Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAIL Y TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 CE Ti IRE, Deputy Returning Offi icers Are Named For South Ontario Young People's Observed At The Services In City's Churches Yesterday Young People Take Services in All of the Co-operating Churches in Connection With Observance of Young People's Week DENTON MASSEY SPEAKS AT KING ST, rm Largest Congregation Ever Assembled in This Church Hears Distinguished To. ronto Speaker--Overflow Meeting Necessary wor Young Veaple took the services fn most of this elty's churches yes terduy, tn 'connection with the obs servance of "Young People's week, which 18 heing held hore this week ynder the auspiees of the Young People's Christian Union, Largs crowds attended all of the povvices, which weve conducted ale most entively hy the young people themselves, Leaders In younk people's work in this olty, as well an outside speakers, gave the nds dresses of the day, und the ser vices wera marked in all cases hy special music, either hy the vegus lar eholp or hy special young peo ple's choruses King Mtreot The evening service al United Church was the largest In the history of the chureh, a tres mendous crowd assembling to hear Denton Massey, leader of the York Bible Class of Toronto By 4.40 a'eloek the chureh was packed; hy $40 the Bunday school rooms ads joinfug the ehureh were filled, and hy 7 o'clock well over one huns dred people had gathered In the hasement where nn overflow meets ing was held, Myr, Massey spoke fivet in the basement, and imme diately afterwards spoke at the ve gular ehuveh service, 1, Kiafaber, president of the ong People's League of the ehureh, assisted In the warviee, Mr, Massey ing nn text "The wicked United inoke on "Ain, wk from Proverbs 2811, fla when ho man pursueth, hut the vighteous ave hold ws the lien" Consclenee made moral cowards of men, My Massey declared, They fled from a vonsclonaness of shy und of un worthiness, due to mv inward fear of themselves, "All af us Ave eon nelous of sin, yor what may be sin for one may not he for another Tha Ten Commandments are as ap plicable today as thay were when they were written, heeause they are not a havd-bound code of rules but are elastic and adantabla to ohanging conditions There was nothing wrong with being afeald, he declared, for the holdest man was one wha was afrald hut ald not ran away Only a conselous neds of sin made ma fleas, "when nn man pursueth," God did not stand for wrath and anger alone, hat as A kind and loving father, and pers tect love for God and Christ would wat out all fear, he declared, Centre Neveot Chareh Two very-intarestine young neo ple's services whe held at the Cen. tre Hiveet Unita Chureh vester (Continued on Page 10) reer " A news ftem tells of a Hoston an who slapped his wife as she slept, Men wre wettine holder and bolder, ~Greenville Pledmeont, "00 LATE TO CLASSIFY HORT PURRE CONTAINING shim of money on Blmeoa strest south, Finder please leave at 203 King sirest east, (hh) FOR RENT COTTAGE," FaUR vooms, Good cellar, Lights, Good water, Apply BT Montrave Ave Phone 1741W F: (9do) TNT ERTENCRT MATH WANTED for general housework, Apply G8 Ning street west, (fda) WANTED THR TWAT EEN ENT We are inoveasing our sales staff and are willing to, pay salary and commission while learning the goods to veal hustlers, There 1s & good future and permanent ins come to right men, Apply 88 Sime vos Bt, North anytime "Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, (dh) STRAYED TO LOT #0, CONOKS- sion 8, Darlington, a Halately Rul ealt, Apply to K, EB, Courtles, Coup los, : 3 (Bde) PORTER™ WANTRD MUST We able to deive Bulek ear, AR Commerolal Hotel, LL) FULLER ARUSH VONPANY, AT: ger Hidg, needs twa men with cars, to distribute 100 advertising Samples a week, Call this evening a) WRORIVET RT MONARY olety pound, one atvay Reston Bull tercler, male, Owner please apply to Humane Office, 148 Simooe street south, (Bde) APARTMENT 0 WENT, ORM tral, Steam heat, Inundry tuba, eleotrie stove, built In hath, 4 rooms, $48 and $30 per wenth, Box 234 Times, (941) ------ King St, | HAYSTACK BURNED, FIRE TRUCK AND AUTO ARE DAMAGED Blaze on Mill Street