Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1929 PAGE THREE EE ES -------- Constable Dares Death To Capture Cannington Desperado Mason Submits "Plebiscite" Question To Liberal Leader SPEAKS TOMORROW On The Liquo: Ontario's W. E. N, Sinclair Challenged to Declare His Stand on Prohibition, Re-enactment "of OT.Ay, and Liberal "Boer and Wine" Candi. dates LOCAL OPTION ACT MOST STABLE OF ALL Conservative Candidate In This Riding Says Govern: ment Control Is a "Great Experiment" and Appeah| for a Longer Trial for it F, L, Mason, Conservative eandi date in this nlng, ligt night at Bey af propounded & "plebiseiie" whieh '] ened W, IE. N, Binelalr, On trio Liber I Leader and _ eandidate far reseles lon in Bonth Ontario, tn LUT helore eleetion day, The auestions whieh the Liber Vy 7 owill he asked to answer will whethe he Ia " favor of prohibl tion, whether he 1s in favor of the sturn of the OTA, and whether he " supporting the Liberal sandidatos vanning on the heer and wine hy the in platform y 1 ne address My, Manon deelarsd that the Local Optlon law was the most stable temperanes Inw BVEF Bie asted tn thin provines, The Liquor Control Act wih # great experiment, he "we nppening fi w longer trial ( o eRaure, pater ond was ehalrman of the eating, Ha ealled Mpa, George ond, Mpy, George Hwestman and Or, James Moors to take seats on the plattarm, The meating was wall attended, with a good propor: tion af Women present, Mra, George Hood The Avet speaker was Mrs, Gen, Hood, Aha upheld the Ferguson government polloy of higher vos grants to Vfavored townahips,' de a that the districts with & sPATER DOPUIALOR should net ve oalve Javea POA PARLE, AR the wands Were NOL une 10 the wAm® NiOnt, y Ya vaply 10 A aiatement made WW, ) N, Slnelale on fougoq sland, that the Ferguson gover Jitha with endeavouring ta Mares WpOn the people a system of anon tion whieh they did not want, Mra Hood denlared that this new de velopment In education wis helng made entirely aptinnal, nm ointrodueing My, Mason, the shalrman bir that the peoapla of Houser should support him atnos he had saouved for the township a considerable addition to Ita pou ty roads system and alan hasaiae of hia work in the aounty eounell y $i Mason a The Conservative party's palley wan tn develop the Hanita seal NAR BOVOPRMOR awnerafiip soheme, sald the candidate, ohal: fon he the Liberals ta enunelate a IY on this matter, Tt would o A OAlAmItY to the provines If the Present movarnment were nol poturned tn power, he anld, Mr, Binelale was making mis tending statements In dedlaving that he munielpatition paid 40 F oant of the Provinee's share of Id Awe Pepstons, The Dominion Aoavernment wan paving KO per eon, the Provineial government 20 por cont, And the wmuniotpalitiss 4 por oant of the total apst of the I Axe Panslons, he sald, A Pebiselte MP, Mason Pronainied A Pel Jil whieh, he sald, he wan #» ® 10 send ta Mp Rinelalr with the reauieat that it he answered hes fore Oot, 20, The auestionn ware, YAre you In faver of prohibls ont" VATS you In favar of tha peen aotment af tha OT AY Yha you apareve of the plat farms of the Liheral eandidates wha favor heer hy the alasat" MP, Manon declared that he did not hallave My, Rinslaiy would an AWAr ane af the queations, and sad that if he A10 net he should wal Be aupnartad, Mp Binelalr had distinetly abandoned the Libel PEFR temperance pale p LL ® sald He repeated hin delaras Hon that he was not in faver of n WOARITE That would inoreass ® ana mMian af launer, Bw enaive adusational work was Hettnry 10 Wake Ontavis dry, he Longer Trial for BOA, YAleaholln baveragen are had » Iyy WMorally, and mentally, ANd Wy ahisol in Hie in te en Pave ta eliminate the curse of Pan konnens, sald My, Mason, The Vale. 1ompurehes oabistion Sem ON ever np 1 required a three 1a 10 he oh ) y Al wed tor the Avat tanr op Ave Jen, hat hes a eS We Me Apr: tive, The Ligwar Contrel Ac WAR AROLAST axperiment intemper Ane