Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Women's Interests in the Home Social ' NIGWIPALL Gently falls the yelve Ting all the world to sleep) One hy one, the lamps of Heaven Twinkle, an thely waleh they ap, 0 fn witching heauty, Ponte white and wlivery orinkimg siar-dust o'er the pine Ww While the poll. night wephyrs oroon, Moonbeams, slanting through the ranohes, h he forest's gloom, bth rH Banter hurrying, Tost Bal, Murmurs to the trees a Lune, dorly, of love, I's singing, (hy ¥ Wn nia. DolunAN weal | Joytuiness and sadness mingling atures Spiubhony, complete, mhey, ) Bap omber BABE MasKINNON, Ch darkness, Frank Converse Bmith, violinist will play st Himeos United Chureh on Handay eynein, Dotobey go, LJ f y, Ira Amith Mri, ) HY of Gonnaught kireet are vin n helr daughter, Mra, Tufts 'of Detvolt, . UL Mr, 8, 7, Preston Is spending faw days at his home In Pete oro, and LJ . Ld * pesmond Connors of Toronto whos father 18 hullding tha new ona In Oshawa 15 the guey of re, Frank Hobson, Blmeoa bt, Ho * * » The annual party fop the Like Hahers of the W.A, of Ht, Oeorme's wreh was held In the Parish Hall yorterday afternoon and proved an enjoyable eeeasion for mothers and and Personal | PR ohildran of whom there were ene fiundyed Dros, Alter Ames and veeltations the children were ved with losseream wd cakes while the mothers enjoyed after: noon ten, Hefove the riy ended the Hitle tots handed Thalr mite hones, " » Hell of Toronto In Bi Jilenno, y ' vi, Mathison of Ale de 08! Mia Was here to Aanist " ve, Mathison's veeeption yes: erday, [J LJ ¥ The executive of Centre Mt, Home and Seheol Club ave greats Iv witlsfled with the result of thelr Rummage Sale which was held in the market on Wedner lay morn. Ing, The progeeds amounted n twenty do tars, Under the aneploes of St, Crag: ory's Ohureh oholy a soals) was held Inst evening, In At, Gregory's Aull, Playing eprds formed part nf tha program ahd the flest Indies' reise was won hy Mrs, Carding! Mys, J. Hawks won the second There wara two gentlemen's nrises and these were wan hy Mr, Daley and second hy Mr, Jf, Oallamhan, At eleven o'clock lunoh wis served to ahout 100 guests an" from then until one o'olook there was daneing All the young people present aavand that they had a very good tine LJ LJ » Last evening the oeenlon of Mind Muriel Draper's birthday a number af hey friends from Osh awa and Whithy gathered at her home In Whithy te plve a surprise party In her honor, Pop the first part of the evening the guests played aards and Miss Mas Htorks and Hele Novels of Orhawa won the first prises, Misa Audrey Draper and Cordon Hraungh were presants ofl with consolation prises, After dancing a luneh was served and | aa NM aS a a WS toe tet is hogs and pd TWO OR THREE DOLLARS DOROTHEA HATS 95 Vale) ) RRL DOROTHEA gunmetal) slight HAT SHOPS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 MIN, Kull GRAHAM Of Toronto and Winnipeg, who haw been appointod to the Mans ohuvian field hy the Preshyteys Inn Chuvelh of Canada, Mus, Graham Joaves Canadn at the beginning of next year, This will be her weeond (orm of servios In the Ovient sines she spent i years priov to 1088 In the Uhinese provines of Shansi and Nhangtung, where she was ons waged dn opening and superine tending training schools for Uhinesp male nurses, Mrs, Graham will be sintloned at Naospinghnl, on the Ohlneso Mastorn Hallway, whore she will render medieal servis to the feoup of Canndian misstonarios hore work oentves around that olity, A ---------- Arai... the enjoyable evening brought to a» lowe, » LJ AJ The aftlolal elesing of the Onl Awa Goll Club will held tn] morrow, Maturday afternoon Hall AWeapstakios