Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 5

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L be Ohms 2 Baily Times THE OBHAWA DAT. DAILY REFORMER Daily Times the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Av SUBSCRIPTION RATES by sarvier, 16s » week By mall in Canede 4 Hmite), year oy hey Biaten. sanion dalivary i ee TORONTO OFFICE w Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone # Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative id REPRESENTATIVES IN U, 8, we and Stone, Ins, New York snd Chisago. TBATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 A CRYING NEED IN OSHAWA J winter just around the corner, after a sum+ mer and fall which have been far from satisfactory in Oshawa from the standpoint of employment, there is ing need for some kind of co-operation among all the varlous agencies in the city working for the welfare of these in need: Jt does not require the vision of a prophet to see that thre Is going ta be more need than usual fog velief work in the eity this winter, and in order that the relief work which is done by the many organizations in Oshawa may he most effective, it is very important that there should be some effort ta aveid averlapping, There are many cases of distress in every about which one never hears save through friend, These people are toa proud to ask for relief, and theirs are the eases which usually are the most deserving, But unfortunately, there is the other type, the class of person who goes fram soclety ta society and from organisation to arganization secure ing as much help as possible from each, These wha have done relief work know that this eenditien exs ists, and it is present in Oshawa because of the lack of some central soelal service erganization which would be representative of all the societies which carry on this type of work, A central organization or bureau of this kind is a real necessity, Under the existing haphazard system, no ond organization knows what the others ave doing, Each wants to do as much good as possible, but there is far too much overlapping in this work, and there will be more as the need for velief increases throughout the winter, It is not good business to have welfare work done in this haphazard and costly wanner, It is neither efficient nor economical, More good could be done, and the funds available in the treasuries of the vars lous societies could be spread over mere families and a longer period of time were there a ggntral voluns tary relief organisation, co-ordinating the activities of the societies and clubs, and putting the werk en # proper business basis, The winter season is ape proaching, and soon the demands for relied will be multiplying, so that If anything is to be done to take effect during the winter it should be done at one, THE LIBERAL LEADERSHII Whenever any great political party sustain a erushing defeat, there is a tendency on the part of orities ta place the blame on some individual. And that individual is usually the leader of the party, The Ontaria provincial election has Proven ne ex» ception to the rule, and there ave being published some eriticiams, frank and otherwise of the Liberal leader, W, BE. N, Sinclair, Tt is charged that he has not been suffigion(ly aggressive, and that his policies were not such win the faver of the peapls, There may be same truth in the latter statement, fon the Liberal policies were rejected in no wnuertain terms, But it 1s far from fair for armohair esities 10 came out after the election is over and try fo plage the blame for the Liberal disaster on the shoulders of My, Sinelwir, We are strong believers in British fale play, and in velraining. dvom kicking a man after he in down, And we have not a very high opinion of these Libs orals who would seek ta blame Mr, Sinelair for the defeat which came (0 the party at the polls, ht must be remembered that the Liberal leader, with all the jorces of a Leilliant cabinet arrayed against kim, had to go out and fight a lone battle all over the province, Speaking as wany as (we and threes times a day, and travelling long distances between meetings, he gave all he had to give in the interesis of the cause he espoused, Porhaps if there had been wore Liberals like him, more men willing