Last Night Threatens House of N, Nijrnack When a haysiaek last night the blaze threatened to spread 1o the resideiee of Nick Ni Jrnaek, 70 Mill street, The sae! taining approximately two tons FNOUMAIIN GF Xan paid Bem house and there was danger that th hallding would shave the fate of the sack a prompt getlon of the fire brigade prevented the fumes from spreading to the resitlenee is supposed hy Nijrnaok that Sunday Was WILL NOT DISCUSS POLITICS IN PULPIT ---- "As long as the Naguor question ls mised up with polities 1 wil pot dpe, or discuss it from the pulpit)" Key, 1, Harston, pastor of Bimeus street United pa 4 stated in an ans nauneement to his congregintion ynsr terday morning, Mr, Hurston elalmed that many a been desiring to learn from Wim hig stand on this matter as I goneerned the present election, "But" continued Rev, Mr, Har ton," as & private eltizgen 1 have 4 ! right to personal views an the subs | some person, possibly yO pater jeet, 1 am solidly behind the Minis | set the stack on fire The Manes terial Assoelation and the Prohibi: | shot high into the alr and the hr ton Union, | expect some day to] men had a busy thine for g few discuss the question from the pubs | vies, The dumuge 18 estimated le platform where those who dis agree with me may make reply with perfect freedom, They could not ans wer were Lodo speak fron the pul: pt LOCAL MASONIC LODGES ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE Rev, E. Harvton, Pastor of Simcoe St, Church Preaches | Inspiring Sermon wont up in Ame con i" Any W Hin ut $25 While thi the Names un ew ham, 121 Cromwell ave, rin Into the reir of the ludder truck whieh wa parked on MIL street close to th scene of the conflagration, Th mentor pale on one of the larg ders was broken and it will eo to replage It, Graham's ear wi damaped As no vehlele | within two hundred feet of garding to un elty bylaw it | that Grahum will he charged infraction of the hylay GREAT INVENTOR HIGHLY HONORED ~ 1) dant firemen were hghting ned hy V, Gra tor lad st BH) lao pp d ta eom y fire, # hihi ith an re 1 he body us the cunsecrution temple af th ying | of God was de seribed by Rey, Harston last night as the purpose of Musonry In an dnapiving sermon preached to members of Cedar, Lebanon und temple Masonie Lodges who attend of diving services at Blincog Street Undted Chureh, last night hie Masons oeeupled centre seats In the min body of the ehureh while lay congregation hlled the maming seats and gallery the pastor bused his subjeet on Paulin 131 wher David writes okyo's main thoroughfare i, a Suny Rit Jig gapecially Jiu inated this eve nta my bad: 1 wil Hol ha | towering nrehoy Hght spannin | mide eyes undies HE the inna Fokya's Broadway | AE until | find out 8 place tor he ht the dow Ry My Lord, an habitation for the mighty | Ax a 1 lf a | Go (ef Jacob," and Kings #118 Al AN hddef 4 AL And the Lord sald unto David, ms mon lox tonishi L (ather, whereas it wis in thy henry | FRHUrRIN from th 10 build an house unto my nai Where he will ve-enaot thew didst well that it was th tion of the lamp, will tomeh button that will Hght nn Ine \eurt eon In East Orange, NJ Ih oon 8 to stand ns a ne olun! mon ument ta himeell oviginuel slte af his laharatos n ecandeseent lpmp i "he henoon 1s np tribute to hy the Bfson ploneers who with him in the The heacon is an enn IT tet high, Inside of S00 Inoandesoent lamps Celebration In Chileans Chicago, Oot, 1 A olvie oele bration tn honor of Thomas A, 0di gon and the 60th anniversary ot his Invention of the electrie Halt will he held toni ant Park + The | Invention Hsell will (Cantinued from page ade route arvanged for I'v Hoover's puble nppesranoe dapan doing In Celeheption Takyn, Oot, 41 Far-aff Japan where Thomas Ndison's eleotru Hght hulhs did arrive until 1885, tonight hegan its eelehra tong on a nation wide the Jublle the Invention the Ineandeseent light Japan | today one of the world Inrgost users of eleoteie Hght soln nl it of nl Ie wi nin ol ul avi have nn of the oor Fdlnon lubharatary hie Aliey norte in the hen Avis of Masonry hon "The alms of Masonry [ misunderstood" Rev, Mi Harston | | doglared, * There are those who be | Hove that they are poalitieal