Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Nov 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THE CIASS EBLED A SATURDAY, NOVE MBER 2, 1929 PAGE, ELEVEN hl . ECTION, 4 Wo Tew I Wh Ty Con: A a pate 4 U Phone 4. G, D, ' ky Ly rn, by Gu WIR, Solleitor, Notary "Public, Conyeys neer, Monav to loan, Third floor Dus Ing, Opposite Vow A IA ~DA WK on Notary Fults, Gon. oney to loan, Office | Wd py 3 Quhawn, hone Conveyancers, Notaries Publte, ets, Oftlea over tandard Bank, Kutrance Bineoe " hona 18, 1, VV, Grlarson, Ke. T, K. Creighton, B.A, N, Vrasor, B.A, ene, now over a tore, Money to loan, 16 Bimooo treet Jatt Tn Phone 67, Residence PARKITILL ANI AND PTET. BAR Hers ote, Money to loan, Aller ™ Pad posite Post in Khon AL Parkhill, Ao i I'leld REIN AND HUMPHREYS, BAR sters, Sollghors, ate, M4 Simeoe Phone 3160 Money to loan LOX 0, HALL, B.A, DARIN tor, ato, Conveyaneing and general ractice, 8% King Bt, Bast hone WENT, (Lt Medical PR WeRAY, PHYBICTAN, BUN flaon, Aceoucher, Office sand resi ence, IKing Bi, Last, corner Victoria Phone v4 Yi ON TRIER TIT RT elan, Surgeon, Qbstetriglan, Speglal rolerances to maternity work apd dl senses Of women, 'Two vears' post vadunte experience, OMes nnd ves ones 107 Simeoes St. N,, (eor, Brock) ne I Sy WO TR - Br GRANT BERRY, rih RICTAN LULCOLET) Yraser, Barristers, urgeon, Ohstetrielnn, niants ehidren, OMes and ond Last, Phone LIK GHAZLIWOOL, PTY! Arg special attention ven to work and Kleetro wopy, 0 or Maney Block, Phone pio OMes open 9 am 0 mm King last, hong 2110 Ie VI STEWART, SUR goon, Obstetrician, physielun, Speen nd DR. B, gin LLL attention to surgery, T'wo veurs ele on non, post graduate experlenge, {ospltal Bartholomew's and St ary's bona! London, Royal In mary, Kdinburgh, University Hass pital fin, Office 142 Simoae St paldence A104 Alod bR. PAYID ARCHER, MD, CM, P, and H 1dlnbursh lan, Surgeon and Qhatetriclan Fyn yf fureesn, St, N, Phone JO ) Age Mt J Phone id ! "ARCHIE BROWN, M.D, i he I p, & 8 Edinburgh, Physlelan, Nur eon, Obstetrician, special t tennion to maternity work and dis ases of children, Ofee and resis dence, 188 Simeoe St, North, Phone \ BT ra] DI, QW OARR, "TPHYNIOIAN, Hurgeon, Obatetriofan, Oftles aud residence, 618 Himooe street north, Phone 8416, (Oot, #1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ORT WRYARS OF 100 ll OD street West, Ag i will 10 pee ever Jury wal * Daw Store each Saturday, from pay, for consultation and a of diseases of ear, nose ang throat only, Appointments may ba made al drug store, Phune 9 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PRT ~RICHAKDRON, OIC] over Nhat Drug Store, Hours 10 to am. 8 to § Evenlnma by AppOLntmen Qflice phone 2660, tenlde re DR, 8 J. PHILLIPS, OVER HAS. sett', Nove attention 10 Xray work, urae in ats a0 \ LY Hori ove Mitchel Lil tore Gas for lon DR, LB HUBBELL, DENTISY extra y { Nitrous oxid oxygen aa (9 fe ons, Mee, Roval LN ok RJ F, JEN hy 8ST, 16 hr H, Cit Buta ne 8 '\ Special at C HOUSE - GU a GENFRAT wor haar: Cain: on i residence aver lah . ° oe | Res, 302W, B VARINA WI. OFFI h Theatre Din LW 1m Vy "OR Tg DAVIRS, traction and Xeray ---- a Phones Rr 8 OUR FAVORITR IN shota and he raphe colored Phone 834 ents, Miss I, ily Phone \ RE" Englneecing and Surveying BONEVA THTIH, ONTAR 0 Land ra nw und J. engine sors, Mb: divin one, town planning, munielps! engineers, 308 or 411 King fi 1 Phones 542 ar 25, rtaking CORE WORTAL TO, 67 RINT 81 fast, Ambulance, Residence, $42 Sim: toe street north, Phones 210] and VONTRAL TOT. (haw. "orner ) A'l #7 Celina street, Ambulance, Phone Bruse street, (82, Insurance J A 4 19 King 81, west Yhwi, 'he gd. est