Ee i LL. ee. Pd ; Ei Tre 4 sendy at FIED to Tolul wules wire 0,808,600 | win viewed with even greater | stenfghton out same of the com | Pie stadium at Georgia TEN as il ma oy @ whuren, which have heen ex wiled wae In somo gusrters, Wail | PILE WIIER Brows wma bok | een equipped with 48 flood ghia ; k Market Prices ] Hous Wnuett wiih bon ony 4 the yusovdhreaking (otal | iret -- genwrally nelleved hat | 91% Tn dat dl iadlng whith whed a glaw of 14,000 Bans ding 4be ova Wl nen fi) 8 LO EOA, 000 whyren Jost "Thies | strane baying support wanld ie dlupawer th jap and hreadih : . i imeons oF al HUpPIRa over ine weak-ann, ind bl Gf he heb y gd wa fap iene kh Lainbs 19,00 for dink New York bankers mel Hie, hh Ow preed vealed last ay ug Iai hann has merely Tor tate Marke: Summary hy Canadinn Prose f nod ewes And ind D, mo ' Wh the affiees of 4, V, Morey & [Thursday wrohshly would wold, ul prmetien, Nest wodlin several games Tovonto snd New ors, Wack Quotations Supplied by | sold steady, Company after (hee tose of 00 | east for 0 thine 2 may bie played at night av the ex fi y wrlong and Cop, I market to canvas the piluntion, | Intend, the market started Lo l ite peEbment may he Leled of starting : ' v a Xvid anATN ho ' '+ / hi Ag Matnent Wa iis | [une detnward fram {hy oy knmon lake din the afternoon snd A pe| H rr. HOT # rep 4 fd Fante Wi, A Hght vully oeanirrsd aroun B ll A Ni h fitting them hy the glow of the TORONTO WTOUK BXOHANGE of is points, after touching a low fray a oo hi y - anew, ineMelatly, 06 wan inddmate | 3 pon, when veporis, which ela a A ( v | '4 { i lain ua : Toronta ot, 89, After undergo: | * Hi Wi Des, wo Hows f 4" Cleaning Out of Weakened od that the eonferaen (oak a hope | Braves to is unfounded, were oir hy Sin, wiki ARATE thay ne of | Lest DOAY Bitacks Hay #hares in the ofl weeks ey b106 i He Vr i to 7 fo ful view of the sltustion, and hat | culated aronnd the. Pnencinl dive , / nolih Hien ez 0 ak ue | OVOP 60,000 shares, "i alon he/ af opi a Ascounts Blamed For nothing had heen hrouhy bo holy | onion (hat Morean hokage wii | | hI Hh, Ol ah Whitu fuk ian spt omy In only dish init oy y FHI BFR i EW ar ) f wh Lien i" Hel i i yim ts | Pate vals a inf " Hn CURLLIY Pownward Plunge wienbinn to Indloats " WILY MEOW | HaRYy huyorn of sloek, and he Loni rman tntvaduned: Gr sawitiern | Oh: sae of this avdinare migskin i #0, Gi a 14 axehange houss wan In tranhie imi fi " » n/t wer i ) anaiher eamfersies of hal korg wa 0 A | vi p ) ' y ry ver n tw 1 vate Aer hi on Their cooperst WW In Matntaliing nailng bald fn the Morgan offices funy thin Yon) lay ave ah | in pi ay oh onrly id a ah arder Ariel wad arenre iW va pom Win Hel promise tn hi ! ull al" tha game IW 4 Now York, "out, 0, wh further | P11 OFARFIY wad A he walling Tnereuned Tn fnlenuily nome mors and more popabar (0 an easily an hy doylieh (ov LA 0 Wall ftrest's fr Iy oupbaint lon | when finsusinl news thekiors prin fs Rg aso gwny has fo, | I fn tn ly tr RurdeY's Aamir of yortarday's daeline wan that o wilh ARSON ot ng Phomin W, [00 south Laval ut New Oren | dc Wo TORI oT dt oho "lo 1,40 0, Ho alon, 1eok place yenier careful cheeking Wp of acnoumis | Lamont af the Morgan firm as state | 19 Paving wll of 3 gamer ab igh iii oF Ls unr Waolk "Aidetie ir ! _" Mui ot ban wo "Wall iT ori Bae tn | 2VAr (he weekend diselosed numer: | fng that no statement would ya |H0i6 sensi and in (ils way wveldn (eomimitien and ous at Che ont en | nin, a hy nl Hari er " } ' " Ag out | Wauke 8d sehlative | NUs weal spots wh h wid hean fariheaming nx the situation ad Ane tn date with Putin, Ogle | tafe RU Jv ar nf LAL 4 i a A 0 ih ong reached " pHs pr vip places in house In or ia ni Py aaa not warrant If, harps tn Atlante has desided (o | KBtnas, suyi on yours wen Neht 4 for a renal on" FAN RCD of | sok, and that heakers tin {'n ( wiitaes Musi waapt the same wehad ide nosy veav, Lg tonne conuvis ALT Ly Wilh a LL one tol Roy's Body | Vound ton w . ['Y d orey whith | wlely procended to eienn these Pusin ih iy nmi or wool Lilaying Hn Wome games on eiday [almost anheard of, Now IE fs #0 tuaive eine oe reranion Mo HA on