Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 a a S- at .---- en i La Ha pr eT and rm ia WooInG winNp Huth Hranfom, neauver, 0, ind 19 8 lover, ving. Tonk. % ke 110 0 ions of thie Hon, The Jet onreshing 1 Hwy! A i bof engiiting At the waves of the wea, She wind in pleading, ammunaing me, y Wards ave wivong Ake the wieeds of fhe oo vk in winning, LU Lg i his MONK Of the love af the wen, [JR Wallnoo Johnston han returned from a visit to huh, Ont, Nd Jamon Dalgoll, Colborne Bt, has | NY moved Lo Philadelphia to tive, 4, WW MeDanald, Montrave Ave, spent wome me in Hamilton veer ently, ha, vad Gordon Buloher, Inspector of Ocenn Insuranes Alo, 'Torento, wis in town on hyninaan, veoently, bu Merkley otanded the eon' vention held hy the Ontario Chives i Amociation, * toy Erma rain of Tavonte; Is vieniny Mys, 4 JW, Unldwell, of Bond street, ver. the Wonk ond, M, Malntyre Hood Ie in Torante this afternoon attending 8 meeting of the provineinl executive of the Canadian walon, Geraw, Jackson, Oahawa No, Vyowt Moohe, 1000, hy TAY i Ll] abjarard, Shed Toronto Lodge Jant weal, Laat ahah the heaubitul hall of the Art 0 Mibry at the Grange In Toronto was the soena of the ane nual Bohemian Ball for the stud ants of the Ontario College of Avi Many and vagled ware the eelortul costumes that appeared on the danes tloar when the oprohestra started to play, There wera ghosts and plates and prople dressed 10 veprasant all the different nations And the pieture presented win one of life ald golor ARd romance, A number of Oshaws poopie attend od this aftaly, among thess were Ee "Ever meet Eh with 'clean reek"? + Yeu, an opened bundle of family wash from this soft water laundry fairly reeks of fresh, eriapy aleanliness, Housewives whe care appreciate keen: ly the weekly pleasure of yeselving the parcel and sorting it out, Owuy methods ava just as sim: pla as soft water, pure soap, and. many rinsings, but == and here's the big paint == by laboratory ve: "pteh we know for cers tithat the water is welt and the soap pure; Hach wash in done wapavately, and without any marking or starehing, Phone to: day and let ws tell you of our five different services, or ask any one of ow eourteaus drivers, Phone' 788 aaa i |r funen. Wisle Hows, Milian, Fil bins, Rue hhridgs, Gladys werd, Bart Cormwall, Haigh Viekorr, Tem Brown and Jos O'» Brien, During the evening the students of the first year, reselved thatly initintion 1 gto Je tollege, horn tons lating nd ame Wold arin oontest was then snjoy« wm, Mountenny and Mrs, ar won ihe Jw, priven, Mr, and Mya, Gordon Conant will have ly thelr guests tomorrow, Hon, 0, Smith and Mes, Smith, nf Wo: Col, A Bmith and Myw, Smith, My, and My, Loon Bmith, a Hollw n Hmith, all of Winona, Ming Harris, of Hamiiton, and (0, Williamson, of Toronto, Mr, and Mes, Miles Buek and My, and Mys, Bdwin Buck, of Bath, Ont, enlled on friends In Oshawa Inst week on thelr way to Batavia, * LJ The Bonk of Mngland held thelr weakly whist drive In the 8,00 hall Jub avening, "Ihe usial prises were Elven and theses wera wan hy Mri, Gaovge, Mrs, Bentley, Mrs, A Hoekford and Messrs, Cordan, Ah hott, and Hrotherwood, Tha spe olal prige Wie woh hy Mr, Beawn, The Videllssimo Clans of King Bt, United Sunday sehool held thely tient wooinl svening for the fall and winter months on Thursday at the home, of Mrs, 0, W, Hilts, Mary wtvant, Ahout foriy«five members attended and ware voosived hy two members of the olask dressed ghostly Hallowa'sn costumes, The committees In eNavga of re freshiments served the guests 10 witahes' Tats, The Hallowe'sn wanBon wil ohserved in tha decors tons throughout the house, A vols of thanks wan tendered to Mea, HIER for the une of her home for the evening Home husiness and plans made for wiving Hie memberships to the WMH, one to the Alles Jackson YW, Auxiliary and one to the Mission Band from the olan finde for missions, * J wai pondneted 1, Py regulary Thurs The Ontario Templa No, thinn Hixters, held thely meating In the T.HH, on day avenlng, Mister Iva CUI, M MW, CO, presided, A numbhap of 1a dion of the Hubert Temple, Hamil ton, pald a visit to the Oshawa Ia dies, There were Histor Clara Beit" tony