The Oshmua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer \/ L., H=rNO, 101 a News in Brief (By Canadian Prose) Highway Vink Opened Btrathroy, ay 'ns Highway No, 88, Hoking Btrathrey with Landon and Bavnle, was officially opensd yesterday afternoon, han ma Bt, Catharines, ~The inquest into ihe Merplane crash herve on Rept, 1", pix people ware killed, has hoon postponed until Nov, 1, LJ w Fishermen Missing Mount Clemens, Mich, ~Veurs are folt for the walely 4 three Des trolt men, members of a fishing party, who put Inte Lake Bt, Clalr aarly Bunday and have not heen heard from sine, . # Three Fliers Killed Bugenes, Ore, Mug Rose, Portland aviatriy, and two men flyers were killed late yesters day when thelp large single-mots ored monoplane crashed near Cottage Grove "nd burned, LJ * $18,000 Vows In Five Toronto, Oct, 20, Damage esti mated at $18,000 was done hy a fire that broke oul on the fourth floor of the tensstorey Commodore bullding early today, The main Joss was suffered hy the Price Cap ment Company, Si: King Holds Privy Counell London Taking full eharge for the first time wines hig Hiness A Year aio made necessary the ap pointment, of six Coungellopy of Btate, King George will hold & Privy Connell on Nov, § at Bueks Ingham Palace, : Hdythe . Killed Woman Bdmonton, «On a downtown street W, J, Armstrong of Miniota, Man, shot and killed Mys, Agnes M, Allan of Hythe, Alta, and then attempted to blow his hralns ont, Armatrong la still Hyving, Jealousy Is given as one veason fop the shooting, J + . Valeano in Eruption | Fart-de-France, Martinique, Mont Pelee, famous West Indian voleann, hroka into sruption of #8 and ashe three times yester ay, It has heen petive for soma weeks vecently, and the popula tons of some of the villages at Its foot hava been avaenated, . . LJ Reparations Parley Fails Parin--The subcommittee of The Hague Reparations Confers ance, whieh was oharged with settling the eastern veparations question betwean the Little En fonte and Austria and Hungary, 1s understand to have failed to reach an Agreement, v » Lior Hesponaible Mantrea Naney Morrison, who vecently pleaded guilty to fatally stabbing hep heat friend, Milly Hrawn, while under the Influence of liquor, today was sentenced to tive years In Jall hy Mr, Justioe Wilson In the Court of King's Heneh, . J » storm Warnings Chicago =Resumption of Lake Michigan's vedent hostilities was threatened today with storm warm: ings hung out In the face of an easterly wind, Oaptain John © Anderson of the Coast Guard had orews on the loakout, and Weather Forecaster C0, A, Donel sald' that another storm was "highly probs able," . . -. Nuapects Aveestod Burlington, -»Two arrests wade by Chiat Bwmith of Burlington, aot ing with Detective Chamberlain of Hamilton, ave helleved to have cleaned up an epidemic of ohioken stealing in this dlstriet, The wen A ed are Walter Hawes and wid a hrothers, hoty of ¢ Mill Htreet, Hamliton, Dlod of Injuries Cobourg ~~John Hvans, walking aast on the Rroviusial hgnyay near the Kingston Crossing, two miley east of Cobourg, Was struok Sunday night about seven o'olaek hy a westhound aute, and ve: ceived injuries fram which he died pan in Cobourg General Hos. pla, $600,000, 000 RAISED BY INCOME TAXATION By Canadian fiw Leased Wie) Toronte, Oot, X=Since the ine come tax supplemented the business Falta war tax mn 122, we have col ted in Canada $000.000000 from that source, lin the present year we Ht 3% $600.000, last ye 000 AO tn RF and In 190" said Chester 1D, $ comumissioner of income tax wa, in the course of an address ag Do hoard of trade here yes |} Al ------ Fifteen Others wood ¥ortarday ee OBHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1929 A Greving Newspaper in & Growing City 16 Cents » Week 3 Cents » Copy, TWELVE PAGES Fresh Selling Panic Strikes The Stock LAKE STEAMER FOUNDERS; CAPTAIN AND FIVE MEMBERS OF ITS CREW ARE DROWNED Steamer Wisconsin Sprang a Leak