Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Oct 1929, p. 5

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EHH SPIT em /AGE FIVE HN University oh home over Sunday, THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 Mis, T, nd spent the oJ ash V M, S, H AS OH ARGE| REV f H ARSTON ee end 2% with her twe "ART { 4 "Wr, Baber oon ie tuo. dus a EBENEZER SFRVICE bs Je : od rl J fi. " i Young People on Wed in Western Canada nesday Evening HADES AAA A ET A PORT PERRY R171 | SOCIETY , FIECTS " YEAR'S OFFICERS) frie b 2 J B Lundy Is President, of etinio Fa a ws Pid SPEAKS AT KFARON Hi, visiting | Mes, A, L. Richards, Whits Oshawa Pastor Addresses vod Ms, urn and | by, Spoke on Mission Work {bh it Bi Rev, R, T, Richards, Vice. President a ¢ Perry, Oct 4.1, Colluentt Faranta, wis home for the week annual phenting af the Bible foetal y wits held in the Preshyternian] 1, thureh hn hm ealdiy, Ont ind, a esl officers i resident, oh i ia i (Tl lh ie yer oreath ' biter Ie regres J, Widen ex ommit uly ehureh, Naar, eson, Willinm €, feasry, J Fyre I 1} {eal | United { hureh, in, Jo Dolet and J, Waddell, a 8, ui tan af Taranto was ef al A | [V1 Evening frances Mellow of Tarontn me her mathe aver the week f, Forbes Nasmith of Taranto frome were Mr, und Mrs, J, C, The sym thy f tt nded the Bem, wha ne Bh di On, I, ] jrekbon Wits In Inst wh "Where the Montreal Live Bie "Ure, Wie ha | ie I " i Wha has heen visiting ions May i Perry ar iv" pst few weeks has al a i Mowe Napsen Ca FP thars ol Braman} have Si Pirenta lors for a Mrs, Voronin, My, and friends in Hl iil fa Ho veesntl i My, and wnt the week ¥ with friends In HER, (§] Wilionl hy I witser W week end guests of Caskburn, of 4 rhe fn v of the late Win siddenly on Mintees) how My Eheneger, Osh, We Three very splendid services wers held wt Khen exer on Bunday last, All were well priended and very helpful, A regular perviee mi with eondusted in re v J ng with gir pastor, Blaintan hin ih the phlpit, He pe it very a endid sermon on bier: whee Tron Pi text found in ol inthinps Linking the service, x tanley, son of Mr, and Mes i] ill vo and Mrs, Wired hed son " OHETS WETR hid, Ihe hale NNR A during the service, lovely anthem The evening sei ii wie in eharge of the Wamen's iaslonsry Boslety, Mia, VV, undle, 1st vie president of the so slety wih in the ehalr, he Hitrh gf I his service wis Mrs, (Hey) Richards of Whithy, who give # very interesting 1ulk en the wark In the misslon Heiils in Western Ci nadie where she and Rey, ilehars hive worked as missionaries, All were very hie h inspired hy hee ad dress, A ladies choir furnished the Baty Wie ol AFR Hy EEN isting Inde Mr, and Mis, A DB, ew days, Haward is visiting friends In pi E ¥, Ger Ww visited or anid nitkieg recently, , Anderson were WW, Melntoash Mrs Ee] musle whieh was very fine indeed In Building Your Home it Costs No More to Stop Fire By specifying Gyproe Wallboard walls -- Rn, yi are efficient i and often less than with protection whatever, For Bale By | yet the cost is no me materials that give no Watrous-Meek, Limited MeLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Limited Ll " = Oshawa Lumber Company Carew Lumber Co, W. J, Trick Company, Limited » Oshawa, Ont, Also, during the servige the Canad ian Giels tn Training were afmhitad with the W.M 8, Buiday school held " Ha) session In the afternoen, On Friday anim, of last week, the rane Dramitie nelety presented ihelr play, "Looking for Mary Jane, it Eheneger, 1 wis given under the uspioes of the Mission Clrele, "The if with jood and wis very splen dly presented, All the Mission iets wre very riteful to the Orone ong Peop 0 som ta Ehen wer with hl play 