Sr a THE OSHAWA "BLUE DEVILS" PRACTISE HARD FOR GAME WITH G Ld TT IE DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 UELPH ROYALS § ET SE i wee mre Big Crowd Expected To Attend Game Here With "Guelph This Saturday dint A -- Royals Are Determined to!) Give the "Blue Devils" Their First Defeat of Sea- . son--Oshawa Team Prac tising Hard Every Night Smarking the hitter pill they were | to swallow on faturday, the General otove VBlue Devils' are practising with a vim and sincereness that should sesure success, Last Saturday the Motor Clty lds antered the dan den Clty expect 0 take vietory home, When the ern had subsided and the dust cleared, they found that they had just man- aged to win by the moore of four to | Tea ive Devils" have every good rvesson to get dewn to busi ness for the season is not over by a long way and on this comin Saturday the Guelph Royals visit Oshawa for a Mitle afternoon ten. wl don't think, There will be nothing soft about this mame, (Guelph have heen dogged hy hard luek all through the present sea gon bur they have kept plugking away in the face of heavy odds and t's just about time for such a fighting spirit to get Ite Just reward, The (luslph team are determined to wlyo Oshawa thier first defeat of the season and right on Oshawa's own grounds at that, Ta do this Hitla thing have lined up a very formidable aggregation, The fol lowing 1s a Mat of the members of the locals who are trying thelr dardest to get a regular herth on he team that 1s golng to atte the "Blue Devils," This will give the fans an idea of just "Who's Who and Why" on the Guelph squad, "Hin Railton Quabievbach and Quiside Wing, Weight 145, Ane 87. A star player with Guelph 'olleglate and OAC, teams and 'or several years Rugby coach al the OAC, "Henle" White =~ Enapbaek Weight 148, Awe 20, Was also pnaphack on last year's team, "Niok" Hoshooley---Inside Wing, Woelght 180, Age 81, No previous experience, ""(larvy" Redford----Inside Wing, Weleht 178, Age 17, No previous sxperianoe, "Tim" Kay Middle Wing Wealght 200, Axe 47, Formerly of Petrolia Collegiate, Played Middle wing last year and also did the punting and will do It again this year, "Aha! Tantavdini-~Middle wing Wainht 105, Age 46, Played fop Ht, Joromin College and was a middie wing an last year's squad "Copp Lark--Outslde wing Walrht 170, Ape 24, Vormerly of Tiger Intermediates and Kitchener, f "Regia Lavole----Ountalde wing Welght 160, Aue 17, Previous ex: perience at Guelph Collegiate, Fred Richardson-=Outslde wing, Welaht 170, Age 88, Star plaver and assistant conch at 0.A.0, for several years, "Pom Houtelller ~~ Outside wing, Welght 162, Age 10, Pree vious experience at Guelph' Cols loglate, "Harney Gemmell--Half-haok, Weight 1688, Age 20, A converted nocoer player, Jog Hough-~Half-back, Welght 160, Ape 83, Also a converted so0cap player, - Ceell Hetherington == Middle COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S ng, Welght 180, Age Bb, A Wallhack ny oar and' Won heen shifted to le Wing, Prank Wowr re Middie wing, Welght 161, Ake 24, No previous experience, "Sunny! Alvin + Baaphack, Welght 140, Age 17, Wag on last your's squad, } Jake" Kadwell--Inslde wing, Waight 800, Age 24, Formerly of Guelph Collegiate, Vie Latontaine~Captain an gentre-half, Welght 168, Age 24, Played with Hamilton Tiger Inter mediates and Windsor Mic-Maos, Memher of last year's Guelph team, "rage Amith «= Right-half Weight 160, Age 846, Played with Guelph Collegiate, Hamilton Tiger Intermediates and wag on last year's squad, "Capers Anderson----Loft-half Wealght 160 pounds, Age 81, Pravs foun experience unknown, hut was on Guelph team last year, "Red" Bharpe Plying-wing, Welght 161, Age 20 Played form erly with Guelph Collegiate and Intermediate squads, "Henle Tate » Quarterhack, Welght 188, Age 80, Made hig de- hut In football as an outside wing Inst year, and hag heen shifted Lo Quarterhack Rome of these names are fam- {Har to vughy fans, After Batur day, necovding to