Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA BILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, URIES TONIGHT AT 1929 / a eee. y to Phone) 8.30 6 Bees ly A, HOW ght Aah mo fo oi) Baie | w 1, when' show |] ething grea hr el \ rani J hl, ol'm with ye, kid," 1 pi , I'o that there place away 2? AN soon we're rched Where two loots 1] all Yes slr, them bey ont 'ull A h y en proceed Ey stick an elbow end One feller got his shipmate \ i nighmost flat, AN on hey the Jo wd ion bind bn the a Astwistin' of the low bird's toe WH BW ha hp Jom rn It ny vii VOIGT 4 ¥ E ) I f, an' 50 away we goes 0, what has them rasslin' shows Aesquintin' ol. ring i twenty knots, by jing, he way they gits around, op him on the ground in forty-seven shapes, i i hallers "Grapes!" ' An' one plage, too, was nigh ! \ ghty An grabbed his slower playmate | reckon if the Jeapin' gent had . He'd sure hev shot clar through Hut say, the way they twist up arn, | : Is somethin' non mirackyl PA Fiots, aw fingers, al here ain't none o them there bi Dash off a letter to his gal, ow ts, I dd Ay an then I Wal il an' me enjoyed the shew, "I "Bw W I, he allug goes along, An' Yow } A-goin' with him, arter this, 1. nk Ul b But gosh! It does my oy 0 ancient, iy enough, Well {alks, how of Soneestling show, eo preliminary gets under way at elght thirty b. ment this means just exactly what h i Last al right the dot and the neople in charge assure Sine this week, 11 does not pay to miss the prelimir nder the tion that it will be only a mediocre tf Last we the first just a8 interesting aa the others, The second mateh Wi ba betwee Havorin and Feodor Nowyna, The main bout will } between Sisto ont Vier des ig Mk wih 1 rowdy ap a the ere ( ht and the interest in this bout whi 0 very high, at hursdafity : dahon All in all it looks as IF this 'card will he evelbetter (hn last week's, Many who saw last weel's exhibition ex ried fir surppis that the wrestling was of such high class, Undoubte y, there \ere mag and likely there still are a few, who were she eal about pro sslonals gst: ling, a8 a paying proposition, in Oshawa, However, most lave hae eons v and the te are sure to receive the patronage the 3 A.YM.C. BADMINTON City to H TOURNAMENT Ri TE List of Teams - Nar Bar, 4 y C on ave been pn a) Bore & 8 Clothes pleted for the oivie reeapito Clary & Fitegerald Will be tendered to the Wilson & Fordham Dinks, intermediate softhal Thompson & Merrick plons, on Saturday after Ellogett & Trotter Ih a Meeting ha Tost nigh . Giibble akooteorze 0 0 ho t wn Bh Boers | Wallace Park immediately & Tierney | & So § ing. the final football game an' landed in the dark, |! L somethin' new te i" e th be HERI stuffy | do you like it? Th Y Iv i And he calls it dh sid he the 'high My 8 A hs the pe Was {ike jore Cup series betwee bury High Behool and the Bay Collegiate, The ohamplons will be to Wallace Park by a Pridey Nights Games Kitkinson & Crothers va, Smith & Hlagerald va. Thempson Music will be od b itel and 8 ands, | h , With whom the lesals dom: & Trotter ve. Gibble & Bete a the preliminary sees; and 4 A ov ve Simons. & | part tn 0 x hs Misa M bt } , Mecretary of fhe Hofthall ! tion will present the intermed : trophy te the champions, The § °R {of the team with individual , but, unfortunately, t i whieh will convene at 1.46 s 0, B Fordham vi. Burnett & fire teams of the North Bayi City, val toothall teams will take E a a | Women's Ontarty, Counell iv to present the wem Hy 1 not be ready by Saturday. hile] Presshied A let ® ] Re : AR will alse he es EI TAR RRAITIAN NAVAL BASES 8 The bogey man of British bases in the Carribean will stand much inspection, Mr, Wil , points out: - Mg \ boydab i i | gymnasium floor, foh could re of a naval { i #1 the neonday sum. | J has told we His bless ; top N gg will And find joy in a Nie of oF, ' wy =Mrs E Yul helr. sesond wrestling show tonight | or gh Mat Show! "Tile | tar, "today, the Toronto Maple Leafs did 380 COL, H, E, BMITH Of