THE. E OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, 0 'TOBER 26, 1929 BAA A a Chl SE ia a 'omen's Interests in' the Home + and the Community MEDLEY A Kashmerl Bong ii grows on tha roof-lop, is bon vi on Lhe grave; in the heart of a lover, rt YH in the heart of a slave, dance in the moonlight, SJeaves danes In the wind| Dreams and delicate fancies Dance thro' a poet's mind, Hwobtness dwells In the hoehive, And Hves In a malden's breath) Joy In the eyes of children And peace In the hands of Death, ~=HAROJINL NAIDU, Ld fh Hew in the river, MN the ocean's breast; nl grieving hosem, 3 in & heart at rest, * 4 Mary Dyer, Court street, was in om ue over he week-end, Mr, Sd Mri Ore Moffat spent the w $i with the former's par ont Mr and Avs, Dr Moffatt, Athol street, * " Mes, A. Mounee, of this eity, has gone to spend the winter in Min nesola, Mr, and Mrs, ante, were in town with fr er the week-end, | flee "8 wh After the ron ubaghied of North goe street United chureh choir ng was hald at the home ol Sn. Ty fry Rae, Masson street, hare ay evening: Everyons ¥ » lL, H, Rieby of Tor ends ove Roy ra eu Wa AR in her " ser, Mrs, v Divigion street, for a i IT'S ONE-PIRCE! A shimm Hn Printe transparent volver in rioh wine red tones with Soupip Ne [| To (vy not hesitate to make it pean Sy AN AMATEUR At sews a I from i drabed pat either side 1 t \ Bitte DoT i wit a with loose-hanging 8 i ve that soft {tininine touch, The tiers are out Sire lar, the lower one stitched at edge of dress ak eked ony perforate AH and wearable, by must it takes only 3 5-8 yards ve in for . inch material with 1.2 yard of iheh hy HE lov the 36-inch sine, It AR aa n sizes 16, 14, 20 years, 42 inches bust tin fed for mature figure in sheer velvet er Mack a tin in Marre Wy shade, iE i ik ra ON erepe, and © pahine wre lin \ combinations, 0 20 cents in stamp Ag! red), Wrap sein 0 motion, Wi prefer MAI ANI ARRIETA IA Ae LLL JETT TERRY MATIN Wie "wa ALLY AUTH AALALA LARA AANA RA AA AAA Mrs. G. E, Forbes, Weston, od akirt that pan i IR took part in the games and os ind % o fil so foniest resulted In My, and Mrs, Harold Peever helng pre: sented with a silver casserole, 4 gilt | fram the Sholy in honor af thelr ent marriage, | cent murring ' ss Miss Maude Campbell, Begin. | Melting her slater, Mrs, Win, Gray, /hrren ve . Mr. and Mim, Jo Carruth spent undiy nn Toronto with My, an ([] dahmer, My, and Mys, |, W, Dyer wei vests of friends In Columbus ove unday, * M My, and Mrs, A, Fursey and san of Leann ton, Ontario, are he fluems of ro and Mrs, Gordon Bup froek er, wreet, . Mosap iW "MeQuaid and 1d Ba Jewison spent the weele-end eterbore and attended the Youn People's Convention there, Mr, und Mis, G, iy Armistron and daughters Grace and Irene 4s leaving today for Newmarket why they will reside in the futnre, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lee and Moy Alig Leg of Piekering, spent Batug day with the latter's sister, Mrs, \W Fursey, Athal street eit, no Bd, Kiefabsr, president of King street Young People's Leugue was in Peterboro over the week-end representing the League at the OUng People's Lanvention there Mrs, Hert Cree er and Thomas Creeper and son ier and Miss Alice Croup: 1 Murray all of To. ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, Mils ton Werry, Colborne ree, Mr, H, J, Unjri of the Anglos South [meries wank, GCuayquil Kens ador, LV Wy W Mort vit to his slater, Mus Vorster, Quehve tnoeh on his wy io Valp alan, 1 1 spending a voll on In and Jeol and, On Wednesday evening last a wre fle gH eh given in honor °) just Hevrned oll he Wsfind, wi here the spent four months visiting rela- tives and friends, "Fhe PATLY Wah Lp fo y the Daughters of England a "rng of i Mi tureh, yi Mrs, F, uring the evening Ay G, Cotten presented the gueat of honor with