Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Oct 1929, p. 11

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN CIASSIEIED SECTION 4 . Buger .~ ~~ meets Mr. Seller "230020500 3) -- my For Rent -- Eaton's third prize and slsp the HARDWOOD FLOUMKS Lal bus trip, BY EXPERT MECHANICS CONANT & ANNIS, DONEVAN A AR- : POUR AND VIVE ROONED MOD: || # " f : Much interest is being dsplay- Solicons, Notanies Pte CRs ER | 0 Land Surveyors ERS All Classified Adverti in a ra ates tor od in the annual suction sate of || 01a tioors Asse like new, -{Jancing, and Jeno oractice of visions, 3" isting. ' of g eration, stove, Isundry, convent {| of pure bred cattle and swine at Spr wihiows, cvmbinatith Ouran Bhan 10 vom: |B htt Sl iT Ire Coming E guctioges, covtmuone 20t wri [0 Clagsified Ads, || user, on, oo sit, 4, mums |] | dows "Gencrt comrmeo JA, By AP, Angls, BA. ng ming vents, Etc. ig oA 20ly Su hans ¥ co | mainte A number from here attended B.W. HAYNES d ~ i I4d,, manager for owner, Toronto, First insertion=-114 cents (f| the Thanksgiving Services held in 16) Kiog SL W. Phone 81, per word, Utlea on Sunday last, and also the residence Or, VRANR 8. EBBY, BANNER A (3741) Solicitor, Notary Public, Conver. | Cony buIIAL CO 6 RING BT STRICTLY ( ASH IN ADV ANCE SS ----------------r | Seles ou Sunday lael, ad aftd.the y 2 A . ] i ll Minimum charge 80¢, ancer, I vening, All ort lendid r., Money to loan, Third floor foe rect porth, Phones 210] and / Modern conveniences, $40 snd np. Zait' soboouuant condein Jug akon BE me | AA | supply in te' sume aOR mEnE 1h LS A---- : new Alger Buildin, Ofce on he Opposite Post tnd Apply Jury & Lovell, (36-41) || tive insertion 1c. per [I] amounted (0 some $169, Miss Falr- the personnel ia disastrously exci. pr J , - I v ec later stages of the war "hn My AIR, KC. 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner : word, down of Whitby provided much en- | plified in the late ait $n of merce Building. Bruce street, Ambulance, Phone This rule has been found necessary because of expense and air Tn Fhe A Sore. Three oonsecutive Inset: uitinment lite shut, the: nog a 4 the Bo dion vars in an loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts 'session October 1, Apply Mrs, F. Hon for ur Piiee of fll Manchester, was fortunate enough 1918, Instead of a crew of eight SEPH D7, AN, BA~BAR" | 1082, tister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con. | === G Henry, 28) King Bt. East ach Td : n ; - ° . . " § to win the fruit cake in the guess | cach Tank on that vecasion contain: Insurance f this nature Phone 16, 83410) || (three cents a word), J a ' ed 18 of our own men and four Can: Jevancpr. Money to loan, Office 14! King 5t. po Oshawa, Phone 445, AVIS A SON, J F b f ho find 9 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT, 45 Mintmyin charge fur three We are sorry to veport Miss |adians, The German shells released 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. or the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient Simcoe St, South, All conveniences, insertions, 00 cents, Nelly Holthy is suffering from a [the petrol in these armored chests Yeaser, Barrist C est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call hot water heating, newly decorated '|ll Box number 106 additional slight stroke, Her. many, friends | and the imprisoned men were burned : peers, Conveyancers, | .i.hle. Fire Companies, ill bri wh il i he ad : Reasonable rent, Phone H, Engel, wish her a speedy recovery, to death, It was only a matter of Notaries Public, ets, Office ovor WHEN PLACING 1 1 w ring a messenger who will feceive the advertisement 308 _or_309, 761(y |}l