THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1929 PAGE THREE Sinclair Addresses Meetings At Brougham And Claremont Many Week-End Thefts In City: Automobile, Gasoline, Oil And Accessories Taken Police Believe Same Person Stole Car of Donald Me Kay and Raided Loos! Depot of the Imperial Oil Co, Court Street MANY BICYCLES STOLEN LAST WEEK Owners of Bleycles Are Warned by Police to Pro- vide Padlocks If They Wish to Prevent Thieves From Stealing Them Many thefts, ineluding those of an sutomobile, gasoline, oils, and pecapnorion, wera vepovied to losil polies avery the week-end Approximately hives fAnlinve worth of gasoline anid sll wis stolen Inst night when the gavage of the Imperial OH Go, near Lauri wipeet, wag broken lo and Bas0 ne and oil was removed from the hig tank trick which wus parked In the guage, This fa the saenod me within # year (hal gas and oll has heen Hiehed fram (he wuek, The poles are Investigating the ease hut sn far have found no tanndian "HERE TUESDAY MH, the Oshanv a Views intevested in toumtvios fon mavyaw, ] with ' POUSITD b Comminsloney Indian and Ceylon, who will visi Tenilp {hose to OBITUARY lug ag to who eommitied the thelt Bimultananusly with the thet, of was aud oll, the thelr of Hulek ear awned hy Donald Me Kay, son of Dy, 7, W, 6G, MeKay BR King sipeel epul, was veaparied to the pollea last night, The ear whieh 1a a 1086 model, heaving Hosnse no, B16=118, had heen left standing In front of his father's vonidenca hy Mp, Melay and ho one saw I taken It was holes green In enjoy and had wooden wheal spokes, The pallies are ol that the person 0) piale the ear also peril ON gavage tn an effort 10 gooura muffielent gasoline and oll to carry them a distanea from the | elty, No trace has yor heen found af the vehilele although the police in other eltles have heen notified Ineldentally reports were veeelved horn veatarday of sifiilay thefts in gommunitios aasl and west of Osh hw " fl "i the option persons whe rilded the Im [] Annther theft aeenrred during the week-end when a 1nvge mato meter was stolen fram a cay owned hy H, Kills af BAL Clarke stvest Phe palles state that during the ant week a number of Weyeles Wave Alen heen taken and owners of Meyeles would he well advised | H to provide them with padlocks IMPERIAL AIRWAYS AEROPLANE. LOST (Continned from page 1) wi Ww it h 1 of the City of Rows, Liperial Ales | o ways plane whieh wis float near Speia ae Ay, have heen reoovered, I'he wreek of the plane 8 holievyl 10 have taken place Ratuvday night resulting in the deaths of seven pers sons, neluding & woman, who wep ahoard Reareh fop the Clty of Rowe was gapriod on Al day Varin) ail wis being eantinued today, Canadian a Vietim Bi Canadian Prear Leased Wire) yoydon, Eng, Oot PlesHonry Kiow oso ane oF the seven pes fon Filles in the Tons of the Bilijah win alr Hiner City GF Rome on Sal wl Wa Foti thin 0 Ca hdl 1 visit hia wife a LW ehildeen No inaon hesan ha career tn he fndian Civil Rerviee hu lor On fraeting fever went to Canady, He orved for dome vears in the Pawn fio A A forestry offer, and then four heouphoin the World Wan i Ea ® War he resumed Re tvive i the ¢ Madian Forestry Sey [3 ili il N im in wid b thik monhey ahureh ii ment he § Hh Hgnres fog nuh vhallenged My i an Ontari Loaders lentloy LARTER SE) 1h Lethheidg we Bor, thoweh ou WILLIAM I, denth n waldenie Whitin Bhart was horn In the townahip ut Paviington and his ve iy The tL his We of Ll nr and trae oy The a family HAVEL on wi will aie ay (Uantiuned from pags enol ern Yo part hinted that held HT Muh with hispering + ie wl neti the | 0 ures 1] powey If All All PRPLY AY Bd SHINES of RY will peting al APRS, fF "For he Preniey iy haa the He had boen 1 for th weolis and sueeumbed from an at puaygmania of Winn 1] [LEE wile a LL hii | iid Vib apni Apign nase LL five il i 1 i H Fh Ww al} HHOWY