Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 6

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A pT I a REIT TT Ih, 4 atl "PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, O FA RAR FT RA Wi RE A a CTOBER 25, 1929 Br ---------- Women's Interests in the Home - and the Community Social a a OOTOBER BVES Listen, the wind is rising, and the afr is wild with leaves; we have had our summer evenings; pow for October eves! The great birch trees lean forward, and strip lke a diver, We had better turn to the fire and shut our minds to the sea Whera the ships of youth are run. ni ng with all adventure before them, close-hauled on the edge of the wind and only the old behind, ; «Humbert Wolfe, * * * Mr. H, M, Smith has left on a business trip to Pontiac and De- troit, * + % Mrs, H, M, Smith is attending the Young People's Conference in Peterboro as delegate for North Simeoe United Chureh, . » Ld Mrs, Ernest Legge, 210 Division fit, is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Miss Vivian Legge in Rochegter, N.Y v . w Mr, W, B, Walton of Denver, Colorado, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs, R. Dulzend- stra, Simcoe street south, » LJ . Miss Evangaline Darling, Reg, N. and Mr, H, Darling accompanied hy Miss M, Gray and My, H, John son, all of Ottawa, motored up and spent last week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Kd, Panke, Arlington Ave, Miss Darling remained for n week with her sister, Mrs, Panke, Ld » » In honor of Miss Evangaline Darling of Ottawa who Is visiting her sister, Mrs, Xd, Panke of Ar. lington, Mr, and Mrs, Panke en- tertained a number of young people last Wednesday evening, The guests were Misses MeIntrye, Wilkinson, Arnold and Cordiek and Messrs, Haviwig, Ross and Darling, LJ Ld On Tuesday night about 40 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Oke, Harmony, to spend the eve- ning before their departure from their old home, During the evening they were presented with a chair, the address being read hy Miss Bragg and Mr, Will Bickle made the presentations, The evening was spent in games and playing cards, About midnight lunch was served and they all parted wishing Mr, and Mrs, Oke every Success in their new home in Oshawa ' * * On Wednesday night, Angus 20rd, the degree staff of Vietoria Lodge, Loyal True Hlues, pald 4 visit to Eglinton Lodge, Taranto, for the purpose of conferring the white and scarlet degrees, All though the weather was not at all pleasant, it did not dampen the spirits of the members, Sister Loge man, W.M,, presided over the con ferring of tha degrees, The sisters exemplified the white degree and the brothers the scarlet in their usual efficient manner under the leadership of Mr. Wm. Short * LJ » Yesterday afternoon, Mrs, J. M, McGill's group of the Centre street United Chureh Ladies' Ald held their annual chicken patte tea at the Savoy parlors, Mrs, Fletoher and Mrs, Roy Bennett received the | guests who called between the hours of four and seven, Tea was poured by Mea, Johnson and Miss damells, The ladies are well pleas. fee Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHORPE 84 Simeoe St, South pn > nd Personal RRA REE BE AU ed with the results of the after noon and evening, . + On Wednesday evening last a surprise party was given in honor of Mrs, 17, Hall, who has just res oently 'retnrfied home from Wnge land, where she spent four months visiting velatives and friends, The party was given hy the Daughters of England at the home of Mrs, Bturch, daughter of Mrs, VV, Hall, During the evening Mrs, Yeall pre- sented the guests of honor with a beautiful Boston fern on behalf of the ladies present and she express- ed her pleasure at having Mrs, Hall back again, Cames and dancing were indulged in and refreshments were servad hefore the party came to an end, * LJ LJ On Thursday evening Mrs, Ste- venson's group of the Order of the Hastern: Btar held a most success: ful euehre party at the home of Mrs, Htewart, Albany street, The guests were received hy Mrs, Riew~ art, neslsted by Mrs, Walker, WM, The prizes were presented to the lucky winners hy Mrs, Dunlop, Mrs, Butcher won the ladies' fivit prise and Mr, Jordan the gentleman's first prige, The ladies' lone hand prige was won by Miss Annand and the gentleman's hy Mrs, Currie, The ladies' consolation wan won hy Miss MaolLean and the gentleman's hy Mrs, Corns, At the close of the evening, refresh- ments were served, A vote of thanks was tendered from a mem- her of the group to the hostess During' the evening Mr, Stevenson saw to It that everyone was having a good time * + . On entering Ht, Andrew's Sunday | gehool room last evening one was greeted by very happy looking peo- ple who insisted that you take off your coat and hat and stay and en joy the best of good times, It was the occasion of the annual "Al Home' of all the Young People's focleties of the United and Baptist churches of the city, A very fine program was pre. sented at the first part of the sven' ing whieh opened with a hymn, then an