¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 PAGE FIVE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY REOPENS AT NEWCASTLE Clarence Allin Elected Presi- dent for Remainder of the Year 'N stle, ft; HomMe Volney Moore 8 over from the Biates Visits w his grandmother, Mrs, Sie tapleton and other relatives plendid attendance of young peop and a few older friends mark- he re-opening meeting of the ewenstle United Chureh Young soples Boclety on Monday evening Inst, The meeting was one of par- Heular interest severil items on the program combining to make it a very de fitful evening, & program was in charge of Mr, hion, delegate (0 J of wmmer Behool at Oak Lake, ohn gave & thorough, comprehensive and interesting report on almost evegy phase o the work of the Bum» nie mer Sehool and deserves hearty com mendation for bis careful preparation of a fine report, whigh comprised Bible study, addresses, devotions serviee, enmp fre meetings, sports, the sehaol paper stunt wight, ele At the close of hig repay he led the gathering in some of the favors ite songs of the sehool, Roars of laughter were produced when the young people who attended summer school from this district put an an ammsing skit, "A Mock Opers- tion" wherein John Ashton was the unfortumate patient, tanley Rig wd the surgeon and Dorothy, Evelyn and innifred Iickard were the nurse and attendants, The patient Wil operated on for "A Can, sir," "Two Mare," "Grip ete, The refreshments took the ferm of a pumpkin pie social, the pis bein supplemented by sandwiches an calfee, Kev, W, I, Rogers occupied the chair during the first part of the pro gram and presided during the elee tion of a president to take eharge of the remainder of the year, the Jor. mer president, Miss Eligabeth Hane sock, having taker * josidon on the teaching staff at Bt, Catharines, Mr, Clarenge, Allin was elected, Mr, ahd Mrs, Louis Irish aeeom- pained by their daughter, Mrs, Way ving and Mrs, Davenpert, motored RR sa il xX We have just received this smart new ROGERS RADIO... And it certalnly is, as the factory says "New in every thing but reputation |" Eight re-designed tubes (this year)=~including one rectifier--all of them teed (a8 In former Lai dinh A gem © ears) 10 give you satis Ie walnut cabinet, with ne Rlectrodynamie § Ma ial] control aris voltage Rad te price 1 only 2152 COMPLETE redio Mw in five years performance stand Low: regulator, juck, a LTT | ot eu be the Judge "oly puarani Seco and hear it this week-end at our store or in your home... (DEALER'S NAME) Geo. C. Alichin Ltd. 18 Church Street, Oshawa Toronto Branch---888 Bay Street knows. The Canadian housewife appreciates the genuine, and always insists on Kellogg's the original Corn Flakes : ; « because Kellogg's have a crispness and flavor that can't be 3 CORN FLAKES Ww Delivious for breabfant, lumeh or the evening weal | | Raglan during the past week iy Mae MeMillan apd Wiss Vias ob Pickard wished with the latter's parents, mn Utles, en Bunday, My, Elgin Frise and lady friend of spent # last week ARR AS from Waehester and visited with Mr, and Mrs, H, W, Dudley My, and Mrs, Erg Pearce attended the wedding of her sousin, Miss Jean Cameron of Weston, daughter of ex-warden Jus, Cameron of York County, on Baturday last , and F'aranta, Fa term wha hive will Hinek they Paronto, spent here Mark, of tt hin home Wela Port Usain Symon mi naer wer { Dominions Clarones ull hone | Toromn, were visiting with his pare ents, here on Sunday, sone wid Mr, Jack MeTaguart, o Turonia, were visiting with relatives on Bunduy, san Harvey, were visiting in Linde sy on Sunday, tin, is visiting with her brother, My, Vietar Bharpe, and family of Greenbank, were the usma uf Mr, apd Mrs, B, J, Wools [} My, and Mrs, Melville fleep nnd family accompanied hy Mrs, Wray aver the week end, My, and Mrs, Varle Beadle and 4.0 Sunday with My, and Mrs, 1, Beadle, Mr, and Min, Cephias Bleep attend: Bleep, Head Agent for this district ul the Bun Life Assuranes Co, for Donfidence appears (0 be In the smile | Hotpe, Tandon, of Eugene Hust, European