Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Oct 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 a The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, En ineer Will (| Make Survey Local Harbor of the Whit 'Commerce, J, vecelved a v of ys de orks the work eavried owt, a1 Now Eat A Delightful Breakfast Food kseriytion and news will be received at the W Gasette and C le,~Telephone AdAftor Business Hours REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON TRIP ARRANGED J FOROUNTY BOTS londid 'sdneationsl trip and splendid adhicationn PAD rill Shi arranged lov ih ¥ W Arm boys who wis tn SomaTy ofielent Live Mtoe udges, 6 hoys will leave hy ue irom vaokiing Teeday nen hi etoher Bind, at N60 for a ging tour of four Counties on Visits will he made to outs nan breeders of pure hired Ave %, The trip In apen to any young man. in Ontario County une der twenty-five whe wishes to spend ten dollars In wetting a lit tle extra education In Judaing Live Blok, Pou A» or Crops, Applies tions should he made at ohee te Agricultura) Representative W, M, Croskery, Ushridge, by lettey or phone, Among the places visited will hei==Douging Thompson's, Brook Hn==Jorsays! Onl, Deacon's, Unions ville w= Bhorthorns; = Don Alda Farms, Todmorden = Guernseys Clydesdale Hull and Bons, rampton-=Jorsayn; Ontario Agri eultural Oaollpre, dueiph Poultry and Field Hushandry Departments and Annual Live Boek Sale; Hon, PF, 0 Bilger, Hamiltons-Ayrs Buildup yourStrength Against Winter Ills A little Bovril in makes a lot of re real nourishment and avoid clogging your system with excess that creates fatty tissues, BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat our diet every day erence you get from less fo | | he not yoi Branch Office, wh a0, ' Iraj. and a Humber of ether in ut ol rd FAngemeniy 1 wade I boo New Transformer Now In Operation At Whitby Station Whi A In on " thy as 4 y Vent in" on Mune y Wi is now In » 4 operation, " fons fawn * 0 Deen Instaed to on sformer, The now has two § i mera nfura Durps mission is in» poslt omy all do Swen ont has heen Able in iia 0 take eure of the exten winter load which for JRONEhs alle has boon shaving " A decrense ow 0 the Increased use of oloctple stoves and hey Apr ances, NOW Suheniie flonan ito ni ment Ja Whe me of Miby's Pa JTHAR IN WHITHY da Burton, weneral manager of the Robert Bimpson Company, and a mont Sataland ing npenkaer, ae Advised the Whithy Ohan ber af Commeras that he will be pleas: od to address a luncheon some time in November, Po Burton states that he will consider it an Bo to oma to Whithy and five apn Ads Avess on some Appropriate subject LIBNRAL MEKTINGN The following meetings will he held during the coming week In the Interests af the Liberal lender, W, HB, N, Binolalr, K.Q.1 Whithy Tawn Hall, Thursday, Oot, 24] Part Perry Town Hall, Thursday, Oot, 84; Plakering Hall, Friday, Oct, B87 Clavemont and Hrough am, Oct, 86, Mp, Blnelalr wil peak at all meetings, MEDICAL MEN MEET HERKW The Autumn meeting of the Ons tavia Neuro-Payohiatrio Assoelntion will he held at the Qniarie Hos tal, WHE on the afternoon of atehay ~ ta be followed hy a dinner for all thowe uifenaing the ving, t upg kere wil heard, although tha Program: oi CRIRBIetOlY arrange od, A large representation from the County of Ontario Medioal An sociation and the Academy of Med! eine of Taronte Ia expected, Positively T \ 128 New Silk Dresses for Misses and Women, Sizes 14 to 20 Misses and Silk Crepe, and Silk Tacco comprise ve are an abundance of styles to choose 38 to 44 Ladies, Satin faced Cre the assortment of fabrics, from in all the leading fall shades. A ny rm : (1 TA \ I eA great engineer rfected the pe chassis am on tl ets ELE 0 tow Temple wa Meet tre FEE i, , 0 WE win rund MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Simeoe Mt, N, Phone #18 TOT RISTO - a. START ON BANK BOON Plank for the alterations 1a the part of the Melntyre hloek leased | the Royal Bank of Canada, have, ! Is understand, heen completed and approved of hy the head affice, an work will eammenee in a few dave Fhe hank proposes a put in & very handsomg front, as well as maodgn interior Axtures he bank's archi tects have heen here veral times, and prices on the wark have also heen obtained APPLES A HEAVY CROP Loeal apple buyers report one of the heaviest eral f apples an re cord, with very Nttle demand, sven for the hghest grades, Many farm era Are wot polug to the trouble to eke them this veer begnuse al the wht demand, One Toeal dealer is selling apples of a wood meade in Toaronte at S428 4 barrel, but tn of der ta do this Re ean only pay the