leuialation, It was net hewn foe, hut had many loopholes (hat thonld he tiahtensd wp, Mn Ma MOR sald, adding that withewt at woRtion no leptalation cond be ob footive, He a od for & Wager iat tae the WA, ' Reave ae weatnan, W Sonrat spoke htefly, He lauded ME Mason for his muanioipal work MINN PEARL VERTOHNR Pastor's Assistant of WB Andrew's Chareh, who will speak nt Ble roe Breet Chwreh tomorrow, Obituary MRS, PF, PARROTT The death oesurred early this morning of Mrs, BP, Pareott, of 81 Buens Vista street, Oshawa Mra Parpatt has heen a resident of this ity for the past Iwo years moving here from Ashburn Bhe was born in Utles, Ontario eaunty, Nitvsthres years ago, Hine she has resided in Oshawa she was wn omember of Bt, Andrew's ehureh, Himene street sid was an aetive wor ker In all ehurels work, Her hushand, five davghters and three sons sur vive, Fhe funeral will take place from the family residence on Buena Vista street on Monday, Oetober 21, at two a'glogk, Interment will he at Ashburn MUN, MELINSA WHLSNH The funeral waa held yesterday from her Inte residence at 01 Ay Hington Ave, of Mollasa Welsh, wi dow of thel ate Thos, Weldh, wha died on Wednesday In her T0uh Your, The late Mrs, Welsh had ve sided In Oshawa for the past fog oF five yours and hor death somds AR A diatinet tons to A large olrole of friends and acquaintances, Hhe had Tong heen a vealdent of Hamp tony where her husband had eon dueted & oheess manufacturing dusty, Hho wan predeceassd hy her hushand who died about one YOUP WN0 Rav, A, M, Trewin, pastor of North Bimoos Untted Ohureh, eon dueted the servion whieh was at tended by » aves number of friends and relatives; Many heantitul floval tributes wera received as the de oensed wan laved and hiwhly ve apeated hy all who knew hep, In torment was made In the Union Cametary, Three sons ave survly ng Born AUTT-=0n Sunday, Oot, & 1808, Wn ME and Mes, Wallaoa Hull, North Oshawa, a son, (hip) aaa ah A Conta per word each tw | sortion, Minimum charge for each Insertion, Be, Coming Events MRE, ARTHUR VAN KOUGH. wht (Red Cross Worker) of To ronte, will address the ladies of ORhAWA on questions in the ooming election, Rotary Hall, Qentre streat, Thursday 2.40 » Mm. Ootabher 24th, (hd) MRET OF A HERIBR OF Euehrea at the Oddtallow's Hall, Wedneaday, October Bird, ®40 PW, By Rebekah Lodue, No, 4, (RRR) CHIOKEN PATTIR TRA AY Favay, Oot, 84, Centre siren United Ohireh, \ thi) THRE CANADIAN ORDER OF Chosen Friends aand initiation will he put on hy Hamilton Des vee team, Wedneaday, Oot Ard, ALR Bow IN 1odEe vem, wp flat Runa' Ahos Blows, All \ ob mombara requested \ * AN ont, THRE REGULAR MBRTING OF the Mosplial Aunsiliary will be held on Mohdun, teithes ay, . AL threa a'vloek a the Nw Roaltenon, an ROUND AND in Gene's Hal muale, CHRIST WY WW Taw nelusive, MERTING OF HUMANR SO0IRTY Wm OIY Hall Tuesday evening, Oot, 22 at & pow, Blsotion of officers, (dd) VARR DANCING , Oonrties, Goed (a) CHURCH ANNIVER. Pon Monday at § te oneert tellowing, Abe [£11] ORHAW WINTER | GARDENS, Baty Oot IRR Carnival Nish A real wight pladness, Real dante of the county as well as of Oshawa, Whithy and AW The law Moore, of Rrookitn, Wha tousheq A VARNA S00lnl lesislation en avted hy the government, Manville, coartially tuvited, Spevial muste hy Prong Ba ARE Rin commanders, ny \ 340 pm, LITTLE THEATRE PRODUCTION WAS GREAT SUCCESS Cast Showed "Remarkable Ability in Fargleal Comedy En With & sparkling présentation of Charles Hawlrey's sparkling comedy, the Oshawa Lie Theatre Players muda'thelr how to an Osh awn nudlencs far the 1000-1080 segnon In the Collegiate Auditor! win lant night, Tha sttandanos was viuthar disappointing, in view of the axoellonce of the production, hut Whe four ov five hundred people Who attended had o delightful aye: ning's sntertalnment, The crafis manship af John Cralg, oe un dlyses tor, and tha skill of the east In fing tha various roles In the piny aomblned with Ha natural farelos