Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1929, p. 16

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miss THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, T HURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 i te id hd Manitoulin ran as a Liberal and was -- ici 0 OO Se h 0 Re ult hus an 3 0 Li fin Shs CONSERVATIVE : f SO as es n es & of Last Lambton was defeated, + + 2 Produce Prices in the In Provincial Election omnes, Commercial Markets || POLICY ENDORSED was elecied In Norfolk by a mar Jority of 1,844 over his opponent, rh v First Conservative N, Berry, Conservative, redeemed the | Wallace Magon, with two polling Government "Returned to A C i i 7 sal, ub-divislons stil) 1 | 0 fp 4 TORONTO HAY AND BTRAW Varsley, ver bunch iiien 00 p fn Iomlon pelurned Alas rose vats Haldimand Beil py A sill iH 0. Ber rom Whalen deers 10 Wer awd Wome gre fila re wi Na peo Power Pledged to Impro e 2 3 ' I in ¢ o ty ' £ 4 Wilson defeated 1, H. Kemp, former, Conservatives ---- pi vl gh RL, WR i= " | mons, por owe |. Moan 8 Liquor Conditions : SOLVAY OKE Progressive menbet, All Conservative members in Ham Fim hy, baled tom ver: 5,00 3 iiton and London were returned with ' Vote Was Lighter v & thiathy, baled on vu a0 HL Bulan, ob (ry ih Py 5 4) Lo Oct, i1- After nent! : Lethbridge: Defeated increpsed majorities, Toronto, ~The total vote in the (sie shEAw, per ton p00. Plants Doshet a panty to oronto, i ar at wth, baled, ton 60/0 00 1050 ( a | threes years of Government conti J 6, Lethbridge Progremive leads RE hag de! Tovento ridings was 150,187, ] "Na, t Timothy loose, is quoted at $19 (0 Fp, hi Has bi il and sale of Hquor, the majority o eo fet defeat est Middlesex, Only Four Left while the total In the preceding | ver ton delivered, , b Qt pi diiiien d {| the people of Ontario appery sat Only four Progressives withstood | Provincial election with Govern : TORONTO PRODUCE Honey' Dew els, ehel ' S| fled with thig solution of the THigus : 0 t HO 1abs Waichel Nosed Out the onslaught of (Le Conservative | ment 'Control 'as the issue, wag| Teenie Wholessip dealers Are altering pro re at the following pil | Quinces, 0 be degrrerann 07 | question Introduced by Premie 4 p ( etal dea hy ( WW, G, Weichel, former Conservas campaign: 100,144, The figures were, 1024, Gap! Dds Cranbercies, ate ioe 08] G, Howard Verguson three your tive thember for Waterloo North, r-- Government, 1b, R00 Opposition, akg mliesh, extias in carions, boi [renh | et-- ago, His government, returned | | as nosed x in a three-cornered Won Liberal Seat FO0,840; 1020, Government, 07,481 Se ST xiras A0c| firsts, j00] we: TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS to power In 1024, on this platform | |B ht hy 5. C. Tweed, Liberal eandi-| One Independent Conservative, J, | 168] Opposition, 41,0885, cond, 30 Cal dealers on the "toronte Boned of Vgtogd, he declared, ready to fall date in the ridin Bt. Denis, won the former Liberal Ep Butter=Na, | creamery, prints, Ado; No, | rade "foe! Ma fhe Jollowing ayetstions | on Mie verdio, of the people Hn seat of Prescott, "Majority Unwieldy" Br oe flog fing ot 1.05] ern, $140 140 No, 4 Northern, $140 1:4; | expressed in yesterday's general Homuth In Again ve Parento="With his unwicld wi | telpletn, Bde; ations, 476, OM. Tar wet No! a wan No, 4,808 1d; Nea 8 $2 | oleati A sil Ll i : ( ) - wieldy new plete, Hoi & y #7 farge, # TR hati LIU hi by A eqgtion, HA rosu 16 govern & Despite attacks by his