the 34th Regiment, whe says that everything " ready for the wrest: ling show which Is bein Flean at the Armouries tonight, &f Bmith, and the other members of the Re: ont have worked hard to make this show a sussess, Last week thelr efforts were falvly well ve: warded but it is expected that there will be an extra large crowd pro: sent at tonight's bouts, Baseball is Too Lively Says Walsh "Phe orying need of baseball to day 18 A new ball, Kd Walsh, seout for the Chicago White Hox and one of the mest famous pltohs ors Lhe FAME aver saw, sald in Nt, Paul before leaving for Chicago to report to his bosses on the playing ability of BI Rogell, purchased hy Detroit, and Boh Fenner, whom he went to wateh In setion at Bt, Paul this season "Phe makers of the ball can talk all they Hke about It not helng any ditferent than It used to be,' the big Reel asserted, "but 1 know aif ferent, 1 out apen one of the new balls and found a eonting of oe ment around the rubber In the mide die of the sphere "IC must be patent to any who has seen & gama the last few years that the ball has Jackrabbit thndencles One doesn't need to hit the ball hard ta get a home Yun, Just by meeting the pallet one can drive It aver present-day fences, and remember that these same fences defied the homer un efforts of players In days mone hy "Plelding han suffered as a ve sult of the lvely hall; you saldom gee the halrsralaing double plays that were features of games years na WEo, YWhat 1 fear most 1a ®nat HOME body 18 molng ta wet hurt If the Hveliness of the hall {8 not curbed The other day 1 #aw a player at bat In hitting practice and he drove a liner back at the piteher which the latter was lueky to escape, Had the hall hit the hurler there would have heen a tragedy, There in Hike I¥ to he one some day and if It Ades happen the game will have heen done frreparable harm" a Maple Leafs Now Try Golf Port Hlgin, Oct, 24. Although the weather wan somewhat better not indulge In much strenuous outs door work, The Jrouthm of the two previous days han developed a pumber of sore muscles and sit ints among the players, and they ve been forced to take thelr exer pe In less vigorous doses, The golf course was given some Attention hy the experts in the squad, and Manager Conny Hmythe, Gordon Brydson, Andy Hiain YAea" Batley, Danny Cox and Lorne Chabot gave "old man par' a stern argument, Thuraday night a basketball fine will be played with the Popt lgin team, and the way the local residents have been practicing fev thin contest 1a nobody's business, feet, many of their workouts have heen held in secret, and there fs no doubt they are planning to ng a surprise on the hookey Mm when they trot out on the me A walk of three-quarters of a mile ean be enjoved round the prominade deoks of the new Orlent liner, the rontes, There 18 also an open alr swimming-bath en hoard, Sh, ~ GMC. AUDITORIUM LAST TIMR 1.00 and $1.80 ==All Reserved Tickets Now on Sale at JURY & LOVELL'S Rexell Drug Store DRT SNAPSHOT United at gma of thaason and the proceeds Grant, shure of mirtunes this year and proceeds to hsed as a benehit fund that they A: The Bt. Catharines ofaturduy, They have strengthened awa will also Ye supporters, ha * representative by sath elub WG representa * Ww mT Hallowe'en Veto With sueh tenipt w w ¢ The City Five Central Howling A night but just a cha tonight at ¥ for the boys bers of thelr team an Branch wants everyhe to start next week, T'h ARE IIOn # special feature tonight debbie godib ddebdbbbd : o PUN and - 0%, TACKLE 4 ny ot The Dopester Sr men HO AAA ARAL Despite & dissing vain, a cold, damp wind, Coach Found drove his stalwarts through two houm of heotla practice, Although there were only ninetean men out, those odd seven or the serub team oer tainly made It tough for the regu lars, It is to be noted with satisfaction that the interference In vastly ime proved and no matter who wis on the yannigan line, (and coneh changed them back and forth all