Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Oct 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Cie Oshaws Bally Times " : Sussonding THE OPHAWA DAILY REVORMEN Th he Te » § > i Ea. 4 TORONTO. orFIck . i | 0 # oot, Arr al a rl REPRESEN ATIVES IN VU, Powers and Blane, Ine, New York and ) __ MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 AN APPROVED INSTITUTION The people of Oshawa ean take mueh pride in the fast that the Oshawa General Hospital, along with mest of the others in the pravinee of Ontario, his heen given somplete approval of the Amerigan Cols lege of Burgeons as a fully standardized institution, That distinetion Is not easily won, Any hospital which seeks to merit it must establish & high stands ard of efelency and service, and the qualifieations Ind down are much more severe than most people imagine, for some of them are as follows A modern physieal plant, freq from hasards, with # competent governing hody, An efficient ehief executive effieer op superintens dent, with a ecmpetent personnel, An organised medical staff of qualified physicians snd surgeons whe hold veguliar eetings to review and evaluate the professional wark of the hospital, A thergugh systein for recording sonditions, treats ment and progress of eneh patient, Acceptable dias aotle and therapeutie faeilities, Definite evidence that the staff members are aps posed to feesaplitting of payment of commissions by surgeons for patients referved to them This wieans, of course, that before wny hospital ean have the seal of approval af the standardization some mittee of the American College of Burgeons placed upen it, ft must be an institution of the highest type, performing the services for which It exiata efficiently and keeping ever in the forefront of its endeavours the keynote that gonsideration of the well-being and comfort of the patient semen first, This Is the type of instivntion which Oshawa has ih {ts general hos» pital, and the eltisens may well feel gratified that the community is se admirably served in this respeet, STANDING STILL Oshawa {8 golng ahead day by day--all except the ald clock en the city hall tower, Home weeks ago, ita weary hands refused to earky on and it stopped, The buvden ef its years weighed too heavily upon it, apparently, and lacking the touch of a kindly and loving hand to help iv along ita dally journey, It gave up the struggle, and has #inoe eased to earvy out ite normal funetions, It is unfortunate that there is no one to help the old fellow along: He has been a good friend of the citigens, For wany years he was thelr guide and their counsellor, warning them when they had te hurry 10 be at work ahead of the fagtory whistle, and sounding out the late hours of the night to let them knew i wat time that all good peeple were in bed, He has been too good a friend of the eitlzens to be allowed to lapse Inte complete senile decay, Won't someone, with a combination of authority and skill, come to hia ald, and set his hands again at work at the task which has been theirs throughout the years: WOMEN BLIGIBLE AS SENATORS TET The fateful decision han at last been given, and wemen th Cannda ave at last entitled ta be called Spepsonas=iyithin the meaning of the Beitish North Awmerlon Abt Tt I% best to add that Kittle qualifying cnnse, for there ave certain elreumatances and eon ditions wader whieh it would be disastrous to call a woman a "person Tn this partieular ease, however they wanted that title, and even went to the highest court in he Empire to secure it, and wen their LE "rhe subjest under ditlmation was whether or net women ean quality to ait in the Canadian tonal, shat it ahould have heen necossary 10 ie 10 wer Coen about & Nile watter like that, Lo Funnier still that the Supreme Court of Canada should have had the temerity to say "No" to their 5 Fequent when it game before that august body, *, © In these days it is Rand to Keep woman out of any plage of she has het mind set on going inte it Wore ait 60 boards of education, oity councils, in inetal parliaments and in the federal parliament, hey ara MAKIAE A suseess in ihe professions as © destors and Wwyers, callings once exchuively te © caurved for the sterner sex, 89 that, if women ean aualify to sit in the provineial and federal partias wo ents, bodies whieh really amount to something why . ghowld they not have their wishes gratified if they desire 10 ait in the lethal ehamber=hes pardon, we wean the Red Chamber, They might help to wake things a litle niere interesting for the oll chaps whi are spending the tiilight of their years fn that apo adage to Canada's legislative institutions, Now that the privy council hak decided that they are peraans it will he ntoresting