Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1929, p. 7

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PAGE 8IX Women's Interests in the Home - and the Communit No wonder COLDS YALL KX 17710 0)" i and Personal og 11 thing a the door Lo go, it nd Venom out of » JL Ah du word or A orusl|o het Io made AB hour apo, ion of Wosting | in sweet and rore i +A toll of dny A the Livrows ploughen Vn rw " the forehead you ones onlled tr In the years that have town awey, na! thing to say "You are I lov W my dear, each night ht % oh FA von 10 the heart 1 1 or and love iv bine iy Je ln fo's vusned heliht, We starve each other for love's CATANN We take but we do net sive; 14 Heoma 80 BRAY BOA ROU) 10 blows ut we dole he ove gadgingly Jans and los Til "tin bitter ad hard to live, MNPREW LANG, orrin of Toronto in visits ana of Divislon Bt, M, Gook wit operated on morning and will not he out of the hospital for al lens two wee * Col, Yrank Ohno) and Mp, J PF, Owens of Toronto returned on Saturday from a pleasure (rip io Montreal ma Queda ES Mr Rd cont in aiendibu the luncheon In henoy of Pram Ramsay MacDonald at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, today Al LoL . + . Mr, and Mrs, O, M, Alger, Bim ae Hi, N., have «returned after a few days with Mh ndin ther and his wile Agony hres WO nek of Wark Ry Ont gras Larry Lawrenee, Ontario repre abntative of the commeralal der tment of the Canadian Paoltio egraphs, in visiting Oshawa toy a faw days In connantion with the Business of hiv department, The Nar aati minslonary fing of Centre Bt, United Wreh Youns People was held t Monday evening, Misa Emily aon was in oharge of the meal hE And Fave A Very Jntorasting fnatruetive talk on "Misalong" Mine the evening a vOoal duet was rendered hy Misses Hyhil Langmald and Mary Dearborne Among he ation wha are 10 ment Miss Tahhel MacDonald at the Wneheon in her honor in the King ward Hotel today at noon are Bin BN, Rradley, Mrs, A Waly Mrs, 2, Everson and Mrs, Gordon Conant all of Oshawa, These ladies members of the Toronto dien' Canadian Club, a Suttered tor | wo \ Cars "Afr the bivth of my second Shild, Twas always fooling tired, nerw very t Ume Ww for on Haturday evening al te ma of Mrs, Jennie Walker, Bim 600 NL, NB, when a surprise ny bo] " veh by Mw, Walker in sR Albert, whose birt a " - t date, Many youns Pocple mt are d for the PA the even + was delightiully spans In games and musie, A dainty Supper Wan served hy the hostess, WOMAN IS BIG GAME GUIDE rm Knows Woods and Way of Grigslios Quesnel, 5.0, Oat 16,5=Mrs Kimer H, AY BLFONK of Bakervilie In Byltish Columbia's fivst hin Kame guide, Hhe Is now In the woods around Near Laks, In the heart of the grissly country, show: ing un party of United Miates hunts are how to wet thelr big mame, "I'm not a regular su de"! fone fided Mra, Armstrong, wm hushand Is out In the woods wit another party of hunters and there Ih work here for twlea as many ides as there are avallable, so what Is » woman to de? Eapeoial ly when she knows the woods al most as wall as her hushand ana knows the ways of grisslies and moose as well an those of her nelrhhors,' Mra, Armatrong is not fond of hunting, however Hhe prefers to eapture cubs and make pela of Hem, There 18 a young hear In L] Afmstrong household almost AVSIT year, although the last ads Aftfon Ain eated after robbing the larders of several of Bakers ville's heat eitisens, A... BUHOOL DAYS The printed wool Jersey a belge And brown In important for soheo! days for miss of 6, §, 10, 13 and 14 years, The Peter Pan dollar, belt and ivi News hands of long sleeves are of an hlage wool jersey, with seart he of brown silk oreps. The a - fn killed ab saoh slde of b forming center baxplaly, The " In straight and simple, Hiyle y RAN in Just the type for eee! days, for Arent 4 a" for eenl Ah for es gh It 1a also very atirael iE serviosahle tn printed pique in and white wit goniviat ot Le |i white haps, pain yN Wa ApOrie URL i low contrast, w! \ Ap and cotton OR CORITAN, soft Later for shoal, Ni aT [8 bot With viv! and tie with a ne belt " tiehing, Cheoked woollen in hottle green \ woolen wih in oh blue wool | Jareey