Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 1

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The Oshawa aily Times News in Brief (My Canadien Proms) Cin i bh ho on, wih Wis wen he hi t months for oy woul ng pleaded wuilty tw {hee clinrges, Bonreh Polls da hinnipei=A during two-phase fins i to the Arete Count ef Canuda has Jolled to reves! i trace of eight missing explorers, lost in the north west for mors thin wo months, ix Killed Bucharest, Koumanin~8ix work men {ering the rails newer Drusl were killed und one wis injured yes terdny when ' (1 Lonstanes uo " dense fog ruck Laharite Lond Blows Lookout,~Witl f) polly to hear from in Kenora karla jutshin- son, Labor, wis ing, Karns wey, Conservative, by 430 votes, "I'he remaining polls ave In outlying diss triets, . ' 4 1 Given Hard Post Washington =G: Aaron Youngquist wttorney-general of Minnesols, Iv to take over the prohibition snforees ment post in the department of just: 160 which Mabel Walker Willehrandt held for LA youn, trl vinning uehurest through thy Kron, nm Nisgnra fhe Lens Bumith, af Niagara Falls, N.Y, was shot through both legs late on Lewis avenue, unl hie wre holding four men under arrest, * LJ * Eight Killed At Crossing Elkhart, Indo ight persons, all members of the same party were kill od at # wrade crossing st Osceola, Ind, seven miles west of herg last night when the automobile in which they were viding was struck by a New York Central passenger tran, Prepare for Evidomis 'Taromto,» 1 be prepared for any possible occurrence of amullpox or dphperie mn the far n orth, 4 i ship ment of 500.000 units © diphtheria antitoxin and 1,000 units of snillpox serum 18 being sent 10 Moose Vues tory on James bay in the next few days, L on Bhove opine bod of Righard age wht found on the Tih of Lake Nimeoe, a short diss | f the OQ | fo the te niin ed Wh il -- a o wisn n CG; hh Tondo I a" 4H |nhured the ler ol poi Ll "w. sorner of Que ML avenue and Hallam stregt rine tha rush hour last night, 1, Dutherlund, #4, of 88 Dupont street, i severe hepd {juries He Ih now " the, Western hosplial, Yon No oi Mth We 10 a tand a Hallowe'en party, WW Shion RB, Bhipatead, son of Senator 8 4 sead of Aes eloped 10 Roe ville, in nearby N dryiand and mae pled Miss Hagel KE, Thompson, 2h said 10 operate a Washington beads ty shop, i. Divense Freight Aukes Guelphe=To diseuss alleged dis crimination in freight rates on coal to western Onthrie Mulieipalities, the Canadian Freight ation and the municipal oh Tales au ocition will eanfer in Toronto WV Thursday, 'November 7 at 213 v'eloek, 2. eo WOMEN TAKE PLEDGE TO LENGTHEN SKIRTS Windsor, Nov, 2--Home a8 young women will wear their skirts a litle longer In the future, Wud will refrain from dresses with low nooks and short sleeves, It vows wade during the vecent wission, held In the a are carried out, ov, Father J, M naon, #8 M, of Montreal, one of the twa visiting priests who apt in Fg of the wissen, a the renin A movement i Canada whoa ton short akivta and dresses Wit neeks out too low, During the mission service of the Ht, Joachim Roman Oatholle parish 28 wirla of the parish took vows to wear thelr skirts at least three fnohes Delaw the knees, and to ew ohew aleevelesn dresses and those out ton low in the neak, Parla women ave 03 3h in Lr N} Aer al mf noth An J or a FIO nothing, shirts or QIN wan | ehold ofticl> a Hd a when it HR ns Re I) Fol ".. t the den ACCIDENT VICTIM DIES OF INJURIES Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City OSHAWA A, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 15 Cents » Week; 3 3 Cents » Copy, WELVE PAGES AGES France Facing Serious Political Crisis SUCCESSF UL CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES IN ELECT ION SOCIALISTS REEUSE TO CO-OPERATE Third Effort to Form Gov. ernment May End in Falls ure of Efforts of Andre Tardieu NO GOVERNMENT FOR TWELVE DAYS Parliamentary Crisis Which Was Precipitated By De feat of Aristide Briand Be. comes Acute (By Canadian Press Leased Wins) Paris, Nov, 8,=<A majority of the Radios! Hoelalist deputies today voted not to collaborate with Andre Tavdlou, French premier-designate who Is trying to form a