Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 A Skin Sufferers Tn ' [I] IORIAL wish the v EASTERN ONTARIO. NEWS| (7 Ficus] Produce Prices in the | Wiel evr vv oe Trontment ONE VINED, ANOEHEK JALLED | INOREANING POWER CAPACITY gi a] i he A ~ Lord Beaverbrook Cons Brockville, ==In police court this | Brockville --Heiween the hoirk fia" firtwn! Instr ian the ok TORONTO HAY AND STRAW foi work We, 00 Voki pork Wa, 44 10k " WOVRING LWo youn local men weve | OF eIEhL o'¢lock In the morning and nly nd | i i, at Tui somes Wiilesule desler" th wil BIA WIE ' demned for his "Vendetta arvested yester witernoon, aps | 1onr o'clock in the afternoon on SRE iF you Suing wilise the ho WK pres tai TORONTO VARMENY MARKEY " poured halore Mh 1, Albert Runday, nex, Rroskvilie will be i ik i 0 wand" we' ft fh at i ML id onthe lh, elie ket," obit Against Baldwin a8, One wi fined $50 and supplied with electrical power by ¥, W, Thompson Drug flore A ire bled, ih "a i " tibiae A er 0 London, Ot; Bl-=An editorial «|W 0 oon! station A costh for Intoxication, and the oth. | #LeRM from Lhe "lees Hy aha Wi saw, ied | th bi 100 Hh tins, Why Hose 4111 0 in" the Morning Post condemns o committed a the counties | While a new Lranstormey of veajs gf ' rT BM TR ' i jun h/ " three hy for having nepoused CADRGILY » hetn in ton, - ha | DOrmanent = appoints ol et i lve ob afbabadld I HE CUR TELE Lard Newvorbpasks aud Main p A ¥ ' 6, # ) ung i Mi y Haver legal) {lences heing | Malled a 8 POWEr house, 18 ment of Bib OVOFNGAN Kalas VRDYH NT ORE Vr Sd oad iil I futerests us in Lord Beaverhrook's We ' ' +] te a Bouonq by hang} hot thangs has on mide [NasSumnty wentative at London will greatly | Torantt Th Jos ip Aeaidry bre ites ng wa Ciasriiy, | ih 1 ovusading policy, which he calls ! By A of electrics) power In Brockville benefit. Ontarie shippers, ¥ull in fe 0 it {As oF the lowing wil | Jeein poled oo fun / fH Wmpies tren trade, nthe erg ' -- during the past. year, the new Korman muy he secured from ¥, gy 7 jou rsa, ext an, I enrtons, Gs (rooh | Hi obit VSWR ivn0rnir10e Al number with whom the Empire 'Fresh from the gardens THANSPERRED TO KINGETON oi AB elng ithe means or | We Hodges, Bee Ontario Fruit PT TI a ates, | Cabbiuge pinrnn Q04 stands frat, Wa doubt if Beaver inaraasing the Joan] ewpneity ones | SPOWers" Association, Variament (He Plane bas, oslo Fic) Bivis, Thy RR Brook's shor ouL Lo the Imperial Gabon, Ls Nurse und thivd, oF approximately 1,000 Hulldings, Sop Lissa: | sreamiry, minim 406i No Hh Writ tin, 161 IA 15ers [ mien um In fensihie, TL Ve nob | thie bast or sven wn good governs | Hest ms, Tord Besverhrook's (jearge Cla Bouth Monag- horse POWSY, -- §, sreninery, pings, Ale Lil Inti Vl Wri eerinn Bu new and his heen vejeated under | ment, hut i tg magnifeent coms | mueh-heralded Empire trade mantis han township, Kan tanced to twa ' HELD VOIR THEY OF CAR (hese Nel, wip flog wing BI Lag] Hew Jeli e or (eee Wl mors tavorahls olrcumstances und | pared to the lest," Aller thie] testo, In the course of the tour ---- : 0 . butions, big part § triglenn, fa; willie, re, Oh loge, We Alntnhaens Thiol, VAR rates it tw extremely doubtful 12 now it kind of thing 0 16 diientt. for | he pradicied the vetivement of Mr eh In Kingston aha Hroekvilla==Loils Hobldons was ) ' ? ) wi Wolds: tiles mid sults, ) { ik faken stealing, CHICKEN HOURE RAIDED arrested near Maitland last week w HT 7 dd i Viral, ir bile hes Wis wm chante of seiepiance Connervaives Lo (raul with vespeet | Baldwin from the leadership