Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1929, p. 4

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PACE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 # % Gr Osha + An independent nevipsper pubiihed avery sliereser pw oncopt Sundays and legal holidays, ot Oshaws i Cenads by Mundy Printing Compan o M. Mundy, President): A olbted ¥d Audi Dupage ot rion, SUBsERIPHION FATES Delivered by sarvier, 156 » wask By mall In Canade ( Oshawa. sarviey delivery mits), $400 » J Wed Bibtas, 5.00 a el i TORONTO 'OFFICE The slaphone representative REPRESENTATIVES IN VU. B, Powers and Stone, Ins. New York snd Chicago ge THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN The people af Ontario have spoken Premier Forguson and Ms Conservative' followers will_haye gantrel ef the affairs of the Froyinge for wnofher four Years that 18, TF the new Tegleliture runs out is full term, By anoverwhelming mnjority, mpeh logger even than thd whieh Be Tad Jo the Yast Teghs!atire, Pre niler Ferguson goes back into power, upheld by a vote such as hasaeldom heen, paralleled in the history of the provineers Gertaln It 16 that ho government tver had such a majority as has been pravided. (or the government a8 a result of the voting of yesterday, Late last night, the retuens 'showed that he had se cured BO seats out of un total of 112, with the possi bilitys of adding sulll further to this total from. the pln seats In doubt ut that time, Tt was a smashing vietory, one which exceeded even the most optimistic expositions of the premier himgelly . 8» 1) If the eleotion result showed: anything, It showed thatthe people. of Ontario did not take the liguor issue in the election at all serfously, oF elle they are perfdetly satisfied with the system of government sale of liquor, +The former position seems (0 BEE most sound, for » It Is ngtiganble that even lp, many districts whieh C0 might be experted to give majoritien nuningt the sale £4 of liguor In a vote apart from polities, the Conserva WW tive forces won the day, and If & straight diquor BE plebiashie aware taken dn these districts, the result B00 might Raye. been quite © different The urban' centres were expected to roll up largo A Fetagwonm™ niniorities, tut the appositién pars Hey di have tapes of making seme dmpression on the government in the rural districts: Even these, hows aver, falled to show any tendency te change the govs Faraient, And No Ferran goes Bagh sirouper than ver, And the result, of course, nidhns (NEL Me Li i BOR ActpatnylAn the Batata bale, with hh ts iV promt' y the premler, to strenys then it, and make it more like a mea®re of real control, ' : SR . * i Ll The vote, however, does show that the people of Ontario have confidence in the administration which has been given by the Conservative government, and in the policies whieh were enunciated in the manis {onto inated by Premier Ferguson at the outset of the campaign, Thin is not surprising, The Ferguson government han given wand government durliy it tenure, af gMgedsines 1928 and Bas careled on polis oles whieh have been very watisfattory 16 the people of Ontario, No fault could be found with the polis oles lald down In the manifesto, since they are all in dine with the publicsapinion throughout the pros vines, and {ous wn hy In most directions, in the apaitieatees whigh weie Apued later by the Liberal Cand Progressive partie, The fallure. of 'the Tiberahi to hold even the total of seats they had in the Tast-Jeglalature must be diss appointing to Mr, Sinclair and his followers, Mi Sinclalr waged a courageous campalgn, setting hime self, almost singleshanded, against the forces of the whole Ontario cabinet, He had no outstanding sup porters in hs provinceswide campaign, but carried the burden for the whole Liberal party, Rven his opponents will admit that, In the face of great difils culties and tremendous handicaps, he fought bravely and hard, But fe failed to break the solid strength of the Conservative party, and he goes back to the fegialature as the leader of a smaller opposition group than ever, LJ - \ . . The Progressives fared evel worse than did the Liberals, (for the party was etically wiped ou, even itn leaden, Mn Lethbridgd golng down to defeat, Thus the Jask gemnants of wht wan once a United Fmers