Vive Agency lin Oshawa, prs cos ire KIM TION R aonsult I, N, Johns, #0 Blmeos north, Your insurance wants nate tended to and your interests pro feated, a ML na QI "Transportation URTUTATHE AND WTONAUW, COT: man's, Kb Bond West, Hpecinlists in furnitere moving, storage ware house und moving van equipment "ona LLIN OANA MOVING, TOWAVEL sind and cinders, Local ar A lonw distane hating, Phone aml Hol Bmith and Cox, 44 Re St 5 AWA "OLDE T "RTA lahad furniture movers, Park Road ene age, Loew) and dom distanae Fran 'nw, he of Park RY gouth, Phone 8, (Oct, WANT =H ORING Kinds, Carting or moving, Phone gohew (Oat, 19:1 mo) EAGLE. CARTERS AND LONG distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick cheapest in Osh nwa, Phone 1202 (Ot, 2 TT ---- a Beauty Parlors ETTY "COU PERMANENT witve, Speclal 85 and 87.50, Finger wave and shampoo 81, Facial 78 Halrgutth g 25¢, Phone 2008 or 86 Nimeae North EXPERT MARCELLING. BY Hotty Ward at Betty Lou Permune ent Wave Shopper Marcel and shane pon #1 Phone 2068 WATSONS BARTTR AND Benuty Shop, 9 Caling 81, We sye- olnline dn ladles' Tale cutting, mars polling, shampooing, facials Maree! 59 conta, Vor spnolptments phone Joh, 1 mo) MARCEL ANT CURT Be; MRS Everette Bell, Apt, 9, Edward Apart mans, lee St. For appointment phone S2061 (Oot, H- 1 mao) Building Supplies POR SATE = SANDTWAVYT stone and black loam, $1.60 a vd For qunlity and service 'phone 1s sory Hros, 392 ving Yim Seiad CEMENT WLOURS FON WATE To (nsure prompt delivery, plage or ders In advange of delivery date, W Norrowdale, Phong 1618 Music ! FOPTEE ABORT IRT IN" VOUAT Instrunotions, Min (Dry) Grant Berry, hone 1106, (Opt, 1+ m0) ARTRUR LYNDE VOUAL TEA: A (Hambowr Conservatory, 1 pont) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, ened 02 Simeoe 81 North, Phone 2754) Lal) FRANK CONVERS TENTH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teach ors, 1h In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons, Btudlo Ne Elgin 8, W, Phone TIM, (Oct, 4:-1mo) SHEE NOOR WT ANKETTHOS 16-1 mo) OAT serves us hrs, Lprano, will ageept puplia for alge ini, voles culture, ete, hone 1004, UN Nruce 8 (Oat, 1-1mo, ) LHONAR ede Mn Director of Munlo, ONhAWA Colles! ate apd Publle Hehoo., ®udio, ¥0 Westmoreland, Phane 2084J, Oct, 14:1 mo) on A VON QUNTEN. EXPERT pale shop at West, Your pats If bri Khe Aire hey TAND TRO: pories, Repairs oa eleotrio and battery sets, 'Tubes and batteries tested, Datterien recharged, reatal supplied $1, Rhone 10400, Oharles Wales, 140 Bly Oot, 8:1 mo) RR TTR a Caulking WAVE TLC OREVIDREAROUND your windows and doora filled with plastie cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost in small, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR, No, 2, Oshawa, Phone TRA, (Nov, 4:1 mo) Painting and Decorating R OUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS 0A perhanger, Jat ad aang, \ we Ave, Nr » -~ TURNER § CALVIN, I and DARRRANRETS on 0: work, guaranteed arise Prices reasonable, Lo shane Typewriters TYPEWRIVING "AND X0DING machines overhauled, repaired and oh | hi My work is guarantead, don't pay until you are sats fafled. Dealer in all kinda of ve At typewriters, Calvin Billet, §1 Arthur Street, Oshawa, Ont one HERW, (Oot, 4-1 Ma) IY XB FA ARR 3 OARS ATTANR LY Rarrdstery, ete, WL) Phone 1014, of this nature, and colleet for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT a Real Estate for Sale T2300, F700 DOWN WOVE iY nerves, good loamy eamfortable frame house, bank barn, erghard, well, To vonta forty miles, Oshawa twenty miles, Win, Philp, RIG 4, Port Per ry, Phone lod ving # (1080) FOR SALT = SOLIDAKITK, 81 roams, hot water