During Gale on Lake Michigan Early This Morning, and Sank With Six Men on Board SIXTY RESCUED BY COAST GUARDS Who Were Clinging to a Life Raft When the Vessel Sank, Picked Up by a Fishing Tug (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kenosha, Wis, Oct, #6,--~With all hut hall a dosen persons of a oraw of 60 veseued, the steamer Wisconsin sank off Kenosha early today tn & storm that eaused dam age all along Lake Michigan shoves for the second time tn a week, The afficers of the Wisoonsin's erew stuck to the epaft until 1 sank and were taken fram lila rafts hy vos oun hoats, a dogen of whieh rush ed to the after the Ken asha Hie guard had taken off most af the orew, One man was vapor od tu have Pesene Was in progress, and others wera unaeenunted for aral persons heought from the ship hy the life savers wepe uneansel au from exposure when they raaehad shove, Hat they sean ve vivad, There were no women ahoard wleamey flve Hay Fifteen on Haft Kanasha, Wis, Ot, BA.Wif teen man who elung ta a life raft ahoard the steamer Wisonnsin as It sank four miles off the Kenosha shore early today, were veseued hy the Chambers Brothers flashing tug and were hranght ashore, Nt was thought that fram three tn six men were tranpned and went down Af the vessel foundered (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kenosha, Wis, Oot, B0.="The veteran lake steamer Wiseonaln sank off the Kenosha shara in A storm today with hep eaptain and from 13 to 17 men missing, They wera hellevad ta have sone dawn with the ship, Three sonre persons wera taken off ship hy Hie guards Twa of three DARRGNEATE Were saved, OH, Jostrand of Bekalaan, ND, the third passenger, Waa missing nd urvivars hellaved hm to be the man wha wade 8 flying leap fram the foundering ship th a life hoat, missed and want down The others vescued hy anual guard ovews from Racine and Ken osha weve members of the orew Nixty Roseued Kanosha, Wis Opt, 28 he Goadeloh steamship Wiseonsin, 48» yoarald veteran of the lakes and the anly steamer to weather last Tuesday's storm, was abandoned ad sinking hy Hy vrew of 1 man in a violent Lake Miohigan gale four miles off Kenosha early to day, One passenger, CO, H, Sjostrand, af Rokleson, ND, wis wissing Several members of tha orew said they aaw a man helieved toa have heen Sjostrand go overheard Twelve men, lnoluding Captaln ( Janta a4 on page 3) Toronto, Oot Mh--Howard Q Rohingon, fr whom an extensive senroh was instituted following his Alsappearance from Knox College on Oot, 12, was visiting friends in Rochester, N.Y, deteetives anno His home 1s In Naw Linkeard, 19 scout theory of w Maken, a Chicage of dead woman, | fallen overboard as the Winnipeg Grain Prices Crash Break as Much Eight Cents a Bushel Prices as heeWide de today's wheat Winnipeg, Oot elines appenred on market ab the opening, losses rang Ing from 8%ae to 8% down, Oto her wheat was 4Woe lower al $188; November Ble lower al FLAG Decomboar A%e to 6%e low er at BLA6 to $1,01% and Ma 8% ta Te lower at $1.48 to $1.07 I Weanknesa at Liverpool was ve flected In the break hut the drastiy hraak on the stoek markets yes tarday was the ohief eause af the breaks In what prices DOME MINES MILL DESTROYED IN FIRE Total Damage Still Unecer- tain, But Will Be Very Heavy Taranto, Oct, Mee Breaking out al 8.30 w'elock last night, five totally de strayed the will of Dome Mines Li mited, South Poreupine, The five was under control at midnight, ae eording to Supesimendent J, H, Sin vel, who, by long distance telephony stated he was unable 10 place patimate on the loss suffered through the fre It 6 ton any 10 estimate thi damage done hy the hee," stated My Niavel, "As a matter of fae, 1 have heen tao busy in Aghting the Hre ponsider this or ta attempt ta learn the CRNA None of the employees was nurt My, pavered hy meant a delay new mill was built, Me, Stovel an nounced, however, that undergroun development would continue, The