Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1929, p. 10

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Wa Wo Wh tl IokabAY, 4 + UM o, 9M a hi 4 J : i Dieppe goes to the palm, , shouted to her to get off the gang (the paper Vike some ovifiamme of 5 val here " Wl NEGLIGENCE AND v! ; NORDPUTZLE The howl for Newhaven was | Way, Kha Just recputed lier ends | wai, ESCAPED) INAMF Pal he dy Via at, go ' . ; i 1 |W re ' Jit dhnting off, The ast wenried | 1098 query; "Fue par Absalom,' "Tue pur Absalom," she deman 4 ! / the ship for allowing the men : | tourist had struggled up the nave A Wander had an inspiratios, | ded, N and without permission of the ! : Ni row gangway and vowed he would | "But Madame," he sald, "was It Bomeons took the paper, Blane Department, The fing 1% fmposed ' ry NERD | navey do it aEwin, The Task pore | not on wn tree int Absalom was | 80 80 IL sndeslaughed, 1 under the Immigration Act of 1044 MISHAP i FED ; toy, aounting hie teihite, wag lenvs | onuphi 14 tha hair? One might say I wont tha rounds snd--=every ' M isd, "whieh wtipuluted for wm hond of 1 Ip {H NNFI BOAT ing the host 4 wan the (ves (hat killed Absa body lunghed, ' . #1,000 for each Chiness person ; i hen whe appeared, Fhe eallad | 10m, BUTE that was a long time L WHE Bh Crossword plage, entering tha country to becom = A question from the what whieh | #80 and one forges," "Tht woman 1x certainly the Vessel Owners Fined $6,000 rastdant The Chiness now boing a ; ! ee nobody hear, Bhe pushed hills Hhe ald not thank him, fhe Muh? commented an Amerioan for Allowing Orientals Hout will be deported when : fount y , ; Tf 4 WaY ip Lh Wii merely seornful, 0, H. Sproule's Car Crashed 4 Ral) | [French © Woman Valnly BI ilo wat iaw | Eh vous drow awny to Land paper, ealled ugaini "Pua par . nto Street Car and One | Queries for Name of Ab: Aa om Witled hy Absalon Led hy Absalom," oo a whart wih " hand 5 Dotothen Wikon, Hien. of. mt i au 1 ' 'howe who knew no French glane The whistles blow heal, Dea ) 4 wy for the names o Maontyenl, Oot, 20, ==Wight Chine | 5, 0. hk 4h ! on Man Injured * a1 salom's Vietim wd nb her with distinterested come | hands shouted, aiiutite Hao AVialom's vieting, abe weamen deserters Bre rORmInG ois, ot ia 3304.00 hit a ---- d 5 / passion, They thourht (as one wae | ed ab saoh other tn bewliderman ohody knew, wh loowe end tn Montreal or is] Maude Helmars, wits of $tale Mile Kiteheney, Ont, Out, 88,0, H, ni 4 (Wy Goarge Wimbloton, Canadian | UB1y doos in (he oross-channel sar | Why (his smn ontaahium? Had | «Jub everybody ngread with the U0 ; 4 ager of Helmers Manufacturing Co Epronle, af Henswels, charged with wi 5 wie Press uf ihispiifont) Viean) kha hind Jost the porter with | she eome puadanly demented? in Amerioan giv] Yiohity, while ihe hy, Hoy) I 1s ehnvund Mra, Helmer HORI srfminal negligence and with bee 100 : 4 Londen, Vink, Oot, Phone | hor big, The French people vague: | was she really on (he teal! of n Dourh ol M Cains Banadiah Motied Polos. and. of«| (0 cil wn friendshihlp hetwoon ng drunk tn ehavie of a ear, plead] |. : ff a ave the days of of fv Wiig ly remembered having hewrd the | some great, undiscovered ariniet " oa o'r id Joe o #l wR Thad ir of tie Hapattnant of 1mm Dorvathew and: hey wixtesn-yonr«old od not gully to both charges In |. Wy i | | lenwuon, Ausemblins, conventions, | nama Absalom fn some alin and | Despite protests and warnings into. Win dining Yoom "on hin for AHIR oir Wh i 1) WOMFCI | yon, Gorge Helmers oles eourt and elected to he tried fades, ov pu ah i oa