Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Oct 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 Last Perilous Dash Approaches. On Lakes Freighters and Crews Being Groomed for Last Trip of Sea son Against Heavy Recalled (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) | iroronto, Ont, Oct, B0-~WILH north winds blowing neross the Great Lakes more frequently, the eyes of Cansds will once nEain turn to the plight of the inland mariners, who each year (ace greater risks in the pursuit of thelr Vivalihood, and the "last (¥ippers will once again attempt their per {lows rushes from port to port ber fore the navigation season ends, This has not heen a good year for "sailing," The grain conges- tion, with elévators erammed to thas brim with the lifeblood of Can. ada'n great grain districts; with hundreds of steamers tide up, un- able to either load or unload thelr uargosn; has caused even nore pardship than usual to the men who "go down Lo Lhe sen in ships," fn many cases, the money that had heen saved to tide the sailor over the winter has heen spent in order that he may exist the summer, and it looks )ke @& hard winter for the mariner, 'e Consequently, there will be little difficulty In shipping erews for the last mad dash against tho vfpeage-up,"' when every minute means money, and when chances verging on the reckless are taken in order that boats may "get une der the wire" with thelr valuable cargoes before the ley hand of King Winter ends navigation ror the year, Pive hundred boats, and 20,000 men are heing groomed Yor the Odds-- Tragedies of Other Years worl, and IL 08 hoped there will be no repetition of the disasters of praviouy yours, Already, the watlors have lost out In (he first skirmish against the tervific winds which oeedasions ally churn the Jakes to fury, The plenmer Andante wow the first vid tim, Leaviog Grand Haven with a lond of stone, n sudden gale evis dently shifted her cargo as she rolled helplessly, Her crew of 46 men wave lost, In Lake Buperioy, the tug oh mee wus forced to cast off hey $100,000 raft of pulpwood and run for shelter under Lhe lee of the "Graveyard of the Lakes Isle Royale, Last year was no exception to general rule, In all 14 boats went down, were burned, or stranded, to hecome totnl lguses, The M, J, Bartelme went akround on Cun ton Island, Lmke Michigan; the wooden steamer M, I, Greene burned In the Niagara River; the barge Mingoe foundered In Lake Superior; the steamer America foundered off Isle Royale; the Marysville burned In the Kt, Clah River; 1.8, MeColl burned in Buf. falo harbor; the James ¥, Cahill burned in the same fire; the W, H, Hawyer, A, B, King, and Barge Peshtigo all stranded ul Harbor Beach, Lake Huron: the India burned in Georgian Bay; the Ma nasoo foundered in Georglan Bay, and the Thousand Islander founas ared when going to replaes the Ma wall Wnmsolved fis (hat of the W, I, Glicher, Jost fn 16502, this hip has heen diseoversd In the ftervening years, I'he greatest siorm wis that of November, 1018, when 4006 Vives ware lost, in Take Buperior; seven In Lake Michigan; six In Lake Vrle, 176 in Lake Huron, hegan early on November #, with the winds sweeping Lake Buperior from the northwest, of several hours, that peared subsiding snd that the storm was over, the H Marquette again inereased violence Hdth sank with all on honrd Canadian Leafeld also sank with 16 men nhoard, Lake Huron Losses Lake Huron was the scenes of tho gress pile had breeze, 1 pevienned pore, Vylae, Ie No (race of in Wstory Vourtean dled Ma yarns This storm | oon g pened Lo not know upon Vor In two, Price tur off hunds hel the Ident During a Tull In which It. ap the henvy ken wis I, smith put out from The storm hrvoks out The The found he und veut orew, The »l The Goan, Argus ana 1, M, entered the lake, upbound, and the were ulko on the lake Poll Vdward, nueariained, ail ay oe, I'he northwed dled down to & mers ailled Into wechivity, ox maine put out from steamers Charley po we M, Beall, John A, Mus Hannu had codented viotsnes, 11 raged for 10 | COURTICE BRIEFS hours, with