in olhar peter, others equally ignorant eun sider that they are for the defence of the Protestant faith Sam think they are solely charitable, and there wre those who regard them as relating only to purposes of fellow ship und mutual benefit, But this In nat the ease, Masonry has no pw livigal aspirations, it is not founded to pvoteet wny partieular ereed wi faith, True it does embrace char ity and fellowship, but the great purpese wl the order is to make the living body the temple of God, Tis prineiples are based solidly uN the Hible" wry er \ mm th whore the horn Fidinon worked early day rons buth Which are Haan CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | SINCLAIR, MASON TO ATTEND SHOW The High Buhaol semdor pnd Jun lov vughy teams have Deen invited hy ¥nle Marks, proprietor. ab thi Naw Murtin theatre, to ationd the |, showing of "tha Collegs Cogueite' il the New Martin Honight, NEW MEMBERS ADDED AL ® saeramental service wl Knox Prashyteviagn ehurely yesion duy marming, 44 new members ware added to the roll, bringing the chureh membership up to 411 A large congregation attended the BOrVice, ' In VROGRERSING NICELY 1, Wellman who was badly in Jured when aw tank which was hein welded exploded wt the Mere vice Bintion lust Friday is reported fe progressing favorahls Mi | Wellman ho be tn the Oshawi Cer gril hospital, recelved injuries to his hands and hod hi {TO BHOADCANI | Paul Verland, well-known hari | tone soloist of thig ety, will broad Loust two solos over CNC, Toron te, on Wednesday of this woeek, Ootoher 80 Mr, Verland will he on tha alr between 12 and 1 o'elork wt noon He Is wall-known In this | | ult helng & mamhbar of chon of King United Churehh and] {having sppesred In solos and athe | numbers in [ {he ity and district Obituary PARROT 0 o'¢) Int he HOVOPrNl program 1 | OF MRS, P held at) mo hey FUNERAL Fh i Mn n 11] 14) 1] | ir Huena Vietn Mrs, I, Parvont [ wurdap I'he erviee ducted hy RB 3] Miutehell hur Interment W | funeral ul "m burn gemets Mi Parr thudk pw | here wi sire th hh | horn Lea th and | to Oshawa WO Yours a moving here od hy h ue ol ein n turlo eonnl fron r hu i Hu ad Wil Mi wi Ashburn | hand hb Ve ls suri Ligurne Visty anid Hal Il home | by Bve daughters Ponrson of Kin V. Hartford, of M { Fayion nd I Ashh of Cliaren three reel i i) treat | Huena Vi and My and Mis mn h UT of Lea ther Wi Ln | ' Warren avenu Mi | | Ghd of Centre steact, Ushiawa M1 M, Chratte, of Utiea SHERIDAN lite lon hy respect ia A THOMAS F honnas | wridan ent of Cyl od ein | | and | his hom we, yestord HOFIING How Hagtan aven 12.30 a'elael engin i in the eel an alegre take hration A praminent part There will ho sign H00 feet long and electri [ehandeliors, dangling In the sky [from oaptive balloon An aleotrh [gun will shoot letters of fire against the black bhaekground of the sky | "arty loud speakers will hving ta rowds In the park the address Presidaht Hoover at Dearborn then of Chureh alagnent Lunitian Hehools of Trividad," the work Kinga and Iustested ty Wig hearers In nl | graphic manner the good | Chyistinn MINKION BEY ICH A special misston servic y was] held In the Oedoavdale Unita / ARE [ A dad il Al " " NOMINATED HERE on Bunday morming he | Rev, W, I, Green, velurned nts | lonwry fro Prindde © geo nym ( y cadros on "our Oppnr- | Polls Will Be Held From 8 in Canadian Minion | am, to " p.m, on Wed, October 30 Hae outlined | he hud heen en the yest faw yeas | that | ham | inelair 1.0 fin Idi vi Laheral, 0) i 0, ml Laven | Mason, manu petiure werg declured hy Althert 'W TT returning olhieer, as ofheigh wed as the candidates in this it the fortheoming provineinl ton, wt the nomination meeting held in Whithy Town Hall on Baturdus afternoon, Nominations were reeely eld hy Mr, Jackson fram one unl two ueluek id # handiul wi hand, eluding re hit in for ; hry Frank | | ivi Jacl af non minglon ihe ward wil hetng done In the In that part of the gongres ons witended vieas during the dnp hdl VITTENDE CONVENTION AL The Rev, W, I; Vietehoy ister of the Centre sires Chuvah, left today fon Thine Ohlo, He will alttand tha general gonvantion of the Christian Chueh of the Unlted Hiates and Cunnda, | Iesentitive IF the twa Although