Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 2

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Ha i FE Ly LL injure + was foun i ais have ir " ruptur 5 L] i dix, fA Wan wba oar on ow BOveral day i oll WALT Aly wi sho Stn ua do anersl on Half aa ¥ of (his wae yr oarly Tuesday morn» ied was only alghtesn and had boon a healthy lad and wie oy Ph he be called the prime ", Mie, He ts anrvived hy his pars pi] Fi hy two brothers, Alnley Sis rik or an whose Franks only nevered Bie Pr I SRS . ay 0 wr 8 the soene of the servi He and Joom on the Eroun ne RT A A W, y 0 hureh ih wosstle oonduetpd it tty At the house and at the reaths and apr Ware en around the coffin and Attached to them bore mate pik] one of ihe mahY frishde will an oh hi wy ante ih joo fas and Ja ¢ ", B 1) WR a Button tan re, CO, dN. Ms, Meher and Carl, My, an it sa vhdomon, awonstia He gh Sehools Tare nd, Mr, and Mw, Hat ware, v, and Mrs, Garrod, Mr, ad gi Bag he Mateo Family, Al the emai ih arhiot A od apelble Tube Ll nile, Mp, on and ily, Mek HA AY 8 Mrs, hl, - A De Doulas xin B Po, Mr, a Nm, near and ah! aon, Wt arothy Rickard, Mrs, MN ke, Mp, a Mra, Roy Buller, pit and hd MR Ragan, oi, ftella eleame Pow: pany fie" Paaehal Bib: omens | M oe. Mm, ip Sashes Grown, h oRAPd, Bian. ' bi : Noni posi fine ¥ Bohne Rute Team, A Panny Matar Hieh rr hearers were all ehumn a They were Charles hae i Roblin, Oordon i, Rov Toner, dod eorge #par- germany are aiming to Fly) ih rookets, M 0 0 oj with old, pO noaquib, oadniy which ven Wa oh a " Gana' ARERR a. pomp iw a mn { yogniay m J, fo 4 Wis J nat ub | Study Opens : "Mudie This Year, It Is Announced tomer ting of the Mus old In Bt, Paul's But evibing. J tet meeting of the season Mo took the form moating., There was a large at tendanca pf members and thelr pe | ty several new members We! id to the voll, » sneoitive, with Mrs, 1 Bing. vu x; sonvenor, had ahap u ti esting, _ We, Titdarigh 2 ani wil and the mossy Canads the sing! In a few apropriate ver marks the president ibiatel this Mss that thet a "| a met thy aunt ! to have an Informal nonip § together, The eluh, oped fo 4 ow n dif " Th of 'work this year, in that they intended studying opera ule: Faur welestions had heel Hoe and Jt was hoped to study Pen of the composers as well a8 thelr compositions, Port ope and Oshawa Musie Htudy Clubs oosoperiting In this line of ody The mh of the last Mit were vend hy Miss Margaret Allin and aftay a few lems of business had heen disposed of the following PrOSPAM Wan Eiven| A plane trie, (8) Polonaise Mii tales by Chapin} (bh) Intermesso Rooeoaon by Alletier was played by Mendamen J, A, Cole, H, Clemence and O, H, Dudley, A vooal dust, "ithe Last Noss of Hummer," was sung by Mes, D, J, Chambers and Mise Helen Avnue, accompanied hy Mes, CO, H, Dudley, A one-agt play was oleverly portrayed by Mp, Walter Corbin, Oshawa, and Mrs, PH Moody, A voeal solo, "The Messake and the Bong," was nicely sung hy Mes, TT, W, Oawker, ae companied by Mra, D, R, Morrison, The last number wan a auartetts, "Now the Night in Stariit Eplen- dor, sung hy Mrs, 0, A, Cawker, Mra, Monroe Neal, Mr, Ohase and Henry Knight, with Mra, Dudley at the plane, A vota of thanks was extended to all assisting on the program And dainty vefreshments were served hy the exeeutive and thelr assistants, and an enjoyable poolal half hour followed, The aMosra of the club for this #eAROR Ae hon, pres, Mrs, J, Ham. {lton Bateman! nres, Mra, Freder lok Moody] tirat viee-pren,, Mrs, Ty oMgrisonl second vieespres,, A. Oawher) Focdtding seen rie and treasurer, Miss Marg avet W, Allin; corresponding aeares tary, Misa Maud Ramsey] evrantive, Mes, H, Foster, Mrs, D, W, Rest, Mrs: Li Bingham, Mrs, J, Albert Cale, Mra, G, Remon} planiat, Mra, Onoll