starting at | pm cloning esvemonion presentation of prises and toa at § pom, There will | he daneing at 0.18 p.m . ' * ' A very delightful evening was Bpent at the Hhirley Hiudia on Wednesday evening when My, , 'P Preston gave o surprise shower for | Mr, and Mes, Osoar Phillips of Draw Wtreet, A host of friends | gathered and the evening was ADORE In games and dnnoing, At an opportune time » hankot of wif | Were ushered tnto the room whieh | were apened hy tha bride room After nn dainty WHE Warvad the party was 10 8 close, LI For the Nea time AErIYAL te Ooh \ i Wile af the i n Knox Ohupeh van oy the ladies of the conse Wie pasisted tn vaeslving bh Harry Dayman and h davshier. | Miss Joah Munroe, In the tea room whieh was decorated with tong, vores and autumn Mus, James Hamilton and Havker poured toa, They were slated hy Mw, Cormack and Uhalmera \ rent gFNests enlled In th owe a very | Munroe was siad women af tha { haeome | hem, Others wha asalet roosption wy Mrs, MaoDon 1a ha and | yo haan rought | sinoa her | Bo Munre Munroea o home a wiian LRA lonye My A My number of afternoon and nhy time Mora LL) moat the ation and ted with d With the Buntop and 1) Yeatepda { Mathison vorolved time sinee her marelage Ing voom of her new AMevander Btveet wan heautifully decorated with yellow mums and marinolds in receiving Min Mathison was asalatod by Misa Eleanor Rell, her ginter from To ronte, Mes, William Conlin of Osh AWA, Miss Wilma Qordon of Oals AWA and Mrs, B, Harper of Osh Awa, Hetween the hours of three and six many gueata from Oshawa, Whithy, Rawmanvilla and Toronto teak this opportunity ta oall on the hostess, In the tea roam where Mig (Br) Watts of Toronto and Mrs, Franols Melntyre of Whithy | poured tea, pink vosea In tall sib ver hankets and a tea table dalnt ily decorated made a very pretty setting, The tea asalstanta were Miss Birdie Wilson, Ming Marvels Ross, Mrs, 5. Lowe and Mn L, Michael, all of Whithy, no Mpa, Frank the first The draw home on LL) See Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE | the pocket hohk oH VU ing raver Beam fa Gram Ban Age eee HT ------ v ' The Women's Corner For Anyihing of Interest ta the Homemaker und the Houses kuepey Groen In yavied tones 1s in high favor in Vary, A wirm note In hats Is bright ved fall for fall and winter, Hoth wolf and badger (rimmed AA eloth 'conte ave very fashion. "hla, Long neoklaves and wide hraoe- lots wre very smart and maroanite Is sombined with enyx topas or sornalian, Miveel dresses ave to Le from two to four inches longer, Howe are darker for fall, The sqtiare heel 18 in vole, Black Is the leads ing eolor for conte and dresses with brown a eloss second, Craceful thew finish off the Voneck, Hoft, washable, eandy-sivipad silk used tor shorts and matehing brawlers The low flare Is naw In sonts this ponson, though the stralght-ine aot tn still good, Coat slesven nre axtravagantly trimmed In fur, the wide euft ooming to the slhow, Hats, larger In hoadalga ara het tar offered for those who are let ting thelr haly grow, TO MAKE PURNEN The woman who enjoys having fooeEsorion to malteh her various outfits of elothing ean have nlmosi Ad many pocketbooks as she has dresses If she will make them hey sell, The new fell envelope purses are enslly made at home and are vary inexpensive Two stvips of falt 0 Inches wide and IB Inches long In cantrasting polors and a plees of huekvam of the same wlge In all that one nesde No turning tn or hemming In noes Ary, because felt will not ravel and the raw edie fa effootive A machine stiteh Is of eoures fl ar hut If ane to Ke the hig hy hand a strong hut rather coarss thread should be used Hunt ether m, 1 | down