to take the burden of responsibility for carrying the campaign to overy corner of Ontarie, the result might have been city some THI "a trifle different, The Liberal policy way have been wrong, but it was not drawn wp by Mp Sinclair alone, The party oxcoutive had a much 10 do with it as he had Buy it ia hardly fair to say that the manner in which Mr, Sinclair gave of himself in the expounding of that poliey showed any lack of aggressivencas, or even of the qualities of leadership, Those who wre seeking reasons for the Liberal defeat have to go deeper than that, and if they do, they will bly bo found that the lack of support given to Sinclair by others who might be called party Nendo we mere to blame than anything else, THE C, N. R, EARNINGS For the fisst time in several yoars, the Canadian Railways is reporting a substantial deovease in its camnings. The vepert for the wine wenths of the present year ending on September X\ shows that the earnings for that period are about two million dollars Joss than for the same peripd in 1928 The veason for this, of course, is not hard to find, The Canadian railways have been hard hit by the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 HR grain situation in the west, Virst there wag the large reduction in the amount of grain hagvested, and on tap. of that emne the deecislon of the wheat peo officials to held back the grain for higher prices, thus virtually stopping large movements of grain over the rallways, It should he remembered that the re. venue from grain movement represents a substantin portion of the earnings of both of Canada's grent rallway systems, and when the grain does not seve, the revenue of the railways suffers tremendously, The moral of this Is thet theye is no need for any wlurm over the reduced earnings of the C, Ni R, This is an abnormal season, and it may he many years before similar eanditions are again encountered Probably befare another year, the saenings of the system will resume the upward trend which has heen encountened because of the suspnsion of grain ships ping during the present season, BUILDING BTILL ON THE INCREARE When the month ef October comes along In this country, It is quite natural to find & slackening of netivity in the building trades, heeause there is not mueh inclination on the part of builders to undertake large building projects at this time of the year, For that reason, the huilding record issued by the MacLean Building Reports, Limited, for the menth of October are very encouraging, They show that the total of new contracts awarded during the menth is higher than in any previous October in the seuns try's history, and, what is even more significant, it in higher hy twenty per cent, than the total for the menth of Beptember, This Is a somewhat surprising, but a healthy sltuas tion, The great amount of new construction work undertaken during the last month is an indication of the soundness of conditions in Canada, for new building means progress, means investments in pros perty, whieh can only he made when conditions are wood, In some lines, there has heen a tendency to look upon 1939 as a rather poor year, but this is hardly true of the building industry, which is already 17.6 per cont ahead of its record for the first ten months of 1928 From the standpoint that building means employ ment for tens of thousands of people, there is every reason to feel satisfied with the conditions whieh are prevailing in that industry in Canada "BRITISH BLUME George Hambleton, the European staff correspond ent of The Canadian Press, has in a series of articles sent from England, painted a sordid picture of the slum conditions in that eauntry, The situation, as he reveals it, is almost unbelievable, for he tells of peo ple living in the erowded squalor of tenements with one room to a family, of men, women and ehildren of all ages living In single vooms, prevented, not anly by poverty, but alse hy the drastie shortage of hous ing acgammeodation, from finding any betier place of habitation, Conditions such as M1 articles are, fortunately, Hambleton deseribes in his unknown to this country, Even the worst of homes in Canada cannot begin to approach the squalor of seme of the slum quarters that Mr, Hambleton visited, The