former La- Ne Prohibitionists In following, Ferguson will now hav twine, 9, 1 1eBes riplets and elits, go, oldf Lai No Way. parte y eed, lb Godt ment is elected for another term | |B TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES bor supporters, Karl Homuth, Con: All Prohibition candidates were de- | nore trouble with his own people | UF Manitoba oute=Nu, | feed, 68 1.2; No, ¢] with a greatly increased majority, | (EB . wervative alien, was returned in| feated, nig thin he ever had with the opposi Mickens, 5 1h terennnnee A feud, ot.4:q0, No: 8 yellow, $1.08. (all In Wis campaign, Mr, Ferguson INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY Waterloo South with a large majors m-- tion," declared Senator James 1H, 1438 4 he Hinut rll, deliveiad, Totomie felts) promised to maintain, strengthen "yy Ow vg rere Spence last night, "He will have too | De), under § 1h 0, Millfeed, delivered, Montreal frelghts, bags | and give stability to the control of A E---- Toronto Still Tory Many seits It will not be good for Hens, over § 1b8, ives " "he ] included ~ Ban, fie ton, $05.35) shorts, per | Lhe sale of Hguor and to improve Da, 4 10 § Ibs, ' rn dled tony, BAL05 0 middie, #425 the legislation enacted afler the seives Lose + Taronto,~Once more Conservative | the provinee of Ontario or the Con vi : Roth pH iid [ridings were | Toronto has fulfilled its political tras | sopyative party elther, i HH] harley, 70 ie. ay Bi ol Kwheat, fie | 1080 election In the "interests of A wrested from the Progressives by | ditions, Routing all opposition, the y A TG, PROVO ity ve blo jap section in soe' iy of) 5 Conservative candidates, Conservatives yesterday made a elean Hoss Had Close Call Taronte wholesale dealers are quoting the CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES respongibility of the government, A sweep of the 18 city ridings and the Woodstogk,~"The Conservative | following prices to the Iradei Riv heals Chi ago, Oot, MH, Fhe spot oi athe The Liberal leader, W, 1, N, FE . J ele un ons 1] i |] . H| and Redeemed four Yorks, candidate fn North Oxford, John | Sime medium 4 to Bei cond totom, 0 | ons woihanked: raters are walling 1s | Bineluir, X,C., promised to consult | [8 TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES : A bieaklast baoon, Hamilton ~Scene of one of the ---- W,. Hales, gave the Liberal-Fros| 26 vi back, peamenled, 3 to 406 oh take all offerings of fancy fresh and are] the people on the question in u hitterest fights in Ontario, Dr, R, Increased Majorities gressive candidate, D, M, Ross, the wpked a to i Rand 20 2 buying it oh "noun of refrigerator, Ihe | plabineite when there was a de a ym 1 jor ' 4 ured meats=Long clear bacon, 50 (0 lecember futures apened up |, Advance . 3 -- Hamilton Increased inaloritics | gid member, one of the greatest | a. siies 10 to 90 [, t301 80 to 118 Mas | bens Iatkely the result of favorable siatis: | 8nd for u tent of the weniiment were registered In every riding when | patiles ever fought In Oxford, cuts | #le, Heavyweight rolls, 40a, Lightweight valls | tics released yesterday on the six markels y fie to reports of colder weather, Sup: | bridge, Progressive leader who wil | seaman a a ayaa three Hamilton and two Wentworth | , i lao due [¢] ing a majority of some 1,600 hun- N fat, i A ng 1 ( . . 