Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 'Bowmanville Daily Times EE News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--=Office, 687 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK Rotary Gymnasium and Swimming Pool Opened Officially Last Night Program Includes Exhibi- tions of Basketball, Wrest: ling, Juljiteu, Gymnastics and Aquatic Sports in the Gymnasium and Swim. ming Peol MANY RENOWNED ATHLETES PRESENT Ernst Vierkoetter, Olive Gat terdam, Helen MeCorm- isk, Alf, Phillips, Minoru Akiyama, and West End Y,M C A Basketball Team of Toronto, Appear A fine aggregation ef world: aowned athletes made their wppeis ance in Bowmanville last night, th neeasian helng the aMielal opening of the Rotary gymnasium and swim ing peal ak the Hoys' Tegining hehanl, An enthusiastic erowd ul people, guests of the sehool, led ta pverflawing the spacious gymnasiiin snd adjaining earvidors Rotarian HH, B, Robbing wha acted as ehatrman, opened his remarks hy plating that he had hoped that some member of the government wanld he present ta declare the bullding apen - : Passage Money dvance Bring Your Relatives to Canada _|nh 47 Yonge Bt, Tovonte, Hoom an, f my had proved inpessihle tthe gener pf " How 6 citigen, J, MH, n Tury, whe ¥ ted the origlual 150 weres with igs 1a the schol, and fhe gift en citi wb the lake hy Beh i MB, the sehook would tal he i B Hever have ned the large mes bs of suceesy it had" he seid, He aaa mentioned the friendly rivalry hi een the Rotary and the Kiwanis fins uh to wha eould aghieve (he napt for the nstleation, This split i da possible mast of the build ngs that lind heen erected since he work as commenced five years ngo ¥, OG, E, Reman De, Go 1 Kean, superintendani of the sehoal, give the eredit of the wood work that is helng done ut (he shoul 10 he effiglent stall, He men fone piece ularly Earl Cunninghin, the physieal tralning Instruetar, De, Rewman then aintradused Col anel Frank Moss, a member of tha advisory hoard, wha formally epened the hullding, Earl Cunningham then introdueed the members 0 the West nd YM CA baskethall team, Benlor Onlare i Champlons far 1908 and whem he weed 10 each personally before he game ta Bawmanville, They played wi exhibition game which was refer sed hy Persy Miller, eansidered the outstanding referee of the m the Dominion, The Anal whi a tle 11:11 Ernst Vievkastiey During the recess in the game, & mid the thunderous applause of the whole throng Ernst Vierkoetter, win ner of the 1937 and. seeund In the 1938 and 1939 Weigley Marathon Bwling and hero of a score of aequa te achievements wis Introduced howed his aeknowledgement of this HPeat veeeption 1a the erowd then Prepay wl fo enter the swimming neal Before the second half of the game sammenced Danny Mae Donald * aml Gearge Daly, the latter an Olymple wrestler, put an fog the Nest time In Bowmanville an exhibition of this art The erowd alse had the pleasure of meeting the ineamparable Pilg Skin Peters, 219 pound swimmer from Hirdeeye Center, wha, without taking Hann LISI | the trouble ta remove his headpear, plunged nto the water and went through & number of humaraus stunts | tral THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 much ta the amusement of the hihi tes of the loge! swimming holes ws wel wi the growin ws, pan returning tu the gym the ope Intors were trailed to 4 fe his play of gymnasties by (the members of the Benlar Leaders Corps ol Con Yu Taran, Juijiton Exhibition hls was Lollowed by an exhibition of Juitsy which wis shly demon sirated by Minar wing pid ( het Preser, algo of Toronio ¥.M CA The fay with speed that muds the githering hod {hely breath show ed the various methods weed tn his native country In overcoming sn ip saillant, Quek we w Hugh his would piek up Wis opponent off his feet and throw him airaly uver his shoulder sending him with # erash 1a Rao, Ab the conclusion of this event the Femmining sequal numbers of the program were held, introductions were made hy Tommy Wallier, son of the famous Juhiihy Wilkier, train er of George Young, and wha is (he SWINE struction ab Central ¥. M CA anid is the Bolder uf several win alenr resords, He Best dintroduesd Helen MeCormiek, Canadian Living Chumplon in 1987, 1988 and the eur vent yeup, Bhe wis followed hy (he ile Nihalder ul her line AIC Phil ay lawhosed and highbanrd diving champion of Canada in 1028 anil 1000 and dw omember of the 108 Olymple diving representatives of Canada in Amnaterdiin, Last appeared Olive Gal ferdum, runnepsup in the 1028 ladies' marathon ue 1 rant, TRUCK CRASHES AT OVERHEAD BRIDGE Sul] Perey Broadbent of Oshawa, Driver, Escapes Unhurt From 20 Foot Drop ar A truck awned by the National fraoers of Oshawa arashed over the ambankment Just susl of (he [ARAN || avarhead hreidgs st the wantern limits of the town hall past nine this morning Na one wal Injured and although the truok robe nearly twenty foal It Was not badly damaged I owas Arlven hy Perey Broad hent of Oshawa whe sseapsd un soathed, The veason far the erash In unknown but 16 1s thought that the truck may have falled to take this very dangerous turn and had onresned through tha oahle fenee whieh lines the highway at (his pit This place has heen the sean, af many aeoldents In the past few YaArE and the town eauncoll hing ne ttloned the vallway ta alter the heldge & great many times, Last winter surveyors wore sent down And the place was all marked aut for tha eantemplated alterations which however have falled to ma tarialise Rm------------ || LITERARY MEETING WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, Mrs, Wm, Adams Gives Paper on "What Books Can Do For You! The vaguley meeting of he Women's Institute wes hald In the Bong of Wogland Hall on Pridey wttarnoon with an stiendancs of whout Hitby, Mes, Veank Jacking presided and Lhe meeting opensd with community singing followed hy the Lovd's Veayer, The min ube of the lust mesting wera yeu and wpproved, IL was decided Lo | hold # thimble tea hy Mys, ¥, I Haounsall's group wt the homes of Mrs, George Wiekles an November Lith Mr duburon "Thicksan with Mew, B, H, Warnlos as sl ternative wis appointed the ames) delegate to the convention whith will he held 1n Taranto in the Tal tar part of November, The program wig nn charge of Mm, WN AVImstiongy group and Ul A nove TeRiure Wis » Meni Wing eontes! Mrs, A, Colviile BANE "Phare's & wea hoose "Ini the heather socompanied hy Mra WwW, Plakard, Mra, D, Alldvead played u plano solo and Mrs, Geo, Peltahard sang "Take ma hack to dear old ehildhond," aooompanied hy Mys, Alldresd Min, Wm, Adams gave & splen did paper on "What hooks oan an far vou," Bha mentioned & nim her of the great writers and thelr opinlons on honks fond 1itars ture nourished and fed the mind, whe sald, Fiotlon was nesded as wall as hlography, history, selenes ala, and avarything should ha read in order to obtain & great edu gation and to enable one tn dis artminate tn his vending, Bhe gave gxamples to show that hooks help od one to forget the drudgery of work PHRanks, she continued, Hara ward plotures of other conn trio, transform dull plaoss Into hanuty, help forme of speech wid anlar to Nie, dispel the hives and ave A substitute for travel Whe ganolndad hy quating, "The Val lowshin of Books hy Edgar Guest ha roll call was nhawered hy aaeh member naming hey favorita MAEREIne A oantest on hooks gonelnded the program Holrash mente wera served hy Mrs, Arm strani's groun and a social hall hour closed the meeting SPEAKS TO ROTARY CLUR Rev, William NK, Taunton ul Cahours, & former Rotarian, was the speaker at the weekly lunehean of the Bowmanville Rotary Club in the Halmoral Hotel yesterday alternonn He took for his subjest diferent pha ( I Notary work and onan inte ating dedress Nave A general (dea of th wotivities that this ser I'he InN Y vies elub te engaped In, a LD a ) The "Emergency Drug Store" in i 4 bai Theve in the Winthroom will wotlght a6 hand Tov an Emergency w= pvmliahie Ins Mantly==is youy medicine vabinet, Be sure that I Is wiways well stocked with Meh nesdiul vemedios wai Onaslar ON, Vipin Badin, Barvla Avid, Cough Byrn, Camphomied ON] Turpeie tne, Wampole's Mille of Magnesia, bxtrael of Ooi iver, Wyuwol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Magnolax, HA of Camphaor, Tinctures of Iodine, Glyoevine and Rose Water, Absorbent Cotton, Medicated Gauge, Bio, We fn Jtnorintione promptly, oavefully, neous Mely, Let un serve you, KARN'S Next 10,0, Phone #TH PRESENTATION 10 BRIDE-T0-BF Miss Ethel Naylor Honored by Her Friends in Bowmanville About thivtysofive wivl frionds gathered at the home of Miss Uns Ain Jan avaning 1a honor Miss ihe! Gwendoline Naylor, a popu nr heide to he, Mra, Halph Flint aff presented her with a sliver tes parviee and Miss Una Allin read the following address To Miss BH, 0 Doar Toots, Wea have assembled here tantght ta Hanoy you on your approaching marriage, This 1s a pleasant aven Ing for us and one which we shall Famamber with happy foelingn for u long time, You have only resided wmongst us for a few years, yo! wo fas! as though wa have always known you and we girls have al ways found you & ohesrful and plagsant sampanion, Although you are entering » broader and happiny ia we still hope ta have you with UE In our pleases, Wo shall not forget the good times wa have hind together and are looking forward th many more In the days to eames, Wa aanld not let this mo Mentonus oooasion pass without Naylor A [ | | wd, Court af Ontarig wt [ Inaugural Meeting some vacognition of our lave and alee [ov You nA Ko we BK you Lo woospl thle Leu wervice noeom nied hy very hast wishes for a [a and happy Wie pigned an hehalt of Mri, W, Flintoff, Miss wna Miss HW, "Ehieksan In wn few wards Mise thanked her friends for Kindness and good wishes, "The SYRINGE Was pleasantly spent In cantents, eard playing and dancing Mbus Audrey Nokes und Mrs, Ved Wood ware the prisewinners In the card playing, Dainty refresh menin wera served hy the hos ess wand her unsintanis ENTERS SUIT FOR $15,000 DAMAGES Echoes of Fatal Highway Disaster Will Be Heard In Supreme Court tha Hin Kirin Allin Maylor thal Further sehoss of the highway dis Water wl Beptember 7, when Jewish Tads, from Toronte were kill will be henrd wt the Buprem: Ie next sitting ab Cobourg, when John Ludwing Behalk, of Buffalo, NY, will bring an wetion before the Judges Tar 815,000 diumages against Haber Abate, of Fovanto, owner of the eur that 1 held vespansible by the earuner's Jur far the smash, In the statement of lili Bled the plaintift is glassified an the treasurer of the Colgrave dion, Took Theatre Bullding, wla, Abate Is deseribed us a ground instructor who geaides Bentries street, Toront Che plaintit elalms that on th 7th af Beptember ua Durant eur dil ven hy the defendant "erashed intel the left front fender of the Marnmon andan he wae driving tureing it inte the diteh on the the road en the Kingston highway he following are the particulars of the elalm, Damages (uo Murmen 4.000 hospital and wedienl expenses, #1, DOO travelling expenses, 81005 minry BIOO | Joss of thine und GUINIng puwer, B70 Interferenss with business sanneetions and future, 80001 nervous pin and suffering, $4,000 COL BORE on faery $1000) Injury to $4,000 of Tulure earning power, §4,000 Iwi uy Hun fhiny uid north wide of Cir, Ww wardrobe, present shook, Pern White Shield Club The opening meeting of the year Of the White shield Club was held on Tuesday evening In BL Paul's Iaoture room with the president, Mpa, Thomas Gould, In the ehaly The slo committees were appalnd od an