Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 a LR Are FEF TR HR Sunday Services in the City Churches | Churches Open For Prayers At All Times An English writer says that, while It used to be an wimost im- possible thing to get admission to # Free church bullding outside of weryee hours, "that stigma is sure ly béing removed, If eny gradaslly, and moving about when on holiday one is delighted to find In many instances opportunities of visiting Non-conformist churches If desir- ous of quiet and meditation, "Some time ago I came ar» 4 Mathodist sanctuary in & ho, th Wales watering centre, The church was well situated and, with Its open door, mutely invited all who '50 desired to enter, "An atmosphere pervaded the place condutive to worship snd prayer, and in a spacious chuyeb, clean ap & new pin, and nothing shoddy about it, one was imme diately connclous of the presence of God, An intimation informed the passing stranger that the church was open every day from early dawn till eve, "Away on the Channel Islands a similar experience awaited one, Handing majestically by itself wan # Non-conformist bullding, its Entes flung widely open and Its doors ajar, In the vestibule was a striking notice, reading: "All we ask of you who enter Is revers ence," "On one of the smallest Islands in this Channel group, too, though one's guide, whoe'sr he or she might be, should be aforded op- portunity for shelter from even the ,lorlous heautles of nature outside an well as any distracting features, und take a moment for prayer, "And this was characteristic of many dietriets visited, The Im- pression created was profound and lasting, "One of these churches actually provided x small but select cholee af volumes that worshippers were Invited to use whilst resting, and hooks thal were indeed stimulats ing and helpful," "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship King St. United Church Parsonage=Telophone $16 ChureheTelophone 9267 11 a.m.~--*The Church of To-morrow' 2.30 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classes, The clase for you, 646 pm~Bong Service, 7 p.m.--The Annual W.M.S. Service, Special Spoalire=MRS, FORBES of Weston, Male will lead the singing, ov. Dibble and will their, All the Churches | "Bid You a Hear ty Welcome Sunday Services in The Oshawa Churches Wesleyan Tabernacle Starting on Sunday, Kev, A, E, Collins, of Toronto, will conduct a two woeks' evangelistic campaign In the Wesleyan Tabernacle ehureh, Services to-morrow will be featured by special singing, Rev, E, J, Wil son is the pastor, Contre Street United Kthelwyn G, Gates, educa~ secretary of the Women's Home Mission Board will address the congregation of Centre Street United Church Sunday morning, Rev, J. VV, Clugston will preach at the evening service, St. Andrew's United Rev, LD, M, Salandt, of Toronto, who recently returned from the con. ference ut Geneva, Switzerland, will speak at the services In Bt, Andrew's United Church, Sunday, The pastor, Rev, 17, J, Maxwell, 'is AAT res covering from injuries which he res ceived recently In a motor aeeldent and it is hoped by all members of the congregation that he will soon be able to resume his place In the pul pit, Free Methodist Church Rev, R, L, Casement, the pastor will conduct the regular service of the Free Methodist church to be held at three o'clock Sunday afternoon, Salvation Army A special young peaple's service will be held in the Salvation Army citadel tomorrow morning, Ensign and Mrs, A, Dixon will be In charge, Bt. Georg®'s Anglican Canon C, RB, de Pencier, rector, will eonduet the regular services In St, George's Anglican church, Bun day, SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. 52 Simcoe St. 8, Good Singin Phone 148 Church OF, Bagot. Hof dima 'Phone 3128 Miss tional Helpful Services Sunday Services Anniversary and Thank Offering Services 11 am, "Rare Commendation" 3 pm.