selhitim. med with hive silk oreps He print lly n white dota are AMAT sngEes Mh torn Briss 20 conta or coin fs prefer eoln care , We suggest that when far pattern ay eine 0 will A 00 one addtional for Fall and Winter Fashion Mage NY nN vey Be LRN WW WA We SERS SALMA IRA LA NAY ARRAY BE LL LLL STH ICOIIUON = AR stamps ), WPAD Wend \ y \ "we Wa LITERS THEE 410 TI I A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 AY Th cca thai Daughter of Premier Studies Social Problems ity | modern medical Vieks attacks them 2 ways at onee ust rubbed on the throat and chest at time, Vicks VapoRub relleves colds troubles two direct ways at once, (1) It note through the fashioned plaster and" nese and soreness: (3) Its healing vapors, released by the body.-warmth, are inhaled direct to the inflamed air-passages, This method of treating colds originated with Vicks, Today, the whole trend of Jroctice is away from needless "dosing, VIERS skin like an olde draws out" tights INMINCL, MACDONALD Hore In a very Intavosting photo oid showing Tshbwel Mag Donald, | ter of Premier Ramsay Maes Donald, during a vocont visit to | Henry Mtreet sottlomont In Oshawa's Oidest L Last weok "The oldest Indy In Oshawa loft her Hille hrown ent Wie that had become almost en tirely surrounded by hullfings he longing to General Motors plant for a new modernly squipped hous A bloat west of her former dwall Ing and home Tor aver fifty years on Hound This lady was none other than Mes, ©, B, Pike whose WHa ola short of the century mark Jat five Years Tha ¢ resid] the 1 ni Bite fram the IN hep now home she wan on beautiful floral | wen of the Parts And Hevvieo Dopartment of General | Motors Aceompanying this gin Wal & note expressive of the well wishes of the donors for thelp ald telend who for so many years had | Head In the Hitle eottare next to! thalp part of the faotery Friends of Mrs, Vike wore a It te doubtful an to whether she would ha happy in a rently modern | houses, and 1a thelr surprise she In more than pleased with 1 Al though the house wan dostuied nearly Hho the one she leit aa pi sible 1 1x natural that she should Admit that It 1s not altogether Hie | "home, It 1a Indes a very ear ARG comfortable place to lve In And those who had chavs of helping to met her settled have made averything as sonvenlent for har as possibile, The louse was bullt by General Motors and they have aluo taken the vepsonaihility of sealing that she In wall eared for the rest of her days, Mr, Pike pe... A ------------ | | | | | Young Perple's Mectiogs ALBERT AT, YOUNG PROPLR The Albert 81, Young People's League held 1s regular weekly menting and thin wan followed hy The, Singing of a hymn opened the thin was followed by ry Mp, Ross Clarke, All busts NORE wan omitted #0 that there ress by the Rev, W, Rackham, a ry oh furlough In Toronte, he fe fle teak oharge of the by i Mr, Frank Btirdevant ® soriplure lesson after hon Mra, Bagle oalled upon My, [8° to introdu the apsaker, ORham's address whith wan Was very Interesting and helpful A YOUR! number wan rendered hy V that Mra, Pike took wp I vianlug of dally eave In tis he AT NEW phe Is ween her Mavi Helen Mi Keon, wes members of the set tlement, While there Miss Ma | Donald, Who In nn hee dent on ady Leaves L tle York elty hold ng twins, and Mm, M for many (loft) and nelghbowr Mi Forme LAL] Pike hoy wishes to express to the donors hy daJight In this now modernly vauipped home and the added vin and for othey provision for hoy personal oom fort, In spite of her advanced Mra, Pike ta a very active old Indy and does all her awn honsekoep Ing, Khe reads a wreat deal and | always ready to laugh and tal) with any one that may happen in th son her rm-------- Roddy favored the gathering with A plane selection, After a reading hy Mrs, Alvin Parry, Mp, Moore expressed his views on the address of the evening, and also thanked Mr, Rackham for coming to town 10 apeak at the League, The offering wan received and tha meeting closed with the henedioes tion, PRAMANENT LIOENNR PLATR (From the Amhersthurg Boho) J Mereer Denholm, aditor of the Blenheim Tribune, bholloves that the aystem of ohanging oensa A 188 