five brlgade of the mine and firefighters fiom South Poreuping fought the blaze fer three hours, The value of the entive equipment and plant of Domes Mines Lid, is fixed at $2U25000, according 1a the last annual statement, R, 8 Robert son, KC, sald fast night that the loss might amount to $300.000, My Robertson (8 4 partner in the firm of Fasken, Robertson, Altehisen, Pick wp & Calving Alex, Fasken is a i rector of Dome Mines and could nat he reached last night Past Week's Rain Of Untold Value Taranta, Oot, 28 he ralns of the past week were of untold value to the Pravines, says the weekly orop repent of Ontario Department of Agvienlture, While toa late to materially lmprove pastimes, on the other hand fall wheat has iw proved wonderfully and the sail ia in condition ta permit plowing, With the exception of same se tions of Eastern Ontario, where §0 10 TA por cont, ly veported as oom pleted, tha bulk af the fall plow Ing remalng to he Hed aver LIBERAL PROMISES TWO CENT BOUNTY wo (Ry Canadian Pras Tansed Wie) Sauls 3ie, Marie, on Lhdpenk Ing hove last night B, 1, Decaurey, Liberal candidate substantiated his promises of & two cent iron are hounty hy vending a telegram from WEN, Sinclair assuring him that It the Liberals were returned a commission would be appointed to investigate the ore situation and If necessary the twa cent hounty wanld he sranted, curly nsuranee, hut iy loss Washington, Oot, 3%, dicted today that 11 the severe de oline of staok prices in Wall street continued, hanks all aver tha coun WY would #0 inte bankraptoy, The lanan, who das hills pending pressing radical revision of the fed ILL IN TORONTO HON, JAMES A, ROKN Minister of Finanee, who Is under doetor's eave In the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, He has a slight Mink of _PNeRmonia, Unemployment Report Coming [Rt Hon, J, H, Thomas To Make Statement on Gov. ernment Plans Landau, Oot, #0 A comprehen lye statement of the unemploy ment sttuation In Great Britain and the gavernment's efforts to deal with 1, will he made next week Rt, Hon, J, H, Thomas promised when parliament resumed Ha ses slong today, after the summer re 18ST] Rt, Won, William Graham, pros dent of the hoavd of trade, then old the House of Oammans he hops ad to make a statement on the working hours of the coal miners an Thursday, COMMITTEE ON EMPIRE TRADE Stovel stated that the mill w a | Will in production until a 1} APPUINTED Consider Means Which Empire Trade 3 Re Enlarged Montreal, Oel, 38=The Onmmities on Pramation of Intea-Bmpiee Trade, selection of whieh was placed in the hands of a committen at the annual meeting of the Canadian Ohamber of Oommeres in Bdmonton and Calgary lust September, Was appointed al the mepting of the National HExeoeu tive, hold here yesterday under the ahnirmanshin of the Prostdent, Calonel J, BH, Woods af Calgary Many Lmportant matters wera un der diseussion today, and movements of favreaching importance approved It owas deelded to hold the nest an nual meeting in Taronte, Oet 1] and 5, 1Ha0 he following members were ap pointed ta the Intra-Bwmpive Trade Coammitten: A, M, Dollar, Vaneaw very be RO) Wallaes, Edmonton; A.J MePhall, Reina James Rioh avdson, Winnipes: JH, Guaiy, Tarentn (Chatviman); RR, ® Me Langhiin, Oshawa H, B Henwoed, Toronto, Blimey Davia, Kingston; ® N gontham, Mantveal; Joseph Renubien, Montreal; © RB Neill, Montveal: Angus Mebean, Bathurat, NBG A Ho Whitman, Halifax; Lovay Holman, Summerside, ¢h\B.1, and Deaundey Leman, Ganeral" Man pEer of the Bangue Canadienne Na Honale, Montreal, Meet Hmpive Representative This cammittes, consisting of lead ng Canadian eltizens representing vations hranches of trade, oom Mees, asviowliure and education, WL confer with all interested hodies and with similar oammittess ap pwinted from various portions of the Mpa as ta the Ways and meals hy whieh trade within the Bupive way he pramated, The nee were selected hy the special