~Sunday School 7 pm, "Compulsory Tribute" Special preacher for the day--Rev, George H, Williams, D.D. Ryerson Church, Hamilton Strangers Cordially Invited A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here Pentecostal Atsembly y Ll l the "Cid 's Three Hundred" subject of the pastor, Key, , Ball, for the morning service at Pentecost ul Assembly ehureh to-marrow, SALVARY hy Bante Chute] " Wundsy Mervices 11 am & 7 pm, Dr. E. R. Hooper of Toronto will preach at 7 pm, Wed, 8 p.m. ~Prayer Meeting, Mon, 8 p.m.~Young People's Meeting. Fri, 8 pm, -- Chil. dren's Service, ~ First Baptist Church King St, East AUBIEY W. SMALL 18 Aberdeen Mtreet 11 am, "What A New Preacher Thinks" Knox Presbyterian Mr, Angus Melvor, of Port Perry, will preach ut both services in Knox Preshyterian Chureh, Sunday, Grace Lutheran The regular services of Grage Lu. theran Church will be held Sunday, with the pastor Rev, A, C, Hahn in charpe, Limeoe Street United A special anniversary und Thank. offering service will be observed in 8 meoe Street United Chureh tomor- row morning, Rev, George H, Wil "tunes, DD, of Ryerson Church, Ha milton, will he the gpecial preach. or for the day, His subject for the morning will be "Rare Commend. dation', while In the evening he will speak on "Compulsory Tribe " Un Hers I'D Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Mr, J, J, Meyer will be in e¢harge of the services of Oshawa Pentecos tal Holiness Chureh to-morrow, His subject for the evening will he "Dogs the Ox Know It's Master?" § pom ==Nunday Schoo), 7 pay Faith's Subject and Object" Monday, § pme=11Y.1', Us, apd Cholre Hallowe'en Hocial at 140 Wimcoe Ntreot North, Wodnesday, Prayer Rervige, WELCOME TO ALL North Simeoce United Rev. A. M, lrwin, the pastor, will preach at both services In North Simeoe Street United Chureh, Sun day, ie!' Ta avert unemployment through the glosing down of wateh factories Furtwangen and Guetenback, in the famous Black Forest region of Ger: many, have guaranteed productioy costs to plants which wil continue to operate, ner, he came face to face with a farmer, 'Good morning,' sald the Londoner, "Nice morning?" copal hodles who have a growing concern for historical continuity," ------ THE CHINA TEA RET A China tea set==just to own A China tes set was her dream -- Dear fragile cups, quaint little howl, A cunning pitcher for the eveam! Unity Truth Centre \ The regular service of worship of} Unity Truth Centre will be held to morrow morning In Welch's parlors, King Street West Holy Trinity Holy Communion will he ohserve nt Bam and 11 aan, In Holy Trinity Contre St. || hii, geo J | ARCHBISHOP ASKS FOR INWARD UNITY United Church Question of Order Predom- REY, W, PP, FLEYCHEN, HA, 0.0, inates in Consideration of Church Union London, Oct, 86,--The 'Archhi shop of York {n discussing reunion says! "The unity of the Chureh must he Inward as well as outward, Delween the Anglican and the Churches wherewith there are any Immediate prospects of union, the main question Is one of order, It "Ay, It be," sald the farmer, "But It were cold first thing,' == Kingston Whig-Btandard, KNOX 'rom Presbyt rian Church Bimooe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munroe B84 Brock Nt, W, Phone 25)4 So graciously she'd pour the tea, Her friends would chatter bright |}! and gay, | "Suegh perfect tea! Buch lovely cups! I'm glad I happened in today." St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of The United Church of Canada Rev, F. J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant Sunday, October 27 11 am & 7 pm, ~=Rev, D, M, Solandt, M.A, D.D,, of Toronto, recently returned from Geneva. 