Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 Aa ere With' h This Saturday [| and the du ' they found that they had just mans Sued hy win hy the score of four 0 ay fue Davils" have every good raMOn ta get dawn to busi poss for the serson 1s not over hy A long way and eon (his coming Baturdag the Guelph Toyals viel Oshawa for a little afternoon tens w= don't think, There will he nothing soft about (hig game, Ruaiph have heen dogged hy hard uek All through tha present Aes son hug they have kept plugeing AWAY In the face of hepvy odds and it's Just about time for such a fighting spirit to get 18 Just reward, The Guelph team ura determined to glva Oshawa thier first defeat of, the season and right on Oshawa's own grounds at that, To do this Httle thing have lined up a very formidable aggregation, The fol lowing 18 a Het of the members of tha loeals who are trying their dardest to get a vegular hearth on ha team that Is going to attlea the "Hus Devils," This will give the fans an idea of Just "Who's Who and Why" en the Guelph squad TRIN Hamilton=Quarierhank and Ontalde Wing, Waelght 145 Are 87, A star player with Guelph Collegiate and O.A0, teams and for several years Rughy conch at the 0O.A,0, "Henle" White Anaphaok Welght 168, Age 20, Wan also pnapback on 18st year's team "Niegk' Hoshooley==Inslde Wing Welaht 100, Age 81, No previous experience, "larry! Welght 178, Age experiance, "Hm" Kay Middle Wing Welght 200, Ame 27, Formerly of Petrolla Collegiate, Played Middle wing last year and also did the punting and will do it again his yar, "AN Tantardinl--Middle wing Weigh 106, Age 20, Played fop Ht Jeromin College and was a middie wing an last year's squad, "Oopp" Lark---Outside wing Weight 170, Age 24, Formerly of Tiger Intermediates and Kitohener, "Regla" Lavole--Outulda wing Weight 140, Age 17, Previous ex perience at Guelph Collegiate, Fred Riehardson==0uteide wing Welaght 170, Age 28, Hiar player and asalstant coach at OAC, for peveral years, "Tam" Routellier Outside wing, Welght 10% Aga 10, Pre vious experience at Guelph' Col legiate, "Rarpey" COemmell--Halthaok Weight 108, Age 20, A converted soooer player, Hall-baek, Welght Joe Hough 160, Age 88, Also a converted - Middle Redford 17, Inside Wing No previous pocoar player, Qeell Hetheringlon we QUALITY #6, A win Wy elght 140, A : ft WoL YOR. AN uit mi fy Wink, J Prank Howard «= Middle wing, Wel 161, Age 84, No previous 0, op 7] : Alvin ss fnaphack, A Y n aphack Ww 40, Ake 17, Was on last rel L) Hund, k Nadwalle-Tnelde ving: Ww 00, Awe 86, Yormerly of Cruel leginte, Vie Lafontalne--Captain = and contre-haif, Welght 168, Age #46, Played with Hamilton Tiger Inter mediates and Windsor Mio-Maos, Member of last year's Guelph Lem, Yar" Bmith = Rigbi-halt Welght 160, Aga 84, Played with Guelph Collegiate, Hamilton Tiger and wag on last Intermedintes year's squad, "Oapers" Andersone=Laft-half Walght 160 pounds, Age 81, Prey fous $Abarieiion unknown, but was on Gualph team lust year, "Hal! Aharpe = Wying-wing, Weight 151, Age 20 Played form erly with Guelph Collegiate and Intermediate squads, "Hrnle' Tate Quarterback, Welght 108, Age #0, Made hig de. hut fn foothall as an outside wing lust year, and hag heen shifted (0 Quarterback, fAoma of theses names are fam- iar to vughy fans, After Hatirs day, ancording to vaports trom the Guelnh camp, wll the names will he familar to the Oshawa fang he onuEe they are coming to Oshawa with the express purpose of im prissing thely names on the minds nf tha Oshawa fang hy defeating the "Blue Devils' right here in Oshawa Foy Mihy waaks the have not the last fans of Oshawa had a ohanes to sea the '"Blus Davila" in action at heme, They have heen wilting for thiy battle and there 18 no doubt that there will he a record erowd at the game this Haturday Dan't get your dates mixed Huturday afternoon In the day vou go to the park to gee tha "Rlue Devils" In aetlon and your leaves oan stay on the ground until another day AY M.C, BADMINTON TOURNAMENT GETS OFF TO GOOD START Results of games played Friday night In the A, ¥, M, C, Radmin ton Tournament Atkinson and Crothars defeated Ketth and D, Bmith; Thompson and Merviok defeated Cook and Pita gerald tibhle and Bakogeoree defeated Newhall and Trotter) Himmons and Evans defeated Cope land and Hllegatt] Tierney and Fordham defeated Broekville and Hurnett Hubsatitutes were used to make up the team In cases where the members dig not turn up Games sohodv led for next Friday night are as follows) Gibhia and Dakogeorgs va, Tier nay and Fordham; Atkinson and Crothers ve, Jalfery and Nlore) Thompson and Merrick Hime mona and Kvans, The regular Friday night meet Ing of the A, Y, M, ¢, wan held ¥ri day night, HBeveral new members Joined up, My, A, (Art) Gates wan appointed offfolal hookey ves presentative to the new Industrial Athletie Asagolation retently form. ed, He will work in eonjunation with Mp, B, Bimmons, softball res presentative of the Club, During the Minstrel Bhow Prae tioa whioh followed, Mr, W, Hnell, new Musionl Director, was intros dueed to the Club hy H, Hmith, Divectar, Mr, RB, Tierney Is now Asnlatant Musical Director three Vi, wm a ah Bulgaria has Just epened a new ras dio station at Safa, NEW MARTIN : 3 .D.