Professional or Rusiners [i Mr, and Mrs, Dalton Alderson | # few minutes, Many of the French Standard Bank. Kutrance Simcoe 0, and collect for same. FOR RENT -- 8 Cards, $2.60 per month and. children of Uxbridge . visited | Tanks and personnel suffered similas ' consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe nor J ' An Cy Iho 23.4.9, Srienon, Rs Your insurance wants attended to house, All conveniences, Also 4 room Jot 30. ards oe with Miss Hata and Mr, Arthur disasters, v! : : ¢ A ------ "and vour mterests protected. house with water, light and sewer at Fraser, B.A, LUCILLE Ld. 75 and 77 Wéstmoreland Ave, Apply fof each additions! Miss Della Martin spent Thurs COLLEGE AGE siaernc Trans tion LL 0] " 1 { 73 Westmoreland Ave, day evening at her home here, porta Times" Classified Ads Bring Results I Te TIMES CLASSIFIED | My, and Mrs, George Bmith, MIss | And he must go who's lived so few ' AN, STER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's ' ' 3 2 1 Btore, Money to loan, 16 Simeoe AND STO steam heat, Central, $25 per ADS COST LITTLE; AC. [f| Mary Martin, and Miss Katherine short springs CARTAG COMPLISH MUCH Reeves motored to Toronto on | Just eighteen Aprils since his wide street north, Phone 67, Residence| man's, £5 Bond West. Specialists month, Will furnish 1 desired | my kiry pliii Bate: Big I ele hone 35 bly Box 249 Timen. 0 (sory || TELEPHONE 85 Sululny. last. grey eyes PARKHILL AND FIED DAK. house and moving van equipment, P TO RENT--FIVE ROOMY Mr, and Mrs, Will Thompson First mirrowed lilacs and blue but Phone 82, ) RENT -- OOMED House Ask for Classified Ad {| and Miss Allle Thompson visited terflies-- risters., etc. Mo to loan, : ishe i 4 : mney to loan, Alger ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT furnished, Owner go hoard with party |} Department at the home of Mr, and Mrs: | I did not know till now how swiff dg. Opposite Post Office. Phone CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL nti Bla, A 1 Parkhill, A. CH, Fleld sand and finders, Loeal and, long renting an Apply 211 Prev Bt Joe Holtby: on Thursday, Gerold the wings / MPHREYS BA distane hauling, hone an FR TWo BRIGHT OF ; A Rev, Mr, Casement of Uxbridge | Of time! The full sweet years, where VRE RAND HUMPHREYS BAK 12025. Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St 10 RENT -- TWO BRIGHT, UN- visited at the home of Mr, and have they flown , dolie , ete, (] Ww furnished rooms, Private entrance, Mrs, T, ¥, Maitin on Wednesday, Each minute of each day filled t¢ a Mz, George Hannaford visited the brim St. N. Phone 3160, Money to loan, | 2 i ry Apply 58 Brock St. Fast (92¢) ALEX. HALL, B.A, BARS [OSHAWA'S OLDEST = ESTAB. Real Estate for Sale | Articles For Sale FORE NT LAUD RTRs 1 i A " " hed unit ata. Pate Road al Estat un FOR RENTLAUDER OAD, at the home of Mr, George Smith With plans, with hopes, with ter, ote. Conveyancing and genera | lished furniture movers, Park Road 100° ACRES, ~BANDY ™™ LOAM, seven rooms, large living room, Here and There on Wednesday, Tr car age. Local and long distance { ID SOFT W. ractioe, 33% King Bt. Kast. Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park Rd | nearly all level, comfortable, two MIXED HARD AND SOF] WOOD conl fireplace, extra cupboards, Mr, Arnold Roach of Toronto | My little boy, who suddenly is grown hone 3237 (tf) slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry R-- '] . ss | South, Phone 210, storey frame cottage, barn on f}oq." wood Waterous Meek Limied | 18undry tubs, garage. Phone (364) spent the week-end at the home M ical (Oct, 15-1 mo) coment wall, good stabling, drive Phone 1288 (Apr, 2611) 1106W, (92c) The anclent art of