a beautiful Boston fer poh behalf of the ladies present and VEE TA her pldnsurg. at having {all back a ol In mes and ganna were in Lge in and re shments were served before the party eame to an end, rrr ---------- WMS. SERVICE AT KING ST. CHURCH Outlines Work of the Society The annual thankoeffering, ser vies of the Women's Misslonar® Ho: eloty wan held at Xing street Unit: od ehureh last evening, The speak: oF was Mra, O, B, Forbes of West. on, ane of the most prominent W, MH, workera of the ehureh, and the society's representative on the Forelgn Mission Board of the Units od Shureh of Canads, Mra, Forbes outlined the work of the soelety in both the foreign mission flelds and in Canada, "he ME raised 81,000,000 of the otal of $4,400,000 rained by the ited Chureh, and supported 400 workers, she sald, 8he outlined the edusational, evangelionl and Nil Activities of the organise ay ving many lustratiol lh or address pleasing and A sole erring and ada of the WMS of ident of th Fy priv I i teresting, ad male chair was a feature fot ol Snaceon lod guartette by ¥, 0. Ma , Iter and Mrs, street chureh, condweted 1 vice, assisted "Nm ©, Og ane Allan. FIRST FLIGHT OF | SEARCHERS FAILS 9 yu Ao ryice, " umbers in: 3 \ Hh "Bay Trenesar,: 5 1K or, Ng i tideal of the seelety, and Winnipes, ot, 28, Falluve has aver the back another sal i Cal H pine Rh hy \ Nn compantons, lost seven weeks ago in the barren subAves Sy! Four soaring alralanes, after pS A0-Wile search along the intend route of the lost miners, » od 3 lt Nght that no eine had ow of the Planeduinat were today the lee Noxed Avotle shore Nada, in A Waning hobo that the elght hrs Peotars might have flown off thelr ee and hed the ROTth cont, Fapost Jast night that no trace of the MacAlpine party had heen found, labelled as a failure the Myst complete Journey aver the land be ween Baker Lake, 300 wiles west «Hudson hay, and Bathurst ae 1 et, on Canada's northern vim, STOPPED HIS | - STOMACH TROUBLE "Fruit-a-tives" Made Him Entirely Well Na oli i dd sy Mm A vor! 4 ry soon " unt ow, hanks ohio de | iaetiven" un" Hyer pad bowels and fod Ty hy XL up gw y Bb, das ] i a | HELPFUL HINTS A few drops of turpentine pul Inte the stare water will prevent the clothes from "stieking" when they wre ironed, It a tablespoonful of golden wy up In used tnstead of white sugar when stewing apples, figs ar prones, the Julea will he thiek and sweet, Tarnlahod silver ean he quickly gleaned with a cloth sprinkled with blearbonate of soda, APPROPRIATE DSN RTS Certain desserts ure most suits able for luncheon, others for din ner==and the type of either meal Influences the aholew of the dessert A haney' farm house dinner would be Incompatible with u fussy Franch dessert A formal meal needs a more sophistionted dossort than apple pla There ave a few mistakes onsy to avold, To serve u frult dessert af ter a feud salad, to follow an ome lat with & custard or a meat ph hy pastry, bhronks the first rule for ehoosing the right dessert I am oon de The dessert that perfectly fin fehes the meal should form as grent A contrast In favor and texture with tha courses preceding 1 as possible, Rioh meats Uke pork, beef, mut Lan and goose vequips HEht desserts free from fat and, especially In the oase of pork and goose, with a tend eney toward tariness, Fresh fruit In meason, frat In welatine, fralt flavored gelatines and foes, deap dish frult ples and perfectly haked frulte, ave excellent oholees for these dinners, Wide Cholea of Dessovis Light ments like veal and lamb demand & more nutritious dessert Blues veal ltaelf fa ploh In gelatine, the dessert should net he Jellied nloas It's a natural frit Jelly, eal 18 laoking tn fat, so this ean he supplied In the dessert, Lav does not need the addition of fat The flavor af hoth these ments 