-YS ~ START! 3 THURSDAY + gp ry TIFRAN YS TRL Who Chooses « Mate = Man or Woman? A Love Story, Now Stormy, New |Tender, Told in This Drama of Two Women Who Loved the Same an. PATSY RUTH MILLER - MALCOLM 'Me'GREGOR -~ EVE SOUTHERN , p---------- ns Ri lt "OH DELIGHT DIDN'T I.CE CI." AM" # == OHAPTRR = PIRATE OF PA!' MA MALR QUARTETTR THE HAT '™NY CLU Last night twenty-one players were out at the Park for the first uniform practise noe Inst weak, This number appearing for duty wure speaks well tor the enthusiasm and spirit of fhe Due Devils, And who do you think wis out lust night! LJ None other than that famous Irish gutted stiok wielder~ Kelly Deatiray, CI Weloome, Kelly, and If running to work at § am, won't take off that Drayton fesling---=Welle-u fow nights al rugby should, The old saying that rughy wan toh rough a game for a lnevowse player to play and vies versn, has wire heen axploded wide open with the advent of Mr, Delray lust night, Se The diminutive Milf, Hagleson donned the pads gain Test night He was up to ses the Bi, Cathar Ines game with the boys and his decision to turn out again may have heen prompted hy almost anything L LJ LJ Juul with MIE, wan In there anyway night and was working hard the rest of the boys, * + * No ehanees will ha taken on the outeome of the game here with the Raya! City Greidders next Baturday and when the whistle blows at 8,14 pm, the gang will he thera and rendy to go, * * * The Royals 'phoned yesterday thet they would have thelr strong. ast team of the year hers Natur Any All Injuries In thelp eamn have healed=-nided hy the lay-off of last Baturday, M * * It In also expeoted they will he strengthened hy the addition of two or thres former well-known grid atars--~wha have heen out to practices the past week Bring 'em on Viel "so Ia oartaln MP, (J) would nnt mix hig polities and practiops, this oolumn would he tha hatter for it today==or maybe (an his part) anrlior to had and anviier to vise would make I(t easter for some of i KUys dl EE "OPEN" London Team Prepares For Hard Tussle to---- The London Gas House Gang will meet the Sarnia Wanderers «tl Ler cumseh Park on Saturday afternoon at 230 a'clogk, in the third game ol intermediate, O, R, FU, Western group, ach team has a game to is gredit and plenty of action is prom Ised when the locals take the held againat their old rivals, the Tunpel City orew, Sarnia has long been able to turn back the London entry in the rugby series and this year the London boys are making a determin: ed effort to break the jinx Last night at Thames Parke the in termediates were out 20 strong wn der the diregtion of Couch Good man, and a good hour of signal and tackling practices was put ine The London boys are planning a line plunging game apninst the Wanders ors and with the London backheld able 10 take care of themselves in any company, stiff apposition will await Sarnia on Saturday, Rllyatt, Lite, Dale, were not in uniform but are expected to be out tonight, Bllyatt will be given plenty of work in the game and will be ealled on to carry his share of the line plunging duties, Little and Dale on the line have turned in some wood games and will be miven plenty ul work this week, Capt, Churehill 1s stil confined to his home in Petrolia and will not be able to be in the Nne-up for Saturday, but it is hoped he wil able 10 be on the bench to assist 1n' directing the game, Local rugby fans are looking for ard with interest to the game, as they are sll ki of the wanderiul display of he Il pastime that they \ -- " NHRTORR on the : i school Wedenn, wi be it the or st and the three leglates and nical sohool pro. mises to have Xe 0 erowsd en hand, AARRAR DY ns War Inte to hard work 9 Cusner and TERY tor olp nt ORF h ( i RA SP ose Gang Ll here a nee Hoking tl d week age jo Bid khotting wp the distriot race, the north enders have pepped wp considerable an there ia nothing but confidence in the