an average veledty of | 60 miles an bour, and at times of 70 willes and more, The wavew ware al least 45 fest high and fol lowed each other in gulch sucoen wan, wecording to masters who survived the wind and sen were frequently In conflict, they say, with the wind blowing one way und the sea Yunning In sn opposite di rection Courtige, Out, 20,=Miss Verna Prowin, Oshawi, visited lier sister, Miss Aunie Trewin at the Parsonage on Bundy Mr, und Mrs, Albert Rundle wore In "Foromto on Monday aeceompanied hy Mr, and Mrs, 1, 1, Osborne, of sowmunville Mrs, 8: Penfound, Orono, Is visit . ing Mr, and Mrs, Clarence frenfound Ilia wenthaer hing heen aided hy Ronald Courtiee, Toraoma, spent another enemy In recent years, | the week end with his parents, I'he les blockade In the Bt, Mary's J, 1, Hopps had a successful sule viver in 1026 was the costliest In| on Friday ast and will he moving the history of the lakes, und | to Oshawi shortly heought great loss to owners, A The voung neople holding o similar blockade oceurved tn 1945, | Hallowe'en social on Thursday eve whan many hosts were cought in| ping, As the narrow channel and frozen in Mesdames 1. HH, Stanton, A, 1 until lesshreakers could releases | Rundle, Gi, ¥, Annis, K, 12 Courtice them, and W, 1, Courtice go to Prince Al Hitiniy EEL Valls, cently, Mi anita, vi wee I he Goodell well and he Carrntherys, down Wexford nnd Reglun What hap peven of these vessels Is mn, The Hanne was Lhrown t Austin Hest and broken Wer grew wera saved, 'l he ned aver about four miley Ontario, nil nk lost, Vor many months Hy of the Price was not hut eveantunlly divers r name plate on the bow, wvered the hoedles of Lhe sermon politan the orm was one of unpre visited and Sunday fitended to preaeh interesting here toi sing ut a coneert there Tuesday even, M aecompanios them at the Cordon Miekell, Detroit Tis father and Joy Miss Mi H sibed Mr yen | Hall na Mi LONDON NIGHT LIFE CHANGS foresult of the eampuign eon dueted by Viscount Byng, the Metros Polies Com wien proprietors of underworld sisters in this Washington AV, Wundld's last this ws Hazel Bundle plano vighting cam Venelon Adu Annis re ir Hyde, Tor ing services at fnirky continue inspiring re heiny Vetloy nd nissioner, niainst might Tile has begh completely ehanged I hie Wires ne of dogens of undesiralite mein hubs has eared the West Ind ul ie objectionable ements, but thou clubs, London pinds of merryinalsers stil dances and ding in the carly hours of the morning in places which are comply with the law in keeping urd and in paying license feey and (axe With the closing of the places the law-uhiders have Krown popular and prosperous so that Lon don's might Wie is still at is height, but in a different way, iy NOxous Tory Yote Trebhled Brampton, Although the vote In Veal riding was lighter than in 1926 the Conservatives trebled the mal re iy of thelr eandidate, 'F, 1, Kennedy, who wis re-elected hy a margin of 1068 votes over VY, HW, Graham, his Liberal-Veohibitionist nonent ELLA CINDERS---Ready For Work By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb NOON RECN ot. hi Reg, UB Pus, OF by Memopidian WN i Copyrigh 1979, wspeys barvie Romer LY ented SINE DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Da poo nasoo, The Sachem burned In thw Bt, Clair River In 1087, the total tonnage lost was 26,768, Bix ships lost in one gtorm that year, It was In this storm that the steamer Kamloops is belleved to have foundered, nl though the mystery of her disap- pearance has never heen solved En soma of the hodles of her crew of { : / " _ LAVGHED ' 20 were recovered on lsle Royale, v \ \ l AY Pee hut no trace of the hoat has ever 5 f ) ------ Ad | . Te UN ForTUNATE f been found ---- id y if SN a ri eee -- 5 Another mystery of the lakes Ei / ] \ = / i - 1 " / 1ast race against time of the meas ~=By Grace G, Drayton GeT our of HERE), You Aaa i TIME TABLES PR WI PAPA TO AO BL a kad SL ¢, P, R, TIME TABLE Effective Dept, M9, 1029, (Standard Time) Colng West Dally (Except Dally Laity (Except Bundiy) Daily Dally (Except Bunday), Gong Fast