Antan past. ihe dashed i the unngway firs | {hront with Hy saw-edund Dread Aikupponron from "the ond reli: v tha muglatrate, He wis Allows But to a Franch woman In Pha whistle Wew, Declhands | ther, Above her howd sho waved | knife, dled bators walking, or, Wowaensils, shortly ther 16 ar! Chile is wiglng war on bandit wd ant on $1,000 ball, the ease ha ing adjourned a week, Tha erims AUSTHALIAN KILLED ELLA CINDERS--New Homes For Old By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumk y ss ---- taki negligence chuvge nota forth Harry Li, Courtney, 8, of 48 eiding [hat ue on vesudt of an seeldant hod AVE, WhO WOR PUD GVEF AR hal iid yi o (0) ea wped to William Injured lant th mith of Brussels, who Was i pass: Vi Weal Gragient I Drive, The vietim eames to Torente J fuer in tha automobile driven hy | . GREE SEER (Wo YEAR ARO, A BE ; The pdoldont, which was follows | 3 | wal A dhs IT yl pd hy Bproule's arvest, oeeiiread at Y 3 You ie 11! 4 S| the garner of Welllngton and Wing (side tha driver, yeesived a number INIA, } Jo ls fe " / Pw y Ad, OURS NVR LA. Mavi wirests nt 1146 o'cloak when [of mingr injuries sonsisting af outs hoc bai full \ JO : DING, TO Wig A Bpeouln driving an antamohile [and hralses, He wis taken by Dr, [ f » Bl GUIDE TO ah prashed head-on Into the ear No, | Hamilton to the KW Hosplial 4 PROM GETTING Ed of the KW streat ony Hine, The | where ho ws released, 3 si i wp by, ORT IN THAT front fender of the sireet ear wie 5 mashed and Bproule's our was - 4 " -- Fors ws badly damaged, N X " Wi 3 sargl, Hodrson and P8, Burgess FYI TIAN [IRFRALS A , | CA RANTLE (1 il nl fil | SIE ii) roupondnd to the nocldent eall and A iY 1 A ' a. | REL Ih LGR LI 1) a {I kL placed Bpranle under avrest ehary , bf i N | 1. pd with helng' dynnk In chavge of A -- ig boar and also with eriminal nerlls ' pones, Hmith, who was riding hes wn mms | Refuse to Participate Be Shdddbdddoioiibbbddddbddl (cause They Accept Agroes " hy TIME TABLES ment With Britain "| = -- a Wi, on $ALE Copyright 1099 Wn Now haves plrbirfrdrrdrdoiridebdnd dodo dedudedede, Lemdon, Oct, 20, The Beyptian -- erpibus New ri, CFR TIME TABLE Idbepral purty announces thelr Effective Bept, #0, 1008, nonspartieipation In the Kenaral ne ne) elation, pointing out that tha party peoepis the MahimudesHens a " Wh fl y h i Jandy gr (any, he ph LA UN HU ily, Aeept Bunday) aie 0 Ji ¥ ' \ i il | Hl ¥ . ; tinte In thely pefusel (0 Xpress 1 With NAUGHTY 1 -------- ht pw at TH AN Buday), approval, Noshas Pasha, the Wald --- ScolD PAD ' T WON'T Do 17 W008 am, Dally lender, formerly a stubborn oppon hy Asa Goad Con i \ Po Sid on il (fee Rundar ant of the British, 1s now publiely - ) LadLaal bd COMFY - A AGAIN TIL 110 Fp Whi EAN friendly Wh -- Nw fl 2, Te ' RA atl Cinvant atunie Already the Hayptian Cavern 4 . fa " J on vexy Time, Ney ment has approached the League p . ET " a ) / oh MRL N CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWA af Natlons requesting that the { Rffective Sept 10, 103 Leaguo appropeh forelgn tovern (Seandard Tine) : ye ments regarding enpttulntions, The BOY am, Daily, exie i" Render: guestion Is Hkley to hreing foreign fig ih Runday ww pressure In to complioate the st LAF mun Daly eweepg Sunday untlan, snes the athey Powers are $32 pis Hubley except dar, nob so ti ustnl of WEyptian prom Bis HIM enbent Sulidey, Iwan of sgual Justios In the KEYp 1 TA, Distly, except Baturday, tan enurts us the Hreitleh Govern Ban, Dail Ment ARPears ta be 14.8% pony 1) Taily ' h | Weethound ' 0am, Pally, Hi am Daily In New York Adolph Banger 5 : . \ . ] a wow fens exoept Bunday, went swimming tn Central Park Delly PuT ON MA CLEAN [DRESS \ (Jelvy Faune MER CLOTHES WHER! SHE py r rie ry IN TIE WA SM TO 8 " a 4 Bd wom Daly . y * { A k n . | thlod Mii From tho DARK, Dit OW AND SAID WHEN SHE FOUND Comp COMBY HAD LEFT THEM: Hopive AND Scone Comp y rors pews | | THEN Dolly HUNG MER CLOTHES id 3 Ve Wing Pantin Boaduais 0 Boag Bela sgbis pares |] i ain, Dally, escent debi Ay ted him from 1} hank, put i" B03 pom Dily, eacept Bundy spieq fm from the hah At 0 \ 4 ko INS 4 FR) nitty Jaifh ina amid boat lassoed him, Low HE WOULD GIVE HIM A PIECE Of OME INE WOULD CHABE MIM A MiseHiEveud ova k To DRY INTHE SUNSHING HAY only, od him akhove LER MND EB | AN fT EM i 1024) exesit Munday wy . --.-- . wi wane? dona ------ 7 fm [i S42 jm, Daily exept Bunday OS Wiikey, Gobi Sgwmanvie | | ee UP FATHER TR By Geo, McManw (very ih 1a) Sul |... | FREL SoRmy vem J DONT GF. + MAGGIE Or, DEAR | 1S THIS THE JAILT | I EMLLED UP AN ASKED FOR, | i. WOOL BROTHER Ap Twi MAGGIE THAT BROTHER i # IF AY NOT BE WALLY MOST "TAL WELL THIS | © J TVARDEN Fini Rel / avi i - ne Mina) a, a : Scotland Weollen | OF HERS |S A FINE Gov I 4 AB BAD AS IT LOOKS TO THE DEAR MR: IGG = [1AM Mills 'O CALL I WLR LM Br CALL WP WES AT 7 J a IN ; ANWHIC pA ? Ab h \ I | WENT BE WN THE JAIL AND . oF OLR A i Notiah, Miro 1} Shineoe B. RAROTHMER aby WAVE Mit COME \ AR | nH LANG] INAW . TO THE PHONE BH eres --. JIS EI 43 nm Par Wetter Values Wn "am DIAMONDS Hurne' Jewelry Store 0.4 am Corner King and Pris | Unsh ar Towa tint ----_" a IETS W. A. HARE OPTOMETIING ] | -- Tem - F ES ee 33 EEF SS EE ETE Fr foTeTTsaswee EE a ar E we £ HE i i: 2 i = 23 -- HH Lr 50 pn #EZ32 234 Simeee St. North Flundveds ht heotie Wey With wimost comfort Hare's Fanltloss Lonnes or FEISS EPEET PrsPrPorPTesas EF EEEEFEEES EE PPPTTPTTDOSsS i H 3 3 tS a PEEP PITT Se fis --_ 2 - Ane [oho R SUNDAY AFD HORA SCHEDULE ' . ' S---------- -- ---------- bho em j | me OLD EMOUISH OTHOM 30UNDS -- a v hy the, Wo » Fell Bros. ALTHOUGH MANY PRIMITIVE MUSICAL thy f PLAYING TRE SERN), Ef EVERY NIONT AT 1S THE THE KIND THA \ : OLD ENOLISH MUSION : arture mw || 0 7 he LEADING JEWELER ISTRUMENTS ARE FOUND AMONG UN INSTRUMENT RIPON, FUNIEST MUSICAL gf HEAR DERBY 12 Hatah ~t So th CIVILIZED PEOPLES TODAY IT 13 NOT ig . --y INSTRUMENT YOU 1 HATS 1H JAZZ § Simooe St. South | NECESSARY TO 60 INTO THE WILDS Ait | EVER SAW,BETTY? | BANDS, Sp --------------| 10 HEAR CURIOUS INSTRUMENTS, JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, & \ A d | UN 4 8 dl EXCLUSIVE AGENTA : iA or O00 , COVERED WITH LEATHER Citi § LR WSJ AND PIERCED ITH FINGER HOLES, | HE RECTOR OF PARISH CHURCH AT 4 Bll 17 WAS INVERTED 1H 1600 AMD R : {|| FAULKBOURME ENGLAND HASA 8 1" YAS POPULAR I ENGLISH MILITARY (v | COLLECTION OF ABOUT 600 OLOTIME 35 \ MAF AND CHURCH BANDS UNTIL THE | oo JI | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AMONG THESE ~=Til EARLY 191% CENTURY. 18 THE SERPENT, A BASS INSTRUMENT JRE TY thet set = peat re Tee. 23333 sTrrrce EFF Pr en. Some =i £3 Fo wi ph EE + Sd § POTTS EEL E31 iz 2 sabe fm 237 NTH CARI IN Bese BL Noun Sam. Ww, | | sma -------- dda | TILLIE THE TOILER Er mappa --. ' Diamonds! n Gosn ANA ot 4 Ye A anor weAL || oo Bab ' ' BRINEINE TLL\B TO ~ MAN| | THAT TIME LOST, || MR. SiMPKW Bassett's | oe. Ney A WORK NICE ®Qv, Yom . | Rn: |S MONBY LOST /|Bur |T On Oshawa's Mam Corpor | ON, on! : WYO 'TW THE OFFICE.) Zim #-.3% Ew E5550 CH 25% JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOUR

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