4 Tard Pure tierces, oi tubs, Yor pails, | part at opening was not great enough to : il ' RE IRIN seats swung into the NSCLVALIVE | dyad in the Inst election down to | 17) wrints, 18 to 19, Bhortening teroes | wusiain valies, however, TY i TY defaated In Middlesox west, plod:| ooo qi Props wires; one minut Demund for men with training in column again in the provincial elec | 4g 14 10 ther tubs, 14 Ldo; pulls, 130) ting, 170 | alipped back 4 ¥ § he i | 50d to hold wu plebisoite within u ( ¢ v ) y WATCHES : tion { Md to dat v b3ei ting, slipped bi be dR 1 A [J th ot bitte Rs Hoth were opposed to the later the Hest poll came dn from | game propagation and game keeping OUR BPECIALTY Er -- L Hi % $361 N York i ae | Market wan sharply lower again today and | Ld ) Lhe eant county, followed in seven mine | has reduced the number of students {vi 4 WW 1 ' ork loins, Sei New York shoulders 26] weak Liquor guselion belug Involved in . » : 44d 4 1 Jour watch is not glv oe Majority Reduced Victory Was Vxpeeted Lode) pork butts, 23 1:20; park hams, 26 1.4 Range of Prices politionl campaigns utes by the hrst conceded seat, Hunts | at the Game Conservation Institute satisfaction we can repair P ord, ~The viet pv Prev, | V ' | 0 45 p loss than | at Clinton, N : hr gain Orangeviller ~~ Whils Dr. GH, Rrantf rd The viet iy of Hon th Conn. Miah Tow Close Prev. Mr. Ferguson, opposed to vied ion West, At 845 pm, Jo 7 A a inton |, to sugh an extent Campbell Conservative candidate H, €. Nixon, Progressive in Brant TORONTO FARMERS MARKET Nav, new 0,005 O,0086 0,980 5 0.384 0.304 | tcites as violations of the consti-| WY hours after the polls closed, the P'that It has become necessary to form / 'leounty, wad expected and looal The following ave auotations, retail, in] Dee, rely , 040" 0A0" 0.398 0.9 0.054 | (utton, sald he® wes prepared to | © unadinn Press was able to concede | a new class In October, Requests me : ; [t ful lefe ' ) D. J. BROWN Was Wn iicpces Bronibitionis: is. kJ Conservatives felt that in keeping elect oh the Bt, Lawrence market, Toronto Witter dio mtt mies ROGET tho eral ab Ly laasaPRle the return of the Ferguson Govern: | for the services of students have ; ; ) it ) y oe , 0.80% 0, ind 0,308 0,304 ] ad Abin THR JEWELER ceeded in. reducing a majority of 1349 | Mim to A majority of 400 Willlam | pel00SRE, 0p dosen : 070] Jan 0.9914 0 "iA 0 Jig 0.9905 0d | if they were dissftistied with the | Ment come from State game commissions, Official Wateh Inspector for down to 78 \ A, Douglas, making his entry into | Da, firsts, per dosen iii / ---- liquor polley the Conservative | . At 1030 pam, the results of all the | sportsmen's organizations, operators Canadian National and Osh. ial the political field nganst a seasons Ho putlet, hb RAL , 9 EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK party hag adopted Ho believed | 114 constituencies were known, ex: fof commercial game farms and Indls y wy wine " \. ' [ 1 awa Ratlroads Signal Victory ad opponent and one of the strong ad Rn al 1 ; Fast Thuffals, Oct, 30. Heceipts of hows, | {vue temperance and sobriety sould | €6pt seven in doubt, where the con | viduals with private hunting grounds, 10 King St, W, Phone 180 . est of the Progressive candidates ruite and Vewetahles 1,600; holdovers M07 fairly active, 10 to teat wis clone OF the Hiding Was fur | Seems . | St, Thomas ~One of the first slg . «| above 'Tuesday's average; bulk, 16 Lest be achleved by education In . nal Conservative victories in Western rar Carrate, bushel a is ths, $10 to $10.107 few at 810,15; 140 the homes, the mchools and hie | VeAtter d, and one gongtituency