BBGC, of Ottawa, Oshawa and Tovonto Temples, Mister Deus oilla Barriow, OM, of F,, Sister Hertha Thedortt, GPC, Blatpy Wik Huon, Degres Captain, Histay Wal noe, PLO, of Jublles Temple, Birat ford, now residing fn thin elty was wee A Fuest at the meeting, Heys oral speeches were made hy the visltors and some of the lees) memharg The plensant evening wil brought to a ologe after par tuking. of some dainty refresh ments ANNO NOU RMENTY Mrs and Mrs, , WwW, Harrow: olough announce the sngEaEement of thelr daughter, Davie Alherta, to gyri! Pelton Dayo only son of Mr, and Mrs, 8, 1, Deva, of Bmith Falls, The darrlage will take place the middle of November, . W, Card, Banta Mr, and Mp, ©, Announes the Mantea, Oalifarnia, engagement af their dau ni Batella, to Harhert I, Panter, of Oshawa, son of Mes, Porter and the inte Frank Porter, of Kingston, Ont, the marriare to take place erly In November, v ET M, Mason, a Ate, Raia in Ninian vieket 19 years old, shawl 4 that a David spencer lent 4 Honey Rathwell 75 contd oi a hat and a walsieeat, a pawnhraker of Parks A PAWN Th operate an ant mobile in Gers MARY GRe Eat pay nearly $80 for Heonse, and pass an examination an sophie saurae of inatrwodon in a trafio whol Heonsed hy the gove ernment, ol which vequires seve opal weeks, Cand vidiewlous made the evening's ol Till CONCERT | CENTRE ST, CHOIR oud Fashioned Costumes, Choruses, Solo Quart ottos and Recitations United Centra Bt, United Ohureh Oholy Manenied a very attractive 01d ime concert In the sehoal room, Int avening, The seene opened with an old sonpte sented in thelr ving voom, foiling lonely, and wishin thal gomeana would come, Buddenly thelr wishes were granted, when the village eholy Hk ied admin won to have thelr final rehesren hetare giving a concert the follow: Ing week at Pumpkin Contes, After averyona lind wrested the host and hostess, (he yahearsnl onmmencell, The audience was am used with the quaint, hit preity, old fashioned costumes, whieh were worn by the eholy members, Chore UNO, voor! nolo, quarteties, plano solos, and veadings, hoth serious enterininment, Tha vidieulous num. hers onvned the audience to Isugh heartily, Al the elose of the rehearsal, Aunt Mandy passed around seme of hor maple sugar, after whieh every one Joined In singlug Annle Laurie and the King, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MET AT BETHESDA Combined Meeting With Ladies' Aid Is Well Attended Bethesda, Oot, 14 Mrs, I", R Hour In spending a few wesks with hor nieces, Miss Flovenee Hoar, al Howmanyllle This month's mesting of the Ty rane Women's Institute and Ladies' Ald met at the home of Mya, Rone ald Boptt, and wan well attended, Mpa) Booth received the members in her genial unassuming way, And HOON. aVRrYone wan at home and ine tarantad In the following Program) Mina Helen Hoot, of Orone, fave oved with a plane solo, Miss Mar unreal ha room vary aweetly, and (Phage Pow AM HENRI WT An Piwknam Lasanavon at ones Mra da and rend a paper op M Maes W Wh Money Cannot Huy" My! or worved hy & group of ladies an all sanjay od a soot! halt hour Misa Hevia Cole visited Mise May Javie Panoos, day Mp, Kenneth Fraser spant Hatuy® day with friends In Hraokiin Misses O, and KH, Cale, Messrs JR and BB, Cole, vislted Mrs MoCready tn Howmanville on" Bun any Monars, Jaok Hamilton and Jim MoCOraon spent Hunday with friends in Toranta My, and Mes, J, B, Oale, of New tonville, spent the day with J. RW HK, Cole and My, and Mes, 17, J, 7 Unle Mpg, Tod, of Bowmanville, Mes Wright and wong, George and Tom, of Hamilton, vishted at J, R, R Cole's on Friday, ton An" | harmony al Hampton, on Bun LE LL LE aii] PUPRONeR an ne dents, Persia) lamh on hraadeloth an Murthy oambination, Fura are used laviahs 1y on canta of eloth, J h N ' With the Home inMind KB ne longer nak upon "" WwW word "ensemble" aa a ne Idea, rather we have adapty od IL an A synenym for ay Aryihing that is earreet and sma In fashion, We huy our lugeas In ensembles, and are, constantly oansldering a purehase In relatioy th other purehases with wenera In ming And Just a [00lar has aame 19 rule aur homes helnging oheer ta dull roams, the ensemble theme has ovept inte