Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 12

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ER YA A EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS EIT TET TTT OW FT TIT oroTIeee, BOYN DUNTROY HIGNS Lindsay --Complalots ure heing made by the County Ioads Off olals that boys wre damaging Lhe wigng along the ronadg in the coups ty by touring off the cardboard and VPP T TTI TITYIYTT YTV IOI ETYTVITTTIIY IYO TY THRESHER INJURED Castiston--While assisting in threshing operations at Mr, Wm, Tant's at Castleton, Mr, W, Mo Mann eavght hig hand in the gears of the er and had it quite badly {| CANADA'S TI DEVEIOPMENT OUT- LINED AT KYOTO Toronto Pictessor Reads In- cont, of the world's nlekel and she slandg third among the countries af the world in the production of gold and sliver, The Increase In lead, #ine and copper mining in yecent yours has heen very gratify Ing and hig lnevease, particulavly in the mining of copper and wine, will he greatly secelerated duving the next few years hy production trom the large copper-niekel de posits In Budbury field and the copper ond zine deposits of wesls ern Quebec and northern Mani oxlensive, are not well situated, Prof, Moore sald, With the greater part of the population in the centre Gf the eountry the gon! was In Lhe extreme east and west, This, coupled with the fact that thers wis no sppreciable quantity ol anthracite, led to the tmperiation of nerily half Canada's consump: tan of coal, Vor Industrial pur- poses the provines of Ontario and Quebec, were well slluated In having great surpluses of hydros cloctrie energy sill untapped, Known deposits of fron in Can WANCHESTERHYDRO RATES LOWERED Quenching Distriet JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE yolling the white stones thal have | erushed, He whe taken to Col- e Paper Before Loh, ans e--n---- been plackd uf corners and high | herne for medieal treatment, . teresting Pap "In 1686 the total vale of | ada ean not be worked in competi: | Manehester, Oct, 2o="Fhe rates on ar ood 1abs bille, Into the ditch er Sn Institute of Pacific Canada's mineral production was | tion with the deposits near ut hand | hydro hive heen reduced in this vil Intereronco of this Kind with | SENTHNCED VOI AWNAULY Relatio omy thou $10,000,000, By. 1000 Lin tha United Siaten and. News le, anything along t o Toads I Hage ir ae Slama Rummel), of ns it had, vigsen to over $68,000,000 foundland, by here wers large de is, aH wd Mune were 0 t OH " 3 and. any one caught doing harm ' p and 1008 It wis re i "| especially glad 10 sce the heyy rain in be. punished. month in Jalil and was fined $60 Kyoto, Japan, "Oat 20, Nupid ad iu 1928 Bl Jon Miu Ponlts ho uaiod, JL hay alt te hh week, us they have suffered sey hy Judge W, D, Bwayse when hel qevelopment of Canada's mineral | vine in 1860 was $2.20, in 1900, to the blast furnace, erely from hres in the woodland CO D WOOD BUSH VIRE Blended guilty 0 the Shatge of Ins | pasources and extensive exploris $18.04 and in 1008 over $87,00, "Pha voasting of the carbonate | herth ef here, Wilbertoree « Last Wednesday, | Jura py gE het ip gh ton work coupled with an | Snowing n very favorabli situation | ores has heen suceessfully aeecoms| The Community Club is preparing Mr, William Raddits sel fire Lo A) of ahpresiation of {he importants ei in one of the country's hase indus | plished," he says, "but this raises food prasram and eh, lor Geta 'm, ¢ U1 rles, ) thle ' " be ot aa --, ry Po BEAR HHOT of refining minkraty and mane Mi nadn's oonl vesourvees, though Hho aa with oo high for séh. Mrs, W Crosier and fly ware TWENT f that there wauld be, nor dan. Pombroke--Another bear Wik {acturing the pefined produ, ON | oe a ll of the Mines in the United Bates, pent sd Ta 's, oh , Y (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES + yu intr { ' st Inu few diys It was burning what, it the foot of the Island, 08 usu mineral producing country, © | Bast Wa To Fhe spngentration of owsitne | Mr Condy and Deputy Reeve | [| INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY Bh Bush und by the last report Sundar, br. otiolus oad, o H, Moore, professor of Weonomie y but not under present sommereinl | Lamb, of Lindsay, ealled on the late had covered five meves, Mr, Rad. ibid B Hu Brn MEK yk taeology at the University of To Kee EF 08 Health conditions, Ontario has at least | ters parents, Mr, und Mrs, Fi Lamb, ditg's friends and polshhours Fes | ying to spend the winter on the fonta, sald Ih & baper read ai the P y y 76,000,000 tons of carbonate ore FA Barrett and her motl ' urre o ane anded to he. enll for help and Institute of Paclfic Relations now x \ | ee hoon. Nahttos It since Bat- Inland, for another hunter came | Toller 7 Whigh will douhtlasy ho roasted | IE eters te OShAWE. across his den in a steep bank, not he finding In Canada of ) i and sintered In the future end | "000 | Mrs, Walph B | urday, far from the old camp site at Pac-| The finding In Canada of some a hundreds of milton of low grade, Yo Mid Mrs alph Butt ani ehildren visited with the latter's par \i ---- of the world's largest ore deposits | [#1 i we "6 " A quettes Rapids, i 4 #lllceaus ove which may have to ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Moore, one Pembroke---Bheri(t #loan, Bry« ---- hay niala Haphat atulinbie Tov i | [walt many years hetore it oan be [ 4014 SEF BNE re n ' ' ' wy li ' BE tint anor of 70 CATER To THY laratian 0 5 seule hithene - | wis plat weski and TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DRECT LINES housebreakingg which have oceur- Gananogue--R, C, Taylor, who present there Iu the greatest actly under the gare of # nurse, We hops LE red during the past week or #0 at| heads a company heing formed to fty In searching for new deposits lye heanty depends upon the James A, Need, former United | he may soon regain hig health | a IA ili 0 i the summer resort of Norway Bay, | cater to the tourist traffic; has|!n VASE, unprospected areas health of your eyes: Hore, irvitated | ftatey Senator, states emphatically | Chas, Lamb was in Fenelon Falls where about fifteen cottages have | purchased the Gibson property, It is in the production of melils [eyes with liflomed lids can't possibly | he will not be candidate for Gove and Kinmount this week ; goss : -- been entered and goods of minor Just north of Taylor & Bon's coal] that Canada's mining development [he the lovely bright eyes you've al-lemor of Missourl, ay suuwested by | Mr, and Mrs, Wm, McClintock | oo ror the weekend humped uw ght in front of a gM value have heen stolen, yard, and will have the large brick hiss been most marked, he says, | ways admired AW, MeCawley, Blate Benator and | Mr and Mrs, Howard Lamb, and ol 6 Jack Lush, of Oshawa, wis a | 6tation, caromed into an alley The cottages have heen entered | {hree-storey building remodelled to "Non-metallle minerals," he re ni PETIT FY SAILVILL dry leader, Mr, Heed indicates he | My, and Mrs, Russell Lamb and fam 4 by ie ith her parents, Mi demolished a tree, In the darkness by someone using a crowbar with | suit thelr requirements, It iy sald marks, "have shown a steady and | psed for 120 years, instantly eases | is satisfied with private life and | ily, all of Lindsay, visited Mr, and hig hi Lamb he slunk home, where police found which In emeh case window shut-| that in addition to other thngs healthy growin in production and | the discomfort of itehing, burning, | law practice Mrs, Vred Lamb as Sunday ane Lo tM Jia him huddled In a olothes eoloset, ers have heen forded, and