Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 4

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« AGE FOUR JE Oshmus Bly Times Bussendin y # THE OBHAWA DAILY REFORMER ed (Brtablishey wm 17 Chas M undy, H dent Somtls dniied: m y Dally Times is a member of the Sone: ER A LF Audit Bureau of Cizeulations, BACRIPTION RATES A pi k By wall in Canada ): "oo J Indie Bjoton, $500 8 youn, [175 ORONTO OFFICE ; Bullding, 80 Temperance Birest, Telephone H, D Tresidder, reprasentative 3 REPRESENYATIVES IN 0. : ors and Blons, Iney New York dnd Kian . ---- -- hi i ATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 GETTING OU) THE VOTH Hi ECE ' am the elestion eampalgn dn a last stages, the Waimathought of the parly organisations 1s now Rural to the problem of getting out #8 Tirge & vole yo ¢, This is ene of the chief Hoes of astivily A Wan day comes around, Orgaiizations eon tony hin attention on 'weelie to I that Wi of the supporters of thelr partiowlar eandidate cone to the polls and east their ballots Fleets. of alone: hiles are provided, serutineers are ad work, and every means possible 1x taken to see that every vole thai eal be brought in 1s registered, It should nat, of course, be nedessary for the ean didates 10 da this, Levey eidaen who has (he vight to vate should make it a point af duty and respon sibility 40 take the time and expend the effort neces piEy (0 vinle thie palling station en Oetober M0, 11 is admitted that in cases of frallly or nfivmity, autos wehiles are often necessary (0 bring yolers to the polls, but i ds somewhat galling 10 those whe bes lieve. that fhe franchise is a gliv worlhy of appre elwrian, worthy of bhelng weed, 40 see wble-hadied men and women walling for ears (0 dransport them to the pall before they will take tha trouble to exerelee that franchise, 11 Is useless, of epuree, to pall agains thin things It his become an Auaepied, Pugtony and old gustan die hud, It would, nevertheless, he encouraging to these whe have & strong belief in demwveracy to find the ele tare al Onhawa and Bouthy Ontario Necking we, the polls of their awn volition next Wednesday, seorning 19 walt for some party organization te send along a oar 10 take them there, 1 would be a splendid thing, and supely {1 is net ee much 10 appeal te every elegter fn this disteiet to take his ar her vesponsibility Aeplously, 0 make & frm aeaolve 16 vale a early ab possible without walling to be called, and 10 put that veselve inte practical effect, 1 that were dene, then the vesult would be a proper expression of the will of the peaple of this viding, and net merely of the will of & small proportion whe take a real interest in tha affaiea of Aheir Proving DUMPING OF UNED CARS Dr The resolution reaarding the dumping of weed awe "mobiles inte Canaga from the United Hiates, whieh the Oshawa Chamber of Cofmerse has sent forward for the consideration of the federal government, touches on problem which ix heoaming a very press ing one In faeh the whole prablem of disposing of wie automobiles 18 a serious one, without any agvavas tion nthe form of dumped gars from the other side of the international heundary, Iv is a known fact thi! automebiles in the Untied Staten sell for mueh lower prices than do the same models in Canada This means What when they are tened in for tessale, they have a uch lower value than weed ears on this side of the border, Owing to the fact that there fs a hut of waed ears in the United Bates, they ean be purchased very oheaply, dumped inte Canada, and there soll at much lower figures than any dealer afford 10 sell Canadian waed ears, This 1s a situation in whieh the Downinion Gaver: ment should show a sympathetic interest, bagked up _by action Jb afieets the whole fiture of Canada's _aviomebile. industey, an industry which has grown 19 seh (Peimendous proportions i This country hit LAL shold he given every vy APHRFIUNILY 19 ans C inue te growth, And the Ratenebite manufacturers and dedlers ave net the only suitererd from (his Hii practies, very wetor ear owner is Fable 10 find the value of aa ear greatly reduved by the tikiton of cheap Aweriean nbd cars whieh are the Canadian mike With 30 ARE people directly affected; the resolition of the Oshawa Cham: Bor of Commerce should have stipng support from similar bodies