Pp the Vast 11 Ive yore hoth the How York Weoek Beehanga | ight, Those two tens, whieh ave (romaan nahody inked anything of To o ira Alay 4am nat § Sarnia The hod boty of Wile Wom, | Mot. doniin new { many of the tye Hysterin Te Missing and the New York Ourh Mave! [among (ha Tending axpononts nf i Featessional liaolkoy Tu played hy Hist o fi ind #* fir re fori " 3) 0 peanid C1] old WAR Yaanverad | inuues While yesterday's dealing 1acked | met after the close of tha session, | nigh fonthalt, played a O=0 (a une fot night at Madson Bodare Go y wing " LE prefered at 19 Sadin Cay fo 8 Ll Hl Inly viver yesterday, | shave, with fro my loi Bd fy stated that | der. elecieie Vishite #0 New Orleans den in Now York Obie) Kimi fv a1 nd the preferred Phoen missing wines Ost, 1H, braetlenlly at the holt t panied 1ast Thursday's heeak, it] thelr prineipal boslness wan (0 | lant week arn snoaessinl hi aleetrlo dhih Canada Age i onpdan i din, A A ---- p-- . -------------------------------- same of the hare which seeoms | but 18 wan wnoMelal a i heen ie age In previ ou a hae # the tptariefiont) eka Gypsum at " Allis hove the hr of t te walling, na name: | trial Aletho as Inn hah f J an Traction, Internation: | eile Relive yh i! #1 Clty Dalry at 4h Motors "A" st BA} We), Massey-Harrie and i In " Secor [a ii ol A at ahflinn T Klien thuthad & Tow fir? Herter Walkers at a] it re on of fioar wi bo day pi od Waterloo at 06, 4% fompr errs" a | HTANDARD MINING EXCHANGER o 10 oy kat Wioke Hib the Torante, Oct, §0,-=Htorks ham- A A Yh Pw Bll h mered dawn to Jow levels for Lhe bok Py AILS Ey ae FMA vear on the Standard Mining He pol oy Yo Dae In the. Tally, (hinge {hg morning Al the maps selling back to 48) for a decline wan swept by the Ereatest selling mavement It han ever ex- periensed, The Hauldation started " ml #6 the opening and from then on I] LH] Just before noon, when the - rally net In, Issues recorded Joswes '|| ranging up to aver ten dollars, f ' Norands was the subject of a d| great deal of the realising, The stock broke helow #0,00 op the first time In savers! years, It if] touched a low of 87.50 but Inter tyallled to 87.76, for a loss of 10.80, e The Lindsley stosks were alsn if) 50d heavily, Bhervitt-Gordon was APE Ah at 4.50 with a low of 4.00; Hudhupy Hasin sold down to 8,16 a | and then firmed back to 5,08, : THIS WEEK dl tor a logs of 1,007 Paloonbridge slumped ta 4.75 x | At neon Wad AT wiapped hack to 8,76, for a main of 2.00; and Ventures touched a low of 0.60, for agoss of 1,00, Ld The Rexall Stores OF the olla Ales eased 7 at 1,40 (A] Alberta Paeifla declined a a 1.78; Calmont dropped LOOK FOR LOK] Mayland was off 75 ". ' on | Adsoelsted eased 40 at 66) Calgary Kdmanton vepeded 60 wt oi) ah Announcement Daihouaia wan do) down 80 at 1.8 PORBIGN | BXCHANGR ! i New York, Oe, relgn on or change firm; demand rates, Creat Britain 4.87 6:16) Canadian Dollars 144 perv eant dweount, : | TORONTO IV E® NOOK Jury love [ Tavontn, Ost, B=] overs on the Daminion Livestock Rehange totalled 000 eattle, Rg gond butchers were offered, mmen 19 medium _ grades were steady from al §6.00 to 8.60 a owt. Cows and bulls wold steady at $7.00 to 98.95, an > Whitby STREET FAIR || © voce Halloween Night, Oct, 31 Tomorrow UNDER AUSPICES OF d : Wi re gnd under auspices of the or Citizens' Band " Os h awd Pro h / b / ti on U nN I on igger and Better Than Last Year || p.., TT ATTRACTIONS | Mammeth Street a, full of life and olor--y soon Sinclair nN to ---- Hh in Cash Prises fore ; PARADE STARTS AT SEVEN O'CLOCK Premier = | $10 for the most dilapidated cor running under its own of h Whee 0 r | if Tuesday, Oct, 29, at 8 p. m. EET mo | ura Ve In I ands. Ie evi te bn puna; Will Be Addressed By Capt. E. Harston Rev. E. C. Cragg A. J. Graves Rev. A. R. San erson) and others ya i Wa Be ie n rn | Part of Mr. Sinclair's speech at Oakville will be Broadeasted Bde Ts Fd "Meats 'Hendvers aod 5 ry the Meeting RT rai G1 ta NERY rr tsar [© Gomme Come And Hear Capable And AE TAME, EM, | | Well- Intormed or GV } A.M. IRWIN, Chairman. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Simcoe Street North iE