gualitien, made a happy Wending wihileh heought out the hast In the comedy, and there was not un doll moment from the vise af the eur tin to the final poenn, The sudl ened falely hubhled over with mivih BL Lhe antios of the leading ehnram tore an they strove to untangle the mystapion of the story, and al the close, me well as at various stapes throughout the production, the ap haus Wil very generous, "fhe vivale Baovetary' fs heing given Iw sooond presentation at the Col laginte Auditorium (hin avening, when & mush larger audience Is antieipated, In view of the fact that those who saw the praduetion Inst night wont away enthusiostin nn thelr pales of the manner In which It was presentad, Ineldental Iv, It should he mentioned that ra werved sents for the Auditorium will he on sula at the door this avening up to the time of the ples af the surtain at K.80, na well us at the Arends Blove, up to six n'elock Wise Neleotion of Cast What appealed ta the aydienes more than anything else last night Wil the wise selection of the east Kyery member seamed to (1 Into hig or her part, and; under the judicious and wise divestion wi John Oral, to make the most of i, The male characters In the PIAY, of course, were outstanding Where all the oharsoters were ex played, It la Impossible dintinotions, hut A, L Tosland, as Hey, Hobert Hpalding the pes! private sseretary, and the viotim of the seheming of a eauple of YOURE wenllyWals, was exeap tanally good, Mp, Tosiand provid od the audience with a Teast of merriment, and his part of "ihe gant" of the play was one of is aah ahi, © NO, Hodgine, as MY, Orttarmals, the grumpy, Erauohy old unele of Douglas Catiarim (Continued an page 8) VISITED PLANT WHERE PRINTING oellently to make INKS ARE MADE Party From Oshawa Had Very Interesting Trip Last Night A party of Riteen, representing the exueutives, foremen ail pressinen stall of the Mundy -Goadiellow Prints ing Cag Limited, last evening paid § visit of ihapeetion to the plant of the Canada Printing Ink Coy To ante, where the manuiaviure af print mi nk was explivined and demas strated, The Munsell Color System that method of reading colors hy whish & praphie vepresentation of all hues, values and ehromes oan be shown on & soale ohart, Just as wu #10 ean he written and read, was ex datned in the company's ealor studio hy Chins, KR, Conguergond, seeretary of the eampany, Hy a pravtieal dew a. atration of the heading of the pe Mary ealors, some wonderigl results wore shown, and a new vision of the world of enlor was liven 0 the visitors hy the address of Mr Con We odd, X ie Munsell Color System, whieh has developed rapidly in the tat few years, will probably mean that within a meneration people will be reading entors and referring 19 them hy naw Dery JURE BY ROW IERCTANRE BAN LORE andl apeak of musioal nates, The deli cate Mending of eotars has heen pla ood on a definite pravtioal basis, and Mn Conguergand showed some won dovtul and almost startling elects hy the simple means of ohanging he enter of phts, He also showed how the wining of two colar of Hat will prouee an entirely different vo lor trom the rosa obtained when the same twa eolors of printing nk are Mended, The tip throngh the plant under the suidanee of Moses, Langues good, Sharpe, Houghton, Kean and hers of the Canada Pointing Ink Cy Was accompanied hy detailed exe PRNATeRs of the varions proves ol bg and served tn empha sige the mreal vamiely of inka Wed In the Art of printing, An interesting fet hronght owt duping the viewing wai that news wk Ws Retna shipped | Ie Quantities hy this progres NN DAFORta Bn 10 sueh a far away place an New Zealand, where Cana Han products are highly vated, INJURED BOY IMPROVES The condition af BLY Lake, teeiverearald Whithy bay, whe WAR BUFR K BY A Motar oar an Dans ARs street west, Whithy, last Thursday nlEht 5 mweh improved today, hospital authorities report The youns Wd, who fa the sen of My, and Mas A J