heating, gumwood teh, tre place, hurdwood floors, sid drive, electri Axtures, price $4,300} JOO dellurs down, Apply 2031 Duffer in Street, Toronto, or phon Kens wood S064 (Noy if Noy, 16) RE Rd . RAAT RELI Work Wanted RE UPIOCETERING, CTTRSTIR: fields mude to arder, We save you meney, Estimates free, GA, Con stable, 74 Mechanie street, Phone 1808] (S611) GATT NITE CHATTED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, 1 ren al supplied $1, Batteries vepairod Stan Dlidgon, 20 Mill 84 Phone 18R0W, (Oot, 10<1 mo) WATT RATE ONARUKD AND DIF livered 780, rental #he, and ihe entire electrionl syftem of oar re: paired, 404 Oshawa Bivd, Phone nw Oot, 11+1 mo) AUTO HODY AND TRUCK RIE pairing, Metal bumping | handle iy Kider Bullt Bodies, BHI Fry, 4) Dond West, Oshawa, (Oe Hemstitching NINE TENTH PER YARD, PLEAT od Hkirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All Kinds of beautiful fanoy work on sale, Mra, Dell, 3614 Bim« cos Mouth, Phone 1064, (QoL, en a LS RR ST Public Stenographer MARIS /HICTON, TT HMO street north, Phone 1600, Rpeuinl rites for matting Hate and elvoular (Oot, 86:1 mo) "Second Hand Dealer FHOOND HAND DHATER FOR niture bought and sold, 160 Bloor st. Kast, Phone 16017TM (tr "Home Cooked Meats ENOCH "HOME 10:1 mn) 161 mo) "MADE PORK plow, atoak and kidney ples, hot or oold, brawn, cakes and pastvies, oto, ote, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple strent, Phone S721, (1710) uctioneer PHONE 70, Wi SUCLEY. avotioneer, Jo BAA Ss. can sell vour odd pieces of Wa wu other wn at our vars, dl King St Oshawa Ontario TW TTARK ADCTONI Eo RX \ Si 'g Phone 2500M, Simeoe root \ Ng 2 Oot, 2 epairing GOTHOWRNKOW, COTNTIN oF Slmeoe ana William Bta, the best place 10 have your shoes Axed, cleaned and dye (Oot, 1:1 Mo,) Coat Repairing ART RRADY ™ FORT WINTER= Genta' 'overcoats repaired and ab tered, ladies' tur conta relined and repaired, ""Talloving' your own material made up, Address 13% King 8t, W, (over Cannings), Cal and deliver, Phone B00, (Oct, 26:1 ma) BS i te Books TEIAWE OTHER ATING Hbravy, You will enjoy reading the Intest Flotion at minimum cost Phone 1473, 37 8lmcoe & North \ : 8 th) Money Wanted RUTEDRER WANTS WO AS First movigage on new heiek house all fntest improvements, 7 per cent No agents, Box 270 'Limes, (de) For Sale or nge FOR YALR UR ERORRNT EN Hamliton six roomed solid brick house, Value $5000, Will exohange lor be in Oshawa, Phone PIRM, (1040) FOR SALE OT ROHAN R acre choles loam mear Oshawa, Splendid house and outbulidings, good stabling, plggery, henery, Implement shed, water ia builds Ings, Price $10,000, Will consider olly property on exohange, hyocett, 8 King B (1080) Lost a GORE TTY IN OR NEAR WIRD stare, Finder please phone 2838, Reward, (1000) La 8 Hutedreato, Act quick, get your aps Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOU slab, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry bady wood, hie rons Meek Limued Pho 12 ta __ (Apr, 2011) FOR HALL TRTNTZRAN 00. Ltd, planos, new and used pianos, Also radios, Iatest wodols; tars arranged, Apply ©, Trull, Phone 1666) (11108) FOR CAREFUL BUYERS, Su Men's Indigo blue suits, extra heavy, high elas tail cheup at BI Must rialse cash for this week $25, sees 30 to 40, Engel, 31 Bond West (1011) BHT YCL | nh red, MOVING BALE OF bieyele stock, and autemobile tire Big reduction, cash or terms, Every thing must be sold, 8 King Street wos! (Oct 2-1 in) 2 OVIERCOATS made of the | lan cloth fully plush lined, Choap ut $28 Must raise oush, $15 for this week, Engel, 21 Hond West -- (1011) FOR BALE FINCH DINING room sulle, solid oak, Player plano and Hbrary table, Phone 