goat-getiing of his mother, Mrs, Roach, And he must go , ,, for this, have v oe | WANTED=TRUCRING OF ALL | shed, acre orchard, some wmall FOI -- TO RENT -- SEVEN ROOMED | 1s in full swing at Banff with 26 Prospect was divided on Thurs-| mothers borne PR HAROLD W. TRICK, PH ST kinds, Carting or moving. Phone | fruits, town three miles, highway i EALE~-HEINTZMAN CO. house, hot water heating, . Phone | wild Rocky Mountain goats trapped | 9°Y DEW, as a number attended Tall, splendid sons from immema« clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special 3056W, (Oct, 19-1 mo) | one; Toronto forty, Oshawa twen- | Lid. planos, new and used planvs, | SOUS (93) | in June and nearly the same num. | Lh& chicken pis supper and concert ria, days ie ot aA | i Bory | vrs tea ase time nse Ap pk, Spas ACRE corey. 78 | fh Ae aatin | Wh He er af | 20 my iat som uty sun vor HB Pasir i I Office and ot irr uy . wee | FORKONAble prices, moderate terms, 16667, : et AE A Ta. a 2 vaapley ive, Appr 01 they fraps D7 Suit licks ot Whlel provided" was: aplendid, he "bon. To stand aside and let them go ence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) BE | iy LA FAN NT Wm, Philp, RR, 4, Port Pervy.| HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO LiL. are to add to the wild life of Cali. | "eT Was enjoyed by all, the pla their ways, hone 303 wave, 3 pil) Fa al Ke. Phone 164 ring 2, (92¢) {in good condition, Apply 211 Drew TO RENT-UNFURNISHED 2 OR fornia; others are for exhibition Ehiltled. "The Hand of the Law', | And if I weep to see my lad depart, br McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. | wave and shi or FRC JSC I FROOMED COTTAGE, OAK | St. after 6 p.m. (92{).| 8 room bath flat, Phone 2825F, given By the Ballydutf people was | It is from pride, not from a breaking \ Hair cutting 25c. 'Phone 2068 or 86 £L2.Pm (4a | 'VVIPOMS.ARA for 2008, splendid, The actors all did heart, geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- | 1 floors, furnac tollet, wonderful RRR ATW " * 1 om : ; gence, Phin i 5 Nad Victorla ee BARBER AND location, near General Motors. hE EA J fot hy VOR RENT -- TIVE ROOMBDN Concrete work on the new Saint Sredie to the Paris Assigned tha. ~FEthel R, Fuller, St, Oshawa one 94, 4 © ' ANU 83600 with $500 cash, Lycett, 25 | 4] Hh ! | brick 0 cP ie Misses Ferguson gave splen- -- ------ i 0 ] ( Ly y South (92¢) | brick house, Conveniences, Paved | John elevator has commenced and did music between acts, The pro- SUCCESS SENTENCES : Te Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, We spe- | King ¥. Phone 208 (92 DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN | B&0 " . 0 | King XE. Phone 2005, (92) a TOE = | street, Immediate possession, Ap.) will require. about 25,000 cubic |" Surgeon, Obstetrd an, discases of Salise ni tH gy AY. FARM FOR" HALE--TNE HUN: POTA]L ES FOR SLE, 32 PER ply 31 Elgin St. E. Phone 1686), yards of concrete, Grain business Sete Mmivateh \0 soupy ci The world pays you for what Infants end children. Office and |g, cents. For appointments phone | 4red acres, rich loam, good bulld-| Bag dellevered, ond St ' (941) | through Maritime Provinces ports ? ; you do; heaven only, for what you reside 7 st. Phone 1155.1 9653 (Oct. 10-1 mo) | ings, plenty of timber, Two miles | Phone 924, -- 920 | von RENT -- APARTMENT, | 18 Srowing largely every year, pp Pay try to do, rTM ufc pega | from town, Bix thousand five | FOR SALE -« LADY'S BLUE da 1 ) --p---- Am who alw rrives too DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! | S(ARCEL AND CURL Sc. MRS. | hundred. Would freind Hoos, Belt contained; Pri. AT vives To / | red, well as a going | coat