Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Oct 1929, p. 1

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ps lay AL Valrfas, ln Hg ele W hh i wounded tw al LLY ns oe. ponies, Ay: on dain wad h harem, § i Bh Ly Win Four Wives in Week Cobalt Beane of a five fov the fourth thine within sly days, the twosstarey fram Rida § Ak Miler age 104, awned hy Inndore Fagu- site, wan burned to the Kround Al an awrly h any Sunder, morning. rom ree Fatal Pag on anald Morrison, farmer vesiding In Sydenham hownabi ahout seven wiles from Owen Bound, was Killed In his op ohard when #& limb on which he Wal Mending while pleking apples hake, causing him to fall Ahowt 80 feet to i wround, 1] Hanned Niagara Falls, b raval of the Board of Raliway Cammissionaps has heen given ta a hy-law prohibe iting the hosp ding of locomotive whistles wit i the alty NHmita, A penalty of in laid down W Whiatien ave dh, exept In onnes of amergeney. Valor in Wpion QUA Fi ogi pervatory announced (hat : thivd sruption, stranger than the Ane Fort de France, After = day of odlm 0 receding ones, had occured early Runday morning, 0 Fant in the diveators of the Treg olsan, -- Lowe 0 in In Bypacuse, N.Y, and whe nthe nevth to he married, was heaton and robbed of 4% Sehind orth Cobalt hullding, Mal aa knooked unconscious, and Ww od arkness had little shbarton: | | ty of seeing he Le asapliants, paving He op matory or ny a Aver opposite i ouila = land walters stood | war thin on font iy in lower i anhurh EX Phy A Fok: families pushed wor euation " Fp Bure n wit Oh -- Ul CE ahuveh 0 Mats, P hg eh PARIS, ot Pt tie Lid in Wake | inion, w ht aon of BR a" a \, hgtead af als, fia Kes : KRY and Fog A ao Hao CE A of the a ut ih hed Filan V8.8, of Lo i 0) i | Bet " RA WalkIn ing 4 a - and a tata he on 13 aM sivmbied tute, the moment Nitta ~~ i : ig a Ah of a od ad 3 Toate IW Varsaltinn, Ti pa ibe |} tan MN na bo The Oshawa Baily Times oA OBHAW SEVERAL NOMINATIONS PROTESTED Succeed A ONTARIO, The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in ¢ Growing City NDAY, OCTOBE OCTOBER 21, 1929 16 Cantos Week; 3 Canto s Copy. _ TWELVE PAGES SATURDAYS Three Candidates Disquali- fied When Their Papers Were Declared by Deputy Returning Officers to be Improperly Signed SITUATION IN SOME RIDINGS UNCERTAIN Decision of Chief Returning Officer Will Decide Whether Other Candis dates Will Have Opposl tion or Will Be Declared Tavanta, oot, 0, The number of acolamations In the fartheam: Ing provineial elections was valsed tn on taday when Ohist Klee taval OMesr A, neuneed ght the Aominntion ol Rev, A, gmith, Communist, in the BR { of Parl Avthuy, hed heen dls! awed, The declalan nea about an acclamation in ht aonatitueney for Hylg General Hogarth, Conservative, Thea nnouncement last night hy the Chief Electoral Officer that the nomination of Ohavies Mave: att, Communiat, In Sudbury, and ve. Btawart Dien, Prahibitionts, fn Hastings Bast, had haan peje. od, had valsed the original tots) ta savan, Ax announced earlier hy the electoral aMoar, the name of A, © ettarly, Independent Conserve tive, 1a Blovrmont, ramalne on the by M Fotterly ln nnposing A i Mo. Conservative, 0 fh nat , Pymend an Womb | house, as intimated tn a despatoh 1 elland this afternann that the returning offleey had vuled there were tiatont hte § fide pot natures an the noming PAPEYE of Henlamin Hew ii herr validate hia Onin Hon. Mr, Ry i Sphoash Aa Fanghan, Cone gervative member of the last leg inlature, ATT Ont, Ti " With oven hedtng thyen ea rns h| §Ive plas ta 0 motel tata adh AE SAYS GOVERN a hg Pron Lomsed Win) J=-Gumiion ht hy iy Sn (1 FOveram : are the Wmoney ia to wd PY for the Tnthutath Ma hom \ ew Avon A woak-end # EIGHT ACCLAMATIONS IN NOMINATIONS FOR PROVINCIAL ELECTION GANGSTER SLAIN IN CLEVELAND Was Third of Four Brothers to Meet Death by Violence (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Claveland, Oct, 81 Prank Le nada, one Lime earn SHEE haven Wha "got out of the racket" when his breathers, Hig Jon and John, were killed two years ago In» Aan innd hattle far supremacy, wan dead today-~the vietim of a fusitinde of vevolver shots which roanred aut an he hunched aver # eard table in the hack room of a dawniown harhey shap Insl night Lonnvdn, silent