6 proeseds I the SveRiti's HAA wim nied ta B44, Mrs, UG Power and daughter of ano and Miss A, Allin of Bowman lo were Bunday visitors with My Mrs, OG, 1, Annis Phe regular monthly meetin he Mision Ciyele wil he hele A Folks Past 40 Should lead This it YOu ape Houhled with & burning sensn Bde WEAKNEAS, fregusnt dally an VANES: WEL Paths in leh, lowe 1 uit hough fi Wigan ah HH) 11 ii) AARNE value ul by, Bauthwaiih's "Hy ib 0' AL ones apd aes a eles they make! 1 W "wl on Whenighie, dull Ad da WH What 4 hth | old formula of 4 well knowe phy Mel HIRES Yeu Me swift and aptialving Lit i A RAE Brau hs 10 dessin ol niles Y will he } abil i very well fesse x it dues nn HHA | drug in vol with URE be la AIK LL Wie lid] f Mig tal Tab " Oshawa, Ont, » Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, th FORE Hoapey an W hi hig Fives Foil A wf | "NL ph Maia | Hy hy Wy kh Lh wh yeaplte you wank) HOW Ihe love ¢ Perel veatiul sleep and M normal healthy Bladder, start this feat a TTL FAR SUPRlY you 4 " WHY ARGUE? Words can be arranged to tell any kind of a tale, Visit ARNOLD'S MARKETS Actual Dally Values which you P&G SOAP 10 pars 37 can see for yourself = will con. vince you that these All-Canadian markets are well worthy of your patronage, MATCHES Finest Creamery Heins 'a Mi 1931 x Lee AR RN} Flow . ,, Arle Cooking Onions 3 Be oan ae Tonia 4 for 100 Celery Hearts Ble Cran Florida 3 fw 230 Tollet Paper dh 6 Rolls 190 BUTTER CARNATION COTTAGE 43c Ib. 42c Ib. apt Pack EGGS pandle Kraft Velveeta Choose 1b 1 Te Biscuits. LEAN tin 16e ARE REN] LIRR ond BER Clg Crivem 1b iN 1 » Baking Powder '13* . 83 FRUITSand VEGETABLES BANANAS = + Don 21¢ on toa TR TOKAY GRAPES 2s. 23¢ 'wparial Ki COOKING APPLES 710.25¢ elected Brands Frosh an 3 da Fh tit. tee 100 In afore for you next week, VHEANRNRNEN THE ALL.CANADIAN MARKETS SRE NE Irompt Delivery CHOICE MEATS FRESH PORK Loins 31c1b. Shoulders 21e¢1b, VERY CHOICE BEEF Chuck Roast ih 190 Blade Roast ih 24¢ Boned and Rolled P Ih Je Rib Roast Porterhouse Steak 1, 35 SELECTED LAMB Back 19 Breast b 14¢ Log 1 30. FISH 1% Ibe. B8c Iba, 28¢ CIS | YS tvsasaasaé Ib stShimon. o Fresh Haddock SARA RR ARRAY «ite We have a pleasant surprise i hone 90 Bityrday, Ostoher 19, wl the home af Miss Helly Gay, The FORTIN will he in 6! ity uf Mys, H Torhert Nis ahols and will be goud, All the girls wre asked (a he present, Mr, and Mis, Fyerton White and dawhters af Wethesdi were Bunday visitors with Mr, and Mys, Kishi Oke, Hegnlir services will he hed il Kheneger on Bunday, Ostoher 20), Hey, My, Living of Oshawa will og py the pulpit, Hey, J, H, Stilton I eondiet unniversaly services al Almonds Chureh, Kyery one will he weloome wt Kheneser My, and Mrs, Walter Rundle re gently visited ith friends in To Fanta A lovely shower came our way on Baturday last but was not suMelent 10 help the farmers very muah with thelr plowing, Apple pleking 1s one al the main veeupations for the men tolls In thin vieliity at present and the wpple Crop seems to he geod, Ottawa Man Faces Three Heavy Charges (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawn, Oct, 18, Ueorgs © Gould, Ottawa, will wo to trial on A manslaughter harps arising out of the death Inst May of County Polles OMesy Miles Campbell, whe WAR Pun over on the Montreal high wiy near herve, Gould will face then counts, manslaughter, doing gravious bodily harm, and furious driving, The grand Jury of the Fall Anslgen of the Bupreme Court of Ontario brought true bills In all three ehnrges A Klanae aver the vival man! fentoen Juntifies the thought that ORIArIn hie some very promising polttietnng = Petorhore Hxaminer VERY RED RASH ON FACE Hated to Go Anywhere. Hoaled