and Martin guitar, lle new. | vat tr Statistics gathered by the New late will find some day Pr ity' clan and Surgeon, special attention | I verette Bell, Apt. 9, Edward Apart: | concarn or exchange for Oshawn | Phone *474W. (2c) | Phone or, Con yan Brunswick Government Bureau of J 4 ward, and on It Written, "Borry: given to Xergy work and Electro | ments, Quebee St. For appointhrent propert y y. Peebles & Morden, - SURE FO RE ~ | Information and Tourist Travel Tn ab ¢ ( 1 HUDSON SEAL COAT 40, LARGE | HOURE 7" NTAT 140 BTM: | show an increase of 25 per cent, in TOY MENDING SHOP i Bucosss har tWo Jariners:s.ome 4 theopy. Office, Disncy Bloek, Phone | phone F, t, mo) | Bond St, East 03h 2050, Officy open 9 ani, 9 pm. : , x { ) | collar and cuffs, mable, first class | cos St, North, with all conven: | the ber of motor tourists f Residence 161 King Hast, Phone 2416, Building Supplies Work Wanted condition, cheap, Party going enced, Apply 18% Simcoe Bt, | the Bumbty of Jo aria rom ul re pt DR. ALVIE STEWART, SUR- FOR SALE SAND "GRAVEL. nd e---- south, Apply Box 2060 Times. South or phone 1246W, (94¢) | at border points of this Province § OOHE ¢ ee o RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. 924) | FOR RENT PT RINT mr X so follow good medels as to make rr hog rpm Beg stone and black loam, $1.60 a vd fields made fo order, We save you ALE TO CIR 222) | FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT | for vacations. -- Thornton's Corners Troop of themselves better models, On { For qunlity and. service 'ohone 'Ks: | money, Estimates free, G. A. Con-| FOR SALE -- TWO CIDER BAR. | ght housekeeping room, on ; Would A iate D No man gets ahead if he cannot ven months post graduate experience, | [5.00 rin stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone| RELS. Phone 1039W, (93h) | ground floor, All conveniences. Word has been received by J. M. ou ppreciate Lionas | ahead. Morn ssornital. Londons, Roval i: | CEMEN i= | 15908). (8611) APPLES FOR. RALB--HAND | ThOne 1725W or call 316 Alice Bt, | Gibbon. eeneral publicity agent, tions of Unused Toys In the long run: it iu. useless to A .|CEME : 4 BE we HA! ne ) firmary, Edinburgh, University Hoy. | To insure prompt delivery, place or-| BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED | picked Blenheim Pippins also other | _________ (940) | Canadian Pacific Railway, that His Uns ak the long Tunalt tau ital Bertin Office 142 Simcoe St. | ders in advance of deliv ate. (W. | for and delivered, 75 cents. If fen. | winter varietien at one dollar per | FOR RENT="G"WOOM HOUSE Canada will extend his patronage Thornton's Corners, Oct, 18, Wha cares whether the water Is ony Phone' 3020. Residence 3164, | Borrowdale, Phone 1618, tal sypplied $1. Batteries repaired. | barrel, Ja oh Branch, R.R, No, i, | All modern conveniences, Hard. | ¢ ho Canadian Pacific series of | Messrs, Cecil Dean and Lawrence | 19°P hid shallow If it turns the mii) VID ARC Tow lidgon,~20~Mit St Phone ( Bowmanville, (93d) | Wood floors throughout, Will rent six concert tours of British and | Irwin spent last week-end in Buf- WY do not know where you VR. DAVID ARCHER, M,D., CM, | Music (Oct, 10-1 mo) ae eee | for $86 to suitable party, Immedi- | 1 L. RCP and Fy if TALMAN SWEET APPLES FOR | 410 possession, Apply 036 Summer. Canadian music to be given across | falo, are going you will see no signs i dinburgh, mI EATER CHARGE ' Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, PUPILS ACOEVPIED IN VOUAL | BATTE ARGED AND DE- sale, also other varieties. JohnH. | vis" Ave, Phone 233W H Canada, commencing in the fall of The Thornton's Corners' Boy | posts" Dr. TR. Wells J : ie 