farmers 75¢, or $100 per barrel AF he Is ta make any money iter hauling them ta the eity, Anples should he avallable for even the poorest fam ties this winter, _ Bowmanville Daily Times EE News, advertising and cubseriptions will be revived al the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--Ofhce, B87 REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK CONSERVATIVES MEET AT HAMPTON Joo Harris, MP, for Sear boro, Is the Principal Speaker "Mare can he done to lessen the evil of Jquer by moral parsunslon than hy eosrelon," sinted Joa Hap ris, MP; for Bearharo, at a well pte tended meeting held in the Interests of Mayer Milton J, Killatt, Conners vative sandidate in Durham, in the Township Hall at Hampton Iast nlght, In the aheence of Bam Hnowden, the president of the Darlington Liberal-Cannervatlve Amsoalation, the ehaly wan taken hy A, Ki, Billet, of Hampten, In opening the masi ing, Mr, Billet spoke hrisfly on neve oral of the fesnes of the campaign and then Intreduced the eandidate to the audiense which was eampon: ad mainly of men, M, J, Hilo My. Biliott opened his address hy vaterring to the Hydra promises of hig lender that the rural asctions would he supplied with ght and powar ab Hitle more than half the cont at whioh It In suppliad to those rural disteiots that now have it, He hoped that It would saan he pos sible for vesidenta of all paris of the eduntey to recelve the comforts derived fram thin necessity, He laid the blame for the high rate of the township taxes ta the upkeep of tha voads, and with the proposed Inereasad grants ta the aunties the ratepayers would avan tually ha vellaved af this burden Tha necessity of good vende was recngnizged hy all and the farmer who he termed "the haekhone of thee auntey' was as muoh entitled to good roads as thelr ely sousine Wnfale Ovitlelsm of LOAN The speaker then turned his guns on the Hguor question and denounced what he doserihed as the Suntale aritlolam' of the Edguaer Cantral Act and also the statements that had eome fram prohibition platforms to the effeot that the present Coavernment whe entering to the Hauer Interests, "Any per son whol nows me ha dealnped, "ie well aware that 1 am & siriol fEmMperanes man and am In favar of any advancad temperancel agile Ition that is heought forward," Ha pelterated his siatoment of Monday night that If he had slan pladges and make promises ta got foto parliament hie would rath. oF not go atk wil, In petevence to the Weghway auentlan, Mr, Elltotk sald that he wih nok In favor of My, Blustalr's palley thal MH party HE veturned to awer would pay 100 per cent af ha sont of Lhe pravinelsl highways When the MEN WAY wan put through thin county te saunill had La pay 80 por cont and he Ald not ses Why now, they should have to pay foi other aountien' hikhware an the aonk that the Liberals Intended (on ay would eame indlvestly out af he pouketn of the peaple of Di ham ae wall as the pookets of the ane retelving the benefit, doo Havin dos Harrie, MV, for Hearhovae aid that he gonsldered the Ontario Department of Health the most up to«dnte In the world and compli mented the Ferguson Gavarnment an the eMelent manner in which they had handled the Infantile pay lynn authraik and also the distr bution af 1,800 free trantments of insulin to sultfarars of diabetes enol month, Touching briefly on the pavenues of the pravipnes he pul forward figures for TORN whieh showed an expendidture af BOK, BOO,000 an Aan Income af BAH 400.000, giving a surplus of aver $400,00, Tha financial sondition of the provinces was never song ur, he olnimed, Referring to the nevih eauntry Mr, Harris sald that, "Na prime minister in the histary eof Ontario had Infuscted so mueh eontidenos into the north land as had My, Fer guson and hin miniater of minos Me, MoCpen" Ha campirad the prioe af power In the United Biates with that of Ontaria and found that the former wis nearly five times As A8AT WW the latter When Mp, Ferguson toak aver the reins of Mes fn THEN thare wera 488 munieipatitias using the publioly awned Hydra systom and now there were 400 He described tha Innovation of tha Juvenile courts as "the great ont ples of saclal leglalation on the statute honks' The speaker hroaohed savers) other subjects and eaneluded hy asking the support af those present far Mp, Elliott an Oe, #4, ta en able him to take his place tn "the Cniario | most stable government aver had" Fred Bowen ¥, Dowen, M1, gave a hrief re view of the "brilliant administra tant af tha provines's affairs hy the Ferguson Government tdherals and Progressives had oharged that therew As no RECs iy for an