camp over the outcome of next Saturday's battle Workouts will be held every evens ing this week, aecording to the cone! cally his {hrges to knock © the Ls re in two straight games to cop the distpeiet voce and quality to meet the Oshawa Rluwe Devils in the finals, Ea, wrong" agid the orator, "ia a wise wan, But the wan who gives In when he Hi right ees" "Married" said a weak voive in the audience "The " gives in when he is Th Claws of the [igers Are Get- ting Worn With Age ~ Argos or Montreal Look Like Next Leaders-- West om University Will Be Heard From Next Year I History ropont linslf In rughy sway of supremacy switehing in the general turn about way, Bince the game of the grid eame under regu loglalation In the latter art of the last century thera hae haan & Sofiatatont change in eham- long, with fleet one club or dine riot velgning only to falter for a faw yours while another fores held the throne, The thres major uns fons operating In Hastern Canada have ull sxperienaed the same ex- change of laurels among thelr members and from Indieations this wonion uw radleal switch oan he ox pected soon, perhaps not this yenr, hut smimost cortain In the next anmpnign, In apparently shout to with the Hamilton Tigers, Canadian cham plang, who dominated the Hig Wouy for the Inst two years and are fa vorites to vepest again this season, foam ut the ond of thelr suooesses with Montres! and Argonnuts big ding strongly for the honors, Of fawn wan In command previous to tha Tigers when Jos Millar, Jos Tubman, Id, Kmerson, Harold Hiare and Charvies Lyneh ware al the penk of thelr power, holding the crown In 1085 and 10806, The Honators vose to supremacy hy dis placing Argonauts, who held It for three years with Lionel Conncher, Red Hataton Hhrimp Cochrane, the Inte Jimmie Douglas and Moss MoeCormiok the main cogs In the machine Montreal was in eharge when the Interprovinelsl resumed In 1010 after the war years, Jurl ae they did when the union was first wiarted in 1007, while the other teams had a turn at the tap during the intervening youre Hamilton's high powered squad foams ahout through as the play Br Are not pelting any younger while Montreal and Argonauts are daveloping what appear potential ahamplons Ottawa faded after = twosyonr term In offioe and Is now rebullding for the future, hut un loan noma stock ts tmported to hols tor the team It will take some vimae hafore renching champlonship strength spain The same applies to the Interoolloginte In which To ronta, Queen's and MoeGil have all taken turns at setting the paea al though Queen's with the Leadley Hatstone combination, was prama for four successive sonsons and Toronto alse had eharge for A similar term fram 1008 to 1011 when Jack Maynard, Pete Camp bell, Billy Bell and Hugh Gall were At the height of thelr ealorful on rearp, wi Toronto, Queen's and Motil had suocessive ohamplonships In the Inst three yours hut a4 new threat has come Into thelr elroutt In went orn University, whieh after a poor start tn making & great finsh, The Londoners may revolutionise Cana dian rughy following thelr inno vations (n the game against Varsity on Haturday, when the Toronto stu dents were almost sent to defeat Qonek Jos Breen has developed » | strange style of Interforance, some thing now in starting plays una masking them, which proved a de olded uaset to the team on the of fonslive, Hreen's Mustangs had the Varsity players baffled most of the ame, with thelr unigue style of stepping up to the line of worm mage, Weatern will he a foros thay will mean watohing In the near future, with the experience gained in major company this year and prospects of high olass materia from Western Ontario, Palmy Beach had a long vewmn In the ohamplonshin ehaly of the senior O, RR, © only ta he stopped abruptly hy Varsity Oy phans last year, while Harnla has A ohanee to prevent the Paddler' return in the ourrent eampalgn Ine Reach has hotter prospects for future than most of the other ses nlor teams In the country, with 8 aystam of developing players from early school days, and there ia a ovap ready now far pramotion that shows exceptional promise, Windsor and 8t, Michael's, new: comers to senior company, should alae command attention, Hike Went. orn, In the near future, while Kit thinet haa ben hovering avound the « fonship olasse and will thely into the final stage he re lon, While Monday fs generally a day of rest around rughy camps, Ars gonanta did net waste any time, most of the players being In wal form for ation | nt HR A I, moatly through thelr awn mistakes, thay have all