MINISTER ATTACKS HONOR ACQUITTALS Killing of Unfaithful Wives Subject of Seathing Criticism salome, Oot. 18, Recent "seandalous wittals" of men aeeused of killing n thin ives were ttiacked re cently by Minister of Junta Alfred Rocco sald In a circular Issued to of "barbarous notions and wild tra ditlons" about cases Involving so elle motives of honor, clals should nat lend themsel " to misplaced sentimentalism, Rosso said in a clreslar Issued 10 prosecutors and appellate cours throughout Tialy, He expressed won der What seh verdicts are possible under the prevent Vaseist regime, The pM Wiuded to the recent verdict of a Jury here which sequii- ied Diofessor Ra pe Castro, who killed his wife, The Jurors contended that Castro's honor wan "solled" and the Ning was justified hy "unwrlt ten law," Rogea pointed cut that such ve diets wre due to "morbid sentimental ism" an legalizing (he right to take shored human life, He urged Judges to be cautious nd added "Only in this way is it possible ta prevent aes aun endangering the eountry's mor fibre," Winn po = Fallure to out the aurrent from a high voltage cable hefore commencing vepalvs brought death to Charles Ouelette, lesotrie his bare hands, Ouelette immed! stely collapsed and was dead with company foreman, here yesterday Touching the 1,800 volt ¢able with in five minutes hy W. €, Guise, 104 1:4 Barton Bt, oritienl condition, The photegrep! nally halted by a tree OL BRITISH FARMERS German Grain is Ousting Home: Grown Article London, Oct, 15 ~British agricul turists, already hit hy the dumping of German hountyssipported wheat te Britain have now discovered that Cigrman outs are driving the Hritish out of business, since. the product ix selling under the prices for bath wheat and opts here Is & meneral movement hy farmer leaders throughout the coun try to discover a methed of gheek ni this "unfale trading" and will Fprobably result In representation be Ing made to the government and a demand for some form of protection, as the Labor leaders, including the Premier, have publigly declared that they would protect British industry Apainst untah even uw the extent of excluding awented good I'he government will have dim ult question to solve when the far mers present thelr plea THE POOR PEDENTIIAN No one any longer attends to the guertlous pedestrian, Hyerybody knows that his anelent pights are gone and that If he does not wish to he killed or malmed, his place is frequently In the hedge campetit THEA "i Sh, JIREEY & I AVEMNLE OPPOSITE PENNA, RR, JTATION| A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms | each having Bath, Servidor, Circula. ting 1ce Water and many other inno. vations... featuring a sincere spirit of hospitality, EB, 0, KILL, General Manager MOTHERS now learn value of MAGNESIA Because it is sa helpful in Keeping babies and children healthy and hap " every mather should know about pa' Milk of Magnesia, 3 harmless, almost tasteloss pro parstion 1s most effective in relievs those symptoms of babies and ehildren Ah caused hy sourin in the little digestive traet, i as sourshelehing, frequent vomiting, feverishness, co 10. As & mild taxa: ve, it acts gently, hut fertatuly, 0 apen the title howels In eonstipas ton, colds, ehildren's diseases, AR RS NT A teaspoopiul of Phillips Milk of Magnesia does the work of hall a pint of lime water in neutralising cow's milk for infant feeding, and wreventing hard curds, Tis many uses or mother and ehild are fully ex plained in the interesting hook, "Use: wl Information™ Tt will he sent you FREE, Write the Chas, H, Phillips Chemioal Co, Windsor, Ont, In buying he sure to got genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Doetros have preseribed it for aver $0 years ah es aa INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER QIETRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITEw QENAWA, ONT, SEEK PROTECTION Bounty-Supported Linrman Hritish THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 CRASH NEAR HAMILTON INJURES TWO, ONE OBITICALLY When a baker's truck en the Guelph-Hamilton highway turned an ta the pinth soncession vend It was steuels hy a Bi, wrk truck delven Lawreanne (rahi i nk Appleby, #4, Hamilton, Injuring Ne nd Bud Donald, 18, employees of Gonner's bakery, Dundas, Both men weps Kalen ta the Hamilten General hoapltal, where Apple hy Ww reported to he In shows ane of the trucks, wheres It wii BRITISH STEAMER 15 FAST AGROUND Vessel in Distress on North Carolina Const ~ Calls For Help (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Oot, 18~The Hl teh stenmahip Paclfio was fast a ground on Fryin Pan Bhonsle North Caroling, eavly today with a arew of Wh ta 40 men ahourd, and the const guard cutter Maddox WAR Praparing to go pt ance ta Ha pusintanes from te station helow Cpe Hatteras ' The Maddox Is Atationed hela Cape Hatteras, In messages plok od up hy the Radio Marine Corpor ation and Mackay Hoadlo hera and the Trapleal Radio at Boston, the shin appenled The Mackay Hadlo learned lal er that th Pacin wan