Dr, Flatehey In 0 men he returning nicer at two veloc) hev af the United Chureh of Nog ed Lith ff inehalr und Mi wile he in nls memhar nf Lh Ha Me ameiall mingted pnd an Povelgn Mission Board d that u Christian Chuveh pnd hos candidate: hi ald ur member far the nl ¥] held on th Wh os When the Oshawa Christinn " THETA Chureh Joined the nllted Chureh i of Canada Dy, Fleteher handed in (} ion his Ignatian fram the Varelgn ridin | Ai Hoard hut It was not n Riba financial cepted, Hig purpose Wu going ta th wl convention ds tn hi In favor of the marger of th hureh with th attonaling Lhe 1 he reg: lonnligl wirandy in union min United am leet re an neil wn the Hh hoon Your i " Mason na ol J Ta there was mon iL ah het TIT | af Oeti pedin 1 Vin on h TITY (fh hy 108 elector pey Erik Kone cul vile ir: t Bre fil el al hinvi his fled favo minent Um iin ¥ poli Bil ANTHONY A Wi fa farmer Anthony hand of iL hin home, on Tue he ded hand af only son the Mi Moawman Wha came out Yary good neighbor and made and retained In veliglon he was PLOWMAN Helknown and hig Whith Plowman urvivh i" Mi i iy est un nie Ion ut ham Anon Inte lan ae My Whithy, 4 a on funoeprpl tonk hrtel Hine I Hiesdlong mn and wa in charge passed away | England Interment the Unfon Cemetery the tondad Plowman and Miss Jaan OF our most papular yeun and | member unda ul fownahinp predeceased him wn \ tl Lavi 0 beloved hu wrah Lowi hy I'l ot 10, on puasad wy af unos nom lace on Fhursds any witer wu noon ham nl | Hin Look place The community. 1 { fis nl in ouned wi ol n wi nly planes I'L votland ful farmer fA man lndlie many felends, | the Prashyterian, | elety und tiers He | ol Georg: nl tn My 1a one Was A Hoa whn AN ROLIVE choal and ataletie so " INTERESTING SCENES FROM OSHAWA GLASS FACTORY Returning Officer Jackson Announces Appointments Of D.R.0's, Polling Places | han | ympathy Lh} Qunrierly SPEAKS TONIGHT HONALD MW Fovonta Peon ( ne night DEPORTATION T0 William Langley Remanded | lis 1 for One Week on Vag: moi Aun rite vith nn had PHAR Th Ke [LA \s Laon denn | Aringl of | adly wha Moeoting or Hu hist lan Unk Enlted Chu GLAND will address th Young min ih to N IRELAND ASKED rancy Charge i Hind rang | ad ta Ire 1 he was heo ford furmes VL hie a0 I Hike CTU nt nu \ Bonn wi | ad Tan Vin Id taki and m nmigrati hen tute fated that qd) | em fd uh in In Memoriam Huh Ia, 1} wa loved In aur men remem! d, alwi m hrathers many mil ho is ared, lange A hy fathe wid winte Thy speaker alluded to the life of! David and his great hope and am bition tg build « beautiful temple 0 God, Although this was the ureat objeet of his We and although he planned and dreamed of the splendid edifice which would he de digated to the service of the Lard, David never lived to. see his Nie's ambition fulfilled nor to see one stone lald upon another in the build mi of the temple, But God had seen what was in David's heart and although Solomon actually, erected the temple God was pleased with David because he had striven to achieve this great object Rev, Mr, Hartson stated that many members of the Order might feel that they had failed in achiev ing the purpose of Masonry, The important question was not hows ever one of success or fatlure, but whether they had made an honest ef fort, David had failed to hulld the temple but God had seen that which was in his heart and gave him eredit for it, An Honest Kttort Rev, Mr, Hartson was aware that if men were not ta be judged by their aetual achievements some would say that this would give vise to a false standard, In answer to this ars wment he claimed that it could he Yeinitely asvertained whether men (Continued on page ¥) ---------------------------- ----------t HALNAN--=Disd in Detroit, on Ootober 1, Will A, Halnan, form: erly of Qubawa, (dn) A ---- CLEPENUK =1n Courtice, Sunday, October 30, 1039, Mary Cle A uk, valated wite of the Niok openuk, Funeral from the vesldenca of hor son-in-law, Willlam Risneek, riloe, on Tuseday, October 82, 1030, Service at 2 pom, Inten mont Kbeneser Cemetery, (04a) HOAR-In Mystle, on Sunday, Ootobar 30th, 1939, Wiltlawm Hoar, beloved husband of Ha plot Bell, in his 87th year, Funeral Wednesday, October 28nd, 193%, from his late