aurren this arren LAE Marning vi Mi ded In thie Ly flyenl hualness Funeral will take enoe Wednesday NE Wine i in vi Haine Ih Prone eh Thy i all Was wi Tud due ting | ih hd | npn bh had hes inered and (hy I FOI Hh Lowhen hy Heuer thera For | wi i M Binelair speaks in Bastern Ontario at Platoon and Belleville, Va Wat to niiounes | wile wily i will with W Campaign Vii ay! A eeting } UA Parl YEU n Int Plies 1X] hi the CHARGES DENIED BY PARTY LEADERS 1) ol Wins United He a two from Wii altay inter Unlon Liberal | whisper Lilaery h had In wan wil part \ Wikies heen nha Fergu demand ll held of ele Huey bi bia) [UT LEIA today my whe has alwiost an atinek heavd Aoxandria puyered «from in, will Law (ll ry, former Untted Farmers of Ontay and a M RAT ul vo out the | Friday Hi 12} lod pain al My Pri LA af bronehiy Winehostey kK, ¢ will speak at Harrie ment policies ceptions all wemhers of the will address eleetion meetings aaeking With ons ta candidate hoon { elt, He Dyn Al Mi Wer PF iWwa ex sabinet CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Bi UT) Oise Ohloasa, 1.078 Mar Maw, 0%, hi: ot Whent Car, Deo, Peo My Peo, BOE Mav, Tast Gun of the Campaign Ontario Prohibition Union Meeting CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Simcoe St. North PROMINENT SPEAKERS See Tomorrow's Paper Ontario Prohibition Union | | | | | BR | { [SPECIAL COURSES FOR YOUNG PFOPLE OF THIS COUNTY THREE, MONTHS FREE TRAINING WILL BE GIVEN IN, UXBRIDGE Classes In Practical Subjects Will Be Held for Both Girls and Boys Young people tn Ontario County are to be glyen the epportanity of taking twelve weeks speci) sdiea ton this winter in Ushvidge, The aonrnes which are for hoth girls and hoys wre to he frees except for a small monthly fee of Fifty conta dy, CARROL ANDVRKON The classes will he held from Nov B86 to Veh, U8 Hoth edness will veceive Tnsti Hon In Bnghieh and Musle Loge hey The girls' courses will tnelude In stration in foods and cookery household administration, launder Ing and house planning and decors thon, "The hoys' eonives will cover i varlely of subjects pertaining aErleuliure, sueh as Hive #toek [Judging poultry and field hus handey, hortleutture, seonamie en ftomuology, fund oi Diplomas hose In BOE BhEles fariiigers, | maehunies traclove, soll and to | fhe nward will hn awarded sfully completing OUTER Priges will also he od for eMelaney and Comtariahl uhd imaodinng UATIEYS are helng provided hy He tahridae Board of Bdueation tn the new high sehool Haire will Ii to 18 o'clock and 100 pom, to 4 w'elnoek Opportunity will he given far entertainment and agthletios | Phila Ia the flrs nf the kind ever held tn Ontario County, | It ls designed espoetally for | and hove who have le ltherwise minh OVERLY of furthey ahlendid staff of Instructors ha Ady heen arranved for Applioations and furthey fun hod hy applying to Croskery, Dapartment Arid hrldpge, Ont Hinge Progre i] | | iris { sehonl and AL edunatlon Het hinve op ah partial i" | lave IT | M | oulture, | il Grain Prices | Show Advance Big Government Loan In United States Spurs on Market nadian Prem wun (By Chioamn, Op | the vaien 1) BEM ent ane are Leaned Vive) reed hy glroo.ee0.000 In tn th few Hoy MEnin farms | Favrmel Na | arparation Wheat | Ww oo 4% es WHInE of thy though th Hirgin |! prio # hushinl ket to love) Wray 's he BIN Jim pad plothe nis mar | veded tn IE and then three finpl prive pavanes had been antloipat the Federal Farm Hoard the hig loan fund aval aharativeas | marks Maturday | | | | hawt Hye nt ad had w | while the Is a praia ol of the honing EN LRT which h 1% cents and #1.0n ATTENDS MEETING | CANADIAN C. OF C. Leon Frazer Will Press Rise lution of Oshawa Chamber Leon Fraser, peoretary Ohamber of Commeres lefty (oe day tor Montreal where he will attend the exeeutive council meeting of the Canadian Chambers of Commeres He whl