3 pm~Sunday School and Bible Classes. Christian Science "Probation After Death" will he the subject for disenssion thy morning service of the First Churel jo Christ, Belentist, tomorrov But he to whom her life was Joined Thought money would be better spent land, stook--- And to his will bent, Hin toll and gain were all for her And when the two were old and 55 For for implements and 11 am ==Miss Ethelwyn PIR G, Gates, Educational Secretary of the Wo- men's Home Mission Board. her will " King Ntreot United "The Chr wan of Tomorrow' the subject hy the pastor, I, Cragg, at the morning worvice In King Hirveet Chureh tomorrow The A . worviee will be In charge of the A 2,30==Sunday School, Women's Missionary Hoelety andget completes its ensemble make-w ' Mra, Forbes, of Weston, will speak i . y 7.00 Pim, se- Rev, J F, A service of song Is to be held 3 distinction Ja this three quartes Cluyston, B.D, from 6.46 pm, to 7 p.m, si L & has seemed to me that we would Mon, 8 Pum, to purchase hed furnishing on- | "A Golde have to he very careful to ses that ' y soembles, already assembled, that People s Society, have been harmonized for you inl AVA vrvew vw vo. - any union agreed upon Is based on principles so strong that when the that Is tide has turned and the tendencies Are towards separation the union that has been achieved will stand the test, "Judging from the experience of 0 or 16 years there will be a res newed tendency to insist on points of difference so we must alm at a unity on the basis of a real strues ture and not merely on the good: will of the moment, And predom- inant Is the question of Episcopal order, radulte ant Nom any of or tahing haemo kg AR avers voll Werth the Uma, theught and Ing disunton than any other prin.MOneY expended eiple o unity in the church, veomi] The Frock of the Week | over, for many centuries Kplscopal order in the Church has had une The Frock of the eek disputed sway as an unalterable Bol ih histortoal fact and it was beginning | * NOHO FEE ER BREE and to impress profoundly bn Epiny its ultva-modishness was the subject of muoh comment, 8ilk net was the fabeio, and we are told that this material is the very amartest possible for the REV, R, A, WH Rev. 8, C. Moore, B, A, services, will be Rey, C, Sunday, October 27 Il am, & 7 p.m. ==Rev, Angus Melvor of Port Perry will conduct both Services, 3 p.m~=Sunday School, Wed, 8 p.m.~=Mid-week Service, "Come Thon With Us an We Will Do Thee Goed." Arey, That she might have no wish dented He brought the tea things home one day, fragile eups, quaint little howls! fhe thanked patient smile; She placed them in a shining row, Admired them there a litle while, Then packed them all away, Bon No friends were left to drink the tea, Dear Youn § him with her tongues; and to have elreulated if You by means of Churches and Missions wry Nooleties, Bible Houses and Colporteurs, over practically the known world, 1020 wan the "Gold on Milestone! for the fssue for that vear wun over 11 millions, the highest In the history af the No. clety, and the gifta recleved were the greatest on record, Hut what the Report emphasises most is the need of the Word of God for travellers over life's dusty and diffloult ways, and it contains an invitation to all who are fin. terested In the moral and spiritual good of the world, te become what the anclent Romans called "keeps urs of the road," to meet ita mile Ake cost and to help the Hoolely to bulld the great maral and spirit« ual roads along which the feet of humanity must tread in order to reach the divine goal, We cannot commend too highly the attractive form in which the book fg lssued, and we cannot help giving a word of appreciation to ita present Editor, who has avalled himuelt of lMterary references an« olent and modern, and has in pop- ular form given us a stirring story of the growth of a great Hoclety, of ita achievements in the past, and of {ta hopes and aims for the future, The announcement that the Bri tish and Forelgn Bible Noclety Kau just Isstied Its popular report for the current year will be welcomad by all those who have had the op. portunity of veading from year to yoar, in story form, the report of the work of the Noclety, There Ia perhaps no other record of the kind dn the world which present In such a fascinating way a survey of Christian missionary enterprise, or gives with greater Insight the religious condition of the work In auch brief and attractive form, The year the report Is entitled "Another Milostone,"---and this Is A very appropriate title as 1080 marks its 120th anniversay---and apound the idea of the "Golden Milestone' erected in the Forum ut Rome cebturies wgo, from which all distanges in the Roman Empire were measured, the Kditor, Rev, | KE. W, Emith, centres the story of the Hoolety's activities In transla: tion, in oireulation, and in the de. velopment and progress of the past 28 years, The chapter titles speal for themselves: "A backward lance o'er travelled roads" A long the road" "Meeting the mile. age,' It ia surely an nohlevement to have fssued 807 million por tions of the Bible In 185 yeas: to been responsible for ite ro aaatlon in AY different 1 Free Methodist CHURCH in Canada (Over Areade) 10 BIMOOK NT, N, Sunday, October 27 3 p.m.