night), they had a tough time to break through and smother the regulara' plays, J & h 1" ; y k ' L Ls ° 4 L \ le, but expecta to be In shape Hat " Ulan, Cooke, Milfott And Trib: ble wera all baok in the pavty last night and were "effective plus," Bix new playa were Introduced and executed last evening and now the quarterback has a myriad of playa at his command, We'll got a ohance to try a few kie Poarta and his Bt, Catharines Cowpunchers, By the way, Mt Kitts 1s just a nlee four-hour drive, when you drive easily, from Oshawa, Would it he possible that some of our sup. porters could make the trip? You really ean't 'magine how nies ft sounds and what confidence {t, ingpives, when we hear a few voloen (efthey masculine or famine ine), cheering us on, Another tangle 1a soheduled for tonight and then a ohalk talk tes morrow night, That finiahes this week's prastioing, fit, Kitta have jacked up thelr Backtield considerably and are onunting on taking a win out of the Ring Devila, Remember how close It was at the Falla last year? 1 don't want to see It any closer at Bt, Kitts this year, TI ---------- THE SWALLOWS PASSING High over the tree tops, southward winging 1 watohed seme swallows go yes terday, What is the message thelr flight ringing To those they pass on thelr one ward way This is the message each bivd will "The springtime and sununer have onea more passed And. autumn now haw not long to tan So og away from the wine iy LIN "For He Whe made us bends dwn W RAYON, And il Wl a time we should ea flight, $0 we wait for the Ww, ly wiveny Then a we know that He tells uw te 1} An! little hinds en your swift wings ing, voll not question your Maker's plan, \ You know Hiv ways are all satisfy ing And ry 10 Keep them the best you can, Brantiord, Ogtoben, 108 oe ¢° By Gro, Canvey, Sports Hditor Notlee to Boceer Fans of City The Olwa City Vootbal) Club wre scheduled to play Benches ndea Park on Satufday at 3.30, This is the Tass home Jurad durinfie year's play, The followlng players wre asked to re port at thed'elock at the Park: King, Brown, Vasey, Stureh, Mulr, Brodie, Curley Dunstall, Lobban, Purdy, Fairley, Dane, Raid Thaghaws City Football Club met with more than thelr ecelve some good support on Baturday, "I'he We of the Peninsula" Are Getting Ready larines rugby tenn arg leaving ne stone unturned in thelr endeavdto put away the local gridders when they meet in 81, thelr team, They fully expect to defent the "Blue Devils" und tiwhole ety 1s turning out to witeh them da i Osh LJ Meeting Night Is Changed yqekly meeting of the Oshawa City Industrial Athletic held in the YM. .CA, on MONDAY NIGHT Instead Ing to the elections, pent an an afilintion fee of 25 cents must be pald 8 fee must be pald to allow the elub to have thelr at the meetings and to allow the alub to have (wo votes, The feelust he paid in not tater than November 6 + Girand Double Hallowe'sn Fete HE you want | see some veal bowling just be sure you go to the oh Is being put on by Walle prizes offered this double briet some OF thes bowlers in the » Five Pin League Tonight } League hold thely th the members 0 he present so that the league will be ready o | uppointed the following oMolals for the week-end games in the various peutions of the OR IWU, Haoferee, Huvold Dalley [Hubbell is still vesting his sore | of them on Saturday against Por | tokens so Kind: wre being devoted to players in und thelr detlon In twening over the is to be commended, It ig hoped coaxed out the old sthrs and so LJ All clubs are to have thelr Ww Myles und RK, Fraser, header 18 sure to at provinee as well as In Oshawa A night at th bowling "Get Together" 00, This is not a leagu to get neguainted with the mem of the league, President Walt of the mleyn in to give prizes as O.R.F.U, OFFICIALS John Detivuchy haw Presldent wmenlor Camp Dovden at Halmy Roach Hew, Delruchy] umpire, Tors um Hamilton at University of Wo-=eferee, Hal Dotivuohy| re, Alex Binelaly, Windsor at Harpine-Raoferee, o