governs ment, Thelr aotion rendered much more Agute the parliamentary evisls pre olpitated Oot, 88, with the resignas ton of the Briand government and Which today entpred Its twelfth Wy, The votes In the oaucas, taken thin morning, were 46 agningt par tHolpation In the projected Tardieu government and Bu in favor, There Wilh a possibility the minority would revolt agninst the party whip and accept portfolios In the now ministry, in whieh ohne M Tardieu would ba able, probably, LO manage a precarious majority In the ohamber, The general Impression, AVON, WaN ooulrary [TL how: Tard! would Rave to offer his mintetilen alwewhere, The Radieal Hoolalist action followed a violent debate, The diMoeultien of M, Tar Alou In getting together the minis try he promised President Dous mergue he would have by 7 p.m, to day were Increased many fold Politieal observers predicted It he ploked hig material from the right wing of parliament it would involve loss of pactiolpation of Ars futide Hriand an A fi minister, sinea he has sald he would be une able to set In a frankly Conservas tive oahinet, GOVERNMENT NOW | HAS 93 MEMRFRY IN LEGISLATURE Final Reckoning Gives Fors guson a Majority of 78 Toronto, Nov, 2,-=With all seats NOW accounted for and only one or Awe recounts looming as possibills ties, the politieal complexion of the new Eighteenth Ontario Legialas ture ia now detinftely established, Premier Ferguson In solidly in power with the largest majority ever anjoyed hy Any provinoial Mali Hin ministers ave all kK with him and are now sett Mine down to the work of their des partments following a brief rest ats ter the eampaten, The government haa ol APPT: or In the Hous, molnding ene Ine dependent-Consarvative, W a safe to assume the Independent will APPAREL the government on most matters and this gives the admin. istration & olear majority of T8 mt the election deferred In one he by fon Ahave a 18 members, AN ough all the © i» ton partion and groups faved . ty, 1y two of those which enters of didates failed to elect any, the: Communists and Prohibitions Its, Of the Liberals, 11 were anes {iy There are three Progress We ML PrOgres ives, one od Farmer, La one Labarite, wo t OLD WIND JAMMER SUNK IN PACIFIC Vietoria Ri New, L=Another of old Pacifio wind jammers has! bi to Davey Jones' looker the bottom of the sea as a result A the sinking off the Oregon a 3 the ansient oa fut add hoon or PA Rh Ha \ ¥ yw vt ~~ | N en hen had x Asi oF ON a ) aped & I. ig BL ~ whe bo a oy sank |v SET PR often 40 Wo bi BN ure pass the min tn Nd he outright, Won the | the Telegraph Unlon and the Wolll Nowa Agency stated today that the OaRiBite fem nev cont of German vole haf vesiatored In favor EC The photographs hero show the |, Uhag, A, mem be 2 0 a desision v Hanoi by one section of the U1] Fy p of pin Wl? } ty elected vinelal partinment victory on Oct, 80, Fred |, and, Mi (¥) Tin Mm) Mu re Hmmm r----------r TN 17 JR TTT 0 the Untarie pros In the Tory hoy weer (1) Avthuy, Northumbers we H, Bell, Bellwoods, Ihiot, Dui, (2) "Iron Derby" Of War Days EE ---- i, Basset], (5) Chas, J, Davis, Rig Bast, (8) A, tor Mebean, Nglinton, (0) Wi, 5 Murphy, Bt, Patviek's, (10) Capt, Austin WB, Mmith, Hssex | Nouth, (11) Louis Cote, Ottawa Nast, (18) Arthur L Ris, os OfAwa Proves Life-Saver In The Mines Of North Ontario (By Canada Toronte, Ni wy" of great ok, The old 'Can Ki the Now, acewr ohied Inspection roports fron the north carey the in formation that the wee of the head piece han saved anineworkory injury, Recomily. Roy Cram, a Kirk and lake win 0 He pot level ul | Qutario department mines, but only secently has the idea heen adopted fn Press Lonsed Wire) The "ron Der Wil days Is eoming tin Hed, wsed as head Ww covering, wash bowl, vandle stick and A variety of other things, 1s return Wg Wo fashion pengelnl but nining For a hoy fe, the wee eof the tod hy but this time in the dangerous business of Iy" heen advogy ul hia ling to OG, Sinelalr ob mines, shivost daily fram OF Mlepped ine an op nthe 000 foot level of tell headfirst to the #0 he mine, He tell heads rat to the 800 foot love! at an anak of 88 degrees Hix red in two places and one avn