alk over Canada, and from the general a8 8 Whole, ANd every presse poasthle should Drought 10 Rear on the FOVORMMEnt, so. that it hay the justice of \he request A WORTHY APPEAL anvil appeal of the Oshawa Braneh of the Legion, Known ad the Peppy Day i sid wider wan, and will seach in climax th the ¢ Tag Day whieh is 10 be hell on Saturday JOS prior 19 Whe day of remembianey Tu way be that these ave sill wany » fet aware of the work that is dene Canadian Logion with the funds valved a thiv Poppy Day appeal There who are che in with the work, however, how of the geed t Bas been dene a the Tash yedr with the waomey Tat Novemben wah Bn which the Poppy Day aps swprort Tn the Byst place, the pepe which are offered for sale ase all Fiaabid eeservive en wha han Wg ther avivent hy they are omphyed Bn Whe Veit shops of it t F gz 7 Xo 4 fii? i i i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 the depatiment of pensions and national health, Thus the cost of the poppies and wreaths goes Daek to them in the form of wages, hy wilh they supplement their pensions and thes keep (hel famitied and themselves in aomtor| ba i 1 The balance of the proceeds remalng in the relief funds af the loeal heangh of the Legion, This relief fund is administered by a Jolt "committee 'of toe men and wore, and 1s ysed to give assistance to weedy and dlealdad ex: servied men who are faeed with virtual starvation owing te elfeumstanees over whieh they have no control, 11 goes 10 assist the widows and children of ex-service men who Have passed be yond, either en aplive services or a thelr beturn, very sent of (he fund is expe oh behall of mei who served thelr country BEE tine of need, or thelr families, That there 16 8 peeddor this ase sistinee fs shawn hy the fact that Tn the last twelve anihe the laeal beangh of the Legion has expended close to 000 In (his way, i J The theme of Poppy Day 1s one of remembrance, of memorialising the wen whe went overseas and did not some back, They are honored by the wearing of a poppy, and at the sania time, the people whe wear the poppies are honoring the dead hy helping the disabled, Thers gould be wo more worthy twos fold object for any appeal, and tHe eltivens of Osis awn, as it les within thelr power, should respond whalaheariedly and generously 1o it, FOOLHARDY COURAGE A -- --_ ata Another youn &Viator has started off on & lone flight aevess the Atlantie, and has failed ta 'reach Wis woul, Judging from the lessons of the past, he lind fallen into the coedh, and ean be counted 88 one more vietim of (hit foolhardy type of courage which has taken so many brave men (0 & walery grave Urban ¥, Diteman, the Montana eattleman, had everything against him in Ws venture, He had a machine whieh the bullder admitted was not' meant for long flights, he find, apparently, little naylgation knowledge, and had made but the seantiest preparas tons for his pariloug Journey, 1 seems mors Wie the result of a rash lmpulss than an adventure Under taken alter study and preparation In his ease, of course, the start was made without warning to anyone, ao that there Was he possibility of stopping Wn, Dut fn view ef the growing lst of deaths in transsAtlantie fights, ie Is time that soma kind of supervision were given ta these ventures, so that no man would he allowed to go off on a feel hardy expedition of this kind unless he had at least a reasonable ehanee of reaching the other side FIGURES AND FIGURES Eleetion time, tf It does nothing eles, absslutely dlspraves the old theory that figures ean's le, for fgures play an Important part In every elegtion eams palgn, There ave always stacks of statisties that are made available, and they pour from the lps of eans didates and eampalgn speakers lke water from a hose, Hut, strange to say, the Agures as quoted and interpreted by one aide seem entively different from those used by tive ether side; although they may res late 10 the same thing This has been vemarkibly Uemonsirated by the present election eampalgn, For two or three weeks, partisan newspapers opposed to the government have been pouring out eolumne of Rgures, Intended to prove that the 'government's Ananelng 1s bad, that the Liguor Cpntral Act is sausing more drunkenness, wore crime, more highway aceldents and so on, These figures Nave heen