Warper: umpire, Jerry Good Michael's at Kitohene Water: Referee, Hwesney Davis; ume (Jordon Nritnell, Intermediate wa at Bt Oathavines Rone Craig) umpire, als Mel Junior ute at Malvern Crada Ah Chlleott) umpire, nde at Niagara Falls Toots Toro oMolale, Pot Looal orne at 8, Catharines at Kitoheneys Waters Looal oMolals, at Galt-Preston---1,0 onl eMolala' Ins oholastio Rolleville at Ploton==100n oolaln, Deneronto & flolala \ Peterhore' flolals, Cobourg at elals, | Oct, 2Btlam tral Collapintes Oot, 8-H , Mii Plekering College Armstrong umples, OfMolaln ave requ appointments with th Howard 4860, DAWN OF PM Pat off, put off your a And bout your brands Your hands must learn a © Sour hearts a better (uy O, bend aback the neq'y | \, And break the helmet bay A noise iy in the morning w But not the note of war, 7 penton-Laoal of ha wa-=1ooal of ay==Looal off Teoh at Coens offielals, I's College at fores, Nob al ofolal, to confirm orelary at kings, {L1H rang, Upon the grassy mountain pathy The wlittering hosts tnercane, Uhey come, they come, how fair | feel p They come whe publish peace, Aud vietory, fale victory, Our enemies are ours, \ For all the elowds ave clasped in light And all the earth with flowers, Ay, still depressed and dim with dew, Rut walt a litte while, And with the radiant deathless rose I'he wilderness shall nile, Aud every tender living thing Still feed hy streams of vest) No lamb shall from the flock be lost Nor nursing from the nest, =John Ruskin, Ar THE SADDRNT PARY Morris Kohen, the most sonsistent ms pr N' KOHE THE NAME comedian of the elub, (They've all funny at times), Morris Is undoubt ably the "wit! of the team, As a [loom diaperser, Kohon Is In the highest elass, He hap taken 8 ears to attain a height of § feet, 0 inches, and a» weight of 170 pounds, Kohen played with the "Blue Devils" last year and before that he had had four yonrs experi ones with the losal High BSeheol teams, Morris Is one of the most versatile players on the team. Due to lines and other hindrances he did not make a vegular berth but he goto inte the games in one of three positions; quarterback, flying wing or outside, He Is one of the heaviest tacklers on the team and loves playing Apainak the regulars on practice nights, Just te mus them up, Morris is also a value able asset to the team hesnvise of Ms ability 10 interpret the eppes: ing team's signals, ---------- Angela Sutherland, twenty-two, a neleg of Le Nutherlund, vieespres ilent of the Third Avenue Street Railway of New York, died in N.Y, Yonkers, of septic polsoning, She was to have been married to William Hogan attorney of Hastings-ons the Hud on Ooetober 15, Five blood transtusion operations, In twe of which Hogan w the donor, wer performed in an effort to save hes Witham MeFarlin, California ban! elerk, who was to have died on the senfold at San Quentin prison 1p day, slashed hiv throat en Tuesday In an attempt to cheat the gallows, Governor Young, of Caltferia, an nounced, however, that the hanging would be delayed 60 days to permit MeFarlin to vecover from his self 8.30-ST. KITTS. IMPROVE St. Catharines' [ -- St. Catharines Are Anxious to Defeat Oshawa--Team Has Been Strengthened Since First Ga On Baturday, the General Mots ory' "Blue Devils" Journey to Wt, Catharines, to pay the return game with the gridiren squad of that ety, Minos thelr first Inter view both teams have improved hut it remain to be seen whether Mt, Kitts have Improved enough to defent thelp hlue sweatered rivals, Wt, Kitts Are Improved From all reports the Mt, Cath- arines' team which will free the "Hine Devils" this Haturday will he a greatly improved aggregation over the team thal went down 0 defeat here In the league opener, In Mt, Catharines they take thelr rughy seriously and practically every day there is an article in the Mpeeinl Bport Column, Often the artiole concerns the doings of thelr opponents, such as the looal team, They dlapiayed quite an Ine tevest in the "tonnage