a Ie Ontario was that of Dr, H, 1. Davis, ! Communtata Routed Ontona, dry, 11 ai. basiel | ie $0.50 10 0 packing sows, Wh35, to ohurohen the election hud be on def ted, M E cs 7 y '{ 4 -- B taken hy Gog, basket " 43 eee Cat 0e fo) [ hh Woquarter to 1 big crowds gan over I, Blake Miller, Liberal, v AIORL A, 16. VOtes , y gutter Krades, B.48 1 $6.7 8, 8 | : ral ho hy the two Communlsty eandi Cabhage ,,, Her 3 3]: ulter grads Bo ) ul y hy ih ered In downtown loronto street represented the constituency' of Kast Califlower 050 {| ers strong to S00 higher good tp chology Hi, Elgin in the last house and who is an dates and the free-speech nominee | Splnach, peek ., ' 0 | wed sparingly te $17.50 were streaming home with 4 pretty A in Bt, Patriek's could have heen | Mushrooms, per pound ooo i Receipts ul sheep, HO] lambs isady ain JN wceurate Iden of Just what had hap v ON fn Ma | | - ww ' ungompramising prohibitionist Leal lettuce three lor ol tity only falri i pene ' "NOTHING a tf carried fn a very small hat, Tim | fend Teituee. 2 for : 5 | medinm and strong weights, 811,50 to $13.4 South Perth Reclaimed Buek had the most, 802, in Hell: | Fatatoes, bay ono FER] throwouts $10 10 HO.30; fat ewes, $5.20 to Ihis achievement was due in part Don't think If you have ena Numbers, of, of ho St, Marys~South Perth was re- | Woods; TO, Rims In Hracondale fh Thegt, BAS eens: 060 MO HG i ---- ) J to excollont stuff work by the Cane f oon vou must suffer with & nums pure od 4 adian Press, Its members, the Ontariu dows from ey claimed to the Conservative cause | had 200, while I, HW, Knowles, Ir, tive candidate, 'Mr, Tweed, the tlontst candidate fer the Grenville : . it A ber of these ugly, painful blem- sald they W when David Bonis, Conservative ma- | the Bt. Patriek's Independent. | pena won hy (he small majority | seat in yesterday's election when "9 all NEWaDA I in y brig . shes, DR. PETTIT'S BY SALVE, re a0 y ate ' 3 0 stufls 1 pl also to 4 the Je yor of Bt, Marys, swept this riding | labor-F'ree Speech oandidate, had | op gag over Mr, Welchel he polled u total of 4448 votes, In | Election Returns Were Coma | ji" (000 cration by the Canas | 486d 120 years, instantly essen the pain, reduces swelling and in & threescornered fight and gained | & grand total of 128 doing #0 he Inoreased by almost y ' ) a majority of 1246 over A, A, Colqu : FERGISON HAS a full thousand votes the majority piled With Remarkable gla Pudific Kallway 3siegt ihe abd quickly restores the eyeMd te ity of the electorate, and J, G, Leth houn, Liberal, his nearest opponent, Liberal Wins Neat which he was acoorded over his \ original healthy state, Makes tired, ---- Nin hese I'he greatest politi Prohibition ist candidate In the Speed to Nne-up oy i irae of these ty inflamed eyes beantiful-=bright as Only One U, F, O, Left onl Tight In recent years took place 1080 electon, James RN, Donaldson ht 4 ! dh, iy of a | dlamonde, 800 and B06 a u & bose Wrst! dm Teraptnd Of the phalanx of Units | In North Waterlon today and as @ The Rey, Myr, Bradley polleq 2 Toronto, Oct, J.