lead tn the disovssion of # resolution submitted by the leoal Chamber to the Canadian Chamber Ab the annual convention held at Onlgary, Alta, to petition the Dos MIRON movernment with vesnid to the advisability of estahliehing in COMMOR With the nine provinces SONARIAE offioen tn other eonniries AIMAY 1a those eatabliahed hy the United Baten tn the proviness of Canada, and that sueh effin he oonsidarad hureais to provide com plete formation concerning the RAIUFRL Fesouroes and tourist at taetiang of the Dominion This resolution received consid ATA Attention At the convention WTR vadous phases will prob "Iv he thoronshly disonssed at the aoMtive saunell WMeeting 'PR, PRESIDENT ON OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Hy Canadian Preas Leassd Wie) Hamilton, Ot, 88 = W, W. Rabin A, honorary seoretary of the Can Han OVP COnmies, anne A this morning that BW. Beatty KC, President of the Canadian Pa flo Rathway, had acoepted an ap Dintnent the ¢ HA Olynpi , 3 OTe wo on nitey ware 81.87 wheat nidvanes ol Maveh prives in roy Dapambey fan ¢ 1.48 in 8 rama to MW 1h fo fal May of the Rioty are again prevalent at foot wall games in Irefand this Season Headlines are deceiving Wher Are millions of people In Chighin au fy sabibs wha dont know how hig the business end of a swan looks Los Angeles Thins | Hike home | the [round and Wl tunately [and CAVAVANTRADE | morrmw OF this oly, who was elepted vipes pragident of the Bay of Quinte Young Veople's Conference at Petevhove Entuvidng ON CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE NIHIPHN BAY Who was chosen, con WELL venor of the Christian Citigenship Committee of the Bay of h People's Contaren ! nilted ( hureh, Young of the ite 'a Boy Scouts Issue Call For More Old And Broken Toys Hoy Bool fiigers have shaugled the supply of inuned wlrendy tigen al in fpheal 1 forth to day for 1d It ha leah tha hrol wold uy the atten of in Osha and ull wouldn't have to Hpplying nareds of Ho Hi ahinont ayn Of the ent anu i fOys estimated that fi Wiesel i old hoxes ar hie wi he i up In Thousands uf ware placed snd Ho worey hi Hitln would oitherwi thi Christm ork of suppiying th Feoute wny mbie hear Lo hoys und go with shout fh ul I give v (LLL 13 (81 hes, new a toys to unfortunate § Io undoubtedly & wor Hole one In whith sv Oshawn oan help, T) that Bile or Jennie ull haeause some of th # whee! has heen have slinply heeoma plage under the ski mdustrious Hoy Meo turned out spe sme ie , And boon to ohildy mornin I'oya Dilly Hall i new poo may be left a ar the hoys will will enll 1410 you And span, Times affles or irl and hayn thy ons, and ary oltisen of ions old toys have discard @ paint x off, lost, or they foo common ful fingers of ie will ba Just the wonderful Christman il an {the Oshawa nl the Vive oull for them Ww 1110w, or {Gas Pump Suffers In Unusual Accident On King Street East Al "i pooident ooenrred on Kink Lil shortly after nix Ii whe Wel north, cotitded iL Bond Ih the nyviorkl Wilhing ni Hoa FR \ Velo hi, K30 Hn with an pryies hand nt Hit ide of the Hine h driven hy gi Foul Wa pimp riven Biting an the oh Hh uldn Pho pump wos hindly ane OF the large glass oon and ahout #20 { panotine spied avery the W's oar, The dam i RIOD, hut Toy one wis Injured oll that a oar driven tonrge strest won toy lamp (1 I AT) 0) walk poh Lroul oil finer HHons while Wh hyalion | Ia satiated no oluin ftrption had out In upon him and Wrluht hy | { Hellavill foreed him to swerve qulekly to the Hi jumped the pttempted to avold running Hite Migs Lan Nell, Rithon Who wos wallting auth (0 firh nn onl south on I MA TO BE HERE the sidewall the ohild ouEt and The m gluneing oontinued unt It was fHnally hy the big Man piel, withough badly fr nul heen Injured wards vlaimed that h willingly eollided wit G0 JAS pumps In order ting uw ohila A TAPES number { soni gathered at the » Heros, immediately to 0 wee that the gasolls boaen apiiled polio wer {department [had been spilled in [the area around the resamiblied a shambles Hoaldog Wright the orel othy 01 elnding Ma wife a friend from Nrookvl the fooupants ware hy 1] Moveral pump Wright did not take fire ealled and algo the flee ocupants In the ear nome ohildren and | nohineg struok how, veered me Course popped shor The little fghtened, had fie 0 would have h half a dos to avold hit Wf Epeotalors pot and Bond HWoprecautions ie, whieh had The gquurts of oll addition, and broken pump AFR Ware Any in He A int ane of W. EN. SINCLAIR COMMISSIONER TO | RETURNS TO SCENE OF FIRST SPEECH H. R. Pousette to Pay Visit| Liberal Leader Made Maiden Political Effort at Claremont to Oshawa To- morrow HR Pa the Wo and a waette, who foy Past boon the tn Hall years ha rad { Cayion, a Canadian am inaioney India and now in Canes | form 1B, N, Nin leader and loos! cand Letlalature, appeared In the gommu When W olaly, Liberal inte for the on the plat nity hall at ada and will arelva In Oshiwa 10s | Claremont, Saturday night, he was [apaaking from the platform where ot | the Chamber of Commeres, ol The 1'imen Ay Mang to Interview all ave Intererted In trade with these pountries and will he pleased 0 West any Oshawa manufaoturers Who might contemplate entering thin great market within the Rw pve, ME Pousette 8 a graduate of the Royal MUlary College, He com menced hie eavoer as a Trade Com® Wissioner at Durban, South Afviea, In A1B00, and wan transferred to Buenos Alves In 1911, He war ap pointed Travelling apector of rade Commissioner ofMees In 101) and far four years commencing July 1930, wan divector of the Comes marelal Intelligence Repvice, In 1924 he wan appointed Trade Com Mmisaloner at Port of ®patn, Teind dnd, and tn 1028 war tranaferred 10 Oaleutta My, Pousette fs a veteran of the South Afiean war no owhieh he served With the South Afviean Cow stabhulary, He also served in the Arent War, being an offioer of the Ath Battalton, CMQ.0 REPAIR TOWER AND CLOCK AT TOWN HALL An olfart 1s now being wade (a apRit the tower and clock at the old town hall, The tower, which has 3tood at the north-east corner of the hall for the past hall cents WY, shows stg of old ape and leaning at an angle of several degrees, A number of steel gin. Frager, aoeretary mrorm Pousetie firme whe BON {ata have heen pravaved whieh wil he, weed ta recinforde the towen The old eloek will algo be sul Poted 19 vepalis wo that it way presantly rere Ha ancient duty of Indicating the cored time to the oitizens of Oshawa. | for the first time tn Wh aver made a politioal onliing the Ineldent, Ik life he had oration, Re My, Binelale remarked to his andience "Your ehairman, mentioned that 1 first Areas from thin platform in Me, Foreyth, made an Ads 1h, But IL wal much eariier than that, I de | ave Many years amo, atte how many, te Hon, John mont and ADOKS hare He was at that time olaotion and this political speech, Bom Present on that oocasion, Dryden Wan A ROL Bare to ompanied the to Clare in hie behalt, peeking re my Malden of You were tie Just ) al wal that you do not recall my aftort an 1 waa quite time" Iheldentally W, A, of the late Han, John present when MM this remark, commented upon ter of agrienltuve for heen held throughout A bay at the Degdan, won Diyden, wan ginclalr made Chalrman Porayth | the gene! ea teem With Which the former mini Ontario had the viding, FOR WALKER Shighier Day" pangs, tie fixtures TO RENT bath, ground tleorn, SROER, AD ERTARe, ented, Apply 80 King St 10 LATE 10 CLASSIFY OIL Woon, aldo 8 elev (18041) Phone 470, FIVE ROOMS AND All conven: Centrally lo Bat, (1000) AKE UNGER ox x his] OS Tg OOK LIRE NEw gtint ¢ BETTER a Emi nil | Toronto, ANNIVERSARY AND THANKOFFERING AT SIMCOE ST, CHURCH REV. GEORGE H. WIL LIAMS, HAMILTON, 18 SPEAKER