La BORDEN OUTLINES HE GR OF VADA § I$} STATURE dapan i 2 4 3 4 " Ryalo, Japan, Oct, #1 ~=Canady's growh in International stiture In # ue two Jon farmed flu Aublast Amatierondy Robert UME, Ke Dh fra {ii Yk hi of Canada men of of the executive council, nidlan Institute of Yxternul Af gg and member of the Paelfic py ell, rend before the Inktitute of Pacific relations now in session here, The just wis to lay before the Mar { mal body the extent of dus mtermitional relations and im ove opment sinee the last cons lt in 1927, Ay the notable developments fir Wert placed Canada's adhers enee to the multiateral pact for the veunnelation ef wir, her recent nds herenes to the optional clause In the statutes of the Farnent Court of International Justice and the ex change of ministers between Canada and France and between Canada and Japan he memorandum refers to the I'm Alone ease the "the first major question of general International hms portance affecting Canady that hig emerged snes the appolftment of a Canadian Minster to the United States of Amerlen Correspondence between the two countries earrled on through the Canadian minister res sulted "most satisfactorily In an mgreement to refer the relevant ques tions to arbitration under Article 4 af the Treaty of 1924 made between His Brittanie Majesty and the United Mates respecting the regulation of the Luo traf, Contigiting his outline of the ease of the Canadian sehooner sunk by United Bfntey comm guard boats, Sir Robert Ka "Avilels 1 of hi troy re-affiem THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 el the tantion of the High Con- waeting Parties to wphold the three. mille limit, for hanriorhd waters, ly Artiele 4 Mis Majesty breed 0 rise no objestion to the ng snd of Bris search by the United 4.3 tish ves detely ' ih so distance Unit from 0 Wiastion one how Yo My ich hob whieh a (ri imitied or to A in offehes t a. ws of the United nd Are ticle 4 provided thit ny A m hy a British vessel for compdnintion on thee grounds that it has fered loss or Injury or rotigh the hropes of pot Lr ble exspclie he 1) his conferred by Artlgle 2 .,,, Kha refereed for the Joint Conmlderntion ol two beriont, oie of whom shall by nominuted by eich of the High Contracting Parties "The diplomatic correspondence on the subject between Canada und the United States Is ndmirable in tone, and the questions of fuck and law pres sented are set out lueldly and femme peciely on each side" While he has unqualified pralse for the anti=wir pact Slr Robert says the pence of the world ean not he ecured by treaties wlone nor can It we maintained by forge, The sume foundation which ugsures ordered liberty and Justice In & modern elie lead state must be crested on un in Aa ruationay nomle If pence Is to en aire, Idealism of People "The education and Idealism of the wople, thelr inherited respect for ww, and thelr detrmination to malin. thin order and Justice ngninst crime ind lawlessness," he says, "ure the ronl foundations upon whieh stable Hovernment rests, i the world there must be an International publle opin lon upon whieh will be established hetween the nations the enthrone ment of publle right and Justice, "The treaty to outlaw war Is a splendid gesture, the wonderful ef fects of whieh will doubtless be aps parent In the future; but beyond and in addition to this the nations must be led Into the habit and practice' of peaceful determination o all Inters nitlenal sdivoversies 16 Is in this task that the League of Natlons finds Ita highest A and therein It renders & service whieh (reatios Pi» cannot supply, This (ronty ; 4 WN, "The ieipurianc A XD Senin ud K i Por gre ji 0 nomy Old Dutch fo Big preparation Hulbiul Clot INHBEL'S SINTER A "VRENHER" har sister Ishhel, returns with thelr father, "Ui say Mae Don a nt Britain, after an enthusisstio feting In Unit Male on and ) , Misn Shella MacDonald, shown In photograph here ay through Ganda, Mist, panaen unnotiesd a "'frasher" at Bomerville ing ih it, 1000, Pacitie and Atlantie Photos, Ino, wives a firm assurance that In such | service the cooperation of the Unit ed States will more and more be manifested In the future" Britain's Reply After reviewing