Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 Ay The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, Gasetts and F erguso 1s Strongly . By Speakers At Whitby , W. E N. Sinclair, Liberal Leader and Candidate in This Riding, Given En- thuslastic Welcome. and|*" Reception by the Electors Hore _ W. ROSS MACDONALD, BRANTFORD, SPEAKS 'Premier Ferguson Character- FT RTE I ash AT EBERT eS VLEET 4 W IEF SER RRR TINE TY ra LL ized as Man Void of the Principles of Democracy Strong Swing to Liber. ol sm in the Province Is Seen A soathing denunciation of Premisy Ferguson. and his admine {stration of the affairs of the pro- vines was delivered by W, Ross Maodonald, of Brantford, speaking fn the interests of W, ¥, N, Bin olalr, X.0,, Liberal lender and Lib. oral standard hearer in Houth Ons tario viding, at a meating in Whit. by Town Hall last night, Mr. Mac donald comes from Ahe viding where Rev, OG, K Martin Is the Conservative candidate, The speak: or declared that the minister had deserted the pulpit for polities, and that his fall would be like that of Lucifer, He predicted not only & Liberal vietory in that riding, but declared that the swing to Liberals fam in Ontario today was like that of 1096 to Pramier Ferguson, The people, he declared, had confidence fn Mr, Sinelalr because of the train. ing he had received in the House wines 1011, and hecause of nw ability, honest and integrity, and they would loyally support him on Wodnesday next, The meeting wan presided over by Mayor L, W, Dudley, of Whitby, and despite the inclement weather, was fairly well attended, Other speakers ware the Liberal leader, ¢, Rinclair, Gordon D, Conant, of Oshawa] Rev, A, I, Banderson, of Whitby, and Mr, Macdonald, W. KE. N: Binolaly Mr, Binclair's urrival at the meeting was made the oconston of loud applause and the Liberal lead. or and loeal oandidate for the lexis. Inture was given an enthusiastic waloome As he appeared on the platform, Mr, Binolair had Just hurried in from Port Perry where he had addressed a large mesting at the Port Pervy Tawn Hall, On acoount of the lateness of the hour he shortened his remarks to a few minutes but in this brief space -- n Government subser and news will be received at the Whitby Branch ng, Sulssriptions and new 23--After lb Te 360, Oltian, a: REPRESENT VE-JAMES H. ORMISTON Censured of time he vigorously assailed the fiaxetnmont for ite stand on the Ilguor auestion and made effective reply to a recent spesch of fhe Hon, win Price, attorney gener "16 stil becomes the attorney. fonutnl of the provines of Ontario 0 ridieula me for politieal purposes besnune of my attitude towards this question," r, Sinclair declared, If the attorney-general wishes to talk, lot him discuss the Brien case at Windsor, Let him refer to the evidence which was brought before the specinl commities to Inquire Into the matter, Here was proot that an officer of the law Was he: {ng interfered with because of his jealouy enforcement of the Liquor Control Aot" The Liberal leader flayed the ad- ministration for what he considers od was A "partisan method" of ens foreing government control, He raferred to the premiers refusal to hold a plebiscite on the liquor auestion, 1t was Premier Ferguson he claimed, who had brought this great moral question Into the realm of polities, The Liberal party was willing to follow the voles of the people and place the matter before the eleotors In a plebiscite or referendum if so de sired, Wdueation Mr, Binolair eriticlsed the prem. fer for attempting to assume the twofold duty of Minister of KNduea- tion and prime minister, The form or office, he declared, was a full time job and should he filled by one who was a practiea) educations int, regardless of polities, He also suggested that a counell of seduces tion should be formed with mem. hove drawn from the leading ed- ueationists of Ontario, Through the medium of this councll the gov. ernment could then secure the hest possible advice for the conducting of an Important department, The Liberal leader foresaw danger In the premier's township school hoard schemes and other educa. tional projects and declared that they had been shelved for the pre- sent