flys Miss Adele Wooldridge i * Mer twelve rounds of training for | V0 With relatives, his bout with Frenchy Fay, at Mr, and Mys, W, Gunhy, AB, and bh ville, were vistors at the Manse on Friday last the funeral of the late Mr, Brent of Part Perry, an Bunday, Mark were visiting In Toronto during the past week refurning on Bundy | Mrs, Frank Heatlie 1s visiting in My, |, W, Bradley gave a Rally | paranto , Day tall at the Lake Shore Union Sunday Behool Sunday afternoon, He | 1 ily of Toronto, and Miss M | BA, af } levietan, N, HB bert Martin and Mr, and Mrs, Gos Hur i Ny, ay dan Martin Boat Mr, and Mrs, George Parnull Mr, and Mrs, Earl Lamb and fam visited his brother, Mr, W, M were Sunday visitors at the home of nell, last Bunda Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Shunk waged Miss Margaret Smith, B.A, of ante, have heen visiting friends dur Palmerston, hut recently pppeinted | fun the past week achaol teachers, as a supply teacher | Poachers' Convention held at Mid for an indefinite in place of | and on Thursday and Friday of last injured In an automobile erash inl Mr. and Mrs, Raht Oshawa recently Miss runte, wher where she | poulde wis operated upon Tor an injured Mr. A knee staying with Miss lai Willer Britton's store, while Mv, and My CANADA Will BF Messrs, Jahn 484 \ and Robert Martin of Hap " " George P, Rickard, last Wednesday Ri PRESENTED AT My, and Mrs, RK, L, Wright and , y Master Dickie have moved ta Taran Miss Helen James of the vatary of Musto, Taranto, visited he a hrs freaks erniendent | Premier MacDonald Outlines \ i ¥ 1) Ya Brooks and daughters, arrived her in thelr private rullway ear last week | ond and visited her parents, Mr, and 4 Al Bani (Hy Hay Breown, Canadian Prose MIs Abad of Nova | malt Cozvespondent ) aeati, who has heen making an ex: | Ottawa, Oot, 18. Canada will be and Mrs, W, C, Lake, and other re [ foranee next January hy hey Inti 4 n this distri, was Joined last delegates, as well as the other en wee W rf Hambard | titles whieh compose the Heitish he Gleaners, pi aned LAE | rangaments binding on Canada will companied Tag 4 Yogah SE he entered Inte without the know HE Hide candy, lodge and consent af this Damin My, and Mrs, P My, Ser Ne FU, Reavee spent | AMO0L to the disarmament problem Sund in N 4 : depend entirely an the Landon eans hilay | Hillbrook HUesty GF hey ference to whieh tha United Hiptes, Mr, and Mes, Harold Skin i | little son Loyde of ean EAN Tavited, and which they have sig Hombard and Mr, and Mrs, Clare | Med their intention of attending \ Ta nowspapermen who satherad Mr, and Mrs, W, C, Lake on Sun. | "W840 him at Government House day last | yesterday, Prime Minister Ramsay Miss Gladys Cann, teacher at Lake | MacDonald, wha arrived in Ottawa hor home at Salem | abhave Information When the Mrs, A 5 Halll Miss Halt and | correspondents arrived at Govern Min Davothy Hall, motared from [ ment House, the British Labor pres Mp | miav, and Mrs, Highy, | Lady Willingdon, Mr, and Mes, © W. Faweett of | Mackensle King and other prom Hamilton, formerly of Tweed, nent parsons were facing a hattery recent guests af Rey, W, I! of stil and mation ploture cameras MacDonald looked happy and Rogers Ay Ma Gordon Ashton visited with | was smiling, and when hg entered Mn Howard Cryderman on Sunday. | Government House ha confessed to . fooling "Muoh move at home in the SEAGRAVE BARN Olawa weather," Ha cama from A . the north of Heotland, he sald, where thera was often a bite In the wind, Mansell Osborne Sustaina Loss of Barn and Entire Season's Crop The Lahor leader veltarated the statement that the purpose of his Seagrave, Oct, 18-0 Wednesday svening fast, Mansell Oshorne of the viglt was not ta ama 1a ARVERs Bnd concession of Maripasa township, sustained the loss of Aa barn hall Mr, and Mrs | My, and Mrs, € W, Clarke Miss Gladys Bharpe, of Little Bris My, and Mrs, Gordin MaeDanald ridge on Runday, and son were visiting in Peterbare son Lester, of Myrtle, Station, spent | ed the banquet given by Mr, Cell Wilk EUGENE RUAT, the sub agents held in the