'TIGERS' DEFEAT REVIVES INTEREST OF FANS IN BIG FOUR GROUP Unexpected Defeat Of Tigers Rouses Interest Of Fans In "Big Four" Race Western University Threw a Scare Queen's and Balmy Beach | Ave Practically Sure Win. ners--Sarnia Also Clinch: os Grouping hy the erp of fewtures by wiurduy's fo Wy pet, t the wai Mirus ef the Hamilion of Wied rovided ® mai " Ietory ay: fu 0 in My Wh, 10k Hog up he standing in the ar ne Mak ne the Jemiinng two Ries oy eaeh team ol veut interest: Hoth igers and the Montreal squad play FronuuL and Ottawa, the Tigers 10 hing ¢ Maw ie $hiariaining the beullers, while Montreal somes to Taronta and will he at howe 10 the Benatar. Next plurdays, fami ere, when the Inge heelers meat the Double Blue, shapes yp us Jossibly the ig Hy Big of the nur ames thst are still to he play 'ed as WI Hughes' squad must win tn keep in step with the Bengals, They anly won at home hy 7 1a 0 hs then they lost at Hamilton 18 (0 ) Previews to the start of the sen pon the opinion in Hamilton was that the Big Your schedule wis Werely a matter of routing for the Tigers and the only question was the total scare that the Striped Clan would Un up dfiale) the other three teams hut in their four games ao far this year the Tigers have anly shown real pearing puneh In two, the apener aumingt the Winged Wheeler and the massacre of the Benatars, Tif their vial to Toronto and Montreal the Cianadinn champions were outscored 10 wn 6, Next in inartaee wan the close escape Varel i had fram heing knoe: ho out of the In J*Soliouiate rae and it was not ni the last potion that the ine and. White were able 5 ll away hy # four-point margin wiles the scare wan tied, at ene-all twosall, Varsity coming from the first time and Western the second, Western in steadily im du and already have Justified heir admission to the senlor servis and there 1s ne doubt that they will he much stranger In future years, Varsity " hive heen a hiv Jae eon: Mil oh \e A i and a hehing tory and probably Wits Wiuple ta untrack themselves when h ey found the opposition mueh stronger than they had expested, Bix of the it Joni nar teams En ern bt da iahed 19 Bore, fhe only exceptions being Western University and Varsity Orphans, The latter lost for the Saturday he succession % Mon ag aga tor oxettime ha heen Re Var Ny and the Hamilton ©, iA und ete the only visiting teams 10 win, and thelr apponents were the anly la i team to seare, 80 the day was \ success for the home aggresa: ons, Sell] ween's pewred y yoo lead on the wh Wed ill A ool) [Hh poy od, an aftr boing hol sooreless in Wh quarter stepped away 0 10 0, a hitter dose for year's 2A, 10 swallow, hut of AR Jt WN Here's Our Definition ! The word "Service" has been kicked Stound | until it has lost all \ by +, "Auyibing trom stock Sher a ---- Pi us if we are wrong, but a PE Rio ow a ne BE its fo the Moh Vii (Oshawa Lumber |}: COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Rivvon Road North Inte Vamsity-- | an with wel thre § ahyenes of Doherty and he fh laa w the ck of a Men A iit, Uh " here ily 1 1 bey Ht el | wil wp the A A arin tf he A nh plier wh tern Ontario, Argo: Hine wht oad for the Bens: tars, wha nel were within scoring distunes, pe the OR RU, Nabe Toi he FHA, Puen (} fa eaikd team HEN oe anly ia he Orphans " or elineh the ile Ww ie hw Heaeh neni me a. wo Ul thely two gimes Auningt § hel fo make stive of antering te aff to be se 4 Rarnin on 1 h iy ving Diy thenes Wlanked Bf, Michael's 14 00 10 thke sesnn fk to the Tench In the wroup stand ing: Just when it wah "weed that the current grid campaign would reach Wm oeaneluslon without sven an wu ta enliven Frm ngs, Montreal' ion pled the Tigers and swhtehed whi wis expected ta he i willsawiy Jigs in the Tnterprovinelal into an integs enting setae, while Western al mast