Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 1

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VOL, 5==NO, 9¢ News in Brief (Wy Canadian Press) " 4] Belgian Miners Strike Brussels, Miners theoughout Del: glum were on strike today as 8 dem: onsteation for higher pensions and paid vacations, v . Killed by Bandits Vienna ~t heeg members of the gonrt of Justice at Buehindol, Bul Bi were shat and killed yaeniuy y haiility under the Chiel Dotsehio Uruneff . LJ Killed in Explosion + Bologna, IalysVour persons were killed and fourteen Injured In an ex plosion of two powder deposits near ere, Nive of thuse Injured were in A serous condition, Coolldge's Mother-in-Law Dies Napthampton, Mass, -=Mrs, ise mira Goodbye, mother of Mrs, Cal vin Coolldge, wite of the former Jrestdent, ied at the Goole. Dick neon ------ here last night, id Sore Dies Lin Magn, ~Moortield Kior: oy, law oF and author, died at his home 'after a long ness, We was president of the American Bar as sociation In 1800, He was K4 years old, Cn Dles of Injuries Hanilten,= I Marle Jones, . 58, died In hospital liere yesterday from injuries sustained on Oct, 18, when she was knoeked down by un autos mobile, CR Held for Shooting Toranto Thomas Young, 45, was wounded in the leg here last night by a shotkun Arthur Galns, eolored, was arrested shortly afterwards on ys charge of shooting with lutent tu kill . LJ - Tax Hates Vixed Prescott, ~The tax rates for the Town of Prescott have been fixed ut forty-six milis on the dollar for publie sehool supporters and forty five mills for separate school mips porters, * + Ostogenarians Dies Nrantiord Four octogenarians in Brantford and digtriet died In the first four days of this week, They are! Alex Scham, Brantford, 83; Mis Grace Brown, North Norwleh, #7, Tehn Fitesimmons, 90 and Mes, Mary Ann Hassard, Brantford, A), Held on Nareotie Charge Toronto ~Dr, Mortimer Fleming, AS, was arrested here last night ehay od with selling naveotlen, Alfred Anfield, 2M, 1s also under areest on a oharge of having drugs In his pes session, Nall for Fleming was set at £20,000, und for anfeld $10,000 Eight Avidentally Shot Buffalo Light men were aceldent ally shot and more than a dogen are rests were made by Xd game wardens in this vielnity yesterday as the an nual pheasant hunting season open ed, One of the men shot Is In a er tical condition * Napanee Man Missing Kingston, Oct, 84.=Up tl Tate Tast night no trace had been found of Pernard Hunt, Napanea butoh. er, formerly of Cornwall, who has heen missing ainee Oct, 11, when his oar was found deserted on the pide of the road four miles east of Napanee, following a trip he had made to Kingaton, -. LJ . Women to Name Candidates Stratford =A desire ta enter candidates In the coming muniol pal election was expressed hy the Local Counell of Women at a mees ing held at the ¥, W, ©, A, which wan largely attended, A canvass of the situation is to be made im- mediately with a view to having two ladies run for eity council and one for the hoard of health, B.A GOVERNOR-GENERAL TO visIT WEST INDIES ma (Ry Canadian Press Losesd Wire) Ottawa, Oct, 20,-=Viscount and Tady Willingdon are planning at visit the Weat Indien this fall maining there until after the New year, ' They will aall from Halifax oh the 8B 8, Lady Hawking on Nev, 29, returning on the 8, 8 Lady Drake about Jan, 18, Last year their Excellencies spent Christmas at the Citadel in Quebed, TET---- Scottish and Irish + Industrial Leaders (Ay Canadian Prose Losasd Wire) Toponte, Oct, 28, ~Twenty-one Irish And Heottiah industrial leaa: ers, representing the linen indus tren of those countries, visited Tos Tonto yesterday, They are touring Canada and the United States at the est of the Prince of Wales, thdy the requirements of the Nort American markets, They will tL Montreal tomorrow, an Roatan, Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Detrolt and Chicago lat. or, BE a a ---------- WEATHER is Ngh over the and western states low acrom 3 udson h Toe ther from eastward warm in The Oshamua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reforms