reading of his des- eriptions cause ane's mind to turn at onee ta the comments on Canada only a short time age of a member of the English aristocracy, whe claimed that Canada was not veady for Beitish settlers begause the soelal conditions here were net what they were aes customed ta in the ald land, Perhaps that is true in the reverse te what he in tended, for it would be a heaven-sent ehanee if "ome of those people could be comfortably and happily settled in the dominions, Unfortunately, they have neither the money, nor the training, 10 make successful settlers, so the British government 1s faced with what is veally a stupendous task of im proving conditions for the hundreds of whe are doomed to live in these sams, A WINTER MENACE The approach of winter brings with it words of warning against one of the perils of the season, that of the danger from carbon menoxide gas thrown off hy automobile motors, . Every winter, many lives are lost because of the failure ta take precautions against this menace, 30 a word of warning, with some sug gestions, 1s quite in order at this time. The Put Huron Herald, in discussing this quesvion, imple ments its warning by publishing a list of timely hints on the question, and these are well worthy of being published all over the country, The list is as follows: "With the beginning of the cold weather seasn we begin to read about deaths caused by earbon monoxide gas or the fumes from a Han stove "When people turn on the heat in theis homes, many like to keep the doors and wins dows shut, "Some even risk 'starting' the awtemehile engine in the garage while yet the deers are closed "And often the result is death, "Already this autumn we have read about some of these oases, "And yet the warning has heen broadeast 80 widely there should wot be « single persen driving an automabile whe df 4 net know and ful realise the danger t is probable there will continue 10 be some wha will be carélesss=and who will suis for le QUIRSEQUEN OPS, The modern ity howe, where [We is waed for Avaking aud heating, has a similar danger, wy I ether it Is escaping gas, or he more deadly a iaidions Je na tightly elased room, ¢ bry Fy We can only, IE ar o warning: Safety dopeuds WROR ty - WOIOMAL NC NOTES "A silent woman EW 8 lovely a lovely thing" says a poet, But how few of them seem to realise it, Just as the "etevaal To is wanally a source of Lverseas thousands "trouble, so the Liberals and Progressives have foun that political triangles can be just as disastrous, Lo ------ One problem that mast be worrying Me Ferguson is how he is @ 10 eat all hs followers on the government side of the hgistative ahamber, Now that the owl lection hh over, the as piting candidates 1 honors will have their innings. -- V The sharp upturn on the stock warket must wake those pear follows who were sald out in the slump fool worse than ever, ATE ------ Strange how the candidates in Durham connty are both claiming to be elected, When they make wise takes in counting, they are always wade on the wight side == for themselves, Other Editor's Comments Tet ---- SMELLS PRETTY STRONG (Hamilton he gat Wis shor of' Ingsten Whig: Standard, champ ing 16 pilronage system, says It Is the foundation slong of strong governments, Beme of it his heen so strong that one his heen foreed to hold one nose between thumb and soi Rosa HIS CLERKS HAVE TO BING (Detroit Free Press) A German epurtment storekeeper in Bmyrna, Turkey, in Asia, makes all the help sing, hey must sing Irom the Suunthy irl 10 the nr wilkker, even if there 1s only ape eurtomer n ie ¢ store, The sulesgir) ninat sing wh o ahe in Whiting un the custanier: # ul only step to glve the pr ie of ih 6 goods oF 10 pnswer a question, It is eatehing During the busy hours singing eaptivates even the customers, Adin! ERAL K DITOR iy, $a News) The Tones spor w are haying just now te in 1 the school bik steal pears from the trees an the border line of ayr yard, 1's fun to witeh them cautiously sneaks up and pick aut the best-looking fruit when they think we aren't looking, They fill their outside jackets, then boldly wilk Away thinking we can't see the bulges here ure two TERBONE We ene witching, In the first place, we fie mise hieyaus kids, And in the second place, it's our