HH, Dudley! assisting planist, Miss Helen Morris, A EE PICKERING 36 MOTORISTS ARE FINED, PICKERING "| interests of M of An open | mp of rhea huni El THE , OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 AL CAMPAIGN he 15 WARMING UP Liberald Arroge! Mestings-- it 52 Henry to ---- wo sikdion doy Ahawing siond- rh dik the eampaign in Durham County 1s warming up every day, Newtly avery night the eandiddstes re booked 10 nponk at some point In the riling snd In Bowmanville more intepest 1s belong taken at thiy oleotion Bhat at any for some year, hegoriing hn Roople wh who are eon versant Tomorrow 1] nomination day and each candidate will have to he al Orono between one and two o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of filing thelr papers, A meeting wan held In the Town Hall at Blac yooh ast hah in the Milton J {ott, and anlery included Arthur J, Yoh! 000k, of Toronto, and A, H, Palle of Milbrook W, bora) Meetings Wy that are arranged up the # to the present time in the riding ! inelude a Liberal gathering at the Town Hall in Bowmanville on Mons day night at which Rar Witton, of Toronto, will he the malin speak: an and Mra, Alex Macregor And J, Graves yi alno wpenk on be halt of Mr, Brags. On Tuesday the Liberals of Por! Hops will hold a meeting In the Town Hall and the speaker for thi Qotnsion will be W, B, Pescott, and ars, The sounty Prohibition Union Is holding a meeting In the Town Hal) at Bowmanville on Friday of next week, Thess are all the meetings Arranged In the Interests of Mr, o | Prank up to the present time, on: 6, Be Henry at Ovone The Hon, George B, Henry will speak at Orono on Monday night in tha Interests of Mr, BElllott, whos oampalen up to the present time ph aavered most of the eouns ty, This In exnented to ha tha last of the meetings for this candidate, ER] | Here and There] (409) Representatives of the English Folls Dance Baolety, thirteen In number, are palling for Canada on BB, Montrose, October 84, to \whe part in the English Musie Festival arranged hy the Canadian Paellle Rallway at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 10:18, The ny W wader the direction of uglan Kennedy, leader of the English Folk Danes Boelety, The Faction of English Folk Dances 8 Apread to hundreds of thous sands In the British Tales, and it 1s believed (Bat the dancers' visit here will result In tha popularisation of these dances In Canada, Approved Plane ealling for eum pletion of onstruction within two yoars will enable the Canadian Pas oils Rallway to extend the Outs knife line through the Battiefords and eventually to the fertile farm. Iands of the vast Meadow Lake Area, linking that part of Baskat- ehewan to the plains region lying towards Calgary and thence ta a 00AAL outiet at Vancouver, This conatruetion will mean the turning of A new page in the history of one of the most romiaing agrioultural sections of Western C nade "he mall must thrash, * of the alr mall service was flluatrated recently when 8.8, Duchess of Redford docked at Ques bea with a heavy mall consignment whieh had weather had prevented taking off al Father Point as In the | aval ration, dale were rush. four miles the Quebes alee { and aed Montreal one They were delivered tal plane to the Tare onto airport five Anis after the Duehesa had docked Twe hundred and forty-eight mink oo four foxes, valued in all at $16,000, wore oarried Fousatly b \d Hy Eh Eh Maairen to Finca were all In good ABS 404 apres pont of Ey = |] shigmenta Het he Demand comen hm Great Britain, Holland and Wi a8 A traphn ", Pts FER ELEC binea and Hn WR on ne Canadian totin, - a ro One of the reasons Reginald Jed 10 R the whi-term Sian {tn win ofttesd hy Pali = Ohioage I hoodnse he anawe! i WII "The power