settled the Intereolleginte Ww Queen's favor, Red Moore was one af the main fagtors In heating the Tigers on Baturday, Just #8 he wis the last time the Hengals hoawed in the Canadian final when he partnered with Yip Faster on the Baliny Heneh Paekitl Moore took terrific punish vad TA he ®e M Hamilton when the 1 NMheelers were heaton 10 start yi py while he wis Lyhlested tr the same treatment In Mantreal, hot when he took ihe comm hin substitute stepped into po sition 10 play « AINATE Wine, The gro Were irae Beach and. and they, the only ern & Wally Whitty gerd evedit for the hora act in Montreal with his five single paints that sent the Canadian ehnmplons 10 thelr ernshing defo, It haw heen many yeark since the 1 ors were blanked, and it must have Weel rather diseonrasing far the Hengal players, when only the week previous they wer inating aver i recopd high sare, A few of the 3 points eblected wEainst Ottawa would have vome in handy in Mon treal, . Boares of rughy games do am WERi Iie in somparing teams fo Argonauts an Baturday could have FUR UP A much larger count agains Oitawa than the Anal reanlt shows, the Oavsmen whing all thelr relisi men when they established what soonest a apfe lead, The An plan ol Jaying the subs 16 a sensible one, ol] nab lp Mives the fans exiia niefest, but gives the youn players experience wiser fire, Ernie Arm rong, In hi § fest Major ANPeATANGe in Ako eolors, proved a find, just like his partner Jackie Johnston, did in the opening Wame of the season, LET EYEE Gtawi, The " tl meeting of th exeen tive of the Tnterpravineial wnion wm Montreal on Saturday was a love oat wl pver thing was cleared off so that the Big Four will funetion long amoothly as i did previews to the mesting of tthe h orn and Ate onal here on Oct, The Riek. ducyied, and as a a of Mons treal's wistary over the Tigers on Rnturdan, alls shnpotian fatter of the debated safey 'ough of the han here yeferved to the WO WeekE REO, Wi CRU, rules Ni fon and an ears As hoon requested, ly inter Site a \ Mery ANE NOW Bacau, WO points, \he nt jreh a Ho) oe oo ning the hich they were oh ip of the { {puch is A \ they hate the hut it th in 2 oh "ae oi Mom: a je i Hiwers arwiek, whe he he orivielam love hu HW als in thin game, Was prevailed upen to reconsider his s what we mean yours for A % | NE hack and Hy | W | a the 8 a gn adam } hin aides MERt hey Wan LT Washes 7 PORT SNAPSHOT By (wo, Cawpemiy Sports Lditor "Blue Devils" Rivals Battle' on pporiers. are getting all hot and bothered over the ig with the Barns Up In Londen the rughy Wanderers, Hach tosm han won the leadership of the group to the it iganore thin likely that they wi winnke, I be woahle w/t win tn Barnia, The nupporters, the management and the members of the Oshawa *'Blue Devil" will wateh the wuteome af aw will play the winner, he too harsh, 0» It Has Hoen Just Before Tonight Conch Pound will have AA up athe Park and It Ie rumored that if they don't gespond In golng tu eollent seme miterial from the loeal When the gun Bears this it's going to be too bud for those boys wha like to provide the opposition to the mike # roghy tenn out of them regulary, CUR gave them Monday naw the hays are saying nothing but they Weve good intentions, (The big silent men), L} [] The Collegiate ure Held in Esteem The Benlor rugby team fram downhearted over their defest on Batuvday, en they provided enough opposition to impress the Peterharn team und they wre expecting a battle thi ping taken fram the sports ealum USuturday's win wae the fifth semlors and assured them of firsi Central Ontario Interseholastio | wave heen a keen mughy opponent of PGE, and to wateh (hel squad so outemaried wis a bitte tainly Oshawa will he back here of the regular sehedule, to take \d » Prises for Nhat Last night at the Curling