bie ken, hut day that it it had not heen for the would have My Nome of the pony me the hats free of o shall wan rae Suelair sal yvostey heen killed IHRE companies are miners with veteran havrge SEEK PLEBISCITE ON REPARATIONS German Demand Has Been Placed on a Constitutions al Baska Reviin, Nov ? fhe Nationalist effort to foree a plebiscite throughs out Germany on the Young plan olay Shpared definitely 10 have al preliminavy step. Roth of he plehineite, Thin after he plehiselt heen placed South | banis LLLN An The wan wb money ix inde PORE man has to ask his wide one = Chivas Hint to voung wen seekin MH froek cous NY the A ae O00, A total of 4,138, AR4 parsons out of an electorate of A100 1R) had vemistoved senting 10.08 reper per vent, hy whieh ¢ demand has now on a constitutional wo ose wife asks him for od fortunate, Many a To a0 Dally News Na same thing Wn a Ri marked $30 #, wifey Fall From Load On Milk Wagon Cause Of Death Woodstook, Nov Nara Winton, Llsyeursold daughter of ir, and Mes how, Quinton, south Norwioh, was almost In slantly killed yesterday when she wan thrown from a wagon load of wilh cans, whieh her father was delivering to Otterville, The girl, with her mather, was sitting on top of the load, when the slippin Of several cans threw them both to the ground, The girl's neck was broken in the fall, Her nw ther was uninjured Torr May Get Power Deal Bargain Foshay's F inancial Crash May Be Favorable For Power Purchase (By Canaan yon Man Wire) Toronty, Nov, 2=A comparative DAYEAIN 1 power properties may be pleked wp inc Brace County hy the Ontario Hydro Commission as a ww st of the erash yesterday of the FON Hinancial strueture thrown wpe in the past 18 years by Wilby My Foshay of Minneapolis, News of the sudden debacle of the aatrining Napoleon of middle west POWER BRANCEe Was veeoived with say prise hy officials of the eoninission, For some months past they have Deol CAFTYINR On Hegotiations with Fushay for the purehase of his Brave properties which fast winter were the vente of a hot privatespablie was orship Aght waged about Sowthanps ton and Walkerton, Yesterday's news, however, wave ise 10 expectations of a purchase at A oppive favorable to the camnission providing the reveivers decide to lige date at feast part of Foshay™ vas LR bhelioved likely here, "Is an al SLi that doesn't Blow oneone good ee one official oy nivathy \ ¥ CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING RO 0, 0) AN, Corn hats --_-- RX LE Ny Laan, SAR. On Dee wn Moo MW, & British Gov't Routh, (1) By Wwod Bingen, 88, dean's, (34) Dr, LW. ¥eeale, Hiddissox West, (16) W, W, Naples, Victoria South, (168) ¥, J, Wilson, Lincoln, (17) damon Wanchavd, Ontario North (IM) Wilteld Melghlngton, Bt, David's, (10) be, |, N, Berry, Haldimand, (B) J K, dhmioson, Li on MN, Ww, Ire Is Threatend Declaration of Indian Policy May Bring Censure Motion George Hambleton, Canadian Peas Natt Coveespondent ) London, Nov, 2.The Ramsay MaoDonald Labor government, ia on the horns of a dilemma over Ha Indian polioy, aecording to 1a opponents, who eontend that the declaration of Baron Trewin, Viceroy of India, arming the Breitleh gov ernment's desire that India In the fullness of time should attain do minton status, ix either mischievous IF It Indioaten a ohange of paliey or superfluous iF it does not The Dally Mall suggests the Con sorvative party should immediate IY move & vale of censure on the government far encouraging the sehoame of Daminlon home rule for Indian, which, the newspaper ar pues, would he disastrous te beth India " rent rita in To Regulate Immigration Will Not Allow More To Enter Than Can Be Absorbed w---- Ry Canadian Press Leased Wie) Winnipeg, Nov, 2=="No mois people will he allowed Into Canada than It ia posable to absorh inte the hady politi," declared How, Robert Farke, minister of agvionh ture, who was the first speaker at the meating hove yesterday ads dressed hy Promier King, He add od 11 Wak NO RRY ARK to regulate the flaw of immigration nto this COURIEY, Ro many people deaived to come In who were not wanted, and those wanted often were not very Keen to come, WILL COMPLETE THE TRANS-CANADA ROAD a (My Golden, ROC, Now 2--The last link the trans: Canada highway hetween Golen and Revelstoke, is to be comes pleted, according 1 announeenient made at a public meeting herve, How 1. Ning, onion minister ol health, announced that negotiations tong wader way in thin matter had been brought to a successiul close, SO ------r 7) 28 (M1) CHEIfovd Case, York Novth, (M0) dbp J Monry, Kent Mast, (Wh) Bd, Ay Auderson, Lanark mouth, (44) David Bonds, Perth Mouth, (B88) Ceo, Kiet, Huron Mouth, (R64) W, MH, Kibet, Rainy iver (WT) Howard Vealelgh, Lamblon Kast, and (88) CW, Ham 'rontennos Lonnoy Communists dates Lo eRUR STANLEY UNGER OF OSHAWA PASSED AWAY LAST NIGHT IN THE GENERAL HOSPITAL BRITISH LABOR MAKES GAINS IN MUNICIPALITIES Fail to Make Any Impression in Elections Noy Hubstantisl Lathor party and the Communist candi any Impression on the elsetorate, we the chief fanturos of yesterday's municipal aleelions raturng avalluble today indented Polling wis held In three dread oitles and haroughs in Kng land and Wales, axeluding Lim don, The final figures received from elght boroughs showed the following gains and losses Lanhar, 108 galing, 18 losses Conservatives 11 galing, Londan, galng by Lhe fallure of the In UL] (ORs oN Lidharale Independent lunnan The UN loss gning io 19 Bains 10 Linhar Hn op the ponsntional Walthamstow, Laahoy he maul vietory was In pox, whera the tured 850 nant of new horough eounoll ha iy nent mn Judgment Reserved in Harcourt Appeal (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nov, 8 First divigs tonal court yesterday reserved Judgment on the appeal of Harry K, Wareourt against a oconvietion by dudes O'Connell on charges of publishing and concurring fn false statements concerning the Jackson Manion mine] ¥nowing them to he fialug Hareouvt was sentenced to Imprisonment far 16 months de terminate and 18 months indeteys minnte, wm Premier King Declares Government Is Watching Tariff M Explorer Starts On His Trip To The Antartic (Ay Canadian Pens Leased Wire) Montevideo, Uruguay, Noy fo Captaln Bir George Hubert Wiking, Heltish Antarotlo os plover, salled from here last night ahonrd the whalers Mels ville for the Falkland Islands where he will start on his our rent expedition Into Antares thea, He was accompanied hy the engineer, Orval Porter, the avintors Cramer and Al Chessman, and the radio op Heavy Fighting In Chinese War Both Sides In Civil War Re. ported To Have Heavy Losses (Ry Canadian Prean Leased Wire) Hanknow, Nov, 2e=Reoporta from Al quarters today wiveed that heavy flghting wan going on In northwestern Honan provinee, but AR You no declaive resulta were aps parent, Roth sides were reported to have suffered heavy loases, It seemed probable that the Nas Honaliat army was deriving the res volting Kuoginohun, or "peaples' army, westward along the Lung hal ratlvoad, although the Kuomin. ohun faotim wan simultaneously reported 16 be aggressive on all fronts, Chiang Kal-8hek, president of the Natlonallst government, and fn military head, reached Haunohaw, Honan, when progress northward to Chongohow was halted as a wo sult of Intervupted telegraph and rallway servioe, FORMER PROMINENT { OFFICIAL PASSES AWAY W------ hy Conadlan Press Leased Wie) Cltawa, Nov, 20=Dr, Frederiok Monit Ambert, former divector gonera!l of publie health and sank tary adviser to the Dominton gow svnment, died at hia residence here this morning after a prolonged Niness, easures of U.S, Winnipeg, Nav, § "I'he people of Canadw may rely upon the Cannes ian rift helng made = to serve Canadian Interests, The Govern» ment Ia fully prepared, in the interesty of Cannda, to readjust tg finonl polley from time to time to meet any changes in existing fis onl wtenoture which may affeot our markets, If the United States, Or any other country, does not Want to trade with Canada, except on unequal terms, then surely we ean look an never heforea to the rest of the world, and partioularvly Lo the vest of the British Bumpire, Ho spoke Premier W, LL, Mao Kengle Wing here last night in the firat of hin Western tour meetings, when he disenssod at some length the Canadian tariff situation in respect to the United States, and