235W, (940) | this year and continuing until the | Scouts are opening a toy mending qh Le liverod 705¢, rental 25e¢, and the ! ) 3 Same -- Office 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020, | Instructions, Mrs, (Dr.) Grant A ly Sharp, R.R. No, 1 Oshawa, Phone | 5 i ara ELLA I. i idence 161: King St. E. Phone 3155,| Berry. Phone 1160. entire electrical system of car re- | yape yo (hide) JO RENT--A GOOD 4 ROOMED spring of 1930, shop In preparation, for Christmas, - ol Bt, est, Apply -- The scouts would very much appre- HAVE YOU L ARCHER BROWN, MD. L. R (Oct, 1-1mn) | paired, 204 Oshawa Bivd, Phone L A . M.D, wr y Tore | 3112W, Oct, 11-1 mo) | FOR BALE--ONK SIMMONS BED | to Dr, Holg, No. § Athol St West, Products of the fisheries of Can- ---- 3. "Edi iclan, | ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA-| Soot SR. LA N ' clate any donations of unused or Surgeon, omtrcan, pets ache (Hanboune Conevacry. o-| AVRO, BODY ND TRUCK IE: | hint aa fou evar. A. | 70 WENT--T- TOON FLATHOD: | 30497110, an increase of #hatas | room (07% alto pant and mater: | "What kind of a. fadlo have you ity.) . t ils prepared for all exams, | pairing, Metal bumping. an IY w. J R "AT, e 11.874, ) $74 July for mending the toys, The got?" pga a of gy a gg Ri 92 Simcoe St | the Elder Built Bodies. Bill Fry, Ply. 334, Kingudale Ave, (030) | *™ conveniences, Phone S4M, 281. compared with 1027, Thesé toys may be left at Webster's store' "The railroad type «= whistles at 3 de (94h) | figures comprise the value as mare | phone Scout Master "BII™ | every station" eases of children. O ie Eide Dull: Dodisg. 188 Simcoe St. North, Phone | North. Phone 2754 f) n ont, awa, Yetiee, 4 ! N : ; . AR keoted, whether sold for consump- FRA SI BMITH, ONE (Oct, 10-1 mo) | FOR BALE--BALDWINS §1 BAR Stonehouse and the toys will be ; ; g 3 rel; aplen, $2.60 barrel; ohter wine tion fresh or canned, cured or oth. 0. W. OARtI, PHYSICIAN, [of Toronto's leading viclin teach \ T4i} plas. 35.50 burveli wi erwise prepared. ' The salmon | ¢¥led for at your home, . Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and fers, ia in, Oshawa Oh Thursdsy f car by expert mechanics at home or thr Abvis 3 an A livorth, Auction Sale fishery is the most important, with adi Le wiagton, of Toronty, spent ] vd e, rd Bt, ©. > JMW. (93 ; Tusidencs, 612 Simcoe street north, allsrnos Bt Srudio 8¢ Eigin in_your garage. | A LW. 03) | phone 133 + ¢, Bowmanville. AUCTION. SALE~ON TUESDAY a total value In 1028 of $17,867,063, Pog ws ATLA TE TTION ? (Oct, 9-1 mo) (Oct. 4-1mo) emstitching (04D) | October 22, 1929; of Farm Stock and| The Canadian Women's Press toe, spent a tow days with G. . obinson this w ' ws | JPRS. T. ROOKLEY O- | NiNW CENTS PER YARD. YLRAT- a [Implements, at Lot 28, Concession] Club, consisting of 100° delegates Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist] prano, will accept pupils for sing: | ea Skirts, one dollar, siterations, Help--Wanted Male 1, Darlington, J, K. Hopps, 5| came by Dominion Atlantie Rail. | Mr. C. Hughes, of Toronto, i & i BR FT BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR y Pings yolee culture, etc. Phone 1004, | ete, All kinds of heautifwl fancy [Torre - vow | horses, 16 cattle, 9 pigs and poul-| way special to Digby recently, | Kuest for a couple of weeks of his FT, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOI 288 Bruce st. (Oct. 1:1m0.) | work on wale. Mra, Dell, 86% Sim- | SALESMEN -- FOR CITY AND try '115 acres turnips, seven hun. stopping at Annapolis Royal and | sister, Mrs, J, Klllott, i bleacos BE Be Fhoue aw Street Wet, Toronto, will he at his RICHEN, L. R. A. M., [coe South, Phone 