Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM ES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 tbdadbasdadd det idl ddd EASTERN ONTARIO CIGARETTE CAUSED FIRE Cormwall=A elgarette butt tossed bhrough an opti first floor window of the Hart House, Pitt and Third streets, early Bundy evening 1s hes lieved to have caused & hire which did damage estimuted at $100 10 thi butlding and furnishings, The prompt arrival of eity firemen prevented a bluge of mare serious proportions, pa HUMANE BOCIETY ACTIVE Morrishurg = The astivity of the Morrisburg Humane Boelely has heen again made evident when, upon their discovery of horse sampletely paralyzed on the premises wf My hen ahave lroguuis, they erdered it killed, and BFL offiggrs went to the farm 10 ses tht the wel of merey had heen sarvled out aes cording to orders, : iii] BUILDING FACTORY Cornwall=Large nvwnbers oi werk men, busy diy and night, are espest ed 10 rush construction of ogy build ings an Cumberland Heth hil will camprisg the plant af "Cornwall's newest industry, Fibre Conduits Lid, ta ah early sempletion, Exeavation and foundation work is being enrriud on Bt the present time ut wig through the cimployment ef 100 uw eriul electric Naed Tights whieh light the location with daylight brillisney PRESBYTERY MEETS Masvilles=Glengarry Proshytery of the United Chureh of Canada at 4 meeting held at Newington elested Rey, VV, W, K, Harrig, wf Manville, chislrman for the ensuing year, Rev, Dr, A, Govan, of Willlamstown, was raselected seeretary, and Key, 1, M, Meblead, of Alexandria, treasurer, The meeting was presided over hy Rev, H, D, Witmare, uf Newington, and the sessions were of an impor ant nature, MILK INSPECTOR APPOINTED Lindsay==All the members were Basen at the special meeting af the doard of Health this week and all caneyrred in appointing Br, 6, ¢ Lawrence, velerinary surgean, as in spector under the new milk hyslaw It was felt that this new method under whieh gareful track could be kept af all the milk heing sald i Lindsay, was & great improvement aver the ald method, All the herds will he tuberculin tested as soon as possible, DIED OF LOCKJAW Cornwall = Lockjaw ov tenanus from infection resulting from step ping on & rusty nall, caused the death of Erie Monk, JM year ald mail careier, About two weeks pre vious to his death, Mr, Monk had heen working around a harm at th vear of the Boe when he stepped a rusty nail which was embedded iy stiely of timber, Shortly after QUALITY COAL MALLETT'S NEWS veseiving the wound, he had it tread eld and 0k hepled wyer, hut apparent ly some of the infection sll Femuin ed wind this worked through his sys tem ind vesulted in his death, SENTENCED TO JAIL Coarnwills=Unalile (0 pay # ne of 1H) and costes mposed wpe hin in tolies Cort Monday miarning, hy Deputy Magistrate 1, G, Melonell, when he appenred on uw charge of having liquor Wegilly, Boss Burioy with sommitied to the Counties Jal for three months, According 1a the elty plies, who explained the situgtion to Maglsirile MeDanell, Burton wis intoxicated, walng vile language and (hrewtening fis wife and ehildren when they vis pled his heipe a few days ago, Tallow ini eomplatnts from nelghbors, Hove tan had heen warned repeatedly I warding his conduet and had not ine proved, When arrested, he wis in possession of w quantity of lguor hut wid unable to produce an Ontario Liguor Cantral Hoard permit TROPICAL CARGO ONLADY SOMERS RM.S, Liner Arrives 'From | West Indies on Seventh Trip CAPT, 8, LAIRD Master of Abandoned Steam: or Potomac Wrecked In Bahamas Is Here Please Bob, don't be late, far the eharus always alarts on He, and we havi soveral blocks te walk, Phase wers Mary's parting wards the wight before, so Hob had ta do some husll ing == hame [from work, dine, shave and doll up for the big dal Boh made the grade and on time for he sub his shaving time by many minutes, thru using KLENZO SHAVING CREAM It's instant Inther and soften: ing offest made his hr fowth whey prey far his Inde, He bought » the Inst Bpring at the Resall Biove and has been & hanster for it ever snes, Giant Size Tube 39¢ JURY & LOVELL King E Bimsos 8, Phone 28 Phone 84 | Let Ha today Montreal, Oct, 3.