and a I -- Lie hres lar iA that Instity awdley =0n Monday night thy | hy Constable William Caul, of the oplbry : LALLY ( UNaver mind, the Besverbvook | Lord Beeverbrook's Imperial cams | su 4 i ' V, wer niles 14 J / ; : plug asied Linrd Heuve he mol on Satur: | ohicken house of Joseph Northolt, | Cornwall poles, on a wireant | bens 5 The, bo Wi nA Ay ULL cumpnign down help to vives witens | palen, Yet, without the support | wiccessor, For g hig pi hat Itt and Chief | who vesides near Bewdley, was | oharging him with the theft of a fn ] Wn " iH ' ' Ran ahine, on {inn Hn d tan on the Bmpirs, What gives | of the Conservatives how ean he | voring hut 1s velteration sllenates ary sentenced 1a onl ralded fov the third time, hou trek owned hy Alex, O'Brien, of mA Jide, », Ihe TH RA | A AAA pase Lo many In the fae that he | imaging he ean And the enthuslasm | tvom Beaverbrook and hig cams tentiary lave one month i" whith ah Plymouth vocks helng stolen, | Cornwall township, He was tak ihe Jb PP AAA H Shun Vinah 64 PT Joses no opportunity of atiacking | ta earvy that polley, ov a more | palgn a grant majorly of the Con they may fila an appeal but both | This 1s the thivd time Mr, Novthe | gn to Cornwall and wil vemands | iiss 0 AHH Livhins, 6 0 1 tha Conservative party, foasihla polley evolved from 16, to | servatlve Varly It fs time he slgned walvers | that they would | cote has been the vietim of these | gd upon appearance in police court a LTT ' mires BM Beary Mo AA 0§. i Whe leading nrtiele In the Dally § feiution ahindoned the vendetta sganst Mr, not. appeal, Thely fentences In| thieves, and en another Oeil N Mery TORONT PROVINION PRICES pt Drew miglons, #hel Waprens wiyni "Au far us the Dally "Hin raprasentaiive, wo lien In| Baldwin and wonghi~aupport for nailtentiary SATE on thelr arvival) he had a cow wtalen, CRIcken | IRE DENTROYE FARM HOUSE Yoram INTO I dninry Are aon (he | (joan HERE BY fk " Vixprags 16 concerned wae do nob] touring Canade disclosng, accords | the Imperial ideal whers 1 alone there, thieves oon het vasalving much nf Hganyille Pipe, suppossd to falhow iin prices to (he rude bl fio Be a " walleva the Labor Government Is) ing to the Montreal Siar for thelean he found,' =| & Ah rom ihe guthorities When | have started from a defective flue ashing Iii AF ta W767 waked Toile, 50) BFR : 4 i am of i In, Inst | Caught, and are vecelving wonton: | dagiroyed (he vesldence and outs | B68 oeanesii" oF 6 406) hn Hel less With Pain oes In penitentiary, IE the ones | hiidings on the farm of My, Philip | sioked 45 0 Me Pp wha buy the stolen bivas would | geiferiy of Donegal Friday night Cred mess ne fons hasan ni HN : ! 4 " dai 70 to Whe receive the same treatment (he fine figs had gained considerable | J A In His Back ame would he stopped much | headway before discovered and ie usin ol, or fowaighy soll fnuleker, vary ttle of the contents of the yy A Pure fiers, 16) fis hei pall _-- . "Ww 176i prints, IN 40 19 hariening Viera om house were saved, The loss Is estls | je fhe! bubs, 14 Loker pulle, 1h tine, 176 NORE BROKEN INTO mated at five thousand dollars, itu : Vancouver man thinks Cotoury: On Thursday night | partially covered hy insurance ne Yana, 0, Mei New York shoul dere 06 Jan the store of the H, ¥, Hodgens ' . Gin Pilla we wonderful Co King sirest, was broken into, | IMPLICATED IN ROBBERY the burglars making an entrance Cobourg Marvin Plaws, of To by the front door, of which they | vento, was arrested in thal elty Tas evro e i he tot af the Leal