"PAGE TEN THE OSHAW/ DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 "DUTCH OSBORNE IS PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY PLAYER Was One of the Town's Fin. est Sports and a Star Baseball Pitcher Bowmanville has lost vecently, in his moving to Boston, Mass, one of Ite foremost athletes and wpovigmen, Harry, hater known is "puteh Oghorne, won of Mr, and Mrs, B, Ty Oshorne of Well streak, Dutch' haw Jatt the v W" of amateur sport apd in the will he un professions) hockey play ar with the Boston Tigers he Canada Pro; lengne, Ha had evi dently heen watched eavefully dirs ing the lust season hy someons in connection with the Boston Club, tor a few weeks ngo he re aolyad an offer from them that would make & young man less mod ait than he suffer from an ens larged head, Duteh' has heen one of the town's finest sportsmen since his high sehool days and in fact Klpee ha came to Bowmanville ten years ago, Besides being n hockey sinr RL sad in a x CIC TCR wore Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA ~~ TORONTO FARE~85§0¢ LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO (Standard Time) PM, 3.30 4.30 85.30 6,30 7.40 8,30 0.30 10.30 el11,18 AM, d7.00 d7.30 8.30 9.30 10,30 11.30 PM, 12.30 1.30 2.3 dently except Bunday, Ce Hundny PM, '3,30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 8,30 9.30 10,30 11,30 AM, d7,30 8,30 9.30 10,30 11,30 PM, 12.30 1,30 2.30 only, Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Schomberg, Oran geville; Brantford, Ham» ilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections at Buffalo for all U.S.A, points, Tickets and intormation at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA Phone 2828 bong re wis one of the town's hes hase boll enthusinsts and Far gonwidared tn he the Hay pitehs rin Durham County, This suns "" he plaved for the Foundry in tha town sefthall league end fuy sowmanville In the Big Pour hard ball league, and although playing generally on the mound nN WiH oqunlly ns good at wh position an ha known the fleld, He was also pitcher for the Oshawa Henlay C.0 1,1, team, Now he ls entering faster com pany and will ha playing In an lengua where Rimost every player Is a former amateur star, The pro fessional teams plek only the best material In the amateur world and develop along altogether new Hines in Wookey, The rules ave different and instead of helng haphasard are under wiviet supervision, and the formations ara different, Hix townspeople feel sure that '"Duteh' will' make good and will fellow hin enreor with great Interest, To make this ansler for citizens of the town, there will he published throughout the season on the Timen' sports page the games play- od hy the Boston Tigers, who will hive a soft spot In the hearts of Bowmanville sportsmen as they follow ane of thelr fellow eltigens making a name for himself and Ingldentally for the town in the professional world of sport, S------------ PERBONATA The engagement Is annonunesd of Withel Gwendoline, only daughter of My, and Mrs, ®, A, Navlor, of Ontario street, Bowmanville, and Gordon Stanley, younger son of the Inte Waller Charvirand and Mrs, Chartrand, also of Bowmanville, the wedding to take place sarily In Novamher In Bt, John's Anglican Chureh, EFFECT OF SUNSPOTS The variations in the numhers and sizes of sunspots in a period of av erage lenmth of eleven and a half vears is reflected in electromagnet phenomena on the Earth, such as | and tod Hghts, magnetic Intensity, wd radio reception Dominion Oh pervintory, Ottawa LIBERAL LEADER AT PORT PERRY (Continued from Page 8) large maJarity for Mr, Binelaly hig home riding W. EK, N, Kinclalr in "I'he people are going to go to the polls and vate for my pallies Hinolalr, and for me," stated My A Few of the Best Buys 1aN Chev, ton track with ump {ely In Hoel copdis Hen yy $565 1088 Chev, Conth In brand now condition, Price 52% Touring, $550 1080 Chev, in perfeat shape, Prive 1088 |. Pontiae Sedan, Looks and vans Hike NOW ORY, Prive | $725 1007 Whippet Nix Nos eu, Motor just overs uted, Pelee . $575 1087 Ford Touring, \ veal bargain $210 for oh \ You will find our "OK That Counts' on a car that we know is ready to give you many miles of service, No» thing but satisfaction and driving comfort ahead of you wn itep on the ges and you name standing back of you, Buy yowr "OK" car now... stock must be reduced. Right naw you ean most favorable prices of the year, down........overy car a real bargain, - This tunity! Come in today! CHEVROLET TON TRUCK 1008 model, Bock Moke, Now overstae tires, Hutea fine motor, Prive Ontario Motor Sales Lid Service. Limited 're off w with ow good ¢ Don't wait a day, Ow buy at the Every car marked YOUR oppor: CHEVROLET COACH 1087 model in splendid 00 lon overyway, Has new tires, Pel $400 ¥ | measures to