hopes of re. Yahi the result, To help then cause Hank Rinelatr, former star secondary defense half, returned from retirement last night, donned hia old uniform and will wost Ikely start against Red Moove, Wally Whitty and the other Mont: real meteors on Saturday, Prospects are for a capacity erawd, for there has heen a Wg demand for seats, although they do NOt 20 on sale until today, Most ilkaly thare will he & grand stan. pede for tiokets and the prospects are for a complete sell aut. The sensational win of the Winged Senior Rugby Supremacy By Present Indications will Soon Change Hands Wheelers over Hamilton Tigers has cronted the extra Interest and Ine cul funn are ull anxious to see Whitty, whowe (rusty tos scored all pointe ageingt. the Bengals and also the popular Hed Moore, product of Ihe Henoh who played a major page In the Tigevs' last trimming while playing onthe Balmy Yeach hacks Flald In the Canadian final of 108% Argonnuts have holstered thelr BREE with the hest of the junior tonm, eliminated from the chample onuhip rate hy Malvern Grads, Bill Kedwall, (len Blpughton, Meotty Bevenson and Carmen Richardson belong the players promoted ana wi: though they may not get a chance for action In the important test with Montreal on Haturday (hey will gain un certain amount of se nlor experience and get noguaints od with major company for service next wenson. Jos Wright, who is buwy with his new fnsurance busi ness and BIN Darling wera the anly regulars abaent from prac ties Monday night, although Irpo Hrown returned after an absence during examinations, Argonauts will take avery pres faition to be ne near perfection AR porsthle on Baturday, and will mont Hkely hold at least two drills In daylight to tune up on kloking and oatohing, "The handling of punts by the Heullers vear-guard haw not heen anything to boast whout this senson, valusble ground holug lost hy walting for hounding halls Instead of taking the oval in the ale The distance lost hy Wilting far the ball to hounes may have made the differance het ween vietary and defeat in both thelr onespolnt reverses Balmy Beach only held a warm un arith Monday night, to loosen up SUIEE Joints, and most of the play Ars reported In wood rondition, The hig worry al the Paddlers' mp Wik ahout Nin Amer, who sustain od un broken lew In the game with Camp Horden Haturday The re Port was that he was suffering hut npparently Improving nl though it will he some time hafore definite progress will hae known Krnle Crowhurst fs also in the Waestern shoupltal with Amer, hut Anes not know how long he will have to remain, although he hopes ta wot In the ganfS auainst Harnia Mm the finals on Thanksgiving day ho Hoenohers play Bt, Michael's college on Haturdny at Ulster Sia dium, the first meeting of the olty teams this season Varsity Orphans and Juniors hold a stiff practice nt the stadium while the fntercollosinty squad had A day off and the intermediates ROught other occupations for the late afternoon hours as they com plated thelr season on Saturday With a victory aver Western On arin The Orphans antertain Windsor here next Haturday Are determined to break into the Win oolimn, They lost the opening | game of the season to the MloMaos and are out to get revenge | Strikes, | Spares, and Blows At Loeal Alleys JRL Fhe most interesting bit of news to Ostiswa bowlers this week 1s the manner dn which the Oshawa entry the Kay's Major League 1» Awoeping all opposition biore them Cn Saturday 'hey #ot the headlines nthe bowling story in the weekly Star and Monday night just ta show that they really could bowl they grab hed oft four points to HO up ina second place, Just two points behind the loaders . * . Gord Creamer was the high man of the Oshawa team with 289 for three games, Pog Mackie was second with ond Manny Swartz had the high single for the Oshawa bays, He bowls ol 8 The totals for the three Hames wore 1040, 1089 and 1109, With sueh sores as these boing turned fn (tw no wonder that the Nik Naka are doing so well A The people of Oshawa are going to See some real classy howling if Wey attend the Hallowe'en Fete whieh 1a hoin Jive by W, MYLES aud R, FRASER, on Thursday, starting st one a'elock in the alternoon With suoh attractive prises being offered there will bo some of the best bawls ors in the provinee trying thelr skill at this carnival, And Ai the good bowlers won't come from outside Oshawa, MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Walle Myles stated yesterday that he did the best business on Monday that he haw ever done on a Monday sine he