PAGE FOUR Sie Oshawa Baily Times Buseoeding i THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1071) AR independent newspaper published every altornoes mR Ae Prine Compr Chaat Chae M, Mundy, . : retary. sident) A RK, Bos: The Oshawe Daily Times is 8 member of the Cand "dion Prose, the Canadian Dally Newspapers As: -oosiation. The Ontario Provincial Dailies and the Audit Buresv of Clreulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvior. 10s » woo By mall In Conede {euisids Qebave ar delivery limite), 400 » » yor TORONTO OFFICE 007 Bond Building, 00 | omporance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107 MH DP Tresidder, representative REPREBENYATIVES IN VU, B Powers and Bienes, Ins, Now York and Chisago THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 CHANGING LINTH ------------ The announcement that aver 3,000 names are being added to the voters' lists In the ity of Oshawa alone Must come aa & surprise to most people, liven al: lowing for a gertain amaunt of duplication in the Hata compiled by the Liberal and Conservative work: ors, the total to be added ia amasingly large, and shows the extent ta which the population af Oshawa has changed in the last eighteen months, It shows a great desl more than this, however, so far wa the provincial election eampaign is concerned, It means that the available vote in the vity of Oshawa will be much greater than was the ease In the last pravinalal elections, and that both parties will have a harder task than ever ahead af them in getting out the vote on October 30, What the effect of that will be on the final result The Times does not care to pdiet, but, if this riding is to be judged by other Ings In whieh vural and urban voters are falrly I divided, it will mean that the result will he Wueh ser than it was in the last provineial election, LIQUOR CONTROL AND TEMPERANCE aad One of the guestions whieh had again came to (he f@refront in the election campaign Ts whether the Li Ry Control Ast is a temperance measure, HH liquos enrol is really a means of promoting temperance, one would at least expect a veduetion in the amount of liquor manuiastured and sold in the Dominion of Canada, for nearly all the pravinees of the Dominion wo now handling the liquor trafic in that way, The report of the excise branch of the department of national revenue, however, proves conclusively that sich Is not the ease, It shows that, in the twelve months ending on August 31, 199, the sensumption of aleoholie spirits and liquors has exceeded by a Wage margin all previous regards, The Agures are worth noting, In the twelve months pariod, 100168030 gallons of proof spivits, an Inerease of 6,500,000 over the previous year, and seven times Me output of nine years ago, when most of Canada wat under prohibition, were manufactured, The mane whaeture of malt liquors reached the total of 62,040, 82% gallons, the highest figure in Canada's history, as compared with 26,247,652 gallons in 1929, And in ease some malht say that export trade was responsible for much of this inerease, it should be pointed out that Canada's imports of glooholie beverages in the last Rhtive months exceeded the exports hy over $10,000,» There 1s not mush sign of a growing measure of temperance in these figures, If they mean anything they mean that under the various measures of liquor sontral, mare liquor ix being consumed in Canada than ever before, and many times the amount eons sumed when mest of the provinces were under dry Ionislation, That, perhaps, is the most eonvineing svidence that could Be given that government sale of Hauor is fav removed from being the measure of temperance lgishtion whieh ity friends claim it to be, Hr -------- ONE CAUSE OF FAILURE It is frequently asserted hy the enemies of prohis Bltion in the United States that that system has Hod, that it has not dried up the Rew of liguer in t country, Taking it for granted that there is ome truth in this assertion, dt is easy to find ovis dence that this is not the fault of the prohibition ays: fom in itaelf, but is rather the fault of the methods of enfopeement which have heen adapted, SA ateiking ples of evidence in this regard has some 10 Nght in the city of Gary, Indiana, Nineteen members of the police force of that eity, including the ranking ofieers, have been indicted by a grand vy for comspivdey to violate the Vilstead Act, and either be asked to roaign or will bie expelled from foree, These nineteen afficers Mave been placed or Arrest, and are awaiting teial on bail of $2000 - Gary is only one sity, but if it ds typical. of the thods of enforcement of the Valastead Act, then it 1a Nittl wonder that prohibition is not as swecesstul #0 it wat expected 10 ba No act cond be properly with police officials conspiring to vielate iy, plate truth of the matter da that in the United 08, a8 in Ontario, the prohibition Neglstation has been given a fair chance, It has not been ens with any degree of efficiency or asalousness, leaving the way open for its orities to point to abundance of abuses, Prohibition can be wade