in some | they will start an engine, boat and In most respects have kept pace | strained eyes, swiftly heals granu The Auxiliary of the W.M.8, met pop-byed, & rabbit's foot In eel of the cottages there are indies | vapair shop, A dock is to be bullt| With the increase in population, | lated lids, styes, ete, You cin just at the chureh on Friday, with a geod | 1a Nutley, N.J., John Harrie, 86, | hand, He had also swallowed his tions that the marauders stopped | slong the Gananoque river front; But the Increase In the autput of | feel that soreness disappearing---sush Vrs, James Baird, aged 07, was | attendance, The meeting opened with | Negra caretaker, took & Joy ride, | tongue long enough to have a feed, 4 boat whieh will accommodate 40 | k0ld, silver, copper, lead, gine and | quick, wonderful relief, Never again [| married at Harrisboro, NB, to] the ususl devational exercises after) in hg employer's Hmousine, was rr ------------ o---------- assengers to be used in the river niokel has heen in some Instances | need your eyes look dull, tired or] James Shipley, §# It was the | whieh the Study Book was taken up gloved and chased hy traffic cops footiand has started ® eampal " WATER SHORTAGE ALARMS Janeat has heen purchased and spectacular, ved. 30e and S0¢ at Jury & Lovell's, | former's third marriage, Both | and business transacted Wor five minutes he sped, the po-| against plenickers whe leave ru FARMERS a pavillion Ig to be bullt for the "Canada produces about H0 per | 8 King Bt. 1, and all druggists have families, Arnold Roach, of Toronto, was! lice shooting at Wim, Then he [Lish at its historlg spots, Pemhroke---=Conditions fn the | accommodation of tourists visiting . pa Be na i y = iam my Wr idbig . i . surrounding farm districts have | Gananoque and the Islands, hecome critical, due to the Ins -- adequate water supply, Lack of INCENDIARISM NURPECTED tren il ah You Will Be Doin g This Constituency A Signal Honor By Electing SINCLAIR as PREMIER winter sets in and the present dry | urday morning, and the owners of spell continues, with not enough | the building have offered a reward rain to replenish the water supply, | of $600 for evidence leading to farmers Are of the opinfon that|the arrest and conviction of the the lack of water for thelr stock | guilty person, will he felt very keenly, Kven now, The fire occurred ahout 8 a.m, in the outlying sections, they are | and the flames were first noted hy drawing water distances of from | trainmen on a CNR, passenger one to five miles for thelr stock, | train passing through the village, Rain, and plenty of it, is needed | who gave the alarm, In twenty in the worst way; without it tHe | minutes a large number of men farmers will be in a precarious | were on the scene, but the blaze position for the winter, Not In| had gained such headway, that in many years, has the shortage of [ the absence of fire fighting equip: water been so mcute as at the pre-| ment, it was Impossible to do any: sent time, thing to save the building, Produce Prices in the DECIDE Commercial Markets || -- -- TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Je. Heavywsight rolls, bo Lightweight rolls Wholesale dealers 1n hay and straw are Years Pure, firsen, ei gobs Hoi wall Quoting 10 hip sere the following prices lor prio elivered on track, Toronto= ts, horiening tierces ffi baled ton 14,50 H Md Mle ik} in i" i Be pails, 18¢; ting, 17 12, 00] , 160 ais 3, Minty halve, ' oy ! Fark iW Se; New York shoulders 2 sat Straw, baled, tor 00 | 1-21 pork butts, 25 1:36; pork hams, 86 1d, moth ant, in quoted at $19 10 ------ f 0 | per ton, delivered, TORONTO FARMERS MARKET ---- The following are quotations, eal in TORONTO PRODUCE ofttet on the Bt, Lawrence market, Torento| Toronto w plese dealers are