180664, (1080) FOREST CROSLEY A and HB batter 1) OD tm MEN'S RADIO, DI tubes, loud speaker, fen: Snap for quick sale, Apply MN Fay ITY] A (104c) ON RATTRAY PTANG TIN perfect condition Huoritioe for quick sale. Phone G81, (1040) TOR BALE AT A HANGATN=A | newly painted, three<spring nd hand demograt wagon with platform top, very little worn, 1500 ths, eapa Apply to John Perey, Hawman Phone 220 (10 al Position Wanted Wh PIATTIONS NURKE, DOCTORS reference, open foy ong Rements Maternity o goneral nursin Helps with housework hone TEM (Bal) GIRL DESIRES POSITION AS cook general, experienced, references Apply 64 Bond Street, Bast, Phong 1451] -- (105¢) WANTHED=TOR THAMATER or any kind of work 14M $84 Doarhorne Ave, (1060) aE EE aa x eity ville AN Phone Motor Cans ANT YOUR AUTO TAR I'H AND acoenaories at the Clty Auto Wreckers, 16417 Band street west Phones 20H0W or B448W, (Oot, 26:1 mo) OLDAMORILE TOURING «= 6 oylinder "In real good shape, Hace Milos $100, Owner going abroad 113 Louise #Hireat (1040) RR A SE ER ___ Holp--Wanted Male EXPERIENCED SALESMAN "ON Washer and Vacuum: cleaner lines for good position, Box 378 Times, (1040) VER RAE CLARE RADIO ALESMAN, Apply Box 277, po | (1 FARK STO $10 PER DAV AM: bitious, reliable men wanted at ance Part time pay while training for Av intlon Mechanics, Garage Wark, Driving, Battery, Rleotrie, Acetelyne Welding, Howse Wiring, Industrial Rleetrieity, Muchinist, Rrioklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and plication fn now, Write or call for in. formation, Dominion Trade Sehoals, Lad, Bastern Headquarters, 163 King at WW. Toronto, Employment service CORN TO const, ( 108 108- LH A U7 120-10 120-10 ) Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- FOR GENERAL housework a thorouuhly experts anced girl, Nona other need apply. Good wages, Two tn family, Ap ply 158 King 8t, Rast, Phone 819, (1080) TRE WANTHIWON IN "OR wird to eave for three ohildren dure Ing the day, Phone ¥530W this evening, (1084) Rr Help Wanted NITD = AMATEUR ARTISTS ah you have the ability to paint In water-colonurs, wo Gan sup- ply you work at home at very good pay. No selling, no Shri Pies wran ture-Craft Studious, Depts 24 BW STL RATE sot 0 free. Puritan Mil Agents Wanted Ra several colops, Ag HR | FURNI i (108: 108) faundering, hewstitohed, Tremont Street, Boston, Mass HN -- po For Rent POUK™AND FIVE ROOMED MOD: arn suites, including electric refrig aration, wtove, Isundry, econveni ences, ste. continuous hot walter supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 2671, ur The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Id, manager for owner, Toronte, (41.41) AVATVTSTVNTR VOR ONT Modern conveniences, $40 and up, Apply Jury & Lnvell, (hf) TO RENT=FIIVATE IT" HOOM ED apartment over Ledger's Store, next ta Karn's Drug Btove, Pour Apply Mrs, V, King Bt, Kast, LLL "TIVE ROOME AN All convent Centrally lor Hast, (1001) IVI ROOM HOUSE, PARTIAL ganveniences, $15 per month, phone JIM, (1011) TO RENT=ET ROOM D TRICK Hause, fully modern, 53 Nassau St I'he ne BikAM, ! (1011) POR RINT --- FIVE HOOMED irlek house, Conveniences, Paved street, Immeodinte possession, Apr ply 41 Elgin Bt, 1, Phone 1686], (101K) session October 1, UL, Henry, 441 hone 16, TO WENT bath, ground flooy, ences, Also garage, cuted, Apply 60 King Bt, FoR WENT furnished six roomed house, unis, upsiaivs If desired, awner B04 Division Btrest, (1080) SIX ROOM HOUSE CENTRALLY located, hardwood Hoors throughont well furnished including electric range, J Centre Bi, or phone 481\Y Ji (10411) SIX ROOMED HOURE, EXCE] lent conddtion, very modern, well loeuted, $358 per month for select ten Apply