alse In relation to other British Empire units Ha definitely announced hia hope that the fmpending Heltish Nmpire Koonomie Qonlerence would be held in Canada in 1830 Not Roar Nov Rhotovie A nation's problems were not volved by roar or vhetorle, the Prime Mindster deolaved in dealing (Conthmed 'on Page 3) DRIVER HELD UP John Moore, Oshawa, tast deliver, wan hell up at the paint of a WN BY Ewe wen whom he was driving to Courtice Vammers inte Thursday night, Moore was acs companied hy a feted, who also lost his valuables, The vobbers then dvave away in the oan which they later abandonodt in Codardale, Local Man Received Fatal Injuries When Car Crash~ ed Into a Truck on High« way Near Whitby on Thursday Night INQUEST OPENED THIS AFTERNOON Hearing of Evidence As To How Fatal Accident Oce curred, Has Been Ad: journed Until Later Date ~=No Charges Have Been Laid Hianley Unger, young loeal man, who was seriously Injured in a mos Lor wecldent. on Dundas street east, near the CPR, subway, Whithy, lust Thursday night, died In the Oshawa General Hospital last night at 11,040 o'olock as the result of injuries which he had sustained When hrought to the hospital Thursday, his condition was con plderad oritionl, and It wan reali ed that he had little chance for recovery, He was attended hy Dr, i, FV, MacLaren, of Whithy, and avery effort was made hy doator and nurses to sustain Hie Death wis due to a fractured skull Parked Car on Highway Unger had heen driving wes! through Whithy, acoompanied hy Miss Evelyn MoKay, 60 Burke Bt, Oshawa, and Henry Kerr, 74 Drew stregl, The pavement was slippery and visibility "wan poor on aeoount of the rain, Chief H, Guuoson, of Whithy, claims that there was a opr parked on the north aide of the strest glose to the subway whieh has always heen recognised An A dangerous spot, A truek eons taining furniture and driven hy H, Laflare, of Trenton, wan approach Ing In the opposite direction, Un« ger In ald to have swerved to the #outh to pass the parked cnr, and In doling so his machine collided head=on with the truek, After the aeoldent, Unger was unoonsolous and Miss MeKay and Kerr wore ale a0 found to have sustained tnjurfes The driver of the truck, although shaken up, escaped almost unsenths od, Inquest Adjourned The hedy of the young man has heen removed to the Luke Rurial Parlours, King street east, wheres It wan viewed hy a coroner's jury under Coroner Dr, D, KB Holg, at two o'clock thin afternoon, The (Continued on Page 1) WORK STARTED ON FOUNDATION OF BIG ELEVATOR Expect Prescott Terminal Will Be Ready in Ten Months (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Prescott, Nov, 5.-The initial work of deiving piles for the new foundation of the $3,092,000 ter minal alevator have has heen vom: pleted, It 1a expected that the next 10 months will see the opens lg of grain handling facilities, with the provision of a §.800,008. hushel elevator to tranafey from upper lake steamers to canal hoats the golden stream of wheat that flows annually from the prair fen to the Atlantic seaboa The elevator will be 1,8 { feet fn length, While the width 'of the plor on Which ft 1s te stand will he 110 feet, The helght, to the top of the hing, 1a 88 feat, while the foundations of the house go down anether 18 feet, Provision ts being made for the accommodation of two large upper lake freighters alongside the ele vator at the unloading dook, Four ordinary ocanabaized vessels will he accommodated at the loading berth, on the upstream side of the main elevator plers, as this will have a length alghtly in excess of $34 feet A APPEAL ADDS LASHES TO PRISON SENTENCE (Ry Conadlan Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nev, #.Frederiok R, Cain appealed to Flat Divisional Court here yesterday against w santenve of 30 years' imprisonment imposed upon him hy & police mag: fatrate at Brookville, after he had hoon found muilty of a serious als fence against a youns giv, The court not anly disallowed the ap peal, but added ten lashes to the Wen ened, 10 be administered with. fn alx months of his entering the penitentiary, AN i A TS

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