16£6. Topic. tows must have ol dred bushels of mangles, 6 acres| Grand Pre em route, A mumber of | Mr. and Mrs, J, McClure and pe i office over Jury & Lovells Dig {pi cotar of Musto, Oshawa Collegi- (Oct, 18+1 mo) A bY 1 of corn in shocks, hay, Sale 1| outstanding writers were in the |family, spent Sunday in Toronto, Sn ach, utara. rom 1 il 4 |'atetand Public School: Studio, 20 : married men, 2 to 40, with {ally | o'clock sharp. Wim, Maw, Auetion- party and all expressed their ad- | Mrs. H. 5. Smith spent Tuesday Radios Re ired Be, for consultatign and treatment | lbp giana, Phone 2924J, Coat Repairing Times, sansicered., Apply one) | oon (#48) | miration of the Evangeline Country with her sister, Mrs, G, H, Robins pa o WE : i | = son, All Makes diseases of car, nose and throat : a and the Annapolis Valley, gal. Abuolniments 51 be mats w _ GET" READY FORK "WINTER WANTED ~ EXPERIENCED» TIN- Sal gr -- Mrs, G. H, Robinson motored to ' les fur com reed and reparred Auction A notable beauty spot {s being | Toronto, with friends, on Thurs. The Ontario Motor Sales TED drug store, Phone 97, ih 4 1 Al : : n to n ¥ al smiths, Apply 'Employment Manager oe fadiey Jur coats refined and repa red Pedlar People, (93¢) ---- recalled to public notice this sum- | day evening, "-- and Throat, #775 AND M NS. PRO- | "Tailoring" your own material made | a 3 AA ; :. - J Eye, Ear, Nose TTY AND FARM LOANS, FRO: | dress 1214 King St. W (over | ELECTRICIAN WANTED ~ FOR | , Auction Sale Wednesday, October | mer by the Alpine Club of Canada NEW [6 [ON TANK EL -- - " - " cere | kress loans arranged, Parkhill & up. A \ " 23rd, Mrs, Ira Trull will sell lot| which is holding its annual camp DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE | pid Barristers, ete, Alger Ride. Sing), Call and Seliver, Phone | motors and general wiring, Steady 32, Concession 1, Baseline, Darling: trom July 15 to July 81 on the site a it over Mitchell's Drug Store. ~Hours| py 1614, 0 (Sept. 21 1-mo.) 1 a hh man. APpl Jadu, ton Township, at 2 pm.: One lig of the old railway village of Rogers 10 to 12 am, 2_to 5 Evenings by De ioam ahi, : 3 \ 26060), i y ( , Sprin a , Cutter,| Pass near Glacier, B.C, at the west. fppotntment, | Office phone | Watch Repairing Public Stenographer 5 ed, Chatham, Ontario, (fde) Single Fioush, Set al ve, Sel ar opening of the Connaught Tun- GRE AT M AN KILLER SPECIAL SALE NOW Residence 4320 a 3 yi 0 PIR u ' ' ' od of dingle arness, Also a quantity of | nel on the main line o 6 Cana- Dental kA wl GUN Thy EX oh street north, Phone 1600, Special Help Want Female Household Furniture, including an| dian Pacific Railway, The camp ON . .| tates for mailing lists and circular WANTED m= CAPABLE WOMAN antique walnut settee, Queen Anne| commands a magnificent view em- ---- DOMINION CLOTHING CO. R57 PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. | 4% King 'Street West, Your sat work (Sept. 24-1 mo) lor general housework. wou be | Style. Terms cashy W. J, Sulley, Auc. | bracing Mount Sir Donald, Mounts | New Land Ironclads Are 68 KING 8T, W, in solicited, | 1 Yo | attention to X-ray | Somat tioneer, 03b) | Macdonald and Tupper, the Iile- ; . hy Gas. xiracion. Nurse th " Radio Service oom a Kend_ with ghyaren for S904 PAA ¢ clllewaet {acigr am many other Last Word in En- Fane S141 We Deliver ; : on \ A, valleys, g_rhone 2% WADTG SERVICE "KN ACCES: IOTPOT A WITOLE DINER | WANTED -- 5ALESLADY 78 Ten Are Killed by ae Ssnqes iy gineering On the first anniversary of their ------ of furs. Apply in person. Fosters Explosions in Spain| wedding, Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius | London--~The finest model of D Y DR. FRED