Dally Dally (Exeept Sunday) #08 pom, Dally (Except Bunday) 11,00 pom, Daly (Except Baturday), 12,08 amy Dally -- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ENsctive Sept, 19, 1020 (8 pd Time) hound " B28 wom, Dally, "sxcent Sunday, BOK aon, Bunday only, £50 am, Daily, 107 poi, Dally except Sunday, 2.0 pan, Dally, except Bunday, A7 pom, Dally, eaeent Bunday, 42 pom, Daily A 11,8 pom, Dally, sscept Saturday, 13,07 ami, Dally, | 18.85 poy ) "» | How Wo uUl L2 wou LIKE To Be [TLL Teen You Net TO BE UNKIND VaLy DUCKLING 3 am, Sunday) 6M am, BAD amy 4.08 pm 7M pm Toor meds $95 00 | Scotland Woollen | Mills Mgr, 11 Klmeoe N, 10.08 a.m 204 poi, RLS - { THE Poor UGLY DUCKLING CRIED, AND. - ri hy wr -- SE ------------ a -- A - wl y HE GIRL WH FED THE FRULTRY se . \BY "low Diamonds . DollY:-BoBByY AND COMFY PE TTED Mime Dotty Tol 2 "THEM THE KICKED THE Jovy Due LING ie PRED AER AEs MIM AND ToL HLM HE WAS CUTE WERE MEAN AND RUDE A ! disk Appee LE Bas sett'e E---------------------------------------------- ul Taiasama---- . ------ -- . g whi On Oshawa's Mam Corner rm ----E SA ALL THE FARM YARD LAUGHED i i arian -- AND D8 400 wm, SAY won, Daily, 5.50 am, Datly, 6,20 am, Daily, M08 wm, Dally, + Dally, s Daily, y Bunday only, , Daily, except Sunday Daily, except Sunday - BRINGING UP FATHER BY GOLLY! THAY BROT n OF MAGCIE'D WOLLD STEAL Fell Bros. [Feiss COLD LHL EM» ME { } | AWAY AN | WLZ \WONDRR IN SWIPED ALL MY CLOTHES I " y WOW COWL OD TELL WO WHO 7 he LEADING JEWELER " - praschbbnd®§ ||| vf TRY Biri | 4 picid bun dhine Fotab'laned 1090 | ot a \ 6 : Nd yh 12 Simcoe St. South I For Hote Values n } DIAMONDS | Hurms' Jewelry Store A Corner King and Tine Unsh or Tore \ an ght _ a a] eacept Bunday, _ i exept Bunday, except Bunday, ENE Hd By Geo, McManus MR IGLD, 'WE FOUND A dU ] TRYIN TO BREAK INTE A Way rtd rap 4 AR) FF V'iv NET MIB TAKEN { TD WoOUuRe ---- aa Dut CROCEARY STORE BUT HME Qo Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Lfeeth nd after April 18, 180) Aken havh on soving Fi) WL rive jespital 10.50 a.m 1 pm 4M wow £ -~ == rr 3 pn ahem Tog eT = FT 8233 10.8 0m iia i -- Arrive » mi [cs Wao ARE aT 23% Simcoe St. North Hundreds of peonle weary with utmost comfort Hare's Faultioss Lonses ss TrTeT panes 3 735333: A a ra pon Praise ; ih lo. WTO, FAL) Poature Rervive, Ine, (reat Britain rights tad] FEE TELLING TOMMY - Base ovr Soeydeses 7 SFFFIZp3: {11 LHF - TER i PEN W 3 ~~ ene LD ep | ~ 080 om THE PUMPKIN LANTERNS USED OM HAL: 3 4 " LOWEEN ARE PROBABLY A RELIC OF THE HARVEST FEAST OF THE DRUIDS, TOMMY, THEY. REPRESENT THE VARIOUS SPIRITS | ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR CELEBRATION, THE DRUIDS THOUGHT &000mess! 01D THAT SPIRITS COULD & THEY WAVE BE FOUND IN EMPTY & BOOTLEGOERS HOUSES ON HALLOWEEN | THEN © PETTY I 04 " David I'v Famous Liquid He 1 i vig MR, ls Powda ! ™ y- are through busses to ae patie that a Ne whiny Toeniian NT Crm Jone ey SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE aah, Face Powder for each type in we Art JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, eu EXCLUSIVE AGENTS an CT rETrPPTV Sess PPPs? ' RV RT TTC wi Ah 20 am, 40 pom, . $ hi b » 104 pm LOD am und RT ST - Ra ® \ { IN Bloom, SS a -- I, WE MOVE WITH CARE Ho woutn Hi) I 01 ClJwonton 15 prosasiy a survwaw of tie. 83 -~ I OLD RQMAMN HARVEST FESTIVAL, IN HONOR OF ii Ae (f BELIEFS OF THE DRUIDS, THE HEATHEN PRIESTS OF GAUL AND BRITAIN, WHO SET ASIDE ONE No TILLIE THE TOILER WHAT'S | Soa HAPPEN, - YOU'RE HERE , TIGHT EACH YEAR AT HARVEST TIME FOR FEASTING AEN AND MAKING MERRY, THE DRUJDS BELIEVED THAT 7/0 IRE' 01 THIS TIGHT EVILSPIRITS HELD REVELS IN DESERTED A A J HUTS AMD PLOTTED AGAINST MARKIND, 10% Nong Paariees Simian (ne Orest Besta ga ered Wh / UR CERTAINLY LAD TO BRE. You "THE ne Te cig me sive in spetiet ir EA A We move with care, careful trained men skilled packing, ard fiest class mos tor equipment, No worey, Service, Mos dorn Storage Wares JURY & LOVELL'S. OPTICAL PARLORS © 3 W. Worrall, Oph D: PHONE aid aMdpr wcO= m=20 io -

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