became manager of the al leys, OF course there were two leagues howling Monday night bat oven at that it shows just haw pop war the rolling game is becoming Wn Oshawa, . a The names on the board for the ten high men for the month is chang ing every night, Monday night two more entered their names in the "voll of honor" and as a result there is no person on the board with a seer of pas than 802 What a sweet time there will he when these hays voll alt, OF course some of them will fall down in the roll off while others will NW ary" and bow! aver thelr head: That's the LLU Mrs, Lane shoved Via Norris off the board by two pins, She spilled and' NED BOULTREE Ahave we have Ned Boulthes, an: other valuable member af the Gen: oral Motors "Blue Devils" He Is ane of the youngest players on the squad being only 10 years of age, 0 weighs 180 pounds and stands § ft, 11 Inches in his holeproefs, He was flying wing st year for the "Blus Devils" and is asting in that capacity again this year, Fre vious to that BR played with the Lakefield Preps, Ned Is one of the best tacklors on the team, Young and fast, he Is In sxssllont condi: tion all year round, He Is absolute: ly fearless and when he hits them A stay hit, He even weed to practise withew: pads Just te toughen up, At present he Is bry ing hard ta heat "Lis" Walker for the hener of earning single points for the team by bringing hh op: anent down behind his own line A really appreciate Ned's quali tion you must come out and see him perform along with his team: mates on Saturday when the "Blue Devils" entertain 'the plucky Guslph Royals, them to the tune of 255, Pretty soon af these lady bowlers will have + higher weekly seare than the men . Ki » ane I'he vied Leugue Hew Parts and Serviee ho Monday night In ol lowe'en Fete, Muarquetios, wha hav been leading the league, fell down lust night and only managed to une paint, win * * LJ] Fhe hoys were spilling them fur and wide Monday night in the speelal competition games, bd, Higgins, Melt Morris, Stein Kagleson, How Luke, Art Donahue, and Matt Sutton all turned in same jeares, Among the higher FUR) and JG, GNnes were £03, SHY, CE In the Ladies Major League Annie Reece copped the honors, Annie help ed her team, the Hlaek Cats, with a high single of 248 and a high double of 400, The Whirl Winds took the high team with S02 lor ene Kime, score Another new league which has started In the elty 18 the Chosen Friends Bowling League hey hava elected thelr afticers tor the year and the teams and team ecaptaing have boon chosen, This league is going te bow! at the Motor City Ailey every Friday night I'his thelr league Chosen Friends Bowling Loagus Mow, Prea's A, C. Lyven, J, | Archery Coach, WW. M, Cook; retary, Gourge Lowes; Manager, Will Dennison Schedule Seoy, Jack in RT | | Tosland ; Treasurer, Mrs, A, \V, Hell Fhe following are the tem names and the Captains Silver Stars Wild Cats 0, Kays Maple Loals Nover Dies Art Greenfield Taek Tosland Hilda Gillespie Chuek Tamblyn Roy Forrest Hoavers v Frank Lee Meet every Friday night in the Motor City Alleys at 7.00 pm Anything the Oshawa Friends undertake goes over with a bangi wateh this league! Bagh team bs made up of two irks and four bays, Bill Deinison's in struetions were Put two girls in each team and the halt of Oshawa would not keep the boys away, * * hosen he tap * At the Central Alloys Jack Purdie offered a pelse for the high singles for Indies and men during the week and already the name an the board has heen ohangs od four times, Last night when the Dally Times held thelr weekly session, B, Ward "went ovary and bhetore anybody ould stop him he had shoved Chuck Mason off the board and had put his own name on with a aoore of 343, Incidentally, tn dolng this, Ward alee went into the lead fn the Times league, Kitohen had heen leading all week, Frank Duffield still holds the high monthly score with a nice hme of #81, This will take some eating and I don't mean perhaps, The Duco Boye were out in full atrangth on Monday night and all the boys were hitting 'em, (Prac ties makes perfect), Olas, Spill send lead the Paint Dobbers with Rn] The Duce Rays have been came patning of leaving the corner pina who Well, when you handle "thine nora all day, how oan you help Miting 'em thin? That goes for you "Dib" The W, EK, Phillips league seems 10 be stoadiant, The sama team still leads and the same team still hols the cellar position, The Alley Cats are keeping the rout of the howlera awake at nights with thelr high seoving, They have won eloven games out of twelve far a total of 18 