Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 STRONG BUYING SUPPORT ON THE NEW YORK MARKET (Continued from page 1) rdar's overwhelming tide of qui ation, On the Standard Minin carly such stocks us Noranda snd N chel there were Indleations slightly firmer tendency, n the Toronto market senlen of International Nickel outset, with Nickel between 41 1 and 3, and Walkers from Crippled With Exchange yrices were Irregular hut led ( Is Washington, D.C, Out, 80-sOM- [4] i heavy und Hiram Walkers ary made ut the to 10, assistant secretary of commerca, in British American Ol reflected the more confident tong, and after fluety ating between 3 1.4 and 40 deh nitely turned upward with later sales al 43, where It was up 3 7:8 points, The Oils generally showed a firmer front, Brazilian, though not so active dirlng the first thirty minutes, was one point higher at MH, Noranada led the way en the Stan- dard, graduslly working Jiwards for a gui of more than $200 Other stronger mines were Like Shore, up 1 at 17.78; and Mining Corporation up 48, at 3.25 Washington Hopeful (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) ain] Washington clung steadfaniry today to Is opinion thet United Plates business need expect no ad- verse results from the collapse of flock exchangs prices, Much a view 21 wig expressed hy Dr, Jullus Klein, Sv Rheumatism 6 Months out of 9 Rin attended writes otill should [] fo try Gi Pills,' tines, and SG To re os HMR ly BA fo Na nine months, six of these a cripple, was in the a month, was and a foot j and then, a8 taro, *' h to atart work when n ' ' hem toon dona) Brg Chemical Co, of Canada Limited FOR THE PILLS KIDNEYS ALL] # widely brondeast addres last night, which 1s understood to re- present the attitude of the sdmin- istration In general, and coincides with President Hoover's previous glatomont on the business situs on, No action had been taken by the Vederal Neserve Board, in the tues of yesterday's precipitous de- oline In security prices, London Waiting (By Canadian Frovs Loessed Wire) London, Oct, 80,~~/Transatiantio Issues wore motive today st opens ing of the stock exchange, Bups porting orders raised most quota~ tions slightly above the New York overnight level and well over last night's oloss hers, The Wall Street slump, however, had an unsettling effect in other weotions which hitherto have not been affected by the American wonkness and most quotations in. clined fractionally lower in the ab sence of support, There was general disposition to Await events on Wall Breet before entering into large commitments, Note of Optimism (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, of, 80,~~A, note of optimism wis heard today amid the echoes of & Wall Mtreet grash in which a tidal wave of 16{410, 180 shares overwhelmed the took market, breakipg all records, The note was struck in the last min- ute rally yesterday that [lifted prices from the depths to which they had been swept by the tore rent of selling, It also was hoard In the announcement that United Miates HMieel and Ameriosn Can Company had declared an extra dividend of #1 and that American Onan had Increased Its annual divi dend rate from #8 to #4, The note was repeated in the statements of John J, Raskob and other financial leaders, who declare od that the fundamental sound. ness of business and the present price of stooks offered an attrac Screen-Grid. PADIOLA406 ANewB of the new Rediola "so En ont five vacu r extraordinary The sensitivity, undistorted home, elec and mu in integral r i atteryless Console with Electro-Dynamic Loudspeaker Nex since the perfection of Batteryless Radiolas has there been such an igaportant development in radio am] A new aw volume part is truly remarkable, vo lone tuning ted simultancously with one hand , . Ww and an actor » must see and operate the know how advanced it is in « the value it offers. Come to our Rediol $2250 & on dial are With Radiotrons + $2851.78 mak vailable a t resetve of one Bee pac oy which soreemgrid + + + an outstanding feature rece cireuit of Radiola "46" em. um Three are the new bereene which Hive Bocuse justly fame fon cabinet finished in walnut , . and volume controls which can be localddie. of how showrooms LIN Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. Oshawa - Whitby - Bowmanville CANADIAN GE NRRAL ELECTRIC CO.,, LIMITED PAGE FIVE tive opportunity for the investor, Although the volume on the slock exchange excesded anything in the snnals of its 100 year or more, trading was orderly and the the toker win only an hour and 6% minutes Inte, Last Thursday it ran four hours and 50 minutes afte the 4 pm, closing gong, The size of the blocks of stock indicated the class of traders and speculators who had been hit by the welling hysteria, Blocks from 10,000 to 80,000 shares were of- fered for what they could bring, Under these ponderous masses, ef forts to support the market crum- pled and prices continued thelr downward career until the rally at the close which brought leading issues back 4 to 14 points wfter they had dropped 14 to 88 pone in the collapse, The market upheaval which has wiped out speculators by thouw ands and out quoted prices nearly in ball, wiping out approximately $26,000,000,000 in quoted values has brought but one Wall Bireet fallure, Muspension of John 4. Bill and Company, from the New York curb exchange for [allure to meet its obligations was an- nounced, No Winners Yet New York, Oot, 80,.