Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 11

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PLL BI Y THE OSHAWA DAI a Aa -------- THE C ii" where LY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCIUBEK 29, 1929 FHGE ELEVEN a ~~ Meets ED SECTION . Seller N90\ndiw0 --- & ANNTS BAVHTETTNS ters, Nolasies Publis Lie a Ln Gres sda uth by ' hy Co f, LLG AB, Ansty, BA, I, ¢, Convey. Third floor Opposite Post Solleitor, Notary "Publi anger, Money to loan, Alger Building, » BAST ry Publi . our Coe an "Oshawa, Phone 445, eo B17, * Fraser, Frintors, Conveyancors, Notaries Ie, ts Dities, ovor Standard , Kutrance 00, Bt. Phone oy v, aren yi T. K lh BA, N 0 r, B.A ' AN, STER, leltor, Ary, D . ore, Monby 16 (Onn, 16" Bimoos street north, Phone 67, Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR: Diters, ote. Money to loan, Alger dg. Opposite Post Office, Phone 1014, AJ, Parkhill, A CH Feld GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR risters, Solleltors, wie, 24%4 Simeoe N. Phone 3160, Mangy. to loan ALEX OC, HALL, B.A, BARRIS tor, oto, Conveyancing and general ractice, 88% King Bt, Kast, hone 8447, (1) Medical TW, TRICK, PIT /3T clan, Surgeon, Obstetricinn, Special references to maternity work and di senses of women, Two vears' post radunte me ente. Office und ren nee " Imeoe BL N., (cor, Brock) ope , McKAY, PHYRICTAN, SUR gon, Accoucher, Office and resi ence, King St, ust, corner Vietoria ( wit, Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN urgeon, Obatetrieinn, disenses of fants end children, Office and nee ond Mast, Phone 1155 DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, P'IYS! plan and Surgeon, special attention lven to ray work and Electro Barry OMce, Disney Block, Phone HH Ofics open 9 am, pm Residence 16 King Last, Phone 2410 DR. ALVIE STEWART, SUR. goon, Obstetrician, physisiun Speeinl attention to surgery, Two vears ele: on months post graduate experignee, Hospital, St, Bartholomew's and Si Mary's Hospital, London, Royal In Edinburgh, University Hoss Feriin, Office 142 Simcoe St u Vi . CHIR, R C P and § slelan, Surgeon and Ohsteteioian, co 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020 61 King St, 15, Phone | 5 RCHER BROWN, M.D, L, R, ¥h "% 8. Edinburgh, Physician, urgeon, Obstetrician, special ats tention to maternity work and dis ases of children, Office and real ence, 188 Simcoe St, North, Phone "TW. OARR, PHYRICIAN oo son, Obstetrician, Ottloe an residence, 018 Bimcoo street north, Phone 2415, i (Oct, 01 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR TT RYAN OF Yr TTOOR ot West, Toronto, will he at his oe over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pan, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throal fs may be mado ul only, Appointments ig Blore, HH y , Nose and Throat) TRICHA DION: OFFTCH itchell's Drug Store, {ouis ido ph 2 to § Evenings by at ment, Office phone 2600, sldence 1 funy v Li ILLIPS, OVER DAS: 2 Koon attention to Tay . Gas extraction, Nurse in wt work, Sh one 950. House 1312, BRE SORT 7 SIN COL orth, over Mitchell's Drs, Store. ) X DR. L, BE, HUBBELL, DUNTTS an for . Rives Fy Th nly ank Bide ce, | . i R. J. I, BROCK, DENTIST 16 coe St, N. over Dewland's one 1957, Res, 202W, Evenings by t , GIFFORD OFFICE or Theirs. Bldg, Phone 1780 LaNUM BR to gas extraction and rae In attendance, BR, DAVIES, ng St. I Special at X-ray Phones t NL muscle anomalies ) iy in sxalusively Author of and glasses; ° i in Modgre kite, ray Dare and B traln, our Rade tometry Feature 0, The Child and its Davelop- t. Disney Beck, Opp. P, O hone 1616, (Oot, 82-1 mo) lat, domestic Animals tal, 203 King west, Engineering and Surveying JONE ONTAR. 