address of welcome by Miss Pearl Pleteher, Clarence Toase rendered a solo, The pres entation of the much coveted eups for tennis and baseball followed the solo, The Carrol Anderson eup | for tennis was won from the Hap- tists by North Simcoe Young Peo- ple, and the cup donated by Hte- i phen Saywell for haseball was won | hy the First Baptist Young People, Mr, Kitchen favored the gathering with a tenor solo and this was fol- lowed by a selection on the aeeors dian by J, Askew, The singing of a hymn brought this first part of the evening's entertainment to a close, Then the real fun began, There were games, stunts and even a chamber of horrors to be taken through, All was very well plan ned and earried out and these in charge are certainly deserving of a great deal of credit, There was fun from the start to the finish, A vory Important part of the enters talnment was the lunch that was served towards the end of the evens ing, BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES Four cups brown sugar, 1 cup but- ter or lard, 4 eggs, 7 cups flour, 1 tablespoon each of soda, cream of tartar and vanilla, Method: Cream butter and sugar, they add ORR! one at a time, beating in thoroughly, Add the other ins gredients. Mix in the evening, form into three loaves, set away in a cool plage till morning, then roll thin, eut with cookie cutter and bake in a hot oven, Stonie Broke, wo BR BREA RE fran In very poor healt) MY bab oe ver le N x meryes ar fuck bev and av load vo, hve' feel well'a on a housewife and am able to do my work every Juy.1am answer any --. 130 icbiord A0ant, Hult, N.Y. "I took Ly E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compoun : Phim gn en Ss good healt m women ound." bly Som inkham"s le Compound You will like FRY'S CHOCOLATE Thomas, officiating, The bride SYRUP ree It makes an ideal icing and filling , , , It is pure chocolate, milk solide and sugar in syrup form + + + Delightful as a spread for fresh fruits, berries, fice cream and as a bev: tended hy her sister, Mrs, K * erage with milk or water==hot or cold, Weddings / HALL=COOPEI y The parsonage of Howard Park United Church, Tovento, was ihe / keane of a quiet wedding when Grace Winnifred Cooper, daughter af Me, and Myy, J, Goaper, Toronto, heoame the heide of Herbert ©, Hall of Toronto, won of Mr, und Mes, W, J, Hall, 6456 Carneglo Ave, Oshawn, the Rav. A, | looked charming In a brown lace dress with holern, Bha wora § tweed travel cont with fox collar pd a brawn het trimmed with velvel, and opveied Bunset voses und Hlysol-the-vallay, Bhe was at Coombes, of 8, Thomas, Mr, K Coombes acted as host man, After the ceremony a reception was held at the hame nf hep sister, Mrs, 8, Chant, B00 Glenrose Ave, Moore ark, Tovonto, Later Mr, and Mrs, Hall Taft for, Montreal and Que hee, On thelr veturn they will res wide ut 08 Northelitte Blvd, Tos ronto Baptists To Study Ordination of Women Ta The Ministry | | Ottawa, Oct, B6,~=0Ordination of [| Women to the ministry fe a subject | which will receive special atten / 4 ENJOY A thon by the Baptist Church In the ol next twelve months Hafore the TIN clon of the fourth annual Baptist ub of Convention of Ontario and Quehed THIS WE Ee yesterday a vesolution was passed | praviding for a special eammis of wlon to study the question and re Your Grocer {part ta the 1880 eanvantion The resolution exnressnd satis faotion with the young women who V/ had morved under the appointment 4 1.8 FRY & BONS (Canada) of the Homa Mission Hoard and in i Sto---- Limited dleated that several were seeking -- Montreal, Qua, fA plate tn the regular pastorate B04 I'l Royal ; ety Is h CAVADIANPOET [CONSERVATIVES 7 AT COLLEGIATE, AT ROTARY HALL I _ | Wilson MacDonald Gives Lecture and Reads His Own Poems | Yesterday afternoon the students of the collegiate and all others who coated to attend had the pleasure of being addressed by one of Cane ada's foremost poets of the day, in the person of Wilson Macdonald The fivst part of his lecture was an outline of the poetry of Canada and he mentioned such names as Heavysedge Archibald Lampman, Bliss Carman, Charles G, D, Rob orts, Duncan Campbell Seott, Paul ine Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith, the first Canadian poes san of the Eng» lsh writer, Marjory Plekthall and others, He made reference to dif ferent poems by these writers and to bring this part of his talk to a close he read very dramatically one stansa of the 'Lone Wolf," hy Tho- mas MoGinnis, Then followed a half hour of reading of his own poetry, The story connected with the first poem he read was of two little girls, Yvonne and Yvette, who always did the same things at tha same time, These children were always togeth- or, but one day one came to the beach alone, The poem is In mem: ory of the words, "What one did #0 did the other." "The Hong af the Skis" made one's Imagination wander to the snow-clad hills in winter, I Done Quit Htealin'" 1s a little poem written in darkle dia- lect which the poet vendeped very humorously, The next