=--Service, Rev, R, I, Casement, Pastor Cordial Welcome GRACE Lutheran Church MAHONIO RUILDING day, October 27 9.40 am ~Hunday Sehool, 10,80 am~Morning Wor ship, Rev, A, 0, Hahn 188 Alice Street ALL ARN CORDIALLY WELCOME SCIENCE GUARDING FOOD PRODUCTION Strict Laws Govern Manu: facture to Ensure Health, You are Invited to all these Helpful Services THE TOP O' THE MORNIN! It 1s remarkable (but not to a fisherman) what an attraction fish. ing has always had for statesmen, one of the most arde.. anglers, Lord Grey, better known as Bir Rdward _Grey---reqanily told an Jv RTahing the bedroom of which out have tired hy means of a hed be THE SALVATION ARMY AIMOOK AND OAK Services Conducted Kn. sign and Mre, A, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Celina Street Opposite Maple 8t, 10 am~~8unday Soheol 11 am-=Morning Wor ship, T pm, == "Does the Ox Know Ite Master," Mv, J, J, Meyer in charge, uesday--8§ pm, Prayer service, Wedneaday, 8&8 pmo Young Peopla's Mesting, Friday, §& vm, Bible Study, Come and enjoy these bright Services With Um HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Caner Court and Harrie Ste, REV, § C JARRETT Incumbent U0 Fairbanks St, fam & 11 ame Communion, nel , 8 pmo=fynday School, T pm By na enEOAE and -- a, Christian Science First Church of Christ, Solentlsty @4 Colborne Street Hast Sunday, October 27 SUNERCT: "Probation After Death" Hpecial Young People's Hervioes, 11 am,~Hollness Service, 8 p.m.~=HBpecial Program, \ 7 Sane-Aivation Meeting Sun oY Beoaiem10 a.m, and pm, it will made St. George's ANGLICAN Oor. Bagot and Centre Ste CANON 0, a 2am, formal evening frock, It was long, even te the floor, all the way round, and its walstline was higher than normal, Its trimming suggested the Grecian, consisting, as it did, of crossed bands above the walst and around the hips, Its olor was one of the new, rioh veds, and aver it the model wore an eves ning wrap of black panne vel. vet, quite a mood bit shorter, and draped In the approved caw! fashion, A fur drape of white ermine followed the cowl lines and finlshed a perfect oolor symphony, ng! PEE EE IT TEIN MI cm #9 Athol Street West Holy Communion=--8§ a.m, 11 am ~Moralng Prayer Sunday Sehool Centre St» 2.00 pm, Jibtieme Ind Sunday each 1 am--=Rev, C. | North Simcoe St. nit Rev, A. MANS 0 lL ARWIN, "w B, . Pastor 89 Greta 6%, Phone 2202W 1] & 1 pan, = The Paster, , 230 pl, = Sunday Sehesl, TRAE that experience which a man has As he wees hia mother lying in the regal robes of death, Or those In« tense and human times on the verge of the beautiful and good and tha true that are opening doors and windows into the heart of the ernal, "And go for us who believe that God 1a, and that God loves us, and that in his love, He sent Jeaus REMEMARANCE OF ME" vA BISHOP'S MEDITATION Dr, John 'Thompson Dallas, blahop of New Hampshire, ia the author of the following commun. fon meditation on the words, "Po this in remembrance of Me" "Things that are sacramental are thoss thinga which open up the depth of human nature and the " Christ Church Spat Se ow ero ad Montreal, Oct, 26, ~The develops ment of bacteriology and chemistry, tacumbent. 80% broom, M.A, nd educational Wook done by public ath and medion Awosiations have Sunday, October 27 gradu Jolgltd lo wodern foo 11,00 a m -- Morning Prayer control, outure, anals i of the Dominion Department of told members of the Advers \ at their weekly luncheon phe | unt Row! Hotel tidy ; i racing Canada's pure Wh, 2.30 pam Sunday fi! nr "Pa w:Coutire stated: that ool, reat riden ve bean accomplished ' 'in the last' 50 ye improve 4.00 p.m, -- Baptisms, ing the Quality of { and drugs 7.00 pm. -- Evening at the supplied to the Canadian public, ur task, however, is never finish. ed. We aim at perfection, yet pers fection ls net of tin work. fs which hag made possible effi fi and drug control, is also used by une serupulon, manufacturers, and subtle forms of adulteration, which were even unthought of 25 years ago, are how coming nto use, But fortunates & Shins provides, us hh means of detecting such frauds, an work is A hecoming more dou and mare (ntavastine deptha of God's heart, 'When you come to a service as are having now, it ought tu Ip ua to wee all of the saoramen- tal things In life, T am sure each one of you oan think of many human experiences wherein those two things meet, the divine and the human, where the depths of human nature well Wp and the depths of divine love burst upon us, "Sometimes it may be that the unrolling of the clouds in the west makes us cateh our breath and stand on tipstoes, Or It may bo that aweet and trusting look with whieh a child looks wp into your face, Or it may be, as | and my brothers have #0 often seen, that that comes into a woman's face sometimes when she stands by an open grave, Ur it may he some such awful experience ag a lot of us remember when the word went round that thére was peace, and we thought of the sacrifice and pain which ushered wa ime the greatness of humanity and the awhilnese af Aad Ne + wave ha to us, this sacrament which we eall the Holy Communion has a signit lcance whose depth we never oan Quite reach, and we do not under stand all {t holda for us, "It ia a solemn thought when You realise that Jeaua sald: "Do this in remembrance of Me!' He wanted to be loved, He wanted to bo remembered, because He knew us, knew what it would mean t¢ Wa to remember and to love Him," ANXIOUS FOR SUNDAR SINGH WHO SET OUT FOR TIRRT Sadhu Sundar Singh, the best known Ohvistian In India, 18 re. jotted to have gone to Tibet the t of June for two months, Nos thing was heard of him, "The lack of newa Is ving "ay, to his friends and Rev, T\ B, Riddle, of tha North Healand Presbyterian mission at Roorkee, have gone In search of him hoping to send some Tibetan Christian Across the hon der after news If he Is unadle to wat 4 athanmion, Wesleyan 200 King REV. E. J. REV. A. E. CO will conduct « ¢ evening, except Sa Special Singing "Come thou with us Num, 10:28, lope suede is elegant and slky wally smart, In accessories, When ack was smart hefore the ensem- ® {dea was not the ruling theme of erything in fashion, Rlack gloves EVERYBODY WELOOME ve one of the most important ostume detalls, and the short love, oufipd smartly, the short pack slip-on and the long black vede formal glove ave all a part nf the vogue---suede Another ex- peedingly smart fashion, | Afternoon brings out the hlack uede accessory ensemble, It 1s pecially lovely with black anit the ow shades of green and ved, less Attractive with brown and blue, The completed ensemble is made ip of long gloves, a handbag of uede and suede opera pumps, ones trap slippers or Oxfords, Antes aft, and trimmings, as a clasp or arnament, may he of marcasite, uede shoes may wear Kid ar lisard rimmings, the bag matohing, : lof Pentecostal Assemb RQTARY CLUB BLDG., Contre St, Rev, J. T, Rall Sunday, October 27 10 am. ~Sunday Schoal Ham = "Gideon's Fg pm vangelistic The Message for You. | wi ot Morning Service at 11 am, ivy 8 Bohool Fal Avg mn Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Healt through Christian Solence, ny You are cordially invited to' at dud te services and to uae ®/ Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all aut Christian Science literature be todd, borrowed of purchased aad foals subsoribad for, Open oy vwesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays from 2 0 5 pW, Unity Truth Centre WELCH RALL, King 3t W, 10 ame=Nunday Scheal

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