resid. ence at 3.80 pam, Interment in (iroveside Cemetery, (Ma) | A cotton n SHWE mill, equing with American is nery, has heen opened in Tripali, ane Sunerglass bat ar being \ | made in Oshawa by the Peldapar Glass Company's factory, Rison SUPRR-GLASS BOTTLES MADR times, The pt road north, Feldspar is the new | vaek materia Eat han solved | A problem hanging since ancloat | 4 / FROM FELDSPAR ROCK BY LOCAL BRANT Winton, © nonst Times; (3) ground Folds My dy Milond, 34 yoars a The (NH a agra s hore show: 0n (1) Foldapar glass plant ag © Ny awa (3) "a gs OR Caneel means nothing," deolares N, Ww. | maker, with some of his product; | (8) wh J bottles wade Ww) (TL Foldspan ph Coulson With from Peldspar POUR SW AOR A don n Hout 1s | Ww all othe tor ie folks Mug! 0] 1a was Ohlet | 1) gand ha an mu | nw al the loved an In al nl elohey hel 1 thin) | Fue ol and lo MATA | | Complete List of the 89 Deputy Returning Officers for the Polls Throughout This Riding ~~ 36 in Oshawa WHERE POLLS ARE LOCATED 63 Polling Places Required to Take Vote in South On- tarlo--List Given of Loca- tions in Each Municipality of the Riding Moth Whith nomination meeting in the Fown Hall gyn Baturday af tern Abert W, Juekson, veturme ameer tar Bouth Ontario, formal ly wnineuneed the logation of the pall pliner the various subdivisions Lshawi, Whithy, Lust Whithy, West Whithy, Plekering, Reach and CHKOS 1 the nwmes of the depy utheers, tar the glestion JOE, far the election are now which the halla Ieady tar digtribution places and offigers Jaskson are as fol i, ni Hig in Wie LY FRING he held on I'he ballot printed, alter Letubgs heing dw he I hi { hollu A Mi ¥ of Oshawa uhdivision } denee, 74 irl Mours LURO ihdivision Ni ' esidence, 78 Burk Birect Puekerr, William H, Frau and Dy, I, J, Shirley, DLR.O.'% Pullin uhdivisien No, d=Gearpue Lugmian's house, 147 Celina Street Frank Kemp, William Metealf and Ad Parkhill, DROS Polling subdivision Ne s=AllLore Nireet shool=kK, Brown Learn Metealf, H, M, Bateman and Leary Peteh, DRO bolling turgesy' Lh PA LR O Polling Ni ALL dence southeast commer King and Wii mn Road-=(, ¥, Bhrieve, WV, 18, An derson and \V, M, Gould, DRO Polling subdivision No, #=Lity Hall=Russell 1D, Humphries, A, § Murdoch and A, 1, Bowekley DRO.» Polling subdivision No, %=8cpe ule chool--Uearge Timming, Harry aum mels and James Mears, DRO 's Polling subdivision Na, 10m) R, i house, 41 Elgin direet Fast \. My Goeyne and Frank P.R.O's, uhdivision Ne, 11 Maw oell Huandan, W, 1. GUY AMhley and | seph I H mire Milton l==Jahn Athel and Hig for} lin Lieu ge Lieorg ( yhdivision No House, 10 Albany trettan and J, BR fed I Mire Bay vil, subdivision Coax \\ ane Hullen Polling eet Aeape) Mueklery N Hopking, DROS, Polling hdivision No, 13=-Fred Sherrard"s house, 91 Alice Street=F, Hodginson, P; H, Jubb and James Heftermann, D.R.Q.'s, Polling subdivision Ne, Mra, Robbins' store, 784 Himees © Street south, Mrs, Beatrice Gillard, Mrs, Isabella Moody and Reginald Stey DOR.O's, Fawnship of East Whith Polling subdivision Na, Mackie's house Mathersill, D.R.O, 1 ons, i los $i R =U, B, Polling subdivision Neo, 2-=Foster Snowden's house, corner Pine and (Continued on page 1) Pavia, Qot, Bl» Bi Sd to Potts pre, Freneh president Vd far) premier, underyen wa tor a belvie disorder oben second he has had ia months far his trouble, i " \ | Coming Events # Cents per word each ine |. aevtion, Minimum charge for onch insertion, #de, ARTHUR 'VAN ROUGH» nel (Red Oross Warker) of Tos Panto, will addvess the ladies of, Oshawa on questions in the ooming election, Rotary Hall,' Centre street, Thursday 2.840 », my, Ootaher 24th, (pad) KNIGHTS OF PYPHIAR MERT: Ing will he held Thuraday, Ootaber 24 instead of Oot, 24 In Castle Hall, Burns Bleek, Tm portant business, All requested 1a ha present, (840) THE CANADIAN ORDER op Chosen Friends arand initiation will he put on hy Hamilton Des top flay Rava! MEETING OF HUMANR 8Q0IRTY gree team, Wednead 16 20nd, at & Dwg "= A members request ont, LY (a Tay Tuesaday even oe. at & pw, Rena olf hoa (930) MRS, ARE NOW SELLING for THE DUMBELLS SHOW . "Seven Come Bleven" at JURY & LOVELL'S Ring Street East

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