palate, The Diehawnds and the Duplates are next in ine v--r---- Fhursday might because of the Hal: | "BLUE DEVILS" PRACTISE HARD FOR GAME WITH GUELPH ROYALS PORT SNAPSHOT will be all right) w » I'he have pragtically elinehed the and will meet the winner of th there wre several players on the What da you think of that? work harder than ever, w * with thelr ability to score stock Collegiate rughy team against them and paints for themselves, eord average of they have some of the searcs ute played LJ] *® I'he Aaturday Oshawa Mans, will be on might In the ul the ourles should be erowded * W I'he Oshawa Congnsea in a league and this 4 Nxture ta play * ¥ Remember the "Oshawa Blue Devils, Intermediate CiELern group title of the ORV. U, Armouries, seen in action as well as many Saturday night should he a good night to hold this show and the Get your tiekets early; one of them, Th present at the Matar City stadium en Fhursday night at 7.30 sharp, By Guo, Campmes, Bports Editor And Cliff Told Them AN About It There In an opinion which. prevalent among wil sporting circles that when you participate in 8 game you do not know what happens In the game, Just in case such # thing hed happened in 51, Kitts last Buturday, Conch Pound told the boys just what gid happen, He didn't Just tell them but what is more important he impressed it wpon them, What he did not say was (now hays, you had & little tough luck on Baturday but as long as you play as good as that against London is In case you are wondering why L ami telling yon what he didn't say and not what he did say, I'll (ell you, allow you to publish such interviews, Very discreet, The y don't LJ Rd This Bhould Make the "Blue Devils" Sore following 1s a clipping taken from the London Free Press: QR VU, Analists last year, arnin-London series, The Gas House Cong would weleame Oshawa as apponents in the finals, as London team wha sontend that Oshawa should not have beaten them & year aga" This should -- ¢ the "Blue Devils" LJ \d And It's Rugby==Not Cricket Up in Woadstoak they have a team that is ereating quite a stip paints snd win games Yes, they wre a team, ed five games and in five games they have had only ane point scored they lve soared three hundred and twenty-one An average of 64 points to & gam i little Detter than one point & minute for every min That's what you call searing points, B7 10 0, 81 ta 0, BJ 10 0, rughy teams something to think about, It is the Woods They have plays and a re Heri the ure This will give local w LJ Wrestling on Saturday Night th Reglment have decided ta hold their next wrestling show Renate Gardinl, the favourite athers, rm Notice to Nationals' Bupporters Natlonals journey ta Toronto on Saturday The Nationals have only twa more games to play National players are asked to he LJ * Hallowe'en Fete tomorrow, QUEEN'S TO HAVE GOOD "CAGE" TEAM Kingston, Oct, #0 Queen's In tend to make a strong hid fer the intercollegiate basketball ohame plonship, which was won by Varsity last winter, The Tricolor will have "Ike! Button, "Herh" Dickey, Hor wie Carter and Bob Hillott of last your's team available, as well as Jimmy Rose and others who have made thelr names in the basket ball world, The tivet senior basketball game of the Intercollegiate season will be played at MeGill when Western play there on Jan, #4, The next night the Londoners play Queen's here, Queen's first game AWAY from home will be on Feb, 1, at Mel), 2 GODERICH TO HAVE JUNIOR °° HOCKEY TEAN Goderich, Oct, J0~At a well at tended meeting in the Town Hall, th Goderich Hogkey Club wis re-organ ized for the coming season, Offiger ware elected as follows; Han, Presi dents, Dr, J, BH, Whitely, C, A, Rah ertson, Mavor H, Ji A, MacEwan President, 8, J, Craft; Viee: Presi dent, Dry J, A, Graham Seerelary F. KR Darrow Treasurer, J, H, Rey Ex.citive, Reeve R, Turner O'Brien, Gy L, Parsona, Carey, I, I, Hill, W Hisset, Capt IK, Robinson, F, BE Hib hort, George Jenner, MH, QO, Stupdy W, Wallace and a representative he appointed by the hockey team, nalds DM Wiggins, ¥ £7) Cy aplaayt MEIN non 100% TALKING DOROTHY MACKAILL Charles Delaney and Jack Oakie The Rookies ave still at the hots tam, Come on you Rooks, Get organised, Coming Thursday Dovethy Mackaill in the breesiest anappiest ros mance ever, With Louise Fazenda, Jack Delaney, and Broadway's playboy, Jack Oakie supplying a dosen laughs every lime he opens his mouth, And "Things We Want The Most Are Hard To Get" is just about the snaps t melody you've ever eard, Make swe you see it!

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