assist in the formation of these societies when the malig mew wag hrpached in the Legislative Ass ---- A There is far ore MAGIC BAKING P PER i" oe of all other nds combine MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM EW, GILLETT CO, LTD, TORONTO, GAM on "1 do not need to answer all the small stuff which has heen thrown wt me hy my opponents,' The Liberal loader rebuked Dr, James Moore, of Hraklin, for stat Ing that drinking would he redue ed If all the Liberals, Ineluding Mr, Hinelaty should throw thelp permits on the table "Lat me tell Dr, Moora that 1 have never had a government lg wor permit," declared the Liberal lender and the audience applauded loudly "Phare Is another loeal matter whieh | will taueh upon,' stated Mr, Binelate, "1 notice that an em ploye of the Hguor ut Osh nwa has placed his signature upon the nomination paper of the Con pervative candidat Ho in an elvil parvant and fs playing polities, If that 1s hig game he may And that he will have to confine his Interests to polities and forsake his post ton Condemns Hyde Polley Binelale strongly condemn HMeht's grisunitural ard to hydro distel | diotriots and the gashparatly My ed the poliey hutiaon in th fostering af sociation Yau ean put ahealutely no falth In the promises af th Ee that It wil pid purioulture the spenkar sald Mr, Mason has wpokan in favar of farmers' goon erative socletion hut his own lead or, Premier Porguson, gavel with rej rw Larmarg Br Sr | | velopment | My, sembly, Although taxpayers in the rural distriets had contributed equally with urban taxpayers for the de: of hydro, is hensehits were unknown and practically un avallahle to the great majority of these taxpayers, My, Binelalr claim. od, The Ferguson government, he charged, had done practically noth- Ing to extend the hydro through the rural sections hut when elec tion was closes at hand the pramisr indulged in promises and vaguely forecasted that the whole province would woon hecome as brightly Hghted ns n summer resort, Bul, Binelalr warned his heavers that the rural taxpayers had little ta hope far at the hands of the present administration In view of what kad heen dona in the past, A government which had ent up the ridings so that the rural pop nation would have little voles In the legislature could not he exs nected to pay partienlar heed 1, the needs of the farmers and those anlding In small communities, Educational Matters The charge that Fremier Fars ghson had sth! in mind his town. ship wehool hoard scheme, extens sion of publle schools to provide the teaching of frst form high pehonl work and provision for gly. Ing fest year university Instrie ton In high schools as made hy My HBinelalr, He eluimed that the Con woryative lender was adroit enough to plgsonhole these matters In view af the approaching election and far fear that they might rouse the vural distelets against them "Hout nasured," he declared, Vif Fargunon Is re-elected these schem on will ha dragged from the pol Ithenl euphonrd and the rural dis triets will have to hear the heavy expense involved Lighter Taxation "The funetion of the government should he to lighten the expenses af the people In taxation as much an possible," the Liberal candidate afirmed, He polnted out that the Kaovernment wil detarmined to eantinue is palley of forcing the founties to pay 20 per oent, of the east of maintaining and hulld ing provinelal highways, The Lib eral party proposed to velleve the counties of this hurden hy caus ing the provineas to hear the full il Mr, Mason, he stated, had at frst anposed him definitely on this pol lay Later the Consevvative can didate seamed to favar the sus pation but possibly through the higher-ups" tn the party hi nitimately Indieated that he wan apposed | heart and soul in aoeard with (he | | porty [10 the had | hied Nursing baby 2 Drink hay Ovalline... not be Rn, pi pf an lmperant ee 8 subsite for thi ameus tanie fan erage, Pgh kd oneth and supplies 14 shindance the Ww 8 Ishment you fire by ue awh h sie BECAUSE Ovaltine is so rich in all the vitamins and food elements essential to health, it is the finest known beverage for the nursing period, Deg: tars the world ever strongly recommend it because it ensures a vich milk supply and protects the health of the mother against overstrain Ovaltine is scientifically made from ripe barley malt, fresh milk and eggs, 1t is easily digested and quickly assimilated, Lt is super-nourishment correctly balanced + in a most delicious form, You will like ir either het or cold, OVAL TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE BUILPS UP BRAIN, NERVE AND BODY At sll good stares In 50g, 79, 1.29 and special family wae BA 50 dei ale served hot ar cold a6 ands fauniaing 121] gavernment's system of levying the eountien, The speaker affirmed that the