Cholr Contributes to Ser. vices With Special Mu- sle--~Large Thankoffering Large congregations were pres ant &t both the morning and aves ning wervices of Bimeos Hirest Unl ted Chureh, yesterday, the ocoagion haing the anniversary of Lhe church, A wpecinl thankeffering win observed, Nev, Georges 1, Willams, DD, of Wyerson United Churel, Hamil ton, changed pulpits with the pas tor, Nev, W, Harston, WA, B.D, for the day and preached both morning and evening, Dr, Willlnms i an able speaker and his meninges to the congregation were much sn joyed, "Hare Commendation' was the subject of Dr, Willams' sermon in the morning and was based on thst beautiful inetdent told In the New Testament where the woman an nointed the head of Jesus with sontly ointment as he wan dining in the housa of Blmon, & former leper, at Hothan) The pastor pointed out that the Hie of Jewus hind heen marked hy ith graciousness and urbanity, Al though faced with a great Hife task, and although He venliged that there was little time in whieh to perform this tank, Jesus niways found time to attend to the wanis and nesds of the simple people who erowded about Wim It a plok man eried for help, Josus wan willing to pause in his work and perform an act of healing Heo (Unntinued on page 4) Prohibition Union Meeting Tuesday Night The last gun of the cam palgn will be Ared in the olty council chambers at the oity hall, Simeoe and Richmond Streets, tomer row night, when the Osha wa Prohibition Union will hold a mesting I'he speakers will clude A. 1. Graves, | Hamton, Rev, C, L, Crag, and others Rev AM lrwin, president ol the Union will be the chaiy man, Full details will be given In tomorrow's laaue of The Times, CLAIMS BOYCOTT OF CONTRACTORS no a we Firm Was Compelled To Buy Supplies From United States Canadian Press Leased Wire) Oot, MeLouls A Yolles, of the firm of Yoles and Rotenbery, general contractors, Appearing hefory roval commiastoner Gordon \Valdron, Kit, inyestigating the Amalgamated Bullders' Counc! and the Canadian Plumbing and Heating Guild, refused today to deny the statement of the fens plumbing superintendent, maddy last week, that on account of the a tivities of the A, BC, the firm was compelled to purchase $164,000 worth of goods in the United States and Great Heltain Mr, Yolles admitted, however, that his fem had been gompelled, through the operation of the ARC, and the Guild, to purchase $15,000 worth of valves and traps tn the United Sta tes, heeause one wholesaler had toll the fem it would he boycotted if it pold 10 Yolles and Rotenberg, and that no ather wholesaler eonld supply the desired valves and traps FARMER NEAR GALT COMMITS SUICIDE Had Been Charged in Court With Assaulting His Wife (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Galt, Oct, M=The body of Wik Ham Tedinion, Jhavearsald native of Poland, was tonnd hanging trom a beam in a barn adiaeent to the howe of My wife today. He had appeared in court last week charged with ass sauling his wite buat he had been freed on substantial bond and the promise that he would keep away from his wife, Mes, Sadiniea today sald her husband veturned to her home last aight, while she was abs sent Police were called at that time and they muarded the house through the night, also searching the san rounding distriet, They discovered his mn Rey (Wy body todayy Liberal Leader Rep plies Aggressively To Premier $ Massey Hall Statements City News onunen ANNIVENBARY Aglneourt, Oct, 44 Knox Vren hytarian ehvirveh yomiordny observed ie Wit anniversary, when MHevs Jd, Gibson Inkster, DD, and D, 'P MeKerroll, DD af Torontu, preached (o large congregations, ATHLETIC AMEN, MEKTING A moosting of the Oshawa Clty and Industria) Athletie Assoetntion In boing held In the Y, M, ©, A tonight nt " o'elock, All those Interested in the development of arganleed sport and clean wth