yeports from the Guelph camp, all the names will he familiar to the Oshawa fang he gause they are coming to Oshawa with the express purpose of Im pressing thelr names an the mindy af the Oshawa fang hy defeating the "Blue Devils" right here in Muhawa, For the last ruehy 'fans of Oshawa had a chance to Devile" In action at have heen walling for thy battle and there Is nn doubt that there will he a record erowd at the game this Saturday Don't get your dates mixed, Hafurday afternoon 18 the day vou go tn the park tn see the "Blue Devils" In setlon and your leaves oan stay on the ground until another day, AYM.C, BADMINTON TOURNAMENT GETS OFF TO GOOD START Results of games played Friday night In the A, ¥, M, CO, Hadmin ton Tournament Atkinson and Crothers defeated Kelth and D, Hmith; Thompson and Merriok defeated Cook and Fite koraldi Glbhie and Bakogeovge defeated Newhall and Trotier; Himmons and Kvans defeated Cope land and Kllegotl Tlerney and Fordham defeated Brockville and Hurnett, Hubstitutes were used to make up the team in oases where the members dig nat turn up Games scheduled for next Friday night are as follows (ibhie and Hakogeorge ve, Tier ney and Fordham; Atkinson and Crothers va, JeNery and Blore; Thompson und Merriok Him mong and Kyans, The regular Friday night meats ing of the A, Ye M, CO, was held Fri. day night, Beveral new members Joined up, Mr, A (Art) Cates was appointed offiolal hookey ve. presentative to the new Industrial Athletiec Association recently forin od, He will work in conjunction with My, BE, Simmons, softball re: prosentative af the Club, During the Minstrel Show Frae- tioe which followed, Mr, W, Hnell, new Musieal Director, was Intro dueed to the Club hy H, Hmith, Director, Mp, BH, Tierney 8 now Assistant Musical Director weeks the have nal sen the "Hiue home, They three Vi, Bulgaria has Just opened a new ras dio station at Sofia ISPERING win Who Chooses a Mate = Man or Woman! A Love Ponder, Ton Now Starmy, Now | in This Drama of hi Women Who Loved the Same an, PATSY RUTH MILLER -- MALCOLM Me GREGOR - EVE SOUTHERN Digested by James Flood ~ ST. RT. = s | THURSDAY Last night twenty-one players were out at the Park for the fist uniform practice Mince Inst week, This number appearing for duty sure speaks wall for the enthuslasm and spirit of the Hue Devils, And who do you think was out last night! v v than that stick wieldar- famous Kelly None other Irish mutted Delivay, 1 L] 4 Welcome, Kelly, and If running to work at 8 a.m, won't take off that Drayton feeling---Well-=a few nights at rughy should, » The old saying that vughy was tog rough & game for a lacrosse player ta play and vies verss, has sure heen exploded wide open with the advent of My, Delirny last night * * The diminutive MI, Waglesan donned the pads again last night He was up to see the Hi, Cathar ines gama with the boys and his declslon to turn out again may have heen prompted hy Almost anything » Milf, was In there anyway lust night, and was working hard with the rest of the hays, + 1] * No chances. will he taken on the outeome of the game here with the Royal Clty Gridders next Saturday and when the whistle hlows at 8,15 pm, the gang will he there and ready to Ko, LJ LJ » The Royals 'phoned yesterday that they would have thelr strong ost team of the year here Hatupre day, All Injuries in thelr eamn have healed---alded hy the lay-off of last Saturday, + 1] + It Is also expected thev will he strenethened hy the addition of two or three former well-known krid starg--wha have heen out tn nractions the past week, Hring 'em on Viel . N * If a certaln MP, (J) would not mix his polities and practioes, this ealumn would he the hatter for It today-=ar mavha (an his part) anriiar to hed and anriiar to vise vonld make It easter for some of IH RUYS * N + YOPEN," co -------- London Team Prepares For Hard Tussle The London Gas House Gang will meet the Barna Wanderers at 'I'e aimgeh Park on Baturday afternoon at 230 o'clock, in the third