pavinar in the husiness whish made milllonaives of the hrathers, was underatond to have ahandonad the game when Blg Joe and John were shot down sida hy side, but nevertheless po Hen worked on the theary today that his death was In repplsal for the slaying of Bam "Black Jack" Todaro, vival bootleg esar, aredited with having plotted the death of the Lonardes Last night's slaying left only Paminie, last vaporied tn Han Frans olaen, alive of the four hrathers Flight Delayed Havana, Bot, 81, The aevoplane "Huson Alves', BO passenger fying hoat enroute from Lhe Uhited Bigtes ta Busnes Alves, 3 I " delayed hore 4 wask to ten Hh for repaiva to a BON, The bis A BPUek Bo snag In the gulf Aiupday while allghting Just aut: gio the havhoy (By Caan Proms honed Wire) Montroal, Opt, B1-=Fyoa trans ptabian from thelr homes in Cans A 10 Basiand 18 attend the Fines of Wales dinner ia assured 16 Al Canadian holders of the Vie toria Crass, Today the Oanadian ihe' atonmahips, the White Bia 0 ANA the Ounavd Line issue DIRE BlAtemeant ARROWReIRE free oa ArhRtharial lon, On Haturday Adian Natlonal Rallwaye, Hh Bir Henry Thornton, an: they would carry any v.© eli Pom his home 1a the sea: Todar's statement hy the steam hp nies says: "IL ia felt to ba eh 9 Ohig hy the POI 1A ASF 84 Ritts 18 Canadian 3 nadian gr Bh i 3 id Bs Cross on ANE 0 hd tad "1 RIT Vy EE Ae A NEE A » 1h Sha auld an Yelorans A ARE, Former Pramley Dies Berlin, == Vaasili RISE ible Tana [N farmer Huinarian premier a leader, died tn a Berlin day Aer an Hines a. PREMIRR RE SEELEY ni te more tors Try Bh injured, a Edison Anniversary Honored By | Youth Found in Store Shot By Policeman SINTHEN-YEA Rows Anderann, 8 400 of a On Slngion soni dealer, wag shat hen "the hip hy Provincial Constable Tayio when he wan found ene night ast | Woe In Johnson's grosery store, Twa | A -------------- Steamship Companies Join In Giving Transportation To Victoria Cross Holders ------------------ Say Sinclair Approved Ot Liquor Stand Windsor Candidate Adve. cates Sale of Beer and Wine by Glan (By Cantinn i nated Wire) Windsor, Oot, 21. Replying to # heokler at the North Rasex nome inal meatd saturday aftem nihony Mareniette, the bk Fo hothine Iared that W, B ab dd inden, h heh od | Le APORLALIA'S RIAN oh the Rewer 4 ton, Marea: totte advocates - 8 of heer and wine " the Yin in the ning THOM Af hotels and reputable oa sald he had pernonall hn firey 3 hohe WHRE WR Re Conservative a! ndidate, also addres meeting, It Mp, Shela heed tn Bower, " She, the would ba put " He PA Mr, yo Ly wet Liberals ont of 10, Oot, he IB, \. fine gd loader, deelined last 19 comment an tha statement ARORY Marentaite, Edberal Wh BEasex Novth, to the ol \ Bn Rinelaie had apprav- Matshtetion Advataey of Beta of wine and hear hy the in hotel sand hotel sand Teputable oabew, Summary Of Nominations Hyves rr 1 0 LAR EARLE AREER RR AR at pogiastven ar ad 16 tania aed IANMERRAY ay WAR THEAAANRANNNAAALY LE EE EEN EE OY at a ¥ LB A5NY United Farmers of Batis |, wm \ , Ato od Ww Twa oa Hy SNe COMMUNI and ane Tha DItlanint, Hisd Papen a GS Bs 1 wal HIHRION Bays pans) ha store watioed hfe iy ARE Betifed the pies, 18 In abated (hers sie alse aul Landing eharges a A the hay, The | [hotogh pha Neve mhoaw i (HTed Tay ww ARRInEten, wha nebifisd the COMMUNISTS HAVE ISSUED MANIFESTO CANDIDATES IN TORON. TO PLAN TO HOLD MEETINGS Platform of "Communion Shows Radical Nature of Their Views thy Canadian Pres anal Wire) Toronto, Oot, Bl -=Calllng wpon the workers "to vols Communist and lett Communist eandidaton as ® atop forward In tha HEht ageing the o IGILIRE eapital oles, twa the establishment of a workers! AR farmers' government in Canada , | And the Bullding of a woolalist ay tom of aeelety," the Communiai party of Canada tonight lashed an election manifesto and announend byt meetings will be held tonight the in hivtonty af Charles Sims and Ww v candidates In two Tow ante ay The manifesto says: "The Com Wah is MY stands tort YA nen eantribulary wnamploys Went Insurance, the oon of whieh shall ba hore by the capitalist olnsa through tasation. Fedewal, pravineial and wmunieipal anther tea shall ha mutually Natonutbly for the relief of unemple works 8, YA seven hour day and a tive day weak for all worker