In with the Maddox and that the out ter wis ready to Yush nn the not | 11 miles southenst of Caps Foay NJ | | This message nh an Was poundin added that they and that the Pac had) | waa Hie PLENTY OF BIIOTH London When thas ype! fd party they have plenty to fupecially soup, At the recent gyn BY DArty Hatldon, ui BOUP Wan i Hon \ eauldron whioh contain a half tons of the fi ned dents were a quarter of meat, B00 pound of \ table, 400 pounds of potatoes of anton oil nt lapeane nopiant Ul ul notan pain nd hd YA Wind is Rusthing Seuth and Seft" thelr ong i Mant A Harhad and Geel ge : 3 Vinee wih, Mit Ld Lira sal and Ning | to Bermuda, the Habana | where conneetion | ston TALC A wade | Helize, British Honduras abil vaeht-like huts | steamships five pal ¢irapie travel mal ast w espeatally these travel luxury Full parti National rail or erviees the culars fron teams Ahin agent RT, HON, STANLEY BRUCK (vember of Australia, whose gov CorRment recetvold a crusting dos fond at the hands of the Labor ty In Saturday's election, Cas In Stomach Hurts the Heart Don't suffer from dangerous gas pressing around your heart, fram sonrness, hloatin pain of agld Ww digestion. Stop woarrving. Your steam ach stmply needs an alkaline, For sate, speedy, contain reliel take a little 1 Risurated Magnesta--pawder or tabs lets, It gquekly breaks wi the gas, neutralizes the aad, stops the paw and Roeps the wach sweet and strong and digestion periegt It » doing this every day for thousands itoamst do the same for you oF mon stn rd oeean | taueh | FORMER PREMIER REFUTES CHARGES McCormack Denies Allega- tions Made In Queens. land Legislature Brishane, Australia, Oat, 15 Regent changes In the Queensland Legislature concerning his part in hte Mount Ise Hallway Company, which veecelved Important coneess slang from the former Queensland Government, were fabricated for purely elestionsaring purposes, declares Hon, Willlam MoCarmack, former Lahor Premier of (he Flats, inn reply from Linesrne, Bwitgers land, where he has come to ves cuparate from ness, Hupporters of the new Governs ment seweriad in the Assembly that My, MeCormaek and Hon, W, 0, Theodore, also a former Tmbor Pramioy of the Biute, were shares holders In the Mount Isa Company, Mr, MeCormack enables It Is trie be had a small holding In the Maunt Iss Proprietary Company's wharves, hut thal this must net he confused with the Mount Tea Mines, Idmited, which were taken aver hy the Husso-Asiatie Company, An nEreament to sonstraet the alls way wis made with Maunt Isa Mines, and submitted for approval of Parliament, A Royal Commis plon which Ineluded three Nation allat members of the Legislature completely investigated the pro posal and unanimously recom mended oconstruetion, he poinis out, Parliament adopted the res ommendations withaut division Myr, MeCormack declares the al Ingation that he gave the Mount Ion Proprietary Company rallway coneassiong fs a fabrioation; and that when frelght eonditions ware Maounsed hetween the rallway and the mines company he did not hold A single shave In any company operating In the Mount Tea fisld, nar had he sines held any interest Molly and Me Mingling and Talking Ploture Onons nt the New Martin Theatre Tomorrow Him and Molly WW ed for | New Yar | aid then, on counting fon | | | son have troup oul I thelr dreams, I") Han Kingsley, Frolie wl omake fin fn felines I" YEArs reaching the th periarm fim i Ie When dh Argue him out of | Mall ken | Is want My A ith Mat | n i LA the velvet | ant hut Kingsley and | | hy slim full | I, 1th hi { life buries An his public Hh | retin 1 Fey lavish w that Jin with each | King th her ear levides they in loy ther, hut when h to Pepsy, he finds her ars and radiant over nent A letter ta Mally hs trae he valet, letter Haley ANY Waki fol mailed hy K ta heat th fom having Hm tries In that went hb alr Molly has read the letter just h Wi ail call Playing Watley She Is Hopping mis hen a familiar voleg--=a fam is hoard from the bhaleony Hh They do their ald act bat Hi WoRlest goon Molly's dressing room her not 1a read that tointended tor hes Is to he Jealous of nde" 10 wham he ul Him asl L | ff Wash nid Mally pretey \ begutitnl Wi Hoes to | rail | her | A ---- PAGE FIVE CASES st Ward's, COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE All are in the double bed sine and are filled with freshly milled clean cot. ton, AT $198 Comforters with covering of fancy floral chintz in rose, blue and black ground, AT $2.69 Comforters in floral ehintz with plain sateen panel in rose ar hlue, AT $3.95 Comforters in floral chinte of a better quality with two sateen panels in rose or blue AT $4.95 Camfarters in pretty light ground challies with at tractively patterned pan el about 12 inches from the edge AT $6.95 Very handsome comiont ers with either satin panel or with centre of satin HEMSTITCHED ENGLISH PILLOW 89¢ palr JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME Comes The OCTOBER BEDDING SALE With its boundless opportunities to save on better class Bedding, White