game el termediate, O, RF, U, Western group, Hach team has a game ta is credit and plenty of action 1s prow wed when the locals take the field againet their eld rivals, the Tunnel City erew, Sarnia has long been able to turn back the Londen entry in the rughy series and this year the London boys are making a determin ed effort to break the Jinx, Last night at Thames Park the in termediates were out 20 wrong whe der the direetion of Coach Good man, and a good hour of signal and tackling practios was put ine The London boys are planning @ line plunging game against the Wanders ers and with the London backfield able to take care af themselves in any canipany, stiff opposition will await Sarnia on Saturday. Ellyatt, Little, Dale, were not in uniform but are expected to he oul tonight, Ellyatt will be given plenty al work in the game and will be called on to earry his share of the line plunging duties, Little and Dale an the fine have turned in same good games and will be given plenty of wark this week, Capt, Churehill is still confined to his hame in Petrolia and will not he able ta be in the ne up for Saturday, but it is hoped he will he able to he on the bench 10 assist tn directing the game, Local rugby fans are looking far ward with interest to the game, as they are still talking of the wonderful display af the fall Jhsime that they saw here in London the last time these twa aggregations clashed, High school students will be admitted to the game for 28 cents, and the three eollegiates and Technical school pra- mises to have a large erawd on hand, Sarnia, Oct, M~Luke Cusner and his Wandered intermediates get down to hard werk again this "ah KS poring for their impertant JU, clash with Jerey Goodman's Gas House Gang in London next Satur "Sloee lioking tv Londoners here a week aga Saturday, and knotting up the distriot race, the north enders have popped wp sonviders and there is nothing hut confidence in the camp aver the outeame af next Saturday's battle, Warkouts will be held every evens ing this week, according to the coach, wha calls his fries 10 knock off the Londoners in twe straight games to cop tv latriet aoe and quali to meet the Wa Devils the finals, TE -- "Ihe wan who gives in when he is wrong," sald the arate, Mis a wise man, but the man who gives in when he is tight tse" "Married" said a weak voioe in the audience, \ hetora Senior Rugby Supremacy By Present Will Soon Change Hands Claws of the ligers Arve Geir ting Worn With Age = Argos or Montreal Look Like Next Leaders--West. ern University Will Be Heard From Next Year History is apparently ahout to repent itself In vughy with the away of supremacy switching in the general turn about way, Bince the game of the grid came under regular leginiation In the latter wrt of the Inst century thers has gen a conslstent change In cham. plons, with Hest one lub or ine triet velgning only to falter for a few yours while another forse held the throne, The three major un lone operating In Hastern Canada have all experienced the same ex change of laurels among thely members and from Indleations thig penton a radleal switch oan he ox pected soon, perhaps not this year, hut almost certain In the next campaign, Hamilton Tigers, Canadian cham plans, who dominated the Blg Four for the last two years and ave fa varites to rapes wgain this season, aeem at the end of thelr successes with Mantveal and Argonauts hid ding strongly far the honors, Of LAWR was li command previous to the Tigers when Jos Miller, Joe Tubman, Ed, Emerson, Harold Bare and Charles Lynch wera at the peak al thelr power, holding the crown in 1086 and 1086, The Henators rose Lo supremacy hy dis placing Argonauts, who held It for three years with Lionel Conacher, Hed Batstone, HBhrimp Coehrane, the late Jimmie Douglas and Muss MoCormick the main cogs In (he machine, Montreal was In charge when the Interpravinelal resumed In 1010 after the war years, Juri as they did when the union was fivat staffed In 1007, while