Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 8

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Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 Interesting Pen Impyes- sions of the Coming Attractions on ,.. THE LOCAL SCREEN ig ¥ 1 j . J hawseand bh i hasty | AMBIT IONS OF GREAT ACTOR ARE ACHIEVED Lions Barrymore, Finally @ Wan From Stage to Screen Rises to New Heights as Ditestor of "Madame X'" + Lion BarTymore, wha divested etragtioldwyn- Meyer's + all-talking rey "Madame X' coming Man: Fh ( Ton Regent Thastre, | Tike his pothep John, sister Ethe Wag, ie ides tingd Tor th beaitisl soy stirdon, While i youll man studying dramatic art yy Pals, he started ta develop his sont dinieal and artistie Juenty ally have made a mame for hr I) Msording to his closest Henle ght GHORGH JMET Coming In "Laeky Boy," ta the New Martin The re next week, maell as congert pianist or painter had het the eall of the foothights and appan! of his family won him bu 0 his hereditary voeation nppearing in such Heonds why, Apt 0 AUOCEERER AB "Petey Ihhet aa 0 he Capperhead," "The Jest" nd "Phe Clawh Barrymore hetime neveasingly interested in the new peta { Madi that was just being ), Grifith and A ------------ is tally nan existent, while, pear volee may he hile wp, "This hue and gry bout good voices," he commented, "seems 1a nie to pepresent an exaggerated set ol ganditions, Practically every sgreen 'devel wy star wha has had & voles (esl hie other ae, In 1908 he first steps | found the result good enough ta Jus "ped oft & pieture set to work in Geifs | tify going into the "talkies th's "Friends with Mary Piekfard Many noted stage actors have had and Henry B, Walthall, Barrymore paar volees I'he personality hehingd wits pleased with the results, but for | the voles and the lines whieh the teame Bime hesitated between stage | astor has to speak are the vital fi TAR sere n, unesrkain wheihes he on, winted ta devote himself ver The fact that many of the 10] "eh of the IL leh, However alter | players in 'Madame X,' such as Ruth fhe 1a etiem of Anh, Pi Eon ews Stone and Rays : wh Rl "he returned permis | mand Haekett, hid stage experienes ently 0 iy oe His pletures ins | before teving talking fling, does not de "Che Harrier," "The "Thigteenth | mean tht a player possessing sueh @ Hon, " a EYER L Lion apd the Mouse" | haekgrannd always has a hig advan and "Aline nb Valentine" © With | fige: Miss Chatterton, Blone ind the aflvent of talking films his re Hackett also have Hne sepeen parson markably expressive veice made him | alitles fA Nuke mare thin ever in demand, WE Arivmoses ambition, = aften | pessss exprepded to friends, was to direel W . piety Bparadie pleas ta const ox Strikes, 3 Spares, | | lows Hghtedy When Williard 'Mack was and B Ows Adsigned the sereen preparation of eeutives hraught the response that he Wis 100 valuahla an actor to waste "Madame X" Havevimore, an. ald At Loeal Alleys friend of Mack's, vide direston | Rename his Lie amid the perils of diseetorial work, Finally he was given "Confes on," Awe veel talking subject, to Feely Company oMelals were de Alter Rnishing this piece, he wasn't even given time for 4 Rshing trip the mauntaing before he was hurried aver 8 another set and told 10 han fe the all talking production of Hen eehts "The Green Ghost! Ap hath at tha Al lays having another hig week and the pins ying hgh and wide, Peo ple have heen oomplatning that tha head plus fly out ton easy Hut oh it an't easy for a Havevimore | then they always did persist in do 11) atin anything he undertakes, ing Just what you didn't want them "Tod much divection tends to make | to, an actor meshanieal" sald Bary more Jecently, think the most Rath ayvatem