Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1929, p. 15

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PACE FIFTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 THE CIASSLEIED S 362s" where Mr. Buger AN HV). meets CTION.. . Seller p-- » ¢ : Legal ONAN ANNIS, BATTTSTINS Hors, othiles bli, fre fon, {J Ww, Offices of Bimeos Bt. Bout, we, one 4, OG, D, Conant, Ay LL, hb} A y, Annis, B.A, bollcitor, Notary 'Publie Convey. sneer, Money to loan, Third floor Alger Building, Opposite Post one 299 y CLATR, RT. BANK rh AN; BA =~ rister, icttor, Notary Publie, Con- vevancer. Money to loan, Office 141 King St, Last, Oshawa, Phone "5 dene one 837, A BIOWTON""AND Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, ete, Office over ftandard Bank, Kutranco Bimeoe Bt. Phone 18, 1, V, Grierson, K.C,, YT. K, Creighton, BA, N. ©, Fraser, 1A, x AN, olicitoi, Notary, over tore, Money to loan, itreet north, Phone 67, Mm Qowiand's 16 Bimeoe Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR Butane. ete, Money to loan, Alger Ide, Opposite Post Office, Phone A il CH, _Flald GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR vistors, Solicitors, ete, 24'4 Simcoe o 3100. Money. to loan ALEX CO, HALL, IA, BARRIS ter, oto, Conveyancing and general ractios; 84% King Bt, Kast hone 8837, (if) Medical DW, TRICK, PIT /ST clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Speelnl references to maternity work and di senses of women, Two years' post radunte experience, Office and rex once 167 Simeoe St, N., (cor, Brock) gp a ' CRAY PHVEICTAN, SOR eon, Aceoucher, Office and resis ence, King St, Ilast, corner Victoria [|] Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of Infants end children, Office and 97 Bond Fast, Phone 1158 DR, B, J, HAZLEWOOD, PUYSI clan and Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Elegtros theopy, Office, Hw Block, Phone 2080 Ofey open 9 am, 0 pam, R at, Phone 2116 DR, ALVIE STEWART, JSUR- geon, Obstetrician, physician, Special attention to surgery, Two vears ele: n months post graduate experience, ospital, St. Bartholomew's and St. ary's Hospital, London, Royal Ins rary, Edinburgh, University Hos. pital Yor in, Office 142 Simeee Ht sldance 3104, i + MD, CGM, RC P and 8 ldinburgh, siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simsoe $t, N, Phone J020 1 St, 1, Phon: , ARCH , M.D: ka R, eX & 8, Edinburgh, Physlelan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special ats tention ta maternity work and dis ses of ren, co and rel ence, 188 Simcoe St. North, Phene R. C. CARR, PHYHICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Oftice and vos! ones; B18 Bimeoe street north, b. Prous 2 : (Oot, #+1 mo) RI BT SS TW Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ol, 00 LO0R rect West, Toronto, will he " his office over Jury & Lovells Ig Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pan, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat nly, Appointments may be made ul Ug Sto hone 97, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1) E TF RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hours 10 to 12am, 2 to venings by polntment, | Office phone 2600, enidence fier -- 3. J, PHILLIPS, OVER HAS. i Kath attention to Kerty \ extraction, urge in Ale Joh Wo one 959. House 1312. . M, ORI, x orth, over Mitchell's or extraction, R LE. HUBBELL, DENTIST, trous oxid oxygen eas for extra. ns, Office, Royal (Mank Bldg ne residence, 1378M, R J. F. BROCK, DENTIST 18 imeoe St, Ny, over Dewland's one 1957. Res. MW, Evenings by R W, MN GIFFORD, OFFICE egent Theatre 'Bldg, Phone 1780, ne 9 : ) Speelal at BR An Fh St, \ extraction and X-ray antion in attendance, Phones 1 ER BROWN » Y \ Drug Store, 84 t " PY. BL PRCA: t, exclusively in musolg anomalies 1 Author of eo, Eye ealghit lassen ye " in Your Eyes vg Nn th, optompty Feature Service, The Child tg Develops t. Disney Reook, Opp, PF O, one 1618, (Oat, 22-1 mo) omestic animals, al, 203 King west, \L| machines overhavied, repat gery Hros, i | ERT