Home | #vidently had a key, Thera was | Week on a charge of heing tmp xh Il, of fneouver, blond on the lateh of the doar, | ented with James Lattimer and rid a8 comple otf by avers where they evidently eut thems | Uhavies Lang, of Tarvonto, In bur Ix the small of fil pak. He | selves in making an entrance, Noo | aries in this county sat Brighton en asses nob my on & chair, let alone on | thing was missing in the store with | Uempheliford and other places WAR Gompe led to 0 the exeeption of un box of matches, | The other paly were arvesien wi Hi i says, though the cash register had been | Oshawa lust week Just after they opened, 10 1s belived to he the | had burglarised stoves at Brighton, | Apprentices to Have School Hore a Awkward an p nul work of a gang who have heen | Campheliferd and Neweastle/ They . potion wad via solved hy lv he looting stoves and only taking mons | #78 to appenr fn pollen court al Provided for Them at Gin Pills, which ay, & similar burglary having heen | Belghton this morning, and it is Flint Roa the rout ABO ng 10 A gommitted In Millbrook the previs | bellaved by thelr arrest unsolved whose, latter epda-- HH ous week, when a Jewelry stove was | burglavies at THlsonburg, Harrie hai Nav, § ha Chevrolet de de agoin i in sntered hut nothing taken only | Varls, Heampton, Gananoque afd | Detroit, small amount of cash, ahout a dosen other places In the | Motor Co, has announced that I provinee will be solved, one of the will sean open an apprentios shop " -- y a a BRR pa Fav I i) HXPORY APPIN MARKEY pale having soknowledged (hat [In Flint In whieh & olass of G0 pi of hae . 6, ht Colborne Pp ti f they were tmplioated tn hurgiaries | ploked youths hetween (he anges of i Fk wy iy id OA '0rharn FoRpects for a heay | LA and 10 years will hegin an edu , In various parts of the provines a a AL a idneys ler apple ovop In Ontario this seas "ro 4 ) ) i Fi "Da Hin Eh Finan S00 B04 emphasis to the expor Where they disposed of thoh loot Shtianal tourse In whieh h . will EXAMPLES If ina | EXAMPLES Ll B0e, box f our d market as & profitable outlier ror | ¥11 f he made known at the [he totally absent F. Barth, foal ¢ re surpine fru, Hh HIRLON ADDON proney time hy the authorities whe | vice-president In eharge of many 500 J soal 25¢ Rexall Saving Stick are not likely to glut the British ve heen working on the esse [facturing, will have charge of the a Jan 2 51 Refill in in market this vear a Aili he fined thaly arrest Inst week project whigh 1s te he known of ( omb Cream lar » | 2 26 nia, ols Ud Nova Heoatla erop 1s heavy, Ontario olully As 'the Chevrolel Apprentive 15 ler] ope yes, & tod ton atte apples Invariably command a pe rw Te Rhop, 470 Ovderlios 2 26 19 Puretest : 1 | BLUE FAVORITE COLOR |" wora "wenaot is one wien [J Laxative for 1&0 | olin voll SN hah hy minum over the Maritime product Ll utp 10 Bl | IN" AUTOS THIS YEAR thon ttt sl 200 moos 9 Face Powaer. 8 for sD] (ar for » that Ontario apples ave Inspected 7 10 hy the government hefora exports In definitely a shop, operated un |B Maloids The OXARK, Stores k | Face Powder According to Durant color ex [dor shop discipline and maintain TL e-- : 15¢ Battle a" i ports, wha make a close study of [ing shop hours A naw aneslorey 190 Rexall | . i : ' y 1] TN SAVCIIRETE IDEAL Cy Pld) ha 0! Pe roxide a" 2 ie for + ST the relative popularity of the seven | bullding, 80 hy 160 fost, Is helng Cold Tablets aloe families used tn the automo: {eponstrueted to house the shop ' $1.00 Rexall Beef, Wine & KING EAS) SIMCOE SOUTH ; Y b Iran $1 0 PHONE 28 PHONE 68 || 2. 