HERE'S store front $35 $50 IT'S THRE QUT OF YOUR LOOK YOR THE socImY BRAND LABEL IN THE POCKET of suggestion would think, An immaculate chandise, A shining engine-room suggests the competent engineer, The well-uned-our man suggests Being well-dressed Is no trick, simply a case of choosing clothes wisely , , , with dn eye to fabric, cur and wiloring, Soclety Brand's reputation, guar antees these vital features, There is no greater value anywhere, JOHNSTON'S Simeooe Bt. North more. to It than one suggests quality mes ] It's CLOTHES THAT COUNTS PEACE COUPLED WITH HONOR IS WDONALD PLEA BRITISH PREMIER SPEAKS AT DINNER IN OTTAWA Premier King and Hon, R, B, Bennett Join in Welcome Ottawa, Oct, 17,CGreat Britain sid the United Atatos have agreed to live the open life, to draw up the hllnds and have no secret uns derstandings, declared Premier Ratan MacDonald at the dinner In his honor by the dominion mov ernment here tonlght, With (his understanding and agreament be tween them they confidently haope to have other nations do likewise, he sald Pramier MacDonald throke no new ground, made no further an nouneements tonight, but rather Have parting emphasis to the un eratanding of confidence reached bhetween the senior mambers of the Anglo-Baxen countries, He was In 8 happy vein, vejoloing In the sucosss of his goodwill wis slon, In Ra yoturn to he own nas tional family, and probably in the drawing to the close of a strenu oun oampalagn that had taxed his wndurance to the Hmit, rodlnced gy Premier Proms King In Introducing Mr, MacDonald handed him the cep tifoate of his Canadian party coun. oallorahip, and veferved to previous friendly relations when wnelther dreamed they would attain thelr resent high honor, He was pan foularly effective In hin fllustra: tion of the relations of Canada and the United Hates ta disarmamueny And the undefended frontier and the freedom from armament on the Great Lakes, Hon, R, B, Dennett was partie. wlarly happy tn hin reference wo Mr, MacDonald and the frequent references of the British prima minister to My, Bennett's states ments indicated he wan impressed by their practioal character, Mr Mine baited out there had world peace talked for cen. i without effect and now what waa required was to translate peace inte ag) With Honor As to the capital of the Unived fates a few short days age J, Ramsay MacDonald, prime winis- ter of Great Nrltaln, tonight ong ht ta the capital of Canada rning iv of peace, But pi) En with the word "pence -- 2 ational hows on" Canada, Great Weltain, those other nations which composed tae Drittsh commonwealth, wust ne forget that their sacred honor was involved tn the crusade for peace, They must remember that the fans Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion W-------------- "Too mueh acid" in the stomach canses nearly minestenths of the wis: A om " sourness and indiges Jon te #0 many people suf Nn a i tomach needs ¥) othe ing alkaline Ristrated Magnesia hewttaiee | 1h excess acid, keep ity a twit sweet and permit ner ut LA #% digeation, Risurated iv, powder or tabletais the way Of treating acid stomach ge It is handy 10 wee, always and gives almpst instant vehied a drageisiy everywhere will returm ita small cost Used hy thousands every day the world over, | - ARMENIA TRING (RRL They Were alk natories Lo WAN & PACL Of pease, My, MacDonald stated he had gomae to the United States not tv negotinte a treaty but to oufabiinh good-will, therehy oreate 'gondis tons favorable to an KEresment, No agreement, he sald, wis perms nent or Insting except whan based on trust and confidence, Nigning the peace pact had pledged the na. tional honor of the signatories hut even this could only he effective If based on mutual understanding and bleh