Wool Blankets and Blankets in every wanted color, Flannelette Sheets and Cotton Sheets, for Baby's crib, All these are in this great list of welcome savings in an Ibex 12/4 Flannelette Blankets 72 x B4 inches, quality, pair, $2.29 fre " FOR THE HALE LEADE) IN WHITH WOO HEANKETS We have ehogen the lamas pnowllake and Maple Leal Hrande, And have marked them at prices that mean Eanerous BAVINER has ure ln the purest of wools with soft lofty nap Kaoh blanket Is weparately whip wd Wise lar #10 sale far, Nee 78 lar $18 wale for 04 5 84 Inches, Neg oir $8.85 x M4 Inches, Regu Sr $10.95 BO on oan pay We are agents for the famous KENWOOD BLANKETS Our Btock is Now Very Complete Comforters Silk Bedspreads 3 OUTSTANDING VALUES IN DOWN FILLED COMFORTERS $7.95, $10.95, $14.65 We cannot vemember any time when such exceptional values were offered at or near these moderate prices with purified down that is light and wenderfully warm coverings are of dewnproof sateen in floral designs with plain Size 66 x 72 inches, SATIN BOUND ALL WOOL BLANKETS FOR BED COVERS panels to match, MOST FAVORABLE PRICES ON FEATHER PILLOWS Allow us to shew you that we positively save you real money Our range of prices commences al $1.69 pair for pillows with Alling of purified feathers up to $9.50 a pair for pillows of the purest down values worthy ef Special mention are offered at Al any price you pay, $1.69, $2.65, both cotton and down filled, and Cotton Bedspreads, Pillows and Pillow Cases, Silke Bedspreads and warm Eider Blankets mportant sale Event this week They are filled The The lavgest sige 78 x #4 In the October Sale at $7.48 each One of Canada's very finest qualities Is offered you ni this very attractive whee, Cheek patterns noall the papular cals ars, Kdges hound with mitin to matoh, Wa suggest that this Is » most opportune time tn choose these hea Hind blankets for pes elnl Christman gifts, J} special Sale $3.45 pair Never Have We Never have our inohes In wise blue, green, gold, mauve shown In multi-ealore three ny rainhaw elect Prices Shown Beautiful Silk Bedspreads values In previo AOARONE heen so noteworthy Plain shindes of rose and Ivor same of the better numbers mare colors In a striking $3.95" $7.50 Such Aixl00 WITH HAND wre now fomhbining TY COLORS, Eee A LE HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASE DESIGNS ON ENDS, _ EMBROIDERED IN DAIN. ONLY $1.39 PR, Inohes MOTHER WILL WANT A SILK BEDSPREAD FOR BARY'S They are In hlue with soalloped edge A Very nloe quality tn rieh broeaded pattern moderately CRIB finlahed in x ud And rose Hise Very $1.98 priced al 10 x 40 inches, nursery. patterns October Sale, IIL "ine riage Each IMPORTED COTTON EIDER CRIB BLANKETS Pink or Splendid blankets for either the erib ar the ear Blue with quality 69c how splendid their qualities are, PLAIN HEMMED ENGLISH PILLOW CASES AT 69¢c and 89¢ pair These two ave values of intrinsic worth that must be examined to see just Sizes 40 x 33, and 42 x 33 inches, wrate a love letter What beautitul blonde wold lack at a map like ndnel™ he she save she woukin't have it ehang asks and A od for anything and she's heen look ing at it for Riteen Years, "Hut, Mally, says=and she you're an angel" lm 1] LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Won Yard, hone Oshawa #84 Whithy 19 P SE Swe DUNG hawa, Ont: [v. A. Henry INSURANCE 1134 Blmeoe 8, 8, Phones 1IBAWw=OMflce 1 --_l LLL For Your Dyvug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Stmeoe Wy Be=We Deliver fax ail LAN AA \ PVT nest is represented in this dis rectory==a handy reference tor Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO RGN NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sh 161 Ring 8 W, Vhone 1814 FOR SALE: Real snap, $100 oash, then 333 per month, & room solid brick house, } plece hath, Furnace In good locas tion, This must be sold, See PISNRY REAL RaSTATR Phone 1300 ev refunded by reliable diggists the world VAN List Your Firm Business in the "Times" Directory! i _-- PRINCESS GAINS LITTLE BY SALE OF HER VALUABLES Ronn, Germany, Ooh 18. The total receipts af the auction of valuables belonging to Princess Victoria, sister of the former Ratsor, hrousht only T8380 marks (about $15.008), of whieh $78,980 marks were paid for family silver Fraulein Franzen, lady-in waiting to the princess, attended the awe tion all day, but Qld not hid, The sale of the ahjeots, many of them presents fram Kings and QUOORSE, Wan forced 1a west the dobis of Alexander Subkoff, youth. fal Russian whem the princess wartied against the will of her family, Before they separated he had oveated debs of about $339 200 for hen LUMBER o Bulidin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd, igh Clan terior Trim and Dressed Lumber Ww A ThiK Llunrany WM Albers treet Phones 280 & 160 Real Bstate Insurance We have several desirable hones or rent, CUTLER & PRESTON 4 King St, West Telephone AT--20% Night calls 310-1000 STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO, 185 King "treet West, Oshawa, Phone 1160