Henson welght ehamplon, taken yesterday few days ut Greenhan the Arena Cardens tomorrow | M1 snd Mrs, 1, Colling of Lows Mr, and Mrs Fue Butt attended Mrs, W, Mark and Miss Lottie with Mr. Willan Fluery, Mr and Mrs, W, H, Edwards and with the guest at dinner of My, Ro spent Sunday with My, and Mrs, Roy Mr, and Mrs, Lelevee al ily, Mi (+, Lamhe, of 'aranta, I'he Board of, Education hag en Mr. and Mrs, A, Bovder, of Tor an the occasional stalt of Toront ins Irene Bpoffard attended the Miss Neva RAwitser wits badly eek - Awiteer 18 | gone te I now in Oshawa Hospital wily Miss Mary Lane of Newtonville, 1s Hritton are away called on the former's wo Mrs | to for the winter mont! il, 4 rl parents, Rey, and Mes, 1, Ko James. | bY Montreal, aeeampanted hy My Mrs, R, J, Rowe, Newtanville tended visit with her parents, My [ represented at the Hye-power oon Mrs, N, L, Richards' class of pir! [(Cammonwenlth of Nations No ar hursday SVERIGE, At Lhe wl | an inal ppresmentis with re aunt, 2 V8, \ be | fra. Tos, Hamilion Japan, Franea and Haly have heen Hambard of Howmanville visited with Share sehoal, spent the week end at | Shortly after wine a'olook, wave the Millbrook and were wuests of with his daughter, Lord and Prime Ministery were and Mrs and | # Fred Bkervatt ml ll Party As It Will Affect awn | [BS VALUES in HEART Tm Will his SPECIAL SELLING Careful Plan Have Been Made To Make Saturday A Real Record-Smashing Day Look over this list of remarkable values, This is no last minute collection, planned on the spur of thé moment, Very carefully and with all the merchandising experience at our command argain Feast, It's got to go over in a big way, this Saturda we have prepared for Our determination to smash last year's figures on this particular day is shown in the keen prices that are in evidence along the whole line, 4 Olny Girls' Tweed Coats Winter weight, Fur collars, Good warm coats for school wear, Sizes 10, 12 and 1 85 . ERATE RRR Raat 10 Only Little Girls' Wool Lined Navy Reefer Coats A splendidly made warm coat, lined with all woel red fannel, Brass buttons on front & sleeves, Sizes 2 to 6 years, ® On Sale Saturday Girls' Beret Tams In an excellent vange of New Fall colors of Winter welght, Felt, alsa Waal Chinchilla in red, navy, sand, copen, green 89c and rose, Saturday Women's Fancy Cuff Chamoisuede Gloves New Stock in new shades of grey, sand and mode, All alges 49¢ Saturday, pair "ee Eider-down Crib Blankets Some have slight imperfections, but nothing te harm the wear and tear in any way, All are the usual baby designs printed ol hlue, white and pink, ete, Note the size, 36 x 54 $1 00 . 20 ONLY WOMEN'S & | MISSES NEW WINTER COATS $16.75 These coats not one of them can be replaced again by us at this price, | They consist of Wael Broadeloths in Black, Navy, and Brown, And Wael | Tweeds in Brown two-tone mixtures, ete, Luxurious Fur collars in the new est shapes, Fancy rayon linings with heavy interlining, Sizes 14 10 44, On i Sale Saturday only, i iad £ pag PURITAN MAID FULL FASHIONED PURE SILK HOSE First Quality in all leading autumn shades Sizes 814 to 10, Through a special pur RET this hose at such a figure, Satur -- i | Ii | GIRLS NAVY ALL-WO CHINCHILLA COATS [ Belted styles with all wool tweed, I] | Chamsasvelle lining, Sizes i 10, 12, 14, Sat, only... » I ; i, a, SILK KNIT NIGHT GOWNS Well tailored and beautifully lace trimmed, in shades of pink, sky, peach, orchid, maise, green and coral, Regular price $1.93 to $2.50, Saturday Smash: $1 49 ing Record Day iim Ho Reg, $2.23, Each Women's Silk & Wool Hose Subs of a mueh higher priced hose, All new shades and sizes, 814 ta 10, Only through our en: ormous huying power are JAPANESE 'SILK COVERED CARRIAGE COVERS Such as we have retailed at $1.95, White printed centres with blue or pink border Ladies' Pure Wool Under-hose Sub standards we sell them as but defects are so slight they are not noticeable, Flesh shades only, Bg te 10, Full length, Saturday, pair 39¢c Girl's Serviceable School Umbrellas Red and Black only hundred of them, hut get here