is ta sell' the idea hen allow thedplayer 10 portray i Ith weice and gesture, No director My A menopely on intelligence hor are really ne set vules for dns construetion, Anything that Shletiaite and Julls a story els (stivaly wood drama, Bubjeots hat would hive heen held impossible ¥ acpeen treatment Tew Years age This week saw Motor Oty The hig thing at the Matar Clty Alleye this week was the Hallow a'an Fate which wan held on Thurs. any night Kxoltemont ran high all day Thuvsday with the question of who was golng to win the mans oF aver uppremost in the mind of gvaryane, Malt Mareis won the Men's First prise hy the hig lead of just ane pin He howled #14 ro acgepted tod daek Purdie was second with ald Ling natural volees, In Bavey® | And Jack Ogden was thivd with ore's opinion, are far less important | #19, an sereen personality for the latter { Quality cannot be simulated where It \ieys In the women's section Via Nay chi L Some Scenes from Next Week's Presentatians MANY GREAT PICTURES COMING TO OSHAWA Manager ¥rnle Mavis of the Now Martin Theatres tn speaking to The Flmen today sald that nrvangements WEVA NOW Under Way ut the present time for the hoakling of many hig time productions for penentations, in of Hr! theatra fans nf Oshawa the plotures will ha played dq nm Canada, Novemhaer This na douht wil h Vitepest to the many Homa of hers rat fram hele premise showing These produstions and the opening date, will ha anneune od on this page at an early date vie oapped Tivet prise with BAN Annie Roeen was second with 21a And danny Margan teak thivd mon oy with B11, Tha however, whore ohaned fairly oloasely In hath Eroups, In the men's seetion, Hd Higgins got fourth with 407, Tam Malay had 806 and Gard Ovanmey had 808, In the women's eontest | hompsan and 7. Wilking hath howled B00 but this was not elose anough winners, The Blandards had another OX NEWS and Songs For Heart Throbs Jokes For Laughter ! The Last Word in Movie Entertain ment @ ADDED Lupine lane in "Buying A Gun" A Colored Musical Opis--"Boy Wanted" | 4 AboviseBogne from "Mads we NY Helow we Muth Chnthevion In "Madnmn A" coming to Oubaws Monday, FIRE 1 CAUSE OF STREET CAR PANIC Three Injured In Wild Rush For Exite in Toronto ut hel Hires Aarne erie leing ur ul Four al Faranta, Nay vhin Tl lowing up fram the A south baund Yanuge sires HA5 a lek Friday night, paiieky passeng rushed towards the I ay | excitement three persons Were pl, The ear caught Are whils ne the corner of Lala road, Wn Pil Foram I! ured | Mins i Ad Plank Hingham HW wh suitor d Ww and shoeki Mis Miry wha uieh Brain Ki Clade aventie wit uh | shovel nll Witham Ix ul reel win ari me he attempted 10 ages out thromeh the gente doo I BAN Wak sul oo Why the sive oy A GENERAL REVIE A HR ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS ps | TICKERS FROM FILMBOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SUREEN W OF SCREEN AVTIVITIES Cieorge LeMalre, n has signed Bly West, w Hirevtin West began hiv 4 Charlie" pecently eompleted at the |} Arak vehicle "as highlight William Powell he a story depleting the Davis bred In the hood metro ment ade hy Jesse Ly Lasky, Hest Abraham Mever, wha Supervise the wu 1a he releas for this worl Aliney YAngel Child, new Pitan or "Painted Faces hy Darathy Gulliver Another 1s "Somenns Good News," reeently w Cal programme for fd under Ha new Franch nilver, author of "Mary Aah ETRE I | On s lar You Like" sung Mary Nolan, who has Shanehal Lady" fs preparing hy Winitved Eaton Roeove, and Awmeriean characters that was formerly reterved (0 as he tile 4 Having made his talking film dehy with Marion Davies at the Atowart is now in Philadel he sored A WRIGUS SUPOEAR Wi A Tul Hedygad TR Han Am LA