Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 7

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NEN YORK A Furnever on the New York Exchange Reaches New Record Total of 16,410,000 Shares as Declines Range From $10 to $70 a Share---Declines in Toronto and Montreal Form Spectacular Records, With Trading Closing at | Low Levels New Bali, Oct, 30-Huge barriers of buying orders, hastily erested hy s Bro All trading resords were broken, New York Atak' Ison #8 300 shares on the New y Wet, 'This contrasts with the change turnover o lines in the aetly mi B10 10 B70 a» HADIOTHONS \y thats why westinghous SINEVERY SOCKE) WARM IN WINTER THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 "STRENUOUS EFFORT 3,0F BANKERS HALTS STOCK MARKET STAMPEDE IN FTER FRANTIC SELLING but mmny of thes in the rally which started nm alternoon and eontinued through to the elose, Buyers Cheek Stampede Bunkers who had hewn rivdy called Int conference Mundey night and BEA WL noon yuserdiy appa pully stood aside ut the opening ue blocks of 10,000 10 BU,000 shares were thrown into the market (or whist ever price they would bring, When thig initinl Huod of selling hid spent waell, supporting urders begun lo ike thelr appearnnce, net with the intention of completely shoeing thy sirenms of selling but with the svow: od objost of regulating thelr Now, Several times during the duy, pur tenlarly In the virly "Hartog wh ain toward the lose, It looked ws though # fresh sollupse In prices, bringing rain bn its wike, wis Ineyls table, but each time the holes were plugged and the threatened dipaster Wan averted, Foronto, Oot, 0,=Unnerving stoel irket deelines since Lhursday palod Mig Inplgniigance bite the tidal wave of liguidution whieh flooded th Foronte and Montreal Stoek Kxehan wow yesterday, and gent prices erash- Ing downward In the dreatent vol lapse ever witnessed In Canada, Weak Assounts Fall Hundreds of undermargined (rad Ing accounts, which Successfully withsteod the tremendous pressure af preceding breaks, cracked under the 'strain, and forced lauidation ad ded {ty pressure to the overwhelming volume of selling: Trading on both Toronto and Mon treal Exchange and ourb markets far exeeeded all previous records, As To ronto WL10D shares ehanged hands, and at Montreal 525,000 shares Dar tHelpated in the most deasthe slump in the history of the Montreal Stoel Kxehange New low. prices were ex tanlished in all parts of the Canadian { wat INSULATING BUILDING BOARD eo GOOL IN BUMMEA DETRIBITED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED GONAWA, ONT, were eit In hal and I! . list, and no less thap 62 stocks resshs od naw low ground for the yesr on the toronto Exchange alone, Forty: five [aoues set "new Rue on the Standard Hioek and ning Ex change, Now York J. The immediate eause of the decline wih 4 ter) £ vob of early alls ing on the New York Bioek A shin e, and almost Amul ouply the Toronto and Montr "oe wp | Ay ep dessent 0 fof fe oe, h, In Wein Ameriean on nd scores ol | 0 te | from 1 to 10 pi uarters of the life chang yosten th most disorderly session in of the local exchange, mill dollars In sock values were Dhlnste in a starm of Hauidation, and pum« urons stoek wate sent hurtling down 1) new tow ove Wr how J BS ri wing #8 high at 865, This, of soyrse Wie An futept on and was confine ta one of the more expensive stacks, hut losses fi and » were eon: mon, and foe id ranking from $10 down were lavishly seattered over (he entlve lint, Terrified thuders, alarmed at the respinipiion yapiordyy of Monday's stating reaetion, fought 10 unload thelr holdings on a market already shaken by the strain Imposed fon it, and It wan not long before' prices collapsed eompletely and Hen th In stock market values wan a thing of the past, Block after bloek of stock, and entire holdings of the blg operas tors were thrown overboard Into frensled sen of Neutdation, whieh pounded the market Into & state of demoralisation" NINE DEAD AND FOUR MISSING IN LAKE DISASTER 59 Rescued, 10 In Hospital After Sinking of Wisconsin Kenosha, Wis, Oot BO, The Goodrieh passenger and freight pleamer Wisconsin went to Its doom In Lake Michigan today waven miles off Kenosha, Nine men, ineluding Captain HN, Dougall Mor risen, Chloago, veteran Great Lnkes skipper, are known to he dead, Of B90 rescued, 10 are In hospitals, while 40 received sua oor At the pollee station hers, Three or four belleved to have