and. paperhangers, only 3 food 20 Engineering and Surveying BPONEVA A io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. oers, #ub-divis 3 fom planning, municipal engineers, 365 or 411 King , Phones r Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING §T fZast, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim- con street north, Phones 210] and 10 #7 Celina street, Qahawn, Corner Brute street, Ambulance, Phone 82, Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- ost Vire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re putahle a Companies, WHEN VDACING INRURANCH consult M, N, Johns, #0 Bimeoe north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro- fected, Transportation ORTOTRU AND BYORACE, COLE: man's, #6 Bond West, Bpecialists in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving Van bquipmont, Phone 88, CANTAGEH, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phen 8 and gap Smith and Cox, ond St 4 ESTAR Park Road distanee Park RA OSHAWA'S « OLDEST lished furniture movers, enr age, Locs) and long Frank Cowles, Prop, 63 South, Phone 216, (Oct, 10-1 mo) WANTED=TRUCKING OF ALL kinds, Carting or woving, Phone 2060W (Oct, 19+1 mo) ---- ---- EAGLE CARTERS AND LONG distance movers, satisiaction gUArans teed, quick sewvice, cheapest in Osh awa, Phone us first, J202 (Det, 29-1 mo uv a Beauty "Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANE wave, Special $5 and $7.50, Finger wave and shampoo 3 Facial 78¢. Halr cutth g 25¢, Phone 2008 or 86 Simeoe North WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina 5t, We spe- clallge In ladies' hair cutting, mars celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone S003, (Oct, 10-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL 50¢, MRS Everette Bell, Apt, V, Edward Apart ments, Quehie it, For appointment 32605, ee phone (Oct, 8-1 mo.) Building FOR SALE -- SAND, GRAVET, stone and black loam, $1060 a vd For quality and service 'phone 1s Supplies of this nature, and collect for same. "Times" Classified Teleph All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone eall will bring a messenger who will recelve the advertisement ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results one 35 For Rent VOUT "AND ive RoONED MOD orn suites, including electric refrig. eration, 'stove, laundry, conven. ances, eto; continuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 8671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. IA4.,, manager for owner, Toronto, (2741) Modern ¢ouvenlencen, $40 and up, Apply Jury & Lovell, (8641) TO RENT ==PRIY ATH 3-WOOMED apartment over Ledger's Store, next to Karn's Drug Store, Pos session October 1, Apply Mrs, V, L. Henry, 28) King St. East. Fhone 16, 021) APARTMENTS TO RENT--MOD- orn five rooms and bath with elec tric stoves, grates and every con~ venience, First or second floors, Cuse Joma, 161 King Bt, Nast, Oshawa, (hoe) TO RENT-VIVE ROOMH AND bath, ground floor, All conveni- ances, also garage, Centrally lo- cated, Apply 00 King St. East, (1000) TO RENT=ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished, ceptral, all conven lences, sultuble for light Housekeep- Ing, Linmediate possession, low rental, Apply Be King West i (101¢) FIVE ROOM HOUSE, PARTIAL convenlences, $15 per month, phone 3284 M (1011) Rates for | Classified Ads. First losertion-~114 cents per word, Minimum charge 80¢, Bach subsequent consecis tive insertion 16 per word, Three consecutive fuser: tions for thy price of two first \nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions, 60 cevts, Pox number 10e additions) Professional or Business Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 wordy or fown; 10 cents a word per wonth for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONY 88 Ask for Classified Ad Department Real Estats for Sale | or ---- A -- wo m-- a -- _ $4200, $400 cash, balance like rent, new, Attractive, five lovely, bright rooms, oak floors throughout, chests nut trim, French doors, coal mantle, plenty clothes