offering pros gg extras, per dozen i iiiene ¢ duce 10° retail dealers at the lollowing pris firats, per dose oie Tn ) phe pullet, extras " i ensevrem, extras, in cartons, 6d; fresh Butter, dairy, per pound : ! \ as, Jooss, 60g; first, loose, S4¢; seconds, ou Sed ery, per pound { | | gd Four atter=No, 1 creamery, prints, 4%; No, arn bus ' | LF mery, prints, dle, fet bushel ,, a i se=New, Larue, 2lo; Slim fn Lie ans mv, oh at DRSKEE vr ee ' : lp " i stiltons, 7%, Old, large, beat, ba \ ww 2 1.3; triplets and cuts, i pot Co hp bit a, Me, Cauliflower.» t 2 \ Polls O 8 a. t A i | 6 pen 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Leader of the Liberal Party In the province of Ontario, and Idberal candidate asking your support for re-election in To The ELECTORS of South Ont x io: Hutter extras were off 34 in today's ¥ the riding of Houth Ontarle, DODDS atin ore clin" Si 3 Oshawa, October 26, 1929, 4. Removal from Municipal taxes of 30 per cont contribution for Fr: Baa di Bea Provinelal Highwaye and payment of the hed 4 by the Provines, | We on § |! Friends, -- 8, Reduetion in Motor Car lownses and driver's permit fess. | § cembers and anvaries, $ | How seems B44 JX oR are incline: | § ol io take he' ahont "ue . The election campaign is drawing to a close and you will ge te eduction in gasoline peer TN HH Bl | the polls on Wednesday next to select a Member for the next Rb ."R n ", Mi November ate, 'new, 007: Dcomber ture, | have been away most of the time, 1 have had two days this "7, Losal Autonomy in Educational matters with convequent ree week at home, and am delighted to know that although absent, you duction in taxes. have been preparing to vote for me, You have realized | have hed a \ duty to perform in the Province and are prepared to support we, ale he (We utter, extras, 4; though denied the right to speak and work for myself here, Alatidan y \ os "thy 48, Curent Ni fr Bn I ask your vote on record as your representative in he past, my position as one able to serve the whole Province, and : 4 h, peck ' kent, Ki 2 HE erase ' . ps ingeh, pak pound + searsnees ON The, . I lettuce. three Risin ta 4 tha . Head ttges, ERE EREBNSELZSSERNSERIS Lotat bag + why camber, qt Parsley, per bunch oan, three for Due fini per dou po JoRoONTO PROVISION PRICES A Parkes 'oronte wholesale dealers are quoting the ha he (0 fol awing prices to the trade: Smoked meat ' ' ma, medium, 3 to Me; cooked loins, i smoked rolls, Me; breaklast 1 0}. ba back, Veainenied, M10 de - i! by , $0 70 ow whe re oe 90 to 110 Ihay . ranberslen, Qh sion Comm---- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct, 3~The spat market on SHED Was "a y to firm this anoraing a and unchanged, 4 Msring e wer light ww, u vered almost the same range Saipeday and still seem to be in y trading position, he on whi dg $7,422,588 a oD AN nat os as honor 10 the constituency, and on the policies for which | stand, w yes gogo hea; jy year (F Include the following NY TORONTO GRAIN ATIONS 1, Reduction in public expenditure, fh » OYE the folowing soso |i 2. Lower taxation in the Province. py i for then "Td 3, Removal from municlapl taxes of Old Age Pens d " He oh WE VERS Noi ment of the whole by the Province. Is POW pv a 1 feed, 86 1:2; No AN $1.08; all HC LR She " fh Yours Very Truly A -- EASY ras LIVE STOCK st Buffalo, Rot mR eesipty hows, i [rh active Wostly J & nackers| ag iy ro at Yday' s 1k \ 0 5: 1M wif to ow A ng is # e lp 3 salle, 2 2,40; very slow, better ! a abou Ma ay ol hea, 38 fon al ua v fale} oar | 4 Bh 0 By piv & ® é at fy FE comman steers aud H A L IDA Rmites ha Li cows, $30 HANAON ¥ iy of op AR 3 s Jhb ctive, | A - 10 Jackson St Sealy: od 10 'shaice, HOH 10 iF ! _ | auth auvioiule tun a ona i . :

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