to wate how long Loire before wemen are named ak renatany There Cape ne fre, yaseaciey in hat Bly wd) Brewer 1 ng DAs af dpportuity of iving effect tv Lae privy comnell judgment hy having ene or wore of these flog by 2 member of the uprising sex, Bven thew, Tow Yeh A if they will be satisfied, Pers hoa Fo WIE tee! like Alexander and will bs moved Fh heae they have: no ether workls to con Gael THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 LIQUOR CONTROL: AND TEMPERANCE STI When the Liquor Cotrol Aet eae Inte effect in 1027, it was claimed for it that it was & measure of advanced temperance legislation, A elalin of that kind could only mean one thing, - 1 meant thet these whe spansoretl (he wet believed hat it would Jessen the consumption of lguor In Ontarle, snd would mike people more temperste iu thelr wee of Hquor, Unfortunately, (he vesults have, net Justified the clams made for the met, The Times, since governs ent sale of liquor In Ontardle was first mooted, has strongly opposed wnything which would legalise (his lighiar traffie, believing that that trafic was & eurse 10 the province, und should not he encouraged In ay way, The Times has alse contended, In season wd out of senson, thie the liquor trae Is not & politlenl question, and should be entirely separated from deeldlons such #8 Are given In purely party eloetion sontests, he view of The Flines that the Liquor Control Adt fy lessening the eensumption of liquor In Ontario fs amply borne out by statisties which have been somplled during the last twe years, In 1027 from the thine the aet came Inte forse, untill the end of the fisenl year, 200M06 residents of Ontario took out | opermite, In 1988, this number was ine erensed to 370430, And the Jutgst figures available for this year show that 413,786 permits have been issued to residents of Ontario, Burely that does not indieate that the Liquor Cons trol Act Is encouraging temperance, Rather does il give the impression that a new race of drinkers ls heing brought into being, tht people who hive not previously been addicted to the wae of Intoxlenting liquars are now seeuring pennits for the frst tne, Under sueh conditions, it Is hard to reconcile the statistios avallahle with the glalms made for the Lis quor Control Aet that it would reduce drinking in Otani, PATRONAGE IN POLITICS The editor of the Kingston Whig:-Btandard, W Rupert Davies, gan he commended for having the courage of his eonvietlons, Addressing the seventh annual convention ef the Canadian Tax Conference in Montreal a few days ago, he made a spirited and thoughtful defence of the politieal patronage system, and upheld it as a normal and logleal method of administration of public affairs, Mis motto for years has been, "1a the victors the spells," and he has not been afvald to spread abroad that idea, through the editorial columns of his newspaper as well as on the publie platfori Mr, Davies theory Is that party workers have & place In the return of any government, and are en titled to reward, Exeept for technlenl appointments, he elas, # government is perfeatly Justified in je painting members of its own following to jobs with in he gift, There are a great many people whe will profess ta hold up thelr hands In holy horror at Mr, Davies suggestion, They will gendemn the idea of a polit vil patrondge system as one of the greatest evils of publie life, and will say that we should have none of it Yet Mr, Davies is not so very far wrong alter all, if he ds wrong at all, We do pot suggest that the political patronage systeni is the Ideal system, but Canada seems to have made a falely good progress under this system, It is working out very well in practise, for in spite of the camouflage of the exist ence of a Civil Service Commission, the political pas tronage system Is flourishing today Just as mueh as it did in the days when a well-Alled pork barrel was ong of the phief essentials of a successful election Campaign fhe faek Is that In spite of the protestations of politicians, "patronage flourishes like the green bay tree, partionlarly with peapeet to local appointments of various types which le within the gift of either the federal or previneial government, These who are on the inside' track are well aware of it, know it Just an well as does the Kingston editor, even if they are not so frank as he Is in admitting it, Did not a certain speaker at a nominating convention net very far from Oshawa tell his audience that he had thers oughly enjoyed holding the patronage for the viding for the last three years? If that did not mean that patronage still fAourishes, what did it mean? We are not going to swallow whole everything (he Kingston editor had to say on this subject, We are