the ather teams had & turn #t the top during the Intervening years Hamilton's high powered squad seems ahout through as the play: ers Are not gelling any younger while Montreal and Avgonauts are developing what appear potentinl champlons, Ottawa faded after » two-yoay term in offioe wind 1s now rebullding for the future, hut un less some stock 1s Imported to hals tar the team It will take some vine reaching championship strength again, The same applies to the Intercollegiate in which Ta vonta, Queen's and MeGill have all taken turns at setting (the pace al though Queen's with the Leadley Hatstone osombination, was sis prema for four sueosssive seasons and Toronto alsa had charge for A similar term fram 1008 to 1011 whan Jack Maynard, Pete Camp. hell, Billy Bell and Hugh Gall were at the helght of thelr calorful ea eure Taranto, Queen's and Motil had ainooessive ohamplonships In the Inst three years hut # new threat has game inte thelr alrenlt tn West arn Univesity, which after a poor start In making a great finsh, The Londoners may vevalutionise Oana- dian vughy following thelr lane vations in the game nEalnst Vavalty on Haturday, when the Torento stu dents ware almost sent ta defeat Conch Jog Breen has developed a strange style of Interference, some thing now In starting plays wna masking them, which proved a de: olded asset to the team on the af fonalve, Hreen's Mustangs had the Varsity players haftled most of the game, with their unique style of stepping up to the line of sermw: mage, Western will he a faree that will mean watching In the near future, wht the experience gained In major company this year and irospects of high olass materia rom Western Ontario, Balmy Beach had a loug ven in the ohampianshin ehalr of the senlor 0, RK, F, U aonly to be stopped abruptly hy Varsity Op phans last year, while Barnia has a chance to prevent the Paddlers' return in the ourrent campaign The Heach has hatter prospects for future than most of the other se nlor teams In the sountry, with A system of developing players from early sohaol days, and there 1a & orap ready now fap pramotion that shows exceptional promise, Windsor add 8H, Michael's, new comers to senlor campany, shauld alsa command attention, like West: ern, in the near future, while Kit chener has heen hovering around the ohamplenship class and will Ikely gol Into the final stage he: fore lous, While Monday ts genevally a day of vest araund vuehy camps, Ars gonants did not waste any tne, most af the players being in unl form for a long workout In prepar atton far thelr game with Mant. real an Saturday at Varsity sta dium, With & win Argos will he hack tn the Hig Faur race again And as thay only lost hy he petal to the Winged Wheelers in Mant. real, mostly through thelr awn mistakes, they have all hopes af re- veraly the result, To help their onuse Hank Sinolalr, former stay secondary defense halt, vetuvned from retivament last night, denned his ald uniform and will wost likely start against Red Moore, Wally Whitty and the other Mont Teal meteors on Haturday, ce 80ls are for GARRITY orawd, for thera has heen a hig demand for seats, al ough they not #0 on sale until today, Moat likely there will he a Wand stam: pede far tickets and the prospects are for & complete sell aut, The sensational win. of the Winged Indications Wheslers over Hamilton 'Plgers has created the extra Interest and lo eal tans wre all an¥lous tn see Whitty, whose trusty tee scored ull polnta Ain the Bengals and also he poplar Hed Moove, product of the dane ho Rlayed A major part In the "Tigers' last tvimming while pia ine al the Balmy Beach hack led tn the Canadian tinal of 108% Avkonauts inva holstared thelr WEAFE With the hest of the junior team, eliminated fram the ehampi onship Face hy Malvern Grads, Hill Kedwell, Glen Blaughton, Beatty Blevenaon and Carmen Hlehardaon helug the players promoted ana al thoukh they may not get a chines far action In the tmportant test WIth Mantresl on Baturday