WI King Free Brainy, Be Git LAS . Vt -- THEY CAME To A EESTRTED (EQN 11). SO One DAY DolLY, Bose AND ComPT ant" ON A BENCH auTBioE TO Rest THEMSELVES | CIT AL Liv A NO \ be Ah SE yd . TWO SWALLOWS GETHER CWHAT ANRWS HAVE You, BacTHER © 'SAR one SwAuLow - ~~ THAVE TUsT SEEN A Lovely PRINCESS WHO 1S THE CAPTIVE Of AN olD WITeH ="AND SHE CAN'T BE Frer UNTIL SOMEONE BRINGS THE, BIRD Of "TRUTH. "To THe WiTeH, BUT "TREY MUST Go Te THE Calle of CoME-AND-Go TS FIND IT" +" ~--By Grace G. Draytor L op WERE LOST IN A 0 FOREST. TILLIE THE TOILER--The Asset Becomes a Liability , HELLO, MR, AVERY. WHY, WHAT'S MATTER WITH TAKING WT 2 B'S By Russ Westover SORE «YoU ASKED har 10 se eT bar 0 R HW YOu DION! i TT ECC Th Soon > al B 108, King Features Syndiate, Tae, Groat Britain Labia tesstves fh ' NEVER (LSTRN, BIE Boy - \'! YOUR. FALLY = You SHOUD

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