~The New York World today said that while Jouses Lo big stock markey operas tors have been reported as high an $50,000,000, not one winner could be found, Losses of fifty million were attributed to Arthur W, Cutten, of Ohioago and a native of Guelph, Ont, who a few years ago switehed hin Interest from the Chicago grain market to Wall treet where he is reputed to have amassed a fortune of $100,000,000, The seven Fisher brothers of Detroit are reputed to have suffore od losses of "several hundred mil Hon", In the bear oamp no one could be found from Jesse Livermore down who would admit having made money, Yor a while, wald the World, it was thought Willlam H., Danforth, of Boston, had made $20,000,000 but subsequently it was found he had switched to the bull side last Thursday and lost heavily, Until then he had been $5,000,000 ahead, Another Vallure New York, Uot, #0,~=The neo ond fallure of the recent bea market took place today when the New York curb exchange firm of Lynch and Co,, Was suspended for tallure to meet its obligations, The tirm consists of Allen WK, Nhaw, Lhe floor member, Philip Lynch and M, #. Fiaher, The failure was parallel to that of John J, Beli and Co, yesters day, Like the Bell firm, Lynch and Co, did not do a general coms mission business, executing primars ily private orders for the account of themselves and associates, Women Suffer Most New York, Oct, 30,==Thousands of women, erstwhile speculators, returned to their bridge tamlos tos day, poorer but wiser in the ways of Wall Street, Attracted by the profits to be made during the past year, women of all ojosses, woclety mairons, debutantes, teachers and steno Kraphers have been in the market, The slump which began a week aN and oulminated in yesterday's rec ord-broaking orash gave the ma jority of them thelr first baptism of fire and wiped many of them out, During gruelling days that have tried veteran operators, they have crowded about the tloker and sat before the boards in the offices of thelr brokers watching the drop of prices that meant to many the loss of years of savings, Nrokers sald thelr experiences with women customers during the slump has been varied, The suds denness of the onslaught last Thursday when margine vanished fn minutes and many women found themselves sold out caused hyster Ia and some of them fainted, One broker sald: "An customers they are more un. certain than men, They seek more advice, They alt and murmur, Shall I sell or shall I hang on! They gO through greater agony of indecision In erucial moments, In the last week I think they have suffered from the mental strain more than men," YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE FORMED SEAGRAVE CHURCH Miss Irene Spofford Elected President-- Mrs, H. Leask Vice-President ------ Seagrave, Oct, 38. ~Christmas will won be here! Why? Because Seas rave Women's Association have hosen the day for their annual hristmas Bazaar, whichy will be held on December 6th, There will 10 be a hot supper, About twenty-five of our ople gathered at the Manse on harsday evining to enjoy a social ovening and for the prime purpose of forming a Young People's League in ration with our church, The following were the officers elected: Hon, President, Mr, Greeni presis dent, Miss Irene Spoffard; vices president, Mrs, H, Leask: secretary, Grant Orchard} treasurer, Mr, 1} Leask, Convenors for the different committees: Missionary, Mrs. MH. Eagleson; devotional, Mrs, B, Dow: soni citizenship, Mr, RB Wanna. maker: literary and social, Miss \ MeMitlan panist, Miss I, Moon, It was decided to hold meetings every Tuesday night at 8 pm, Mrs, Jas, Harding had the misfors tune to fall on Nanday oveniy hing hor wrist, She was rushes to Dr, Hall at Little Britain where the injured arm received medical ats tention, At the congregational meeting held in the United Church on Monday night it was decided to have only a special Thank Offering, instead of the youlg d ursday Is T Biggest and Most Beau Dolls ever offer- ed at, each To make this value this stove and its stores placed an order 85,000 dolly with the manufacturers In Canada, notunl wire they measure inches, Dresses, panties bonnet nro of prettily pri muslin, Buoy them now You will save money, A ant ing pack fore, And our thelr DOLLS! DOLLS! $1 00 pousible ansoointe Inrgont Iny them aside for Christmas, utul | BARGAINS, for In un und nted and Tremendously Import- Sale Event Is the Sell- of Lovely Silk Lingerie AT $1.00 As we write the goods are being uns New lnes never shown bes Just fresh from the makers, what values they offer, Never In time have we seen any garments v pqual for the money, A full range of colors in all wlaon in offered in each ' partious Iny line, Lace feimmed Pott Knlokers, Laces 'eimmed Night » Gowns, Lace Trims med and Talloved Princoss Slips, Come bination Bloomers, and Beassleres Lace Trimmed Step«ins, e Day of D On Your Fall and Winter Needs ONE GREAT DOLLAR DAY