quoted in goad falth, and have been used by many opposition speakers in thele campaign addresses, Phen along comes the government side of the glory, and the same fAgures, or Agures purporting te relate to exaetly the same subject, are quoted vers hosely, and prove Just as conclusively that the govs ernment has a wonderful finanelal record, that the highway aeeldents are Jess than before, and that there is a greal improvement in drunkenness and grime under the Liquor Control Act Roth sides; of course, are sineere in the figures they vse and the manner fn whieh they interpret them, In fael they are examples of how figures ean be weed to prove anything which a man may want them to prove, So, when anyone starts to wie figures lave iahly in an election eampatn, it Is net alwayh wise 10 take them 1960 seriously, hecanne someone else may come along right wn the heels of the fest statistielan, and prove that Ms Agures and his interpretation of them were all wrong GOING HOME A ---------- Premier. Ramsay MaeDonald's visit 10 this conti nent in ever, After eleven days of epoch-mmking conferences and speeches fn the United States, and a similar period of speaking and resting in Canada, the head of the Labor government in Great Britahy has departed from these shores, and Iv now on his way back across the secean, These three weeka have heen erowded ones for the Rettish premier Both in the United States and Cane ada, he responded nobly to the great demands made upon his time and energy, and showed a willingness 10 meet conditions as they arose which made him a real ambassador of goodwill, He did more than that Fe preached a new gospel! 18 the work, a gospel of peace demanded hy national honor a gospel that statesmen shoot be ax willing to take the wisks of pene an they are to take the risks of wan Even that, however, does not exhaust the vesuha of Ms visit, Owing to the very nature of the party of whieh he ix the head in Britany, there were many wingivings, His speeches have breathed the wpieit of & sturdier Britain, and have helped to coment a closer tie of friendship between the Motherland and the people of Ganada, Not even the west anlent Iperialint hy this canatey coud find anything to eritieiee in the ideals which he presented for the fue wre of the Bnpite. OF MacDonald it can verily be said that he came, he saw and he conguerad, " EDITORIAL NOTES Fn Blain penny both the famoir and senior public speaking contesta were won hy girls, Just following Mother's voted Itomast Be rather galling © WU EB O'Conner th he toM when he thewght he wan Rirting with Miss Agnes MaePhail, she did not even wotiee Nw, ' | Holland san hardly be blamed for refusing a ve age 10 Room Tiotaky, The ackaiser is enough of that kingl 100 vy cowmen i a-------- Ids hard 1 Believe that tere are really dec WhG Hke commissions Ram undertakers. The cou be nothing wore didhororng to an honorad ow 0 Other Editors' Comments Ra WHEN WH/RE CARELESS (Pullman New) The pastor wag examining one of the younger classes, and ay the question, What ure the prio of ommission?"' After a Hille sie 16noa one young lndy offered: "Means sly, they're sis ought. to have eommitted haven't," ---- A VINETING GRIEVANCE (Wall Bireet Journal) TM ile girl was orying, Wey mother, to distract her thoughiy, tilled; 'Oh, some here, duriing==eoma here and look at the wetoplane,' The 1ittle girl van to the wine dow and stared up at the aeroplane ti it alsappenred, Then she got out her MHitle wet handkerchief again, "Mamma, what was I orying about?' she asked, MILK FROM A COW (Border Citles Siar) A whiman from Ohio milked a $18, 000 cow an Vark avenue, New York, one evening recently, while thous sands of New Yorkers stood around and rubbed thelr eyes, The "stunt" was part of the program of the mets ig of the Ohlo Boglety, hit amazed the New Yorkers, of course, was the discovery that milk comes from a sow, Many of the folks down there had the Ides (that the tae: onl fuid had Its genesis in a glass jute wa and a CANADIANIZATION (Ottawa Droit, Ind) Someone, speaking of the Uliran lig In Baskitehewat, sald hg would like to see these people Canadianigel nw generation, What 1s the use, when one Is talking of Canadianlea ton, of always attacking foreigners of continental origin? One should reasonably be able to spare