esaful, but only when the authorities charged th {a en ont see that nothing is left undone wake it tn per cent en Sul MACDONALD'S APPEAL TO LABOR The striking feature of the many addresses which have been delivered hy thy Rt. Hon, Ramsay Mae: Donald since he arsived on thin side of Ahe Atlantic has heen his constant veforences to the necessity of chsuring peace on earth, This subject has become THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 A ---- something of & fetish with him, Even in the days when Britain was st war, and fighting for her very existence, MasDonald was & pacifist, » sealot for peace, and his attitude at that time made him decid. edly unpopular, The world has changed & great deal since that time, however, and his views on pence and war are today but the expression of what is In the minds of the great majority of people the world over, This wae vent hy the magnificent spplause' which vested his address to the American Federation of bor senvention in Toronto yesterday, when he ap- penled to the forees of Labor to stand at all times for pence, Premier MacDonald struck » resounding chord when he strensed the fast that it is the commen man, the representative of labor, who has to bear the heaviest burdens in time of war, The common man has to provide the bulk of the eannon fodder in time of war, has to take the hardest and most menial tasks, has to faces the enemy in mortal combat, and has to die, hecsuse some of those in wuthority over him have decreed that there shall be war, One ean readily see that the attitude of the masses must have a great effect on policies of peace or war, The time should now have passed when men ean be driven like lambs ta the slaughter, and the sooner the farees of labor, the representatives of the commen man, make their volees heard as unalterably opposed to warfare, the sooner will it he possible to create a new world of peace and understanding In whieh war will be im- possible, HEROISM IN THE NORTH There is an eple quality ot the effarts which have heen made and for which preparations are still in progress, in the search for Captain MeAlpine and the seven men who, with him, are lost in the wills of northwestern Canada, To the averages layman, It would seem as if only the faintest hopes sould yes main for the safety of these men, for six weeks have passed singe they disappeared from civilization, and the rvigavous, unfriendly sountry in which they have heen lost offers little apportunities for either food ur shelter, Yet men who are experienced in the ways of the north country are still hopeful, They still have the Assurance that the eight fers have been able to find sustenance on the harrens of Northern Saskatehe wan, and are merely waiting for the resoue parties which they must knew are seeking for them, That in the hope whieh has inspired the organisation of a fleet of eight powerful aeroplanes, now being equips ped for Ayling under ley conditions, and making thelr hase close ta the edge of the desolate section in whih somewhere beyond the knowledge of the seekers, the lost party is seeking shelier, Already thers have heen some wonderful feats of herolsm and self-sacrifice by the searching parties, There Is something about the whole story which makes one feel proud of the race of men whieh this country is producing today, men who count ne saerl fice toa great to make while fellowmen ars in danger, The valor of the fers whe have flown hundreds of miles, under terrible conditions, scanning every inel of the landscape for traces of thelr missing eolleagues, has been magnificent, has reached a height seldom attained, Canada is watehing these men, watehing tham with # hopeful silent prayer that thelr efforts may he re warded with complete sueoess, and at the same thine wlorying in the qualities which have heen revealed in dhem by the oall of necessity, SAFETY IN AVIATION There Is an object lesson to be learned fram the record of aeroplane aeeldents in the United States ast year, as summarised in the Review of Reviews The record shaws that in the twelve months period there were MM persons killed, This seems like & high total, taking Inte consideration that aviation Is not as yet highly developed, But there is a significant angle to the record, It goes on to show that enly thirteen of these MM casualition occurred on authorised and recognised aerial services, All the others ocenrred in aceldents which befell unlicensed amateur pilots, fiers pers forming stunts for the amusement of an admiring publie or te others engaged in experimental work with aeroplanes, Thus it would seem that flying, if undertaken under proper awapiees, and with fully qualified and authorised pilots, in just as safe ap motoring along the Nghways, The margin of the possibility of aceis dent is one In 4000 flights, and surely that is sul: ficient of a margin 10 satisfy anyone that flying is not a0 risky as many people believe it ta he, EDITORIAL NOTES TIE Now that the world series is over, the people of Ontario ean take their polities seriowaly, TE A Los Angeles man, after