ahont an elphih « | 1 widen so that It wi'l oy A Lhe edge when th yipiated, Altar the ateips of falt and hook am have | Bl ted fopethoy fold 04 Inohes of the plece bak upon ftee't mo that the darker hada of folt 18 an the ontalds of the fold, Haste apain to keep the folded part In place Now stitgh together on the wish the, two af fell In with the hue | nen wheram | oul hon how mathine, Thera will ha five Inches loft to fold aver as a flap, If thore Is a rap of the fel which w used Ww othe Inglde of the poacketh oF, ane ean applique yo of 1 Aoross tha outside of the flap to add a nate of anlar to the p When the stitehing Ia the naskethook oth Tha tinlahed aetle Wnpy Ioking an any sok whith one oan buy, A Bt Ry LJ pompleted LT under a damn nn pookat 'It Helped All My Troubles" | wt Al rundown and ou of thind baby wan Athan ad hea auch abou iy, \ ' at all and 0 Ap wor a mn came, aa | am a farm or a wy Lnlia F, egetable Compound 1 ol me with al wy roubles Ly Me an etite where before SE AN Tost every ance tna while MLO IMY Rowen kup Ww the Mb h wy could not affard help bets, jase dandy now and 1 op yy Ih SEE iN an low of 1 will yell handy aye how wad | ia 8 Fak ki V } Wh HIRT ie Compound Lyiig | Vooptal §y Dolly A CREF" De0BRY we HAPPENED i FRED WT EF WWD MANY CAGE WAS OPEN AND HEY KNEW WHAT MAD f me puree 1s | | Fvaneh taweh MIN, JON FRIDAY White wife of 'Jos Friday, Teme agamt Indian, who 1s an outs standing charactor among her husband's people and YMA, looturor and Instructor, She has recontly heen to Ottawa on bes halt of treaty vights of Tomas gam Indians ~ and the Weddings WALKER VISHER On faturday evening at Knox Presbyterian Manse, Hose Agnes Visher, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Visher, of William street, wis married to Willlam Walker, son of Mr, and Mes, John Walker, of Nassau street, The bride snd room were attended hy Mr, and Hy Clarence Crandell, There wap also a Bumber of friends of the bride and groom present and aftey the ceremony which was perform. od by the Rev, 1, Munros, the jolly arowd gave the couple a merry fgend oft" mid showers of sone fottl and shouts of congratulations And good wishes, After thelr hone aymoon trip, My, and Mrs, Walker will resida In Oshawa, A OW Sg WOMEN'S MEETINGS I'S CUTH A cule deans tar woo tots of 8, 4 nd 6 yoara with Ininess falling MR Yolie Is piven a hy smbroldery i in horder affeot ay Mn neoliiine and ound hem, tyla No, 68D oloses at centre Haw long sleeves gather nto narrow outlet bands, that ha perforations to he made short wil ie outlt hands It taken hut material with ontrasting to make it YOY Rise The fulness of skiet allows plent of freedom for activities of ite malas who love to romp and play It in very simple to make with front and hack weetion gather And Jotned to yoke, and 18 a read for sleoved to he sot into armhole Orehid and white gingham wit! yoke of plain orehid gingham hive k 1% yards of 40. yard of J8n in the YW [eandy gtriped percale with yoke © | predominating tone tn plaing plaue Pronch blue dimity with white polkasdota with yoke of white dims iy, yellow ochamhray with yellow and white dotted ehambeay yoke [and outta, and ved and white prints {od ontton hroadoeloth with white and nllo gyeen Maen with yellow mavel balloon rings with plain 'yellow vontrast are unusual anbhinations made at a small eoat Nb, Na, 11001 (hive) costa 20 Main canta extra, Pattern price 30 conta In stamps Wwoooln (opin 1a prefered), wrap ooln enrefully Wa suggest that when you send far pattern, you enclose 10 cents dditional for a capy of our new Fadl and Winter Fashion Magasine { Pat Rl MEANWHILE, AS Sean A THE VALE MAN MAR WMEACHED id QLD HAUNTS SET