A, FLORA, DENTIST.) (els poocus™ on" aloetrlo. and | for 30, "Opme to 94 WIMAD | juke charge, Must have knowledge 4 King bret, ri 3 ner dion battery iy Tubes and, batteries | St. B., from 11.30 to 1 p.m. ' Phon . Evenings, by tested, Batteries recharged, rental (Sept. 24-1 mo) | Furs, 234 Bond St. (98d) Vanderbilt, Jr, recently left the | heavy fighting machine Is the new 3 T,| supplied 31. Phone 10484. Charles) ROOM A ARD----ALLICON. | $= mm | (By Canadisn Press Leased Wire) Bantf Springs Hotel in the Cana: | 16.ton Tank. In its general design, . HM, J Wales, 146 Elgin E. veniences, central, Apply 68 Ch Position Wanted Bllbon, 8 -- dian Rockies for a moter trip | jig a ent, mobili and' climbing Mitchell's Drug Store, 4 » Bpaln, Oct, 20~~At r rmament, x4 oe one } for, ver Juche Phone IN (Oct. 8-1 mo) & (940 YOUNG LADY WANTS WORK In | least 10 workers were killed and firauth Western Canadn. HO whe power it si incompara iy the best an } : 34, -- } about 20 inju i i most en mored weapon of its kind in exist 0 . . RUBB i N : Caulking with board, in private family, Very {evenings Phone 2738J, (948) | hojler ree oy loca -- scenery and accommodation In the | once It might be described as the Don't Lose Yow Carn, Nitrous ox oxvgen | gas for en HAVE ALL CREVICES AROUND | contral, Phone 1938). (93¢ Home Cooked Meats a yesterday, Witnesses sald that | Teckies. \ Sitect oA spring of the Tank w <t Let Me You! J . 1 ; indows and doors filled with pay at least seven explosions shook astonished the inion reiiers |B « Finance ho enced - iactle remont and shut out the Shoe Re ng TNGLISH HOME MADE PORK | the building. They were believed RE and officers who were privileged to RJ. FE BROCK. DENTIST, 18f cold draft, saves fuel, the cost Is | G55 MENRKOS, CONE OF | ples, steak and kidney pies, hot or | 10 have bena caused by water seq the demonstration at Cambereh G. R. Holden cs 80 AT cm |S en ge J | Sine ate Vita a oat si, sre cave and sin coms 0 one win ho motes UCH INTEREST IN [ctr ap sre Sat Qeon: Souis came. won Fhione \3 " oh : "Vi son, R.R. No. 2, Oshawa, Phone| pi,oq™ (o have your shoes oto, otc. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple ' Shawn the erolution o the"Tunk nid COUNTS I. 1 7883, Oct 4-1 mo) " ah S-------- Ang NT : Kk Led { m0) | cleaned and dyed. (Oct. 11 Mo.) [utreet. Phone 2373F, (7748) TE FOR A PARLEY SN Tachines hd. the, Soe: t Theatre Bldg, Phone 1780 | Painting and Decorating | Second Hand Desler = Agents Wanred Tern LY aid fo é : ce 669, R CUTSOLE. FIRST CLASS fA SECOND HANG DEALER. YUN . { down their separate beats, For some That secret Tank weighed 20 4 RLnNGMAID DR. DAVIES. | perhanger, painting and graining | nituee bought and sold. 186 Bloor | Double your salary by adding $35.00 tue the old lady watched them in Basen ar and ot was bail gn, Bt ge ERs 3 King St. E. Special at: | Pricey right, work guaranteed. 30 St. Hast BE 161TM. (te) | weekly selling Imperial Art Personal silence, ' But at last she, could keep \ Slroyer an i) ho hs skill. The tention to ras extraction and X-rav| pine Ave, phone 3065w or 007w, | sw -- : Christmas Cards to friends, business Sigal ne longer and grabbed one of (Prospect Boys to Enter ir TAA Sa time were : tes, . me by ) n works Nise in attendance, Phones t) Contracting aslociates bi Jb And Shurch a ell, "Can't you two silly lads make it County Home Plowing disinclined to disclose to the world imperial Ae anufucures, 5 Wel | 2 and. begenint™ he kere Competition i eeuiar_ gharyyetitioh Ju ahs y S| CONTRACTING = CONTRET J : % and paperhangers, only first class : = 3M Veterinary Surgeon work. "ruarantecd 2 cars Wo astern shectzie or Slterations en as Toone. i. proachfully.