elaption at this Hime which was practionlly the sims as paying that My, Ferguson. was oo a Tr -- IN While he Greatest Value We Have Ever Offered instances | want two The | a... wl carrying on In a satisfactory way and yol naw when an slection hid bean desldad on they were gulng vaund thee auniry pulling his pol Iolo Lo shpada, In LOK Mr, Vergu an had heen returned ta power hy apiptan of the people al thet time wig In tavar of Hauar antral. and yal now afley Awa short years he fara the set had a ehanes tn prove i Hueaens dv gtherwise, the minority purty wera endeavoring to make thin the major Issun again Other fuhiaetn worn dlssuswed with sgual andor hy Me, Bowen amand them halng vesaveh wark and marketing, Mew, Marthoyer, president of the Indies Consavvative party of Taran Lo spake hvlefly hut very ahly pra wanted har views PAST MASTERS IN ANNUAL MEETING W. J, Bragg Presides Over Important Session at Cobourg The Past Masters' Ausoaiation of Ontarie Digteiot held thely annual Cahourg on Wednesday svening Hart Perey, Oshawa, Bawmanville, Part Povey Oshaws, Bowmanville lawonstle, Ovano, Part Hopes and Whithy, W. J, Bragw, of Bawmanvilie prasided and the wleotion of aMears far the coming year was held and ras ited an follows president, H, Batty, Part Hapa viea-prasidont, I, Wareaw, Oshawa) exseutive gommittes, 1, J, Heakine, Whithyi Wn lavge majority whieh showed the menting no the Masonle Temple in| A. A. Danes, Part Perry; 7, Hards castle, Cehoure, Allgr B hvisf business session, Gal, J, W, Odell, af Goheur®, kava an Intevasting and (nsteuetlye wd Aves on Masonry which was mush appreciaied, In a graphic manner ho explgined the alms snd alesis of the Masanle order, E0lng ears: funy Into avery deiall, Ha remind ed hin hearers of high esteem in which the order was held Lhroush out the world, and begned then to wee (hat (his reputation was nol hawmivehed, A very hearty vols of thanks was secarded the speak or and after a plandant soslal hay had heen wpent, the meeting wan pdlourned GOODYEAR FIVE-PIN BOWLING LEAGUE The Ooondyesr Vive Pin Tuagun Afuin petted down to business on anday night and soma nice howl Ing was geen In the reuse of the evening, In this week's schedule the Hnwinesrs lost theres points 10 the Belt room and the Pyramids tank thran games from the Parters, The Oca was ton goad fay the Mat department and heat ft In al three ghmes, In some close play the Hose Roam came out an top of tha Callander Roem, winning twa aut of three games, Tha next masting of thin league will take placa noxt Manday and It in expect od that naveral afher of the fawn leaines will get under wiy in the oouves of a few dave, Farmer Killed Folma, BasleBam MeCall, farmer living south of Allan, Bask, is den nd Ray Nerton of Youn, seriously nlured an 8 result of a truck fur ing aver an a road west of Zola vesterdny, Nartan Is expectod 1a re caves i es oe tS NEILL'S THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES footwear and travel | Special Prices on LADIES' PATENT | LEATHER STRAVS Or ties with euban or mes lam covered heels, Bans woln straps with low heols and cushion tnsale and ses | veral odd pales of ealored shoes in one special pelea group for og elearanes, | $2.95 LADIES' PATENT ' LEATHER STRAP With high op low heels, Toa | ther av eavered, Pumps In plain styles or with fancy fut ants, Heown strap oy tes with twoadtone altects tn popular cuban heel helghn A the newest styles de manded this fall and every Pale of the wanlae Nell) Quality assuring the utmost value In footwear, Mako your eholee partly, Special Prive $3.95 LADIES' PATENT SLIPPERS In Grey or Hed oalors with Attractive pom pom. SA sens viconhle, Inexpensive Silppey with vubbor heels, Bless @ LIOR 88¢ By selling Footwear for eash and ene price to all enables us to offer te the public remarkable saving values in on goods, next paiv be sure and Inspect the many new styles and erantions at this pepular shoe steve, Before selecting your Ladies' Footwear MEN'S ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SPATS Made specially for ws In Magland, Comes In theen wpnlae eolavs, with leather Haig 0 guarantee extras WOAr, $2.88 MEN'S BLACK BOX KIP RLUCHER walled soles eels, Alm With sewn an and valbher Heown split hlueher with panon solos and heals, Ex» coptionally good value In work hoots, R. NEILL, Ltd. A Store for Every Member of the Family 12 Simcoe St, North 13 STORES IN ONTARIO The Election Act ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH ONTARIO Notice Of Holding An Advance Poll Railway Rngloveds Sailors And Travellers

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