10 Land Surveyors and Civil: Engin. cers, sub diviglons, town planning, munielpal engineers, 365 or 411 King St, It, Phone or Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING iT iiast, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim. Phones 210] and ton street north, 210 )SNEY RAL HC #7 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Bruce street, Ambulance, PF 1082, Sr ---------- Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURA 19 King St, west, Oshawa, The eat Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 thle companies, WHEN . PLACING consult I, N, Johns, #0 Bimecos north, Your insurance wants 'ft tended to and your interests pro- fected, Transportation UAWIAT AND A 4 man's, Bh Nond West, Hpecinliste in furniture moving, sorage ware house and moving van equipment, Phone K2, CAITAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, . Local and long distance ~~ hauling, Phone 3048 and ar, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond §t ry NCE, # ESTAR OSHAWA'S OLDEST Park Rond lished furniture movers ear age, Loew! and long distance Frank Cowl, Prop, 65 Park Ri Bouth, Phone 215, (Oct, 15:1 mo) WANTED=TRUCKING OF ALL kinds, Carting or moving, Phone 2060W, (Det, 10-1 mo) FAGLE CARTERS ANT LONG distance movers, satisfaction guarans teed, quick service, cheapest in Osh- awn, Phone us first, 3202 (Oet, 290-1 mo, * wa Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT wave, Special $5 and $7.50, Finger wave and shampoo $1, Facial 75¢ Hale eutth g Phone 2908 or 8 Simege North WATSON'S Beauty Shop clalige In ladies' 25¢, BARBER AND 9 Celina St, 'We spe halr eutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel cents, For appointments phone 2004, (Det, 10<1wmo) | -------------------- I -- . MARCEL AND CURL 50¢, MRS Fverette Bell, Apt, U, Edward Apart ments, Quehee St, For appointment phone J206KF (Oct, Bee] mo) ARIE y Building Supplies ON SALE -- SAND, GRAVET, stone and black loam, $160 a yd For, gunlity and service 'phone 1x serpy Hie Seca HL. ATTA BLOCKS FON SALE To insure 'prompt delivery, place or ders in advance of delivery date, W Horrowdnle, Phon 1618 a Music PUPILS ACQEPTED IN VOCAL Inotructions, Mrs, (Dr) Orant Derry, Phone 1160, (Oot, 1-1mn) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, 'lo ronte) punk ye red for nll exams Oshawa, ednesday, 92 Simcoes St (120.11) of this nature, and collect for same, All Classified Adverti ing Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, n telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results ~ Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale LOOK-~NRIGOENT BARGAIN IN Oshawa, $2000 cnsh will buy new b rooms, lovely bungalow, all cons venlences, rug brick veneer, hard wood floor and chestnut trim, side drive, Must be sold at once. Kn- yulre 224 Drew Bt, (hod) $4200, $400 cash, balance like rent, new, attragtive, five lovely, bright rooms, onk floors throughout, chests put trim, French doors, coal mantle, plenty clothes closets, spacious built in kitehen eabinet, also broom eloset and droning hoard, white tiled and enamelled kitchen, three piece hath room, inlaid linoleum on Noer, built In medicine eabinet, one mirrow, ful seed cellar, guaranteed furnace, laundry tubs, wired for stove, plenty base plugs, ten minutes from GMC, offices, might consider renting to young couple, Phone 3067WW. (101¢) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER fields made to order, We save you money Estimates free. G. A, Con stable, 74 Mechanie street, Phone 1505) (5m i) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren tal supplied $1 Batteries repaired Stan Blidgon, Mill St Phone 1E8BW, (Oe, 10+1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DU livered 7B8e, rental 280, and the entire electrionl system of car re palred. 204 Oshawa Blvd, TPhouna 11w, Oot, 11-1 mo) AUTO BODY AND TRUCK RE palring,' Metal bumping, 1 handle the Elder Bullt Bodies, BH Fry, 4) Dond West, Oshawa (Oet, Hemstitching ft pega oy nto NINE CENTS VER YARD, PLEAT. ed Bkirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of beautiful fanoy work on sale, Mrs, Dell, 26% Bim coe Mouth, Phone 165 (Oct, 16:1 mo) a. 20 10-1 mao) North, DP " FRANK CONVE 0 BMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading viulin teach: ors, 8 In Oshawa on 'Thorsday afternoons, Studio ¥6 Elgin Bt, ¥, Phone THM, (Oat, 4~1mo) Public Stenographer MARIN M, HILTON, 74 BIMCOK street north, Phone 1000, Bpeuial rates for malling lista and elreular work, (Oot, 86+1 mo) MRS, T, ROCKLEY PARKER BO- prano, will ncoept pupils for sing: ing, voloe culture, eto, Phone 1004, 248 Bruce Bt Oct, 