the pact from Franee un trenty with the Unlted States 1 the Invitation extended by the Unite od States to Great Britain and the other nations of the world to join in It Sir Robert continues, "In the British reply to the United States note presenting the proposed tronty, Wilslon I ade ta certain fou ion) of the world, the welfare and ntegrity of which constitute fn spocinl and vital Interest for our pence and safety, and In whieh Interference cannot be sulfered, Thus, Great Drl tain necepted the new treaty upon the distingt understanding that It shall not prejudice her freedom of action In this respect "In the British reply It was Intl mated to the United States that Great Britain could not undertake to par tielpate otherwise than Jointly and Alnuitang aneously with the Domine and Tndia, Cw that Invitations te {Artigas | "ath Lue should Lo gti the Dominions' hy nla suggestion was wh sted} and May 24, 1088, the United States Minister at Ottawa delivered a note to. the Government of Canada ens tending such an Invitation, The sane course was followed with the thes Dominlons and with India "This note set forth in effect Mp, Kellogg's Interpretations already mentioned, It was mecompanied hy w reviped draflteol the propuked treaty between the United States, France, Belglum, Curechoslovak Res publie, Great Britain, the British Dow minlong and India, German Reich, Tap App oy Sold their om i Treaty, the ig dontrattin artion, deeply sensible of thelr splemn duty to promote the welfare of man, kind} LAs ed that the time ha sone 8 frank renunelation "uy bo on hes nt of lie 0 polley shohld be made to the end that the peaceful and friendly relations now existing between "thelr peoples may he parpatuted 'Convinced that all changes In thelr relations with one another should be sought only hy pacific means and be the result of a peacelul and orderly - process, and that any slgnatory power which shall hereafter seek to promote its national inters at y report to war should be des ned the benefits furnished by this " hel hak encouraged hy thelr example, all other nations of the world wilt Fad in this humane ens deavour and by adhering to the pre sent qn Ax BOON AB It Comes Into force bring thelr peoples within the Shoes that Give Satisfaction NEILL'S Shoe Stores A Shee for ber OF The ! * T A Mem hy the evolution of | proposal for | senting Canada, way appoint seope of Its beneficlent provision thus uniting the elvilized nations of the world In a common renunelation of war as an instrument of national pla y,1 agree upon the following Are Heles "Lhe sf re Parties solemnly Hire in the name of thelr respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the so lution of International controversies, and renounce. it as an instrument of national polley in thelr relations with one another, "he High ating Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or confllets of what aver nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall neeve be sought except by pacific means' ""T'a France for the Initiative, to the United States for the develops ment of that initiative in & concord that may become world-wide, the thanks of all other nations are Just ly dug, 'The definite outlawry of war by the nations of the League In con art with the United States Is a re hlg step in advance, and res ling honour upon M, Bel and, the Foreign Minister of France, and Mr, Kellogw, the American See rotary of State © League of Nations Of the League of Nations Robert wrote, "Canada was elected to the Coun gll of the League of Nations in 1937 his notable event in her history confirmed the assurance of eligibility given to the Prime Minister of Can ada during the Paris Peace Confer ones on May 6, 1919, "Inspired by a warm and deep ine terest in the purposes and the activi tion of the League Canada has noted with great satisfaction ing Inoreasing hi hoas rb' from the steps looking to ™ rogressive Condi ton of Ins tornationsl Law, conferences and commissions, called or genstituted by the Lodgue and meet nder its apspieen, have made substahtial ads | vanees in the following among other | directions; a Convention has been settled and signed by numerous states restricting