by Caticus, "1 had oa mah besak out on my fate and arma, 11 wan very md andl he #0 mush that | seraiehed I, Wo sesined 10 make It worse, My ravaied the breaking oa { y i, 1 hated 10 go any plese An sesount of I, 1 owied many remedies hat they did net de any good, | mad an ad vertlasment oe Outen Boap end lima "0 ier and | [1 ne pe a Heap Mie ol Wow Si. | Wh Vigne) Mine May Poe, sack, Ont, Don't W ahampon pow hair frequently with Covers Boap. 4 dies' classes spent a very algal lil aaa Kedron, Oct, 15.Mr, and Mrs, W, Beate. and familly and Mr, Gordon Knapp, Toronto, visited st Mr, D K wry Young Men's and young Uh the home of My card, Qahuns, ah Wemaidar, Hey, Mr, Hutton of Bimeos United Chureh, Oshawn, give A mesening and instructive ad dress, Mrs, Mion er Hive the irl a very helpful tall on the old fis, Games were Indulge und refreshments served, COngrAtuntiom to My, and Mn I, Wahime on the areival of a dagh ter on Wednesday, Ost, Jute number (rom here attend ed the Harvest Home serviees In Columbus thre 4" Bg A Mr, and Mrs, C, ory frum vi visited her Ay Mi Gilt Column, Mr, and Mis, and boys and Mie) ly Visited Mr ( mi " Miss Nora Werry spent Sunday with relatives at Boling, The Women's Association are en tertalning the ladies of Columbus hyrah and thelr husbands 10 a so | evening in Kedron ehureh on wednesday evening, Ot, 23 Wedding bells are ringing Miss Marguerite Contin spent A few days Inst week with her sister, Mes, VV, M, Love, Oshawa Miss Allee Bmyth spent the week end in Toronta " Davis, Gordon, Ralph and Wiltep visited at Mr, ¥, Heddon's, Calumbus Ay, and Mrs, W, N, Hoskin ane children spent a day last week at Mp. Chas, Woad's, Orona Mr, Norval Crosman, Petrolt, Is snending two weeks at his home here Tomperapee Bunday will he ob served In Kedron N58, next Bunday mt ansthivty o'vloek Mr, Fred Mandrell of Whithy will address the sehonl A good attendances Is re quested Mr, and Mrs, B Dunn and Tone Mes, W, N, Hoskin and Ela spent Friday in Toronto Apple pleking is the order of the diy Messrs, Howard and Lorne Hos kin and Miss Lena Hoskin were re sent wuests of Mes, ¥, Heddon, Co Tumba Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Nrock, Cong tee, are spending a week with the former's sister, Mes, N, Glinblett Mr, and Mis Harvey Crossman and Irene wished at Mr, Ceol Pas one's, Rollna Mr, and Mrs, Mark Hanoook, Rochester, spent Saturday with My and Mes, Leslie Hanenek Mp, and Mrs, A, DD, Van Dyke and Karle vislted at Mr, George Van Dyke's . Darlington Station and" My eftrey's, Maple Grove Mr, and Mes, Everett recently visited at Mp, coe's, Lon, evenin aa Jet, 9, Bt, yoy if n and Jae farald Mountjoy feitries Mount J, Lawrence's, of Cell Mountioy 4 Pas When you stop wishing you oould met eon! and start wishing YOu eould mel warm, It's & stem of arly winter, HRrandon Bun Wamen are still working In fields of England Just as they did during the Werld War and many olty offlen girls spent thelr vaca A Sale of Stamped Goods And a Spec Showlitg of The Fun | Range of Art Needlework For The Gift Season | Stamped Factory Aprons, 19¢ Stamped Factory Bed- spreads, 84 in, x 90 in, $1.09 Stamped Vanity Set Stamped Dresser and Buffet Scarfs . Centres ., Scarfs 19¢ o Pair 29¢ Towels Stamped 34-inch Crash Stamped Natural Crash Stamped Pillow Cases Stamped Linen Tea rT TT TL) These are Just a few of the very attractive values that big quantity buying has made possible In this sale, We believe we have bigger varieties and much better 'values than In any past season, Visit this department early and i] Oe OO 0000 he CRITICISM 1° "FI | | AS UNWARRANTED Peace River D'strict Life ls Far From Barren, Says L. A: Giroux Mantreal