they Will gain a certaln amount of se: nlar experience and get wequaine ef with major company for ierviee next wensan, Joe Wright, who Is busy with his new insurance hug ness and BH Darling wera the only vegulars ahsent fram pra toe Monday night, although Plypn Brown velurned after an absenoe during examinations, Argonauts will take dvery pre caution to he as near parfection An pogsihle on Haturday, and will most Nkely hold at least twa drills In daylight to tune up on kleking and oatehing, The handling of Punts hy the Bonllers rearguard has nol heen anything to hoist about this seasen, valuable ground halng lost by walling for hounding halls tnstead of taking the aval In the al The distances lost hy Walking far the hall to haunes may linve made the difference hetwaen Yietary and defeat In hath thei ane-point reverses Bilmy Beseh only held 8 warm up drill Monday night, to loosen up RUPE Jalnts, and most of the Play Ars raparted tn good condition, The hig worry at the Paddlers' samp Was about Nip Amer, who sustain od a broken lew In the same with Camp Harden Haturday The ve Nort was that he was suffering hut apnarently tmnroaving, al though it will he some time hefore definite progress will be known Krnle Orawhurst 1s alin In the Western hospital with Amer, hut fons net know how long he will have ta vamaln, although he hopes tn get In the game auninst Saris the finals on Thanksgiving day The Heachers play Bt, Michaal's onllege on Saturday at Ulster sia dium, the flvst meeting of the oly teams this season, Varsity Orphans and Juniors held a stiff praction at the stadium while the Intercollegiate squad had A day off and the intermediates sought other aceupations for the late afternoon hours we they eam plated thelr season on Haturday With & victory aver Western On tario The Orphans entertain Windsor here next saturday and Are determined to heoak into the win eolumn, They lost the apening game of the season to the MicMuos And are out to gel revenge NED BOULTBEE Abave we have Ned Boulthes, an ather valuable member af the Gen eral Motars "Blue Devils" He is ane of the youngest v'avers on the squad being only 10 years of age He welghs 180 pounds and stands § ft, 11 inehes in his holepranls He was lying wing st year for the "Blue Devild" and is acting in that capacity again this year Bre viaus ta that i Lakefield Props, Ned is ane wf the host tacklers an the team, Young and fast, he is in excellent sand sion all year round, He is ahenlute ly fearless and when he hits them or stay hit, He sven weed 10 withew just tn practise pads the honey of earning single points far the team by beinging his op panent down behind his awn line To veally appreciate Ned's quali Hes you must same aul 8 ee him perform along with his team mates on Saturday when the "Blus Devils" enterinin the plucky Guelph Royals, will have them ta the tune ol ane af these lady hawle a higher weekly seare than the men toughen up: At present he is try | ing hard to heat "Lig" Walker for | s played with the | 1 v 4 hervies Parts and League Monday night in lew Ent hegause af the Ha Murgueties, wha hay thi fell lawn Gily managed ta wh I hy howled d hursday lowe'sn Fel heen leading last wight and pat HTT ane J w LJ hie Lygys were Monday n Competition gan Fal Murris Art Donahue turned in the and them fa S10 he Higgins, Melt How Luk Button all Aang i) spilling and wide Peeing agleson Matt Ble and nies res ane higher one M 160 Were ' . . Ladies Major Leagus pped the han Vink team, the Black Cats, with a i and a high double Whirl Winds took the with WW ol In the Het ell hey high single of af 400, I'he hah team Maing Anni po § helg rt uli M » . which ha the Chosen Lhey have Hor the year and have in HON \loyy thelr Anather ney lenge sltarvied the onl I Friends Howling elected thelr ativan Hh and team boun chosen his ke ta howl at Matos Foiday night League team SAPIRING ir Lu Phis ia th SAE) leupne Chosen Friends Bowling League Hon, Pre A L¥gett, J. Aroheri Coneh: We