having a tooth fixed, hel up the dentist, Apparently he wanted to he sure of being first in the fleld, a] A five day working week would net make mueh difference to many people who have heen doing five days' work but apreading it over six days, ER a---- The Australian election has again shown the wae certainty of politieal campaigns, Will Ontarie find out the. same thing after Octaber 30? ------ A collegiate teacher has been selected as a Liberal candidate In St, Catharines, It would be interesting to know what the minister of education will have to say when that candidate attacks Premier Ferguson, Russia has agreed to stop propaganda in India, and Rritain iv going to lend the Soviet 60000000 That seems like 8 steep price 16 pay for a promise that AY Mean very little, The fact that Premier MacDonald believes in ats taining roforma By evolution instead of revolution shows the difference between the real Labor men and the Communists, An alderman in Bast Windsor has suggested that Vp for fur shoukl be used for the hospitals, would provincial treasurer ever ma 1 balance his books if this were done? ti ETE A Chisago prise fahter wants a divorce from ha wife heoause she hit him with a dinner plate, 1i he had had any business sense, he would have engaged her a0 & apaTeing panines, : The Stratford Reason HeraM commends the Ttalian wyatem by which a girl puts wp a good cash present to secure a husband, And the Stratford editor is a married man, too : Other Editor's Comments I STILL, CRU WHEELBARROW Ta i Ad 1 BARNS ) Wheelbarrow manutuciuvers, meets Ing In Chisago the other day, ade mitted hat thelr husiness had dwin- dled to litle more than the export tnde and decided to make only wentydwo models Insterd of the OF variaties they had been produe) nx. One trouble has heen that the wheelbarrow has no sport model, FEA RIVER ROUTE | RM, RS John M, Imrie, writing in The Ob tawa Off gen, points out that "Albers th In her 84th year as a provines haw attained u vesord of $980,000,000 in vilue of agrieulture produetion, hut already Peace River Is producing more than all Alberta did 84 yours Ago, In this year of helow-average orops elsewhere, Pouce River will sontribute one-tenth of Alheriws to tal wheat, Tt 1s un safe predietion that well within 10 years Pecos Rive a's wheat production will exeeed that of all Alberta today" OTHER WDITORA COMMENTS THE GRAIN PORTS (Maint HE A Journal) The coming winter should he marked hy lavge shipments of grain through the port of Balnt John Farmers are holding thelr wheat There will be very lavge quantities to he shipped after the close of naviga ton In the Bt, Lawrence, Yaneoi ver hopes Lo profit by this eondition of trade, and the Atlantis paris should alse derive benefit Doubt Jeun the Haint John Harbor sommins son Is giving this question He serl ous attention, LORD AND MASTER (Truth (London) ) Probably most people know that, In theory, pedestrians = have the same rights on the open road as per sons driving vehloles, No one oan, of course, he lgnarant of the fuel that, (his theory notwithstanding, the hoot of the motorist Is & oom mand to the pedestrian to get out of the way, and to he discheyed ul is peril, The executors of the stout wayfarer who refused ohedlienes might have sucessful wotion againat the motarist; ordinary pes sons, however, prefer alike to walve thelr striet rights and thelr sxenu tars' triumphs, and, meekly giving WAY, to go on Hiving A CANADIAN FLAG (Manitoba Frea Press) We need a flag shout which there ean he a rallying of Canadipn sen tment at home, The uncertainty ahout whet flag to use and the rals ing of diffevant Mops In not uw deals able sttuntion, The Unlon Jaek 1s used an all Government hulldings Kisewhers, some of the people use the Union Jack and some vse the Red Bnslgn, In paris of Quabee an Dominion Day ane will see nothing but the Trieolor of France, Upon game eeoaslons In the West will he sean A variation from the Hed En sien that has never heen authorized anywhere, This Is not un satisfan tory situation, There should he a Canadian Nag, an there 6 a Nag Tor every other eountry, which will he used hy avery olass of people In every part of the Dominlon, NO MM LVING AT 48 (Toleda Blade) A deadline at 48 for employment Is harbarous, This 1a the statement of William Green, president of the Ame loan Federation af Labor, in his Labor Day address, The federation head anserts he Is aut ta earreet this false notion of efelency In Industry He soaks facts, Nauves and protest Ing voles against the dehumanising affect of making wray hale a veason for nanemployient, Carried to 11a extreme, the d6.year age limit for Jobs would eause an acute sconomig problem, If no per BOR AL middie ape ean hope ta ob ot 1" If he needs one, a host of diMoultien will arise tn the industrial atrueture, A new fear will torment the workers, The army of unem played will inoveass, The experi ones, effolenoy and skill whieh came with years of training no longer will be recognised, The siting of 70 generally as the age for pensloning workers indicates that experience has shown that