commitien appointed at the annual meeting and unanimously accepted today by the National Executive Railways in China, whieh Ware badly evippted during the wmilitavy activities, are slowly returning te aormal AL Som United States Senator Fears Banks Will Fail Senator eral veserve law and prohibition of Brookhart, Republican, Towa, pres [loans hy banks for speonlative par Poses, sald a Wige rooniage of manay advanced to hrakers came from banks autside New York, wha would lose tremendans amounts of money i prices for stooks eantinwed 0 50 down, ' ELECTION RETURNS AT ARMOURIES Screen Will Be Used to Ane nounce Results in South Ontario and Throughout the Province at Armories, Where Candidates Will Speak SPECIAL EDITIONS WILL GIVE RESULTS Special Telephone Service to Give Figures and Sum: maries Will Be Available Through Telephone No, 2000 Tamorrow evening, the eltipens of Oshawa and disteiet will have tha appartunity, through the plans mado hy the Oshawa Dally Times, of receiving the election vesults, hath fay Bouth Ontario and fer the pravinen generally, In comfort al the Oshaws Armouries Al his heen done oan past ecoaslons, the Pies has engaged tha Armouries for the evening, and on & sereen whieh 18 helng erected thers, the results and summavies will he Hashed an gquiekly a8 they he ome avallable aver a special wire which has been installed In the hullding I'he veturng for Houth Ontario will ha announced as faulekly as they hecoma avallahle fram the returning offlears, wha ave wiged ta eoenperate hy tele phoning the fgures far thelr diy lalons ta the Times offles, using No, U6, wu soon as theld count is eompletad By doing this, they will mule a thet sarvies avallahle tn the suxlous electors assembled nthe armouries Kxtea Bdltions The announcing of the results | AL the Armouries, however, 1s hut | ape phase of the service which Is te ha given hy the Times, In ad ditlan, two extra editions of The I'tmes will he published and these will he sald an the streets and at the Armouries hy a large BAN of newshoys at five cents a | Sop The first of thess extras will he avallable ahoaut K.00 and wii Kiva tha aleetion vesult fap gd hv Mulng of South Ontario, and | A% much af the ahter vidings In (Cantinued on page A) | ASSIGNMENT BY ENGLISH INNS, LTD, Company Asslgna for Benes fit of Creditors With Liabilities $208,000 (By Canadian Poon Losasd Wing) Toranta, Oot, 38, Bnglish Inns, Limited, which was formed some Hime AEe With tha purpose of on tablish (ng inns on the pattern of the old Kuglish roadhouses at sire tagle points an Ontaria's prineipal Mghways, made an authorised as slgnment at Osgoode Hall yesten day for the henatit of ts ered ors, Liabilities ave approximately $RRE, 000 Had Site at Whithy Eagliah ans Lid, purehased sOvaral acres of land on the Kings ton highway (Dundas street west), Whithy, fram My Joseph Mitohell, It Was the mtention of tha ogms PANY 10 ereft one of Hts ohaln of inne on thin property and construe. Hon wan suppased ta start before the 13th af July last, The cams pany sold stook tn Whithy hat only A limited number of shares were pure hased WEATHER MAY BE BAD FOR ELECTION Prospects Are That It May Be Cold and Stormy Toronte, Oot, «Polls apen in the Ontarie Hin elections ton WMOTew at & a.m, and close at ¢ PW Basten Brand Md Mwmes, NW Bm oapeoted a heavy vole will he polled tn most of the eanstituens oles, all contending parties having WARD A Vigorous campalan to thal ond Probabilities for WHALhaP Are ROR 190 promising Clandy and coal weather 4 promis ed In most distriots With the prow POOL of snow and vain, good eleation "HAS TWO OPPONENTS IN ONTARIO NOWTH George Veale, who Is Liberal eandl date In Ontario Nath, He is op posed hy a Conservative and a Progressive, Soviet Orders In Executions Another List of Officials Sentenced to Death by Government Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Get ih Faurteen Russlans, seven af them govern meant