COMPY Downs | PATTERN PURCHASE COLRON Eaohaed ARE ouinninan ing SR Please patterns INI Naka rans ME aman sara ane HE aan EET TTITTRCIRTSETOTOR ||| JE ETTT TT TIINN ALR ARARAATAAR AREA AAA ALAR ARAN HAR ARAAN AAA SY NAME 110i I AA BLL [TEER ETT TTIT TT TTL LIT TLCLONN TUPI 00 ian SR IRAE LAAARAA AY PROB 400i ses inninnnas sean Re Kg datas w IN ou WILL NEVER ARE Da AGA" WE 3A 0S Bure X OU WATR ME BIEEAVIE You HAVE PELIVRRED ME «= D2 avy JT Teun Yous For J HAVE ALL THE WEALTH BVER READIES HOLD MEETING The vegular monthly meeting of the Kver oad Bible Class of Bimeons Ht, United Chureh wan held Tuesday evening In the chureh pariovs, Mrs, |, Harper, president, gondueting the business seation, A yory Interesting and enterisining program opsned with community singing followed hy a vesding hy Miss Joan Nolan, & plano dust hy Misses Clartrude Adair and Allesn A reading was contributed hy Miss Kathleen Harper and a solo hy Mpa, Danlals brought the program made for the sewing olfels to to a oloses, Arranrements wers mast at the Children's Shelter next Tuesday nivhi Lunch was then served hy Mri, Hooper and assists ants much to the enjoyment of all Helpful Hints TO COOK OYSTERS Nowadays we think Hitle of the ponsonability of foods, Prults and vesotnhles are shipped from nore thern and southern markets the whole year throush, making {t poss hie to eat strawherries In Janus WY na matter where wa may he Hawaver, some sea foods ara lke rama and have a very definite wanpon," Ovatars are one of thew fare "In" from Heptember tn May Market and shinning renaris ' pan unusually fine stock of munity | sferent FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP is pure chocolate with sugar and milk solids added , , , In syrup form, It ls partiou- larly suited for cake fcings and fillings, shiced bananas, berries hi X ------ N as 8 beverage with milk fr _ and other fresh fruits or water = hot or cold . - aN A delightiul sauce for An appetizing spread for bread. , , , Dalictons ENJOY A TIN THIS WEEK JB FRY A BONS (Canada) Limited, Montreal, Que LA) | oyatovs for this year, and slnos ves | thera is litle waste and the ams wenreh workers have added oysters | ount of nourishment 1s large fay to the lat of foods comparative 1¥ | the money Invested, They are nus rloh In vitamin content It behooves | teltious, easily divested, a mond the housekeeper to make freuen, nd vitar M use of this popular shell flak 4 Although oysters have heen high | © and D ave present in varying prioe for the last fow years, | degrees a, Se gouree af prot No Substitute Is Equal to Ovaltipe 7 WARNING Tasier upon Owl " feluiy Minin whos r-- | Have You Ever Cream Layers ! (RN simang) Deny Fool Yovasunj You SLL DRE ---- Y AND Babny WALL KEEP WHY? , + « Because Ovaltine took scientism and chemiste pears of paring study and rescassh to perfect, It was only placed on she markets when it had been proved to possess every quality essential to a perfect and complete food, It la recommended by doctors throughout the world, No other food beverage enjoys oi a wide popularity, Ovaltine is made from pure, fresh milk (not dried milk) ==containg male extract (not powdered malt) we and fresh eggs (not dried ogg) And is flavoured with a specially prepared cocoa, OVALT TONIC FO ERAGE BUILDS UP BRAIN, NERVE AND BODY Ab all good wares in 30g, Pig, 81,23 and bg A hii 4 woe $4.00 Wine) slow served hoi or sald ot sande TTT) A ES Tried Our Cream ®oods!? Cream Buns, per dow, 000 300 Chocolate Eclaive, Each Be LITE Butterflies, Per dom iii 400 PHONE 708 We Deliver 34 King St. W, - THAT NEWT THE WILD MAN WET COMEY SLEEP ON JSoM¥ Moss. wer AJ

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