Bae. isnt Binders goth dad 4 a 54 LI Canad peda vary ES ARE LOST IN LAKE TRAG DSHAWA, ONT ARIO, I A Growing Newspapor in a Growing City 18 Cents 8» Week; 3 Cents » Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES EDY | -- Election Fight Has Reached Its RECOVERY OF BODIES IN LAKE MICHIGAN REMOVES ALL HOPE FOR CAR FERRY All Doubt Is Gone as to the Fate of Car Ferry Mil waukeo, Which Wast Lost in Tuesday's Terrific Storm CREWS STILL ABOARD OTHER WRECKED SHIPS Tugs Are Making Desperate Efforts to Go to the Ald of Men Stranded in Lake Superior Neven Bodies Hecovered Milwaukee, Oot, 36,%= Navan bo- dies today marked the resting place of a lake Michigan steamer and revealed the fate of her crew of 64 Kaeh encased In a life belt, they flonted amon the wreckage from thelr Illsfated ship, the Grand Tronk car ferry Milwaukee on the lake 10 miles southeast of Kenosha, Win, A half-doren boats were detailed to steam to the scene and complete the work of salvage today, Lost night, searchers recovered seven bodies and bite of wreokage which told how the Milwaukee plunged to the bottom when she was un able to hreast the battering waves of Tuesday night's storm and make port at her destination, Grand Ha yen The story of the actual events leading up to the sinking seemed destined 10 remain 16bked in the bosom of Lake Michigan, The man who could have told is dead, He Ia Captain Robett "Pad Weather" MoKay, of Grand Haven, whore 080 years of battling tha treacherous lake malea ended with defeat, His was the flrat body Identified, While searchers wore writing the last entry In the log of the Mil wii kea-"Toundered "federal in vestigators were laying plans for an investigation of the tragedy, one of the worst since the Lady Kigin disaster in 1860, Immediate Investigation An investigation Inte the disas ter, the most serious on Lake Mis ohigan in 40 years will be launched immediately, United Htatea depart: ment of commerce ofolala ane nounced at Milwaukea, Marine men are of the opinion that the 27 freight cars were torn from thelr moorings on the ferry ai the vessel was tossed about hy the storm, The weight of the shifting ours likely centred on one wide of the ship, tipping it Just as It was caught in the trough of waves, Onge on her beam ends, It Ia hes Meved the Milwaukea went down Ike a shot, the water pouring inte the open stern end, nother Nteamer Ashore Sault Rte, Marie, Ont, Oot, 28, +Two tugs, the Whalen and the firathhogle of Port Arthur are tos Jay standing by the steamer Chios ako, of the Great Lakes Tranapor tation Company of Buffalo, whieh went on the rocks on the west of Miohipieoten Island during the le of Tuesaday, *® The vessel left Duluth down. bound Monday, got off her course after being buffeted by the gale and huge waves, and orashed on mined, Late last nightuoSRgd.el the island at a point which has not yet heen exhotly determined. Late last night it waa reported Here that the erew had heen taken off but thin fx not substantiated by engre Information coming through this morning. The vessel 1a reported to be in bad shape, The tugs Whalen and Ntraths iy were towing the steamer WH \ the Hoo when they were I the storm and put inte Quaebea OPO There they were advised of the predBament of the Chicago and left for the scene of the wreck, leaving the Budd there Thin morning a NOAYY Bea waa runs ning and the tugs were unable to effect direct contact with the ves: sol, but ape standing hy, Crew NHL Aboard Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, Oot, 28. The orew of barge Lake Frugality. which 8 high adn dey on the heaoh near Point Au Rauble, have ing gone agrownd Wedneaday ab ter drifting for hours before the storm are still aboard the boat, Today, however, an effort will he commenced te get the barge off, two wrecking tugs from the Aw evloan Sault, the lowa and the Favorite, having mone up this Ww oraing to a assistance. Raliways of Kaye are 10 be elec trified, Cairo, Egypt, will have, automatic teleohones Silk cocoons "produced i in Syria last vear weighed wore than 7.000, pounds, FLAMES DESTROY