~Nottingham News, ¢ ------ volving tirets for Jnachines wh an ) "AY, VETERINARIAN.| perience, prices reasonable, phone ) 2 0 one central revolving turret for the PR SHIRLAY. | domestic Ah Hoow: : (Oct, f2.f no) tographer ersonal Cheistmas Greeting Card "Would Jou beers LEMON. cent Jeunes, Oct, Ao he ' Pros, Jopdr, gun and the commander, It[| ~ BYESIGNT SPECIALIST F W fom agents in their spare time, rita us| 1' beg 0y# are ghly elighted | was regarded, however, as t vy am J" SH bind ST 7 3 4 EE No a ol ££ rad HR pp | i Ph a ading Ave, 1oronto. "Do you think he realies that?" on in While 0 Competitor | facturing a number was heid tg be - one 634 tor prices and samples. . "wy ' N must plow three acres and which | p ibitive. N 3 Tau MY Wolk i sadrantbd Oct, 1-1 mo). Lost and Found HOW oe Ye pipe uechute is oben to 'bove trom. dixteen to | Fie new I6-ton machine ahi || pyignoy Blogly om . - hae You don't pay untll you are sate ted Los ; -- nty-ang, ng fr NR IG dh RHEE Bo \ architecture) work, Segond fl ) an o : LOST---WHITE KSKIMO SPITZ, : ised by the Local Department of | struction improvements ha heen 1816 Phane--1310 Roval "Bank Building. hone 1496, Hy Rib ly R. WANTED TO RENT--BY NOV: | brown Spots on back, Answers to| The girl reporter who had been as: | Agriculture, There will be two | made Ry to remove dangers | orm ---- be on Tv Res. paone WN), 4. 1881 Arthur Street, Oshawa, ember 15, modern house, hard. | Name ot! "Buddy. Reward, Apply | signed to do a little human interest | classes, one in sod, the other In [fram which the crew are hot free | sero w-- THOMSON ANG - TOFNSON."AS | Phone 960W. ,. (Do wood floors, Conveniences. Cen. | 38 COdAE Street, (980) | story was interviewing & steel riveerr | stubble and both for Jolnter plows, | where the Vickers (Medium) Tank inte architects. Simcoe St. Sif" : wi tral. will llease, Apply Box 253 | LOST BOSTON BULL DOG, | 'Don't J Sven Ace netvous and | Fine gash prises are being offersd | is concerned, The essential differ: Ni Felt B . Seite TTR | Times. pati (940) | Male, Answers to name of 'Bus | {rightened when you are working on | in py We wish. our boys | ence between the newly-designed -- . " . ANGE-=Tto --XOKESs. : ter". Phone 1389F oryeall 108[8 prow beam up in the air?" she ne alittens in thiy Sampatition. Sunk and those new in we that uc PLL \ i | \ ) Court St. (0de) | Msked. ongmatulationg to a8 Marion | the compartment for the petrol sup ' se : or grain farm, stock, 11 Rp we Jha] MON, yes, ma'am," replied the rivets | Smith who was fortunate enough | ply (the Medium Tanks carry 80 gal- PHONE 761, W. 1. SELEY. acres har wood bush,' 7. roomad ON SALE OR RINT -NEW LOST--8EVENTY-FIV DOLLARB| er, *I \v t all night wi Sith whe Raton. Cup and alec the | ons uf RE by auctioneer, 316 Simcoe Si, Si We| house, two bak barns, 1 mile | four room are, Lisbus. On good [In bills on Royal street between A While ako and he ae es Bus UND, for the Menaat umber A naan pa can sell vour odd pieces of furniture] from thriving village, $7600, Bx lot on Windsor Bt. off Wilwn | Gentre and Simcoe, Finder please | was working on a beam 15 stories | of points won at the Manchester parated from the engine . and other articles at our vards, 41 thangs for house property, Lycett, | Road, Rent $16. For particulars | return 6 84 Avenue Street or up when T saw my wife coming, 1 §sheol fair, We also congratulate | : Inaiting Petra ' King St. W,. Oshawa, Ontario, § King B. Phone 206, (93¢) ! phone 2390W, (¥4c) | phone 1276F. Reward, (94D) | almost fainted," . *. Murray Holtby for winulug" The danger of having the peigol 0

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