not quite prepared to admit that his system la the ideal one, but unfortunately, we are not yet living In an ideal state, and we must be prepared, within certain Hmbtations, to accept conditions as we find thems, And, in the great majority of cases, there Is not mueh fault 10 be found with the present ayatem of applying polivieal patronage to the Alling of the thousands of miner positions which are within the gif of the federal and provincial government, EDITORIAL NOTES A traveller veports that the women in the South Sea Islands are poor conversationalists, What! do the men there do all the talking? tt ---- Judging by the appearance of the fenders of some carn passing through Oshawa, they have been "on Pleasure ben," . RN Ro ea-------- After three weeks of an election campaign, the general vin that there is nothing much in It 10 get extited abouts 3 eS "Hank" in the Sn Thomas Thoes- Journal, pelnty out (hat the weather has been all wind and no rain in October, Perhaps he considers the provinelal elec: tion campaign responaible for all the wind, Torenta University extension ¢ are helng ats tended by over two thousand students, Truly the thirst for education 1s not confined to those whe are in a position to: take the full university course, WRT, The wonderful yeception given 19 Ramsay Maes Donald in Canada teads one to believe that should he lose his job in Great Beliain, he would not have much diffenlty in seeuring one of a similar nature in this country, heute BE, CG Graves, Conservative candidate in Lingoln, did not address a single meeting in the last election campaign, 1 he follows the same policy Abia time, he cai count oft The support of the NOWSPAPer- tev PORES y a ------ Same newspapers are pointing 19 the greater mun ber of convienons wider the Ligue Control Act than wader the Ontario Tenwporance Act ay mi Indication only that the LCA in helng wore vigidly enforeed, Does not thin suggest hat the OT war never given a flr ehanes? Other Editor's Comments UAN WEAWE BOMMIHING (Border Cliien Blur) Mr. dustioe W, 16, Hausy bolleves that & Mah Who has Inbived only small niity of Hauer 18 more dang # in driving a ay than one who 1s thoroughly drunk, dusties Haney may not siwayw be vIght hut there 1s never a time when he eannot start g goed heal thy argument, ANOWDEN AID MACDONALD Clorenty Mall and Empire) Tt was on forelgn soll that Philip Bnawden won his populaelty st home, and we trust the sme thing may be true of Rameny Macon th Were Is this difference, that the prime minister hus received one of the most cordinl receptions ever glven 10, a visitor in the United Biates while Bnowden was denounced an vilifed throughout Yurope, BELATED DISCOVERY (Stratford Beacon-Heruld) The selling of a school in Toronto oame crashing down, fortunately at un hour when the puplls were not there, Experts have looked av the wreok and stite that It was due to faulty eonstruetion, On work of that sort there are In spectors | thepe ure specifications to! follow=all of them safeguards to mike certain that work ls well done and the place made secure for use Down comes the eelling, and some ane rises o remark "faulty construe ton" Bome one else should rise and say "faulty Inspection," THE WHEAT POOL WINS (Toronto Globes) The pool started to establish orderly marketing," What the term means has boen well demon strated last your und this, The record evop of 1088 results ed WI GROFMOUN CRFrY-Over, mueh of whieh 1s still In the ele vators, Mad the yield of last year been repented during the present sennon In Canadas and other ex porting countries, the story might \uve been different, Now, however, It appears a4 though the co-operative neller ra ther than the buyer ls maklug the market It 1s 8 market reversal of conditions as they were In the days of not long ano, HARD TIMES AHEAD Sie Arthur Prfour tn London Times Lam convineed that before we gel through we shall go through a hard or period than we have yet seen and one whieh will affect everyone 10 the point where, whether they lke 1 or not, they will be foreed to realize that 'arder work, more of it, and greater applicatfon to one's Job 16 an ahsolute nee sslty Jf the peaple of this country are going to live on a high plane and go In for a large Amount of reoreation, In the end, you ean't take more out of produc ton than you can put Inte it, and In my opinlen we have been trying to do this for seme thane, The facts have been hidden to some extent by our large acoumulation of capital at home and abroad, Bits of Humor DIVISION OF LABOR "Ho you and your wife share alike In the work of getting breakfast" "Yeu, she burns the toast and | serape i" ase-------- " HARD TO SAY 'Is she progressive oF conserva tive" "Io don't know, She