with we woeka' annual helldaya and SA minumom wigs of 83 hor week, which corresponds to the minimum Hing cost, tor all works 4, "Compensation for all workers ured In any oceupation, corres Rending 10 100 per cent of wages 14 ab time of Injury * ibition of night werk and avertime for all Morktag WOMOR ANE YOURE workem under 18, YA neneantiibutory soheme of Rvhh To PRR EuRTantesing fall Wak I workers duning periods Rix § (UTI ---- after oh HE SOI ane Rab age §0 of " LLL N hotttion fdivect taxation and a. of All wage aarhens and PREM from taxation, Lo hilion of & Eradaal heome WX leading to the centisoation of \ haed Oh Page 1) Poightentng or sheeting of © FROM AR airplane fs forbiaden hat wore disqualified on protests, yt Calitornia, BON OF HESPECTED CITIZEN LIES IN HONPIYAL pollen of persons entering Johnson's Store, LD Jehnson's grove y alors, Cannington, In whieh young Anderson Was shal, tH ARAersen Rousse In Can ningion, and (0 FO, Cevll Tayler whe Big [ wedding of the King and Queen of fired the shat Four Aeroplanes Are Now Missing In Lonely Areas Oj Province Of Quebec France Opposed To Abolition Of Submarines Will Stand Unflinehingly To Her Position at Naval Conference ------ (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wine) Parle, Oot, 31 ==Abrolile postiion to the ahelition of sv marines ax defensive weapons of war and the interdependency of the problems of Hmitng naval, Aerial and land armament inside the meopa of a general dlsarmas | WON AgTeement Ne two prineiples for whieh the neh delegation to the naval disarmament confer ence in London next January will probably stand untlinehingly, Hueh 1a the impression which ves sWlta from conversations In gov orRmental, atfiolaly. parllamentary And even aphorition elreles, Parliament right down to the Rive geltiste « the extreme lft, I uhanimous tn 1s demand tov the retention and additional cons struetion of A of SubIANN, TORONTO | T INSTANTLY KILLED (Ry Canadien yy Toned Wine) Hamilton, Oot, 31.-=Ramuel RNMS, iat Inahrat Wont on ho We ty oh the Dundas MEhway Wear 0) 's Cornea a rg goaven o'el hiv ny ha when the Ly Which he wet wh ha WA HN another Mion e Bishop Fallon Is Improving ETE. By Oatvadion ve Loved Wine) Shonden, Oot, 2=There was ME Nowe from the hedside of UGA thin MoMing When AIRE Phyaician reported a fe of improvewent, Hin Loans APE roundly, enjoyed hin breakfast and Indicated he Would HKe to wee hin secretary YH condition fn most fave Ah and We are very hapetwi," sid the oRloial bulletin, elebration \GREAT INVENTOR CENTRE OF BRILLIANT FUNCTIONS HELD AT DETROIT, MICH. ROYAL COUPLE TO BECOME ENGAGED Crown Prince of Italy To Be Betrothed to Belgian Princess (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Helglum, ~ Oel Hrussels, il Crown Prince Humbert of Lialy 1a expected tn Nruss.is on Wednes day with the ohjeet of obtaining the eonsent of King Albeft and Queen Wligaheth to marry Princess Maris Jowe On Munday the Hatlan ambagsa dor, on helialft of the Prinee, sent o beautiful houauet ta Marie Jose at the same time announsing the Prince's coming visit, A wrest re caption has heen planned At the royal palace in Brussels to oeles hrate the hetrothal which probably will be formally Announced on Plhiuvaday, the anniversary of the uly The Prince, who Is Princess, whoa 1a B88, met first ot Venlea in 1017 when Maria Jose wae a nupll at the Via da Pople near Flavenee, Later the Princes visited the payal Helglan family, after whitish vislte hetween the twe royal families were frequent Hpectae ud Havape #0 and the Plittahnrg fucking hig mall hag under his arm, Harry Blevers, plot of the Piitshurg-Cleve land ale mall route, leaped in his pave ehiute 1,000 feel to safely as His plans ecuahed in a field near Den Jedd Fills, early Lodny, Bt, Mellelen, Quon Ooh §l==Four planes are down somewhere In the untracked places of the north where a day aro there were only two, On Haturday two Mairehilda, flown by Pilots Dean and Bmith of Interprovineial Alrways joined the hunt for the two ahips already missing, Cannon of Ourtias<Reld and Bonnard of the Royal Canadian Alr Fores, Baturday night Bmith's name was added to the roster of the missing, Today Dean Is somewhere out In the north after taking oft Into the teeth of bad