Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 ---p, RR mr. Sqcial MALLOW THE MARSHES Avalon, jess e, have vanished | ay [yh brig ds "re banished OYErs o | HIOTAREEH-- rom the gracile water grasses As on feel, elusive fect, Bummer passes But mn veedy river shallows he marshes bloom the mellows heve the wood most cool, most still { Yale i flowers of amuryllis, Lifting up a waxen cup A pie is lilies, ary fA eiteh, In "The Un risen Tomorrow," ph Orme Gamshy, of Lintenhurst, Dreno, entertalned at a Hallowe'en party last evening, Mise V. Hridgeman, of Ottawa, sas been visiting Mrs, M, Hegsle vood, Albert Bt, for the pst week, LS The Nurses' Reaidence was pret tily decorated on Thursday evening for the occasion of a party given by the nurses to thely friends, There were about 76 present, The feature of the evening was a Ghost Walk, and it provided many thrills, he remainder of the time wan pent In dancing, and games, assage Money Advanced Bring Your Relatives to Canada Bocisty w a whi fo a el Lioweatigation, cob or 67 Yonge Bt, Toronto, Room 708 | and Personal EE ll a i. Today the members of the Oh awh Hunt Club leave for a two weeks' hunting trip te the Frénch River dintriot, This afternooy the basketball teams of Bishop Bethune Colleges and Ontarie Ludlow' College will meet and play at the Oshawa Col loginte Gymnapivin, . Miss Phyllis Clements, 114 Broek ft, W, left yesterday for Detroit where she will spend two weeks' vacation with her eousin, Jessie Adams, » J Mrs, B, Vashinder, who has been visiting relatives in Now Jersey 10V the past two months, has returned to Oshawa, and 18 living with Mrs WwW, T, Henry, JMbert stret, In observance of the Halowe'en season, the staff and students of Bishop Bethune Colleges are holding an Informal party at the eollege this evening, + 4 Miss Dorothy Culham and Miss Wigla Ross, hoth of the Ontarle College of Art, are spending the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Ross, King atreet, » + * Thursday evening, Miss Vida Langmald, Bimeos Bi, South, enter tained the teachers of Houth Nim ane Mohoo! and other friends to a most enjoyahle Hallowe'en party, Her home was beautifully decorat Ad, and the guests' costumes added ore to the eolorful soene LJ Witches and ghosts and hlaok ants were much In evidences last avening at Houth Mimeoa Ht, Boheo! when the Home and Hehool Club | wave # Hallowe'en party for the | ehildren of that school "and thelr parents, The dim Hghtine afforded hy the Jaek-o«danterns helped to Needless Pain} Don't be a martyr to unnecessary pain, Lota of suffering 1s, indeed, quite needless, for example, * Th © CAN Alway romp come with» laf, RK ary the wal i Won t have you get home, a Ad Shink that A FON Ny drettions f tie, rheumatic, nd Other : haf corn uk il Mo doctor, Pain, see a and, soa relieving fr ANY continu Ag ENT GASPIR IRIN : iF ft " = ! E | H if i 3 5 : ; g id ng Z z : i} =Z i 4 : £ 7 ; £ : i BAXATIVE HILDAEN orente the veal spirit of Hallowe'sn, There was a grand march and many and varied were the costumes that passed through the halls of the school, After games and contests and sommunity winging, refresh ments were served, and the club In deserving of a great desl of praise for the splendid time they had lanned, During the evening, Als orth Judd danced the Highland Fling, The school orthestrs pro- vided for perl of the musle, Miss Doris Barrowelough, bride tobe this menth, was the guest of honor gt an afternoon tes on Thurs: day, when the teachers and staff of King Bt, school presented her with a beautiful silver hot water piteher, . a This afternon the Home and Habool Counall ave entertnining the Publle Mehool Rugby team and thelr guests for the day trom Mt, Catherines to supper In Rotary Hall, after the game hetween these two teams, J * Many Oshawa people attended the Hallowe'sn Festival at the One tario Ladies' College last evening, Among these wera Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Hart, Mr, and Mrs, 0, M, Ane derson, Mr, LI, Oermond, Miss Ts Kemp, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Ross, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Johnson, Mr, and Mrs, Leo Gray, Mrs, G, D, Cone ant, and othars, EC OT, The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to Lhe Homemaker and the House keeper FABRIC TUNBANS The fabric turban has gone over the top of many & smart costume this antumn, It presses Into pervies everything from slik lace to tweed, It may be a Jtle cap, & heret, a moditied toque or a manipulated Ovlental headgear, However, a wor man should he sure that her feas tures are more or less regular and good before she takes to turbans, FUR BCANFN New York notes that fur soarfs this season involve the use of five or six, and sometimes even more, pelts, depending upon the slxe of the sking, while three to four ani mals are the accepted