Passing Fay IRN with Ray West's Just completed her fest Unlversal stavein for guather ehavavterisation greated for hey Aer al nineteen novels dealing with Japaness Meters Galdwyns Mayer Stewart, noted humorist, 5 goig hack 10 his hobby of stage ating fy where he opens in lroadway last LLY pomedies ARRON ne star tor Paramount will career ol "Natural PE 10 BI RIBOSE drmmatiy padnhler, aes ioe president mo ehiarge of produetion neta Hollywood from New York « Nah! forty productions has Hing Fare dent Fiitany WING plan, 1 Ww AO Ann lost Vous "Say It LTH Again" Wy AR ny WHORE He has written twa catehy airs Cine i "Hashivl Baby" sung ehestrn playing the aeeompaiiment hy Lester Cole, who won faurels tn will & Heown ploture, SHarhary Coast" This ds the ploture "Made inelly Cavenne," TRY the erney gall addiet tn "Daley" studie, Danald Ogden "Holiday" fn whieh A ------ TTS noley session last night and they AUPE Game WR 10 Blandard with thelr howling, The Marguettes still lead the Pacis and Berviee Leasue, hat this condition will not last long at the ate the other teams ave spilling thew, The Ladies' High weekly seore In at present held hy Jonny Mow han With a Ries soare of 213, This 100ka goad far the prise Whos SOMO EIT oan VEe evan tonight, -- The Monthly Rall OF preduced some elasay bowling, Math Button Hob tral ples with a total af Tot far three games, Walt Phillips was second with Reg Norra thing, ae Central Alleys Hany AShion Wan high wan toy three games to win the prise in the Oshawa Dalry Leasws Ande SON Wak second with S84, DL Jonny Morgan and Betty Wand APO HOA WILE 240 tar the dies' hah single prise and it looks as i JR0R WAL have to shall aut toy twa PIEeR unions somebody oan heat 19, Come on, givla, help Jaek aut and heat 240 Sahib BL Ward still leads the men with Ad. LF Kalen came elon wo honting Rimer with a soore of 349 Rotter uel neat tie A -- MAY RE DRAFT TARIFF BILL IN UNITED "STATES Hoover's Plame. Upset by Fight Over Tariff Measure owas Washington, Nowy 3Prosident Hoover's appeal 1a tha sennie ta sapedite the faite hill, has had @ immediate vesulia; 1 has saliditied the Damoeratio: fnanngent coalition in 1m resolve to rewilie the entive hill, IE has completed the rant of the Old hand, save for seh dlehards as Rood of Ponnavivanta, whe WARES the weaanre Killed auntvrlght, AR Who came tn far farther attack on the Haar yesterday, It thveatons 10 demaralise the prosidont's program in the regular seaston In December, when he had hoped 10 wake progress With "wan sPRetive paltoles, fram waterways to prohibition re-avganisation, Fay the fight 1% naw sue (8 50 oven prabably well ta the new Yom WHR raapliant sidetraeking af oth AF Wmeasnres, ineluding the waa) ARPTARpTIRLIoN Bills a ---- Rig Time | George Jessell In Fhe when he was giving eight per fupmsnees 4 week of a Wir Bang," With longer ee mls had to do muh singing bn 1 hands of th CEEERINE Past seven pm Bean at th studio at ten Cuting hw breakfast in make-up off 4 | pi chinks Lhe gurtiin would ring up on hi hoot War Bo nu" a ar wild he missing, scones had to he Ieuve All Wis whieh Junsel, ight, was (0 hold a rowdy spelihound with his singing of "My | give Mather's yes" had heen piven wel guarded hemmed "Lucky Boy" At New [iwi vik Partin On Monday Jossel, as Film Buckles and Ruins Scene Three Times, Carries on Merrily With "Lucky Boy" Though Tired Point, There 1s nathing move exasperating In the tire than 1a have the Alm buckle, wid of wll the people it annoys J his ow ery right to niske the aetor the mud feat, A enimern vebelled at the end of al th Jong duy's work of sluglng and ill peguences fur the i" Xl fy Hay," therehy hangs # tale of hehind the studs Lisnrgs Huy" and at Bresking| |"! Hare