Rin to the frst and second hest pairs of skaters Jamieson taking frst place, own with Mary Donnell and ¥ had & representative In the money, hy, and W, G, Gunn took second | perhaps the best It his sven been this sepson The deeowavery hard and peaple with dull skates found difienlty in keeping Ina verte! position There will be a special feature for eerning this will be made shortly, » ' Oshawa Howlers Are Up With the Best! In the bowling news in the Bitar Weekly last week the Oshawa Five Pin howlers weve given a great deal of pralge, wis devoted ta the loeal team that the likely he heard from before long hed off four PORES out of possible fap and went tte second plas Hugh a feat as this in the Karry's bowlers are. of as good a elas any, * \ ATRIKEN, SPARES AND HI I I pesination and onee more 8 an ofl ail The Hamilton elub's oMelals ap alogised for the actions of eertiin Hamilton players, and 18 was stated that these players have heen warn od by the president of the union I'he maties of the Leatley, Chapple and Clark, A played Tor the Hamillon OR FL team and then the Big Four eam py the same day was discussed and was satisfactorily decided, The provision which would permit players of the second team in Hamilion playing tof the Rig Four team had heen "wnior ae hour tei 0 0 future sane: tom for almilar eases must be olitaine ed from dhe Interprovineial exsews Hive. sltthaluy wi i a Sinclair Is Back To Argos There fs no such word as "de teat" gauntenanced in the Argew Aut football camp these days, when Ne Site Ihe seem headed for 3 oe | the ithe tan Al LL ue Noy arrive the ER LL with a ore In tow wal Hank" Stnelaiy A he latter waa duly d by Wa o toa he i he @ R hai + Hane ny te Arh ype Bd that oly Aure 0 result when the Wing: od Wheelers meet the Oaremen, This ® BIANAE out As one of the mos PHAR seen here in voars, The Wheelora will have to he stopped, otherwise the Arges will he eliminated, as they have ont LUT W ou ve Sahuat NRT ane viotavy, ¢ Aig Ry there will he NCH Wy of a os he IoaEue leadership, Well Ma wing Mines are well matehed 1g albarannd ability, hath DOING STORET ON delthse | an on the attack, hut they play wo AKG sound football, giving thelr tant pack Alder AWple A a iy to shine, AN the tackles ave ated highly, with Heart Gabaring of tha Wheelars and Bynes Huth SOR oF the Avge an the most sen. sational pavtarmers, Conch BIL Hughes of Monreal ae tanh his hatha WN Ave i} ih J A wy aN \ Wve RRA "i Tal with i TL he Aa o A ERA or 3 awn a Vik ATOR Wateh qi wel anar nies Ny weed & Rady rhb over tn the 'oe wm _. Wat hall, when they enn soared thelr appoanenta hy | ta Ww, Kuen Montreal suppariers Moves that Wad Avon weal soa | Rave heaton | 0 oae Wha will it "he 1 It will be london, This is my first attempt ot ein i winner so dont Matar City hays would need watehing and that they would i. ht | Fh, MY =, Wy ARN LANAI % Maturday of 0 "Gag a Gang" {this game will give ane fume ondon lose this game mueh interest, Osh awn opinion is that this gine LJ Ld ' the wiy he tinks they should, he Palleglute squad and might 10 think over the game and LJ LJ the Colleginte need not feel ton Although decisively heat s Saturday, 'The following is % elip i af the Petarhore Examiner stralght for the Garnet and Grey pliee In the western group of the eave Oshawa Collegiate han als pill to the Motor City fans, Cer next Saturday, in the Anal game # fall out of the league winners, " * ing Last Night k the management gave twa prizes Oshawa same into thely Whithy however, as Dy, Bopthwell, of Whit wige, The tee surface Jost night was Hallowe'en Al announcement ean \d M Ken the heading During the story the writer hinted Last night the Oshewa team arab Mador League shows that the leeal 3 * OWE TOMORROW, ia Gas House Gang Meet Wanderers In London On Sat. Landon, Ook, 