-With a hea enrgn of bananas, oranges, grapetryit phineniag, Kinger, cacognuts and oth ero West Indian products, the KM | Lady Bowers, Canadian National Aleamships, H, 0 Grin Mis Oshawa vialted My Capt veashed port hoi 4 this morning wl the end af her seventh voyage, One af the passengers wis 8, Lalrd af the abandoned stesimer whieh was wrecked off Andros Is Indand, in the Bahamas Bopt, 40, | he Potamae, a Heitish tanker, wi proceeding with all from Houston, lexas to Rais End, Englund, struck round and wis broken in twa, bal Vale was linpossible Masi the JRSAENRMErs an this vovage were trom Lontresl and Taront 8] han wha travelled from as lar as King ston, lamaiea, there were: DD, Wil son, Montreal, Me, and Meg, J, W Knight, Mr, and Mrs, W tuhert son; Mr, and My HP Louk Misses A, Hower, Luther, | Messias, 1, Morisette, and KR, Button ul Mantreal, I'he BM Lady Drake docked at Batnt John, NH terday, with CRI and passengers trom Demerara Heitish Gulana Regent steamer Canadian National red an Champlain, sailed from Montreal, Saturday, due mn Halifax tomorraw | Cavalier, satlod fram Mon real, Baturday, areived no Halifax ipl Wl UL in the BOVIS ove nients eight noy Trewin Putamae, | Hoss wud any and Csrman Rodd, ed Mis nd habe, Hoohester, and Mrs Hahhing, former's Frank Hurketon and nm Tow John Cambell Pye parents, Mr, and Mrs i yesterday | Mariner, due in Montreal from Antwerp, Oct, #61 Planter, from \iitwerp, due in Montreal, Friday, a8 Highlander, salled from Haston, due In Montreal today, Ran from Panama, due in Montreal Canguerar, salle fram Man trea! far New Zealand, today ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS My, and family of Hid Get, HY Hmith and and Mrs an Bunday and Mrs Lilayd and Marie, Me, H Mus, A, Tamblyn spent with friends at Orono Migs Lauslla Knniskillen WwW, 4 Ashiton Werry Bun My Hlovens, Oshawa Hroaklin, visit Mr, and Hunday Hohbina Lavi the Mrs tha former's parents, Howard Hlavens on Mr, apd Mpa Laslle vinlted and Hampton parents, Habhing And Mrs James sphent Sunday Mes, J Frasharn and Mes, 5, Hodman, Part Migs Maud Ashion, Tarantn, Ira Travell, Oshawa apeni unday with Me and Mrs, BE © Ashitan Mrs Mi Steonw with My Mi My Hiohard Sloman in spending days with Mr, and Mpa Hileman and Mes, J Hampton, Hunday Winnie Curtis and Miss vislted Mops, J My an Miss Oke visited - har Wesley Oke, pl kk ; ---- We LINOLEUM DOMINION Tg be Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY ANB STRAW Whelksinls deileis in hy snd siraw ais Huang [i shligsih the lulle Cullale ffelinared i hak, ok Ley, sled ban Bu 8 Fimatny, bled Linle sbruw, per tim UH TR TT) whinw, hisled, tun 4 UR TR TR] Bae bath Toes, 1s gualed at B10 1 $0 per tom, delivered TORONTO FRODUECE Taranin whalesalp dealers wis altering yim dues to reinil dealers wt the fellewing wil Lh th $e Si oH 6h Emi Vrewh, putenn, in eartans, bei frp Coir lone, Gs Nias, laces, Mei wesunds, No, | eremmery, mint, 4k; Na inte, Ale Now, [thee fai 1wine billete, die Hilla gre, 0, Targe, wl OTe triplets and elle, [ wld slime vy Hutier TI filasee LI OT Me Pressed Cllekens, & the, un of Via, ! tab Nae Miiiite Bo RR en 3 Ha, under 4 The TT Hens, aver § thn p TY Pa, 4 (a § Ihe frre : AR i" Weklings Hie dade -_ " TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Targnia wholegals dealers aig quating the falluwing prices ta the Hada [1] i sain 10 Mei sanked Tatte, Hil Timing, medium, \ valle, Si Lrpahlagt Baeon, " M | ta Sei simiked dt Ae heek pesimesled, Mote Als; de sighed AN 1a Ze Cured masters ang slear hagon, 0 a 70 {ha Ble 70 10 Whi ele WI te 110 Ih die, Heavyweight voll, Ao, Lighiwelghi valli hi ] Lard oe Pure tarees, Toi tubs, 16¢1 pails ei prints, 18 in 1g Bhariening tise I ba 106) hubs, 14 136; pails, 186i tine, 17% print, The Park loins, Me; New