lotlgs In Oshawa are urged to he present, HIOTH BANQUET FONIPONKED The 116th Regimental Benguet, which In ba held In Torante, haw bosn postponed until November #0, "Thin postponement was made necessnry owing (o the theences of Col, Ponrkes, V.C',, war-time com munder of the unit, who is In Eng land attending the Prines of Wales V.0, dinner BROTHER AND KINTER WIN Wireh CHEE, Oct, 48, -«Bdward und Margaret Buunderson, brother ana winter, shared the honors in an oratory contest held In eonnsotion with Coureslette school faly on Muturday, Competitions ware held In "art, hotany, writing, mapping and orafte, after which whe pupils antertained with » program of mu ple und dances, Trusted ¥, Down or provided RERIOUN OHICKEN THEFTS Went. MIL, Oat, #6 very au tumn Nearboro pollen receive many aompinints of ohioken thefts and thin yoar residents are muoh sggra vated at thelr losses One Hoag boro resident helleves her dog was polsoned an a prelude to thefts, An other farmer who has heen a vie tim In past years advises that a fow ducks he placed among the ehiokens an thelr quacking will ne. ware protection TRAFIC DIVERTKD Only onesway traffio Is heaing al lowed on Kimoos street north he tween Louisa and Alma streets dur Ing the construction of the Osh awn Hallway's new passing track, North=hound teaffic may use the street, but southbound traffie is heing diverted vin Alma, Golf sum Lioutsn streets, The construction of the passing track In proosgding rapidly The concrete © bed han hoon Iald, and an soon an It sets, the work of completing the laying of the track will be done qnickly PREMINR ON RADIO The people of South Ontarle will have & doubles opportunity of hear fing the Conparvative galde of the politioal eampalgn Issues expound od thin evening, At the Armouries, Frank 1, Mason will he supported hy the Hon, J, R, Cooks, and other prominent speakers In a final eam palgn rally, while the speech of Pramler Ferguson to be delivered In Cornwall fa to he broadoast over A network of five stations, Ineluds ing station CFRE, Toronto, THREE FROM HERE ON DISTRICT YOUNG PEOPLE'S BOARD Oshawa Presbytery Has Beat Representation at Peters boro Conference Three members of the Jo Young People's Union were Fw od an officers of the Hiv Pog plas organisation for the Bay of Quinte distriet at the hlennial cons ferente hold in George Street Unis ted Churoh, Peterboro, last Fris day, Baturday and Supdeys The three are J, CO, Andean, Fides president; Bdward Keltabar, trons. urer, and Stephen G, Raywell, cons venar of the Christian Cltigenanip Committee, OMears were elected ad follows: Pantsproanident, G, H, Helton, Nella. ville: president, J, KB, Dixon, Helles ville: vieaspreaident, J, Carroll Ans deraon, Oshawa secretary Miss Van Camp Naokstooki Misa Theo Reed Welloville: treasurer Rd. ward Kelfaber, Oshawa; convener of Christian Cltlsenahip, Sthalen Q, Saywell, Oshawa, Missiguary Miss Imnug, Grafton Ohrtwiny Fellowship, G, 0. Robb, Pete Literary Recreation, Mr, Dun +4 Renfrew, Oshawa having three members on the executive, " Osha Wa Wan the bout reprelients od Presbytery at the conference, having some 38 delegates includ: ng, Bd, Keltaber, Harold Gay, Jumen Young, Wil Young, Miss Pearl Fletcher, Harel Detiueree, Mildred DeGuarve, Miss Madeline Kelly and Miss Harston, Reta Tay lor, 4. Carroll Anderson, Stephen 0, Savwell, Fred Riding, Gilbert Cook, Miss Roddy, Misa Hurhuret, and many others representing Osh Lawa's olght United Churohes The conference Was & Brest su oor With all the young peaple Pe tHetpating to the fullest in beth the devotional and social life on the three days, and heart Inspiring addresses tram sueh able men and women as Rev, Crossley Hunter, % Rev, Manson Davie, Rev, Righe h Neaton, OC 1 Mlewman, J. ') Millsard Rev, Frad, Smith lady Clare Gunsloy and others, CAR AND TR 1 emma No Secret Conclaye