80.Fhe hig game of this week for London voghy fans will he staged on Beturduy atiernoon in Teaumueh park he tween the London Oss Houwe Jang and the Barnis Wanderers in thelr mtormediste OHV, group, As the grest rival squads have eaen Won # game, the group leadership will he at wake In the coming olnah whieh promises to he a bats tle royal, Tha London-Barnin game will he the feature of a havesin double bill, ae the Junior vughy team of the London AA: will open the af« ternoon hy playing an exhiniiiun game with either the Bi, Thomus or Western university juniors, The Cas House Gang had prob: ably thelr best Li hardest works out of the es Mx men over th form, Facing the unweleames feel (hus Captain Bram Chuvehill muy not he able to play Baturday, tha los eas responded to Conch Goods man's whip with a will, the line getting a long grind on slgnss, and the hacks taking thelr rue, Hing in running, kleking and eatoh ne Hinea the Wentern Mustangs will play In Kin "ou wurlnel Queen's the loss) OR PFU, team will have no eounter-attraetion here and should draw & evowd to Lhe popu Ir old downtown park, dle o fll quote In unl Dunstan'stn-the- Mast, fn ehuroh ut Bilinsgate, England, has Just apsned o Juhi arking place for metoroyeles In he ehirehyard Ht, loading wlgn tonlght with I the team he hopes to arrive at the selution of Baturduy's unsolved evime eom mitted hy the alleged vughy team known ns the Blue Devily J Hay, wil no eradit to the Bon Homme, woeing that CHEE and Bam Johnson ted him In the bus right after tha game and not only fed him thers, hut elothes In the un any chances of losing him J . * hrokers fdnok), hey) all Hookium 0000 and wet pling A a ak tah ah ah al What Conch Vound Is going to do snd pay tonight In Just going to Le ton had, are omitted tomorrow night, will teannplred within the halos of Alex andre Park in hwolutely nunprint #hle, I Punts and Pueklon you whitey understand (hal 8 8 However, Dynamic CHE venllgon that there Is 6 mental state to he gorrected an well us a few ual mentary lnyw, ial vighe nnd CHI Ix going to the bottom of the thing, ana hy giving axsanution aol ehoking arrove In Homething 1an'l an Individual analysis we ira proud to I Hone Loviia, got the hus haek in Himes hu 11] him ehange hus wo BE not wilson Made Kohene=tnvastment Honoka (tain), honds Mines (yours), grain (hey Por sd tonal Information Pound sand The above company was a di & x an api ls rect outgrowth of the hus trip te Bt, Catharines, BU, "glanl oaks from Wits weopns grow," , Ld A goudly number of supporters wank mlong vith the team and the aul wish to thank them most win savaly for thelr whalehenvied sup port, and only vagrel that more apporiunities wears nol given for loud and prolonged ehosring » * Guslph next Bulurday, Ba sure and wes the Was Devils In thelr lust group game ab home, A real BOPP 1 numired averyone, so ring wlong your family and friends to tha last tangle tor two weeks SP.A, Entries Must Be In By Novembar 4 ntries fort he B0.A, unlor we view will close on Monday, Nov, 4, wna the games probably will gel under way the week of Nov, 11 I In expected that the majority of the funlor teams In Tovontn will deglds to play In theses pre HORNON CONLEREE BE URIRL, CAN An novuncament in regsrd to the send or series will he made late LITTLE INTEREST IN THE ELECTION Plokering, Oot, Bh=Very Nil interest has, so far, heen display of In the village over the approach ing slection, and the oldey ves! dents declare that 10 Is the most flat wlection tn years Hoth pay Clow whleh have candidates running in the ving, have put forth thely views on the auestion, In the Town Hall during the past week The Lhe! followers held a meeting on Priday evening sand the Con pervilive standard hoavery gath arad on Baturday svenin Queens And McGill Hurt By Injuries i0,""Blurp" Kingston, Out, wing of the Btunrt, big middle Queen's senlor team, who way Ine jured on Saturdsy In the MeGil game, 16 still In the hospital, and will probably vamuin thers sil this week, 10 Is doubtful if he will hey while to play in the game next Hulnrdny ngainst Western, Bluart wan injured when he hroke through the MaGill line to block one of Kritgwiser's Kioks, and not only was struck In the tae with the hull, hut Kritawiser's hes oRiight Btuart under tha sys, 11s piffared a hemorrhage of the aye, Montreal, Que, Oct, 80 .