Onl 14 Oeltielam levelled hy Hon, Hyvan Morgan, ons of the British delegates to the annual convention of the Cana dan Chamber of wt the Pence Hiver Distriet, on Ae oount of ite "leek of the amenities of Life," has aroused a good final | of tndlgnation among the poping! tion of this region, kesording to A alatemoent made yosterday morn ing hy 1s A Glroux, member of the Alberta Lepldlature for the oounty of Grovard who ts In Montreal today, en route for OHawa Mr, Croux stiuted that "It 1s un visttorn a6 not Commarea, happy that some take the trouble to Investigate hatore making nue wweapin statements No doubt the Pauee iver Distriet does not tnelide all that oan be falind tn urge Oltfes or In a osountry Hke Wapland where towns and villages &an elosely loonted hut though our SoAntey In still very youne, 1 oan sy that [ts community 1ife Is fay from helne as barren as Mr, May gan would have it Good Theatres "In the towns of Father, Grande Pratvle, Mackonnan and others situated In the heart of the Peace River Dlutret, one ean find good thant res, pantsations of all kinds, an well tone In the Aelde last summer, an All the summer and duneing and Rootal ow | winter ' Hporte that are to he found In the Hrgor contro "Distances are no object for our farmers who, In thely curs, an ntain any of these centres In no tHme, "Pubs' may he soaroer than In Hngland, but the people ckn Ket Wl the amenities of life without that, The ploneers of the DPeacs iver Distrlot are quite proud of thelr social argansaton and all the HOWOOMErs are durprised and de Hahted to find that all proper pmusements can be had without too much fatigue or expenses,' Mp, Giroux stated that Pesce ea River Distriot = was marvelously and that all eolon Inte, Whether from Kngland or from any other sountry, will tha # wood und pleasant home In this rloh sountry, developing An Arkansas town hoasts of « melon of 140 pounds, which Is unt quite aw big an the Ball Telephone melon of Canada --8t, Catharines Fiandard, The Ottawa Journal says. that Toronto still remalng w village, Ky on villages don't make mo mu 3 fuse over 1Hittle things as Toronto, Meaford Mirror, FER EE A TENSFEST INSULATING B WARM IN WINTER VILDING BOARI COOL IN SUMME SIEFTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, Do You Own Your Own Home? I" LUMBER | Adanac Machine Sh ~ IL.BEECROFT Re, RE PHONE 22 THON PSON'S 10 Smee ta Be We Deliver Machinery Repair NOTHING DOO 1] NOTHING TOO SMALL 181 Ring SW. Vhene | FOR BALR: Real snap. $100 oak, then $3% month, & roam solid ig gr) 3 a Hei ath, Rt " \ -- Hee "Dry Nn FRTATR List Your Firm in the "Times™ Business Directory! BELGIAN BANKER SUDDENLY STRICKEN Radeon Baden, Od, YThe=leon Delacroix, noted Belgtan banker ARG delegate 10 the commities av AIRE the temmational bank, fod suddenly today of heavy dis PARR, Dolaeralx wan faomer Relutan Promten He served an delosate on the reparation commission and waa Raton far the German milway hong, Which were hold aa asoweity AEAIRRE Yeparation debts, Delaoroly attended the meeting of the ternational bank commit toa On Manday and HN Ww be In normal RE Roanty used to be only wkin deel WATE the conmetiohane added A coubia of lave -=Dallas News, LUMBER © Buildin Materials Prompt. Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. | g Ely Cla lutaior Trim WwW. & re LourANY, MW Albert Ntreet Phones B80 & 18Y, -- Real Batate We have woveral honses for rent, i CUTLER & PRESTON 4 King St, West Telephone ATH--R0R Night calls 310-1380 a NA EP STORE FOR RENT AL 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE ©O, 188 Ring Soveet West, UShani Phone 1180

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