1s mild, 80 this, tee, must he made up In dessert, Cavamel eustard is A good oholee far veal; ehooolate op frult souffles, one-orust ples, sen sonable fruit used in puddings, al most any flavored loa aream, these Are excellent for elther veal op lamb Tradition has much ta do with | the dessert preferred far poulivy and turkey, These usually appear on festive acoastons when a "taney dessert 1a tn order, Frosen puds dings, bavarvian oreams, oharviaties and French pastries all go well with poultry of any sept PLANE AND SEVEN | PASSENGERS 10ST, Disaster to Imperial Alrways | Machine in Medi -------- (By Canatian Press Leased Wire) don, England, Oot, 28 The Imperial Alvways lost night ane nounoed the loss of the Indian atv ner, Oity of Rome, with seven persons during a sale off Genoa fv Ib was the seoand dis- ster In Mba move thay four montha on ita Hines and in the first, seven lives alan were lost, A Misa Aramford was the only woman on hoard, The other pas FOREOT Were twa men named Robs aon and Ritohie and Customs Of floar Tamer, who was returning to Ris post at the alndrome here fram a holiday in Naples, Captain Rint, the phiat, was an experienced of oor and the athers in the crew were Buginear Pembroke and Operator Stone, Complete details weve still lak» Ning last night, but acoarding to the statement af the alvways, the plane, after leaving Naples yesterday wet with terpitie weather at Lesghom The sale exceaded TQ wiles an hour, The radio aperator seal ont an ROS call that notitied land nalts that the machine was oom: | polled 10 descent an the sea, 10 miles south of Speaia, Bo Blue ioe Orca is coming in, Probably Anew wee for skvm ati » EN Detroit Free Press Above is a smart three plese en: | se semble with a full pleated shire, A! tuekein blouse of slavet satin with al arf ta mateh ls worn with a hat of oh felt, lu For Anything The Women's S Corner of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper Nubbed tweeds, vory smart jus naw, ara Inclined toward bation trlmmings and an nocented waists line, The fur trimmen suit 16 highly approved, ' The short fur cont far evening In smarter than the tall length an arming belng no exeoption BATIN LINGHIIE Malso satin fashions & Hngeria set Tor the diseriminatin sportawoman, Tha ttle panties Are tallored ta fit the hips perfect 1¥, With a deeply painted poke and slender ttle shorts, © The are slde of the satin works out op santhemums on saeh log ha 11 ted pettioont has & boarder af th same flowers lavely PINK \ENTRN A swept Paris frook af hlaek feta, fleured nn minute Hitle pind pllow and oream flower ithe ehiffon vesten of pink that attaches at the buek of the neek and hangs over the frant ke MANY pointed hih tals | Nis A 0 THAT the steady tnevease In hind ness of the wide-awake business corn in due to NEWSPAPER VERTISING THAT new lines of merchandise | make thelv way Mestuding 1 the | way they ave advertised | | | [RE | LLEAR | THAT advertised goods sak 3 dealers who realize thelr oustomers Want the hest | THAT live merchants know theiv | cnatomers entitled a the bean sanecially when the cost a LER LLL THAT stores that advertise haw AAR atiraetive ooking stocks | The absalute reliability of thel mers | ohandise wakes them satistaetury to the peaple, | a sabiafled THAT some foferlor men havigtive | cannot be Judged by Ais appearance THAT some people ave deluded ta | buying wderiop merchandise i ! hE wi AND THE AE aUY Top MERCHANDISE A ] NYS Even in these callous, selfish ok vil there 1% no an so henrtiens As I ONLY FROM { WHO ADVER. aechsinially wi he honght the ear tn Montreal Stay, ars i RY taf it jw fhe Jower bowel {any Wa this {snttorers p wl NEW PUNBEN Tha purse that ls desper than it In wide 18 the smart shape, Many Woman are having thelr mone Eras warkod out In Jewels for the