their rights to prohibit the import and export of goods; a Convention looking to the preven: tion of the lasue of counterfeit money has been under Slasuasion) the Com: mittea on the Uniformity of Tarift Nomehelatura has made progress; a aerious attempt Is boing is 10 ane similate the laws of the continental states relating to bills of exchange the institution of common systems © regulation of road trafla has been carefully studied; and preliminary step have been taken to study the question of double taxation and. tax invasion, Economie Committee "Nollowing the helding of the World Economie Convention in Gens ova In Mey 1987, which Canada was represented, an Keonomic Consultas tive Committee was organized 0 moet annually consisting of about o0 members, partly appointed by the Kovernments, and partly by interna tonal, financial, agricultural and Jas boy arganinations, The Committee held itn frat meeting in Geneva in May, 1 Dry Adam Shortt, repre od by the League av one of ita members, "Canada since 1925 has han under Sir would slgn It wlso, "On the swe day Canada's repre sentative on the Counell announced at Geneva that this Dominjen would wdherg to the optional ¢lanse during the present Assembly | and this nd herence has since taken plage" Other matters veferred to wre the International WKadiodelegraph Con ference nt Washington in 1937 and the abrogations of restebetions on the customs autonomy of Ching, The Washington Conference reviewed all phases of radlo and drew up a con vention signed by representatives of 78 countries, Canada, however, did not ugres ta It and neither did the United States or Handuras, Vollowing the conclusion of a treaty in 1928 by His Majesty on behalf of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with China doing away with existing restrictions on that eountey's power to impose customs duties and tariffs, the government of Canada and those of the other dominions renouneed thelr rights to benefit under those provisions. SOCCER NOTES -------------- The Oshawa Clty ¥.C, play thelr lant. game of Lhe weason wt Mem orial Park, Mimfco, on Haturdny when they mast Mimigo Bench, The klok-off is timed for A106 and (he bus leaves at one o'clock sharp, Will all signed players plese rye port at hus station kt one o'clock rompt In order that the game may o started on time, Any supporters wishing to travel, please gel In touch with Mr, "fs ¥avell, by Vriday night at the latest; RUNAWAY STREET CAR CRASHES INTO TWO AUTOS One Killed and Seven Injur- ed in Tolonto, Accident Toronto, Oot, §1-Reven people wore Injured, one of them fata " Inte yesterday niternaon, in one of the most serious aeeldents In Tore onte's recents history, Just at 6,20 pm, 1H the height of the trae rash-hour, 8 heavily Inden street oar, weighing 17 tons, Kol out of control on the Bathurst ftreat hill, above Davenport Noad, It went careening down the slope in 8 mad rush that lasted for three- quarters of a mile, And in the course of that wild run it crashed into two automobtles, hurled them off the roadway over the sidewalk, The seven people injured were all osoupants of these autos, Frank Exelhy, aged 18, of 1217 Dufferin wireel, driver of one auto, had his skull fractured, and died three hours Ister in the Western Hospital, The Injured Four others, in the Western Hos. nital suffering from outs, hrulses and concussion are; Ceorge Nens nie, aged 17, of 400 Markham Wt} James Reid, aped 17, of 1821 Duf- ferin street; Vaud Mimpson, aged 24, of BZ Bussex street, and David Zeldin, aged 44, of 40 Grage Bt, Max Hoffman, aged 20, of 187 Augusta avenue, and Alex Lesok, aged 27, of 20 Veoauley street, suffered cuts and hruiwes, but af tor trestment at the hospital were able to go home, The motorman of the street car was Ernest Hill of 447 Westmores land Avenue, Questioned by the ofies, he stated that wt Austin Forrace, ut the tip of the Bathurst strest Bill, the hrakes went out of order, Me and Conductor Patrick MoCarney of 61 Boon avenue, and a passenger, James Fraser, of 240 Melita street hill, declared all tried together to wwing on the hand brake, but without avail, EE mi NO REASONS FOUND FOR LAKES WRECK Sinking of Wisconsin