FREIGHT VESSEL Captain and Members of Crew Have Narrow Escape (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Budhury, Oct, #06,Mlames of unknown origin totally destroyed # amall frelghting steamer, the Lnurn MH, Lea, while she was lying In port with the crew asleep at Meldrum Day at the west end of the Manitoulin Island, early Wed nesday morning, The threes mem hors of the orew, Captain Corbett, of Port Colborne Knginesr I Duneanson of HNllverwater, and George Mutehmore of Owen Nound, awoke to find the boat already in flames ®nd barely epoaped with thelr lives, All of the men suf. fered bhurne and were unable te do anything to save the steamer, Wheat Drops Again Chicago, Oct, 25,«Wheoat prices made a small recovery at the open ine of the market today but quickly reacted to four to five cents below the top, The start was 1:4 to 2 34 cents above Thursday's close, but trading was extremely active and a wave of selling within the first half hour earried May wheat down te § 12 contn from Ita best price, Mareh sold down jo $1.27 1:2 'and Decems her to 817 12 a "Tiger Of France" Claims There | hance For Lastin In Spite Of Modern Little (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) New Pork, Oot, 26.<Years of study 'and obafrvation have disil lusioned Ueorges Clemenceau on the chance for a lasting peace, The "Tiger" of Franoe disclaims skoptiolam In a two-volume Philos sophleal work which he ealls "In the evening of my thought." - But on the eve of another Armistice anniversary and In the wake of A British prime minister's peace mission to Washington he falls to pee that "any appreciable degree of seourity'" has been produced by "the peace of the strongest," with ita treation--'soraps of paper'" He says: "The Institution of A peace parliament no whi ohanges the unavowed ocupldities, the combinations of opposed inter eats of the hypooritioal discussions with which we seek to disguise them, However, the seat of foree may shift, the peace basad on mus perior military strength will still long be imposed on the world and ita rightfulness will be justified on empirical grounds." An Clemenceau approaches "The portale of death"-<he ia 84 years old==he tells the world wherein it iy 1atking and where Ita hopes Two Men Killed On the Highway London Car Crashed Into a Truck Near Wood: stock a "(By Conadion Press Lonssd Wine) Woodstock, Oct, 28,-Manley MeCanley and HBruce Vedden, both of London, Ont, were instantly killed ealry today when the aute- mobile In which they were Passens gers orashed Into & truek parked on the highway tive miles east of Woodstock, Victor Wong, driver of the car in which the two men were viding, was held by the police pending an Investigation, Wong Is also a resis dent of London, for Atlantic Flier (By Comadion Press Losasd Wine) New York, Oct, 28-"The name of Urban F\ Diteman, Ir, wav generally beheved today to have been yb to the roll of those whe tried to ac io the Atlantic and failed, Ulinehted and unheard of sin W headed his midget monoplane. . en Mind, out to sea from Grace, Nid, on Tuesday, all but the most hopeful were eonvinged that adventuresome t on with a forced landing in a stormy sea, MeGill Honore World Peace Frvoy HAMSBAY MACDON Motil University honored Pees mice Hamsay MacDonald of Groat Nritain during his recent visit by conf Ca the degre of Doctor a at , special S Peace nstitutions a ---------- rn | Automobile Kills Fox On | Quebec Road Que, Oot, 24 gleaming eyes looked out of the midnight darkness when Alfred Bavole, son of J, A. Savole, M. L.A, was driving home, They did net budge an the machine advanced, Mi. Bavele mot out, Jammed he tween tha front bumper and the radiator he found a fox, mortally wounded, evidently having been struck as iL ran agross the road, Manseau, Twa i --.