fastenings, Others have them done In wliver'for a comer decoration, WALKING NHONR he two and three eyelet oxford Wovery miaet naw tor walking, A plum ondored one ta of antelope, WHHL tha Hp BBA & Hite vamp yowe and the strip that holds the eyelets maf matehing enltakin, The heel Ie onllukin ies HIGHER NROK LINES Many of the eh afternaan OWnE, With the approved sithows introduce higher neoklines, A hinek flat evap frock uses a cowl pollar of Week, with twasdneh flesh paloved grosevaln ribbon standing maida this collar In a pert, authial manney he oreps coat by no means has taken & haok sent A lovely bottle fine cont has a cape ML od n RAL fax ---- | WHEAT POOL HAS TWO SHIPS LINING FOR GRAIN CARGO wile roan prineoss tah Vancouver veiment ol Ot Seal SRrES grain fram the Port of Vang wader way with ¢ arrival of the France Mara and af the Reitish steamer ath 10 load full with wheat United Kingdom-Continent HYEE 5 how he ohartering Ronda, | | thy (he Ronda has boon awaiting ons CER stream for several days, bat Monday ehavteved hy the Wheat ol at HM oshillings and © pence to W FN ons, Pho France Mary was fixed at 3 shillings, Her capacity is almost tans, She is another Pool charter, Hoth vessels are lining now, a LA] pach will have ATR start for the | honor of hit ) ph { old fram here in pan, The Harb [NLR the Ww 3 hy od x tien 3 Ont A new hat | [10 the masta, hiing vessel | | wn kes An English writer says he sats Woonions ast Bike apples That hould he a mveat help R Mag Fnatr anly Jatt & petple whe ha, har suing Ey dy? LiL No More Pi es Pile sutforers can "any Poke gw ok, sate and lasting velit ny y NN hhoaad tron a Ww Lntiing ™ heal NS AN internal ed) st he wed, Diy Leonhardt Lhe Rod, a hares tablet, sueceptls hes fanse--had Fenian at rehioves this blood congiest fand strengthens the aliootedd parts, { Hone Roi has a wondeviul veodnd tor duick, sate and Rasting reliet to Pile 1 will do the same yon La Hew with this guaranties, ON ORY and dre Road first all gen | | CLAIM RECORD FOR SIZE OF FAMILIES Edina Northern Ontario Settlement Averages 10 Children to Family North Bay, Nov, 8. HBontigld, Ww few yours alo a itl plonsar wel tiement, now eleims to lead On tario in the number of children per family, A chook Just, completed by the parish priest shows that there is AL AYER v of 10 ahildren for the h LEO families that make up the vil , Inge, ¢ ations. fol fanily in Bonfield hare |] ore Ave Nn AT homes, AV hut two are Freneh-Canas dian, The excuptions ave Irish The hamlet -of a few yours wgo has a ®chool secomodating more pupils than many towne In old On taro, Var its wise, Bonfield In said to possess the smallest voll of eligible voters n the provinee, CAR, DIRECTOR KILLED BY TRAIN nm Frag rant | as Childhood! Gibbs Dentifrice guards the Health that makes for Happiness a HEN health abounds you'll find bright, Frederick G, Dawson, Vie | healthy teeth tim of Accident at Prince Rupert, B.C, Prinoa Rupert, B.C, Oct, #8 Fradoviok G, Dawson, divecior of | the Canadian National vallways and wu ploneer resident of Prince | Rupert, wan fatally injured here yesterday afternoon when he was | struek hy a train at the station, | Mr, Dawson attempted to eros | the rallway track in front of the traln, He falled to gel olen and | wis struck on the head and his | shull fractured, Ho died a few minutes later, | My, Dawson was widely known In | Canada and had heen Fn we with & number of commareoinl con carne throughout the » Hiarting as a clerk wil store at Drumbo, Ont, at the age of 14, ho heoame head of his awn wholesale Nroeery husiness 18 yours Inter at Prine Rupert Ho was horn In Wolverton, Ont, in 1876 and worked for a time In Toronto as salesman for J, Oleg horn and Hon, He later was oon A neoted with vavious fivms In the | west until he established his awn