a bit of ahnioty for the Canadlgnleation of forelgndra of Weitleh orig, There are plenty af them who have been In this country for several generations und are not more than halt Canadian in thelr point of view, If Indeed thoy lave become Canadians at all, - --------- BUCCESAFUL FALL FAIRS (AYIner Express) Nearly all fall fairs are over for thin year, und judging by reports, not one of them failed to be favored with i large attendance, Those held at later Hates appear to have drawn the largest erowds, the unusually fine weather and the absense of rain doubtless accounting for this, Late Beptember and the month of Qetober in @ better season for showing agri enlturl prodatis, for the rainy, frufts, ete, have then matured, and make u far better and more satisfac tory showing, Hut In this later pes riod agrienltiral societies take a bi ehanee of ahilly, rainy weather, which has Its effect on the attendance, It gives satisfaction to nole that all fairs were favored with such good conditions this year, and to know that practically all of them came through with a surplus, Bits of Humor "Ig your auto a pleasure ear?" No, there's room for my wife's mother In It" Teacher! Can you tell me what 8 walle is, Thomas? Tommy: Yea'm, It's a pancake with a non-akid tread, Fred! How long will It take you to fix that var? Mechante! I'm afraid it will take A long time, slr, That's the only Job we have al present, Tammant Mon, these lower tax! fares will make a serious deefers ence the un, We'll not be able to save Bue much by walkin'==Mont treal Nav, ------.. h] SR LLL Visttors=Do you know who I am, my little man? Willle«<Certainly! Don't you know whe you avet-Relloville Ontario, "Why were you driving wo fast this morning?" "Well, the Judge fined me five dollars for speeding {vieerday, and he couldn't change Wy ten-dollar hin, 4 he told me to go and speed tout" Uw Bandy: Mow much to the ata. ton? Cabman: Two shillings, sir, mandy: Doen that include the oharge for we age? Cabman: 111 take those for nos thing, sandy: © Excellent, Then YN walk! Bn. Little Salffleblister: Well, Pop says when are you golng to play tony 1 again? he Rich Uncle: Why, IT don't PRY fNothall, What makes you SERA. wou, | Atle ehilater: Well, Pop ya that When Wn klek off we are RE to ESL A brand-new automo ile and a house, unt WHY ur NERD JHB JOR! CA tonple § bv Pe talking Oh A mireet corner when a thin WAR passed. "Phere goes a fellow who ohare od around for year trying to land L political Job," sald one 'What doer he do now?" asked the ethen Nothing ha got the job," ve: plied the first man, Twp Nemes W \ the Prince of Peace And siddenty there was with the an. gel a nwititado of the heavenly host praduing and waving, Glory to God I the Mgheat, and on carth, RO = will toward wen ==Luke SAS LS p } "oy to the earth! the Kaviour reighs. Lot wen their songs omploy" That Body of Pours Dy Jamas W. Darton, M.D. RELIEVING JOINT PAIN BY NERVE CUTTING I linve Leen spenking recently a bout the wonderful sympathetic sys tent iin that hedy ef yours whereby when the need wrises (he liver 1s ide to give up some of 1s sugar, the spleen more red blood corpuscles, the blood vessels near tlie Him oie large so us tu get rid of heat from fipd work or athletics, and alse oth: ef helpful Jobs, However, just us the sympathetic system can be of & tremendous halp out research workers wre finding that it ean do Its work so well that where there ls pain, as Inu joint, the sym pathetic pysten ean do 1s work toe well, The Mayo elinle reports un saried uf 67 cnees of urthiitls or jolt pain, and find that the atmosphere pros sire or other wanther conditions ale fected the pain, In one of these causes where the weather mude the pain als ast tnhenrable un interesting exper) ment wus teled, The patient wis com pletely erippled, but by cutting cers tui nerves of the sympathetic syw tent supplying hips and legs, she was able to will twenty-two blocks She sald her feet and legs felt Yeomy" wherons before they had been | cold, elwimmy wid vseless "Ii this patient the hands, howey or, were still useless, und the fingers moist and clammy," Hy eutting some of the ngrves of the sympathetic system in rllon ul the neek and upper part of the buck, there was loss of pain and the hand becatns warm, and comfortable, As you