-=Comrm Burridge of the MeGill foothall Mam Is faced with a serious sith. on, Orville Kritewlser, MoO Kieking haekfalder wan ramoved to the Royal Vietoria Hospital on ar rival here from Kingston, suffers Ini from a painful knee injury, and will UHkely he unable to wiare against U, of 7, on Baturday, With He, Germain and Doherty also mines Ing from practices, dus to knee iu Juries, the conch 1s faced with the problem of fielding & backfield capable of standing up against the Queen City team Krltewinar hove the hrunt of the huok field work In the Queen's game nnd wan carried off the field In the final quarter, On the journey ts Montreal, Kritawiser lost eonsels nusnass on the train, With all three MoGIIl haokfielders foreed oil of play, tha coseh may he fares of to rely on the Intermediate, Jus lor and even Intermediate _-- EN --. Wh Kloster Dynamio Speaker $44.00 BALANCED UNIT TABLE MODIS Heroon Qrid only $000 Ba In one of the oldest members of the team ART he has the hig: AR) Player wen nh he ha An stands sly champon He it woh OR the wlll he the (AN Prioes los tubes) NM AA hhh dh WWW WAIN WNW WN EN Has Brought the Best in Radio Withinthe Reach of Every Home Thanks to Phileo the modest home as well as the mansion is now privileged to enjoy radio entertains ment at ita best revolutionary as Phileo price, axoluaive with Philea construction for Phileo performance Is as IALANCED. UNIT ia the greatest advance in Radio in years, It gives sensls tivity hitherto unattainable, distance so great that were we to tell it to you in miles you could be pardoned for doubting our word , ,, and tone so rich and true, so round and resonant that it actually seems to add timbre to the voloe of the artist, and melody to instrus mental muse, preferences or prejudices formed , , , hear the New On Sunday, Nov, 3nd WEI AMEN LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI nd the PHILADELPHIA ORCHENTRA EEE RERIEI press you to buy, to buy, py Pi 3 HERE is what ature, Bi, hoard nthe Ki on Col ne with thw In bast youn, . of Whe, mont improyed, Lote ae w ] or weeny » w PN Lh Mn. NW the he A dg yore on the towm, Pog nt Wm aulet; the exeeption Delnk, when samebody starts to hownee | Alex Gray, in nethi Vatarny" about Bl and his Pour | ton on the team ts wot one which leads 0 "headlines | For this onsen Bad's name seh dom 8 Mears in the prominent | ER Tr SG Points at toast, However, the Oars: | MOR IRA fOr WMALOr sooreR and | falled, They Rave BO exonses, hut | thay 11 will he different when | hay the Hughes squad on he | toonl Wh, TVA a | ah i i lS | Domestic consumption of eon! iy, GOFMANY IEE YORE Wan Roary 118, | 000,000 tons, the frgest even | KROwR theve, Wh nw She on W 0 \ AHR i REN [Teme SE a Sn fang It does not matter what you buy any radio and if it does not sell itself the Philoo dealer will not you "ey have hileo before Hear it wday on free demonstration, Your nearest Philo dealer will gladly arrange eary terms when you vide In Neutrodyno Plas « + $298.00, Soreon Grid + « «+ $300.00, Balanced-Unit LOWROY PALANGED UNTY v with tn ohhine ele Priroi 4 Sahar Sul Seonuite « » B1A08, Boreen Grid + + Yh Dulkin genuine oor: . sere oy and io speaker and Sole Agents Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville