THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBE. R 28, 1929 PAGE, THIRTEEN _ -- THE C 4 SRNR" i --_------ eller "959M \293w0 ESIED SECTION, = a Houth y i, BD, Conan, : § oe 4 Hi " , "Ail B.A, "Yub Mh hi 4 fons A, a Vout JA lator, Notary ible Cone oney (0 loan, Office 14' 8, Gy Phone 44 ON""AND Conveyaneavs, Hater, Rol yRneer, ing Mt Fraser, writers, Notaries PubMe, ets, Ofties over dtandard Bank, KHutrancs Bimene Bt, Phone 14, 1, 1, Grierson, K.0 I. K, Crelghton, BHA, N, C, Fraser, H,A, VIAN, TARRY OiRrY, over only oney Lo loan, | moos Phone 67, Residence i ¥ n 1 Bin Fd M treet north, mtr rer » PARKIILE. AND PTLLD, BAT risters, ate, Money in Iii, Alier ph Opposite Post Okie ithe | eld, Bi A hor PIIY 8 BAR hr " "Al "Ki mene es Money ta lou An] ¥! vo BA, WARIS ler, elo, Conveyaneing and general pridtion BOY Kiog HL Lam hone BERT, fit) a -- uu OR TAROLIW, TRICK, mid ian, Burgeon, TLL {BA references to maternity work afd di epson of woinen, Twa vears' post adunte expeilonen, Ofhee and res fence 107 8imeoe Bt, N., (cor, Broek) hape 304 ui bit MeKAY™ PHYRICIAN, BUR eon, Ofee und Aceonrher rosy fence, King 81, Kast, corner Vietorly t, Oshawa, Phone ee. DIC GRANT BERRY, PIVRICTAN RBurgoon, Ohstetelelan, diseases of infants end ehildren, Offige and tesidenee, 97 Roud Hast, Plone 1158 DR, B, 1, HAZLEWOOD, PT IYSI la and Surgeon, sneelnl attention ven to Xoray work and Jeet theory Ofites, Dignity Hoel Phone WW, Ofer ap ov 0a Yona ealdence 161) Bat Plone gin DR, ALVIE HWA: RUR goon, Obatetrielan, physielun fipeetal Rteation to suemerv, Two yvenrs ole ven months post graduate experienge Lospiial, St, Bartholomew's and Si ary's osoisel London, Roval li ar dinbursh, University Hoa pla! Heri Ofiee 142 Klimeos St i, Phane JOY Residence 3104 PAID A ARCHEN, M.D, CH fo Pad NB Helinhurrh y Kok: Surgean aml Ohstetrielan Difes 14d Simeone Ht, N Blane 3030 apap 161 King St 1 Phong 3148 ARCHER BROWN, M.D, be R t, Po& N Rdinhurgh, Phyvalelan Ohstetvielan, speoial Sis tention to maternity work and dis anes of ehildren, Ofioe and resi noe, 108 Bimeos 81 North, Phone Aurgeon, DR, Ww, TARR, PHYHIO TAN, WR Obateteiolan, Offloa and renidence, A108 Bimooe street north, Phane 2415, (Dot, 8:1 mo) A Ear, Note, Throat Specialist FETT BRYARNS 6) UBT) HEOOR Hireet Went, Poronte, will he at hl office over. Turvy & Lovell's Deng Store each Saturday, fram 1 ull pan for consultation and treatment of diseases of of ear, nose and threat pily, Appeiatments ay be fade ui UIT ore, Pine LL da Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat | RON, OFFIC JIM fn Hou on 8 Liven! WAY phone ) 00 I, PHILLIPS, OVER HAS. Special attention to Nery MN] . LRttaton "hey Als 8 N "ST north, Ho 0! ay Dive Hiore l 2 0 A BRLL, ny "IN" i as for © " or ati LL \ DR, 801 HS 4 work, DR, 4° Nitrous « tions, OR on 8 \ Dosh: Phone oN R.. Pt Evenings by \ 4. DR, Ss GITFORD QFFICE Vinee Ride Phone JF olen th, SNAG Kine St, 8 on } at I on to mas extraction and X-ray Nurse in attendanes, Phones \ bh TE -- : TOR TD APROTIT nt, sktlusively A musole Anema | fght and glasses AO The Moore Tale, Bye guain, Your Rye o_o AMELEY Feature Servis, The on Koo ite Patslop. ment, Disney Rloe Opp, PB, Phone 1414 Oot, 33:1 ma) Veterinary Sarge ARTAR, doeelal Wisrier dometie animate an iy oy Hospital, 203 Ring west, \ a a ren N ONNON Ag Re arise, Simcoe Si, 8 Dyer on [Engineering and TT f Land iveyors nd En x cers, Buh-digisions, fo A wh Kopin Munising oe neers, Mb or a Kin { Ld or Undertaking | CORE RURTAL bel a RIB es [denes, 42 sim. Kast, Ambulsnee, street north, ones 210] and mw, DIGNTY COT VONERAY, TOMY iy Celina street, Oshawa, orper ruse sirest, Ambiance, Phone Sh Insurance 4) ND SON, WAUN wer Win & west Oh Wity in 'old eit ire Hoa in ebay 3 Re putahle Five Companies wit" PACING INRURANOR gonsult |, N, Johns, BO Mimeos north, Your insurance wants at tended to and youy Interests pros feeiad, in Transportation FATA AND FTOWATH, COT: man's, Kb Hond Went, Apovin isis In furniture moving, Slovaks Wale: Lohse and moving van equipment, "hone Ki GARAGE, MOVING, URAVEL' sand and cinders, Loeal and dintane hauling ) i, Smith snd Cox, 44 Bond Bt VN, OSTTAWATR "TOL HET HATAN hahed furniture movers, Parl Road enr ape, Loew) and long Aistange hh Cawla, Prap, 68 Park RY Houth, Phone f (Oot, 106-1 mo) WANTED = TRUERING "or AT kinds, Carting or maving, Phone HORAW (Oot, 10:1 mo) EE i ES Boauty Parlors (IR 1 T Y LOV PRRMAN J NT whve, Bpecinl $8 and B7.50, Finger wave and shampon #1. Faelnl 78 Hale eutth g 250, Phang 2008 or Bo Mineo Narth WATHRON H BARN N AND Hoauty Shop, 9 Celing 81, We spe glalige In ladies' hale cutting, mar oelling, shampooing, facials, Marvel 8) cents, For appambnents phone ELLER (Qt, 101 mo) MARCEL AND "CURL Soe, MRK Kyerdtte Bell, Apt. 9 Edward Apart ments, Quehes Bt, For appointment phone 3001 N ullding Supplies FOR BALI = BAND, "UNIVE: gone and blnek logm #1 60 a wil For quality and hie 'nhone Ms AEN [AL] CIA upp 4 On l'o Wmsure prompt delive ry, ders in advange of delivery « Horrowdale, -. hong 1014, - Music Rau CL CL instruetions Mis Hevry, Phone 11846, (Oey | ma) NATE Hie nr fate \V RR A EA TNTVOURT (Dry) Grant 1 imal ANTHUR TINO VOUST EA gher (Hambourg Conservatory, 1 vonta). pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Wednesday, 9 Bn) EY] Napih, Phone # PHAN Rr qURRAL Chl Lk of Toaronta's leading viciin teaoh ord, fa In Oshawa on Thoraday afternoons, Btudio ¥6 Kigin Be 6, Phone THUM, (Oot, 4:s1mo) STH ROOK CRY TARRTIRTHOR Ht: will aeeept puplle for singe (Oat ni, vole CO vinbhl alo, Phone 1904, | (Oat, 18imo, wd Mi Diregtor of Musle, ONhawA Qolteut: ate and Publle Rohoo i, Stadio, 0 Westlareland, Phone 2084), toe, LLL me) ---- "Money to Loan CTTV AND TARYN TOANE "TRO loans areanged, Parkhill & erinters, ote, Alger Nhl ho lon Phone 3048 a La of this naturs, and collect for same, -- All Classified Adverti ing Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss ariving from handling a large number of small weeounts For the sonvenience of nustomers who find It inconvenient te come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring 'a messenger wha will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT row Real Estata for Sale COORG WANGATN IN Oshinwn, $8000 cnwh will hay new Brooms, lovely mmgatow, all sons venlances, rug hriek venesy, hard: wood floor and chestnut trim, side drive, Must he sold at onee, Kn yuire LLLS Drow Mt (hid) Work Wanted wi UPHOLSTERING, CHENIN fields made to order, Woe save vou money, Vadmates free, GA, Con stable, 74 Mechanle street, Phone 1508), (Sl) BATTERIE 8 CHARGID, CALLED far and delivered, 78 cents, 1 ren tl supplied #1, Batteries repaired Sian Blidaon, Mill 81. Phone LANGW, (Oct, 10 3 mol DATTHATEN © 0 MARGKD AND [i livered The, rental #he, and the entire slantrion) system of oar re palred, 804 Oskawa RBivd, hone HLIAW, Oot, 11 1 mo) AUTO nODY AND TRUOK "ni paleing, Metal bumping I handle the Eider Bullt Bodies, BHI Fry, 40 Bond Went, Oshawa (Oat, i Sa sss Hemstitching NINE OENTH PER YARD, | LRA' ed Hkives, one dollar, alterations, ote, AN kinds of beautiful fanay wark on sale, Mes, Dall, Bd Bim eos Mouth, Phone 16° {Out Public Stonographer MARTE M, HILTON, 74 AMOR street north, Phone 16400, Hpevial rates for matling Hete and alveniay (Oel, Ril mo) 20 10:1 no) RA 16:1 mn) Room and Board NICELY I" RNISHED ROOM with hoard, In ive family, Very weil al Phin 1d rom) ) HOARD AND a FOR ORN temen or part hoard op Might housekeeping for twa business glrle or board, Central, Annly #0 Cellng ft (hon) Room and Board Wanted WANTHD-- WARM ROOM WITH hoard, centrally located, Wiaie ferme, Apply Nox #0 104, (ihe) RR a a Home C Cooked Meats ENO LIBH HOME MADE PORK plow, steak and kidney ples, hot ov eld, brawn, oakes and panties, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone JATAF, (Tu Watch Repairing XTIRT epAtE shop #1 atehmaken ve oak Your pat VION ~XND Folk Tubes and rad on reeharged, rental ee . Oharles hh Bl Ww Cri FAVE ALE TREVOR ARGU your windows and doors filled w \ Masti cement and shut out the ool tal "en fuel, the com is a, Ly oh Ghee Rg A wn, 1 Ry RATIOS rorles, battery inated, "\ i) phlied 3 Wales, | TRA MY owt halt ry ------ Hee OUFILY under government supers d | ahota and Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRU TR astering, elestele or alierations Biles I fat satiate MALE Photographer HAVE YOUR FAVORITR BNA Jhotosraphe 001000d == or prices and samples, (et, 1:1 mao), _ Agents Wanted TOR APY TE Pew Lo Phone §34 Dovble your ar sahry hy il weekly, Atlin Jw opal Ant y| Shri ay Asociates, oluh hw pit om 2 ahaa, | patel, ey IN THIN LO. Oplity to sell the most popular Cans Misi made line of Personal Qhelats mas Greeting Cards, Regal AM Co, 810 Hpadine Ave, Taranto, Coat Repairing ART READY FOR WINTRI -- Genta' overcoats repaired and ab tered, Indies' fur coats rellued and repaired, "Talloring" your own material made up, Address 13 King 8t, W, (aver Canninga), Onl and deliver, "one a {, 26:1 no) Raed Far be Fat Ra mv Be TIRED WE how for andy for ht paid on $10 fy i Rh of and side watched, Ba a A oan do the Nok Saute AMoow AY LY Hin, "The ona a vision, Dox 280 mew 11080) vou haw, Rend ye WV, MY, Ha place to have year why vleansd wad dyed (OL 11 Mo) | remo i APOE BeVer poe We 8 Articles For Sale om------ MiXih, ADA AND 501 T WOO slabs, r loud, Also hone i Lady bd) Witerous Meek Lined Phone Apr, BOL Un WAV HEINTZMAN QO Lady, pianos, new and used plane ao radios, Ietest models; tere arranged, Apply Trull, Phone Lhhnd, RRR 18 IRON AND | DIA WIDE COM plete with new mutiresses and stool springs, vepulay $18 ut BN.60 Wil wigen, wet of oak dinlog chales $10, hulfeis $10, odd dresser 87.00, rockers, haby HOo-0uvtd, extention tables $5,00, ohild's ovibs with new mattresses regular $14 top BOG0, Blding coueh, with new mattress regulay FLU at B7.00, high ehnlrs, rockers cny chal, Hooser kitohenw oabl net, 54 contre tables, wide hoards, parlor sets, # good coal vangoes The People's Furniture Hiore, 17 Princes strest, Oshawa (1000) FOR BALE QUHRBEC HEATER with stand and plpes dan Ox ford Mi (100) AUTO TRAILER FOR SALE, Ap ply 16061 or #7 Rosedale Bivd, (Wh) FOR SALE 'WO TEAM MILK Sielghs, four lorries vonveriahle team or single, cheap for quick sah Apply E,W, Grahiwm, 1389 Queen bt K Faronto, phone oO 1] ' Hargrave 6720 (Wg) (NI Inekel heater FOR SALI Heater $131 « LA AL ln Ri, Second 'Hand Dealer AECOND HAND DEALER, ¥UR nitare bought and sold, 154 Mow Mt, Kast, Phone 