1-1mo, Director of Musle, Oshawa Oollegi: ate and Publle Rohoo u, Htudio, "80 Westmoreland, Phone 2024J, (Oat, 14-1 mo) Wa "Money to Loan CITY AND FARM ' 4 gress loans arranged, Parkhill fold, Barristers, ete, Alger hone 4 : 'Watch Repairing Swiss watchmaker, repair shop an "i King Street, West, Your pat 1\ ) ed, : 0 ce RADIO HER VICE "AND ATCTS: worlen, Repairs on electrio and battery mets, Tubes and batteries tested, Datteries recharged, rental supplied $1, Phone 1040]. Charles Wales, 140 Blgin B y (Oot, 8-1 mo) 1, TO DA ------ a TA Second Hand Dealer AROOND HAND DEALER, FUR: piture bought and sold, 180 Bloor Bt, Kast, Phone 1017M, (tr) " "Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK plea, steak and kidney ples, het or old, brawn, cakes and pastries, w oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple , Phone 3874F, 7711) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 . (Apr, 2601) WOR 2A LE--NEINTZNAN C0 Ltd, pianow, new and used pianos Also radios, latest wodels; teriuw arranged. Apply C. Trull, Phone 16661, L (R10 af) 13 IRON AND BRASE DEDN COM plete with new matiresses and steel springs, regular $18 at $45.60 "ll sizes, sot of oak dining chairs $10, buffets $10, odd drogsers | $7.00, rockers, baby buggles nnd go-onrtd, extention tables $6.00, child's eribs with new mattresses regular $12 for $6.60, Hiding Louch, with new mattress regulur $12 at $7.50, high chairs, rockers, cany vhalrs, Hooser kitchen eabl net, 19% centre tables, wide bonrds, parlor sets, £ good coal ranges The People's Furniture Hiore, 17 | Prince wireet, Oshawa, (1000) FOR SALE = TWO TEAM MILK | Sleighs, four lorries convertab! team or single, cheap for quick sul Apply E,W, Graham, 1329 Queen St I Voronte, phone Hargrave 6726 (90¢) FOR CAREFUL BUYERS, 0) Men's indigo blue sults, extra heavy, high tallored, cheap aut $35 Must raise cash for this week $25, slzes JO to 46, Engel, 21 Bond West (1011) ONE CIRCULAR Jacket heater, $10 (V9¢) Clans FOR SALE Heater $12; one 274 Vedun Rd VOR HALENTCOAT ON Woon, "Lighter Day" range, also 8 elec: trie fixtures, hone 470, (100h) MOVING SALE OF BICYCLES bieyele stock, and automobile tires, Big reduction, cash or terms, Every thing must be sold, B2 King Street West. _LOet, 29:1 mo, 25 MEN'S BLUE OVERCOATS made of the best melton cloth fully plush lined, Cheap at $25, Must radse cash, $15 for this week, Engel, ¢! Hound West, (1011) FOR FALE=T QUINRT COOK stove with water front and fittings for connéotion, $50; 1 desk, 1 kits chen table, 1 hed, 1 lawn mower, Apply 317 McKim Htreet, (1010) FOR TALE" LADY ER WINTER coat (Brown), slee 48, 307 Kings dale Ave (1010) Position Wanted DRESSMAKER EXPERIENCED will go out dally, Phone 724J. (nr) PRACTIOAL NURRE, DOCTOR'S reforenge. open for engagements, \Maternity or general nursing, Helps with housework, IPhone T42M (081) Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETE lastering, electric or Sheraliona hone 10 for estimates (A Photographer HAVE YOUR FAVORITE RNAP shots and photographs colored Phone 534 for prices and samples, (Oct, 1-1 mo), Agents Wanted Double your salary by adding $50 Mehl selling Imperial Art Personal Caulking WAVE ALL ORVICRE AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastlo coment and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost is sumall, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR, No. 8, wa, Phone T8812, (Oot 4:1 mo) Painting and Decorating ee nger TRI and i) or \ PRE ® T PAINTERS und paperh 5, only first clas work, guargnteed 20 years ox erience, reasonable, TYPREWTITIRG AND muokines overhauled, repaired and robullt, My work is guaranteed, You don't pay until you are sat failed, Dealer fn all kinda of re built typewriters, Qalvin Elliott, 261 arthur Street, Oshawa, Ont, Phone YW, 100, 4-1 Mo.) hr Cards to friands, business associates, club and church members, from magnificent free sample book, Imperial Art Manufacturers, 51 Wels lington West, Toronto, AGENTE REQUIRED IN THIS LO: cality to sell the most popular Cans Adlan made line of Personal Christ. mas Greeting Cards, Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Coat Repairing an READY FOR WINTER -- Genta' overcoats re tered, ladies' fur gon! repaired, "Talloring" your® own material made up, Address 183, King 8t, W, (over Cannings), Qall and deliver, Phone 0509, § (Oct, 26-1 mo) For nge JSE NEAR HAMILTON, \ Sachans for Oshawa property, Phone 2\V, Ne KB ' . equity In brick veneer house In good looality for good used oloaed automobile, Anply Dox 270 Timea, (1010) Niined sbi PITONT 710), W. I. SULLLY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Si. 8. We can sell your odd pleces of furniture nd other articles at our vards, 41 () Ontario ONKER, 530 one 2503M, Oct, 28-Nov, 2%) N, ' UL Simeoe Street S$, LONT=RTONET RING VALUED an keepsake, Initials G.M,G, Phone 1038W, (100h) STRAVED TO 232 JOHNSTON Blvd, a tan collie: dog, Owner muy have same by proving property and ying for this advertisement, (101a) Fost -- CLUB BAG BETWEEN Oshawa and Newtonville, Friday night. Please phone 1587W, Reward, (ole) A ) § JAY, OCT, 20, small brown dog, white breast, wears ing red collar, no number on tag Owner may have same by calling at 282 Nassau St, 101a) Elocution HLOCUTIONTST OPIN FOR BN: 1 ban Miss k, Dewhirst, Phone 1920 CHEVROI mileage 6700 OF R. acosunorien &f the ' City Auto Wreckers, 18:17 Bond street west, Phones 2080 or 2448W, (Oot, 25-1 mo) A [OURING, LATE 1924, @ eylinder, All In good shape, A real bhavgain, $110 must be mold thin week, Owner going abroad, For. Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROONED MOD arn suites, including electric refrig aration, stove, laundry, conven) ances, eto; continuous hot waler supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, ur The Trusts and Guarantee Co, 144, manager for owner, Toronto, (3741) AVATVIMENTS 10 RENT Modern conveniences, $40 and " Apply Jury & Lovell, (8611) TO RENT=--PIIV ATH §-WOOMED apartment over Ledger's Store, next to Karn's Drug Stores, Pon session October 1, Apply Mrs, VF, LU Henry, 28) King Bt. Kast, fhone 16, (03-1) FOR RENT THREE WARM Rooms, hardwood floors, wired for electrie, Apely 252 Grooms Ave Phones 1345 or 1472, (961) FOR ENT =~ THREE ROOMED bath flat, unfurished, Apply 72 Rit son Rd, 6 1 (9) NEW VIVE ROOMED "APAR ments, also new equipped barber shop, Apply. 191 Oshawa Blvd, be tween 6 and B pm... (We) APATCITMINAR TO RENT---VOR TY und forty-five dollars per month, business section, 4 rooms snd bath, yossession at once, Apply hox 204 Times, 99) FOR RENT==NEW SIX ROOMED House, all modern conveniences hardwood floors throughout, Will rent rensonable to suitable tenmnt Apply 632 Sommerville Ave, phone 213W (99¢) APARTMENTS TO RENT-=MOD- orn five rooms and path with elee- trie stoves, grates and every cons venience, Virst or second floors Casa Loma, 101 King Bt, Kast, Oshawa (hha) TO RENT==UNDERWOOD TYPE. writer, suitable for student, blank koybourd Phone #214 (hho) FOR HENT--HOUBKE, 4 ROOMN, Convenlences, Very central Im medinte possession $14 month Horfon & French, Times Bldg, (100e) ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW All convenlences, Hard Paved sireet UE) "hone 2746W, (100¢) FOR RENT-GOOD 6 ROOMED house, corney Ititson Nd, and Ros lin »d, Apply Mr, It, Jenkins, Ros iin Rd, Phone local K74J, (1000) TWO FRONT ROOMN, Also garage, Phone (1000) NEW hRICK HOURE French doors, All mod Reasonable Phone 103% (100c) WOOME AND "ve for rent wood floors Gladstone Ave TO RENT unfurnished AFI] TO RENT Fix rooms, arn donvenlenees rent, 84 Cadlillne or 2804) I'0 RENT-=MFIVE bath, ground floor, All conven! ences, also garage Contrally io cated, Apply 60 King Bt, East (1001) KENT=ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished, eentral, all conven lences, suitable for lght housekeep Ing, Immediate possession, low rental Anply R2 King West (101¢) FIVE ROOM HOUSE, PARTIAL conveniences, $15 per month, phone RIM (1011) TO RENT-SIX ROOMED BRICK House, fully modern, 53 Nassau St, Phone 184M, ob oa stil) J UNFURNISHED ROOMS, $2500 month, Including light, heat, and phone, Phone 2459, (101a) HOUSE TO RENT IN BOWMAN. ville, by 1st of December, modern conveniences, $2500, Apply to W, F, Ward, Barelster &e, Bowmanville, phone 102, i (101e) TO RENT=TIVE ROOM TOUSE on Park road north, Possession December