body park buts, #5 10s York shoulders 86 park hams, #8 112 TORONTO FARMERS MARKET Ihe lellewing are quotations, retail, In eget on the BE Lawrence market, Toronto) LC a | EAlian, er degen 0H 0, Neale per dosen i A Hytter, per pakind ) A fl A per pond 1] Variables daly, ie GERM IE mike an Carat, hush Hein, hush! glans, diy Tha br Cabbage Canlifower Binpeh, posh Mahi roam COUT Toad letbyee Vatatoes, han Cieumibers, That, has Parsley, per hunch Crean, threes fay elery, wer bundle shine, wer dosen nanan, per dosen oat basket hasket Wer pang hiss lay i har an Bunday Phin, Ladien' Ald hold Hs annual guilting on Wednesday, Oat, 14 The Iadies turned oul well and three lovely quilts were quilted to he sold at the hagaar later, Miss Hlma Diokinson (8 spending i Taw days with her parents, My and Mps, KB, DMekinson Hm Tamblyn and J, BD, Brown and Odvios Tamblyn, Orann, Chay Ha Htalnton, Newmarket and Loy don Werry were Hunday vistors af W, J, Hiainton Mr, and Mes, J, Hrawn, visited thely daughter, Ashton, vepently A weloame rain cama to give the farmers & ohanes to do thely fall plowing after the husy season af sila filing and threshing A lave congregation greeted the pastor, Rev, J, M, Whyte, wha delivered a good sermon, The ehaly sang wall under the leadership of Mish Marion Orehard, New mam have ave helng added to the ehureh roll, TIRE PRICE RAISE. 1§ EXPECTED SOON Goodyear and General Take Lead in Announcing New Schedules Akron, Oot, 24, A general In opens In the price af autamabile tives 18 sxpected to hetame affect Ive shan The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has advaneed prices ta dealers and wan followed hy the General Tire & Rubber Co, and 1 is understood that the United Hates Rubber Ca, and tha other large manufacturers af tires have oonferved in vegard to an upward vovislon of peieas and will an neunee new sohedules, BR, 8B Wil son, vieepresident of tha Goods YOAT Samba, said "Phe Goodyear Tire & Rubber in ta new price list ta deals ers, which constitutes the only vies regulated hy the oampany, Hy made an upward revislan in the sehedule averasing around | per ant, And less (han 3 par cent, affective Oot, 18" The matter of the increase In prices Nas been under dlspussion by vepressniatives of the leading rubber companies for seme time The WMaln purpose of the disuse: slong has hoon ta eliminate the outs price dealer, who has made 14 fw possible far smaller dealers to wake A reasonable profit, During the past year the dealers have re. oalved a very slim pratit, dua to the prices at which they have heen selling tives to weet competition fram concerns which have veeeivs ad WnuauAl discounts hecanse of hein large buying abil, Dealers generally axproassd sate atastion with the wiafMeial reports they received of the new Goadyear sohedule, looking at the av tion a8 the one means hy whieh tive prices, both retatl and whole: sale, could naw he stabilised PLUTOCRAT FOXES COSTING $88,000 Halifax, Oot, 21.-=When the palatial Bwediah American lnep Wrinsholm sailed aut of Halifax to day she carted a sven af plates Or te Worth an the hoot almost $38,000, There were 200 in the grown which ocansistel eutiraly of silver Mack foxes trary Pelee Bdwand Ialand hound for Sweden, Where they Will be waed to stoek vanches, Lindany Mrs, 'WN Ca Ioehand is 10 have a hroadeasting stahion, - a Aviles, Got, linskel HERI gun, Howl Hlmin, hisket Liane, Bb Hi 'ui Hon enihign, bh yt funey Liew vigbne, wah RT re Chien, 6 yl ' Lranbisirieg yi CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTUREN Ehiengn, Let, #4 While thers wi " clisnge Wi the sak marker ab the visning TRY Wi BEEN, 1 WHE UPERIERE hat hE WIE gemhdsnes that hime Tnapieed the 1 ERE my Aneel wih nab bi geikially tno svi dense, The lubes, wlisr "uw Wine wpsiiing Rn nb # wave al selling thal carried yilugs down A 06 Trg thie sirly high, Sup prt wus lacking during 1h decline bit CAE wu wb rol 48 LA un the Novem ber new and M1 uit the Hecemibsin and wales whoa rally, witli