The last day, and the busiest day of the busiest month in 1929, Let's break all previous records for volume of sales, as well as for real genuine From a Bargain List that contains a'most One Hundred Outstanding Dollar-Day Values have selected for special mentino 8 Great Leaders The Windows tell the story more impressively than any printed description. Make a special ef- fort to see the Dollar Day Sale Windows To-day, id gon ohh ai ata ays For Savings HOW DO WE DO IT? Women's & Girls' Good Wearing Raincoats for $1.00 We do do it, but we don make much money, Just a matter of cleaning up the odd garments in this department, Nome of them cost us two and three times as much as the price we are selling them for, Assortment Includes coats in navy drill, ved leatherette, and plain and check rubberized cloths, Blees 10 to 20 years, We In The Dress Goods Department at 2 yds $1.00 We offer the following popular fabr'cs, Not all shades in any line except Fugi silk: Best Japan- ese Fugi Silk, 30-inch; Silk and Wool Feather- weight Tweeds, 36-inch; All Wool Dress Flan- nels, 31-inch; Pure Silk Taffeta (for sl'ps). 36- inch; Fine Silk Georgette (for lamp shades), 36-inch, 20 Dozen First Quality Puritan Maid -- Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hosiery umm a $1.00 A new line manufactured to retail at $1.50 pair, Beautiful quality service weight with silk reinforced French heel, Silk to the lisle hem, In all the best colors, This is just an introductory offer, and we must restrict each customer to buying not more than three pairs, loped Pillow purchase, white, duplicate again this year, Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases and Irish Kindeira Embroidered Scal- Remarkable Values at $1.00 a pair A saving in the first mentioned of 50¢ and second a clear saving of Hemmed pillow cases are embroidered in dainty colors, while scalloped pillow cases are in all These are offerings that we cannot possibly Cases Are Both in the }0c--=0n every pair you a which customary hot fowl supper May had made a name for itself, the experience prove a success, Special services on Sunday, No vember 10th, with Thanksgiving music by the choir, Say it with dol lars, The Women's Association held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Albert Martin on Wednes day the loth, A good attendance WAR present, Mr Frank Smith and Me, §, Wool dridge were in Oshawa on Tuesday Mes, G. Holdershawt and Mrs, G Montgomery were visiting with their aunt, Mrs, H, Hall, her Hill, on Friday, Mr, Bar! English and family of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A, Dowson Mr, and Mra, John Mark, Mrs, I, Wannamaker, Mr, and Mrs, 1, Irwin and Sina were in Lindsay on Saturs day, Miss Vera Tanner has been visits ing in Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs, John Short were vise iting in Blackstock during the past DODD'S KIDNEY iy, Surplus Stock of Girls' Winter Weight Vests and Drawers Regular 75¢ and 85¢c, 3 garments for $1.00, These are in a well known make in sizes 28 to 32, Good winter weight in cream color, Infants' Pure Wool Vests -- Button Front Style, Regular $1.00 and $1.25, 2 for $1.00 Cream colored fine wool Peerless Vests in sizes from 6 months up to 3 years, A real saving here that mothers will be quick to recognize, week Mr, Wm, Moon, Mr, Stewart Mes Coy attended the Conservative meets ing held in Uxbridge on Monday evening Mr, and Mrs, Albert Martin were in Bowmanville over the week end, Mr, and Mrs, Orr Shunk and Myr! of Port Perry spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, CW, Clarke, Miss Laura Mark of Taronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Alvin Bruee Mrs, Gordon Montgomery and baby Melen of Bowmanville, are vis iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jos Holdershaw, 4 Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Clarke and fam ily were in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs, W, Stevens of Tor onto were visiting Mr, and Mrs Short Mst week, Mr. Ralph Reynolds, Miss V. Mes Millan were visiting Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Cherrle, Scugog Island, re cently, Mr. and Mrs, H, Copeland of Oakwood spent Sunday with Ma and Mrs, John Short, Me and Mrs, Gordon Fishley spent Sunday in Saintheld, Miss Myrtle Cookman of Toronto was visiting her parents over the week end, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Leask spent Sunday in Greenbank Mr, and Mrs, R, Pollock and family of Uxbridge were visiting res latives on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Willan and Mrs, Spinks of Blackstock were vise tors on Sunday at the hame of Mr and Mrs, James Shunk, Mr, and Mrs, 8 1 Wooldridge were the guests of Mr, and Mrs Malcolm McMillan on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, A, Barnett and fam ily have moved from our village to the house owned hy Me, Orval Stone Mr, Quigley of Saintfield, has pur chased the house owned hy Mrs, BE Wilkinson, Oshawa, and: recently va cated hy A. Barnett, *aspoons Set of six, $4.25 26 piece seta in modern containers, from $34.25 Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner

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