perhaps know this cutting of the nerves of the sympathetic sys tei has boon used fn the treatment of tuberewlosls to wnke uw lung col lapse 80 a8 fo Rive itorest, In the treatment of that dangerous ailment aoging pectoris, and In sone £nsee ol asthing, libs ceMainly large field for seems to offer a research work and should bring relief to those sufferers from Joint allments, where the con ditlons are such that movement, ma supe, baking and so forth are of ne help, (Reglatered In neeordance with the Copyright Act) a A | What Others Say i CIVIC FRENDOM To the Kditor! October S4ih, 1089 Dear Biv, The publie discussion In thie ele tion eampalen has had uncommon ly narrow Hmite, 1 had hoped rome ventilation would have heen give to the relations between the login lature of Ontario and the muniol palittes as to the desirability of greater freodom for the latter There In, undoubtedly, an import ant section of publio opinion favor able to a redistribution of the legs falature powers granted to the On tario parliament at ita inception At that period, men of educa tien and municipal experience were AOAree and necessarily the laws and directions drawn up by the legis fature for the infant muniaipalities to follow were, In many Instances, ridionlounty paternal, furnishing puldance for avery trifling contin genoy, Today, however, after years of experience in munieipal government, loval boards are cap able, dependable and: qualified to peste wider responsibilities, en. | pecially the boards in cities and large country centres Meanwhile, the Jepislature of On tarip has expanded its aotivitie trom small heginnnings to embrace A widespread business of enot mous proportions, adding, amony pther important duties, publie van erahip enterprises, provinea wide pament highway construction and the development of the great new north, Ita yearly expenditure has enlarged from a modest total to a Aum of approaching sixty mil tong, In a word, it fs top-heavy with responsibilities, Ix not the time now ripe for the legislature to relieve itself of some af ita burdens by surrendering to the munioipalities rights of airec tion and limitation over certain of the latter's operations=-in affect sranting them freedom of action tn purely looal affairs? Thus, whi it would not be faly to outelde 4 veatorn In a olty's bonds to with. Araw wupervision of that elty's HW. debtednoss and the limit to the same, for obvious reasons, util), havond seh a perflons situation there remain many freedoms which pounld be safely granted, to the mw tual advantage of both branches of government, It might he demonetvated, if necessary that tha centralization under which wa live encour *es the supine "helng led" teallng, depress. en munieipal ambition and pro#voss and undoubtedly has a hurt tendency to stifle initiative, At verent, If a flash of geniua, coups od With & glow of ambition, lead a elty to apply to the provinelal govs ernment for permission to waders take nomething new, the answer to the application has almost me variably been, "This ix unusual, and until thera develops a more general tall for sueh permission through the prevines, I cannot see My Way clear to comwider ft" sneha deadening contralization ax this ts out of toueh with demos eratie freedom, I do not deny that uniformity has some comtortable aspects, On the other hand, loon! "freedom of ghoiee: beats tho bright promive of Sohange for the better swparhane In business, perhaps in social wp Hit, or perhaps in taxation and the cont of Mving, The prineipte underlying thie soveted addition to munioipal aw thority to which I draw attention: now a high water mark of our Empire's poliey, namely: "to he stow wells government to the ex tent people are competent to make proper we af the freadom confers Ved priveiple Which has prov on good tor the Bmytre, and Is safe and wire for the province of Ons tario, - A onreful serutiny of the mun fefpul wintutes show that neither inspection to mecure compliance with thelr terms nor penalties for non-eompliance exist, This lack of constraint encourages a quiet wel. ure of the 'right to Interpret' to Suit loon] dens, If you, dear sir, Crave Jroeh, pleases compnrae Okh awn's longstanding rule in varia tion with the letter of the statute regarding the assessment of pros. party, IL seems to