first, Apply James Lind. wey, ILI, No, 8, Oshawa, Phone 940 r 2 (101) TO RENT-= GARAGE, PHONE (1010) Ave r-- 1'0 Rates for | Classified Ads. | First insertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 80¢, Ench subsequent eonseci tive insertion lo per word, Three consecutive inser. tions for thy price of two first {nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 covts, Box number 100 additional Professional or Dusiness Cards, $2.00 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additionel word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADK CONT LITTLE; AC COMPLISN MUCH 1 TELEPHONE 88 I Ask for Classified Ad il Depnrtinent Ud Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BOY TARDBWOOH flooring now for only Be a foot Freight paid on $10 orders, All end and side mutched, Easy to lay, You ean do the work yourself, We tell you how, Send for free circular, Hall. iday, Box 311, Hamilton, Building Material Specialists, gc EO Shoe Repairing J07T0 MENROR, CONNET OF Simcoe ang William Sts, the best place Lo have your shoes fixed, cleaned and dyed, (Oct, 1-1 Mo,) EE Sh EA Ll, AH TE Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY SIX ROOMED house In good location, good cash payment, may consider small place outside city, No agents, Apply box 203 Times (99¢) WANTED TO BUY--4 OR § roomed bungalow In or near Osh awn, Apply Dox 267 Times, (1000) CANADIAN AND NEWFOUND Vietorian issues, Single stall lots, bought for deales, Apply Box 208 (101) For Sale or Exchange FOR BALE OR EXCHANGH= Nearly now six roomed house, Will exchange for house In To ronto, Phone 2830W evenings (1010) land stamps, stamps and No Ee tM in. Notice of Registration of By-law that n Counell Notice Is hereby given by-law was passed by the of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa on the 10th day of Au gust, 1080, providing for the is sue of debentures + the amount of $10,000, tor the p.rpose of ao quiring land for Industrial Sites, and that such by-law was register od In the registry office of Whitby in the County of Ontario on the 21st day of October, 1020, Any moton to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must, be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and eannot be made thereafter, . Dated the 22nd day of October, 1020, HARE, Olerk, (098-101-107) I, WK, FOR --RGm---- 1¢ FORT NENT -- EVEN ROOM house on Arthur street, Reason (101e) nhle, Phone 106607, Room and Board WARM FRONT ROOM SUIT ONE or two, board o dealved, 16 Nutty St, phone 1671W, (01a LARGE ROOM WITH HOARD for business, offlee or bank men, Reduction for two who will share room, Nox 260 Times. (101a) Money Wanted WANTED-PRIVATE FUNDS IN small amounts for investment, 8 per cent half yearly mortgage, Se- ourity under government supers vision, Nox 200 Times, (1000) Wanted To Rent rooms for light housekeeping, must he warm and comfortable, North end, Rox 66 Times, (101e Help-- Wanted 'Male WANTED-FARM HAND, MUST he capable of ploughing, Apply Mrs, A. KE, Atkinson, St, Peter St, White by, phone 428, (101h) Millinery MISS Vo CALDWELL WILT 10 all kinds of millinegy work at her home, 200 Bond St. East, Phone 2000W, (101¢) DE a i a i a) ROOFING MILL ENDS FACTORY ~ CLEARANCE MILL Ends Heavy Slate Coated Roofing only $1.80, Also Arohalt Shinglea $4.18 square, Samples free, Eastern Factories United Limited,' Box 212, 2 Hamilton, Ont, (86.80.02. 2 ant TH State hoard, centrally located, terms, Apply Box 804, (fhe) YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOM and board with respectable private family near Motors, State particulars 113 Louisa Street, (1000) to Box JOS, Times, (101a) Notice to Creditors The Dankrupte In the estate of John Bleotrioal Inspector, Ontarlo, Notice is hereby given that John Joseph Hunt, authorized ass slgnor of Oshawa, Ont, did on the fourteenth day of October, 1929, make an authorised assignment of all his property for the benefit of hin Creditors, and that O, ¥, Len. nox, Esquire, Official Reocelver, has appointed me to be custodian of the Kstate of the Debtor until the first meeting of creditors, Notice Is further given that the firat meeting of ereditors in the above estate