closets, spacious bulls in kitehen eabinet, also broom closet and ironing board, white tiled and enamelled kitchen, three plece baths room, inlaid linoleum on floor, built- in medicine cabinet, one mirrow, full sized cellar, guaranteed furnace, laundry tubs, wired for stove, plenty hase plugs, ten minutes from GMC, offices, might consider renting to young couple, Phone 3067W. (101g) Articles For Sale WIRED HARD AND SOIT WOOD plubs, $3.50 per load, Also hone dry body wood Waterous Meok Limited Phone 1268 (Apr, 2011) FOR BALEL-~HEINTZMAN CO Ltd, planos, new and used plano Also radion, Iatest wodels; tera arranged. Apply C, Trull, Phone 66nd, as (11118) FOR CAREFUL BUYERS, 5 Men's Indigo blue sults, extra heavy, high class tallored, cheap at $3 Must raise ensh for this week $25, sees 36 to 40, Engel, 21 Bond West (1011) Work® Wanted RI-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER: fields made to order, We save you money, stimates free, G, A, Cons stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1508) (5010) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for. and delivered, 75 cents, If ren: wl supplied $1, Batteries repaired Stan Hdwon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1686W, (Oct, 10-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DI liverad 780," rental 2hc, and the entire electrionl system of oar re: paired, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phoue A118w, Oot, 11-1 mo) AUTO BODY AND TRUCK RE. pairing, Metal bumplpg, 1 handle the Kider Bullt Bodies, Bill Fry, 40 Bond Went, Oshawa, (Oot, 1061 mo) 332 ring 11, - SLOCKS FOR SALE- nee To Insure prompt delivery, place oo ders in advance of delivery date, Rorrowdale, Phony 1618 Music PUPILE ACCEPTED Instructions, Mrs, Berpy, Phone 1166, IN VOOAL (Dr,) Grant (Ooty 1+1mn) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, lo. ronto) pupils prepared for al exams, Oshawa, Wednesda 92 Simcoe St, v R FRANK OONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teach: ors, 18 In Oshawa on 'Thursday afternoons, Ktudio §0 Elgin St, ¥, Phone 780M, (Oot, 4<1mo) MRS, T, ROOKLEY PARKER BO. ! prano, will accept pupils for singe ing, volee culture, eto, Phone 1004, 228 Bruce Bt, (Oct, 1+1mo, CHONARD RICHER ATM, Director of Muslo, Oshawa Collegl. ate apd Publlo Bohoo.s, Studio, 30 Westmoreland, Phone 2084J, (Oat, 10-1 mo) ET Money te Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, I press loans arranged, Parkh Feld. Barristers, ete, Alger Bldg, Phone 1614, Watch Repairing WA VO Swiss watchmaker, repair #4 King Street. West ronage is soliel ado ce RADIO HRRVIOD "AND ACORN: pories, Repairs on eleatrie and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tested. DNatterlea recharged, rental supplied §1, Phone 10406), Charles Wales, 140 Elgin B (Oct, 8-1 mo) Caulking WAVE "ALL TREVOSE AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastle cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost ls small, Free estimates, J, H, Law son, RR, No. 2, Oshawa, Phone T28e ti, Nov, 4-1 mo) "Painting and Decorating & CUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS FA fothangen painting and on at Your pats Plue Ave, C J \ first class Re Ruaran yours oxs e, Prices reasonable, phone (Oct, 12-1 mo) writers a and rebuilt, My work ls guaranteed, You don't pay until you are sat isfled. Dealer In all kinds of reo bullt typewriters, Calvin Billott, 281 Arthur Street, Oshawa, Out, Phone 889W, (0g, 4-1 Mo.) TA. ices hg "vorkt raded "38 \ A A Hemstitching NINK CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- od Hkirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of beautiful fancy work on sale, Mrs, Dell, 80% Sim. ons Mouth, Phone 16F) (Oot, 18:1 mo) "Public Stenographer MATTE N JTON, street north, Phone 1600, Bpeuial rates for mailing lista and oiroular (Oot, 26:1 mo) er ------ -------------------------- Th ------ RECOND HAND DEALER, FUR. piture bought and sold, 188 Bloor St, East, Phone 1017M, (tr) a. } SS NS... Home Cooked