---- Serious Fire In Durham Ont. Six Stores, Two Offices and Number of Dwellings Destroyed Owen Bound, Oct, 28, -=Damugs estimated at $20,000 was done by a tire that broke out in the main saction of the town of Durham this morning, Rix stores, the Hank of Commerce Rranch, the Nell Tele phone office and a number of dwel lings were destroyed The tire broke out at midnight in the feed and grocery store of W. VV. Bollett, in the Molntyre block, one of the town's principal structures, It spread to the Nank of Commerce and Nell Telephone ofMoen In the sameb uildiug, to the Misa Teaux millinery store, then atrent, destroying the geneval stoves of Alex Aljous and Robert Neus nett, the men's and ladiea' wear store of George Mines, J, MH, Hard ing's hardware store, the Twperial Daughters of the Empire rooms and the Masonio hall, Firemen from Owen Hound, Har viaton, Palmerston, Mount Forest, and Hanover, gave valuable asaiat- ance in bring the flames under aontrol, DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER SLUGGED ata (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Windsor, Oot, 25.) Hany Thompron, 43, a deputy ret wring ofeer of the fart ooming elovtion, War slugged and injured last night by a footpad, who struck him over the heady a, PRON WAR Ye. wm PF vreaeiving hin balle 3 from danarters, Re Hand an he fell and the thas fled, Mr, Thompson was only par tially conscious when police arrive I BR TY ALD RECEIVE 3 DEGREE OF vonvoention at Montreal, In a subsequent address 'remilor Maos Donald made a plea to the peoples ol Y 0 outlaw war, The tofieaph hore shows Prem: DOCTOR OF LAWN lor MacDonald In Vv with Chancellor kK, Nir Arthur Gil, leay and gown ew ty and I of Mes nll after the or romanY, SAILING FOR HOME TODAY British Premier's Visit To| This Country Draws to a Close Ray NWeown, Canadian ress Ntaft Correspondent ) Quabee, Oot, 25 his evening Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon ald and his daughter Ishbel, say good-bye to Canada, When the Hiner Duchess of York moves away from the pler at about midnight the Amevioan visit of the Jiritish Labor Premier will ba a thing of the past, The curtain of tha next (ny act of the peace and disarmament rama will vise In London "| January, when five instead of two, great nations will enter the | discussion and attention will shift | from the new to the old world The Nritish Labor premier has divided his time on this side of the Atlantio very evenly between the United Btatex and Canada, Out of a visit of just over threes weeks, he has spent about eleven days in each country, Many of them we: orowded days, but recently Mr, MacDonald has had more leisure He returns to England to plunge Into the activities of a parliamens tary session SOCIALIST ASKED T0 BE PREMIER TO SUCCEED BRIAND mn r-------- Eduard Deladeir Accepts In- vitation of French President (By Canadian Prods Leased Wire) Paris, Oct, 25 Hdonard Deladeir, Radical Tender, today accepted Pros sident Donmergue's invitation to fort a new government to sieeeed that of Premier Aristide Briand, who vesigned Tuesday. He told the presi. dent he would try to get a cabinet tomether, M, Deladeir "heat three quarteps of an howe wp © president diseuss sing hin plant. He teft early in the alterngon for Rhetms where the Ras dichk-Soefahst party still is holding ns congress, He ARON there * anit Wi op ® promised the president 10 tel Mm Saturday heer he cons sidered 1's possible to form a gavs ornment ---------- ---- A. Some men grumble because they can find nothing to grumble a ost Critical J POLITICAL PARTIES SPEED Stage UP THEIR CAMPAIGN AS VOTING DAY APPROACHES DEFECT FOUNDIN | ENGINE OF 101 Further Trials Are Aban.| doned While Engine ls Being Repaired London, Oot Trial flights for Nritain's great new divigible Rt 101, have been suspended because of a slight defect found In one of har engines The alr ministry announced to day that while one af the auxiliary engines used for starting the main power units was helng tested re ently a small plug In the Tubrioat ing system worked loose, damaging ona of the geur wheels The en gine haw hoan sent to the manufac turers for repairs and further tests, und them Inlstry hopes that the defect will soon be remedied, "The R101 han already made two sue cessful trial fights, which seem tn have silenced the widespread orl tlelam of her construetion in the British