early, an they cannot possibly last at this price 49c Saturday ,,,, Ladies' Service Umbrellas Just the thing for every day use, good strong frame with faney handles, Many to choose from, Saturday inn 19¢c Fowne's Italian Capeskin Gloves With one dome fastener, Made of the finest of skin in excep: tionally soft quality, Shades of Re, sand biege and Brown, of price $2.50 $1 39 Saturday, Pair ..., Women's Delustered Rayon Hose In all leading shades tao numers ous to mention, Sizes 814 to 10, Although sold as rayon, it cers tainly looks more like a silk hose, Fivat quality, pr. 59c Silk-nit Pettinickers Perfectly shaped, with trimmed skirt of a nige fine lace of cons trasting shade, amall medium and lavge, Colors, maine, flesh, coral, peach, 'green, Regular price 81.49, Saturday SBC Rayon Sillenit Bloomers Robette and vegular, All shades All sizes, Regular 98¢ 59¢c SAIAY ssn Vests te match above item About ene III IIIT aT i able to sell such an stock: ing for, Saturday, Pair we and back te On Sale Saturday, ALR choose from, Each whieh $1.00 at 19, for Saturday... are regularly seld a WOMEN ARE SELOOW NONNTOSTAMNER Could Recall at Least a Dozen Men Whe Stammered London, Bag, Oot, 18-=A 0am respondent in "The Times" recent: ly Ww attention (0 the Interesting ments, hut rather to oreate an at winsphere which would he faver abla to further conference on naval \ |] the season's crop, together with one horse and tw fire of an wknown b wn nn Osborne was dlsarmament, The question ame heated mugh mere than the atth unaware of any fire until awakened hy the ringing of the telephone, The tude of twa powers, What the Ta: har government of Great Rrltain wanted was "A hold agreement on disarmament which 8 main to ver damage was partly povered by insu ance, ME Edgar Butt received a very pamtul jury to his back when he sult In world pacitioation™ toll from an apple tree while picks NE Apes an Fhutsday ferndon [neeial services were hell tn the United chyreh on Sunday evening ho when four young ladies joined 1] shih followed hy vy Come w Mus, 8 1 Woaldidge sang a Very anpropriate sala "He will wa fae of you, soial evening is being held this [hdisday evening at The Manse for o Nae of arsanising & Youn 0% | in conneetion with one ghureh, Everyone fs cordially in vited to attend, Ma Gammel Medd votumed to Na home ia Chatham after sponding sometime with Tolatives here, He AA. Wy My Gea, Wl an. Mr, and Mes, Sam Gorell and Mr and Mrs John Gorell were visitors at the home of Mr and Mes. No Me Millan on Sunday, Mrs, Goodale, of Hamilton, is visit ing with her parents, Mp and Ms John Watson Me CW. Moon was visiting ind | men than women, aot that, tn the course of a long and varied ofty life, he had never KROWR & Woman Whe stammered, hough he conld veoall at least a 10B0R Men WhO atammersd ar stuts tered very badly, He had asked nany friends if they had ever KROWH & Woman who suffered from thin impediment and so far the ane awer had heen in the negative, In regard 1a which a member of the medical staff al the London Hoapital sald: Yapeaking fram personal expert ones, 1 have Known several women who slammer and stammar very badly, 1 could net say what the proportion $B to men, hut wy ex perience 18 that there are mare There ia ne ; + her ry -- any terence Toupee wean tHe sexes, Sa hoon Fa A that ver, on Beate whe stammer TN od, A Manation for this haa heen suas reasonable exe ested hy the faol that the centre or apesch in the bhealn and the entre for the loft hand are very Al 10 each other, and It ts sap ood that In some Way the ane Wy fntlnence the other, It is only wre theary, hat 1 is certainly a AOL that & Wan who stutters is ob on left-handed, My experience of do stammer, (hey stammer very badly," A lady doctor at another hos pial sald she had a Hite giel eons sin who stuttered, and she knew other litle mivls similavly atthion od, Hho bhellaved the mits grew aut of the habit mare than hays, and could not recollect meeting a woman wha suffered in this way, A very similar case was related hy an offelal of one of the hoapits ale. whe