Moats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples, hot or oold, brawn, cakes and pastries, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 28731, (77t) Siu - , electrie or altera for estimates 1 pha colored. and samples, ( 1+1 mo), Hv BLOCUTIONTST OPEN TOR BN Ost. ), | gagements, Miss I, Dewhirst, Phone [ Motor Cars URT YOUR AUTO PART 3 eekly sell hristmas associates, from 1 Imperial ton y adding $500 Art 13 al LL) nificent free sample X rt Manufacturers, §1 Wels West, Toronto, Coat Repairing GRT READY FOR WINTER Gonts' overcoats repaired and ale tored, ladies' fur conta relined and repaired, "Talloring" your own material made up, Address 13 King 8t, W, (over Cannings), Cal and deliver, Phone 0508, (Oct, 28-1 mo) a ---- Books NORERTERAWE = CIRCULA brary, You will enjoy reading the latest Fiotion at minimum cost, Phone 1472, 37 Simcoe 8t, North, (TWF 8 (I) -------- TR Help Wanted---Female WANTRD housawork, References reguired, Apply 208 Bond St, Nast, ; wanted, Must know the work, Ap ply Commerelnl Hotel, (1080) housework a thoroughly experi enced girl, None other need apply. Good wages, Two in family. Ape ply 152 King St, Bast, Phone 31%, MOVING SALE OF BICYCLES bieyele stock, and autemobile tires, Big reduction, cash or terms, Kvery« thing must be sold, 82 King Strect west, (Oct, 29 1 mo) 23 MENTS BLOT OVERCOATS made of the best melton eloth fully plush lined, Cheap at $25 Must raise cash, $15 for this week, Engel 21 Bond Wet il cin at (HI) FOR NALE--T QUERNC COOR stove with water front and fittings for connection, $20; 1 desk, 1 kit chen table, 1 beds 1 lawn mower, Apply 217 McKim Htreet, (101¢) FOR BALE LADY'S WINTER coat (Brown), alee #8, 307 Kings dale Ave (1010) GOOD (OAL HEATER AND Couch for practically new Phone 2466\V, ___(102¢) VOR SALE--KITCHEN CABINET in first glass condition, also Simmons Day bed, Phone 28831, 45 Arlington Ave, (103¢) FOR BALE UNDERWOOD typewriter, 1lrat class condition Very small prige, Phone 1860, (1080) FOR BALI 0 PINCH DINING room suite, solid oak, Player plano and Hbrary table, Phone 10560) (108¢) IE ition Wanted -------------- A ------ PRACTICAL NURBE, DOCTOR § reference, open for engagements, Maternity or general nursing Helps with housework, Phone T4IM (081) sale, Auctioneer PHONE 716), W. I. SULLEY. auctioneer, M6 Simcoe 8, 8. We can sell vour odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our wsards, 41 King St W, Oshawa Ontario SW, CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 530 Simcoe Street 8, Phone 250IM, Oct, 25Nov, 25) and Foun A LOST = CLUB BAG DILTWEEN Oshawa and Newtonville, Friday night, Please phone 1587\WV, Robie) ¢ Elocution OR ION ND acoesnories at the Clty Auto Wreckers, 16-17 Pond street west, Phones 2080W or 3448W, (Oot, 26-1 mo) 028 CHEV, 3J0ON TRUCK, PER. ect condition, gone 3600 miles, Cheap for cash, Terms, Jol Drew 3 (10g&¢ y I, COVER. od approximately 6000 miles, Full factory preventive service inspoo- tons, Running beautifully, Factory executive sacrificing cash or terms, Phone 80686, (104n) For HOUSE NEAR HAMILTON, $3000, will exchange for Oshawa property, 101¢) nA XC R equity In brick veneer house in good locality for good used olowed automobile, Apply Hox 270 Times, (1010) 0 lL and Live Wo § FOR SALR! Also butterfly rabbits, Apply TH WIEN John 8t, 10380) Help--Wanted AN WANTED TEN FRIGHT REL: able boys for part time work after stheol, An unusual opportunity for an ambitious hoy to earn rome money and prises, Apply 134 Naw san street on Saturday morning, November Ind, at 10 o'clock, (103) (103b) TO RENT=SIX ROOMED BRICK House, fully modern, 53 Nassau St, Phone 3264M, (1011) HOUSE TO RENT IN BOWMAN ville, by 1st of December, modern conveniences, $2500, Apply to W, IF, Ward, Barrister &e, Bowmanville, phone 102 (101e) TO RENT="GARAGE PHONE 102K) (101¢) ron RIEVENT ROOM house on Arthur street, Reason ible, Phone 10966), (101¢) ATWO RIRVICW OTATIONS 10 rent, one In Bowmanville and one In Oshowa, Established business. Must have sufficient capital, Ap ply Box 271 Times (101e) FOR