business Mn Prine Rupert ATTENDANCE JUMPS AT WESTERN 0" Clibbs 1s economieal, vidual eontainer, Bowl testh well taken esre of since childhood, To those of every ade fragrant Clibbs Dentifrice brings a delightful sense of mouth hygiene, Used regularly, its surging foam floods every niche and eranny of the teetlies purifies the whole mouth, Never spills or squeezes out, Outlasts more expensive pastes and' POWs ders, Bimply rub the tooth brush over the solid oake, Clot each member of the family thelr indis Two sizes, 18¢ and 28, all drufdte Buy Gibbs Cold Cream Bhavin ongdelasting, economieal, ing, soothing eold eream, Use Gibbs Cold Cream Boap--splendid for Baby, best for Beauty, D, & W, Gibbs, Limited==London and Parle At eontaing heals BRITISH MADE Also Gibbs Liewtal Cream wafor those who prefer a ae A Ins |* partment of the university is nat vet avaliable but registration in this branch of university work, approad mates S55 students for evedit courses which are still being organized throwhout Western Ontario, BURGLAR LOOTS TORONTO HOME: Suspect Arrested by Police, But Alleged Accom. plice Escapes Official Figures Show creasing Number of Studs ends Envolled at Ins stitution London, Oot, 24 Oficial roRistras ton Baures for the present year al the University of Western Ontario, ineluding summer sehool and exten slon elaases, is 1207, According 10 the veuintration analysis announced ve vently hy De, Neville, vegistrar, the total inerease aver last year's tot, exclusive of duplicates, 1s 147 persons of 1 per cent, The Tavgest inerease is in University College, which has an enrolment of Sa fll time stud ents, Twa thirds of the students hady in all faeulties are men Figures. for the various affiliated solloges and fponltion ws annavneed ive the {ollawing 1 MIRON Nn versity College, 900; Huron College, 19; Ursnline College, 9) Assumption College, Wi Waterlon College, Medioal Sohool, 154; Institute Public Health, 12. Fourteen women venistered Wm the Medioal Soho! are all flbime students The total number of fulltime atu dents in all faculties, 1s A as coms pared with 8on last year, In Univers sity College there are 49 Steial We dents, the gross total of 90 in Unis versity College eludes 168 summer heal students 1 9 extramural and Tw actual winter attendance, he Yeport trom the extension de Taranta, Oot, 3% sorlen of daring house heft, parpetrated alnoe last Thursday night ig five Rosedale homes, ended late Sate day night, pelles olalm, with the arrest of a alm, wellgrooamed YOURE wan fram Butfale, George Munro, aged 29, Munro was taken into onstody as he ant In hig hig touring oar at the earner of Oot tnEham street and Avenna road A companion suseesded in H wild dash fort reedom, leaving In the Wands df a detective & coonakin oont fram which he slipped, eel Hike, an the aftioar held him, Geovge Munbe, who Wan od hy atoctives Rohery Mo) A ol LAN anter and Hrnest Dyett, was Halmont street station, ohavrged with theft of Jewelry, firs, eash and Hguoe to tha extent of aheut $6,000 All tha allezedly stolen material was found in (he veapr of the auto, which hove a New York loanne taken to "Gus" sald BIL as he caught wp With him on the way Baek 1a camp are all the vest of the boys aut of the wands vot i fos," sald Gus "A six of them "Vou, all six of thew" SAnd they're all safe I® "Wop," answered Gus, safe" Phen ® sald WIL his ehest swells ing: "I've shot a deen Phey're all _ "Woune you are on the read \ 10 min "Mohbhe so, hut there rd Wome swell parking places along it® a ee man COL LIVER (MHL NADL BEY 7. SCOTTrS EMULSION TRY 1} TODAY os Oh 'dem Southern Dinner Rolls! 24 for a dime Seome like we can't make 'em fast enough, And no wonder--was anything ever more tasty ? Get 'om from the Canada Bread man and serve 'om pipia' hot! Canada Bread MAKE 'EM