tying weaths or 10 hunt for his mate, Hoth men are veterans of the Rerthern alr tralle, and it in possible that they are safely down somewhere north of Chibousamau, where they went 10 look for Cannon and ave merely awaiting amelioration In weather conditions to fly for home, Never: theless they must be accounted AMORE the missing aa this fa writs oh This makes three planes lost in the hunt for one. First Bill Cans RoR disappeared ten days ago while carrying a load of freight from here to Chibowgamau Prospectors, Ld, at Merpill Inland, Then Pliet Ronard of the Aly Force was added | 4 10 the lat last Wednesday when he falled to come home from hia seareh for Cannon, On Baturday, HMith wan loat} today Dean's name Wai added to tha lat, \ THOMA A, BDRON verter of the elaine Ws bol honored ab great colobras Hone 1 Dearborn and Detroit Michigan toduny, President Hoover Goes to Detroit to be Chief Speak- er at Dinner in Honor of Great Inventor TO HOLD CEREMONY IN HISTORIC VILLAGE Button to be Pressed to Light Up Memorial Beacon Which Has Been Erected at East Orange, N.J. (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Detroit, Mish, Oot, 81 .==In a geliing that contrasted early Ams erfean life with the present group of the nation's notables eame to« day to pay tribute to Thomas A, Kdigon on the fiftieth anniversary of his perfection of the incandes oont eleotrie lamp, Most of the ceremonies were held In the early Ameriean village reconstrueted hy Henry ¥ord at Dearborn, hut throughout the elty the pleture of Wdison featured the decorations in honor of the inventor, Heading the group of notables come (o do honor to Hdisen ia President Hoover, who was to he the guest of Henry Ford, hut planning aleo to make a publie aps pearance in Detrojt, The president will be the principal speaker at a dinner tonight formally dedioats ing the New Ndisen {natitute nt Technology In the historieal vi) lage The president's address as wel) an the remarks of saveral otheks will be hroadeast over the largest hookup ever attempted, Although the ceremonies form. ally celebrated Kdleon's perfection of the Inoadescent lamp, the oele bration actually was a huge party" arranged hy Mr, Ford for in frelend "Tom" Edison Katie mates of the cout of the celebras tion run as high as $2,800,000, vietue¥ly all of whieh will be met hy Mwy Ford, A steady drelsgle of raln that hogan before dawn continued this forenoon and gave promise of marring some of the downtown decorations as well an ourtalling the crowds expected along a pars (Continued on page 8) Busy Week For Party Leaders Sinclair and Ferguson Have Many Meetings to Address (My Thomas Green, Canadian Press Blatt Welter Toronto, Oct, 2l.-=Hlightly ime proved from an attack of hrons ohitie, Premier OG, Howard Fergus aon fa resuming hin campa tour today, This morning, the prime mintater departed for Georgetown in the constituency of Halton, At nl he will address A meeting at xbridge, Refore departing, Premier Fer FUROR ARROWRCRd hia further ens pagemonta for the week, On Tues fa afternoon, the prime minister will speak in Dunnville with a night meeting scheduled for Sime coe, He has three engagimenta for Wednesday Dundas in the alters noon With nleht meetivgs at both Galt and Kitchener, Thureday traning, he will & Su at Camps belitord, The Ni Con. 2vative mily of the AAMPLIEN fs wet for Toronto on Friday, and thy mime minister Will be back early that yl for the atari Saturday is NA from engages v gy Aa Ferguson, but by "oe probably that he will have one, It not two weetings to ads dress on that day, Today Mr, Sinelate tn on his way to the north end of the Rruce fasta where he will speak at athampton tontght, He haw a heavy programme for thin week, whith thelides visits ta Strattera, Sarita and Waterloo Ontarte, He Also plans to spend thren days in his own riding South Ontario, Me may take time oft trom hr howe Maing to viwit a, in Rast Stwmeoe, whave W. Marve, fy + 'poring Hon, Wik tm Fk, minister of landy Detroit, =Four Prisoners encaped from the furniture shop of the Detroit House of Comection at 8.39 AM, today after punching a hole through the wall of the dullding and PPing 16 the room of a ON of dry kilns, f)

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