the 25 years after middle aye are not wn productive, The mental and physi al rp Ashmenta o those port MOR aw @ INAROUTARY «ol n TIGR Hit for workers, m---------- Bits of Verse | AHIR AND ATARS + A 1 began to name a satan, FY rh a Ship hy viewing, mas ar spar, 1, seeing more with eyes than with my a \ Had fears that 1 would soon we ' hoauty bling, But new, hat oaring 11 the ship that's aeen In sohoanemrigued, brigantine, I look heayond my eyes to where she vides Under a valnbaw, beautiful; ar iden A bargue ov Before the wind, on ene side of her hally, And as YOURE lamba or sheep all white and woallyy, 1 see the atare in one flock glib. bling we Across the Heavens, whose names will net know, W. WH, Davies in the New States SN wn wt ph Tin | Jesu' Confession--The | 1) aked him a " a n " he the hy the Som the leased A Sa 1 amy Then the high priest rent olothes, and sin ng dw aR Wither ts nesses! Yo have heard the his. phemyt what | Paty Sal hn al CORATINRGE BI 0 he gai ty of death, The Ha a i "Unto Thee, h) ! ord, do 1 Hit up my oul, That Body of Pours fy roe W. Barton, M.D, THE HIVES You will remember as 8 youngster than when you had an attack of the hives," (urticaria) your mother im Mtiutely Kaye you u dose of cantor all, psa salts, or some other purge hve, Now this was goad sense heeamss it got the food, that saused the hives, out ef the system, You ean usually locate the fond that causes the rouble If you just hive an eecasional attack, hut there wre many individuals who suffer very li and are really at & loss 10 know the exact eanse, Ab you know there 1s now the mes thod wf using small quantities of vaccine en small AY A on the faresrm, and if the surrounding skin hecames py Ry and swells, the partienlar food vaccine that lrritates that partieulay person is thus found, Sometimes of course there are number and it is therefore diffieult to find out Just which one is causing the hives, In thess more serious oases It Is now the eustom (0 give foods that are free as possible of proteids, be cans it 18 the preted HH (Inet, iM eereils, milk), that are respon Bie y Foods sueh as sugar, honey, mars milade, ehoeulute (without milk) snd ten are given, and mills, eups, veg tables, soups, butter, raw fruits wre tarbidden, Alter about a week or two and the symptoms have dispppesred, then gin of the forbidden foods ean he added ta the diet; frst a certain vegetable, then milk, or egy, trying each one out hy diet, and then IF it has any ef foet hon the skin this ean he noted When the one that has been euus Ing the trauble has heen learned, then this should he kept oul of the diet for a long time, I the Individual is very fond of this partienlar food, he will have 10 gontent himself with eating sll quantities untill he discovers how mueh he ean take without hringing ai an attack of the hives The lehing and burning Is often severe and sa immediate treatment of the hives, that is of the skin itself, i fideeriry There wre 8 number of preparation that your druggist. may recommend, bit ho old fashioned earholis seid, one Wasimontul 10 i quart of water, or hengols oid and one teaspoon: ful ta the pint of water, are usually effective However, don't suffer with the hi ves; hind out the cause and sveld that particular (ned, (Kegistered In aecardance with the Copyright Ast), Ea tat Hh PSHM S85: THAT Law imporiant subject confrenting a Loy grnor and 11s the duty of every ¢l tigen ta do his ar her part to see that the laws af the stele and nati wre better enfureed, A sountry ean only develop If thers In respect fo constituted authority and syeh a ean ditton eannet exist If those in author iy dao not insist his all laws be re spected, A sommunity where there is & pro found respect far law HY arder Heed nal worry shout material prosperity People ike ta live where emphash 18 placed upon elyle righteousness and law enfarsement, The man whe by his patronage ore mpathy sanses another te broek the law Is In reslity » law: breaker himself, Respeot and obedience to law should be taught In the schools and homes of hte land and proclaimed in the press, pulpit and from hie platforms of opr land, AND RISAE: THE 0.CAlY b -f oF he BREAKING MORE IMPORTANT A German Alig eampany Is called "Klanghlm" Hanghln, -- Ganghlm, and Slanghlm must he responsible for most Ameriean Alms =London Puneh, ETE --_---- Sropie ForLong BONLE ol TEL i ronietbe 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Bystem 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 s@ nfareement is the mest | Lon Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA ~ TORONTO FARE~8§¢ LEAVE OSHAWA (Biandard Time) FM, 3.580 4.50 8.50 a.50 7.40 8.90 8.30 10.530 ¢l1.18 fee Bially except Bunday, AM, d7,80 8,30 9.50 10.30 11,50 FM, 18,30 1,30 2.30 Nunday only, LEAVE TORONTO 0.30 10,30 11,830 Coash connections at Torente for Barrie, Ovillia, Midland, Schomberg, Orangeville, Brantford, Ham« ilten, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Conch connections at Buffale for all U.S.A, points, Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa 10SHAWA Phone 2828