press, Fresno, Calif, Oct, 28 A race riot In whieh about 200 Filipino frult workers and 800 white labor ers partieipated broke out at lxe tar, 60 miles south of here last night an the aftermath of a stab hing affray One man was eritionl ly Injured Twelve car loads of deputy sheriffs left Visalia to quel} the disturbance All Stock-Market Records Broken In Frenzied Day Of Selling 'On The New York And Woman Killed At Crossing In Agincourt (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Toronto, Oct, 26, «May Darwent wan almost instantly killed near Agincourt last night when a freight train struck the ear in which she was tding, Alan Bwift and Mrs, George Hoard, the other ocoupanty of the oar, are in hospital suffers Ing from sevious injuries, Miss Darwent and Hwift were to have been marvied in a few weeks, Police Guards On Wall Street Commissioner Taking No Chances on Robbery Dur ing Hectic Trading (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) New York, Oot, 35~=Four hundred extra patrolmen, 100 detectives and a large detail of mounted men ware sent into the Wall Hipeet disteiot today to ald the K0 patrolmen and 80 dete tives of thé regular detail in main taining ovder, Although all was quiet this morning Police Commissioner Grover A. Whalen std he would take no ohanoes, He also warned brokers te be partiovnlarly careful about eh trusiing bonds and seourities to runners unless they were sure of Ler vellability, He sald theve was a danger that bond thieves, taking advantage of the situation, would attempt a coup in the dis teiet, Known eriminaly are never allowed beyond a certain deadline drawn around the financial sees tion Man Suffocated When His Home Burns Down (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) New Liskeard, Oot, 90,--He hy Swedlove wax sulfocatod, hin w sustained a hrokew lew, and iM eloven-yoar-old child was slightly injured when five destroyed thelr Rome yesterday, Swedlove Was not aon after he had dropped the wivl through the window to safety, and search revealed hia badly burned pide the house some hours after the tire started. Mrs, Swed. love was rod when she and her two sons dropped through another window, Toronto Exchanges Toronto, Oot, 26, «Total sales on the Now York Stook Kxehange reached 18,804,000 shares, 4,000, 000 shares move than the previ ous record day Total sales on the Toronto hook xchange reached 277,000 shares and on the Montreal Stock Hx change A83,0281 shares, outstrip ping all previous records Shares from all parts of North Amerion were dumped on the New York Stock Mxchange by noeoessl tous sellers, hy people selling out of pantie, and by 'short' selleys, who later covered, resulting in the worst hreaks in quoted values Kince the war panio of 1014, Rankers and responsible brokers In the United Htates and Canada consider the debacle yesterday was the inevitable result of too much speculation, and that it has "olear ed the air" There was a noticeable recovery in values In the last hour of trad ing, though the losses were still severe as compared with the pres vious day's clone, Brokerage loan totals, announs ood at the end of trading, showed A decrease of %167,000,000 Frantlo scones were also witness. ed In grain markets of Winnipeg and Chicago as grain prices orums bled, with a considerable recovery In final trading, N.Y. Market Is Steadier Today Most Iu Show Steady Advance in Opening Sales (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) New York, Oct, 28.-The New York stock exchange appeared to have recovered ita equilibrium for the moment at least, in the open. Ing transactions today, as trading was resumed after yesterday's stampede of liguidation, which caused the most violent declines in the exchange's history, A broad advance sot in directly after the opening gong, and trading waa in sharply reduced volume, although many blocks 5,000 to 15,000 shares changed hands, Canadian Paotfio jumped $12.63, National Cash Register, American Power and Light and astman Kodak mounted about $4 to $3 and #uoh stock an Ameriean Tele. phone and UN, Rleal opened about $1 