16017TM (tr Eo r= Sone a Nai ei Position Wanted DRESSMAKER EXPERIENCED will go out dally, Phone T84) (Bir PRATT NIE hon oR reference. open fop ANEREOMOnts Maternity oy goneral nurelny Helps with housework Phone LoN (NEF) Auctioneer FRONT VIET oo TT ¥ULERY aictionser, M8 Simoes 8S. 8, We ean sell vour old ploces of furniture and other arilgles at our vards, 4! King SV SW Slmeve Street 8 LAY (Wha) 1 Phone 250M, (Oct, 24 Nav, 2 FL) "For Sale or Exchange FOR™HATR™ "On" RXORANQES pie brick house, Ideal lpeation PF road house, store I connec ton, hen house, harn, garden, one aore of land, Kingston highway, x Bad Thwes, (PAH) ad t and Fou FORT WONT WING " a Katparke, Initials GMLG, Phone IW, (1000) Want WAIT EN WANTRO "MAM Atal an general, No ecooklng, ha'able to walt on table, Ape otal tal Hotel, (1004) TET RE ER EAR Elocution WRN FOR TN Nisa 1 Dewhirst, ¥ hone (1) Motor Care TE THEVROT RT COATT, WIT, wileage 6X0 wiles, Phone 509, oH GRT YOUR" AUTO PARTE acoensorien at the Oly oi Wreokers, 15:17 Rond street weal, Phones 2080W er tate Oot, LL 21 me) \ NIN LATE 1934, 8 oylinten All In good shape, A real havgatn, $110 must be wold this abroad, week ney ing Sicha . (1000) aa 112 to Buy OUNTER Rowse in mood 100 tiON, good cash payment, way consider small hy outside oltyy No agents, VRE oe An Timed, : WANTED TO nv a ronmed a het » oF BeRY ANA, ARDly Bax 287 Times, | (1000) anles ANNE Sankt One of the veaspny why the digimon never wake Nhe Patty Sige bugles and | V [ bith Nat CIRCULAN | (alway Outagln CTART AL hy bs Mr A | ow For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD ern suites, insludion slectrie relrig arition, wiave, Isundry, conven) ances, ete continuous hot wetsr snpplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8671, ur The Tropts and Guarantee Co IAd,, manager for owner, Toronto, (9741) "AVATOPMTNTS FOC TNY Malu sonvaniances, $40 and " Apply | Jury & Inyell, (BA) WO RINT == PITY ATH 8 -WOOM kD panrtment over Ledger's Blove, next ta Knrn's Drug Store, Pose wewslon October 1, Apply Mrs, ¥ LW Henry, 481 King Bt, fhone 16, 0 ROOMED HOUBKE TO RENT, 456 Simeone 51, South, All eenvenleneas, hot water heating, newly decorated Itensonnble rent, Phone H, i ULL nr 309 {) FOR WENT +o DIVE ROOM hick house, Convenfences, Paved wirest, Immediate possession, Ap ply 41 Kigin Bt, ®, Phone 16RAJ, " . (hf) FOR RENT WAKA Hoows, hardwood Roors, wired for eloetrie, Apply 258 Grooms Ave Phones 1448 or 1474, _ (af) ANMALLT HOUAR™ PARTLY "yun nished Lo rent, No. ehlidren pres ferred, Apply 681 Buena Vista wiraet Pho (LLEA (Who) ------ Lm" GARAGE FOR KENT, APPLY 0) Hioek Kt J oad (98) FOR WENT ROOM Ji b Hou Hl wt 58 Bruce Bt Apply 104 Kin | Wor: T™WO | Ny we UNFURNTS Ji light housekeeping rooms on rou] floor, sultable for young married ouple, Apply 17 Athol Bt, W, (UH) FOR HENT=FURNISHED BATH flat} phone, gas, all gonven Apply 293 Haig Bi (Uke) TWO BROOME TO RENT ON bathroom Hat, Light, water and Wes of phane $10 poy month, hone 1004W (Ble) HEN] THREE ROOMED unfurished, Apply 72 Ri (V0) ROOMED AVANRI equipped harbor Hivd, h ST - room lenges FON 1] Id MN VIEW FIV] ments, so ne who Apply 191 Oshawa tween O wind H pm eke of APATTMENTR TE RENT ROK FY and forty-five dollars per month huginess section, 4 rooms and hath possession wt ones, Apply Fi I'imes (U0) FOR REN BX ROOMIED House all modern hardwood foors throughout W rent reasonable to sultahle tenant Apply 68 Sommerville Ave, phone EARLY! (Wp) APARTMENTE TO HENT MOD ari five reoms and bath with ele grates and every oon Firat pocand floors 141 King Bt Kant, (hin) ERR hlank (hin) hoax NEW rie stoves venlenos Lamu, ur Linen Oshnw ---- sR Rk=H© TO HENT-=UNDERWOOD wilter, suitable far student, koybourd Phone U8 FOR ENT ROUER, "1 Room # Canvantenees, Very central, Im modintg possession $148 month Horton & French, Times Ridge, (1000) FIVE ROOM HRICK BUNGALOW far vent, All canvenlonces, Hard wood Hoors Paved street LL) Gladstone Ave, Phone BT40W, (1000) FORT RENT=000D™4 ROOMED house, corner Ritson Rd, and Roa Hie Red, Apply My, RB, Jenking, Row Ho Rd, Phone loeal BT4, (1000) TO THNIT TWA FRONT ROOMS, unfurnished, Also garage, Phone LELLS (1000) TO RENT NEWVIRTORT HOURS Bix rooms, French doors, All mods arn conveniences Reanonahle rent, 8&4 Oadillue Ave, Phone 142 ar BR04J, (1000) aes aa aaa Ee Ee ed CANADIAN WINS WORLD TITLE IN ORATORY CONTEST Roch Pinard of Montreal De: feated Other Contestants at Washington Washington, Oot, 38-wRach Pinard, of Montreal, representing the student orators of Canada, won the highest international hanera in competition with elght others bes fore members of the diplomatio carpi and an audiences of eteht thousand in Constitutional hall here Haturday night, Herbert Hohaumann, 18, of Interhurg, Gers TRIN, Wis second and Robe dOnt a Cris, 18, Oaxaca, Moxion, thind, PDA took an he sbjoot of his aration, SOanAdR Among the Nations," and hia address and the manner of ita delivery in the French tonghe wan adindged the host among those made hy the south of England, the United tates, Prion, Gurmgny, Dens mark, Mexion, Cuba and Peru, A was a thatiling women for the many Canadians tn the and ance when It was announced NM, Re had wen tha contest and he Sevres Vase, offered hy the government of Fines, hut aot mare phtetn than when in abaoe I N Milhess the young student, face vetleoting nN rnestness sl Sration Rin thought, reas the pen of hin a and wel forth to the representatives of ath er nations Canada's destve fap peace, 0 Hew: ry Home, A tne Dr Hew ternptionally known newroabast and BAYENAFS, died of heart attaek in 18 HN Inna, Pivst tnserthon=114 sents per word, Minimum ehnrge 80¢, Bach subsequent eonseci tive Insertion 1a per word, Threa inser: tons far price of two first (nuertionn (three cents a word), Minimum charge tyr three Insertiond, 60 eerts, Box number 100 additions) Professional or Husiness Card, $2.50 per month for 1] words ar less; 10 CONE A ward pay month for each additions word, TIMES CLARBIVIND ADs CONT LITYTLE ACK COMPLIBH MUCH TELEPHONY #8 Ask for Classifisd Ad Department eonseciitive th a aR ad LIGUOR QUESTION | Liberals and Progressives At: tack Administration of Government Control Taronto, Ont, Qet, 28~When the Conservative administia®on of Pr miler GG, Howard Ferguson seeks th endorsement of the eleetarate of the Provineg of Ontario tor another tern an Oct 30, the Ontarie Liguor Con trol Act, a product 61 the Fergu an government, will be & major 1s 11] Fhin will he the first general ele Han In Ontarie sinee 196, In thu year the Ferguson gavernment, first elected In 1988, was returned to pow or with a deel majority in the provineial legislature favoring the sile and control of liquor hy th government, This was the sole" asus Ive ganveiiences | of the 1946 election, Gavernment ean trol and sale of Hguor was inearpora ted in the planttorm of the Consery ative party, and tor the first time in the history of Canadian polities, government control been An issue In oan election