heen on the ship are unaccounted for, Men, mad and dared With fear, weakened hy exposure, and with wot alothes elinging to them, were hrought to shore hy hereto Coast duardsnen, whe braved the tur hulent sens In fragile cutters to affect & renoue, A week ago the Wisconsin won n battle auainst a Lake Mishigan gale, but last night's storm proved too much for her, Mhortly after mdnight the radioed that she had aprung a leak, the pumps were not working properly, the held was Milling with water, and that she wan In need of asaistance, he res quested tha tugs and steamers come nut and "stand by", Dook workers of London have formed a hortloultural soelety wity 000 members, List Your Firm For Your Dyug Needs | THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe 3 BWe Deliver in the "Times" . Business Directory! PHONE 22 Machinery R 191 King 8 W, Vheae ors, Contributions to this column will be PAGE SEVEN faa mw Boy Scout Activities | for No what the oy du " Othavs i aa office SCOUT EDITORIAL ne ageln Hallowe'en Is with ws, und this night brings us as Beouls, mited opportunities for goed Weng, OF course, Boouts do wot tek pari In any prenks ealeuluted to desiroy property or jo endanger the eltisens of the city In any way, uch more than this, the Beouts of the City will endeavour In every way 10 prevent these happenings ss myth ab possible, Ma, ul course, does not mewn te phy that the Seouts should endeavour forge 10 break up the various lit: tle gangs of ehildren who are bent on enjoying the night when hosts roam, witches meander, snd all sorte of Jueer happenings take place, They ean, however, connect thems selves with the youngsters of their distriet and help to diveet thelr ens cons aplpitn along lines eilenlnted to give enJuyment to thelr playfellows and also to preserve the pecs snd wall-belng of the community at large Organlging und playing some of the games played at Booul meetings, eas pecially some of those stalking games whieh wre so popular at wll times, and aah be made doubly exelting by the chine of having # fearsome ghost or an uly witeh Jump out from bus hind % treo and grab you by the left ear, will divert the minds* ol these marauders from more destruetive ranks and yet give Just as mueh, i not more enjoyment, Buch acts aa these, snd of course those of repairing ny damage done by those whe have gone belore, and thereby praventing what Is sometimes un serious aeeldent, will prove the wor of each individual Seout and the movement as a whole, Many sets of steps were pulled away from the verandas of houses in the City Inst year and In many on woe aged copia oan within' a very short margin of being seriously hurt by the unthoughtful pranks of the revellers, These Instances oan be eliminated by 'the eosoperation of the Scouts of the vieinity, A Beouts duty ly te help others, SCOUT NOTES Friday last saw' the last of the troops in town visited by the judges for the Inter-Troop competition, I'he Bh Troop and the 1st Thorn ton's Corners Troops were visited nd by all reports, created a very avourable Impression, The competition drawing to a close and the 'Troop whieh fas won will soon be announ eed, Good luek to whoever It Is and we feel that at least the Judges will have a difMeuht taok, to be useful und The Toy Shop Is now well under wity and toys are baginning 10 con in slowly, By the generosity of the Coun | we have been given the exclusive ue of the Market Place until Dec 25th, and #0, the various Rummage Sales having ended, we are now ready to_commence operations with a will The date of the Fathers and Sons Banquet for the Sth Troop has heen chapped to Nov, 61h vy kind consent of the Chureh aus thorities and Seoutimaster Boulthee of the 7th Troop, the Banquet will take place In St George's Mall on Centre street, The 7th Troop will use the Gym at the Y'MLOA, on the following Fri A A and should be sent to the not later moming each week, or thelr meeting, orgot to report lust week that on the previeus : 1] heen ont to thely hiking to Anish thelr Camp Qyen, 8 expected tht many u tasty ore It becomes disused, Ld v 4 SCOUT NOTICES ITH TROOP The bith Troop will meet ws usu! on Vriday next, at 7.30 the a in the YMCA, the wining shoes ur rubbics worn for use on the Gym All boys must he present, un the areingements for the Fathers Sons' Banguet wre to be made Patrol lenders should be ready to report thst the number that hel patrol will present on the