because of the fear that they would arouse the ire of the tax payers who would ultimately have to foot the hill The Liberal leader regretted that he was unable to spend more time In his own riding but he explain. od that he had been active In cons ducting the campaign for Liberal ism throughout the previnoee, "The election Ia now in your hands," he stated, "I have served this viding of Bouth Ontario for several years, and have always ats tempted to act In the hast Interests of my own people and the peop of Ontario at large, If my service warrants venewan!l give me your support and let there be ne uns vertainity about it, The meeting closed with three lowed ghmery for Mr, Sinclair, fol the National Anthem, old of Demogracy Pramisr Verguson was charae torised by Mr, Macdonald as a mun vold of the principles of demosracy, In Ottawa the people had a states man, In Toronto they had a frst class politician, In Ottawa the op- infgn of all was heard; in Toron. to Premier Verguson accepied the prineiples of nons, In Ottawa there Was & government; in Toronto one man, In Ottaws thers was dem ooraey; in Toronto autoeracy, How long, he maked, wonld the people of Ontario stand for such autos ertotie rule? Mr, Macdonsld stats od that the time was pow opportune for the people, particularly the women, to strike & (ih to the edi flea which Mr, Ferguson had set up thet it would be shaken to very foundstions, and the armies of the autoeraey would give way Io the urmies of demoorscy under Sinclair's leadership, ' oy Maodonald declared that Proamier Ferguson was un-British in his management of the the 1, CA, The arm-chalr operating the Hauor ohain stores for the people was managed by the premier whe had ignored the returned men in the engaming of liquor store em- ployees, Of 1,105 men smployed lust year, A71 were civilians and only 324 returned men, The prem« ler sould sing the national anthem louder than any other man in the House and make a great display st bag-waving but he knew not the flag-waving but he knew not the meaning of patriotism, Mr, Mae« provingial finances, pointing out that while In 1033 the province WHS Yun on $49,000,000, the 1088 figures showed 856,000,000, The Interest bill 'was 10 millons, Bight millions oame from liquor and no hody knew where it went, Instead of being applied on tax reduction, taxation had heen greatly increas od He condemned the gas tax of five cents a fatlon as unfair, dos olaving that while years ago the toll gates had been torn down the gov. ernment Wag still collecting an sim ormous toll from the motor car owners, although the latter did not fully realise It, Premier Fergu- son's aotion in eollecting from the municipalities 20 per cent, of the Old Axe Pension Fund, while other provinces paid it all, wis also de. pounoed, The premier's eduoatons al polley of which the omission of the names of Mowst and Laurier from the hook, "Great Men of Can ada," published by the premier and elroulated In school Vibravias, was A sample, was also denounced, Mr, Macdonald stated that the provines wanted a sound, business adminise tration and he ealled upon the people to support Mr, Hinelalr and place him at the head of the pro vinece's affairs, Gordon Conant Gordon D, Conant, of Oshawa, paid tribute to Mr, Binclalr as a man of Integrity and ability, and one who would make a» worthy premier of this province, There was no man in the Ferguson cabinet today of the Bir James Whithey and Hon, W, J, Hanna stamp, Provin einl polities had degeended to the level attained by these men since Mr, Ferguson cama into power, Mr, yousin A superior English felt, with bright metallic inserts that add a note of cheer for winter wear; flared at the side; low at the back as the mode now necessitates; a Dorothea example ation of six shops -- Saturday and Monday, Stock No. 4402. + Full Fashioned $1.19 DOROTHEA Hosiery ~ Eolonss ot Shuai Yoo i ane! hu bo hgh pone sig 3 King St. E. : bul in ois. ial sty J # fipane Hobs ia py 3 oo so far py Conant spoke ot some lenglh on the lHquor question which he sinted was not intended hy Mr, Perguson to be introduced into this enmpulgn, but which, neverthalesr, hag come Lo Lhe surface as the on- ly issue, It