wears a last year's hat, drives a this year's car, and lives on next year's income," REJECTION -- DEJECTION Editor: "There's only one thing keeps this from being a rattling good Yap v Hager Anthort "What's that)" Editor "It fain AND MORE THAN THAT! Explorert Just 10 show you the anvanee of elviligtion == in the past the Kakimos used to eat candles foi deasert, Old Lady: And now, 1 suppose, they eat electrio Nght bulbs} QUIETING Youth: My love for your daughter knows no bounds, | cannot live withs out hen ler pal Young man, you may die peacefully and without worry, promise you IN defray all the fun eral expenses, THE LAST STRAW The h maker &pent a suecess ful fling, and presented 1H and NY with enough fish to supply ty boarding house, t the end of the wek his bill ins od the item, "Lard (for fryly n VL Bits, ( ng A H jwo IN ONE armer was picked up on the Mihway and oy a lilt by a Wo oy driver, Ax h ol { "Thank you very much for both rides" " "What do you mean == both rides arked the benefactor "You have given me my first and my fast" was the answer" ah ---- AVERTING THE WORST The "a! You have a fine lite Maher, Cour wife hax named h nay, 1 suppose, \ you wou ? a . a ie agua New Po hud led to dh Ain wa" pach ft ha NES vie poing to eall it Lawngelot e got out he The Merey of God=<Hin morey ia on thew that fear Him from gens eration to generation lake 1:89, 1 . We bless Thee, Lond, that Thy wey tu from Everlasting to Byam Wg ubol hein that trast in That Wobdy of Pours By Jamas W. Darton, M.D, LET YOUR BOY PLAY VOOT. Phe football season 1s alwiys wn wnslous time for parents, An they remember tht during the season of the previous year there were wo eertale number ob deaths, any broken: eour bones, dislocu Honk and Jrout es af wes wid legs, they wonder { they ure not foollsh n filewing thelr boy wo play, The very fuet that thely boy wants ta play Toothall should be a souree of pride to fren that he Is willin to mwasire hile spend, strength anc shill against the boys of his own waa and age hit does real football tralnlng mean? 4 Physleully, It means that he must cut out his smoking, his overeating, in late hours, and A willing to thrn out regularly wid dally for practiee, This means strong heart and Jungs, with all ground increase in muscular strength Mentally, must think qulekdy and net quickly, Hy must be nlert to enteh every signal and put Bmselt Into the right spot wt the right time, That he must be prepared to net promptly when his Jeuin's slgnuls go wrong, or those ol hls apponents do Hkewlse, There Is a mental traloing here that ean he obtained In no other way the ghill ty to set gulekly In An emergency Morally, he learns that he must sh on the substitute heneh and perhaps at only an oceaslonnl ehanen to play That he must play on the front Hie when he would lke to be on the haek Hine, or vige versus, That when he does play he must sacrifice his own Inelinations or ambitions for the good of the team, He learns also that he must eon trol lmself, must control his temper, H he loses his temper, It means ban iwhment from the game for two min utes, ten minutes, or longer, During hig absence he knows that his fellow players, teed and worn, must do "his work while he is out of the game He learns wee to take a "Heking" No matter how good he Is or his a Heking 1s bound ta he learns to I omenns thie he team may he game sometimes and tke It Do vou wonder then that very few foothall plavers find thelr way Into hospitals for nervous of mental dis PHEOR Thelr bodies heeome strong en ough for the jolts or shocks of life, and thelr minds Hkewlse hocome ad fusted to these Jota and shocks So let vour In play foothall be ona of the physieal and mental de velopment that ean be thereby ob tained (Repistered In Copyright anecordance with the Act) THAT veading the ads of your local papers carefully will prove to you that merehandise sannot only be bought as cheaply In the home olty, but you ean actually veusive more for your mensy than you ean hy sending to mail. order houses or distant elties, FHAT this (a proven every day, THAT money spent at home bullds your eityi money spent away bullds some other sity, BUILD YOUR OWN HOM CITY! THAT local merchants seek your business | they need your business they should have your business THAT the merchants are your neighbors, your friends, and a big livin hn of your slips THA v thelr business wa 80 will Sour elly grow. WEES YOUR ITY 'GhoWiNal THAT an a cliy bad TE LI} booster, every eltiaen whould patron tae the home merchants, PEOPLE WHO HAVE PR IN THE HOME CITY SHOULD BUY AT HOME, EARTHQUAKE SHOCK * IS FELT AT OTTAWA Ottawh, Ont, Ost, 20e=An earthquake of moderate intensity ita tremors continuing over a threashour period, was recorded on the selamograph at the Dominion observatory here on Saturday, The first preliminary tremors were regintered at a few seconds after 6.28 a.m, eastern standard time, The distance to the eploans tre of the quake was estimated at 4,810 miles, TREAT TR Carbon Monoxide Gas Was Cause of Death Doveat, Ont, Oot, B0==Acels dental death, from carbon monoxs ide polsoning was the verdiot ve traned hy A coroner's juny fnveatigating the deaths of My and Mis, J. BN Meacham, 8, Lambert, Que, on Sept, 27, Mn and Mra, Meacham were found 'dead beneath thelr automobile on a lonely rand near here by a five [LTUTUIN Counterfeiters Go To Penitentiary Toronte, Oot, 20.