-The Canadian able, while weather conditions were Lovell, Ltd, 8 King a Band tise hoe 4] § ie mad od Farmer members who swept into | raeult this constituency went over 191 votes Press last night established a record | 49 about priest all drug stores, pe Sh power in the landslide of 1919 only | from (he Conservative to the Lib . ' sme in eleaning up the Ontario election: ----- " " bk ¢ a * Write fox one is now left in the Ontario legis. | eral column, due to the fact that President Von Hindenberg, aged | The polls closed at 7 pan, Eastern Fhe propagation of pike por " A 0 PETTIT'S lature, Farquhar Oliver retained his | the former's vote was split hetween Prescott, Oct Th Premier 4, 82, President of Germany, 18 an ne Standard Time, Twelve minutes later Jolow plke a a K onsin for the past seuson MH A 4 L IDAY Fimiteu | seat in South Grey, There were two [ W, 0, Welchel, the offiolal Conger: | Howard Ferguson piled up a ma | tive hunter, After climbing a moun: | the result of the first poll, from Tops Erake ell apd hen 300.000.000 : Company | other United Farmers in the last | vatlve candidate, and Dr, J, | jority of more than 2000 votes | taln in fog and rain In Bavaria re-| onto High Park, was flashed across | YFoKe all records, 300,000, : were distributed from nine Slate } Rr 6 ------ 16 Jackson St HAMILTON house, but one, Thomas Farquhar of | Heit, the independent Conserva-| over Rev, TT, H, Bradley, Prohibis | cently, he bagged two chamols bucks, | the country from coast to const over hi \ MLCnerion, tas a __ " = N - mm = a OSHAWA'S STO Use Your Credit ' Men's 2 Fant DRESSES FOR EVERY : It pays tO Like Cash y- Boys SERGE Suits OCCASION : fk Charge it A particularly smart group of misses' satin * I " Ry A ll dresses of extra heavy quality, handsomely 4 i ! Your own weekly terms bons Boma cra hy (8 0 Suits Sizes $32.50 | fm ibvei 5 g 508 | ang " a adaes new winter \ J vi if MEN'S WORSTED SUITS 4 Men S Coats with large pointed 14 A wonderful selection of Men's two Women 8 Dresses 3 / Here is. & goud' opportunity io cuffs to mate pant suits in smart pin stripe designs, Practical styles for 5 i © secure a first class all wool navy Roa --------C 1 , ey double breasted $28.00 J omens wear" wa : | Chinchilla coat with half belt 'at tevesting models, in " back and lined with high grade LITTLE WOMEN'S : canton or flat orene, WN ' plush over flannelette, COATS : : atl a oN Made to fit without alterations I extra well finished ' Ag it defile / RA 0 VER C OA TS Ly $17.95 of i : $25. 00 llr wud $9000 {[ : cuffs, 3 ! S---------------------- BOYS' OVERCOATS : BROADCLOTH 4) | For the little man, We are showing a amart double : | 2 NEW GUARD COATS COATS breasted chinchilla coat, wool lined through $9 05 V i : 1 Young mo woappy Unique styles in the new flare : out, Very special value .\..... 000 1. wit: #2 wool coat models in Misses' and Women's 2 to To Voy r : -- <4 check designs, Coats of distine« thon. AL mally fabrics of bron: FOR BIGGER BOYS OF SCHOOL AGE J Ih "wade fF FEARS Lo Em tie wpe ot 439 Bf) Specially priced My ay Stam any | An extra quality chinchilla coat in a wide $12.95 Al RDO selection of new models on sale at , , , , INDIVIDUAL COATS 4 A YOUTHS' AND YOUNG MEN'S coats | | ZS Ww BLUE CHINCHILLA COATS A host of charming model coats em. In every conceivable style, extra well $16 50 --- High grade tailored coats in soperfine quality of all wool the latest New York styl . ' A BY ide that Ty. y tailored garments, Good value, .... . Shinehille febeiow in. lip one guard models in sizes to fit avery | figure. COUPON | Tailored Coats Clothes Brush - FREE! rk teamiane Soleition 0} " itive Oa. Tron haat 4 parthmse, Meauitul 23% PHONE maar $ 3 5 00 to fit overy figure, Fabrics NAME, 17ers sao | 67 SIMCOE ST. 28 | LESTER Ad ADDRESS LE EEE EE I ER x , Avenue hd sign coatings,

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