omolale, have heen sentenead 0 deith nt Astrakhan, In the Cal mueks autonomous distriol ie fravding the government hivteen athers of 180 defend ARES Were sentenced (a ten Years Imprigonment and gathers wove gly an lesser all terms The oharge involved 11,000,000, ehiefly in the sale of Hah and oaving Published aecaunts of executions In Hoviet Husalp In the four days ending yesterday Husted 680 donths hetara fielng sguads far politienl and abstruotionist offenses, Astrak han has a population of 176,000 DAMAGES SOUGHT BY COMMUNIST Claims Officials Interfered With Rights as a Candidate Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Oot Bh Unataten damages for alleged interference With his vight as a eandidate In the aleotian far the viding of Hell wands for alaotion ta tha legisla tive assembly of the Proavines of Ontario are claimed tn a welt lean od vestarday hy Timathy Huek, Communiat, against J warth and Movaon and Mayor RAM uel Mobiride as tha hoard af pallew eammissioners af Toarantin ANNIVERSARY OF WEST HILL CHURCH Presbyterians To Hold Sen vices to Observe 70th Year (Hy ar (By Taranto, Oey, 20 Next 5un day Melville Preshyvievian Chureh, West Hill, will hold special sep vices to Wark His seventy-ninth an niversavy Like Kuox Chureh, Aginoaurt, whion laa munday obs served dts elahty=Hval hivthday, | WAR An early affspring from the ald Bandale Ohurel formed wove than 100 years ase hy eavly goottish settlers, wha plopeered the vivgin soll af Searhora', Tween. DEORE communicants wera veep: od when the late Ray, Thomas Wightman held tha tivst servos in 1840, The original strueture was des wmalished tn 1887, and replaced hy A More modern adition an the same site on a raing Wl averioaking the Highland Creek, Tha ald OUTER Was prabably the last of the old type In this part of Ountarly, fitted as 14 wan with the high PRIpit, precantor's desk and straight haok, tall pews West Hil), ANOTHERDISASTER ON LAKE MICHIGAN Markets STOCKS DUMPED ON MARKET CAUSE DISASTROUS BREAKS IN TORONTO AND NEW YORK Leaders Bring Campaign To A Close Todo PREMIER SPEAKS EASTERN ONT rei RIDINGS Liberal Leader Closes His Campaign at Brampton and Oakville (By Themas Green, Canadian Prem Ataft Writer) Arnpriar, Oct, 3=0n the eve of the Ontario election, Premier 4, Heo wird I will address thres meetings todiy, speaking in the af ternuon at this paint, the prime min will address later gatherings at Wenfrow and It will he a day devoted entively 1a Lanark and Hentrew counties, Plans of the gov contemplate his re FONE Tamar night election returns plang the Bi Lawrenoe he tarecasied that the By Lawrence waterways project, would he brought inte being by & two-stage development rather than one-stage development, Adoption of the view point of Canada tor a two-stage de velopment, he observed Wal are vent the destraetion of heautiful hones the Bt Lawrences nN Fgusan Intel Amante erent leaders, mm ta dl the akirting W feeelve yesterday, wloang vel Defends Liguar Ast Premier Ferguson defended need Act, This legisla had removed mplained of un Aut prime Alain the Liguor ( he any ut the ey der the Ontaria Woaknossess the Wns ey hi I" Hon Sphasiaed, Hy 0 Lemperanee Aet had, the but these would HOARION Biter SERRION, "The Ontaria Temp Aet was amended to meet the maenions methods of some fellow ACE Wis un remarked Feiuyed Herjeeind, Chal e the Ontaria Temperanes triad for ten years, Da you set think the present Act which has made the mide in the twa should he given a fale and rea sonable teipd 2" (By Frank Flaherty, Canadian Press Salt vitay) Hellavitle, Qet Lhe sve of the election finds W, B, N, Rinelaig, Li hora! loader, still husy persning his Campaign. 1 he enters the rid nga of Peel and Halton with an ad dre the attern t Hrampt (Uantinued an page 6) advancement 11 has YOUTH MN day Indian Fined For ™N , Shooting Moose North Bay, Oot, Me Josaph Fed day, Temagami reserve Indian, gulde and leeturer, shot & WMOose on the veserva recently, Yesterday he pleaded guilty to the offense and pald a Ane of $30 and oouts, Tha ase had ativaoted pay Houlay interest WMonE Indians, as thay felt It interfered with they traditional treaty vights the sanly Ara Were CN latlng, Bh Flot RET EY AN Da DH Cameron, RB, Maokay, DOG and 3 Keer, The presant mintster 1s Rey, §, 0, MoQonaehie, Who vesides at the handsome Neil Son Memorial Manse, erected 1 memory of the lata Alexander Notlson an early settler in (he diss ey Salvation Army Officer's Body Found Among Revs, John oher, DG Oot, 29,5 TWH Weaky' SORPOR Tor Salvation Army Rtaft Oger Sidney Weeks has ended, His body was found in the lake at Renora, He vesided for 13 years In Toronto, He was known ta he WRAAR sariows mental strain when he saddenty Alsappearad Winnines, Aeroplanes Skirt Arctic In Quest of Winnipeg, Ost 2h Roaming whraparied wlong the topmost edge of North Awerioa, twa skistitted aeroplanes skirted a frosen sea share tn searoh of alght wisiang traveling, Over thousands of wiles of alp traldl, Cam, U, BH, Mealpine and Ris seven wates have heen [ROWERL 10 VRlA slave hey vanished Missing Pargy WORAPEY WO WMORIRS G80 On A oN OUR PRETO Working out of & supply cache within the Awtie Olle ab Bathurst Inlet vested the Rat hope | al TeROwS, AL NOON 1AAAY, Ro Ward had heen vovalved fram the Banohet patel, Pat searoh ofolaln here wore ao warried, | Crash on Markets Started at the Opening of the Ex changes, and Carried All Issues Down to Record Low Levels PANIC STRIKES TORONTO MARKET N|Fortunes Lost and Many People Facing Ruin as the Result of the Worst Stock Market Debacle in History MARKET RALLIES New York, Oct, 20, Rtoek prices turned sarply upward shortly ofure 1,80 pm, this afternoon after a steady stream of lguidas tion in the early trading had' carried prices of ae tive issues down B10 te #70 a share, U, 8B, Reel common rallied from K171 to R186, General Rleotrie from $214 to H844 and American Can from $116 to #110 a share, (Hy Stanley W, Pranosil, Assoois ated Press Financial Kditor) Now. York, Of, EB Panioky selling of staoks vonching verards hrenking prapavtions, hroughu abaut another disastrous hreak in Prices wt the opening of today's IarhAL #8 hloaks of 10,000 to 118,+ 000 shaves were dumped into the seouvities mavkels at whatever prions they would heing, larly declines tn many of the aetive iss sien of the New York stock and Naw York ourh exchanges ranged an low wn nearly B06 a share Loading Now Yark Bankers, whi held a long conference al the ofs floes of J, I Mavgan Oa, last avas ning appavently, stood aside until this neosssitous Hauldation han haan oleared up, and then placed suMeient supporting orders to ans sure min orderly market, Prices vals Hod heiekly after the opening dels Wie af selling and then sald aff tn rafiaotion of the nervousness arent ol hy the fallure of a New York OUrh axohanga tiem, which was not onEAEed, hawever, th a general hurtnnss, although the head oF the firm handled aveounta for persans al friends, Hundreds of fsauen broke tain NOW Jaw ground for the Year, ones PARE quatations In WARY oases PAREINE from 6 to 4 of the year's Wh lpvels Opening quotations of Heel Common Awariean phone, Handard OH of New Jor sey, Amerioan Can, Westinghousa and other lenders falled to held In the second wave of selling which AWARE aver the market tn the lata forenoon Total sales in the first halt haun were A, 060,800 shaves, A record, Break in Toventa (By Canadian Pross Leased Wine) Toronto, Oo, @=The "market which eonld not eome down" beak Mio a fronsied panie at this warns mas opening no Wall Street follows ni a steadily aeceldrating stamp. of weeks which had JAthtred alarming momentum in the fast few days, Nos thing loss than the outhreak of ans other war eonkl have sa set the eons tnent hy the ears and word sama (Continued on page 8) rr te ------ A T-------- U, WN, Toles \ ---- WR, Thomas O halt, Yantasting ny \y