me, If we have followed our best judgment in thin important detafl of municipal gov« ornment so long, without rebuke, and with such attending succes in veniiity, the whole power to assess ue wo may see fit, for the collection of 1o0al revenue, muy safely be sur. rendered to us, / And how humiliating it 1s for us not to be trusted to name a Niting fos for n peddier's license and that the ability and fairness to select un suitable police magistrate or dis viglon court clerk, und suitable re. muneration for such wervices, are regarded by the leglulature as quite beyond the oapacity of the alders men In the good elty of Oshawa, | have heen led to Inquire Inte this question of local nutonvmy, owing to the results affecting the character of the elty"s population, the prevelance of unemployment, and disturbances to the geuern) prosperity of the retall trade, nll of whieh necomplishhd or suceeaded the recent rapid growth of Oshawa, There weems to he a general pane plve ncceptsnce throughout the eity that our salvation Hes in bigs youn and stil) groater bigness, Judg. ing from the burdens and alarming perplexities reported regarding some of the elties which have gous over the road, ahead of uw, In pur sult of this fatuous and never satisfied ambition, we may properly pause to entertain grave doubts of Ite wisdom, Guhawn has a population of 26, 000s happy position we have striven for and atinined, with rea sonable hope of natural Inorense, poh ng dn 198K and 1020 has given Us==In unre some oily, quite big enough to absorb considerable looanl genius for mangement, Wikely governed, our elty may attain bet ter average living conditions ana wooure greater proaparity and dls tinotion, than eities of larger pop wintion In careless and misgulded hands, The situation in a labor olty of the size of Oshawa oals for more public commissions, In addition to the hoards to which we are ac customad Taking » leaf from in dustrial) efficiency, we readily learn that the present boards and com missions wre mot covering the whole ground, Kome of our fences need repair, Then let us get addi tional forces on the job, headed in the right direction, feeling thelr way a# to needs and plane, and our oltineny may reasonble feel confl- dont, that population problems, re- tail business perplexities 1.4 that increasing cost of living, prejudl ¢lal to our fatness to continue o wiltable location for manulactyrs ing--all these and other troubles neseiting us, will surely, it slowly, be conquered, To he abundantly successful, the city needs a freer hand--the gift from the legisla ture, Falthtully, + 4, Bums A SropiE-ForLONG s@ GRAIN aT Eiki on oes Torino 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 YING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 wn) IST / at the new Royal York, Over Winter Fair, November 20-28, Excellent sample room accommodation SA INCIION When you visit Toronto you can take pride in inviting your friends to meet you and dine with you 0 thousand rooms from which to choose, each with bath at moder. aterates , , , spacious public rooms ooo five restaurants with meals to sult every purse , , , Rex Battle's dinner and Fred Culley's dance or- chestras~ English Music Festival, November 1348 ,, , and the Royal T TOR A QURWAY SONMBOTION WITH UNION ITAYION HE ROYAL YORK ONT Cargest Tlotel in the British A CAONADIAN PACIFIC Rp HOTEL PIREEY PRIVATE WIRES YO ALL FRINGIFAM MARKETS THROU SHOVY GANABDA AND THR UNITED sYATES O'HEARN & YORONTO * orricee SARNIA OIHAWA OWEN BOUND REAL Genosha Hotel, Uubaw, Telephone 2700 WL ---------- 0, MEMBERS NEW YORK QURB EXCHANGE (Ase'Te) STANDARD STOCK & MINING EXCHANGE GHIGAGO BOARD OF TRADE WINNIPES GRAIN EXEHANGE NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE 1 hed 1a 82 SIMCOE ST S. Your Paint Problems Solved we will shi:w you how it can be dor.e The Finioh thet Endyres" MADE IN CANADA 30 Minute Lacquers and Four Hour Enamels AT A DEMONSTRATION OF FLO-GLAZE PAINTS ENAMELS & STAINS to be given on FURNITURE, WALLS, FLOORS, LINOLEUM AND OIL | + CLOTH AT OUR STORE October 28th to October 30th Incl. You are invited to come, bring your friends, and see the advantages these finishes have in difficulties. MUFFITT & PARK BILL PARK overcoming paint OSHAWA, ONT,

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