will be held at my office, 811 Rxcelslor Life Builds Ing, 38 Toronto 8t, Toronto, on the nixth day of November 1089 at three o'clock In the afternoon, To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your alaim must be lodged with me before the meeting fa held, Proxies to be used at the meets ing must be lodged with me prior thereto, And further take notice that 'at auch meeting the oreditors will elect the permanent trustee, And further take notice that if you have any olaim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of much claim must be' filed with me, or with the truss tee whey appointed; otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to your olaim, Dated at Toronto this twenty ninth day of October, 1089, FRED PAGE HIGGINS, ' Custodian, (101a) Act oseph Hunt, Oshawa, Walter (Peck) Lerlan, twenty flx oatoher for Philadelphia Nas tlonals, who lHved In Raltimore, died an result of Injuries after belug struck by truck and hurled against stone wall of bullding. History was made in Canade when Chief Bimbatow Wahwash kaiche (Running Deer), of the Ofibways, met and greetsd In all friendliness Chief Oseanonto (Deer) of the Iroquois, at Caughpawage Indian Neserve, near Montreal, re: cently, There is no record of these tribes ever having met before in Canadian history, The OJibway Chief is better known as Paul Cam- eron, head Indian guide for the past thirty years at Nipigon Camp, northern Ontario, Neither could speak a word of the other's lan- guage and conversed through the medium of English, Judges of the annual fishing eon tests held at French River, Nipis gon and Devil's Gap (Lake of the Woods) bungalow camps, have an pounced the winners as follows! W, Hl. Graf, of New York, and Frank #, Blosson, of Chicago, tied for the trophy at French River with a 80- Ih, musenlonge each; J, H, Lunn, of Hammond, Ind, won the Nipigon trophy with a 7%-Ib, speckled trout, closely followed hy Mrs Bundy, of Kansas City, with a 7+ sunder; and A, 1, Joslin, Jr, of meinnatl, took the Devil's Cap trophy with a bass weighing 3 pounds, nine ounces, "The destinies of Canada and Japan lle together in the great Pa eific Ocean," declared Hon, Tye masa Tokugawa, K.CV.0, first minister to represent the Emperor of Japan, when he reached Domine fon soll here with the arrival of the Canadian Pacifie liner Empress of Prance, at Vancouver recently, Ie was accompanied by Togo Fukuma, Japanese Consul-General, both of them being on théir way to Ottawa, where the former later delivered his eredontinle What is regarded as a record movement was made recently at the | Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Klevator No. 7 at Port Arthur, when In 4% hours, 660,000 bushels of wheat were transferred from the elevator to the hold of the steamship Le moyne There were periods dure ing the loading of the ship when the wheat was carried like a tors rentinl golden river from the ele. vator at the rate of 2,0600% bushels | per minute, Fifty different steamship lines now serve to carry Canadian pros ducts to every continent from the port of Vancouver, states a recent trade review issued by the Royal Bank of Canada, The review adda that in a period when the other great ports have had difficulty In maintaining thelr pre-war volume of teade, traffic through the port of Vancouver han experienced wteady growth From 182 ocean. going ships In 1913, the number in. oreaned to 1.044 In 1028 During the past year total trade of the port had & value of $260,000,000, The largest sugar beet crop on record In Bouthern Alberta Is being harvested In the Raymond distriet, centre of the mdustry, About 8,500 aAcrea were sown to sugar beets this year, 2,000 more than in 1028, and the crop will on estimate yleld about 68,000 tons or 23,000 above lant year's production, Cable advices from London state that Captain Ronald Btuart, V.C, DRO, UBNC, RNR, comman- der of the Canadian Pacific liner "Duchess of York," has been offi« olally nelected to attend the Armin tice Day ceremonies at the Ceno- taph In London, Captain Stuart is one of the youngest liner eaptains on the North Atlantio and the only passenger ship enptain to wear the Victoria