on Automobiles each year A URNSCORAATY and oostly, and ad vooates that the Department adopt the ayvatem In vopue on the Con tinent, where enoh oar In given a Heonae plate when turned ont from the manufacturer, and that num her romaine the same as long an It 1a tn use, The fact that the Annual Hoense has heen pald Ww ried p's Prayer 10d hy the preals Wid he ample time for the o lanary vieespreaident, Mrs, Moh Mn Howton sang a nolo, ork of Misalons in Ohlpa" Mus, Shthent AN Min Miss Doris Dolly AND Bonny HN HAVE CONEY LU 20 NAPPY RESCVED DEAR LITYAR shown hy small disos, This sugges: | (punt ove Travell Kennady-¥ranor lw | the | always loft Ale | YORK METTLEMENTY | wocknl problems, REMINISCENCES Brown Home For New Brick House| The Women's Corner Anything of Interest to the and the Houses looper spoke upon the mihjeot at the settlement heads Miss MacDonald, In coms pany with hee father, Premier fneDonald, sevived in Toronto Inte For Homemaker youtepday afternnon DRCORATED HATS Home medium sised hats for fall have slashed brims, hits of lace inserted In thelr orowns, flowers Wassed under the uplifted brims and in other ways point to elahor: ate trimmings for hats for formal WOAr, OF: SINGER | hy Sleloh Below Zero tnt, WIPIRAL TRIM A glamorous evening soat In pink biraonde has a apiral trim of bends Ing of mink edge its Paring skin and wind around the hipline, and up the front and around the neok at 30 IA Mrs Hahrides oneen om of the Vi ne interesting roaminise former Canadian Taranto LONG GLOVES Whether women waleome them or not, the shoulder length glove In being worn In Paris right now to all formal affairs, Hiack sunde in worn instead of off-white, with hinok powns One usually wears suede (nntead of kid, now, GAY HANDKEROWINFN The white handkerchief avers Inia in vivid eolor ts new and deo orative for coat pookets this fall, There are many oapucine shades, suggesting that summer's prefers once oarrien welght with avutumn, TONG AIDEN A sage groan flat erepe froek of afternoon slde-steps the longer skirt problem hy having hoth of iw slides made with flopping Panels that swing from the hips te al most ankle length, A -------- NEW RAGA France uses wood naw for deco: rative Inlay in leather puraes for autumn, Patou has a purse and necklace using seven Kinds of wood, -- HMAROIDERY TOUCN A black fiat orepe frock of rea) distinotion hae a round collar and tah front of wnusually lovely old embroidery In an gy (4 one: The tight, long sleeves have winged taba of the same at the eutt, ATE HA Helpful Hints PUMPRIN Mme Perhaps of all the ples Wm i pumpkin fa the moat popular, almost the only ha oom Ra inoluded among party refresh ™ while uf Vis hapa, David Kennedy, har father, first ited Oannda In 1N6K Return he Brought one ar other of sons and daughters with him Inst tour of Canada, In David Kennedy, his wife, two ons and two daughters wera In ing On thely "Wa travelled hy slolgh a sreal deal In those winteps Mrs, Ken Ay-Nranor sald Forly or fifty Yours apo Canadian tealng nearly At midnight and al Ways areived at 2 In the morning y Wa took slelehs and drove whey ver wa vould I remeambar one drive of 310 miles whan tha thers ameter was at 40 below sere, th a high wind blawin nat ai Wa ontoved avery poent when wa were toa badly frosthitten, Wa wera all tos gother and all youns "You mustn't think wa ware Widen though 1 was 14 the test I oame to Canada Al 14 a Indy's aduention was sams late then, and she wora a lonk I traln tralling the floor to rove It No, not a hustle] the bustle oame Iatey Ridtoutoun, wasn't 1 But you had te wear i The very laddtiies would oan after you In the strest It you didn't "You, tha Hebridean women fal IW the fashions foos<hut #0 yours hahind, The last time 1 was In Barra the women were wearing the skirts that the helles of the sovention wore, They looked very preonful and stately tn them, "The women of the Mehrides are Not Wneouth peasant women, nor is the muste of the Hebrides the mus alo of an unoultured peasantry, You must remember that," 'I'ne woman who has dwelt tong 'amone the farthest of the Western Inlea and wathered from ane and anoths or treasurer of poetry and