Imm production of a maving ple | ho SUING wnyshitihl ny, mn Ih nl l'une AL starring George Jenin nd Hh pleted Lueky I'he pidded wills of a sound Jessel win making wll day Blige play, Lol ni Hig pale in thi than "Hamlet" Hueting nl siudio slogke were | '"M Jassel had 1h hil arming, | end In another hour and a hall and 1 looked as though | doo for sertiin | hardly shat heture he'sould | returned fram the reddy thi UYETYaNE Meng ane In #onaviee on winaeteu yer hi Fhe ery ol sllencs the he door was leekoed Velvet and | 19 In sa that 1 Jol CUrtRing m hi mpletely Coming MONDAY If Men Played Cards were Cavtoon Novelty "PORT WINES" An All Talking Picture Tri Bereens henvily he could only he seen hy Bling on the velvet carpeted Noor, lined the divectars, whe, OF the hand, relayed signals hack (w the orehestra leader that were nies preted hy him to mean pisnissiing a na, for the orehestrn wis will of the ener scene and played bi i meraphone in wnother part ol { June! sung not lei Hight sputiersd, not a elie al the camera, enciagd Tn a sound-proul Wilh eur, nut # visor breathed Vewsel Vilen the roam unly the cheats Mlled the ake the silenes hewvtiaeh | unexposed a yu Jonnel voles Ihde night's wink ahes siren th und (RT! his tnstrwment and Ihe pluintive Luther's Kyi FOeiutian shiuost film belted | gi dali Tar the HHH TRINT wd the ARI wil aureh in the i UITOrs HIT 1 the wutience | aie Fire H Way miurk Aid thie RN Nile ten tangled In Ha Jawiney spaal ta ie hid Lal pw oul ub here, gulch myself," hi ptiendunt, elused al the thivd Hn HIN his song A fl There re with wives wd the we youn with melady Juste! sung the Dest verse and ehoiiis ind had progresses Feeiisbion wl Hw lanes when the gamers | the with u loud "Bop! Wh hind bekled | de had gor y Hines Inte BUGOn ep nary wed Spon) dune gum had Leen YHIFS vi whan CIEFRIN wll wa metod BUNK BR Fuehied Hh | Lit nn him hetor | the biton | hand, had natehing (rie lender's siding hs hurry nduet the mu | and warry hid | yi pvt of play, whieh | Clerk, | month amedinn Wika wel told hin wind Jnnde his i for & bes, lite, then off ind an wp of "Fhe Bane wl oin the hems Hacky Boy" 1s the frst with fuli sound leture of Hs kind, ast Bois ienl com Hobs the wiruetion at the Hin theatre Manda Chihimhy, Gwen Ls Rasa Hosanna Layne wre in the trem GREASY PA CAUSES Wha» nil many nous east VEM Ni man Theres wera several Adants Yeslordu fanadition af th # Hue ind went vy the C,H heldgn an Lhe rom il Iw Whe thot Woand nth wm the hig) | Ar endneiyi tin fnrm thal | f | ne i | Ir FEWOMHS | and strut flout nn upside do in the ptruek hy uni hiraling m 1 } Marable damnps | woh VITAL STATISTICS dong helo whispers dol Ih the movie mak with. the minay owing tn the spe Wghway, In aidan skidded nyarhend tern Hmits of the wliernoon amongst rather a had ane ennt of the town, A fg to turn Inte Major LE Wii sie al one sent feitiye pladire in eh George Jessel tills viegmes aid 1 said te he the first helng ile dy wl the sereen, New Marinret Wichurd Tucker, Biryani, Mars others ENT SEVERAL MINOR ACCIDENTS wool Way whith, phiidded turning i Alten ul, and dAaine fn other parte of and fan Lhe SHOW LITTLE CHANGE he ha Vita! stutiation fay the Hitle from month In Lintahar Vill hysteri rasnandin wing tan vey warn ultarnnnn hy thera Apath, six mar AEAlnet th Aenihu I¥ hivths fay lyel Flares | lant By Another Triumph i by the Makers of "Broadway Melody" A DRAMATIC SENSATION! RUTH CHATTERTON w=will touch your heart by her greatest pon traval in the All Talk ing Hit! with LEWIS STONE RAYMOND HACKETT m-- em fm bh mad month of tha ear 10EN wt given The Times the Win fnuen and six hisths thes Mal Dataher Ao Tawn nne

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