RENT=TWO CONVENTENT furnished rooms for lght housekeep: ing oi bathroom flat, nlso garage Apply 134 Alice St, Telephone 2340 - (102¢) ¥i0,00 ST ATHOLL WT, WwW, 8 rooms solld brick house, new furs nies, nowly decorated throughout Immedinte possession, Apply Cone ant & Annis, (1020) FOR WIENT=TWO UNTURNTAIT ed front rooms on ground floor Fvery convenience Private on trance Apply 147 Oshawa Blvd Phono 2087) (10%¢) TORENT TWO TARGE WARM well furnished rooms and 1 gare nge, Apply 111 Colborne Bt, EB (1020) FON RENTTOUNE AT 121 AN: nis street with conveniences, $30 a month, Phone 13771 (1020) FOR RENT=NE 1G HT ROOM, brick house every eonvenlence Apply to Henry Wilkins, 228 Gib. hous Hb (103) FOR RENT ="TIVIE ROOMED brick house, Convenlences, I'aved street, Immediate possession, Ap- ply 41 Kigin Bt, II, Phone 1684), (101m) "CONTONTANLR Ton» Apply THEN = FOR RENT furnished six roomed house, ante, upstairs if desired, owner 302 Division Street, hil (1080) 8 ROOMED HOURE FO NT $14, Central, New & roomed house, $80, Phone Holden 371W, TT ET rng Wanted To Rent WANTED = THREE FURNTSITED rooms for light housekeeping, must be warm and comfortable, North end, Hox 66 Times. , (101) WANTED TO NENT=TATH- room flat or apartment, Unfur- nished, State price and conveni- ences, Hox 276 Times, (1080) illinery MISE VV CALDWELL WILL Do all kinds of millinery work at her home, Bond St, Fast, Phone 2000, (101¢) Room and Board J or breakfast and evening dinner optional. Young business man pre. ferred, Private home, Hest residen- tial, district, Nineteen Willoralt (101e) LARGE FURNTERED ROOM, Hoard optional, Garage, Suit two gontlemen, 23% Albany street, 4 (1080) Room and Board Wanted YOUNG WORRTNG WAN WINTS OUNT > room and hoard, away week-enda State terms, Dox 309, Times, (108a) Shoe Repairing 40 0 MENROS, TONNER OF imooe ang Willlam Sts, the best place to have your shoes fixed, oleaned and dyed, (Oct, 1.1 Mo, Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BUY™ HARDWGOD flooring now for only 8c a foot, Freight paid on $10 orders, All end and side matehed, Easy to lay, Yon can do the work yourself, We tell vou how, Send for free circular, Halls iday, Box 311, Hamilton, Building aterial Speelalists a ---- a] anted to Buy WANTED 70 BUY -- KIT OF Usetl plumbing tools, Phone 283, Howmanville, (1020) \! 1D TO BUVY=A 30 OR 2 Winchester rifle, Phone 1060\WV, 1) (102h) 0 ram A EA RTE re For Sale or Exchange FORTEATH™ "ORT RXOHANG ES Nearly now six roomed house. Will exchange for house in Toe ronto, Phone 2WIOW evenings, (1080) (101¢) Auction Sale THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, Auction sale of farm wtock, Im. plements, hay, grain, roots, fowl and furniture also one hundred nero farm the property of the estate of the late Anthony Plows man lot 10, concession two, Whit. hy Township, Sale at 12.30 sharp ¥, O, Mason, Clerk, Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (103-107) Men Stranded In Vancouver Ask For Relief Vancouver, Oct, 30 Discharge In Vanoouver of Eastern seamen employed on vessels of the Cann dian National Steamships, Ltd, has erentod a situation whieh seems to impose additional strain on the res sources of the eity rellef departs ment, necording to relief officer G, D, Ireland, Mr, Ireland announced that fif- teen members of the crew of the Canadian SBlegneur have appealed to the oity relief department, The men who ware signed on at Monts real, declare that 30 others are nleo nearly penniless and that crews of other Canadian National ships which were due here shortly will be in the same position when they are discharged, Mr, Ireland refused Assistance to the sallors and communicated with company ofMeoials here, who stated that under the terms of cons tract the seamen ean be discharged | anywhere In Canada, Nands of woodland earibou are en countered from time to. time in the muskeg north of the Red Lakes and in the vicinity of Lake of the Woods in Canada, Now and then an animal of this species is reported In the Su. perfor National forest