Bradley Bros (10d) HENT fl UNFURNIBHED $17 no month, 168 Willlam (1040) FO NNT NIW RIX HOOMED house All modern eonvenlences Hent reasonable to reliable party Apply 170 Jarvis Bi (1040) LARGH APARTME NTH, MODKERN gonvenienees, Bultahle for family, Bliart Jeane, Low rental, 161 King Kant, Oshawa (104d) FOR HENT HOOMED howe All Apply 48 Conunt street 1086) (1040) Ten Apply unt FON rooms Bt, HK RIEVEN convenlenees Phone ROOM Apply J A104¢) COM» Bult Himeoe (1060) TO RENT, FIVE decorated, Bevan heating, Apply Phone 14780 (1060) ROOM, ALL 1T18W ar (1060) KIGH brated S01, I IR IC] house, newly deg Harold AL Ee FORE RENT-TWO fortable furnished business gentlemen Houth TWO HOURKN newly rooms, Hot water LG8 Bloor Bt, West "VENY roaine, 0% Fomms, HED JINGLE conveniences, Phone onll RAL Alloa Bireet, "Pets and Live Stock TWO TOMIRANTANG FOR SALE Also butterfly rabbits Apply 79 John Ht, (1080) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT BY 2 AD ult hl furnished apartment by January Ist for three four months, Apply Box "307% Fines (1 a) Ream and 'Board LARGOR FURNISHED Hoard optional, Garage pontlemen, 24 Albany eomiaorta Y room ROOM, Hull two Elyreet (1080) ROARD FOR A office girls near GMC, Ap Had Oshawa Blvd (1084) Radio Service RADIO RRRVIOR AND RUFATRE to all makes of sets, old sets ves modelled, power tubes added by a vadiotriolan No oharge for inspection, Phone 48% R 1 1, (Nov, 1-1 me) ROOM ND couple ply to Auction Sale WEDNI SDAY, NOVE MBER 6th Awetion Sale of farm stock and lo ements the property of George Stinson at lot MJ Concession 9 Dare lington Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, J Hogarth, Clerk, Wm, Maw Aue» hie (1054) NORTHERN MANITOBA LAKES TEAM WITH The Pas, Man, Nav, $==Untap ped lakes north of The Pas, made aovessibla by the Hudson Bay Ralls WAY, are teeming with whitefish and trout, according to flahermen here, Prospects of a record oatoh this fall are belng entertained hy northern fishermen, It 18 bhelleved that there will he An inorepse of 100 per cent in the number of men ensnged tn flahing northern lakes, Last year about 600 men were busied at the trade, The season gets under way in mids November, when virtually all of the water stretches are frozen aver, -- COMPLICATED Cuhen orders a shee of ehooolate cake a lunch stand, hut sends it hacks eancels the arden, and orders plese of apple plo instead, He eats it, gets up and is about to leave the house when the waiter accasts him: "Say, you haven't paid for that pie "Vor I" replies Cohen, indignantly, "Didn't 1 gil you the ehawelate cake for itd" "Hut either." "And vy should 1? Vancouver Provinee, vou didn't pay for thay Did Tea it ST OOMPOIABL i H Rates for | Classified Ads, | First Insertion --1 Ih eents per word, Minimum eharge 600, Fach subsequent conse: tive Insertion 16 per ward, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price ol two first (nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum eharge for three insertions, 40 cents, Box number 100 additional Frofessional or Business Cards, $4.60 per month for 40 words or less; 10 cents a word pay month for each additionel word, TIMES CLABKIFIED ADS CONT LITTLE; ACs COMPLISH MUCH THLEPHONE ab Ask for Classified Ad Depavtiment Ir I. OLD EMBASSY ECHOES FAMOUS AMBASSADORS Messenger of Long Service Recalls Britain's Form. er Ministers Washington, 1), €, Nov, 2--(Hy Ken Clark Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) A Canadian, a stranger in Washingten, astonished his guide hy pointing out the old British Embassy on Connecticut Av the sort of place an Eng elty would plek ont ne explained iid, a little impo ina | knew