neighbor's peas tree in the frst place, THE WORLD LANGUAGE (New York orld) Less than 175 years ago there were only 12000000 English-speaking peo ple an the planet, er but thee hin the population ef France, In 1790 there were still but 16,000,000, while France had 20,000,000, Today thers wre nearly 200,000,000 who speak our tongue, They gantral all the Austra lian continent, nearly all the North Ameriean and much of the African and Asian, Their prospects fo growth in numbers and wealth are unapproached hy any other language group, for Canada, Australis and South Africa are clearly destined to became populous powers, Taken eallegtively, the different nations and gommonwenl ths have practical com mand af nearly half the world's sur face and more than hill its resources naw avilable heir sense of duty should equal thelr pride of pawer, and if they vise to their responsihili ties their influence will indeed he po tent, -- Bits of Humor IN HTH BAME BOAT "Da you knows==never once duv Ing our whole married life have my wife and I disagreed!" "Wall, well, That's daren't eontradiot mine, sither, funny | ny RPRISK TO HOTH Walking tourlst (after ten-mile Hit): Well, good-bye and thanks for the NIL, Motorist Lift, Passing Show RIGHTO Honutmaster: Now slippose you found yourself suddenly in flames, what would you dae? Hoout: Keep onal, Mele, avis, I'm a taxi driver aly ele KNOTTY QUESTION Ho] must know he-Know what? He-=Whether you ga aut with Bi to make me Jealous or go aut with me to make hm Jealous INCIDENT "Why, Ralph" exclaimed an anxious mother, "what 1s that long mark an the baok of your hand YON," veplied. Ralph, indifferent Iv, "1 sevatohed It with & eat" I MUAY RR a0ING Taquisitive Women (eweing oateh )o=Oh! poor Hitle Ash Annoyed Angler--~Wall, madam, It he'd kept his mouth shut be wouldn't have got inte trouble, VERY NERIOUS Willle=--=Mry Frenoh ehaunt Injured in was JUNT AN Mrs, four was sa serious the mote aooldent that he knoked- practically speach less, Mrs, Hilla=~Hpoeohless? How? Mrs, Wille--8houlder dislocated, He oan't ahrug, WHY HURRY? 'London Tid-Bits) Valea (on telephone) Oh, please tell the doctap 19 hurry as round at once--my litle girl has awallowed a needle fo al the doctor is very huay w= naw, Did you want the needle at ae, er At iy "You LN A you Wink [4 ed H Eo -- ole mn, oY oa Ahan a vale ln salary 3 ""w Y italy Le ow lodni: Ah, LLLR PANY nit Toh Ror The Sui i IY WPOR We, tr ee he oh the goss EAE ne hy LJ Peach oT L th anointed me lo 10 the poen he al We hen I Way Nahe & Np ave dy COVETINg Of oe the 0 a ab hberty thew that are brwied. 1a year the deli = Jrosth the Pht arde=Luke 4:18 19 May we be able 10 proclaim the doceptable year of the Tord, THK Ry LADD EMPEY Vink I helleye thal phydelans are talking shout the gall bladder move than ab any othey previous me, It 16 a very small orgun, holds only a few teaspoonsful of bile, not enough to supply the hile needs for a day, and yet If It gots inflamed oy ireltatad 16 can ennnn veal deal of distress, melons pW Hoy and even dangerous alls ments, If, on the other hand, it 1s do ing te work properly, you feel height and buoyant, the digestion 6 not disturbed, and there ls no constipation, Af you know, the hile flaws dl voetly fram the Hyver ta the Hite tine, and alo from the gall hladdey tn the intestine, but the bile In the all bladder {a vicher, thicker, Hi I veally In a move eons centrated or powerful form than the hile fram the Hyer eells, It would seem that the liver sends hile to the gall hisdder, and that 1t becomes richer thera to he vendy far emergencies Par Ine wane It has heen shown hy w number of vesaareh men that when a meal, vieh in fats or egg yolk, is snten, that the gall hiadder Im mediately empties all of Ha hile Into "the small intestine as IF It knew that this meal would ve quire # lob of bile to hreak down the fats, so that they may he ah sarhed ny the Intestine And yet there {8 another factor here where Nature expected you ta help out in thig matter of help ing the gall bladder to empty I well Dre, B, P, Bahkin and D, R Wehatar of MeGill University have heen able to show "that the slight ost pressure on the gall hiadaer produces a Now of dark gall hiad der hile Now what 1s my point? Although Nature tnoked the gall