region, It is unlawful to hunt them J RE -------- RINT THIS ABOUT Joint-Ease Says Druggist "Joint -Ease" {a welling lke hot oakes In my store, because it is a wonderful 7 nd apeedy rem- / ,dy for all joint 'roubles, "Hut why not ug iMpress on tens lof thousands of Sauttering people Kome of the things that doa: ona of my ous 'tomers tell me almost dally, that it knocks "Some say . out lumbago over night--others that for chest oolds and sore throat fit equal, while many Inalst that there is nothing they ever tried that ia #0 efflolent for neuralgia, neuritis and even head colds and vile nasal oatarrh," Answering the above letter, we, the makers ot Jolnt-Ease, know that what this thriving Ottawa druggist says Is true, but we still maintain that JolntsEase ia pros pared for stiff, inflamed, painful swollen joints, whether in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, fingers or spine, You'll like to use stainless Joints Ease, for with just one minute's rubbing, it soaks in through the floah direct to the ailing bones, joints and ligameonts-----that's why it suoteeds~--far when Jolnt-Kase gota In joint agony gets oOut-- and without any waste of time all swelling mnd congestion disap. pears, Made in Canada--costs only 60¢ a tube, Jury & Lovell, Ltd, § King St. E, i hh H | has no |. RARE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL ART HELD IN CANADA Toronto Professor Tells Pacific Relations Insti. tute of Collection in Ontario Museum Kyoto, Japan, Oct, 31 Drawing the attention of the Institute of Pa~ cific Relations to the collections of Chinese and Jupunese art at the Royal Ontarlo Museum, Toronto, a paper, prepared by Prof, C, T, Cure relly, curator. of the museum was read before the conference of the Institute now In session here, In developing the collections, Prof Currelly wrote, the museum had in mind the promotion of a sympathetic understanding between Canadians and the oriental peoples, The neigh- borly position of the countries and the prospect of an expanding trade made it important that the two peoples should understand one an other, "We are shut out from the litera ture of the Orient as we are not de barred from the literatures of Eu rope," he wrote, "Very few Cana dinns ean hope to have much grasp of the literatures of Japan and China We simply can not read thelr books We can, however, read their art and there les our one great possibility of contact "Though all art requires Instrucs tion that it may be fully read, all art may be read to a considerable extent with very little instruction and there is for the whole of our people a poss sibility of a sympathetic understand. ing of the greatest achievements of our western neighbors, "An appreciation of the marvelous grandeur of Chinese and Japanese art, we felt, was the quickest way in which the Canadian people could learn to approach the people of China and Japan with that humility of mind that makes sympathetic un« derstanding not only possible but easy and delightful" Another reason for the Toronto collection was that the possession of a knowledge of the art of the Orient would give Canadiang an opportunity of studying an art which differed from the European with its Greck an cestry and traditions, It was felt it would have its influence ® the de velopient of Canadian art and tend to nuke it more distinctive and orig- inal than if it envolved from a pure European background The collection of Chiese drt wh particularly rich, he saldf and ius. trated the whole evolution from the beginning In prehistorie stone imple ments and carved and inseribed bones, The Japanese collection was less extensive beenuse of the diffieuls ty in obtaining material, COST OF LIVING HIGH IN FRANCE Wage Comparisons Very Much in Favor of Amer. ican Worker Paris, October 80,~The French- man has to work twice as long as the American to buy the same food, says an French labor investi gator, And that, comments the newspaper 1'Osuvre, is the real proof that the cost of llving In France in higher than in the