-=Theadore Mundivilen was sentenced to two youn In Portsmouth Penttentiary, and Feit Ohplstian receive: an I8 months' sentence, when they were found guilty on Friday of manu facturing conntertelt Untied States bank notes, Ohvistian will be do ported to Germany when we leased, ANGLING TROPHY WON BY WOMAN en First Woman to Win Gold Button From Tyee Club (By Canadian Pras Lansed Wire) Camphell Hiver BG oe MA Mudge Whitmore of Vancouver in the first women to. win a gold button from the Tyse Club, Camp: bell River's famous Angling an noglation, The gold button Is won hy those who take with ved ani ing suimon Welghing fifty pounds and Ypwarde, fimores's prise tipped the bi pounds, There never han heen such n tyes suimon pesson at Camphell River as this year, Two hundred und thirtystwo fish weighing more than thirty pounds were taken and ragistoreq at the Tyse Club in ad dition to the fish taken by com mercial fishermen, One Vanoouver fisherman, landed, a 4b-pounder and a b0-pounder during one day's fishing, Campbell River is world fam oun for the great salmon thet fre. quent ite waters, and every year noted unglers from distant paris of the world gather here Lo test thelr tuek, The largest fish canghi this year was 00% pounds landed by a Meattle visitor, Of the 883 big | h ought thin your, no less than twenty-one welghed more than fifty pounds, HINDENBERG SCORES PLEBISCITE APPEAL Herling=Presldent von Hindenbery took occasion to candemn, as an un justifiable and regrettable persons! attnck, paragraph four of the nas tonalist pleblselte appeal whien would punish as traltors ministers signing the Young plan or other na tional obligations Pie President re queried Chancellor Mueller to Inform the eablnet negordingly, FACES CHARGE AS RESULT OF FATALITY Kingston, Oat, 20,~=Cloorge Francisco, driver of the oar that piruek and killed Marold Nuttal, an eleven-year-old boy Thursday night will be charged with erimin ul negligence In polles court on Monday, the Crown having taken thin setion today, At the Inquest Francisoo, at the request of hin oconnsel, W, M, Nickle, did not give evidence, sonlon nt Sropiz For LONG 4G BONDS GRAIN 8 Sr 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 The name Bdlson Marda on a lamp means tested quality, It assures you the full value of current consumed, Buy Edison Mazda Lamps by the carton dnd always have a home supply, EDISON MAZDA RIN IOL FRONTED A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT ---------------- A SY 70 Simcoe Street North LAMPS ts -- ---- BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP (21) Oshawse (London Sunday Pletorlal) "To make un speech Is ax bad ws helng held up by a footpad," Byes a writer, tand and deliver aa Ea RESEMBLANCE (Pathfinder) keeps on In both cases you have to mind, HIS CHIEF CONCERN Mutt: Your hair will be gray if Butts Well, if It keeps on I shan' lM aril | { fil IA | | ii i! . ++ 1f one slips o +0 'the call fails THERE are three people in every telephone call, If any one of them makes a mistake the call fails, It may be the operator, it may be the person calling, it may be the person There are over one million local calls in Ontas rio and Quebec every day which fail~"Line's Busy" «= "No Answer" « "No one on the line now, sir" -- "Wrong Number", These uncompleted calls are a serious matter, They mean two million minutes a day wasted w= congestion of traffic = constant irritation == a handicap to efficient service Some of these cannot be avoided and some of them are due to our own errors, and many of them are due to lack of co-operation by the other two parties. ' *We are constantly reducing our own errors. and we are constantly striving to give the best possible telephone service at lowest possible cost. As part of this effort we are now giving publicity to common faults in telephone usage in the hope that there may be mutual ens deavour to secure and maintain maximum efficiency. It takes three people to complete a call w= \. 'one makes a mistake, the call fails.

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