house furntshing aur ideas of everywhere, | Lot un sunsider, for the moment the guest headroom, and the pes | AEAlgat the backereund of wall \ ARG furniture, and the oalor of th former and the type of the lat Lowlll guide the eholes of hang And Roar oalorings and bedres furnishings in general, It In quite possible, at this o Ea aa In F you read your adverilseme carefully, as yaw showin, you will note that any list | ARpraved colave will end w he words "and Black!" Merely an "wisoran" in the ww for Mahlon supremacy, hut a avawed leaden, far nothl smarter, and nine Himes aut o you will find, In attempt ehoosa fram the melee of What nothing fa quite as sna Fashion dlotatore the Rew sea: SOR seem 10 think ARRAY, The hladk fraek 1a conceded Avs! Place far daytime uses hy all of th Paria conturteres, It Ia approved fOr street wear, for sparta Purposes In the fabri sections we Ane 88 saline, velvels, wWoeleny aren slike, All for dayiime wees an {Ah MO that haek = the w saphiatioated syening calor, sia C Di! there Is Bo ORS Wha i RPE h WETS ario lew York YOUTHIULLY vO A Prinoess sumpestion with smart WrARROd trontiment tn flared skirt, that gives Interesting sawing to how, The molded Hue through hones #0 essentially tmportant to good taste and wlondorness, In what maken Hiyle No, 710 a vend favors ie with smart women, It employe printed sheap valve, In tobaeen hrown tones, A MW tal belt at either aide that HN Earment olosply to the figure, is pibed plain hrown grassrain pike an, AR Attractive feature ta the ves ten apened at conter-frant made of helge canton crepe, Heavens are fitted with darts below the alhows Thin "arning made! oan. ba had In wlan 14, TR, DO Yours, 80, An, 40 and 40 nohen Bust and wil Nake YOu Appear oharm hay Ba Itt aplend WRONG A p time ooeaston made of hlaok orepe satin with veaten of egmshell shade slik evapo, Plum shade th slik orepa with vaste of Whit fallle silk ovens in Wrkinete : ht . neparent veal tanainat i - "after Rayon novel arepe Site, orepe pS i and shear woolen suitable he hi oh t, 1 \ price 30 canta, In sta or ealn (ooin tn pre ferred), Waar ol, carefully, ® Bugdest that when you send fay Phtiemm YOu enclose 18 pent atsitionnl for a o WY of our new at ad Ww Inter shion Maga: LV PURCHASE COUPON ER A gn nl eg BRN Wis Wh A WIA Se MITT Te. HER Ga WIE BER Lan AAR ANIL E RELL IAAL AAA LIRA AR ARRAN AAAS NATE 110 10110 I A ABIL 11111 I IA EAA Town | AALRRALI ARLENE LITER SETITEREALCRTALTRTTN Pravines HHA I AA Lag Rp Homme w PARCE]L CONTAINS GIRL'S SHORN LOCKS Bobs Halr Before Becoming Canadian Citi zon Kamonton, Mia , Dot, 46 Hitle brown paper package, resting on the desk of W, C', Mune PO; BUpYSIME canurt orderly, there I6 8 wlary of an dramigrant's devel apment Into a Canadian eibigen, proof positive of the forsaking of age old Kurapsan deals for those of Canada of today, Hama Uma amo, Mr, Munro ne toed a young fmmigranl awaiting In the souvt house corridors to ko hefore a Justice Lop putipalisgation With him was n pretty hionda giv, who fudglng from lier dress und tulls had Just that day arvived from the sontinent, Tha olservant .m derly concluded they wers swesl hearlg wha hod just heen reunit od after the youth had spent long yours making a home hava for his future bride, "The girl had a small brawn paper pares! elutokod tight ly In her hand Next. morning na haneh where the young eonnla had Sat was aheorved, and found in eontain & masg of beautiful blonde haly ] Hyidently the faundly eanvine haeoming an Can tn hava hig swaoslhe actly hahhed, In fact ha sven eon dared thin wid ha 1nkan healfora spplying for his naturaliss ton In na now pares] on tha viulh was pra Ad the flvst step In Man: eltinan n it's hale anpd plan hn ANA AR ATMA] AROMA ARRAN Coa a L] Soa Owe Now Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE NE Rimcoe NE Sawth [awith a rust red woolen frock edgy (@ngth coat of black caracul, (RI ise and fared shirt her, and the antive auth planned WERE rosin that you have In mind AMIR TTT TERT ITV IYI) De yor MG GAME COUNTRY A hiinter's sucoess depends en tirely on his ability to select a ter vitory eontatning tha Ereatest amount of game por square milk of walking Osnrk Ripley, noted writer and Aportaman, returned & shore time BE from a earelul survey of th hunting krounds of Northern On tare, The wiat of hia report, made ta the tourist offices of the Cann dian Paciflo Ratlway, 1s as fol lows! There ts a conalderahla Inovease river distelote, Moosa show a pond inovense All the way down the wes pide of Lake Temiskaming and the Ottawa viver, Bho celebrated hig game veplons Along the noemh ahora of Lake Bapevior, Just nopth of the Canadian Pacifle Hallway Hine, are Wall sunptiod with moose and dear, partionlarly In the Mis wanabie and Matapamip dlateiots Warth while information on the hhove subject 18 contained In mphlet entitled "Pips for Hun y Which may be obtained fram any Canadian Pactfio agent or W, Fulten, Asslatant Genera) Passenger Agent, Toronto, The Women's Corner Vor Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper [together with six of deer In the French and Mattaws | "The Return of the Mull) The Bt, Vaul Plonesr Press broad cunts wood news for the woman whose hands get sold in winters "Fhe muff is coming hacks A new York woman ha, appeared on the slrects of Winnipeg, Manitoba, wenrs mg one, Replying to eautious inquiry hy n reporter, she advised him that milfs are decreed by fashion for the Coming winler, "Ehat may mean little or nothing ta the newer generation which re wards muffs ns relies of the time when women fainted and wore stays, hut to the gray-haired man, whe res merbers slipping his hand into his mother's mult for & momentary hit of warmth or eomfort, it will he like meeting an old friend, "The muffs of those days were generous affairs and eoostitited wn sort of furry mine for coins and bits of eandy hy those who had staked & elaim, No pleture of u shating girl was com pleti without the mult pressed aginst her fuss to ward off the win try breege, As an sid to better un derstanding and promoter of the art of holding hands, the mult was In winter what the parasol was in sum mer and something better, "Up until the time of the Restoras Hon in the 17th century, men wore mulls, but women put them to so meh better use than mere protestion far the hands that men gave them up and pretended to seorn them as effeminate, Modern woman may de cline to return to long skirts and a ted waistline, hut It Is at least ot inconceivable that she will re tore the muff to favor, The mod ern mult ds small, not mueh larger + double mitten, but the sige Is edly Immaterial" THE LATEST IN FOOTWEAR ptteption of those who gom id the styles in footwear have ed, this season, on evening 8 and shoes for more formal Crops 18 & most popular fa from whieh slippers are fash wed and may be dyed to mateh any ih, 80 there Is no longer any ex of oft shades, This hin wear often mikes eostiume, where ol & wrong or ol Ww touch of tor fe an entire a slipper Migly shide mars ik anerm THE SCHOOL CHILD Sometien a ehild 18 regarded as dl when he has & physieal defect wine is handicapping hig IE he lias varache, have & i Slelan exam ine hig eur 1 he holds a book too plowe, or does not see the tka rd well, hive his eyes tested, Hit 8 back Wii ness May © due to dea og of veslitht, Are his teeth noi ponditiant 10 you have not had the dentist look them overs do so at onge Lhe school ehild should eat a good dhitant resnlarly, His eyes and piven and general health will be put fo boo ient 8 strain unless he regu larly eats this important meal, Most children do not get up In time to eat breaktast with the family and they eb dn the habit of eating no break nat, "U'his 1s very bad very ehild should learn to start the day with a ome breakfast, He nepds food needs gas, or his viine eannot pull, Has he ropular tollet habits? He should be trained to these, Many a child suffers from nervousness, Wek ol eareless habits hie whole JUAL B38 YOUF Car BARN AND HAY DESTROYED A frame barn in Kee Walter A, Mott, oads of hay, were tally destroyed by fire at an early howe yesterday morming The erack Hug of the burning MN ding wroused A young bay named Manion, living nearhy, who gave the alarm, A tele who me eall was sent in to the fire department at 218 o'cloek, the mem: bers of which responded quickly and