M, Conk deg retary, George Laweni Manager, Will Dennison lule Beey, Jaek " Strikes, Spares, l and Blows || AV Lost Alleys Lhe moat interesting bit of news to Oshawa bowlers this week 8 the manner inowhieh the Oshawa entry the Kary's Major League 1s sweeping wll Opposition 'fore them On Baturday they got the headlines ih the bawling story in the weekly Star and Monday night just ta show that they really could baw! they Nriah hed off four points to go wp into second place, just twa paints behing the leaders, $Y Cy Gard Creamer was the high man of the Oshawa team with Pa fou three games, Peg Magkie was second with [AN Manny Swarts had the high single for the Oshawa hays, He bowl ed \ The totals for the three Hames were 1040 1089 and 119, With sich scores ad these being turned in itis ne wonder that the Nik Naks are doing so wel Phe peaple of Oshawa are going 10 800 some veal classy bawling it they ittend the Nutlows'an ue which 1s wing given hy \V, LES and R, FRASER, on Thursday, starting at ane o'clock in the afternpon, With seh attractive prises being offered there will he same of the hest howl ors in the province trying their skill at this carnival And A the good howlers won't: pome from outside Oshawa, S-- _ MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Walkie Myles stated yesterday that he did the best 4 sineas on Monday that he has ever done on a Monday sinee he became manager of the al loys, Of Salty thete were twa leagues howling Monday night gui evel at that it shows just how pop ular the rolling game 8 besawming in Oshawa, * hy The names on the hoard far the ten high men for the month is chang ing every night, Monday night twa aore entered their names fn the "voll of honor" and ® A result there is no person On the wht: with a sare of joss than 802 What 4 sweet time there Lb when these bays roll off, OF courie same of they will fll down the voll off while athers will "go orasy" and hawl aver thei head That's the LLU Mus, Lane shoved Via Novels off the board hy two pins She spilled 1 Phy Posland ;: Treasurer, Mrs, A, W, Hell following are the team names and the Captains Bilver Alara Wild Cats C), hays Muple Leal Never Dies Art Gireenhield Tack Losland Hilda Gillespie Clhiiek Tamblyn Ray Forrest Hewvers Frank Les Meet every Friday night in the Matar City Alleys at 7.30 pw Anvihi | { Cl brionds undertake goes aver the top with & hang waleh this lease! Each team a made up of two girls and four hays, Hill Dennison's tn structions wer Put two girls in each team and the half of Oshawa would net % the bays away, Bhawa At the Central Alleys Jaek Purdie offered a prise fap the high singles fay ladies and men during the week and already the name on the hoard has heal ohh od four times, Last night when the Dally Times held thelr weekly session, B, Ward Ywent orasy" and hefare anyhady gould stop him he had shove Chuck Mason off the board 8&0 had put hie own name on with & wohre of 848, Inoldentally, In doing this, Ward alin went Into the lead in the Times league, Kitohen had heen leading All week Frank Duffield still holds the Rgh monthly seove With a nee game of 381 This will take some honting and I don't wean perhaps, The Due Hove wore out tn full strength on Monday night and al the haya weve hitting 'em, (Prac toa wakes perfect), Ohas, Bpik atend lead the Paint Dabbes with BAN, The Duca Hays have hean oom platning of leaving the corner Pe wpe Well, when you handle "thine wera" all day, haw oan you help Mittin 'ew thin? That goes toy you "ph The W, E. Phillips league seams 10 be steadfast, The same team still loads and the same team stil holds the eellay position, The Alley Cals ave keeping the veal of the howlers awake at nights with thelr high scoving, They have Won eleven games gut of twelve fap A total at \ patnts The Diehards And the Duplates are next in line PORT SNAPSHOT Hy Guo, Cameiid, Sports Hdilor And CIiff Told Them All About It Phere is an epinton which prevalent among all sparking siveles that when