bladder In & safe place beneath and attached to the Hyver, she ox pected you to move and hend your hady enough to squeese the gail hladder fram time to time, tn oth or wards ta work or exercise your hoty With the against the roel of avery time you breathe pourss a harder hlow of is given whan you hreathe deaply the Hvar and gall hladdoy recalve this hlow om and hile fa favead fram the gall hindder to the small Intestine Naw the Ideal way ta hreathe deeply 18 ta do enough work, op taka enaurh exercise that you sim ply have ta hreathe deanly, It need anly take twa or three minutes twice a day {Reglstared In aeenvdanen with the Capyright Act) MAKING mavement of the lung the ahdamen ang of Buen Hue eEe Last week when | was In Chisage the HOWRpAPEYS announced obs number 08 and #7, series The average individual gonecelves his ie of a sonumunity from eertiin idicsynerasies, Pineapple throwing iv generplly ugsaciated in the pullig mind with Chicago's progress and the average Tdi) hinking of Chicago feels when he lands in the tawn that he aught not a carry any cash on his person, and every time hie hears @ taxicab backfiring he Just naturally assumes tht 16 ls wnether bomb outrage, I had nat gone te blocks in my saunter through business sec: tien when | van inte Homer Gusk, whe is an eld newspaper friend, Mr, Quek Is the presis dent an An, fue of the leas gn Herald and Examiner, | ake od him If the homb business had anything te [4 with newspsper pi My a promptly took me in hand and after a pleasant lunch at the Standard Club, which in, by the way, as fine a club we I aver visited, gave aver the rest of the day ta serresting ervons: aus impressions in my mind rela tive ta the fourth largest sity In the world, "Our hemb outrages and our gang wirtare are really Just growing pain of & husky eivie development, 'The newapiper Bred M4 them, The veal things whieh are contributing to the remarkable progress and devel: opment of metrepelitan Chiwiago are tan ahvious 1a he notieed by our awn papers, and a stranger like yoursell is more lkely ta appreciate them, OF courses, you know of the mar terial ul of our sommunity, The increase in population in the Inst nine years is 1,017,000, This In an dnion of a sity of the sige of Cleveland, The ameunt af total sommerse Prédused in Chisagn every year includes five billion dollars of manufactured produsts, five billion dollars of whalesals trade and twa billion dollars of vetall trade, That's a billion a menth, That's mers than the United Btates over ment spent in ane hundred years, insluding the Anansing of the Civil Wan, adds ane new taetory every TT hit Chicago | diy and has been ratio far two years, ineluiling Sun dave and holidays, The PIE ne ures show that there were 774 new factories in the last 70 days Nothing ean stap Clears, The po pulation will be eight millions hetory 1950, Voday we are close to Ave mil Hons, I HAVE JUST RECITED A FEW OF THE IMFORIAN | MAIERIAL TRINGS CALLED TIE We I Bits of Verse I THE INDIAN'S FAREWELL No more shall foaming cataract 10 MY ATTENIION BY MN, GUCK, THESE MAIERIAL EVIDENCES OF PROSPER. EVIDENCES OF Fig w ITY AND ROM LERC IAL . CHIEVEM NT ARE INSIGNI, FICANT COMPARED TO THE EVIDENCES OF A FINE CIV, | gargling ery, lghtsome eraft | slunibers deep | I wend my way sloop With wicked vush an Contend against my Or wake me from my Ah ney to other funds Hut 1 shall murmae in wm galust the sky And you tall Re trees on dusky Have whispered things nights When | have watched them fram the share Outlined as they, in saffron Hah, Hut now 4 turn with faltering step Forever lost fram nature's sight, Aoroass the shimmering woodland lake The wountaing rise In poignant Rowers dream through the And at my feet the While hivd-ealls echo gloom And all this stirs my Indian heart, For soon I'll launch upon the stream A purple mist enfalds the trees, The bird song lags and all 1s still} Nature 18 near, | ean reioive hat always she'll belong to me, fvon when 1 dwell sinong the stars Love will bridge the stheveal $04 BOARD DISCUSSES GLASSWARE TARIFF Hearing by y Request of Finance Minister for Ine formation on Adjourned Otiawa, Nov, 2 2The hea Rh 1h» the A pf the Minister of REDE LON Texpoeling the hy item dealing with _ glasiware 8 aditnpned hy the ° . iff