government in Ontalo passes out of the halls of the Legislature, \Vith only four members elected, the Progressives can Sardly be called even A party, and for all practieal purposes they will he lined on the apposition benches hehind My, Sin. clan, The people of Ontario have evidently litle use for third parties in the legislature, and by the tne that another election rolls around, the provinee will probably settle Back to the old twosparty aystem of government, The Progressives, of course, had only woh candidates in the Wo, #0 that in electing forty por sent wi thelr number they, in proportion, fared Aven better than the Liberals, ; L) * . . The people of Ontario have spoken, and while the « voawlt will be hailed as signal victory by the Cons . Wervatives, it is dowbtinl if it is the heat ahing for sith. 2 the proving or the Conservative party that there should be so great a majority the Jegislature, A Mong apposition is one of the esseltials of good government, and it would he wweh better fir bath the province and the government were it not so strongly entrenched in power, and were the opps » thon stronger The people, however, arc satished with the Conservative government, and it now rests with Premier Verguson and hig followers to refrain from using thelr huge majority In an awbeeratic man~ ety it to remember that oppositions ars useful snd eosentlinl, and have thelr proper part to play in the government of the provines, LJ THE SOUTH ONTARIO RESULT The election result Jn South Omarly was & good refldgtion of the result over the entire provinee, The redustion of Mr, Sinelir's majority by over a thou sind wis quite in line with the general sttitds of the peoples throughout Ontario, and showed, to some extent, the estimate which the electors placed upon the policies, of the (we parties, As wis the case In the last election In South One tario, the result in Odhawn was elose, and it was left to the outlying sections of the riding to give Mr, Binelaly his majority, Oshawa, however, did not give Mr, Mason nearly so large a majority as his follow« "fy expected, id this was 40 some extent responsible hor Mi, Singles majority, of over 1200 In the viding, The fightin Bowth Ontario, however, was strenus ously and eleanly fought, and both eandidates ure to be complimented on the eanipalgn, My, Mason made an excellent showing, and the fact that he reduced My, Binelalr's mujority by ever 1000 is due to the fact that lie Is so well known and so Wighly respected throughout the riding. Although defeated, he hus no reason to feel ashamed of his achievement of having reduced the Liberal lender's tajority to sueh an ex tent mE -------- THANKS The Oshawa Dally Times wishes to take the first opportunity of expressing Its thanks to all these who played i prominent part miglying the people of Osis awa and district so splendid u service on the election returns last slght, The snnounelng of returns ut the Armonrles, the extth editions of The Times, and the answering of thousands, of ealls by. telephones, could not hive been possible without the splendid coopera tion of many excellent helpers, and we wish to make due acknowledgement of this assistance, The servige of The Canadian Press on the provin celal returns wad unexcelled, uid set & new standard for speed in the gathering of returns, The collection of the returns from the 104 ridings was necomplished with sueh speed that by tensthirty only 'elght seats were loft, bn doubt, thus making a. new. record for prompltude In returns, This Canadian Press service, over the leased wire of The Times, made it possible to supply the people of Oshawa with an upstosthe minute service Thank must also be expressed to the staff of The Bell Telephans Gompany for is eo operation in the handling of thousands af sally, both In the assembling Of results and In the giving out of Information, The returns for Mouth Ontarle came In so rapidly that at B15 Ie Swan possible to announce that W, II N. Binelalr was sure of election, The Robert Blinpson Company and 118 eMelent staff of operators are also worthy of the highest praise for the manner In whieh they handled the telephone service through the nes, and The Thues wishes ospecinlly to thank them, The Chief Returning OMeer, A, VW, Jackson of Whithy, and the deputy-returning