Luke, Whithy, ARE Was amplayed th delivering papRra Tor The Times, received a FAVORS ROR IRINEY And wan rena od whoonsoions far the Hwe, Persistent Attacks Of Conservative Candidate Are Scored By Local Body Local Union Receives Encouraging Reports of Houseto yr I ne Made in This City--Committes nted to Arrange for Monster Rally in Oshawa A Before October 30 Thit the persistent attacks of V, I, Mason, Conservitive enndidate in Bouth Ontarle, an the Prahibithon Unban, were wnfile apd unjust, wis the opinion expressed ab a meeting of the Oshawa Prohibition Unlan In the Bundsy school hall of King street United ehurih last evenin The meeting strangly endorsed the latter on this question hy Kev, A Mansell Trwin, president ol the Osh nw Lolon, which wis published in I'he Times, and also gave strong ene dorsation of the County Unlon's we Hoan in supporting the candidature of W, 1 N, Binelaly, In this viding, It with plisined to have i house-to-house canvass of the elty of Oshawa, and wha to have un weand rally In this sity WF foyud Teunilile aking Thereugh Canvass Reports were vooeived from the virions ward ehatrmen of the sity, wid were encouraging and hearten ing, Intensive work has been done hy the various ward leaders, and als hy the W.CT.L, This arganigation with negorded neh praise hy he meeting for Hs thorough eanviass ol many streats in the silly, & CARVARS whieh will be ,eampleted before vl getion da Endorses President I'he messing strongly endorsed the potion of the president, Rey, My, Ii win, in the letters he hid forward od to the press, The feeling express eid hy several of the mmbers was that Mr, Mason, in his persistent at tek upon the union, had heen un fale and unjust, beeause, as it hind heen pointed oil ta him, the minist ors of this elty had met on several Closing Market Prices Market Summary by Caundinn Press Toronto and New York stock Quotations Supplied hy ng and Ua, wie, LLL Fork nm aeouslons through the Ministerial Assoslistion, the local Prohibition Un jon, and the County union, and had ON VERY O06RRION APY ih one attitudes that, ingsmuely as both ean didates were deslared temperance men, It was unfale to endorse giths er indidate unt) hoth had had the apportinity of deelaring thelr attis es towards the principals of the union Indeed, It wis stated, af & group meeting held in the sommitiee rooms on Prinee street, when the question arose "Rupposing Mr, Mason should slg the union's pledge?" It was des eided that the union would net fun Hon ue an organieation during the ERpuign Bupports Binelaly The meeting thoroughly supported the setlon uf the eaunly organisation im endorsing the eandidature of W, 1, Ny Blnelaly, Beveral men exprossed the apmion that the address of My Binelalr on Wednesday st Oshawa wheolutely elenred the alr for the teniperanes people, Lt smbraced the wa Jrineinlos for whigh temperance peaple have been elmmaring=the right of a voles either hy way of plebiscite or referendum, and the di vores of the tempersnes question fram politi Alter some digeussion, & sommi tee wis appointed to sonsider the time, place and speakers for a large rally ta he held In Oshawa bhelore October 30, If thought advisable, Af tor other details had been arranged, the most enthusinstie meeting of the loon prohibition farses In this sam pin was brought (0 a close "op dil _ nny TORONTO High Close [18 uh Hh ih Low (TR 10h Blok Hy, A, OI 604% Hell Tel, 144 Hraall a Hud Hyeeaw 10 Can, 1st 88 Hid Ong Bnd M4 Can, Hed, Bi Bia Cookahute ¥h ] Cosmos B1 Hid Ory, Dey, Wd Wat, Heng 10% Pup, Can, 10 Pom, Mire, 80 Ask Pam, Ply, AN Uypsum BY Hey, Walk, 14% IU, 40 It, NK hl I, Pel, TR Ih, Alenl 18 Imp, OI da imp, Tok, 10% Bld Law, Req, 11) 0 Lob, "A" 164 Bid Ma, Hy, 60 Me, ¥ri, Wala Mi Pw, HH Fae, Hy, 103 1] i haw Hiation Bl, Can, 83 aa Hiandard Mines MY 18 ] 104 FEY) 111) [A 11h 1 140 ba 1) 180 LT 1 1% LI it a0 1378 Abana Avonda AIRS Alb Pag, Amulet AND AR, Uap Hig Mins, Calmont Canam Con, Ma, 