Jory OW ha with that' th \ Wi . when Tb Wa 3 E oe {RHE} given, A Ww any | Sa in the fp were TEPrOsOn WA Aan Sle EES o. ami Na ans R EX Se he Cans { oN haat ApARY, of ba \ |e a per on 4 Hi Ww fi a hea maa @ Wi it) a ~~ ou R hy Tig STE RN vhy of the Ow nell of ar wh are, A WILLING TO NEL TO oh J Tenant of New "Ideal Howe * "Da you Know that there's gvass coming wp hetweon the hoards wy dine i oom andiord : "Grass? Oh TI soon pat that sight. UR send vound a wan IC CONBCIOUANESD, the hwnan family, AL any rate, Ni gupecied to be of great value to the pouty industry ag Vitamine D, is an Haran ingredient for food (0 he a sonpmed wy. Javing hens, The waters of the Pacific abound with doghish which hive up to the pres sent time helng 6ontidered selens, YYYYYTYY A Ll W Efi Give Your Canary the a Seed fl Ena i wih f it oh Hit i - | i HA BROCK'S BIRD SEED . La a 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4A 4 J in pot " a Sropiz FORLONG +@ oF Otto, len nod 8. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 M0 ONY AR services are available, \ ii The wise man never waits till he is driven b sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best ae neces \Congrr Leman Coar Co. Liven J. H.R. LUKE Phones 871 = Bil -- 687:W Manager, a he ES a] PO -- -- A Safe Income seeurity prices, CANADIAN MARKSMAN ADVOCATES MORE MEN TEACHERS FOR BOYS Vancouver, RB New, 4=Lieut, Colonel RB, M, IAM Canada's prem ol sharpshoater, and winner of the King's Frige and Bisley (hia year, ad voeates the employment ef more Wale teachers in the schools of Canada as a weans of stimulating good oitisen: hip tn the country's new erap ol hovs "Nowhere else In the world do we find the sparing instinet developed 10 sueh a high a 8 1G Lireat Bri tain said Colonel Plain" and there we find that the proportion of men teachers in the schools 1s mueh high: or than elsewhere, The hay of tou teen or thereahouts needs a voliable wale pattern on which he ean he: dol himself, He needs a man he her and a fine type of wan" Che colonel declared that the HH nadian Militia offered an "pten nity or the perpetuation of traditions an ating English lite and of infys ing, through discipline and ANRC von, the Heitish spirit of "fai play" nto Canadian youth, In addition, A said, the militia gave & th h training in morale, manner and Ap poaranee, ee ------ VITAMINE D FOUND IN DO DOGFISH OIL Prinve Rupert, on B.C v Nov, §ome Tat vicious cannibal of the deep, the fish, 15 becoming the shied of selens tile researeh, One of the ait at the Prince Rut stat has dicavernl --- the tah packs wren ty Hnoral Content {ha h petunents with white mi su vom rickets, were carried aut, fish oil from the west eoast of Van conver Islnd being siven the wats and eures allowed, This is sald 0 prove that dogfish ofl may satel LH substituted for ead liver of, and 1 way he good for Mowat Winnie Vanover Changing eonditions in the supply and demand of money sometimes cause Durin frat satisfaotion in pldings produce a regular income, and that the principal is adequately secured, The first mortgage bonds of our sound wells established industrial concerns are admimbly sulted for this purpose and at present attractive prices produce a substantial income, "Investments" containg eur recommendations, A copy gladly soni on rogues, DominNiON SEcuRITIDS LIMITED 40a: 1 TORONTO! M D1 36 King 30 B \ PF 4 REDDIN, a" » Sli ORHAWA, Oat, Tolwphone 100 radieal declines in such periods there is a the realization that yeur Our booklet Ome Now Yuk Londo, Brg. Whether you are in town for or short visit, vou will hospitality of the hw Row! York aa delightful as the rates are moderate, Over one thousand rooms, each with a bath. five restaurants with Meals 1 auik every puree | | | Rex Bavtle's dinner orchestra and Fred Culley's dance arch: PALF + + free Tecitals on the: teed. Chiu Organ every y OVening, Frwoelbent spl vou dada PIREY RTA WS TO ALL BRINGING NARNETS SANARA A ALL VATED STATE with a Rwimewer this warning Me Huwmorist, FORONT © VERAWA TI DWEN SOUND WONTRRAL cnosha Hotel, Osha Toiphone BOR FF. O'HearRN & CoO. a] NEW YORK SUNN enanel hae) STANDARD ATOOR & MINING SAGHANOE GHSARD BIARD OF TRAM WINNIPRS GRAN BAe ANGS WOW YORK PROPVEE BAEHANSY

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