Hefore the enactment of the LI Control Aet after the Fergu Mon government's vietary at the polls 1930, Ontario enacted during the War a8 A measure, dhe OTA, hibited the sale of Nguor except hy doetor's preseription, but did not prohibit the manutacture and export of Hauer and beer hy distilleries and breweries within the pravinee, In an Attempt 1a satisfy the public epinion, an amendment praviding for the op on sale of 44 beer wan enacted hy the Ferguson government, hut this wis not palatable 10 the wets, Sub sogquently Premier Norguson oami out In favor of government control, staking his palisieal life on the tase, and was re-elected, Although Premier Ferguson has contended from the beginning of the present campaign that Nguor is not an dnane in this elegtion, asserting that public sentiment dn favor of the Lagos fontrel Aol has inereased winvo 1929, the leaders of the two ope position parties, as well as the On trio Prohibition Union, have made ia major tssue hy using the admin tration of the Liguor Control Aet ad thelr ehiel weapon of attack en the ( utervaiae rrerntien, n their pall eoohes w mas nifestos, W Lath Fine ir, Libera leader and J, G, Lethbridge, 1'ra grassive leader, have severely ars rained the government on its ligum polioy, alleging that government cons trol has been a failure, that it has degraded the morals of the younger generation, and that generally sootal conditions are mueh worse than dus ng the prohibition regime, Jofeat of the Conservative govern ment would not, however, mean the immediate vopeal of the Liguor Cons tral Act, Neither Mr, Sinelair nor Mr, Lethbridge, in his @ampatgn wuts teranges or mankfestos, has pledged himself to that, They are determined ! at the liquor ne shall not eons tinue 10 he fnvalved In proavineial pos Jew, and have promised that the 10 of the pre Ya nor Control Act shall he decide a plobisoite, Prewier oan HA 10 be Jehu by the Liberal leader's lis A whith he regards as " Altho the Liberal pars A oh plat te hed a plank i the enforadtnent of the Ontario mperance Aet {ihe prohibition meagre), Mr, Sinelair has stated the Liberal policy on the lNguor iss we " that the 2 heupled & will al pres vail, When Were. a demand for a change fm the Liguor Control Aey fa the people shall he consulted in a lehisoite, A viotary for the Liberals nm this election would doubtless be resarded as a "demand for a thane! a a plebiscite doubtless would Tals Nn, Lothhridge has been he des | finite, He has pledged the Progress stver ta hold a plebiseite Nn year, Thar platiorn ia hone dry, fav aring not only the prohibition of the sale of liquar, hat also the pros hibition .! its manufacture and ime Ea inte Ontario, Under the Campaign Quay Wrio 'lemperance Act, wanniae of A Not prohibited, tario and hroweries eontinued 0 maRniactre lgaor and pounder fed Shater Or oxy POR to other os and Ap) oes, hut a Quantity was "sharteirouite ok 10 the pravines, I Ais desive to dey wp the pray nee, except for aly manutacture and (ale al native win CAMPAIGN ISLE provineial ) hus heen' legal, Mr, Lethbridge Is prepared to test the sutharity of the provinee ta prohibit the manu facture of heer and Nguey hy taking the matter to the foot of the thea wm London, He has promised to sul mit & bill to His Majesty's Frivy Counell, after first submitting It to the Ontario legislature, to the effect that no brewery or distitlery shall manufacture or sell aleoholie Nguor in Ontario Premier Verguson has not heen ruffled hy his