number for fox soarfs, but mink and marten, as well as sable, permit the use of more WRINKLED GLOVES The suit and coat now ask for from three hutton to six button gloves, Nelge, soft gray and black are smart shades, White Is wood for dress Kvening askn for pink ones, usually suede, All are worn wrinkled down at wrists CAPE COATS The cape coat by no means has taken A baok seat, A lovely bottle green princess line coat han a cape of ita fabrie edged In red fox HIGHER NRCKLINEN Many of the ohio afternoon gowns, with the aproved silhouette, Introduce = higher neoklines, A black flat erepa frock uses a cow! eollar of black with twosineh flesh colored mrosgrain ribbon standing up Inside this collar In a pert, youthful manner NIGHTGOWN OF BATIN This Freneh nightgown of peach satin in trimmed with bands of georgette which come down aver one shoulder and attach te a helt Three pleats balance the left aide, METALLIC MODRLSA Tallored models in metalllo are helng stressed in New York for both afternoon and evening, Footwear of black, brown, green, supplies the final note of amartness to the daytime costume, Soft. lovely hair! The modern artist haivsdresser can wonderful things with your hair, all your haivsneeds can not be supplied, in the beauty shop, You wit help at home, And that's where nderine comer in, Danderine iy vo simple and eany to use, Each time 0 Arrange your hair just put a little this delicately fragranced liguid on Jou brush, As you draw it through he hair, Danderine removes excess cleanses, brings out the natural ves your hair an amasing atre, he tunaatentty, Danderine diss solves the erat of dandruntt, keeps the Nh comfortable and healthy stops Hine hate: helpa make your Mair row long, silky and abundant, Your ir i830 much easier to tt and stays in place when Danderine a used. Waves "set" with it look weer: stay in longer, Five million bottles used a year! Danderine The Owe Msmute Haor ALAN Drug Store + Thirty Five % thank you," A correct watch, for occasions, Jack" the uniformity of men's dress on i git "A good clgarette from a beautiful case, Biller "There's Joy In Jewellerysand personality, (oo, Instance, helps to relieve formal LET JEWELLERY ADD THE FINISHING TOUCH 0» Mrs, Allan Anderson Altken, who before hor maveiage In Nt, Sis mon's church, Tovonto, was Mes Phyllis Dean, daughter of My, and ---------------- RECIPES Lemon Nut Cookies 1 oup shortening 2 oups powdered sugar 1 oKu Wooup oream 4 ooup lemon jules Ae teaspoon vanilla A oups of flour § teanpoons baking powder tenRpoon nutmes teanpoon walt 1 tablespoon grated lewon vind W oup shredded blanched al monds, Cream the shortening and sugar thoroughly and add the eps, well beaten, ix and sift the dry in gredients and add alternately with the lguids, Last of all, stir tn the jemon rind and nuts and drop in tiny portions on a well alled hak ing sheet, Bake about twelve min utes in a moderate aven---=480 de grees, Thin makes about six dos on cookies, -- Cocoanut Cookies oup shortening \ cups granulated sugar 4 oup milk teanpoon vanilla 2 cupa flour 2 teaspoons baking powder MW teaspoon malt § oup cocoanut, add the well heaton egies and Beat thoroughly, ingredients and add alternately With the milk, tp added, Fast of all, stie in 8 cocoanut, Drip from a tea. pooh onto a well olled baking and hake for twelve min. utes in a moderate oven==380 de. green, Thin makes about four dozen thin cookies, which are ew lly fine to serve with frozen eRReTtS, Holt Molnwsen (hokles, 2:3 up shavtening 2 cups dark hrown sueay 2 eka, well haaten OUP Molasses up wour milk 2% oups flown 2 tearpoons soda Ah teaapoon salt As teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 toaapoon ginger 1 teaspoon watmes Cream the sugar and shortening, add the eggs and beat well, Thea Mrs. ¥, Gomlon Osler, Toronto, | Me, Athen Is a son of the late My, and Mrs, Altken of Newcastle, N, No and a brother of Lord Beavers brook=1"hoto hy Ashley and Crips pen, add the molasses Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add alters nately with the sour milk, Drop from a teaspoon on a well olled baking sheet and bake about ten minutes In a moderate oven=-3480 degrees, These cookies should be poll, #0 they must not ba left in the oven longer than Is necessary to bake them through, This makes about five doren A SAGE ON SIGNS "When does the wedding take place!" Inguired the old stationer, jostingly "Why you don't think that , , , She blushed and hesitated "Ah, Miss, when young ladigs buy a hundred sheets of paper and only twenty-five envelopes, I know there is always something behind it" w= Relleville, Ontario, MOUSE DISRUPTS LADIES' MEETING Bradtorh, ¥ngland, Nov, l==h mouse Wade ah Ke on women aufiragn lant night, A rH pointed the rodent aut to Mrs, Kthel Grundy, Laborite candl- date for municipal office, ' Bhe ex- claimed "0, i'ma mouse," snd uarvously tried to continue her "pooch, Pa more than half of her audl- wnee, \argely composed of women, fled the hall, Spt INET 668, , DWTALLN transparent velvet that combines plain ehiffon for flaring flounces of tight-fitting sleeves and Jabot at end of Vien net neckline The hips are flat with yoke rounded at front The gathered akirt shows unusual wrapped tunloe treatment at front, Miyle No, 60K is an exact replica of Paris model, Hera It Ia for you to copy, Its yours-at just the cost of the ma- terial and about two hours of your time It In designed In slees 14, 18, 30 yours, 80, 38, 40 and 43 Inches bust Plain transparent velvet In royal blue with matching ehitfon fa luxu rlously smart for afternoons and Sunday night ocoasions Ninok orepe Elisabeth Is dignis fled for smart matron for general afternoon occasions, Rack ereps satin with dull sur face used for sleeve flounces, Jabot i and hip yoke is exceptionally ohlo Rilk crepe, eorepe Marooaln, georgette crepe, crepe de chine and oanton orepe suitable fabrios, Pattern price $0 cents, in stamps or ooln (eoln fn preferred), Wrap ooln earefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine, KXQUi A printed | PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON 10, SAE, Ts Pe Ronoloaed And LAL aa ees Bele Please send patterns lated Selows ALL TTTTT ITER POT TTOTT OL) sarees OEE Gunnin wanes MIB sana naninne ARERR ARAARAARRARRARARRR ARERR ARRRRRRRR RANA AE Chri REAR RRR RRR ARS AGAIN 1a nn inn nen nanan anes enisnsnenig LL RTT, Provines coi iinmmminsnsnnisnsnsee Price, eants each "w win, ep ln earely ERLTITULEL ALE LEETTTTTTTE Mm the butter and the sugay, Mix and sift the dry whieh vanilla has AANA. | | by Rev, Father Steroh, C.BHT, The | groom had his brother and Harry | haok from At, Patriok's ehureh with | her husband Women's Interests in the Home -~ and the Community ackage the same care--as if of Red Rose Tea is prepared with our reputation were to stand or Every p upon that single package. o TE Bis good ted' Ee --_--_ RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good NEW CANADIANS ARE MADE HAPPY Wellesley St. Hostel Decor. NOW Modern young man (after kissing a modern girl)! frank with you, girl V've kissed by a long shot" Modern girl with you learn, even at that" "I'l be perfestly You're not the first "And Tl be frank You've a great deal to he EE ated With Garlands and Flowers oe] An event which occurred (he other day in the Wellesley Hireet hostel in Toronto is.only one of many such events which lead us te believe that new Canadians are helng made happy in thelr new home, « On this particular day Miss 1 MoCarron, superintendent of the hostel, had decorated the rooms with flowers and garlands so that it was very gay when a lovely girl with fair braids of halr In & coro net beneath the vell that hung aver fvory satin wedding gown cama The girl, Bmille Mevelk, who came to Canada two YOArs REO from Crochonlovakia, was now th wife of Yohn Winter, a young Hol. lander, and they had hean married Fanny Schnell and the hridesmalds were and Anna Effenberger, fnider to support him, and there ware 40 muests, After the hreak fant, the groom, whe Is a musielan, sat down at the plane and played, and he and his bride sang togeth or an "Ave Mari," Gadi -- TT TT SRA iif i fea' One New Fall Line of Contes and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE "Three days of glorious rain" were halled with joy throughout Toronte ane the surrounding country, The drought, however, that had held for so long did not in the least affes! the soft water supply I this laundry, * Those whe live in the suburbs el Toronto, and whose wells are dry, we would remind again of our rural delivery service, One of our trucks ealls In your neighbor hood each week Phone us and we will have ow driver eall for your famil wash, Five different kinds of wash service, all mod. erately priced, Phone 788 did SIMCOE NT, SOUTH #4 Nimeoe Bt, Routh ihc Ak i A cry in the night be the first warning that Ag A colie, No cause for alarm if Castoria is handy is pure vegetable prep. aration beings Quick comfort, and can never do the slightest harm, Always keop a bottle in the house, It is the safe and sensible thing when children are ailing, Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation) or diarrhea, When tiny tongues are coal or the breath ia bad, Whenever there's need of gentle pegulation, Children love the taste of Castoria, and ita mildnese makes it suitable for the tiniest infant, and for freq ni Castoria Is always towing children ih ossly § cine meant on r adult "fy Genuine Castorla always has Chas, H signature on the wrapper, Pres scribed by doctors | uent use, a more liberal dose of better for an some needs Fletcher's V0 DLs ddd did LL Le 22 "wy OR ACAN ONE N

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