you participate ins gimme you do nol know what Happens In the gine, Just In gas + thing had happened in Bt, Kites last Baturday, Couch Paund told the boys just what did happen, He didn's Just tell them but whist is more lmportant he impressed i upon them What hie did pet say wis (how boys, you had a lols teugh luek on an good as that sgainst London hb wondering why | am telling you hey don't seh Baturday but as long us you pla will he all wight) lat he didn't say and not what he did say, Vl tell you alow you ta publish such interviews, Very diserest, " w Ld A This Bhould Make the "Blue Devils" Bore following 1s a elipping taken from the London Free Press "Oshawa Blue Devils, Intermediate ©, 8, 0, U, finalists last yeas, have practically elinehed the eastern group tile of the ORF U, and will meet the winner of the Barnla-Landan series, The Gas House Gang would weleome Oshawa as opponents in the finals, as there are several players on the Landon team whe eontend that Oslinwi should nal them a year apn," What da yi his should make the In BASE you ar Fh heulen af that have "Blue Devils" work haveder than « * ¥ * And It's Hughy==Not Cricket [stock they have # team that is eresting quite a selv ints and win games, It 1s the Wood» they are @ team They have play have hind only ene point seared hundred and twenty-one average of 64 points to & game and a re nin Wo with thels (ask ahility 1a sore p Collegiate vughy tem Vie and in hve they he Miles against them and have seared three for themselve Ail rage of a Netle better than one point & minute for every mine Fhint's what you eall gearing points, Here sre 0, 81 ta 0, BY ta 0, This will give the leeal thin LJ » » LJ Wrestling on Baturday Night ith Regiment have decided to hold thelr next wrestling show Henata Gardinl, the favourites geen in action as well a8 many others, waht should be a goad night ta hold this show and the Arm List tiekets early LJ LJ * Ld Notlee to Nationals' Nupporters + Nationals journey te Toronto on Saturday to. play pina lean I'he Nationals have only we mere games and this is one of them, THe National players are asked tobe nt ab the Motor City stadium on Thursday night at 7.30 sharps LJ » \d * point ave Hh have ame af the sears B87 1a wi played rughy team mething to ahout (81 in the Armouries will Li n Hurday wight ul th CIshawi Tans, urdu hould be erowded ure your Fhe Cshay Candin nEture to pla Wemember the Hallowe'en Fete tomorrow, -------------- GODERICH TO HAVE JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAN QUEEN'S TO HAVE GOOD "CAGE" TEAM el 1 Wueeih's 1h tend to make a strong hid fap Lhe intercollegiate haskethall oham plonahip, which was won by Yaralty ha Tricolor will have Ihe "Hark! Diekey, Ho wig Carter and Hah BiHate of last Your team avaliable, an well as Hmmy Hose and others who have made thely I tha basket hall world dent, Dy J, The fest senlor haskethall Eame | BR Darrow | Treasurer, J oy R, ha DD, M, QO'Helen, G1 Td Wigwing, 1, Carey, D, I, Hill \ of the Intevenlleginte season WHI soldi Exaeutive, Reeve Pisset, Capt | Robina By 1" Hil Kingston Coderioh, Oct, 30==At & wall at tended meeting in the Town Hall, th Goderieh Hoskey Club was re C1] ged for the voming season, Ofeer wei elected as Swe Han, eal dents, Ih i hitely ( A: Rob ertson, Maver H, J, A Hacker President, B, 2 Croft] VieedPrest A. Graham Neertlary asl winter witon ames an Londoners tive ha on he played at Mei when Western play there on #4, "Tha next Hight the play Queen's hert, Cearge Jenner, H, ©, Hturdy W, Wallace and a representative he appointed by the Rockey 188m, hare, Lusen's gama Away 5 HA ---------------------------------------- Coming Thursday Dovothy Mackall in the breeuiest Sabu or MARGE ever Fasenda P i Wel LITE Biv itain nn v Jaok and Broadway's playboy, Jack Oakie sup a dozen laughs © = he opens -- Awd "Th We Want with DOROTHY MACKAILL Louise Fazenda Charles Delaney and Jack Ounkie The Rookies ave still at the hots wm, Come on you Rooks, Gel rans,