of Lib. oral Party Held to Discuss "Whispering Campaign" on Liquor Issue, Declares Party Leader With Con vietion FERGUSON WANING, DECLARES SINCLAIR Yields to Public Opinion ir Giving Out Liquor Sale Figures -- Conservatives Losing Interest Even ir Toronto Weplying promptly tb mniy of th stutemments whieh had hoen made hy Premier Ferguson at his Massey Hall meeting, W, ¥, N, Sinelulr, Lili ered lender and toes! eandidute fo the Legislature, ngain enrried the wa mia his opponents' eamp when he addressed a lurge body of electors in the community hull at Claremont Pickering township, Saturday night The meeting ut Claremont and thai ut Brougham, wre to be the last in Mr, Sinclair's campaign in his ow constituen und, he made good use of his time, not only in appealing to hs own clestors but in discussing questions of wn broader provincial in terest und In answering and refuting many of the latest arguments of Pre miler Ferguson und Ws followers, (x Maleolin Vorsyth, reave of Plekering township, and ex-warden of the gounty, presided over the meetin while Myr, Sinclair was adcommanied hy W, A, Dryden, president of the South Ontario Liberal Association, No Government. Contral Polley "My friend Mason was here las night and I noticed that he persisted in making the statement that 1 had a government Hguor plank Id my platform, 1 helieve the people 'thos roughly resent sueh statements bes onune shey ure false and entirely n+ true, 1 have no time to answer such small stuff that Ix being thrown uy my opponents' platform," the Liberal lender declared, "The platform of the Liberal party oertninly not embrace govern ment control Mr, Sinclair stated, and he then read aloud the manifesta of the Liberal party promising that on doy ses Am------ 5 sefentifie Soelety Tas decide death is not inevitable, TW rank with the great ty edostrian has the ri Rrandon Sung * if returned to power the Liberal party would allow the people to vote be shown that there was a suffisient body of public opinion desiring a trolling the iduor trafiie, "What is the attitude of Me, Ier« Anawaring his own question, he peint« od out that the premier had des of plebiscite "I'he matter fy clear," Mr, Sinelair five the people 0 Anoeuin this great weral question, ' of I Hl meeting mn Massey! TA he brought in thessme Sinclair added, "He quotes the Gen eral as favoring temperance by edu (Continued on pape -------- Plokering, and a traok whet Mike Parachuk, RR, No, 4, Hop on. King street west morning © According to a rep oling east, while Parachuk driving west, MoGuire olaini$ wrong side of the road and vaared, fad the" north, Paraoh sldeand the vehloles erashed hel on, Nelther deiver was injured, ly damaged \ should that the on the question' whenever Jt coould change in the present system of gon guson asked the Liberal leader clared himsell against the principle continued, "Mugged grruson refuses 1 CUE sed that at By Tall Higgins of the" Salvation Army," cation as an argument in fay yor a UGKIIN | A oar driven Wy Harry MoGhutle: manville, figured in a oh given the polloe, MeoGulre was t that Parachuk swung over te however, swung back to his vl thoukh the oar and truck were b that of wave eet a Coming Events 2 Conta por word each ine sortion, Minimum charge for each Insertion, 8d, J [aa RERADE Will, hE HR n' Gone's Hall, Couttice, T day evening, Prizes for heat tume lady or gent, Good mw Admispion 20, it) EVERYRODY COMER TO © Chosen Friends Hallowe Dance, Rotary Hall, Tyesd Ooty 29, at & pm Round Square Dancing, Prise fop Bost costume, Special. musie, Admission 380, ANNE NEVADA, PALMI mers, Phone appol ments FW, (SM NN a DART MIs HALLOWR' noo Ald Eantertainment in Gregory 's Hall, Tuesday, ¢ her 38, Orchestra, Admins 380, Dancing 8 to 13 10 WHIST DRIVE J TONK "3 a. Mig of sland. 1, o Lovell Admission Mon't forget, 'Let's all (a woe -- ) oR