higher, A few weak spots were upeovered, however, Fox Film dropping $8 and first National stores $4.00, ---- Nature makes hows and gids fove lv to look upon so they ean be tuls erated watij er ig SOMO SONSe, -------- ~Prof, William Lyon Phelps, Party Leaders Taking Prom. inent Part in Fierce Orat- orical Bombardment as Campaign Enters Closing Few Days PREMIER WILL SPEAK IN TORONTO TONIGHT W.E.N. Sinclair To Address Meetings at Orillia and Midland---Cabinet Minis- ters Defend Government's Record Luronte, rin, storm Oct Vy Lhrough the and in the snow of wept Ontario, political leaders and candidates ave enrrying thelr els ection pleas to the voters of the pros vince, The here wratorical bombard ment which has reached a peak in the closing days of provinelal cam palgn will be continued today, The eyes of the campaigners are on the calendar the rally thelr adher ents for the final test at the polls October SO With the campaign In [ts most erls tical the charges are bringing prompt and heated dentals and thera nw warmth fn the campaign that has been lueking up to now Last night W, 15, N, Sinelalr, Lilie eral ke pay h a hurpied visit to dg own canstitugney of Ontacio, chargdd his opponents With" ynfaiy taeties In thelr emmpaign against him, He had never had a lHguor permit und he velled upon his friends in his home riding wo defend hin against whispers" against his private lie, he sind, mo warmly brandmg us false various reports lie had heard had been circulated, Today the Liberal leader will garry the ght into Nortly Simeoe, where Hon, William Finlay « son, minister of lands and forests, 1a seeking re-election, Premier to Speak Pramiler Ferguson was confined (9 hin home again yesterday with bros chitin, but announced he would delis ver a speech tonight at a Conservas tive rally at Toronto, Members of the government were active yesterday, however, Hon, Charles MoCred, mins iter of mines, recounted benefits brought to Northern Ontario by tha Ferguson government in addresses ab Downeyville and Peterbore; Hon, Win, H, Price, attorney general, ats tacked the financial record of tha former UF.Q, gevernment at Beams sville; Hon, George 8, Henry, mins ter of highways spoke at St, Cath arines an Hon, Jy KR, Cooke, ministen without portfolio Hlled an Dengages ment for Premier, Ferguson ah Campbelltord, Government Under Five The government was under fire ab Glencoe where Hon, 1, Drury, former UFO, premier and J, G, Lethbridge Progressive leader, hell a joint meeting in the constituency of West Middlesex where Mr, Leths bridge is In a three-cornered battle for the seat, Mr, Lethbridge defended his record of over ten years in the legislature, He A opposition to the issu bh the Dominion government © 'home brew" permits and to "legal® olearance granted boats with cargoes of liguor which it is alleged find thei way to United States ports, Mr, Drury said he had always been a total abstainer and challenged Pros mier Ferguson to "take the total abs stinence pledge" Mey Lethbridg spoke at night at Mount Drydges mY Mr, Dravy at Woodstaek, In his eves ning address My, Dewey held the pros per methed of brody! the liguon question was through & direct vote, Heo charged the Conservative governs ment had built a surplus from revens ues which should have been credited 10 the preceding UKQ, governmenty ------------------ EXECUTED BY THE SOVIET ET LEADERS (By Cavadion Press Losasd Wire) Krasnodar, Russia, Oot, 28.- Twenty-one men, described as Dans Aits and CONNtOr-revolutioniat, were executed here today for subs veraive activities againgt the ROVs ernment, robbing the countryside and terrovining the population, Tt wan alleged that the ofkanisas tion, which was headed by a wan named Bavitaky, maintained a Mant for forging documents and possessed armi and ammunition, It waa further ohavged that just bofore thelr avrest they were a the uot of veorniting additional members ta extend their tevporis« te activities : A number of additional datends anita were sentenced to varying term of imprisonment, ader,

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