at once It was enue I Hshiman tn this for his h comfortable, quiet way the Embassy Charles Hrown, OR1 mes at the Embassy far 42 vears, would have echoed the sentiments, In his dual rale as falthful servant and va lued aegquaintance of a dozen ambass adors Brown has had ample oppor tunity ta observe the characteristios af the British abroad, Of the new embassy on Massachusetts Avenue he says! "The British have always preferred residences differing argh iteeturally from the eammeon in what ever place they happened ta he, The English houses are distinetive yet very homelike, 1 think," If this may be sald of the Embassy designed hy Sir Edwin Lutyens, thi Hinmeswaorn butlding soon to be vacated, certain ly merits the eompliment It looks as i Koglishimen had lived there and heen easy there, They have done 50 singe Brown, his dark fae lively memary, talks of the old days, the tunes of Lord Julinn Pauneelate, air Michael Herbert, 8ir Mortimer Dus rand, Lord Hryee, Nir Ceeil Spring Rice, Sir Auckland Geddes, Lord Pauncefote died at his post here, and his life and death in the ald Kmbassy will be vecorded in the hook "Forty Years in a Diplomatie School" which Hrawn will shortly publish, 'The hook will also tell how, Tor his long sers vige, Hrown received the Order of the British Empire, and in what manner the Prince of Wales complis mented him Lord Pauncefote is one of Brown's Jarticulas heroes, "He was a tall, weavy man of ruddy complexion, & typical Englishman, When he lands ed as the frst Ambassador in 1893, he immediately impressed the Ame erieans, He was here for 13 years and he died here, It was about five or six o'clock in the morning when he died, The news was carried very S000 10 the \White House=Lord Pauncelote and the Roosevelts were fast friends, very good friends= and only a little later the President eame to the Embassy to express his cons dolences, The funeral was at St, John's Church, There has never heen n Washington a funeral like it tor display of military and naval forge, ov the body was sent home to Eng land on the United States Hattleship Hrooklyn, "There was a ni Sing Senger 1872, with wedding here toe, during his times Sir Robert Brome ley married the thind daughter of Lord Paungetote, 1t was a very ime Jonant social event, Lord Paunces ole entertained splendidly, 1t made theme=the diplomatic corps--sit up and take notice, as it were, Brown's knowledge of Embassy afs fairs is not confined to the personal history of the wen who lived there He has Kept strict Account nN his Herbs, all Herbs, Gal her' s Keeps You Wonderfully Well work, play better, Mother Rak vl own good herba, vioh en Lown these are what Balter ood Tralee Ba Ey Ww ORE a No ) have a 5 yiekls to » = hs Sh yy N Nest al aber Hew Thompson 10 Sawcoo NOW, Nt, Oshawa diary of the treaties and conventions whieh had thelr origin in the house or paksed through the hands of the ambassadors, and he shows to the fuvared visitor, the walnut desk on whieh the first drafts of internation wl agreements were drawn In those days all the furnishings af the Embassy were walnut, the desk, the chairs, the closets for nen and elothes presses, It has all heen madernized now," he says, with & trace of vegres in his voice, "Here in the ball room were deep cushioned lounges Instead of these gilt chairs and sofas" Brown has no gomplalng to make of the twentieth century, hut he is obviously of the elder school The hall room is a beautiful eham her, graciously proportioned, hospi table and state ly, The chandelier one bright with 100 candles, has heen im woved with the invention of Thomas Rison It sheds its light over the great rug of taupe and rose brought from the Crystal Palace in London On. a table in a silver frame is an autographed portrait of Prime Min ster MacKenzie King, and a similar study of the Canadian Minister, Hon Vineent Massey 1s set atop the grand plano Showing the Immense walnut stale case in the entrance hall, Brown eon tnues talking rapidly and familiarly of all the persons and In the old Embassy, "It has heen a great pleasure for me in my own station to see 50 many gentlemen come hack us Ambassadors alter they have been here in other positions, he says, Bhi sme Howard who has heen Ambass idor here for seven years now, wis yeiurs ano as Counsellor" Of all the Ambassadors Great Bil tain has sent to the United States Bir Esme, everyone in Washington agrees, has contributed perhaps more than any ta the muintenanees al friendly relations between the na tions, The strength of his influence wis acknowledged hy Prime Minis ter Ramsay MaeDaonald in New York Cit when he sald" I have come to tates because of him," It is felt ta that Bir | moval of the doing herve £0 recent! the United } he a matter of regret will retire helore re Embassy te the new bullding His term as Ambassador ended time ago, but he was pursuaded to remain on until Febru ary next when he will retire fram the diplomatic service, 1t is hardly likely that the Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue will he ready for ageupaney hefore that time mi BOM RULES AND EXCEPTIONS (London Marning Past) The sacred doctrine of self-deter mination whieh is to he serupulously respected in India, in Egypt and In GE Natural Tone and Selectivity wethrough solid leon! stations, TEMPLE pleks ont the ane station you want! Without trouble = without distortion w= with TEMPLE'S superh natural tone ---------- walls of Temple Highboy S886, Tomple Lowhoy R848, Temple Radio Phonograph Combination $418, AN complete with tubes, EMPLE (Em ETONE io MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Simooe St, Ny, Oshawa Street on Chas, 1, Barnes, BE CAREFUL as fragile A hull will far so long snap! Ie Meker and you pet § new But you ean't replage yi evi you ean only preserve them, A Test in time Raves Bight J. W, Worl, Opt.D, EYEBIGHT BPECIALIAT far Jury & Lavell, Limited 8 King E Phone 3215 Your eyes are is an Kleetrie Bull burn bright! then ane i repudiated neerned and the Iran, Is to he as far as Palestine is of Arabs of Palestine, whose elaims are based are to he overbarne hoarse, toot and gi §ihle to eseape trom nelal all 1a on that doetrine, hy British tro tillery, It 18 impo the irony of that situstions--qa } 1st Government pledged ahove pacifism and self determination, em ploying the armed forces of the Crown to subdue a native population 10 Acquiescenge In an daney JIL] alien aseens ER RES oT Mme 85 N, Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITED 00 Blmeoe Bt, HB, Phone #00 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION CLOTHING ©0 a8 KING BT, W, Phone 8141 We Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTH LTD, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 8700 DISNEY.COTT AMBULANCR 87 Colina 8¢, Phone 1089 a EYESIGHT SPRCIALISY There will be an interru Service in O SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1920 From 7 Q'clock to 8,30 a.m, and from 2 O'clock te 4 O'clock p.m, In that section af the city from Emma Street on the South to Colborne the North Also Rural Lines for the purpose of making necessary repairs to high voltage lines, HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION awa on 4 Sten to Flt Local Manager

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