found only the twe ends of the barn standing after the flames had all but coipletely destroyed the structure before the outhreak was discovered One line of hose was ald and the water was nied to suegessfully keep the flames (vom spreading 10 a gar ane situated close to the huening building, on which some insurance was carried, Rroekville fr street owned by Red Rose Tea comes direct to us from the finest tex gardens, then straight to your grocer --brimful of favor and freshness, Every package guarantesd.,, RED ROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Toronto Girl Swimmers Win Many Events er Montrenl, Out, HT) showing thelr superiovity over representa tives of loeal clubs, a trio of Tor onto girls won the first threes places of the Pentathlon, the major event on the Canadian amateur champ lonship swimming meet program hers Tost night, fhe Pentathlon, comprised of five different events, and which made Its appearance as # resogniged championship event In Canada last night, was won by Miss Mary Casson of (the Toronto Granite Club, with Miss Dot Prior of the Parkdale Dolphinettes and Miss Betty Hdwards, also of Tor onto Granites; elaiming second and third place respectively A BOO yard relay for the Cana dian senlor women's ehamplonship Was won hy a team from the loeal YW.C.A, in the time of three min utes and 17% seconds, The record for this event stands al two mine utes and six and 1-6 seconds MAN KILLS GIRL, SHOOTS HIMSELF Bank Teller Found Dying Beside Body of Vietim Cobalt, Oct, #0 Viola Bopha, 26, 1s dead and Ralph Walker, tell or in the Imperial bank here wha, polies say, fired the shot thal killed the wir), 1s dying In the Mines hospital here, Doctors sald EE last night that thers litle chanos of his ving, Behind a plle of ties Nipissing Central tracks, half a mile wouty of the town, the two wera found just before midnight hy MH, Roberis, a shift boss toy the Mining Corporation, By Walker's land lay a 8% onlibre revolver, Hoberts, walking past, heard thelr groans, He summoned sid hut the girl dled on the way to the hoapital, Both had hesn shot through the temple Provinelnl Constables Byrne and Roth, who investigated, found no evidenss of a struggle, Whether It was a ease of murder and at tempted suleide or a sulolds paot they ware unable to say, The bank clerk was uneonselous when found, The girl died without a werd, No one heard the shots fired, Wallier only recently came to Cobalt, but it 1s sald that he had heen on very friendly terms with the dead girl, There have heen sum gestions that the banker was in finanelal difffeulties and ne mo- Live has yet heen uneovered, Viola Hopha was a pretty olerk in the ladies' wear store of MeDers mott and Hulllvan Her father, Hert Bopha, Ig the town foreman. Wha on the To the mass of people today art nd beauty are nothing but debauehs= ory =Hernard Bhaw i -- ai FREE! A NEW PERFUME To vapldly Intvoduse ans of " ool Oriental Perfumes HA "Dream Kiss Perfume" we will send Mbaplutely FREE a gone Braue sample of LE) 1! . fume Bachet Powder Shmuh 0 hog awer of slothes a or months, It's free HH rabmm------y & whels porfimed send your name and iy \oday THE ORIENTAL ¥ 3 Adelaide Bb, wo En FUME gor An Ailing | (CHILD un prepared to render fieat Ml nd quick comfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sort? Could you do ihe TL thing=immediatel he emergency came withe a gh th te perhaps fonight } storia 1a a mother's standb sueh times, T hete ia nothing lik Tide it in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use, For a sudden attack of colle, or the gentle relief of al anttipaiion) to allay a feverish condition, or to soot r A fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa ration is always ready to ease an ailing youngster, It i just an harmless an the recipe on aay heads, it you nee { etcher's W genuine ari Barrels : ; to the smallest infant; pion wil tell yon hy ou can tell from the the wrap i how nid Fra how Sohtinue wih Ch a id is ow LSTA YS The Burns Company Ltd. King and Simcoe Streets A SBLACHFORD SHOE FOR WOMEN vlaiedlidiriiiiiii ii ida oy ANN ad NN ~ RT BON ed SN

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