ofgers through ont the riding ure also deserving of the deepest thanks for thelr co-operation in making prompt re ports on the election figures, Ab the Armourigs, the lantern service was much appreciated, and for this The Times expressed thanks to the 8t, Andrew's United Churgh, for the use of its lantern, nd" to" Frank Maxwell, who operated it Thin expression of thanks would uot be complete without a reference to the staff of The Times, for not only the reportorial staff, which has labored under a heavy load throaghout the entire sampalyn, and cars rled the heaviest of the harden last night, but also the entire office staff and the staff of the meghanical department, worked Inte into the night satisfying the public desire for news of the elections The Times wishes to publicly express ita appreciation of the loyal support of its employees In this regard, Through all these agencies, The Times was able to give the people of Oshawa an election service of which it fs justly proud, and it believes that the eltis sens will appreciate the complete manner in which all phases of the result were covered, Ea ----... ' AN UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The last night 'of the elestion campaign provided the people of Ontario with an experience in the ans nals of electioneering, On that night, W, E, N, Sin clair listened in at Oakville on a speech being broad cast hy the Revi Canon Cody, speaking in support of Premier Fergyaon, and within a few minutes was broadeasting to the radio audience his reply, In els feet, the people of Ontario heard a debate between these two speakers just ax if they had both been standing on the same platform, Apart altogether from the clever politieal strategy of Mr, Sindlair's action, this marks a new epoch in the fled of radio broadeasting, It shows the almost uneanny possibilities of this new medium of coms munieation, and opens up vistas for interesting polis teal debatox in future election campatgns, *. EDITORIAL NOTES La] --------" . bi | ag Who were shorn in the stock mars kept we sulfered from nore than the cold weas Wen. dE TEs ' il} T------------------ Jerusalem' Bas itn Wailing 'Wall, but New York Ahese das Bay 1 wailing Wall Street, A wan at Coble was robbed just before his weds ding. But he'd probably have spent the money fools ishly anyway, The fact that no one under thirty can be a member of the Canadian Senate way dampen the ardour of many women who have hankerings after a seat in it, The stock market fx one of the things whieh cons Yhiets un that the Jaw of gravitation is still in operas ton, ' We wonder if Premier MacDonald, on his homes ward journey, is hoping that his peace mission will have "y effect on the waves of the Atlantic, The Soviet government is keeping its firing squads busy shooting those who Are agathst the government. Perhaps that 1 why the Canadian Communists are NOL anxtous to retwrn to the country they profess to love, Canadie never §énta boda Wen averseas of whem it has wore reason to be proud than the party of Victoria Cross holders on the way to England, Other Editor's Comments . BIMPLE ARITHMETIC © AHsmilton Spectator) yaar ng if! 6 months of this Wii red, cotlund Yard ted 1 de : 11 convie mur fi ast year, 1 nd 1 or sev pe Wittens ted A ards record i per cent, New p~ well, figure It ont. for yourself, INFLUENCES . AWashinlon Post) The Beeretar, tule row that the Unie Fe and Oren Britain are see to exert only 8 moral influence, and not & mi ung The Aupsiion that will be 4a of sourss lew ud ha h i vi ol ellogk reaty Shand fai to vie to the io moral Influence of Great Britain as the United States, Would the moral obligation end there, or would it call for 'more determined concerted notion in behalf of peace' TT PAT ON BACK (Hamilton Spectator) Ontario got 4 Jot of adverse Jub llelty from disgruntled tourists from the United States this summer, who nursed res) or funeled grievances, The complainers were overwhelm- ingly outnumbered, everybody knew hy those who thoroughly enjoyed thelr visits to Canada, but It was the hot eritlelsm that wis being glven the publicity, It Is therefore worth noting that & column In the Toledn Blade, of recent date, was devoted to the pleasures of a 2000-mile trip taken by the editor through Ontario and Quebes, His only criticism With that Canndians have not yet learned how to brew ¢offee, He found Cannes dian people yniformly courteous, our highways un delight to ride upon, our restaurants and hotels reasonable in thelr charges, Directional and warn ing signs, he declares, are perfect and, If thelr messages are obeyed, touring even on Reavily-traficked highways may be done with utmost slaty, | Bits of Humor The renson why some rich people wre stingy Is also the reason they are righ, MeTavish (at box oMee) "Wall ye kindly return me the amount 1 paid for amusement tax!" Clerk=Why, "slr 1" MeTavish="1 wasna' amused," Judge~"You are aceused of beat Ing up wh Instalment collector and two policemen," Prisoner="1 did It In a moment of weakness, your Honor" re Two men out for a day's Hashing rowed energetically toward the far shore of the lake, "Are the whisky and hoard 1" dked the ether "Yes," replied the other, "The Juncht" "You bet!" "The hooks and lines)' Search revealed that the tackle had heen left behind, "Well," sald the first speaker, af ter due reflection, "we'll have to get along as best we ean," CIRATS a The brilliant and eloquent Rabbi Wise, of New York, wid on his re turn from Europe "Promoters are promoting a tunnel from Gibraltar to Africa and a tun nel under the channel from England to France, but the autherities show an enmity towards these tunnels that Is foolish and harmiul, "The authorities, opposing a good thing, remind me of the hachelor whose gir) friend sald wistfully: "istatisties prove that marriage Is a preventive of sulelde" "Hotter still)! growled the bache Jor, 'they prove that suleide Is a pre. ventive of marriage' Bits of Verse I BY AN AUTUMN STREAM Now overhead Where the rivalet loiters and stops The bittersweet hangs from the tops Of the elders and cherries Ita bunches of beautiful berries, Orange and ped, Mliekering light, Come the last of borne, d patches of pale white corn the wind complain, the slow rustle of rain otieed by night, fhered and thinned 0 aentinel mullein looms, {th the pale, grey, shadowy plumes > the golden rod) nd the wilkweed opens its pod, pring the wind, Aloft on the hill, A eloudrift opens and shines Through a break in its gorget pines, And it dreams at my feet I a sad, silvery sheet Utterly still, All things that be Seem plunged inte traught, By some stern, necessitous thought: Lowraps and enthralls Marsh meadow and forest; alls Also on me. w Archibald Lampman, the leaves down of sllence, dias and Power fre Conquest=And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galllee: and there went out a fame of him 'Rough all the region round about, And he taught in their 1 RAR, being glorified of all Luke 4114, 15, That Pours % ames W. Darton, M.D. ou have seen a tragedy oecir in } 6, ind as you po tof the herunved one, and her luck of physi cal sirougih you have felt that she sold survive it, nd yet despite Voli weeping, confinement to bed through weal ness, she came through sll rlght, Her pluck and will power, her 1¢ Higlon also, muy have heen of help, but there is also something else tht wis bi factor, 1 often speak of how Nature keeps | ahend of your needs so that when emergencies arise you are prepared, When organismy enter the body, jour temperature rises so as to help wht off the organisms by keeping your hody warm, That there is always an exten sup ply of red corpuscles ready to pour out from the bane miurrow Into the blood, in gave of severe bleeding That the white corpuscles of the ately when ailment starts In your body, ature does very many of these things, and so when vou are In tron ble or distress or any emotional dis turbance whatever, she oulls upon your sympathetic" system to help you, Lhe sympathetic system, well nam ed, 18 an extra nerve supply to the VArious organs, As Dr Ww B, Cam eron polnts out "it finds Hs great sor vice at times of eritienl emergencios when It adjusts the internal orguns of the body to the extra demand put upon the system," One of the grostest aids and regu lutors is the juice of the adrenal glands whieh are gltunted on top ol each Ydney, As you know au few drops of wn very weak solution of this Julee, Injected mito the heart thst ha been stopped for some minutes, hus started it beating ny Under emotional distre the sym pathetic sy timulates the flow of this Julee into the blood, It lates the heart to sti [ thus bringing the tissues and what i portant, talking thelr from them, It Hkewise breathing and strengthen ton It is gratifying large symputheti ready when you need hel (Registered in necor Copyright Hin tem stim netion more nourishment equally im Wihsles way deepens the the dig that thi wlwuys to know tem Is with the 1 O Lord, our word, deliver ws from evil and empower us by Thy Spirit, ROGER D, LAPHAM, PRES]. DENT OF THE AMERICAN HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP CO, SAYS: FHAT cooperation and group ue tion have displaced uncontroied com petition and Individualism in oul modern business life, and the excep tonal efficiency of modern transpor tation agencies Ix mainly responsible for this, The history of transportation comes very near being the his tory of the human race, Core tainly its splendid advances are reflected In every phase of mod: ern life, As men ard brought closer to each other geographies cally through swift trains and steamships and, latterly, airplanes and meps, they are brought closer together in thoughts and idess which are the basis of action. When the eoucler und the sages coach were the most rapid means of communication and transport, each territorial unit had to be sufficient unto taelf, It produced what it was able to, and did without the 'rest, Dae day, thanks to the moder traisporiation, we have ters ritorial distribution of each section growing or manufactur Ing the things it ean best grow or manufacture, and rll and motor == lor a gulek and uninterrupted interchange of these product}, Society has been virtually made over by the development of the agencies transportation, the various arms of whieh are much more complimentary one te the other than competitive, and pach of which plays its part in weld: ing our business, social and polis tleal structure inte a single co: heoslve unit, The vehicles of transport and com munication are indispensable to mold ern civilization oduction and transportation are inseparable, A free movement of products from producer to consumer makes for the welfare and prosperity of all concerned, Ine terrupt this movement and everyone will suffer, Step it entively and our present Business and social structure would ba overthrown, I repeat that swift, dependable transportation has welded us all inte one great unit, Being a sin: unit we must act as a slngle wilt, and so it is that the oy of individualism has passed «= {t is as far removed as the ox team, the hand siekle, and the stage: esnsh, WITH A MYRIAD OF INVENTIONS WIPING OUT IERS, OGRARNICAL B SINESS, POLIT AND IAL ISOLAT VE THEREFORE NO "MANOR RUSINESS 13 BIG EAOUGH TO PLAY A LONE HAND TO. I ---- Caryl V, Hoffman, of South Da Kota, is the only woman State depu blood Increase In numbers linmedis development of production, J depending on the |, various agencies of transport==water, STNCY MARKETS RALLY STRONGLY Exchanges Will Be Closed on Friday and New York, Oct, 81 ~A gingantic concentration of thes ountry's mont powerful financial forces, headed by the J, VV, Morgan and Rocke feller Interests, threw sufclent buying support into the securities markets yesterday to bring about one of the most impressive rallies on record, This action effectively checked the waves of hysterieal selling which had washed away many bil Hons of dollars In quoted values, and threatened digester Lo many who had survived the terrific on slaught of Hquldation during the past week, Prices of scores of issues on the New York Mock Exchange and other lending wecurities markeis, and in the prices of bank stocks and other unlisted securities, To tn] sales on the New York ftock Wxehange were 10,747,820 wharves, which contrasts with Tuesday's re cord-brenking session of 16,410,000 shares, Totnl curb sales wers i, BOO,200 shaves, as against 7,060, 400 shares on Tuesday, Kxchange Will Close Governors of the New York Block xchange, apparently acting on the theory that the stock market orisls had passed and that gonfidence had been restored, ordered the exchange closed on Friday and Saturday, and delayed Thursday's opening from 10 wm, until noon This aetion wis taken, It was explained, to give thousands of exchange and hroker age house employes, many of whom wore reported to