Idharal party favored ahiowing marae loeal autonomy ta municipal Iles, Ha pointed out that town ship school hoards and township councils had Hitleg eonteal of mun lelpal expeditures hecausa af ine present polleles of the government My, Binclale voundly seared the government's action In providing that the municipalities should he mada to eontreibute 40 per cent, of the pravinee's shave of the old age pannians RIT this In Ontario If they Home tn I have | then | Tha 1 0 per cent Mr, Bin whould Hut | on shawn | had of pleblseit In Daminlon pays af the pension wlatad olaly while the m hear the remaining 50 pey eon nf fact the pravines #00 per cont, of the total the municipalities pay af the total cost, Then when the pensloner dies what pro ha ar sl NOBBERNOE TRVOPLE provipeial government whil the municipalities recelve nothing," Thi spepnker also sire ad the fuel that th nld ni pansion hemA had originated with the Liberal government at Ottawa and that the nrive af Ontario dit far the ure Mande Flom on Blgum "My Mawan and made statements that 1 have il Haw wtion nud that my position In this mater | definitely known stated My avines UE Bn matter anly py gat while 80 per gant fond "How #iuoh wn ankied | when oite Ciansery avernment was not entitled ta ere men | Uuestion wi have woh mh nthey | ar the In eoann pitethut at Nort not Binalaly, has always heen that the people of incite an this great moral problem peuple loach anything in appanent continues 1 hie muke the support of the sectors of Bouth Ontarin'! from his manifesto supporting this | von Watement power It would accede ta the wish ol tha 0 wnnounes on the graund that they ganatitutional and un-Hritish In 1084." Nover Hn forsed Beer hy Glass nl hod he aver endorsed g policy these statements had heen made in Freneh and were misunderstood, Although eeviain "husy-hedies' had tmmediately slated a whispers Ing campaign as the result of the neldent. he had made It clear thraugh the press that ne such plank existed In the platform of the Liharal parity, "I have putlined ta you the pels elon nl party, the Liberal leads pr stated in conclusion, "You know my veeord an a private eltigen and ad your representative in the Legs Inlptive Ausemhbly, I trust that will nse your vole and In and that tn the coming Port Perry will give me an even larger majority than In the lash election I dag not want you to vole for me heanuse I am Hinelaly hut herause 1 have a4 eon program far the pravines af Optarvia and will endeavour to the heat intevasts of the ole peavines and this goed old Houth Ontaria Large Audionge ita of the Inclemeney of the the hall was Aled to avers nd the large audience joins hearty ehaers for Mr, laft far. a meeting pompany with Mr, "They must veulige that nat earrect for my polley were entitled to a pleh Hut there are Yau an I my worthy attempis the people helleve that ol made my position plain say he ls not entityey 10 wo Aeslved whom not Hy thera! leader vend a clause and indieating that iF Huenecea ral party wera returned to | election Win ni 1] whenever Il suftiel rin people halt there was publle apinton des fo or referendum nirvast he preferred to he d apposition of the prem prineiple of plebiscltos Uh i sLruetive LL] ha wh ding of Were can the Ktatement ha In sp ithey premier make My, Binelaly af Part Perry held a plehls wi volers himself Howling al in thre Elnelaly Whithy he 11} cheered My doeelarved that bry Hon, Nelson Paviiament, of Tare ante, farmer Hpeakew in the Legis lative Assembly during the Drury and Mr, John Graves, of wlio addressed the gathe Bin fone nei den an ha fraay sale of heer and wing antion with the tatemans d ta the Liheral eandidare h Fesex he claimed that regime Hroaklin fring The Great Aviantic & Pacific Tea Co.Livi ied of Canada a Oth Anniversary Features Nundreds of Values in Quality Foods, With Special Emphasis Today on GROCERIES FINEST PASTEURIZED CRBAMERY "iif BUTTER 2 we. 83 FRESH CREAMERY THE PERSONAL BLEND OF A GREAT COFFEE PLANTER , , , TRY IT! BOKAR"{"" COFFEES". Palmolive Soap 3 cee 19. P& G SOAP 10» 36 HEINZ KETCHUP: 19. PEAS "mvraw™ 2 119 2 WwW 39. Campbell's 6 « §9e AVLMER GREEN LABEL CBRTIFIED JAM Strawberry 400u. Jar 370 And Every Year Is Now to Be Commemorated UN TOMATO souw 70 2 lbs 8)e¢ Selector THOMPSON'S SERDLESS % we. De ER aio Years Service Choe. Gum Drops Quaker Oats wir we 2§e Hallowe'en Jelly Beans 1. 19 Maxwell House cottee un. §9¢ H. P. Sauce Potatoes uu 1s i 3%. Sultanas.«. w 28. Biscuits ~ 2§. ww. 1%7e " Bottle Be Raisins 2.21. Rice »Lux rose As Ever Quality Meats Bld values--yeos, and lots them are almost ine aw = bat the same A & BP Nothing sacrificed = just XiTR values, Outstanding Offerings in Which A & Ps Xpression, High Standards of Quality and Value Find Full E Tue Great ATLANTIC & Paciric Tea Co. a AAA A AA: A A