Baffles Federal Inquiry at Kenosha Kenosha, Win, Oot, #1wnA Ved eral Inquiry talled to uncertain you terday the reason why the sleamer Wisconsin sunk, but it fixed defin italy at sixteen the number of per sons who died In the wreck, Because the Chief OMeer went down with the passenger-freight boat Tuesday morning off this port, Government Inspector ¥red Meno of Detroit, Mich,, sald he did not think it Jikely the cause of the diss A PAGE THIRTEEN auLer could he ascertained, Rescuer, Tolls Mory He did Jearn from Harvey Lyon, the purser, that thers were 76 nhoard, Of these, 16 died, 19 were Injured and 40 were unhurt, Disposing of testimony arming the seaworthiness of the boat, the inquiry turned to the work of reg euing, Vrom Captain Alfred Chrige topherson of the Kenosha Const Guard came un simple story of how he and his men working with fishe armen and guardsmen at Racine saved BO persons, Launch Is In Danger While a packed hearing room lis toned intently, he explained that twiea the launch in which he went to the rescue had been imperiled by the huge waves, as first a rope tossed from the Wisconsin snd then the elothing of a survivor became entangled in the propeller, Chulded by flares on the sinking ship, after receiving its HON, the launch drew up alongside the Wise conkin, he sald, but hed te move Away ns It was nearly erushed he- neath the larger ship, He told of the frantic reseus work which en sued, when those on the Wisconsin misunderstand his request not to lat down the lifeboats, and of the hunt among wreckage for the sur vivors, One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er} I am nearer home today Than 1 ever have bean before, «Fhoshe Carey, TE ------ Vor the first time In many years, 19 reat white herons have started to wild nests In Lake Nawahunta, Bear Mountain Park, New York, EG I) povin ah a) ail ToT RY xo) rd 3 MIST E OMe n fale g Where Quality Counts" YOU ARE INVITED . . . To Dominion Stores' Hallowe'en Party A Hallowe'en Party of a different kind, perhaps in fun and enjoyment it makes up with the wonderful interest of oxtrn savings, Dominion Stores' Hallowe'en Party features everything 1) makes a wuooessful party--oandy, nuts, fruit, sensonable offerings that go to make this ¥ riest Hallowe'en ol all time, umpking, and all the llowe'en the jolliest, mer + + but what 14 lacks ™IS A LMER oupP Buy Soup Made in Canada All Kinde Exeept Chicken With Rice 2 me 1 Qe, Buy by the Dosen WEEK Aylmer Soups $1.10 o. Whole Fruit NEW Rieh, Delicious Strawberry ORANGE AND BLACK Gum Drops . «208 Pure Lard IIb. Pkt. 18¢ 20-1b, Pail $3.29 DOMINO Baking Powder 16-or. Tin 23c PMIRORN Shelled Walnuts - 49. CAMPFIRE Marshmallows - - w 34c Assorted PICNIC PACKAGE consideration the question of adher: ing to what is known as the optional clause avi compulsory jurisdiction te the Permanent Court of Interna: tonal Justice in the cases indicated | ma relevant artiels of the Statute | of that Qourt, The subject way diss usned at the Imperial Conference in WO, During the recent session of | wo Canadian Parliament a significant | Wl notable announcement was made ¢ the prime mix ite whe ed that 0 had mm 0 A ritiah uvernment the desire of Canada to an the optiondd clause, The initia: ive of Canada in this respect is a notable feature in her attitude tos wards the League of Nations and to the cause of World peace, Britain Signe a having been HW Re Hon | Britain, th pine pater, Rt, Hon, AC Dona, annonnced gar Mee, before the Assembly of the Li " of Nations at Geneva that Great tain would sign the clause and that after conferring with the delegates from the Dominions he believed they \ "A new. a formed in 21- For Your Party Fresh, Dainty Christie's Biscuits OROICE PLUMP CANDIED Seedless Raisins Delicious for Sockeye Salmon wey Sandwiches S FANCY RED 2 bs. 25¢ NEW CROP Citron Peel Ib. 3c Peel CANDIED LEMON AND ORANGE 23: Ib. READY FOR USE Grapefruit Tin 25¢ Brazil Nuts A OF CHOCOLATES | 1.1b. HEART 8 39 a4 he, - 8§9e¢ NEW CROP LARGE WASHED Ib. 25¢ m-------- . 2 Dire Glorious Golden HALLOWI DATES 2 me 23e vapena Tey PEARL, 10 BARS Dissolves White Naptha SOAP 36- Rinso ™ Welan Buy Mage Sauer ie at 2 ror 1 Go Large Pig. 19. |