program IRD OBHAWA TROOP ho Jed | ning Troop met on Friday wt the YMC | come oul AThis was shout the brightest ayes] the ning experteneed, The following pat vols ware glven work (a specialize in, | day night Wolf Patrol Hundlwork Nignalllng: M, eed Second Class Seouts thelr glgnnlling B, Bergman wis promoted 10 Troop lender for a period of six starting Nov, 1th, © womoted to Asst, Seout Master, K| Hay, J, H Mehes wis promoted Into BW, Berg: | hath man's position of Patrol leader, wil A Turner taking Fltehes' position of Second, B, Drakes asslgned parts: to' evening was OG EA WR AB TL A eR pe tod in now THE TEMPLE HIGR.BOY inthe of he \ Et FET aphiout e RAAT 1 ba tak Lied A 4 h 0s whie ave Meda a ih AFAR mi TEMPLE Revolvers wee | x ™» then Tuesday Red Label Blue Label ul {az 1 38 Hall-pound Hall'pound I" LYONS & CO, LTD. TORONTO a i _-- i Batirduy, the 2nd 8 souked In thie ven he ST ap RS gl Wee LUCKY DUMMY layers who are taking part lyf Consequences' and was based oh cout play in the near future, The | Bhukespenva's play entitled "Mad ust bel vegt meeting will he held at the ¥ Beth," "The choly sang beautiful f reel vis akdng n We MY Aon Nov, Let, ut 7.80 pan anthems In hoth. services, sunday | tern thriller, snd working very hare Wahoo! was well silendsd in the | to get some wetion into it BEVENTH TROOP Last Wedd} atiernoon binully he rou the brink nosduy the 7th Troop had & very fine Wililam Oke of Oshawa, was hlof a elif, eeting, bit some of the Beouts are | gunday visitor with Mr, and Mrs | glan wersisiing tn thelr uhaenee, Wa would A, 1, Warry, ie to have uw banner meeting thi Ming Neetu Worden who hag heen week, and hope all the Beouts will] yolida ing with valatives fn this appear In full dress snd wenrbag rane gommonit 101 the past faw | wi Pilg In uegontepleasc | yonthn, 1oft on Thorsday for ha { Pew Anyvonsg wishing tu go ol home tn Crystal Clty, Manitoba vorkshop wl the Market will] The Leugine mosting this week Wha iia Ci please see BM, Boulthes on Wednes: | will ha held on Thursday evening, far igulty | Outober 01 and will take the form |" ; {of no Hullowa'en Musguerad " " "yo . 10d uIrvies will be held ni th EBENEZER BRIEFS {tm ing hours on Bunda) nvemes | Lis Hoy My, Milligan of China | Hindu will he the speaker in the morning | held ot] and He Mr, Bindnton In the even. | DOBLOT, | fing Munday #ehool will he held | an usunl tn the afternoon i shoes piign fot Ambilanee work; Owl Eagle Putrol tHught son Ihanegnr Oul months, | gerviges al lGheneser, wey Drakes was | the regular hours The piainton, prefnched nt chureh weryvieos Rav, Mi morning Lex was Jere | Wireless sorviea has Just heen 80 and hig subject In the established betweon Australian and Blu, Conselence and ihe 10H Islands THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFF IfY Hainton'y minh % a wena LE KELANAOOEMBO DGB EA] 1) EN Natural, Humlessx Now you may enjoy natural, sweet tones=Jumless, without sacrificing a single fundamental note | tone that is undistorted at either high or low fre. quencies . , . superb , , . entrancing, TEMPLE has performed something like a miracle this Jest, The long famous TEMPLE Speaker, com: hined with a marvelous receiver, has made possible the {deal of natural, humless tone at last, And selostivtey | . . with knifelike precision, TEMPLE sliges through a crowd of stations to the one station you want, Dian stations, 100... 90 easy to find, and with the ume and clarity of locals , . . amaning power at your control with a touch of the fingers! TEMPLE is beautiful to behold as woll=-guild craftsman ship in avery detail of cabinet work, Tore, truly, is a radio for lovers of good musio=you who withowt sanmot enjoy music with a mechanical flavor, Just make al a comparison, Hear, and see, TEMPLE alongside other good seta, . TEMPLE tone and beauty 'will surely he your preference, TEMPLE CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO wl of Ve ow RADIO-PHONOGRARM, | COMBINATION. © || The TEMPLE ES roph | combination models nly the finest in readin but also allow for the of rey § wit hana Mo wital po aon tically correct that it enthralls, Housed in a most | . with nine 40:12" high, h REL | Complete with nine thea, $419, 1 pS wy \J yoann Distributor's Name Here TEMPLE Receivors ae reid hy \ Limitods | ht ab Rh Th Fe, Tt, Wo Geen oraing at 11.30 ever CKGW, Moffatt Motor Sales - . . RK)

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