muale apoke eagerly in defense of the people she loves ton han & good deal to commend it, an It would allminate the big onal oAch year of laauing new plates, hut on the other hand, My, Doanholm han evidently overlooked the fact that "the hoya have got 10 live" wo eno thing Lhe WINE manta and it seems aueh sonal kind of pla! Bverybo [1] hin awn very definite ideas af just what a pumpkin ple should be from colar 10 taste, The color of the finished ple ae: pends largely on the ameunt of aploen used, of courses, Hut unless the pu PRIN Ih Sewed dewh until erfeot hy NA o hemin with that A "™ golden hrown oannot The pumpkin oan steamed dr sewad, To hake, wash and eut In halves, Horape out weeds and place in dripping pan out side down Haka in a modes) ute oven until tender The mols ture will fall from the pumpkin into the dripping pan and the vege table will bake dry Harape from shell and foree through a ricer or golandey To stew, wash pumpkin and out in narrow strips, Noemove weods and pare off yellow shell, Out In pubes and put Into an fron or heavy aluminum kettle, Add Just anough water to prevent hurning hafore pumpkin begging to cook Cover and cook over a good fire until pumpkin fs tender, Hemove onver and cook over a low fire stirring to prevent burning until pumpkin ia dry It takes five oF alx hours to cook & pumpkin, Rub through eolander or ricer It canned pumpkin Is anok over a low fire until dry The first preparation of the pumpkin for ples I8 Af neCORBRFY as the final wellschosen recipe Following are two rules pumpkin ple} used, for Hyeryday Pampkin Pleo One oup sifted pumpkin, oup sugar (granulated or Haht brown), 1 tablespoon flour, 1 ta hlespoon baking molasses 14 spoon ginger, 1-8 teaspoon olnnas mon, +4 teaspoon salt, 1 to #8 18 cups milk, Mix sumar, flour, salt and sploes Add to pumpkin and stir until fd Ay Sh ss AT 5 thoroughly blended, Mix well and ati In milk, The amount of milk depends on the sign of the pla dish, Turn Into a ple dish lined with plain pastry, Put into a hot oven for ten minutes to set the orust, Heduca heat and bake in a moderate oven for 60 minutes Thin amount of filling will fil a pla-Aish seven inches in dlameter at the bottom and 1 % Inches deep, I Viufty Pumpkin Ple Threodourths eup sifted pumps kin, U4 oup sugar, 8 ens, 1 1-8 cups milk, 1-8 cup eveam, 1-8 tens spoon ginger, 1-80 teaspoon olan man, 1-8 teaspoon salt Hout yolks of eggs wtih sugar, salt and Eploes Add pumpkin, milk and eream and mix thorough» ly, Deal whites of eggs until stiff and fold into first mixture, Tum Inte a pla dish ned with pastry and hake as in preceding recipe, Ia hightly aplead ple is liked, more apioes oan he added to elthey rule CALGARY'S MILD WINTWRS (Calgary Herald) The announcement that an artls flolnl hookey rink is to he erected In Calgary should he bhroadoasted far and wide, It fs edoquent testis mony on the mildness of our wine ter, Natural foe oannot ba counts od on for a regular league stheds ule, ----- [ess ov aps dren will fret, often for no Ap reason, But there's al A One sure way to comfort a leds, fretful child, Castorial armless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and NA as it tastes, But {tn gentle action soothes a youngster more surely an Ri powertl medicine th Meant for the stronger aystema of adults, at's the beauty of this special | 's rem It may be ven the tiniest infant--as often #8 there {a any need, In cases of 0, diarchea, or similar disturbs ance, it {a invaluable, Rut ft has everyday uses all mothers should fad - understand, A coated tongue call for a few drops to ward of com pation #0 does any & of ad breath, Whenever Ay dren don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little ot==thia p vegetable preparation 1s aly all that's needed to set 4 to rights, Genuine Castoria has Chas, H, Fletcher's signature the wrappen Doctors IeACbe Ih - iD BOBBY BOUNCE - --By Guace G. Drayton One PAY COMBPY WAS PLAYING LAH A GOAREN » BAW cas AND (7 ROIED INTO TRE WALD MANY COMFY wm THe AN & ON, PLEASE GWE Mme MY BAL, SAID "ar UNLERS You Open te Case, N € KEY A unDER Dang ! SAD ThE

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