follows, Mrs, Pattinson, ean venor, centeal, Mes, Hraund, south ward, snd Mes, King north ward Hroup leaders were elected and resulted follows Mrs, Brook na haw, Mrs, Davies, Mrs, Hall, Ms Gould snd Mrs, King A whorl huglness vapslon ensued and IL wis duectand to hold the mestings on Lhe fivat Tuesday of sach month, the next. helng Movember b Al the gonelustaon af this part of the pro Bram, refreshments were served hy tho helpers and Lhe goadnighl sang followed hy the National Anthem hraught to u closes the Insugursl menting WHITBY ANNUAL SUPPER OF CHICKEN PIF WAS BIG SUCCESS Over 400 Enjoyed Hospital: ity of United Church Ladies' Ald Over four. hundred people an Joyed (ha hospitality of (the Lad low! Ald of the United Chireh ¥rl duy ovening nt Chicken ple sup per and programme whieh follow of, The supper hus hacome sn wn nul event to which many look forward, and (hin your, se In yours pail, the ohales samples of cul wry art combined with prompt and | aMelont service, could not he axes) lod I'nhilog fhiloken thins round with the other Indies to satintying hauvily Inden ple and providen out on tusty nh hy (he wii INHIB RRTIRN AGIA BTR MAR HEARTRLUAN EAM . wn indigestion hours after eal Ing, suffer they eal 1 ts usually excess meld, Correet owith an alkall I'he hest way, th harmless and efficient way, Milk ol It has for 80 years the standard Cne spaontul in MANY tines ts val Hi nels, Phe symptoms disappear in five min nies Muny people 1] aulek Phillips remnined with WREBE Heutratises Magnesia physlelans Ho stomneh and at ones with the approval of the supper, owing Lo Arrangements made he forehand Lo take sare of the avowd, win expeditiously serves, faw having Lo wall for any length of time A kroup of ehliging wid apuhle ladies had charge of shen tahle, and this factor was respon gible for the sass and speed with which ull ware served, he tabley wind Bundny sehool room wers nee ly decoraled Alter the supper the minister, Tey, A, L, Riehardn, took the chair, nd wm fine programmes wis render od by local snd vielting talent, including the following numbers Organ woln, Miss Kathleen Leask, the capable organist of the ehurah | mule quarietis hy the Holden fam. ily of Oshawa; reading, Hitle Miss Norn Freneh, of Toronto) smu, Miss Henderson, of the Ontarig Ladies' Colles; solo, Miss Baws dani sole, Rohert Holden, Br, of Oshawni vending, Miss - Norma Vrsnehy salon, Miss Henderson so lo, Mrs, Bawdony reading, Miss Narma Yrenohi soln, Mr Yodan During the serving of the meal Mra, Oshorne rendered a number of selections on the organ Hav, My, Wiehinras moved a vols af thanks ta the Indies for thely axcallent meal and hospitality, and wlan to those taking part In the programme, "The vols was readily and heartily endorsed GIRL WHO STOLE GIVEN A CHANCE BY THE MAGISTRAT) An English girl nat long oul from the old land, who stole & sun of money from an oMelsl at the Ontario hospital was placed on wu panded sentences and given a firm hut kindly warning whan she ap poured helore Magistrate J, 1, Wil (Cantinued on page §) wipper, mel wll ni excellant use erude methods methad from ex thir yow You will never when you know this better And CER you will never sutter weld prove out eany relief that==for AWN sk es=now Ho sure to got the genuine Phil Hpa' Mille of Magnesia preseribed hy physlelans for 50 yours (nn earreeting exons Belds Each hottle eontalng full direetions==any drugstore, when you Please do A AN a Frank L. M a South Ontario Armour ason in the 1€S, Monday Evening, in the interests ot K LL. MASON Candidate For Legislative Assembly kers: Hon. J. R| Cooke - Col. Cecil Williams - Mrs. J. Lougheed > COMMENCING AT 8.00 O'CLOCK dh Moore, \ President "God Save EN -------- LS the King' CONSERVATIVE MEETING Oshawa October 28 LADIES WELCME A. C. Hall 'Secretary 4

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