wis & very serious met. tev that provinelsl Anances are be Ing largely bull up from Hguor revenues, fo Lhe extent of aver 87, "When u pravines ure, und LLL] are concerned, on revenus from Hauor then I say ta you ladies ana gentlemen that it 1s on the des cline," Mr, Conant declared, Proms for Ramsiny McDonald's assertion at Ottawa that a nation not found ed gn moval pracepts and principles must grumble and decay was very spplicabls to Ontario, Balaneing his proaviseilal budget with. Hquor ravenue, whether dosignadly ov not, would bring shout Hs merl ra-nction we it would one day he taken away from us, Mr, Conant wont on to sey that Premier Vers guson had miscalenlated the effet of Linuer Control Act legislation which was to be sn advanced Leu perance measure, and it was his opinion that the 'premier today re. 1594 this fast tg the fullest ex: tent, 'The only reason for this slaction was that it would save the embarrassment which the gover: went would naturally suffer i the liguar revenues for this year were in hed. Commenting on Mow, W, Price's comparison of Ontario conditions With those in the Un- ited Hiates where the Volstead Act and Eighteenth amendment held sway, Mr, Conant pointed out that whereas ovar the border many ste. tes refused to vole money for the enforcement of temperance laws nd left this work entirely to the Bion suthorities, In Ontario of- ors were appointed and by the provines, Indifference an the part of the government since 1938 had heen reshonstble for nek of en forcement of the OTA, and L.C.A, Mr Conant characterised Mr, Fore guson's attitude towards & plebis: olte as un-Britigh, ~ Sinelalr's ate titude on the other hand was the only democratic one to take, He Shrenied for & strapg support of Binelatr as a possible premier and almost cortain representative of this riding, A Uonservative Npeaks Rev, A, R, Nanderson, of Whit by, an offlelal of the Bonth Ontario Prohibition Union, and for 86 yours Conservative stated that it was tho duty of tha Christian mins ist.y to come out flatly on & moral fsaue, more partioularly If a oars tain minkster in Tovonte could come out the evening hefore the election and speak for government Control st Orillia In hope of win ning soma votes for the Tory cans didate In Himooe, Rev, Mr, Lunderson stated that Mr, Hinelalr today was held In higher esteem fn this riding and In Ontario than aver before, and ox pressed the hope that he would get AO seats In the next House He denounced Premier Ferguson for his autoerstie sititnde towards the LCA, snd his refusal to eons sult the people who were entitied to say whether the wanted prohibi tion or another prohibitory act, The premier's statement that whiskey should be taken to and consumed {1 the home, and also that under the LCA, there wers no more bootleggers, He quoted an Osh AWK RAPAES MAN AE saying that he had seen much of Hie under the Liguer Control Aet---more than the pull knew about, Only vecently % woman drove in with u ear and she was sa drank that she eonld not get the change ont of her purse to pay for gasoline He could tell of more of such Inel dents, hut he was contented hime soll with saying that there was no Aot, The speaker read from a I'ros hibitton Unfon manifesto published locally some fAgures showing how Pramier Ferguson's promises of 1020 tn the matter of temperance advancement had heen ruthlessly broken, increasing disrespect for law and order and increasing erimes and drunkenness and ae oidents and deaths from automo. | Tuxuries | to deelde for | temperance question, hiles, It the peopla of Ontario spent $50,000,000 annually for Haguor there ould he little loft for the home and Ita necessities and Jittle for bread, meat nd homes and prohibiting the logitimate hoom of business in all ines, He appealed for the strong. est support of Mr, Blnelair because of hin pledge to allow the people themselves on the FORMER WHITBY WOMAN 15 DEAD Widow of Late Wm, A, Fraser Passes While Visit ing at Mount Forest Many Whithy oftizens have learns od with regret of the death at Mount Forest recently of Mrs, Mary Fraser, widow of the late Wil Ham A. Fraser, and a former wells known Whitby resident, The des ceased, whose malden