91,01 bile Industry, blue is the most pop ' Wine color this year, with brown, "Da you want # ear that will help Vie Klenko 2 for green, Wray, maroon, black and | vou see the world BY asks an adver I'oath Paste hiegn following In the avder names | fsements It all depends which od Last your green headed the | world 1s meant this one or the next J dd C 1 Hut with blues uo close second he Passing Show, THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Clip this ads M » Bh Two Duran vertisement, It Sedans h WAY nel Ap the prise Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles § | [= =. isons i EE -------- Our Service is Unbeatable | I 1 N71 LIST oF Figs ; FIRST PRIZE = Oa = | ie She b WX : es PON | iy a ~ Beautiful DURANT De Luxe Sedan DIXON.COAL CO. 1 [| bi CN oo. S| Emam: TELEPHONE sei-riVk DIRECT LINES \ 4 4 ( ARE HS te OW Mer , Ruta tafe Tt I a, PRR H ih hh KR i. with Wad, "0 SHO Fh hie Ra a doa eat H Mi Li Maun, of he OR MORey hi x A 19 ™ . R - il he a Wh lig KH LR i ha FLOORS ¢ . wt J HR RY pol oy i RR Ww JA Wp , It) at the a wh (My \ lon © ? ? ? : \ go \ AX 8 Td 5 8 [5 a Mi th 3 hE ¥ o-- ® ae Li " le Retrigeraton 8 Y=10 we LAY THEM WITH SS th et Ah Tho eS a NR ARR ag Se "CANADIAN WAR STORIES" ! 3 : ¥] \O Oren grid sleetile me " SATIN FINISH "KANT KUP | ER TUNA ARE SE i hin ona he SEATTLE , ' M0 Ge " Pert n \ ANNE Ye HHA - AE ) AEE NS, Fontiie te Wh a ALL BE | 2 A hy : | RA eh ne ¥ LR Re NTH PALER Five Dalla hE MELA Shiki AA oer SOUR REAR VRE Ht 1, PELE Tate -om Hg AAI A EF SE Ah The AF le fh TI FE he on w i A y A na ack) BT Ed an hk Wh Fog Sn RT i ENTER YOUR SOLUTION ON THIS BLANK Ca Lom HOI 1 Ean, CENTRAL, CON JUDGES MY ANSWER 10 THE FOUR BUBBLE 111111000101 BUWSERAAR Bites Bit IY The Judges are Kim Beattie of the an gE \ 4 \¥ \ \L banter WY RAMEE A2 & contestant in your figure 3 RE, LLIN » Evening Telegram, Torenter W, PUEES PORIAAL, | AI SNOIONIAE Whe Sum of § ' i A Oar of the Toronta Dally Bw, and WP SAMY 196 ANA SUDSOTIAHAR 10 YOUT Magheine, hy \ i BH RANKS Dovglas R Qliver of The Globe, Ta NAME OF SURSORIBER GIVEN BELOW ER No Nii W Reb a onte, BUBSAEIBONE AIS 4118108 a rE EE IEEE IEEE IIA EAE E NEAR ARRAN AY LAAN AY ne A hi ATW Canadian War Stories contest will be Suen a--_ VATTRTAPRAFR IRR IRA Af FERRITE AFR AY NS and fmpa dicted Wh 8 fait i WHAM FOUR firt solubion 10 SOanadian War Btariea® Pussie? (Fes ar Nba manner, Fallow rales oarefully, Your A HOW MARY ARAWEIS RAVE YOU 3oRE 10 40 date i iin Amount Remitted 8mm » OWN aki will determine the award R- Ey LL you will win 500 win & EAS ARB 1H 10 NAME, yin nnn nn anne en BIEOEE ARKIN 11 name Wa N i W Ay ion Ww \ i WUE Be conatdered a siren anninans nna an tna ne OTE oii 8 I TE LL LL LL ha mn 0 whom Gd YOu PAY YOUR AUBSOIIRAMORT NARS 11a ai inn iisniii issn sssaninnnsimg ha a u -- ER Awards for Early Answers to Pusale ARSE 1111011451111 IERIE IANA ans EERE sn REREES Orbe ; Ny EN IN \ COMPANY. LIMITED ahha HW { N Sa bon RA San ph FL LR Rh NR th uh Date subsopHDRn wan PAIL cnn PAM abit yy Amant Pald § ovina RRCON A } LW try LT ae! 0 Sh whe A MY SRROIAL PRIZE ANSWER HB Total aumber of 8 " Chait \ Poriane heir ML be A ih HA A HE Eh ) \ ADDRESS SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS TO 28 Ritson Road North a SANNA 4 \ iy We. wh CANARIAN WAR STORIRS, Mo Muwing, Chambers, 1 QUEEN 8% ° ALAA K TORONTO, ONT, TELEPHONE 2821.2820 1a KTR Eat a Phone Local andl Long Diatance Alelalde $814

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