had heen in the Indian Army and had had a wide expert ence In connection with tha hoa pals in that country, He could NOL Toacall a slngle Instance of meats Ing & Woman who stammered, sith. of in India or in this country, His halle? that the sex Are Immune was PArhaps naturally strengthened hy his acquaintance with a larvae fame ily of eight children In the north of London==thvee sons and five daughters, The father and the AONE, Whose Ales were ahout Hwa, nine and 12 respectively, all stam mered, The mother and her five danghters, vanging fram 'ahout & 10 18 years of age were all exempt and perfectly narmal, CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY Cornwall, Ool, 18-As part of the CAMBAR Mader way at the ae time for $0 tor Cornwall Gens eral Hospial a spedial committee, headed hy George A. Niles, KU, aw composed of Araolt No Smith, MB, RE OW, Snetsinger, A, Heovits, and Ned Smith, of Montreal on \Wednes 1 Bouth Ateioa, day to interview the afficials at thy head offices of large concerns with | plants eated here, The purpose of | thelr Visit is 10 Seek Support fo the) hospital and, | ----A-- Glasshouse for the growing ot! vegetables in the Reitish Isles ove ob §,000 Acres, af which STH acres | are devoted to tomatoes and MM | WOMOR Stutterers is that when they acres 19 ouowmbers, AVIATION GROWING IN SOUTH AFRICA Aero Club of Union New Has Over 1,400 Mem: bere Cape Town, 8A, Oot, 18=Rer PYRG 10 8 statement made 1a the ress recently hy the Minister of 'oatd and Telegraphs, Hon, H, W, Sampaon, that the population of the Unlan of South Afrioa was wneons cerned about aviation, the ohate Wal of the Asre Club of Bonth Aw loa save "We would remind the Minister af the faot that there ave aver 1.400 members of tha Aare Club, and that oluh alroraft have carried aver 10,000 PARRORESS, whieh if added 10 the number oan ried hy the small alroralt oampan: fos operating in the Union, wonld prohRbiy hring the total to nearer 0,000, OF these 20,000 1 ts sate 0 MY that 15,000, having once axparionced the aly are POTRARARE Iy converted 'air minded' oltiasns, The Department af Posts and Teles FPaRha ocantrels olvil aviation W CHINA'S FOREIGN TRADE RETURNING TO NORMAL Shanghat, Ching, Ot, 18. hk RAS Arade with forelgn conntites ia ARILY veturning 10 nomad, ae carding to figures ralaased recently BY the various consulates and trade commisaloners in Shanahai and (he customs oMolals of all the treaty Porta in the vountry, The declars od axporta from the whole of China 10 the United Hiates during the WMORth of June of the eurrent year mounted (0 more than $14,000, 000 gold, bringing the total for the fraotional year ending June 80, 1929, 10 the large figure of $80, ATO, 080, This figure Ia Ahpraxis Wately $10,000,000 greater than it Wai at the end of the flyst sin months of 1938, Qreat Britain, France and Gem Many have lkawtie inoreased thelr aaparts from Ching as well as thelp Import business, Flgures on ms Ports, however, for the tiret halt of thin year have not heen veleased, It In understood that they will show substantial Inoreases, ER ROASTS THRIFTY POLICE Cornwall, Oct, 18-Cornwall's ity polivemen make their wattorms go a long wan, The only addivten \o be made tn the wardrobes of ons stables this year is a pate of trousers Apee Chaet at Police. Fred Seys mone will got an entire new watform, The City Couneill awthorised the purchase of the waiform and trons STR Ab in regular meeting Monday aght, Councillor Rene Danis, ehairs man of the Polite Committee, exe plained that ardinary const ate GARY ON their wnifarms and vequire trousers only as they wear eivitian plothes, The Chief on the other hand 3 In uniform at all times while on duty and poguires 4 new suit each ARS TH RACE HORSE DIES Ploton: Oot, IR += Liberty Beil, a valuable mee hovse anwsed hy J Fay 9 Thaamieh, wed Rat Thursday, Oct, 1h, after hoing sick only twa days, Rho won the 23 pace at Cad hone Fain, hor Raat aoe. Mec Pavee IA HPORL horseman and has way lends sympathise with him ta Ws Kass iherty Rolle 3 aah Kooi AMOR Taos Tans by Basler On AT