dda WHITBY | REGINENT BAND AT WHITBY HOSPITAL so -- Concert Given for Patients and Staff Last Night A tinep rogram of hg muale wan Niven at the Ontario Hospital, Whithy, last night hy (he band of the Ontario Regiment of this olty, About B00 patients and mambers of the staft attended the concert, and the band was hghly compli mented hy the ataft for she pros gram, whieh was warked hy & var loty of numbers, The program Inoluded the over ture "Orpheus hy Oftenback the marches "Lineoln Contenial," hy Hanford and "Hoof Prints,' by Hrooks; a baritone sole, "Awakens ng of fpring," hy Bach: and the selections, 'Musical Medley," hy bambert; "Hedeuin Love Hong" hy Plosutl; "Spirit of Youth," hy Horditla; "Down South," hy Myds dleton, and ""Ovintale," hy Lubos miraky, aa well as the hymn, "Abide With Me. " Eastern Star LO.OF. Holds Euchre Party The members of Nastern Stary Lodge, LOOK, and thelr families held a Jrograsite auehre party in the hall on Friday evening, he winner of the ladies' tiret prive wan Mra, J. Rowe, and second prise, Miss Vina Whitlaw, The tivat ntleman's prise was won hy Geo, wal, and second hy Geo, Whi aw, ofreahmonts ware served and a soclalhour was spent, . The Whitby Daily Times Qdvertieing, whrerplions and news will be received at the Whithy Branch Offise, at Gasette and Chron werTelephone 23+After Business Howse~'Fhone 389, REPRESENTATIVE- JAMES H, ORMISTON WHITBY SCHOOLS HAVE MORE PUPILS THAN EVER BEFORE] & Principal's "Report to the Board of Educstion--Night Classes bo Well The attendee ut the Whithy High and Public Behaoly tudiy bs the highest In the town's history neeord Ty to reports presented hy the prin clpaly to the Board of Education at its Octeher meeting Wednesday eve ening, The congestion is the grents est at the Public Sehoals, Principal RB, A, Bennett, of the Publie Bhool. reported his registra ton as follows, King 81, Behoal Lundas Bt, hehaol Broek Bt, Behool Total 802 Principal A, Arehilinld, of the High ehool, reported wn stiendace of 4H with an wverage of 1906, the Inrgest an record In | aunty pupils, h Ht Industrisl Class luna helm exceptionally well attend ull this year, They were started on Jetaher 1st, and the reglstration in now 45, The prineipal, My, Bennet, reported that there may he more, new classes will ha opened Educational Grants The Beeretary, Dr, C.F, MeGill lveay, veparted that he had received # gavernment grant for the High chan amounting to $1,836.50, also a Puhlie Behoal grant of $325 7" The grant for the veastionsl elas aes ln § S80, so that the night sehool in eanting the taxpayers of Whithy very little money, Give Safety Lectures The Ontario Safety League wus given permission ta hold the uswgl afternoon lecture on safely measures, particularly for ehildron, same ta he 258 16m 0 1 school, "Phere wre 6) a8 are i a ------ Hustsite d, The Jaesirs will he ivan taken from various taps in the town drt wi énd, when all schogl eh en will he assembled together fn ung pl fee, Will Ge On Tour Principal Archibald, of the High Bchool, J! parted that six members of fhe Agricultural Class will partieipate 1 the four days edusptionsl tour of {nia being a on hy the id whois, wriment fink ads in ihe Hou " partment of the ohoal ve Went § ymnasium ". foe o HA wien 1 0 or i report at the Mkt mg ing was referred a request ah Ia lusls Boys of the Unite pi ud permission 1a use Sehael Whey ae y n + ey eming for physieal eyltire exescines Lhe Tuxis want the gym because of its very fine equipment, This Jeaved ta be sonewhi ul w contentionlous nintter, i item being voleed hy Urunteas King and Larkin, It was patted put that the Taxis Boys re resent all Feliiaus depaininations in the town, some living theut any partlewlar ghureh affiliation, It wis ihought ligst, after some discussion, 10 lat the. Committee vepart an the request, heh BOARD OF HEALTH WOULD ELIMINATE OUTSIDE CLOSETS Inspector Instructed to Make a Survey---Water Supply Absolutely Pure At a meeting of the Whithy Board of Health held on Thursday after noan, with the chatrman, Mayor | W. Dudley, presiding, 8 number of matters were discussed A repart fram the pravinalal labor tories on recent water tests showed that the town's water supply. 