Task sales wl slightly hove the dad's lo BEL r tone wae natleeshle tn the but FEF mpd nike, with a slight upwiid se Vinal wl oat ians oi tap Baie Lessin Ber futures ppened plemdy a wnehangsd, wil dar a while 0 esis they wanld sisily malniwin the wdvanes ul yesterds Tel sani itinent Ka Nuveinher, vid Way di, new, LL UBK: Liesember, 470 Hutte Hgearihigr, 000; Jununiy, Wo Ehesss-- geen her, 7 hicagn spat Loder adtandirds, 4% I'ly (eurrentl, 8 4 hips imurket receipt ii I4,N7¢ Ing! Fabius, ne wieady, Fdus A bang lendy Water = Teslay, 18 Lugs Today, 68d; mnrket Bute i IRat ¥Rat, war, 17 00d ew York Ad a AF 1K Wu ("| fk rk to Hutiepk bane aleudy IT] fang sien Hu 4 Pirate TORONTO GRAIN JUOTAY (NA Clie dealers on the Taran Wasi of I'v ails the fallow ing sual bions far eur loti Madiaha wheat, fo I pari! ging $46 1 } warihem, #48 1-3 Na, 4 B00 440 Na 4, $0.86 1:4; ) y $l. Vd; No, hb 08 036; feed, Bg; (6d Giaderigh and Hay poral Manitoba onte=Na, | feed, feed, 61 Aiierigan sormeNa, 8 vellow, 81.07 84 (RIL vail, delivered Toranta fielghi) Millfeeil, deliveisd Montes! feglghiin, hi Inetuded = Bean, per tan, AN pA Hey on, # §omiddinge, $4.08 Cia wean Wheat, B10, Cate, Hi Barley, 70 tu 70, 'Wye, $1.00, Buckwheat, Hi He aking Na fe; Ne ¥ EAST BUFFALO LIVE ATOCK Fast Huffala, Cet, 3 Hags Keesipis, | WR haldaver {ne SOLE ta all fits ent 00 tu 350 higher bulk 160 1a 340 Tha SULAR by mantly SIUAUE ID ta 140 has A fu Ml packing » RET Cattle Raeeipt i fully sign Pam oer BON meld head btlehier cows BRST sutton wiades, B38 tu 8 Weeoipin, 100 vealers siendy, $17.50 man ' | Calve lamba aetive, stom ehaies, $14.4 WE weights, 811 i | | oad | \ 0 \ 1 i Ewe HEP SMALLPOX TEST REPORTED USEFUL | nian Oct. 3 \ hii} be, M, H M silt wl Hy Lardan Hea! Hq I the Wation test he Aga tans hy hehalt al (he Counetl an to the cinta variala toes on eureh Villa Vil ar Ha agnosis ot Party LET OE od that the test w CRAEN, The results showing method supplies a test of He precision with an application that is relatively the outhreak # dehnite mallpox in of the disease, it 18 annaun ui the dingnog siplied In that tinple In Fan epldemio 11 ha practical wii and Haly has Amerlean talkie 5 1929 Rw A I WE ELECTION RECORDS SHOW TREND IN ONTARIO FROM [867 (By Canadian Press Lasssd Whe) With the Gitariv pravineiil genes il elections set fur CO HM, # revice ul the samposition of the legislative aasemhly sinee the ravines entered Contederation tn 1867, Is Interesting Beveiteon legislatures have sone and gone in Cintarie, Nine differen wdiministrations have heen in power One was Unlanist, three were head ed by Conservitive Prime wiki tirs, far hy Lileral and one governniep with i Unlted Farmer-Lahor fusion The standing ef parties In the lust leginlature a vetugned in the election af 1936, wis as Tallows i Conservative Ay Lo 17, Tad b, 41 Prog, 185 UV 0 fi Lahar 1, The standing at disso lution an Bept, 16 wast Conservi tyes, 780 Liberals 205 Progressives, Hi UV0 8 vacant Fallowing are the Ontarls admin istrations sings Confederation i (hy Hay, |, 8, Maedanald, premier July -16, 1867 ta Dee, 19, 1871, Un lanist, (4) Hon, ¥, Blake, premier 20, 1871, 1a Qet, 28, 1872, Liberal (4) Hou, Oliver Mawit, premier Cer, 38, 1872 1a Yuly 0, 1806, Liberal (4) Hoan, A, 8, Hardy, premier, July 20, TH9G tu Oet, 17, 1B, Tiheral (A) Han, G, W, Rass, premier, Ot dl THN, ta Veh, 7, 1005, Liberal (6) Han, Bir, JF, Whitney, pre miler, Fel, B, 1908, to Bept 25, (014 Lanservitive (7) Han, Bly Hey Let, 4, Lunservative, (Hy Han, ¥, ( yay, 14, 1010 1g Jul Farmer (VY) Han Tuly 16 Bervative A Lu Willlam Hearst, pre 1914 to Nay, 14, io ih ner United Drury, A 16, 1933 Ch H, Ferguson, premier 1948, until the present, Con Fravious Results Results of previous pravinela! gen eril elections were approximately fullow Ia Untaniats, supporters of Sand held Magdanald 54, Retarmers 24, In dependents § HZ Hetarmers Independents 7 IW} Lilierals §1 tdependents 4 IH79 Liberal Independents 1 IHR Lihera! Independents | HBG Liberals 04 IMO Lihorals 54 1H = Liberals 40 Patrans of Industry THOR Lihierals 49, ( Patrons | 190d Liherals 51, 1008 1011 Lahor 1 11] § EL OT LL] Lib, 1, Lalor | ue UFO 8, Laibar 11 un dl, Unionists 33 Conservatives 33 ha, | anservatives 29 Af, Conservatives 3 Conservatives 24 Canservatives 4 Loanservatives &/ 4, PPA 8 URE vatives 4) maervatives 40 Liberals 2 Liberals 21 Onservalives nv aervintives Bi Liberals 25, Tn id, Liberals 89 Coan Soldier 1, Independents | 102% Canservatives Liberals 1 LE 17, Labor A 10N { Ind «1 | Labor | naervialives 74, Liberals 17 b, Progressives 14 LO 3 THRIFT SOCIETY Delegates Search for Cheap A000 000000000 0A BUY == Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 368-FIVE DIRECT LINES 0000000000000 TG {1 TARE \ an rene, wand dn elght languages hild noble things of theft, A stout hiwnker fram overseas smiled at me with infinite sweetness, The man ross again and In elght languages spoke af luncheon, Phere was a rush towards the door, I followed the theiftiest looking de legate to a famous Hitle restativant n He gonsumed hors d'euvres vilrles, poulet & la reine, homhe glas special eaffee, and a fAask of Chiuntl, The walter was given of Gente and had & velapa HOLDS CONVENTION hohe Lunch in London Restaurants Loandan, Cet, 25 luneheon ean | get imi" Finnish delegate (0 the resent Convention "Monaleur "Where & aunked th hriht sheap PROTECTING TREES AGAINAY RABBITS Hahbite have In past winters dona eunsiderahle damage to trees planted helter-helts an prairie farms, An effective method of protecting tha tieon fram the pest has heen found in Hghtly smearing the trees to a sul Aetent height with axle grease, ane Hdd meal cheap voi!" owald the Freneh delegat Goat," said the German delegate after a reporter had told him Phanks," sald the Australian de logate after he was told Food nhl Rpanish dele mn Hh | om lune hean haur at the In ternational Threife whieh apened in Burlington gardens, where Tternations! Theft Conferenge" banner Haated tn the and taxieal drivers wineed a en Hew Amerioan motor busses ust heen plied In aperation between Chefon and Ninghal, Ching, A FAMOUS FOOD TONIC Of Cod livery Oni I was (he have HUress a ureant white hireese they hurried hy Shy My, Bnawden he thrift experts had assembled from all aver the warld, My, Bnew looking extremely shy, stood at of an imposing Aight of steps the lords of the rainy len the Ai l mreeted a Me Bpenver BP rial. ehalrman of the Trustee Bavings Hank Assaoly Hon and ehalrman of the eantferene pone and spake of theift, At the ward a law "eoo" af infinite pleasure swept through the sable horde ke the whisper of & summer hresss tarp 3.pce, WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN SETS Extra low price on these 3-pee, Kitchen outfits com: prising 43neh W.E, Porcelain Top Table with nice logs and 2 WE, Bow Back Chairs, The 3 pieces Regular $13.00, Special BUY NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES and SAVE MONEY $12.75 2 an Special, aq. ye. 0 FLOOR OILCLOTH Special sale of high grade Floor Qilelaths, Heavy Quality and well finished, Straight Tile, Block Matting and Floval 213 yards wide. Reg Comes in Fancy Tile, Designs. 19% aq, yd. 49¢ REE Luke Furniture Co. Simmons' Bed Outfit Reautifl Walnut finished Simmons' Red, has grace line tubing with Decorated pierced panels fitted with sagless spring and white layer Felt mattress, A veal high olasa outfit, Regular $35.40 for Special $29.89 Other Outfits Ranging From $18.9 WHITE ENAMEL BAKING TABLE White Enamelled Baking Table with Porcelain Tap, fitted with Drawers and flour container, A very useful piece of Kitchen Furniture, Regular $17.50, Special TALLY ANNY $15.95 INLAID LINOLEUM ; We have a quantity of Inlaid Linoleum ends How up to 10 sq. yds, each in patterns suitable for kitchen and bathroom to be cleared at the fallow: $1 19 ing low price, Reg. $1.43 aq, yd. Special . Phone 78-19 63 King 1. E re ----

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