have reached » state of complete physieal exhnus tion as a result of the long hours of overtime In recent markets, an opportunity to obtain much-needed rast Mimilar notion was taken by the New York Curb Exchange and the Chicano Htoek Vxehange Closing of the exchanges was taken with the approval of the New York banks ) ing group, whieh had undertaken to provide an orderly market dur ing the reesnt period of stress Hunters In northeastern Pennsyl vanla predict the best hunting sen on in many Deer appear at farms nhd are hrowsing with the eat v8 well as visiting the nrodued i VERS Fit) YOU LHW |) ROWNIRE HR C blended: ty game warden in the United States, | DUE women are serving as assistants in Wyoming, Michigan, Now Jersey Florida and California, | 17 KING STREET tom EpRLng 4G ad osd Office: Retford AD WELLINGTON CR 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System EAST, OSHAWA 'Phones 143 and 144 TRE BREAKS OUT ON LINER AQUITANIA Blaze in Storeroom Extin guished With No Damage to Ship London, Oct, 80,.+Vire broke out on the Cunard Hner Aquitania In dock st Bouthampton Tuesday, The fire, which centred amid- whip, was reported extinguished within #0 minutes, however, "I'he fire started on the Aqul- tania about 20 minutes hefore the big Mner reached the dock at Bouthampton, The Cunard offices here sald the fire was In the storeroom of the Aguitania and had heen extinguish od hy the time the ship docked without damage, No one was injure ed and the ship expected to mall again on schedule, The Aquitanin sailed from New York October 24, The ususl num har of Americans were aboard, in J 2 ------------------ ARE ENN my, is a crowd. . LTR x Rowntree's York ey . she's you'll being a good supply with Rola yo cluding a group of girls from Bow ton JPWISH (O11 FF FORMALLY OPENS Montreals=Hpankors stressed the | meconrity for Jewish oulture In | Montreal at the formal opening of tha md sehol stile year of the College of Jewish Btudies at Tomple Hmanu-1l The nsession, which opens next Monday evening, continues until Mareh 24, The prineipnl of the college, Rabbi H, J, Btern, presided and Addresses were delivered hy mems- hers of the faculty, Including Prof Y ' Penal mal! Pahbi Julug Berger and Nathan Gordon, K, C, A. Bommer, through whose gener~ onity the Institution was made pos sible, nlwo wpoke briefly, pledging his continued financial support to the sehool, Lectures are to he given every Monday evening at 8,16 o'clock throughout the session, About 146 students have already registered for courses, The lecturers include Prof, Brodie Brockwell, Rabbi Ju~ Hus Berger, Nathan Cordon, K, C,, Iabbl Harry J, Wtern, J, Dension ana H, Rosenfeld, Prof, Brodie Brockwell will be lecturer on the Bible fn the leght of anclent monuments; MNabbl Ju Hus Berger will he In charge of the Jewish history and laerature ¢lawn dealing with 566 B.C, to mod ern times; Nathan Cordon, K.C, haw charge of the Hebrew law ¢lasy dealing with legal and social enacts ments of the Jews; Rabbi Harry J. Btern has the important task of teaching Judaism, its theology, he« Hefs, customs and ceremoninle; J, Neanison, Wehrew Viterature, cons versation and prose composition; H, Rosenfeld, slementary and cons varsationnl Wehrew, as well as in« termediary Hehrew, ESTONIA CO.OPS, GROWING Caosaperative hanking Is beeontiny a factor In Fstonln and Is branehing out Into other activities, Although { the country's financial organizations Yad to start almost anew after the World war the balances of 21 af its largest eo-onerntive hanks now total nearly $9000,000, The largest of these, the Fstonlan Peoples Bank, 55 member oreanizations, fers forming various aetivities, Thess Ine elude nine eentral eo-operative hanks 153 co-operative hanks, and 58 Buys Ing and selling, 14 dalrving, six mas chine users', three hultding, and one natate socletles, Another central Ins stitution, the Farmers' Central Bank, wis started last year, has 2 Frightening or shooting of game m an aleplane 1s forbidden in Cals . . --a] IIE NG AFA TON ECCT MILI everywhere, Put Rowntree's York Milk It makes good Such a food miser=--because it is so smoothly THE ROWNY. Non 1 ha ot & chances are she vd beter suk for » J MU Chiscoiateis & winner « QO, LIMI D TORONTO '

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