of the "Blue Devils, In another article it stated «that a big erowd would he out this Haturday because "Quhawa lg there", Conoh Walt Parnall, of 8, Kitts, has conxed some of the older rugby stars out of retires ment and As A result thelr team has hecome more formidable, Among the late arrivals (no the roster are, Walt Gayman and Roy Horton, These players will give added strength to the Bt, Kitts Devila' are not going to have everything thely own way, The hit, management of the team, and the players themselves are all out to "down Oshawa" The support of the team In n= areasing every day and Aaturday is to be a big day In the Annals of the Nt, Kitts team, The strong point of the Nt Catherines' squad In thelr last game, was thelp ability to bleok kloks, Peart, Haynes, and Pueein! are eonnintent point getters for the team, However, Coach Pound and the management of the Oshawa "Nua Devils" have kept In towon with these Improvements and they ave not treating the At, Kitts' age aregation Hghtly, very night that the weather permits they have the team UP At the park and they don't m0 there to tell stares, It'y work from start to finish, Ht, Catharines are going to turn out In full te support thelr team on Maturday but all the oheering will not he for thelr team, This Raturday there are even more people going to Bt, Catharines than went to Guelph, Oshawa Pukhy inflieted wound team and it looks as If the "Plue | Rugby Team Prepares For Hard Game ith "Blue Devils" on Sat. and they will support them away wu well as at home, It fen't far und the roudsg nre goed, Come along, you'll not be alone, TOKIO SAID TO BE THIRD LARGEST CITY a -- tr)hir Toklo, Japan--The Bepulation of Tokio, comprising the fifteen oMolel wards of the capital, is 3, 218,000, nocording to w munioipal census recently completed, The number of persons Hyg in greats er Tokio, however, ls 4,880,000, which ranks it third fn the world, During the last two or three de~ ondes there has heen a rapid exe pansion In all directions se that many distriots outside the ofolal olty Hmits are as densely populat- od as thowe within, Crenter Tokio wehiters 1,100,800 families and b) per cent of the population ls male, The large number of students who some to the capital fram all parts of the country is enough to make thin difference alone; it 1s Toklo now 1g undies putedly the largest sy in Japan, # position whieh it held for many yearn hefore the earthquake of 1080, After the disaster, however, many moved to other parts of the country and for five years Osawa, the southern manufacturing oen tre, was the largest elty, I -- TO polpted out, Nearly 825000 passenger automos blles are now registered |n England, Ra REPAIRING WATC OUR NPEOIALYY If your watoh is not giving satisfaction we oan repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JHWELER Official Wath Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Rallronds 10 King St, W, Phone 180 a i. 4 TONIGHT Wrestling Armouries GARDINI vs. McCARR Under Avinplées of 34TH REGIMENT fans are behind the "Hlue Devils a i dis PAUL WHITEMAN SER conductor of this aketeh way upon written request (Poterbore Examiner) The snddest pave fa that an thosd concessions tha politiolans promise at eleetion time have to ho Pald for aut of the pockets of the people, CT FOOLING THEMERLV ES (Mandan Dally Sun) some think they ave wise as =Chulsting WW, Parteid Brockville, : " a owls because they ave always hoot ing ay pomething, . r7 INS 7 / f / ¢ / SS EE ad LEIA |. WN AXIO ON EIND ) MET HIM FACE TO FACE HIM BY HIS VOICE lity of this famous musiel "TRe Rui shyt of hn spondia dnen to you with life-like realism over the I'S Sg, Gr lt ds the iority is the result of research facilities and Plomoiag i the Jadlo Indus: Let tonal i Hear K |] JOU at any twontyono years of to better ! NT treat wailing pi 4 vo ls Distributors: BEN 1" & ELLIOTT, b, treet by: BOND BROS, King Street East, Oshawa.

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