33 Pal, OL 180 Dome + R80 By, Ory 100 Fale.n, KBR Anda, ERM Holl, ++ Bh He, OI 13%8 Howey LE] Kd, Lk, |] Ky, Min, 1} Malar, 4% Ma, Bs, 13% Mind, Oil 280 Mob ug, 10 Man, Can, 380 Newheo Wy Nida, 4TW My On AN Prem J ah, Ge, aA 180 ha Walnwell 18 A a i AES NEW YORK IL High Ald, Cham, 310 1] Amar, Can, 184 Amy Fy Be 140 Amer, Loe, 113 Am, Rad, UN A, Rig, Mi 100s Am, (11 ARRoanda 110 Beth, Wl, 112 Chrysler ae Congaleum 30% Os, Gas NY, 4% ok, IM with IB By, TN {ih fun iY Qald Dust &) AA Ar FFE FEE + is MD SB at wl SE Me UT i st Gp a fl RE tg a a Ed BETES F Goadyear 100% LE 1 ET CL) LRA (13 aot 100 4g Th "Hs (PR ni TEM 1] (4 1 Ti % TN IL LER 10 18 8% iN ERY LER TL 1TN fis (ARM Houston Hupp Hudson Id, Alohl, I, Col, +» Insption Jha, Man Kenneeott Lan, Win Mok, Trok Mins, Pa Mt, Ward MUL Lend Overland + 114% Packard ,, BB Pog Am, "AY 648 Pannayivn, 100% Poaore Ua eh Prd, Bt), Cay Ih, Hp, NJ, Fare Ol Radio \ Rd, Ki, Op, Hom, Hada Hobie, Mt Hes, Rbok, Hlmm ons Bin, OH Hi, Pao Hw, War Hiudohaker Tox, tani Tim, Roll, Clare Hinel Mary White Waostahse War, Bros, Wanlwarth Yellow Cah A, ON NJ #8, Ol NY WIT I TH DRY ew TRS WERT wil a Ee = = - FEES EFF EEF - PRO 3) (LRT 1] TiN a % FORMER OSHAWA NERCHANT BREAKS BACK IN FALL C. V, Cartwright in Critical Condition--Fell While Picking Apples Ohavies VV, Oartwright, former prominent vetall merohant of this oily, now of Owen Hound is in orlts foal condition an a result of a fall out of An apple trea which hroke (WO hangs in his back, My Carts WHER had heen visting tn Meas ford, hin home town, last Wedneas day afternoon, and was ploking ap ples In a tren when he lost his footing and fell, He landed an hw feet and fell backwards, two hones In his spine helng broken, The SPIRAL oad Wels not severed hat ha condition in regarded as sev ous with alight chance for recon LA Until last year Mn Cartwrleh conduciod the store on King Rivest worl, naw Known as Kinlooh's Lad, 8 bhraneh of the Unit Men's Wear atores, He moved 10 Owen SPund and was placed tn oharge of & Unit Man's store tn that oly, Ward of the avoident was receiv od hy Rev, BE Hamston, pastor of Hines Breet United ORWRR, of whish Mr and Mm, Okrtwrlan ware members, Ward of the ach dORt Comes AN A Wvera Shook 0 TEMPLE LODGE WAS Grand Master of Ontario LLTEN AWAY east on Eastern avenus, A aoreech As the tives skidded on the pavement and disappearved northward, An hour later tha pollos received a oOming south on Alte ancaped patios who wera rushs thelr many friends here, CONSECRATED AT A FINE SERVICE rep Pays Official Visit to Lodge Last Night A ETL! Temple Lodge, A, V, & A M No, 640, 6, RB, 0, was sanatiiited and conseevaied at & most impress wlve pervion held in the new Ma ponte Temple, Thursday night, Practioally sll members of Temple Lindga, and many visors were present, and the oseumion Was ons of Importance in the history of the Inonl Order, M, W, Bro, R, HI, Davgnavel, Grand Master of the Grand 1odge of Canada of A, VV, & AM, In the provines of Onles via was present and performed the solemn ceremony id hy other members of the Grand Lodgs, At the soncinsten of consti Hon snd eonsssration ceremony a BUmptuous banquet was held in the spacious hanguet hall, The toast Hat Included a toast to the Grand Lodge which wan propossd hy Kev, Dr, Vletehar and to which the Urand Master, Bro, Hevringion, of Tranton, Deputy Grand Master, made Hitting reply, A toast to Lhe Ontario Disteiel, proposed by Bro 0, I, Blanhouse was responded Lo hy RB, W, Hra, G, M, Linton, of Orono, BD, BD, G, M, Members of the Grand Lodge spoke highly of tha honutiful and well-appointed now temple bullding and lauded the progress Which - the Order was making in Oshawa, W, Heo, 0, H Molntonh, Warshipful Master of Temple Lodge, presided over the hanqgusl OMoars of the Lodge are as fol lows War, Master, Wor, Bra, © i, Melntosh| Br, Warden, Bye, O00 Hianhouse) Jr, Warden, Brg, 0, | Cannon Ohaplain, Bea, H, MW, Hinok) Heeralary, Wor, ire, W, 0, Wilson! Teeasurver, Bra, KR, 8, Mol hy Hr, Deacon, Bro, Les, M( Ptkhin Jr. Dencon, Bro, H, RH Deymani Inner Guard, Bre, W, RB Tillott; Hr, Bleward, Hea, ©, 1 Barnes) Jv, Bteward, Meo, M, Hartley: Dirsotor of Musle, Bre M, Gauldhurn, SUM OF 52,600 15 | STOLEN INHOLD-UP (Continued from page 1) YOame an out of hare] we're going to get that dough" As he pulled him te the street Bevan fousht back Lneked In anol other's arms they struggled an the roadway until even with tha back of the truck, Then another nandlt, running fram the oar, opens od five with a vevalver, The first two shots, directed at Pyran, hil Wim tn the lems, Infileting two flash wounds, A third shot went through the doar of the truek Two Others Wounded Devan fell anainst a post, BiH Alaphanyk and his eousln Pater Hlaphanyhe who wera at 100 Trine ity street, attracted hy the shots, ran aut on the street and tha han alts opdned fire at them, BIL wah shot 1h the lght lew, Major, whe wasn alin alot, was walking down the street when A bullet hit him In the foot Peonle wera running out of ROUARE, Woman ware soreaming, and tha bandits Kept on shooting Twa bandits held baok the orewd with revolver shots, while the thivd grabbed up four of the five steel money boxes that were fn the truck sho hox containing, so 14 1s ve ported, $000, Then the three handita van hank and tumped tn thelr oar, which the fourth bandit, the deliver, had hy thin time edged near Kastern av With a roar, the ap wi \ AWURE North on Bumach atrest with shat up Bumaeh Halt report that 1 had Just heen sean Parilament and wort on Queen sireet, Speeding up Humaeh, the bane Ine fram the east, west and north to the aeena of the holdsup, Flanpery of Ching have taken a taney 10 Amerioan tollet soaps, Provincial Officer Taylor Faces Revolver and "Billy" But Arrests Daring Burglar Ea AT KING 8T, DENTON M Popohor of the York bile Class of Povento, who will speak In King Nipeot United Oh evening, City News VISITING OBHAW Miss Btelln Glue Fuilulish HELPORA, 18 Hie visiting Mi Walsh, of this chy, erly asso inted with Hah stige, Miss Lilie completed a two year Indy London wi thi spend | enmmonred of Canad thst she is now 1 Wusly of remaining whale Ww Hone England, an Kron Fo enths wel wintes CLOCK STILL ATC Ids still useless clack on the old ely the carrer Hime wher follo + few days, tired VINK AN el Blof CUE Trom He ye ha SON minutes alter | aii in i" slapped with the FEOINRING, no on enough Interest 0 apply the PRE EN proper mw ENE DONATES PICTURE BCREEN Appreciation. for OVINE PIT re 'seres Hospital at Whithy, day hy Leon Qsler, Regent Theatre in ROTOR WHS Tetently PHL for use In eam periodic plot piven tor the henefit and staff, In hin let volved hy My ( H, Blevenson tendent of the the sereen had remn the quality of ROTARY MEET IN Fhe Oshawa Rotar ution ll nat Ha Best meeting In Rotary Hall this season, on Monday w'eluek, George Hou arian, will be the » turtang Hill Githert Carlyle ave in eharge of the program RITANRMOINO ITE, BADMINTON TOURNAMENT i waa announced of the Anglican Ya held last night, that the elub's an tow nament nual badminton SLATE next week, the ranged within a couple of days, The TORFIAIMERT Arrange share of CU, Kelih, the meeting, Karl 8 eoted vieespresident Ham Adams, who ha onto, A practien for mE minstrel show was held following the meeting, Card of Thanks The Greek On) Ohureh wishes to thank all those who helped to make thelp hasan A success, They ea Dixon Coal @ Wood Oa, MoLanahs In Ca, Mallett Heo, Waterous Mook Lad, W, J, Raga, Fino Hardware, Finteft Sittue, Hoge & 100 ie, t's Not Too al the thy Bon Caio N ehairman of the roereation enmimities of the club, Af IMIDE Was ol CHURCH ANNITY weeh tomorrow A wynn, a fet the wl My who were | her on the Kn Iwynn hus Just 8 run as leading ORL theatre Came to Ligh | Enatland here, Bhe is # wn Ie, how unking vei vl here fui the noted Present LIU ge i" IFPED to look at the hall to find oul Weeks a Futile gourse ton ped, spparently ars of eitort, 1 nls showing Wi mr, and there Nt wrently having the old veteran U8 NEU RRRTY tu ning condition Whe gilt of a oa the Ontario wis received to WARE er of Hn this eity Fw diven ta the hos wetion with thy wre productions ol he patie ter af reply, we yesterday, Li wdieal superin tution sald that rhishly improved etion a y Club will hald evening, at O00 % Toronto hes poaker, and Ra and Herald at the weotin wig Men's Club wanld detalls 10 he ars ments wre in suceneding \Wil + moved ta Ta the elub's cam Aavdox Oathalle pectal thank le, Bow Rioo: (30) di Former Oshawa Officer Courageously Enters Store in Which Thief "Was Working, and Wins Out in Chase and Fight THIEF WOUNDED BY TAYLOR'S GUN SHOT Taken to Lindsay Hospital and Bullet Removed ~~ Thought to Have Stolen Car in Toronto te Go to Cannington (Bpesinl Dispateh to The Times) Camiingtan, Ot, 19 Wisking th menaes of uw misrauder wrmed' with vevalver and "hilly"; © Peovinelsl Constable Ceell Caylar, stationed here, entered the stare of HK Johnston Inst wight and wreested Wane Anderson after a chase in which Anderson was wounded, Tavier was intarmed by two men that they had OOH En enter the stare thraugh i orewr window shortly alter ldniht Caylor suecoeded In making his way through the front door and as he switahed on his Nashlight % man hounded over some paneling eases and tweed him with a revolver, The pre yinelal constable summondd him' te hilt but the Intruder kept Baek wity while at the same time he kept hime eavered with his weapon, When the man refused to halt the afaer whipped his revolver fram its holster ind Bred, The enlprlf apparently pe weived the bullet Tn" the feshy pare removed i of the lip and ha turned and fed, eaeaping through a rear entrance: fong Chase onetahle Caylor Wwllowed in pur wit and after a ghase of several blocks finally © collared him and: & tuaale ensued, The man resisted ds rent and 10 was enly with great ils fieulty that the genstable succeeded In wrasting the revelver from 1] wraspe A dangerous looking "hilly" and a Himiny" were also found bn ha person Fhe prisoner was taken ta a doetor's aes where the hullet He wun then rushed to the Lindsay hospital but his condition is hal sonsidered serious Former Resident Fhe man was identified last night we Ross Anderson a former resident ol the town, He had vesided recent ly in baronte, A Ponbiae oar Was found tn the viginity of Johnston's pore and it fs thought that Ander AO slate the sar In Loronta wd then motored out to Cannington, Hostdents of Cannington and dias triet are high in they praises of this hold wet on the part of Constable Fiver Pho afer has made his headguarters in the tawndor the past three months, having come here frdm Chawan, Hin gevritory includes the northern section af Ontario eounty, Although the twa men who was» od the wificer wl the presses of the trader fn Johnston's sire' went to the rear of the hullding (M olfect 1) antranee they were wiablg to do jo in time and Fiver A Taylor faced Andersen along, ] A charge of breaking and entevihg will probably be lad aa Anders reoavers rem 11] son when he wong, Farantos=Three Hullo men were injured, one eritleally, yesterday, when the automobile nn whieh they wore viding collided with a heavy truek near here, Charles Johnson, 47, sustiined a fractured skull and may dio) Danton Allan and Henjawin Irs Ain received Tess serious injuries, '00 LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT = NXT J take charge, Must have knowledge of furs, Ape \ perion, Fosters ald Bt Furs, 84 (hab) LORY \ Drown pots OR BROK, Answers ta name of "Huddy", Reward, ANY TAH Coder Bireol (han) TAN RTOVE W LL aoon condition, ® ars, otvle geil, double burnes, 3 aye, 113 Louis LULL ol Aa) - "BAL Kinds, Caring or maving one OAEW, (Oot, 18:1 mo) Early To! TR 4 \ Ww 3 Have Your Christmas Photographs Taken! AA Campbell's

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