Unit. od States, A long table of costs is presented by Henri Dubreuil, ah ofMelal of the French Federa- tion of Labor in a book he wrote after working in American factors on, This table shows that a. quart of milk costs the French worker 13 minutes of toll while the American oarns.it in 13, A dosen eggs keep the Frenchman busy two hours and A halt while the American gets his in 556 minutes, All down the line of foodstuffs and clothing, Dub. reull shows the Frenchman has to work from one and a half to six times an long as the Amerloan for the same thing. The Frenchman gets his living quarters for half the amount of work, "but what a difference in the kind 'of lodg- ing," says the newspaper, compare ing the homes of American works ers with the unsanitary one or two room apartment to which the French workingman ia accustom ed, without bathroom, telephone, or steam heat and frequently with- out running water, French to Erect Equestrian Statue . of Marshal Haig 'Paris, Oct, 31, --Excellent progress is being made in collecting in France the funds for an equestrian statue of Field-Marshal Earl Haig, which is to be erected at Montreuilssur-Mer, the GH.Q. of the British Armies in France from 1916 onwards, It if in= tended that this shall be a status mot ly in memory of Lord Haig, but an a symbol of gratitude in the British Army, A committee Was formed some months ago. with = M, Pellotierta whom the initiation of the idea is largely due-as honorary $ec retary, M, Pelletier for some mafiths st, at the request of the sculptor, {. Landowsky, hay been colleating hotographs. of the Jate Commanders, n=Chief, not only as he was during the war but in the early parts of his career, Refore any final decislon is minde with regard to the design M, I elieties is consulting with "Lady ALR, HARDWOOD FLUDKS Lath BY EXVERT MECHANICS 014 Moors fAinished like pew, Worm windows, combination doors, General Contractors, B. W. HAYNES 10 King St. W, Phone 41, residence 1802, FREDERICK dG, DAWSON Canadian National Rallways di rector, who was killed hy a N. BR. train at Prince Huapert, B.C, where ho was one of the ploneer residents, NEW FARTHEST NORTH CHURCH At Thule, Greenland, is being built the most northerly ghurch in the world, A Danish steamer which trans ported sections of the building, # manse and a store from Denmark 1a Thule recently arrived ut Aberdeen Scotland, and Its captain reported that work was progressing. when he left Thule, The 'minister is # vising the construction work, must shoot and fish for his food, and to show his ability, he shot a seul from the steamer, retrieved it in a small boat, then skinned and cooked it for the crew Thule is the mom northerly inhabited part of the ice bound coast of Greenland in the Arce tic Circle, -- HAVANA'S BUILDING PLAN BIG Havana, Cuba, is preparing plang for public buildings which will cost at least $10,000,000, They will ine clude a new Palace of Justice, a Pal ace of International Law, a national theatre and a publie library, Work on the Palace of Justice, which wil be on the present site of the jail and barracks at the foot of the Prady, soon will be started, The Palace™0l International Law will be opposite, This building will be erected by the nations belonging to the Pan Amer fcan Union, but the Cuban governs ment will' have netual charge of the operations, It will contain a cham ber for the League of Nations. ada Ra re . D4 0 Slane Bt Ne. Fiona aad ES Ska " Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 00 Simcoe St, 8, Phone #0 SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION OLOTHING ©O0, 08 KING 8ST, W, Phone 2141 We Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Can Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANS AND DIS. COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room 8 Phone 8790 ome EYESIGHT SPECIA IST CALE n ee Care and Eye Straie Disney Block hd 1516--Phape-- 1510 ---- x a Fd BUS DISNEY.CCIT AMBULANCE 87 Celina St, Phone 108

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