Cross, It is expected that he will also he present at the Pringe of Wales' dinner to V.Ca. SEA-MAID'S STORY [5 STRANGE TALE Pretty Australian Found Wrapped in Seaweed on Fiench Coast Parip="Where am It" A handsome young woman mums bled these words as ashe gamed blankly up at the little group of French fishermen standing around her, Bhe was Gloria MoAllster, An Australian girl, and the central figure in one of the guedrest tales of the wea ever told, fhe had been founda by a faher~ man lying unconseipus on the beach at Montalivet near Bordeaux, olad in the flimiest garments with seaweed draped about her, For more than thirty-two hours Gloria MoAllster, according to the noocount whicn she herself gave to the startled interpreter whe was oalled to Interview her that morn- ing, had braved the seas of the Bay of Biscay, swimming and drifting with the Atlantio currents, until at last she gained the land, Fell Overboard "I am twenty years old," Mis MoAllster began her story, "being born In Port Adam, Australia, On Saturday we left Newoaatle as » stewardess on board the steamer Kagle, hound for Shanghai, "On Sunday night there was a gala on hoard, and feeling unwell | I walked to the rall to take some aly, Somehow or other 1 managed to fall overboard without being noticed, "The shook cleared my head at once, | am a good swimmer, and 1 foundered about for some time, until by a rare pleca of luck 1 found a plece of wreckage floating about that, seemed to be a ship's wabin door, | Hons Including ; otherwise HARDWOOD VLOOKE Lal) BY EXVENRT MECHANICS O14 floors finished like now, Worm windows, combinntion doors, Gener] Contractors B. W. HAYNES 101 King 8. W. Phone 0, residence 10012, "All day Monday I elung to this door, although 1 was on the verge of exhaustion, At nightfall I noticed raised by hopes, 1 knew It was rafsed my hopes, | knew { wan a Hghthouse and not a ship he: cause nf the way It kept blinking on and off, "I threw off my clothes excep! one undergarment, and, abandon Ing the door that saved my life, | swam towards the Hght, 1 mum have one thirty miles, for 1 swam oll night long but the currents gradually carried me wonthwards Towards the end | must have los consciousness, for 1 have no reco) leation of being pleked up on the hench," Tha British consul at Dordeau haw arranged for Miss MeAllster be sent back to Newcastle, and moanwhile he and the Frencl police are Inquiring into hei sirangoe story, whieh Is hatfling th nautical experts at Bordeaux, NEW ZEALAND HAS MANY PROBLEMS Employment for Newcomer: ' | Is Chisf Difficulty, Agent Says "Unlike Canada, which ean ab sorb as many British Immigrants os she can get, New Zeunland i» unfortunately affected by her ins ability to find adequate employ- ment for the constant newcomers to the country which seriously re tards her progress ns / Conme quence," declared ¥, 0. Woons general agent of the Canadian Na tional Rallways for New Zealand who salled yesterday in the Cunard liner Ascania for Burope, "Now Zoaland, with a population of hut one and one-quarter mil 60,000 Maoris, 1a making excellent pro. gross, "The country, which prinel pally follows agricultural pursuits, in largely indebted to her wool markets which for the five and one-half months' period of thelr operations last year sold 600,00¢ bales at the average price of $100, 00 per bale!" "The export of fros en mutton and butter form an important part of her other notivi tien, "Last year exports exceeded her fmports by the huge figure of $60, 000,000 and, combined with her banking deposits, which exceeds withdrawals. by $40,000,000 a highly satisfactory financial stands ing in assured, re. . 7) t boy aN Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 00 Blmcoo St, 8, - Phone 900 ---- SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION OLOTHING 00, 08 KING BT, W. Phone 2141 We Deliver Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car Let Me Finance You! Soom Fo bs NTS Felt Block Room 8 EVESIGNT SPECIALIST s tre oly Ei i i oe Disney Block 2? 1810 Phome---1810 a DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, hone 108,

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