opponent's arguments on # plebiscite, and Is determined to stand or fall fy the legislation en peted after the 1946 election, He is unequivoeahly apposed to plebiseites, regarding this method of gonsultin the people as refuges hehind which governments seck to hide from thel responsibilities in dealing with major issues, He further contends that ple hiscites violate the spirit of the eon stitution, and will have none while he 16 the Conservative party leader, The premier eontends that 10 years of prahibition was & failure, that ex wnslve efforts at enforcement were utile, the heotlegger reaped rah | harvests under Its operation, and that corruption of people's morals, as well as death and permanent injury to their health, were rampant under the Cntarlo Temperance i Helleving temperance hased upon eanvigtion is mare effective than temperance ha sed upon legislation, Mr, Ferguson in eonvineed that the present law will result In Ontarid's Nguor eon sinption being reduced hy 50 per agent at the end of ten years hy edu dation In the sehoals, He hin appeal wld for a fale trial for the act, aml has promised to inereass Hn strength hy enacting mmendments 88 weak nesses heeame evident I'he Ontario Prohibition Unlan, with an few candidates in the field, will support candidates of other par tes i pecept the union's poliey in regard ta prohibition, The union is making every effort ta bring abont the elimination of three-earnered of demareation between the suport eantests and ta draw a definite ln ers und opponents of prohibition SINCLAIR DENIFS |IRERALS HELD SECRET CONGLAVE Replies to Ferguson's Charges That Policy Is Inconsistent Claremont, Oct, 87. Emphatio denial that a poliey of heer hy the glass had heen discussed at 8 Tgoerat conclave' of the Liberal wis made hy W, KE, N, Ain party leader, at two meetings riding of Houth Ons tart lost night, He was vpelying to charges made hy Premier Fer guson at Toronto the night hefare "T know nothing of any secret fonelnve or any other eonelave about a polley of heer hy the wines," he deolarved "Yet Premier Fer gusan 18 Introfucdng this wplght at the end of the eampalen and trying to make the peopla helleve the Liberal party ts conducting a whispering eampalgn, oatering to hoth wets and drys "Let me tell the pepoale wa are not ocondueting any whispering campaign, We are conducting eur campaign with a loud speaker, We are Avessing the same. polloy everywhede and in ne uneeriain terme, Wa have no secret oon olaves, Everything 1s open and ahove board," Losing Interest The Liberal lander found in ve. jaria of a small orawd of Premier "erg aOn's mass meeting at Massey Hall, Toronto, Friday night, an ins dioation that the people were falls ing away from the Conservative standard, He compared it te the banquet with which hte governs ment enn the campaign, when It wan impossible to scopgmmodate the erawd, The ditference, he sald, was due to a falling off of inter ost In tha Conservatives cause, The Liberal polioles had taken hold of ParLy olalr, In his own HAKDWUUN VIA MRE hall) BY EXPENT MECHAM IUE NG Coors Andehen lke new worm windows, combinntion doors, Genepal Canirnelons B, W, HAYNES i King BW Vhome 8 reside nee 180rk CANADIANS AT DINNER 70 1.6. Representat'on at Prince o Wales Banquet Is Assured Ottawa, Out, 87.-=At least 2 Vietaria Cross men will vaprasen I Canada at the dinner th he give by the Prince of Wales In Londo an Armisties day OF! these 1 16 wave members of the Canadia foress and five Imperiale, wow veslding In Canada The depaviment of national de fenea hon compiled a Yet of th V.C.'8 going trom Canada and pe parting to the department thei Intention ta do sa, This Hel show that the "Canadians in the sens of members of the Canadia units, Include seven from Cntari three fram Alberta, two from Ney Hrunswlek and one each from Brit Ish Columbia, Manitoba snd Bask alehewan The 16th "Canadian came up from the Unlied Blates | Join the sontingent The record hera do not show from what proy Inces We five Imperiale come, no ig It known whether one Canadla holder of the Vietarla Cross, Hying In Denmark, wil attend th dluner The V.C.'s ara helng glven fre transportation hy the rallways ani steamship nes, and the pravines of Ontario and = British Columhbh have offered ta pay othe ox penses af any who go fram thom iwrovinees, The records here shov that H4 Canadian soldiers nov Hving recelvad the Vietorla Cros reprasenting the vavious fahting services In several different ware Bin Hoy The smile en the face of hrited Cheshire aompared with the expression a candidate wha nalion Gut Is ee of elected by aeela Spectator A Now Yark editar wanted is A manth in the Ouehen wilden wearing anly glasses W sume that for the eoolor nigh would want something heavier, 1 pibly hifogals,==Dotralt News, eve AN A restaurant in Manoluly make a specialty of humuhwmunnkunubuna kapuaa, but oustomers have difilenin in ordering It because na one om pronounge the name unless his mont ady full of th tit he's ask mg for=Toranta Siar It In alee Ea I RY @, SRT WS Ge t hbasd add ; Phase wt Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales wIMITHD 00 Simeon 8S 8, Phone WM SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION CLOTHING 00, LL) XING an Ww, Phone 8141 We Deliver the tmagination of the people, "One oan not help butthnk how the premier has slip ! hy hy PEL faw weeks, especially & strong Conservative oft ike "mrante, ha sald, "Public oplpten has changed tremendously aslnce the campalgn opened and 1 fn slips Mag, AWAY fram the premier," "Premier Ferguson haa at last seen fit to make known the sales of liguor tor the year," he ie wed, "But when he upake at hte an Qotaher 16 he sald he known, I Kept on asking him AN WOW he has given them to us, "Why did the 10 coneeal this ta last give 4 out? people demanded ¢ and he hay yielded to the force of publio opin. OAR and given out the information he should have given aut weeks £9, I Std repeatedly Wd would us. ta give out thin information hefare the alection and my pres dlotian had ome trae St Pant [treet one of Raliimare's loading radio thoroughiares Whtown, has been p Re od under progressive, or Wave, tradi light system, hard © Davies, of Clavel, Mw of The Palm Beach hd {a land, and ™n Palm Reach Life, He tor the heh ww aw fiy ky ol at Tal. kewood Hospita after a threesday thaess, He wis eighty-one vears oll, Ever sines he Jremis aontinne rmation and at He knew the De You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Can, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DiS COUNTH LID, Felt Rioek Reom 8 Phone 8790 RYBSIGRY SPRCIA 487 became Rise of the Floeida news PAPOLS, Davies had passed his smnmers Wn Cleveland, his home sine he came to the Lhuted Sigtes fan Eoghan when a boy, Swiwving a two daughters, and two sans, one Wl | the fatten, Oscar Davies' has hon dn charge of Ris athe newspanors w whieh ahwavs f Palin Beach for several Ves, DISNI 1 €OTT AMBULANCR a7 Celina Sa, Phone 108: