Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 the Alianee, was chalrman, and be fare introducing the Lian 8) hi spoke of the Ale ol the Alliance, and the desirability of women having # shire in public affairs, in grder thal they my co-operate with men for the best ingerests of the eouniry, Miss Bunt ent wae presented with i houguet 0 How and apprecine tion of her efforts for woman Hh A {rage wis expressed on behalf of the Alliance, Previous to the address, Russian foll-songs were sung ly the ehaoir © the Kussian red vine dives tol of Capt, arankaoff, ; The Grand Duke, whe 1s 8 cousin af the late Car ¥icholas 1, began with some historical veferances to Russia under the Eanperor Alexandre i, He described his tat edugition and training in the military radi: toni The Grand Duke was very young when the war between Tyr cy and Russin wis waged, "I saw the hloodshed and misery fo war while | was a child, and | heerned to hate it," he declared, Obliged to choose between the army and navy, the young Grand Duke entered the navy, In 1893 he made his first vis: it to the Upited Biates and to Cane adi where, he vemarked, he saw Nig- ara balls, "Three of his six sons, # stated, are working new in the United States, "for they must leaf to work #0 as to Ye ready when the day fap the reconstruction of Rus sli arrives," RELIGION OF LOVE WORLD NEED TODAY HLH, Grand Duke Michael. ovich Describes Problems Blocking Way to Peace Monkeep! Oct, 18=8keiching the story is own life, before a large pir 1 Ay, in the Bale St, Sulpiee, res early, Wl H, the Grand Duke Al: dre Michaelovieh told somethin conditions in madern Russia, an touch alsa on vor problems, spessing particularly the need for religion of love" as # forse making ar harmony and peace among man: ind, The Grand Duke gave fis ad weds in French, speaking ealmly and out bitterness even in his pefeps ence to Bolshevism and revolutionary Russia, Very tall and slender, the distinguished speaker stood almost otionkess througout his address with this hands resting on the back of his vr making no gestures until his ding remarks, Peak Wis Klven finder the nes of the Canadian Allignee for en's Vote in Quehee, Outlines Alms Migs T4200 Tn neasident of Reference The actual vevalution was tonshed upon only briefly in the course of the ceive, At the time that Petrograd well, the Grand Duke was in the anil, and the revolution was anly veil in Petrograd and Moseaw, he iid, Th the south, he and his family were virtually prisoners, hut they were wel treated most of the time, July during four weeks were they abliged to Hive in eonstant fear of jeath, Then Boviet Mussina concluded i treaty with Germany and the grand dukes were free to leave the coun vy, The Grand Duke, speaking of mod orn Russia and whi) t's A BIN nified that the purpose of the Bus sian Government was to keep the people poor instead af making them pigh, as other gountries tried to de Smnrgeney we Avaliable Ine with flveir nationals, "It is the coun wantiy==ls your medicine try of the proletariat" he sald, "and eabinet, He sure that It Is \ proletariat is a disarace 10 any always well stocked with country, People of that elass should seh needful vemedios an; have land and hecome attached to a Castor OIL, Epsom Salis, gountryside, In Russia, the purpose Borie Aeld, Cough Syrup, is to reduce all men to this class," Camphomted OI, Turpen: The lecturer pald & tribute ta the tine, Wampnle's Milk of farts of Premier J, Ramsay Mas Magnesia, Extract of Ood Donald and President Hoover toward Liver, H menl, Hydrogen world peace, but he asked: "How Peroxide Manoins, spleis may peace come ta & world that talks of Camphar, Pinetoee of of partial disarmament, while in Rus fofine, Glycerine and Rose sin there fs a larger army than ever Water, Absorbent Cotton, hefore, organized admittedly for ef Modleated Ganse, Kio, feating & world revolution? It is well We 111] presorintions that the United Btates refuses re pramptly, eavefully, acours pognition ta the Soviet State, There ately, Lot ws serve you, are some things that Christian de KARN'S | seney will not permit & Christian | peaple to de Next P.O, Phone aT | | Throughout the address, the theme The "Emergency Drug Store' in Your Home "here in the Bathroom wal wopight af hand for an of a religion | love oeeurred again Harmony and peace, the and again PEX | Electrcphonic 10 'neh Double Sided Phonograph Records Hits from AL JOLSON'S Latest Picture "Say It With Songs" Little Pal Hong, S085 Hawallan 410112 I'm in Seventh Heaven Pox Trot, 80846 TIT, hy Can't You One Sweet Kiss Fox Trot, 047 Am | Blue From the Motion Picture "On With The shew," Fox Trot Apes Record No, 8070, Song Record, No, 4809 Singin' In The Rain (Fram "Hollywood Revee of 1088") Fox Trot Apex Record No, 8949 Moanin' Low From "The Little Shaw." Fox Treat Record No, 4100) Fox Trat, 4084 Pipe Organ, 4101§ Song, 00M Wear the new \j on Lleelronhons Vionogt ipl & DON HERD Wilson & Lee rh Si zcoe St. North The fun Record On, Toronto, Out Dealers Bverywhorn, | -- Complete Stock of * Rlectraphonic oS Ape hr R HARRIS MUSIC sHOP DUTCH BULBS | | | f | Narcissus I I | LIMIT | yw Phone suo speaker inslsted, would come anly win men hegan to school the soul as they have the body and set them selves to live in accord with the gre prineiples of love taught hy Christ hanks of the audience were ex pressed to the Grand Duke by kK, KR Heeiry, of the University oi Moni veal, Fhe Russian eholr led in singing "God Save the King," BANDIT KING STILL REMAINS IN KABUL Reported te be Holding Aba. dullah Khan as Hostage (By Canadian Press Lonssd Wine) London, Oct, 18-Haeha Sakao, the handit king, has not fled from Kabul but Is entrenched in the eentral for tress of the eity, said & dispateh Printed in the Dally Mall today fen 'eahawar, The dispateh declared Hakan was holding as hostages the wife and sey oral relatives of Nadir Khan as well as Abadullah whom Hakao had de thraned, Fearing' that Sakae might kill these hostages, Nadir Khan was hesitating to atlaek the fortress, sald the dis patch, On the ather hand Beaha Sakae was reported to be willing to leave Kabul and the throne whigh he had usurped df sufficiently eompen sated, The Peshawar earrespondent of the Pally Mail sald Nadie Khan had ve ported the capture of Kabul with slight losses, | he attackers immedi ately imprisoned Bacha Sakao's bro ther, Hamidullah, and the former Governor of Kabul Mailk Moshan Na letting of sabotage has taken Place sinee the eesupation of the sity Ww Nadir Khan's forees, The basaars are open and the noraml life of the eity has heen ve-established, The Dally Mail sorrespondent reported that Nadiv Khan hoped ot establish a provisional government and proceed immediately 10 the appainiment of a king, WAR'S TERRORS TO END WAR German Professor Chime That Nationa Will be Frightened into Peace Copenhagen, Oct, 18, == Within twenty years ohemieal warfare will have reached a stage where even the moat powerful nation would NOt dare 10 attack a small eauniry Hike Wark, sald Prof, B, Nem: German chemist and Nobel fsa winner, whila ha was here » fe 10 the Natlowal a! 0 Ww N y L Nernat, "will fh through ita awn ferceness, foresee that theme will ha oreat od Rew weapons of such hestial horrar that ane party will shy from Mlacking Wa other, Only tn that way will It be possible to Kill WAL Nobel 100E A890 saw that, He Knew hw Mature and knew hat PORcE ould not he achieved hy soaps of y He knew that fear Said he Imagination mere : OReyed words and Blau dreamed of discovering SEPloAive of such terrible hat whale armies would be y OORds, and thus mpessible, We know MOR A thing ts seareely chemical weapon B 19 the desired goal, saver to oad Salk viata hea seals Bow WW, COLDS NO MORE 4 " ! a, Sanat ay Ld Yow Nose Needs "Nostroline" ik reaches ® dl or maguving & preliminary under il standing between themselves wml lav In weope to thet vesehed hy i 1 Britain and the United States, | An Vinlian jovarbmant #onkese man aiated that Tay went # note to Vranes proposing FRNean of thelr In hh Firat, France, which has provided matter meet the figures enough In the face any saomhination with PAGE SEVEN ITALY PROPOSES PARLEY TO FRANCE Seeks to Have Understand: ing Prior to Naval Conference Rome, Ost, 18.-Relieving that ih Praneodialian sEvesment on ni vil disarmament would susie the hd | FUCERIR 0 | power Suiletune " London, Hely | ' with Fy the ftertheaming five Anes the ideas had wlrendy hat they, the twa chief Maditer AWarE, haghi, negotintions groement on the strength Avion, aly 1s now wall: veneh reply to this note, er note ambraced three points, wha demands parity with ar an ar eantraversy alrendy, hut injects a new element Into the pmhlem hy offering to lel France sel whileve parity she wishes, The Ttallan attitude 18 that France should declare how large an armament she feels I Necessary ar hey and that Tialy should then Haly still main wing that she should he strong Mediterranean tn al powers Maditerranean aspirations, Heocond, Tiny feals that the age ppament should he reached on the alle of otal tunnage, and not on nite of ships, Third, the principle of Interda: nendencs of all hranches of armas ments shauld he established and adhered to, In order to arrive at Hmitation of army and aly fares Hely declaged that she would make coneessians on the seeond and third points, In order to yeah an axveement, hut would Inslst on the first, France May Consent Paris, Ost, 18, =PFrance, It wan announced heave, Is quite prepared to have preliminary eonversations on navel disarmament with Haly or any of the other powers eanoarned in the eanference at Landon next TANUAYY, ------------ DO | Hoteand There (404) In commemoration of the is Aled d'Anville expedition whic meamped on the shares nf Redfe ANN In 1748 and In which d'As Ville and many of Nis men died (Hines, His Honor Lisulenant-Ga Arner Tory of Neve Bootls unveils \ monument erected hy the History lon and Monuments Heard of AReda BL Rockingham, NB, mn ently, Many distinguished guests Attended the caremany Total quantity of strawberries Axparied fram Nova Hootla to the ited Biles during the present OAROR was T0044 crates with 0 10508 10 the arate, The hlusherry rap of the provinees han atiained racard proportions, 20.014 arates AVIRA Been shipped (0 Bosten a0 AF this your, with anether menth 10 19, MM compared with 17.442 arates for the whole season of 1054 Malar prise winners at the Wigh land Gathering and Heattish Featl Val reeently held at Bantl are an Wwuneed as fallaws Pipe-Her ahi Dina . Molsod, of (he W B Cameren Wighland Cre of Winnipeg, ia the winner of Hho apeeial inter ragimenial compe: Han for deless ipere Uniadian Highland a and holder OF the BW, Beatty Trephy; Plpe Etat J, K Oalrng, of Hamilion, 15 (he winner of the | (raphy Competition, apen to all reglmenial PROrs who ave rapviar members of A Bee band officially connected With Any regiment ar unit of the Canadibn militia; and Heeler Mabonald, Hayal nada, Montreal, teak (he highest *. fale number « f roints aver in (he open Bl) ovents, Acoarding to figures ehiatned hy he Canadian Pacifin Steamabips mite, (he part of Vanesuver new nha frat of Pacific Coast parts, USFippIRg Ban Franciees and Tos nEelen In valume of antward and (WA ARBRE traffic and tem: WES of aEparia and imports "I am Ing Wy Nest Vialt a (IN +r A i the 3 Valin Army and while here | hope 10 ment 3) three annul gather: ngs ta bi By the Demintes avery affteer of * Mithtion Ate n Danatn iM Ne land," Said General BJ. Niggina, newly Saated hand Hd he Salvation wy a Qu recently en hoard BA, Empress of Austral More aR M3 miles of new rail -------- In November the Primes of Wales plans to give n dinner In Landon which will he one of the most exclusive sver given as wis mission will he only hy thst mos N.5, DRYS SUPPORT TEMPERANCE ACT Prohibition Leaders Hold Meetings in Musquodo- bolt Valley Halifax, Oct, 18 Rupporieps of the Nova Beotlp (Temperancs Al held four mestings In the Mis quadoholt Valley ast night, and one In Amherst, while arrange ments weve helug made to farm a hraneh of the Temperance Hao form Awsoelntion at Annapolis The amwoctation was fest formed here tn oppose the NBT. A, In the eampalgn preliminary to the Hgnoy plebiscite Oot, #1, Bpeaking at Middle Musquoadn halt, ty W D, Vavvest, of Hall nat prahibit, fram what we oan fax, declared, "If prohibition does Enther, Gnvernmant eontrol does not eontral,' With veference to "hip Flask | all Jiarties," he anid this so-onlind | a 'revolt of youth! eould not wii hosed will sit the Way, Canditian tn pda Gavarnment axlramely had Canada vefnrm 1 wire ani p Bans af Heals, speaking enfaresment 4 far tha Inunaliiine Huy af the Cannell Musaguadahalt, with law anfarsament, wealin Novi En ahead and sell' Is still to oome It Is HEFYOUS hin he | Bunday Pletoral a coveted of wll miliary hone the Victoria Ovoss, Avaund Heltdsh empire's fovees In i Among the Canadian ¥.0'% wha see ellgie 10 attend the din: ehigvged to prohinitan, INT whe 0" pissing phike of human hehavio and wanld shortly be al Heltigh hi vewavion ad dlstiiinpeles In Upper healing moderation Muweambe, Temperanng [1] ney here, gid the sme thing had hnppenied tn Novi Bealls ohare pravinees, a decline pve the ground if ment wile mavement, Haman Wigh wild wh Upper and Middle Wl oa coward Iy capitulation to the snemy to say ta them, "Wa sunnnel slap this, wo W And Tudlan Bummer, Ottawn Journ! stated that ther milan golfers In this country seem ta be on the Hest fee when drives alt Awlegntion argue thet singe ne eps eral Anternational political ¢ n Hans will he rn in he Yan dan meeting 1 wonld he usnesss: HOPE Lo hinve mors thin ons pring il Aulekile Whethigy Veeslden Hoover leans to his View Is snes Father guestion 1 EX-(ONSTABIFS GIVEN TWO YEARS Pleads Guilty to 10 Charges of Fraud and Several of Forgery ner meer Capt, 15, Handley Geary, Villip (8) Covp, Colin Warean, V, op (8) Prive Menry HW, Role wy Vlg (4) Capt Gr Vo Kev, MA, VO, and (B) 1, WW, "Fame my" Holmes, VU, STIMSON T0 HEAD * U., DELEGATION Secretary of State Selected by Hoover for Naval Conference the festive hevaen of the warld Mantreal, Oct, 18-=Adrien Duss wha less than theses manihe WEG, Wal i conetiatile of the Ments veil Valles deprilmont, Was sens tanond to two yenrs In Jnl hy Ghist fuga Vareault in the Palies Courk thduy Paelon, hind pleaded gulls voto 10 shares of alitalning mans ay under falas pretences, Added tn same af hile Rin were that al favkevy In ahtatning the money, Pueios used un & means af fdentifestion woonrd which ha stil petrgend an nomemher of the Montesa! Pollen Honaftt Awsoeiation after leaving the wervios, Hae was arrested twn woulis ago after he had obtained Wn wutamahie fram sn Avivesyours well muta soneern Aw i deposls when our wid hired, he tendered » ohoenus wened hy J, H, Trades The cheque was later proved wiarthlons [1 fh 1am Calm bie CIA fil ante! wild, Loi pari 160K an herd wf the nf Wovi Tufts Gave, Wn faw fit Washington, Ool Lo Hanry Ly, Blmuon, ssoretary of slate, his hash determined upon hy President Haover as head of the United Bliulun delegntion tie the Landon naval Hmttatlons ganfevence In disnunry, Tha names of several senators hava hoon brought tubo the unom alal dsounstons of posible mam hears of the United Hisies delegn Hon, Thera has hoon talk af Hoy wh of daha, ehaleman of the far alien velations commities, Hahin won of Arkansas, the Demaeratie londar; Bwanson of Virginia, rank mE minority member of the foy align relations sammittes oral athers Those who favor a sharp Hmita tan In the sles of the Amaeriean i Cavern fesident Booinl Bervise rulevenes ta VIOLATED THE LCA, Cornwall, Oct, TRJustin Dennen Carnwall, was eharged with illegal passeaslon of guar when he spneirs ed hefore Muglstente J, €, Milligan, A Be af B30 and eosin ar an alles nitive of twa months In fall. Dens neny admitted having had hear in jis possession withaut an. Ontario Liguor Canteal Board permit, mind you three They we ani way London sini A Genuine Only extraordinary engineering, advanced type of automatio equi duction and the closest kind of But while this low price is im brings the true, clear, wonder age" of furniture craftmanship, brings another sweeping in, me \§ only intermittently or not at all, Let speak for isalfwright in your home, Hear Ut toda nearest Phil Wholesale Distributors: Never in the history of Radio has so little bought so much Neutrodyne Plus HL.8S Tubes extra paint huge pro lguring makes it possible to offer the one outstanding Radio set of the year at less than the price of ordinary sets, ortant because it Rally rich tone of Phileo within the reach of the great majority of families it is the least of the many reasons why yon should own a Phileo, And there are many reasons, CABINETS that in beauty of line and quality of workmanship are worthy to compare with the priceless pieces handed down from the * golden SELECTIVITY so sharp that a hairbreadth turn of the dial shuts one station out completely and DISTANCE under ordinary conditions of thow sands of miles, Philoo owners are listening to larly that owners of other seta hoar on free demonstration, Your loo dealer will gladly arrange ean terma when you decide to buy, CUTLER & FOSTER, LIMITED, Toronto the most BALANCED UNIT LOWBOY This model is an unysually attractive sfwoe cabinet, with Oriental walnut valsed side panels and set hack hivd'seye maple center panel, Heautiful new and smaller hosel ate, Philoo matched Elootra-Dynamio Speaker | Philoa Acanstie Equalizers huiltdn, assur ing amasing tonal fidelivy throughout the entive range of volos and musical instraments, Soreen-Grid Neutrodyne-Plus 169.00 "185.00 the Phileo Osher Phileo Models from $95 m0 $208 Here In What You Get 1 Marvelous Perwmance 8 Genuine Kloctros Dynamio or 6 Aconatie Equalizers, 7 Porfoat Bal of Unites, 2 Vast Distance Range, A Rave Purlty of Tone 4 Soveen Grid or } y Reawntiful Neutrody ne«Plwe, vary The World's Greatest Radio Value, | u Es 1 All-Electrie Radio" Oshawa Sole Agente Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. and Whitby, Ontario

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