name was Mary Slack, was horn at Niagara, Ont,, and apent most of her life in Southern Ontarle, With her late husband and family she moved from Whithy to Ottawa about elght ears Ago, My, Fraser predeceased es In 1088, Surviving are four daughters, Mrs, J, H, MoDoumall, of Mount Hartt; Mrs, J, H, Rtews art and Mrs, Ie Clark, of Van fouver, Ne and Miss Amy M, Fraser, of the editorial statt of the Ottawa Citizen, alsa three sons, A, R. Fraser, of Torento: Dr J. W, Fraser, of Kitohener, and Donald Fraser, of Ottawa, Deceased was a member of Glebe (Continued on page §) EA i i sh - ING ¢ Tr 1 so, wae "Noto ne "1 glenrs Aha head and stops a a discharge, Tan't that what you want? Get FH TAL AA ROO A vou oan reach, or 'phone ander ta W, H Kam, Drug Store, SX soothing and wipasant, Your Nose Needs "Nostrolne Eh a S spt L Sg a control of Hguor under the present | W. A. DEWLAND, Limited 2ND: NNIVERSARY SALE LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, embroid- 39 C ered cuffs, Grey, Sand and Black .......omu mmm ® » » ® PENMAN'S & FLEUR DE LIS FULL FASHIONED PURE SILK HOSE, All shades and sizes, v4 8] 20 First Quality. ......nm ¢ TRAE WATSON'S SILK LINGERIE, Al shades, 50 Vests 49¢c. Bloomers 'r no Cc LJ "" Ll Ll LADIES' A.B.C. SILK AND WOOL PLAITED HOSE Black only, Sizes 8/2 to 944. Regular $1.00, 49 Special, per pair ------------ Cc \i "» » BRANT FORDE PURE WOOL BED $7 08 COVERS, 60 x 80.86.98 ea, 72 x 84, Each ¢ Ww LJ " BABIES' WOOL JACKETS, hite with Bl or Pink trim . white w ve "* 49c¢ w HATCH 1.BUTTON FLEECE LIN SLEEPERS. | to 5 years ..... ko : in wo $1.00 » ¥ Ww Ww GIRLS' PULLOVER SWEATERS, 4 to 8 years . Jae $1.59 LADIES' CRETONNE AND BROADCLOTH 0 8 C SMOCKS » » » » GIRLS' PRINT DRESSES, Smart styles, 2 to 14 years, Reg. up to $3,95 LJ » * » LINEN TEA TOWELING, Red 21in, wide, 2 yards for ORL SR Sa UNBLEACHED SHEETING --- 2 yards wide \ \ » » PURE LINEN CLOTHS. Colored Borders 52 x 70, Special sl 29 25¢ , 29¢ yd. * $1.28 _ 59¢ Check, » \ a \J BEST QUALITY ENGLISH DRESS FLAN: NEL. New shades. Reg. 3c. Per Yel semen » MM PURE WOOL BLANKETS -- Blue Borders, 72 x ". Pair . LJ Al w» 1000 YARDS DRAPERY CHINTZ. wide, Per yard .. 36-inch 2 2c J a . LR FLANNELETTE IN STRIPE OR PLAIN 2 5 C WHITE. Per yd. $1.49 AAR LJ » » KRINKLE COTTON BED SPREADS. Rose, Blue, Mauve & Gold. 72 x 90, comm » » Al Lb : HEAVY WEIGHT BATH TOWELS, White ite 87 C or stripe. Per pair ..... L LJ \J \ HEMSTITCHED SHEETS. Good i Quail, 72 x 90, Per pair » $2.29 \q WABASSO PILLOW COTTON 42-in, wide BLEACHED HEMMED SHEETS, 72 Special, per pair . » MM . » LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, Smart styles and shades. Reg. 69¢ Pair .. » * » *® LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE. br Splendid Wearing quality. Pair ..... Al A \J 69c MEN'S SILK AND WOOL SOX. Signa: PRIF «cam Fay de- 49 C CHILDREN'S 1.1 RIB COTTON HOSE. Sand 1 5 and black, - Pair . C " 49c Cal Saturday Alloragon Special 2.30 pm. GIRLS' FLANNEL DRESSES Smart Styles, 12 and 14 Years, Regular $4.95 f to Clear $1.50 LADIES FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS, Regular $1.25 98¢ Special EERE EEE EET) ET ----T------ LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS - Lock stitch seams, 49c CAIMONE 200 vivirrnss LADIES' "HEALTH BRAND WOOLTEX VESTS 48¢ 79 c Bloomers ,..... 2c ih CHILDREN'S PURE 25 WOOL MITTS, Pair .. c | Saturday 230 pm, Special | 20 ONLY Plaid and Jacquard Heavy Flannelette BED COVERS Size 704in, x 80:in, | $1.00 cath A i -- LADIES EIDERDOWN KIMONA Pretty design. 92198 100 ONLY LADIES' SILK A SATIN DRESSES, Grouped joo 3 rics. $9,985 ond $14.05 ENTIRE STOCK © OF LADIES' CLOTH COATS Reduced 20 pc. (EERE NEW PRINTS, CHAM. BRAYS & GINGHAM, 6 ONLY LEATHERETTE RAIN. COATS $2.98 Ta Clear vasa stas: 150 Ladies' Silk Dresses | NEW AND PRETTY STYLES | | Sizes 14 Misses to 44 Women's | $6.95 7 ONLY GABARDINE TRENCH COATS. Green, rose $3 a8 . 4 and blue. To clear .. LADIES PLEATED WOOL CREPE and SILK SKIRTS. R $4.95 and $5.95. $3.95 ToClotr'e, ogni Clearance of LADIES SILK BLOUSES $1.98 NO, satin bound. Reg. up to $12.50 for ,. ee 58,95 $1.69 HOOVER APRONS Long and short aleavea

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