18 ong hundrg per cent pure, Samples were and all were found to he shsalutely | pure, Whe Bodvd wis highly pleased with the report and & motion was pasned 10 hive it placed on file, Banitary Convenienses The Hoird 1s out te eliminate many outside lavatories in the tow! us possible, particularly those in the prescribed sanitary areas, There have een some complaints and the owns ers will be notined at onee to cons neck with the sanitary sewer syse teny Ciel Gunsen, the sanitary inspess bar, wis nsirigied 1o make a survey of tie Lawn, getting the number an awners of all outside buildings uss: WOE BANILATY CONVENIENCES PUFPOSES; and made & report to the Hoard ] Fhe owner af the local Chinese restaurant will he wotibed that une BURR Y Sonditions i the reams aver Win restaurant must be remedied fore thwith, the medical health affieer has received several eomplamts, It wis Blaked that the tenants aver the restiairants have two dogs which CHINE An annoysnee to nearhy resis dents, Lhe restaurant owner, if he does nat compy within a reasonable pie with the Boara's request, will hi velysud a ligense to aperates Bask ¥iras Ciesned U The smtary Inspector yeparied that there had heen a big impraves ment made in the lanes and builds Wks beim business places on Brock and Dundas bireet, One man, whe Las peeeived several warnings te Clon up his plage, the inspector res 4 parted, wis now at work and would put his place in # satislactory eons ution The inspector was instructed to fal: | M Ww up tite good work and see that all places are cleared of rubbish and put in # sanitary condition, Restaur: WEE are te eamply with the health reghlations HE thelr operation, hose present at the meeting were May ar Dudley, Dr, C, ¥, McGillivray, odo Odum, Chief Gunsen and Sees ry John RB, Fras, A British doctor says the hath: roam lg the most restful room | the house, This was discover yours aga by plumbers, =~ Weed: stock Hentinel-Review, TIT I ie AAT 10290 CHEVROLET TOURING Marked Down for Quick Sale $550 $425 $400 $525 $578 - $535 $650 $725 1928 Chevrolet Sedan | 1927 Chevrolet Sedan ALARA 1927 Chevrolet Coach AARARRRAARERLAEELY 1928 Chevrolet QoBoh wurst ire 1927 Pontiac Landa i, 1927 Pontiee Coneh vee 1928 Pantie Coach ELL LL CLOT lke Pontiac LITTLE REY -- Onkland LL BETTI EeN 1927 Oakland Coneh vin AERLETTLY CELERY Off they go! "What? Why dellare==off the former prices of our OK weed cars, We must sacrifice owe stock te be veady for the big winter new-car business, You save as never before, You get the ear of your choice at a big reduction---yet the value is there just the same, "OK" cars tuned up and shined up to new oar standards, with our reputation for fair dealing behing them, Grasp this opportunity to own a high quality, dependable car at a special sale price, Coma in today. Buy Now-For Big Savings 1926 OAKLAND COACH $400 1927 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK $425 1927 .' CHEVROLET TON TRUCK 4 Sake Body $435 $250 - 1926 Fond Sedan AASALIERRRALINY Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Used Car Dept,--2nd Floor Mercury Services, King and Mary St, Fall Clearance v 1938 CHEVROLET TON TRUCK Stake Body 1927 WHIPPET SIX SEDAN $475 1927 « WHIPPET FOUR TOURING SRAS 1926 Ford Coupe A

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