selection he read had been inspired one evening while the poet was spending a va- cation at Lake Rosseau, Muskoka, it ia entitled, "Why Not I" Ta be somewhat oviginal the author chose for the subject of the next gem the homeliest leaking girl he ad ever known but who was really beautiful in the inside, "This one was called 'Maggie Sehwartz' His very unique way of fendering the poem "I Love Old Things, was very much appreciated by the audi ence, Towards the end of it he ohanted the lunes. Hy this time Mr, MacDonald had ginished all he had intended to read, but the stud: ents had found him very interests ing and after a mighty applause he consented to read another poem which proved to he even hetter than all the others, "Monsfeur" it was ealled, and it contained the story of a little French-Canadian girl whom the author had met on the road one day and addressed him with simply '"'Monsleur." It. had often heen said that posts] uy do not read their awn poetry well but there ia no doubt that the audi ence was mare than pleased With Mn, MacDonald and his readings ™ ay afternoon, or the lecture hooks hy the author were on sale in the seheol auditorium and all copies that weve '| sald at the school were te he auto graphed by Mr, MacDonald, Be aid Autoists of China are protesting | against the practice of restricting the right to operate ears over the newly congtefieted highways to government officials and private bus lines. All post-war records for the a | were recently broken by fy Green, who walked the 30 wiles from London to Heighton, England, in eight kours, 15 jninutes, 41 seconds, Each 10 miles of the new main highways under consideration for England will require. 30.000 tons of quarried stone, 7000 tons of cement, and S00 tons of steel, a eup of flour into enough water to make it the consistency eof grea, then pur Ser this 4 cups of boilin water, stirplng constantly; to this add cook five minutes, Pour in a bowl high earhalic acid and 1 teaspoon of ¢ ET VCEATIRENRTTS | + | ins urged 1 wosel a medal for too hraver of n reared trom eal hi li | = | Mus, Von Koughnet of To: ronto, Addresses b Women In spite of the rather we weather yesterday afternoon the meeting In Rotary Hall was well al tended by women of the ciiy who wore Interested in heaving Mp Vin Kaughnet of Torvento talk on freuen In connection with the coming election, The president of tha Wamen's Conservative Cluh ol Oshawa had charge of the prograin and she was supported hy mem hers of the executive wha ton! thelr places an the platfarm with her, On entering the hall one was greatly impressed of what party was being supported hy those In charge, hy the hanner aver the platform solleiting votes for the Conservative candidate, The speak: er presented very clevely her views on the subject and was totally in support of the Ferguson Goveprns ment, Helpful Hints MIX SALT IN "GAS" To remove stains from a taffein dress sponge the soiled part with asaling i080 which a little salt has een shaken. The salt prevents the ring which frequently appears when oleaning with gasoline, REMOVING PAINT Ii you want to remove paint easily add two parts of spivits of ammonia, ta one part of turpentine, This soft ens the paint admirably, ~~ LIFE PROLONGER If ash or garbage cans are given a coat of paint on the inside heforg using, they will last twice as long, TO MAKE PASTE To make home-made paste) Sti 1 teas of powdered alum and and heat wll cold: then add 1 teas | of cloves or wintergreen; pour inte al Jars and cover with par afin. It will keep indefinitely, wi RR RENE uA" BENSON'S PAEPARD COM HE | with human le Is y who knows his enfond | als 40,000 miled in making # pound of honey, Must he tough on the hee | ane year comes out a anther, hattevies, Harder Cities Blay ia a hilagh tabla and saved her { that th } tan frequently ts luelined ta foal | with or Hugologist declares the hee trav Things move so rapidly days that, in school, what goes I» Port Avithur News-Chranlele, a I aL i os YOU tell the difference P Solid silver and silver [ite may look very much alike. Pure soap and lmpure soap may alse look very much alike, Yet it's easy to tell the difference if you look for the "sterling" mark on silver and the "purity" mark on soap, But this "purity" matk is not on every soap, Sunlight is the only soap which is so carefully made from highest grade ingredients that it Is stamped 1 ""Guaremied pare and 0 conain no adulierant whatsoever," Being all pure Sunlight dissolves readily, It forms plenty of "h 10 quickly , | | lasting suds which cleanse most economically, They wash mere clothes beautifully clean without harm to fabric or colours , , , and Sunlight's pus gentle suds never could roughen or hurt your hands, To the Yolen who Mave onee used Sunlight, other soaps are never real satisfactory, Took for the $3,000 Salish Guaranies of Purity o every Satan, I means real econ t lif to your clothes = i hands r LEVER RROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO

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